ir .....(. . vM"TifV7'fv,v"""- wmwr s.;$&rr&h tWWV rKBrrv" - 'T'.WfW'y i '.- '.-! fci" K , ii-y r ir"?:v. - , ";' -v !, "' "' fi ntr - f"' 1 JW ' ir .twh "" '"i ' S 4 . 11 ' -v 5- I,f" p if 'U TOi LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BtjpK ' By LeS Papo Pop was smoalsInB and thinking laht life and all or a ftutiuiti ne bcu 10 ran, 0 by the way I'nwlccn, Im going to bring a cupplc, of pustomoru up for wppir ThcrFday' nltc. Do .vbu think Kora can bntt out a good ineel for onco and servo It- as If she lnjoycd her work no. not as If "ho was nervine n Hfo "entcnts 111 prlnou for somebody cltscs vim know very well Titers- Air, l.i "Noras day off, set! ma, So 1 do, I mecn so It Is, scd pop, -ell, thcrcs an easy way out of that, tat rciucl her to lake off Itfd of Thcrsday this week uinw wr.. ' i'j - Blr ... it... I.1AM f rfinlintillnir Vnen to do cuythlng site duz.cnt wunt to do l it too funny for wcrdw, hee lice, Svdl'then, dont request Iter, simply command her, Is this our house or tern? ed pop. and inn scd, O, about CO W) I should say, and pop rfcil, A cl! 1 1 dont ogrre with you, no cook is golr.2, Jto be the boss of my rnnch, now or nt any future time, the way to deel with these matters is with a. form hand. Itn rain rite down and toll her In n piano matter of fact way that I Ixncct her to werk Thcrsday aftlrnoou and take Fri day off lusted. " Hee hec, ixcuse my laffter, scd ma. I dont even notice it, sed pop. And v. wanked out of the room hawty with m9, following him to see wat would bappln, and wo went down In th iltchiu and Nora was in thcro penllng potatoes with a nlfe and a uusatislled linrcsslon, pop standing there a mlnnlt ami then saying, Well, ?vorn, pcallni; potatoes? , 111 say I am, I never heen a stnni. family eat so meny notntocs in this famllly docs, I gess If It wns some thing that dldcnt half to bc.pcaled titer wouldcnt loutch them, scd Norn, and hop scd, Well, welt, 'its not ns bnd as that. Im sure, and Norn, by the way, It occurcd to me I thawt pteserbly you mite like to take Friday nftlrnoon off lusted of Thcrsday this week, it mccrly cccttrcd to me. Well It mite as well not of, sod Nora keeping on penllng potatoes, and pop ccd, I sipposc not, it was Jest a passing mmjrKsrrjt'r'i - Own the car whose reliability of performance is a motoring tradition of more than twenty years LOCOMOBILE The illP- ii- ! its iii nmr i V!' MMIIiBiMBMnHIHHlllflR'vt P Idccr of mine. And he went back up to the Betting room nnd ma scd, Well, will she of wont she? Did It ever ocrur to von Ihnl even la cook has her rites? scd pop. u, you racen she wont, lice lice, ecu ma lnfflng. Haw hnw, scd pop portending to. SIBERIA MAY REJOIN RUSSIA Union With Soviet Government Said to Have Been Agreed Upon Vladivostok, June 15. (Ity A. P.) Reports received hero declare that tin Government of the Far Hnstorn Repub lic of Siberia, following a continuous conference of three days, hns derided to join Soviet lttmsln. Antl-ltntdipvlkl hnve destroyed bridges across the Amur Itiver. Communist gunboats on tho Amur hnve bombarded villages taken over by tho Insurgents. (icncrnl Semenolf , who came here from Dnlny, hoping to load the elements which ousted the Socialist (lovctnntctit thrco weeks ngo. yesterday left the ship on which he bnd entered the harbor and on which he wns held a virtual prisoner' nnd bonrdcl another vessel. It Is re ported ho Intends to land at some point on Amur Ilny Wills Probated Wills probated todny include: Thomas Carroll. 1S4 East Price street, (icrmnntown. $.riM(l; Caroline Otten thcr. 0010 Morton street. $7.100 1 Mnry A. T. Himpkins. 242 llcrkley street, $8100; Frances K. Lehman, 42i7 Main street, Manayunk. $4000. All tbenc estates were disposed of In private bo quests. Personal inventories of the cstntes of the following were filed this morning: John McAtcrr. $157,112.8(1; Alfred II. Holton. $18,215; Mntthlas Hchncfrcr, $5018.7.1; nnd Ira C. SelpTe. $5082.7H. Letters were granted to ad minister the cstnteH of Frederick O. Lanjjcnbucher, Ilnltnemnnii Hospltnl. $7,100; Oustnve Kl-ele. 5000 Master street. $3000; and William II. Shields, Norrlstown, $7000. Call Dr. Long Ether Discoverer Athens, (ia.. .Tunc 15. (Hy A. P.)' Dr. Willinm Crawford Long wns offi cially recognized yesterday by the Vni verslty of Georgia ns the discoverer of nnesthesln. TIiIh action wns taken de spite the decision of the Ilnll of Fame In New York which recently awarded the honor to Dr. William Thomas Green Morton, of Massachusetts. jrj - s - nir aig aic aic aie air. . best built car in AMERICA HARE'S MOTORS, Inc. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH 2314 MARKET STREET Locust 0150 - lv 9ir ai iiirii !.'. BY M LOI RftsSi EVENING PtfBLIC TRAIN WRECKED BY BLAST Carload of Dynamite Explodes, Kill ing One Man and Injuring Four New Albany, Miss., June 15. (By A. P.) One mnn was killed, four others slightly Injured nnd fifteen freight cars with Ihclr contents were almost completely destroyed when a col lision between two freight trains on the St. Louis and Snn Francisco Rail road exploded a carload of dynamite at AVnllcrvillc, four miles south of hero early last night. The force of tho explosion hurled cue of the engines completely over the other nnd burled it in the ground. Trees anil telegrnph llnps along the road were leveled and larmcm in nenruy news wcro thrown to the ground. Frank Mnlr, Negro fireman on one of the trains, wns killed. Pull Spikes and Wreck Train 1 f nil ln1i,.rrr Mlfcn .limn 1ft f fit A. P.) Engine, tender nnd four . . .-...,! 1M..... .. ! xr COneilCI Ol duuuiuiii ivumvuy umii ii". 42 from New Orlenns were ditched nnd two trainmen killed four miles from here Inst night, officials of the road declaring spikes had been pulled from two lengths of rail, causing the ncci dent. Kansas Needs Harvest Hands Topclta, Kan., .Tunc 15. (Hy A. P.) With the Kansas wheat harvest under way fully a week earlier than expected, the supply of harvest hands Is fnr short of the demand. Thirty thousand extra hands will be required, it was estimated. For Tooth Ache 1 Relieves Pain Keep a Tube Handy ' J"- 'g 'p '-Jg ?'g LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WJEDSEBDaV, JUNE 15, 1921 MEXICAN PARLEY FRUITLESS American Envoy Discusses Move to Recognize Obregon Administration ,-Moxlco City, June in. (Hy A. P.) Gcorgo T. Sutnmerlln, American chnrgc d'affalrs here, has been dlscusH ing with Alberto J. PanU sccrctnry of foreign nfTalrs, the proposed recogni tion of the Obregon Administration by the United .Stntes. It was nnnotinecd last night, how ever, no practical results had been achieved. i Two New Pulitzer Prizes Now York, June 15. A prize of $1000 for the best volume of verse pub llshr.l ilur'ne (Im vpnr hv nn American author will be ndded to thejlst of the Pulitzer Foundation nwnrded nnTTUnlll by tho Coluinbln University School of .lournallsm. Another new prize of $500 it offered for the best cartoon published during the year. HTT.AMSIIIP NOTICF SEA(ERLINE PHILADELPHIA to Christiania, Copenhagen, Gothenberg, Stockholm, Helsingfors and Reval U. S. MAIL STEAMERS USSBSS "KOOTENAI" VUAVi June-25 AT SHIPPING BOARD RATES . i. in T..ji... i.nxl l.i all Norwegian, I)niilli nnd Srdlli l'ort. SEAGER STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. W. J. GRANDFIELD & CO. Phila. Agents Lombard 5176-7 EARN-LINE Incorpornted 1B01 U. S. Shipping Board Stfel Stenmers Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA A Steamer July 10 (re.Dmen,. t.r. bjg "-..J'SSJitSlKSr rt ""' " "" EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents Bullitt Buildine, Phila. P. LflmLnril 6S0O-B101-BI02-S203 S'ln IW Old Glorv is now on the Seven Seas" AMERICAN KIIIPH ARE AVAIT.AI1LE TOR YOCIl OCK.VN VOYAGE New combiitaHon Passenger and Freight Ships, Fast Luxurious Steamers. Key number besUle ship's name indi cates operator shown bottom of column. i;unoPE Iloulosrnc and London l'Voni New ork July II AuKUt 10 September 20 Old North State (MID. -t.. June 28 Auitust 2 September 0 Pan handle State (ISO). Ilremen nnd Innilc From New Tork July 13 AuiruFt 30 Hudson (ISO). July 23 September 7 Susquehanna " July 2R September 14 October 20 Potomac (1B0). Naples nnd Or-non From New York , June 80- August 13 September 24 Poca. hontas (KJ), Plymouth, Chrrliours nnd Uremen lVom New York June 22 July 23 August 24 September S America (160). .,. . July 80 AuBust 27 September 24 OeorEO WashlnRton (1B9). hOl'TII A5IEUICA Rio de Janeiro, Slonterideo nnd Itaenos Aires rroni New Y'ork June 20 Martha Washington (01). FAR EAST Honolulu. Yokohama, Kobe. Shanghai, Ma nila, Hongkong From Son Franrlsco July 23 Emplro State (105). August 0 Golden State (103). Yokohuma, Kobe, Shanghai, Hongkong, Ma nila From Seattle June 1 S Keystone Stato (100). July 0 Silver Stale (100). July 30 Wenntchea (lOfl). nAWAii. riiiLn'rrNEs. kast india Honolulu. Manila, Salcon, Singapore, Co lombo, Calcutta rrom San FroncNco July 14 Ornnlte State (10S). August 18 Creole State (103). COASTWISE Havana, Cunal. Los Ancelra, San Francisco From llaltlmnre June 23 Umpire stato (105). 01 Munson Steamhlp Line 07 Wall Street. N. Y. Tel. Howllmr Green 3200 103 Purine Mall S. S. Co. 10 Hanover Si.. N. V Tel. Howling Green -1030. (131 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. 100 The Admiral Line 17 Statu Street. N. T. Tel. Bowling Green B035 L. C. Smith llldg.. Seattle. Wash. 150 U. S. Mull S. S. Co., Inc. 45 Ilroadway, N. Y. Tel. Whitehall 1200. US. HIPPtNO BOARP iVfnijfon,ui Marine Despatch Line Los Angeles San Francisco Seattle and Portland CARGO RECEIVEDDAILY AT PIER 40, SOUTH WHARVES S. S. West Haven.. Now Loading S. S. Henry S. Groves. .June 25th For Rntea nnd Information Apply Atlantic-Gulf & PacificS. S. Corp. Room 800, 130 S. Third St., rulliultlplilu Lombard !535 Main 6077 Vr Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL. MANCHESTER, GLASGOW D. B. 8. U. S. S. Davidson Count Kviirclrii to Hull June 14 for ROTTERDAM C. B. B. II. S. S. Wrstcru Hope KxpecUd to Hall June 15 AT COHFJUtENCB KATES HarrU, Magill & Co., Inc. .Miiayeue mag rmiadeiiu 1J&. ,lilZ GERMANY'S GRAIN CROP BIG Increase In Price of Bread Attends Wheat Surplus Berlin, June 14. (Hy A. l'.);TJIC 10'J1 wlipat croti rtf Ocrmany will be of "better thnn nvcrngc volume,; says i a 1 I ..1 . 1.... I. 1nt.rl f'ntl. n Staiacmrni. iKNiiuu iimiiy u) i "- "V trollcr Hermes, who also stated tliat for the first time sinco the war the country finds itself with grain on hnnd on the eve of n new harvest. The consumers, however, shortly will fnee nn increase in the price of brr-nd. as the Government has decided to abolish the subsidies heretofore granted for the purpose of limiting the price of bakers loaves. PanamaHats Sltnflied, . IllMhed Trimmed In nnr trie. We. " Mia (a Injure J oar JEFFERSON HAT CO., 135 S. 10th STKAMHIIIP NOTiriW (CW WJEr IK wjuWfeliiiiii!P j 308 Chestnut Street "nf 6765 To California By Ocean From Baltimore Inauguration of Regular' Passenger Service Sailings Evern Three Weeks Commencing July 7 With Palatial American Steamship VENEZUELA 14,000 Displacement Tons Beautiful Cruise Through Panama Canal Calling at Havana, Nicaragua, Salvador Guatemala, Mexico, Lo Angeles Harbor and San Francisco Ratea on application at all Tourist Agents or Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 400 Exchange Place, BALTIMORE 10 Hanorr Square, NEW YORK Constantinople An unusual opportunity for a vacation in tho Near East, cruisintr amoncr the Grecian Islands to tho Dardanelles, gglf Bosphorus and Golden Horn, g5j calling at tho Island of art? Malta. A voyage of roman- KM tic interest. isS3! S b Fast Mail Steamer Gul Djemal (14,000 tons displacement) Cnrrytmr I' S. Mull. Sailing from New York July 16th, 1921 1st Cabin $200 and up As accommcxlntlonH aro limited, (tsrly lenorvutljns are advisable. Tor ratea and Information upply to Ottoman-America Line C. B. Richard & Co. Gcn'l Agts. & M nilOADWAY, XKW YOnif or any local s a agent .$m WfiBfBISSfk VBWfli EtJT ai iERVICE To Danzig Riga Libau SteUin Trnm PHILADELPHIA JUNE IS U. S. S. D. "Fort Armstrong" SAILINGS ritOJI Baltimore June 8 Norfolk June II New York June 21 HARRIS, MAGILt & CO., Inc. Agents Lafayette llldg. Lnm. Main 7510 ERICSSON LINE yfiE; DAY BOAT FOR BALTIMORE 8 o'clock In the mornlnK. daylight savins time. beKlnnlna Thursday, June loth, Evirv T.""!10 Thursday and Saturday. K.r.v Il.Bft tn HtlHmnr. 19 Rn ..JV. r( Nautllul waUr ride out o( PhlUi gUnd for pamphlet. PUr'8, B, DltwJ W WALL &dl boardJMI Tliat WUl Not Burn SHEETROCK WON'T WAIIP. EASY TO EBECT PEARCE FIREPROOF CO. 1345-47 ABCn ST. Phone I IVwnrt .1024 Ttr 4tt ealthuUCflliiDKYlb TBAfvvaU&, KAK THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Thoroughbred Whit" Leghorns and llarred Plymouth Hock, ntrong. healthy nnd nicely tarled at these creatly reduced prices: SO too White Leghorn S S.00 SIR.nO Ilnrrnl Ply. Korku . ..10.00 10.00 Conic nnd sec these beauties. Orchard Poultry Farms (Philadelphia's Largest Hatchery) 39(50 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SilsHSHK CEASHORE U EXCURSIONS ATLANTIC CITY OCEAN CITY W1LDWOOD and CAPE MAY EVERY DAY Commencing Sunday, June 19 Round $1 CO War Tin Via -prip 1,,JW Atlilltlonnl Vi.i.o Chestnut nnd South at. Torrl-i atanuura uhjmkhi Tlmo For V0:00 A.M. Atlantle City Orenn City ?...,, Wllilwnnd and V5:S0A.M. Time 7.00 A.M. n ."0 A M. Capo Jlay l npturnlnc from all points COI P. M. (Standard Time). 0:00 P. M. (Day IlKht Time). . Additional Sunday Trains Tor 10:30 A.M. 7:30 Atlantic Cltv Returning leavca At'antlc Cltv S 15 P M. (Stnndard Time), O-IS P. M. (DaUeht Time). Ffohcrmen's Special Iaxex Chestnut and Sou'h St. Fer ric A. M. (Standard Tim-) tt 30 A. M (Dnytlulit Time) eerv Sunday for SrVelllnR'r'H Inmllnfr (''nv" Ma ). Atlantic City excursion trains run in nnd from Mississippi Ave. nnd lloiinhvnlk. PHILADELPHIA & READING SYSTEM AlleMtlr rity nnllroa.l STEAMSHIP NOTICES Cool Summer Vacation Cruises QKP'iiway from the heat. Take a sea cruise to Quebec and the land of Evangeline aboard the palatial 14,000-ton ocean liner Fort St. George. Five days each way, a twelve day round trip. Fortnightly trips commencing July 2. Itatcs, 5100 and up, each way. Coll or turito for Information Furness Bermuda Line 211 Bourse BIdg., Philadelphia or nnr tourist nceney IN .VraiOKIAM MnrCARROLL. In loving memory of nrv father. JOSEPH MaeCARROLL. who died June 15. ltlll, DAUGHTER. ANDERSON. June 13. 1021. ETHFL A gvuehte, .f Chnrlea and Anna Anderson tn.-e Eckstrm), ased 2 years. Relative and friends aro Invited to attend funeral . rvlce, T.MUJ". 2r ? J'- residence of i,er parents l.'ll! W I.ipplncott st Int. prlv-ntr. Ir-en-mount Con. Remains may bo viewed W. d ""-""" uuuo iji. .iN.Mit;, wire or I John D. Anderson nf n n.r.n.u a.....i.M.. i-uiierui. u vvniin relatives and friends i. r. i. .. ..l. .: --.."", .jvi.i.iii i...... k... .... .. . -: ." l V1'- .'. rom her Ule int. Fcrnwood I DAsr. widow of menus ar invit'.i to attend funernl serv ?-n. 1 '1'ira , K'lldellCO 21 . -, r.M Precisely, at h-r late 10S N. Caniao st. Int. pri vale. RAl'Cliril -At fJIenolden. Pa.. June 14 CATHERINE P Gloved wlf o, of Rudolph C Iluuchrr and datiahter of John S and Lucy A. Stump. l"uneral services nnd Int lrl afternoon nt Miibacli, Pn. Friends may view remains Thurs eve . at her late resi dence. Parker and Ashland aves , Glen, oldon. Pa HENTZ At National Park. N. J. jtm 12. IRA WALTER, son of Jacob and .Mlna Rentz. 0 years Relitthes frlendi Invited tn funeral services. Thurs., 2 P. M., National Tark M. E. Church Int. private. Vlevvlim Wed. eve. ROONi:. June 13. ALLEN ROONE I'u reral services Thura . 2 P. M precUely. late residence. 4140 Terrace st . Ruxboroueti. Int private. Friends may call Wed. eve. URADI.EY. June 13 ANNA, wlfo of late Arthur Uradley. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral Frl , s 30 A M lato resldenco, 340 Delmnr hi., Roxborough Solemn requiem ma?s I'hunh nf the Holy rnrnlly 10 A. M. Int. St Penis' Cem. nilAQAN. June 13 SAMl'EL P . hus b.inil of Mary J. Irranu-an Funvral services Thuri.. 1 P. M . late rellenre. 0 N Front st.. Darby Int. Urvcnmount Cem. Ail orsrinljatlons Invited HRENNAN MICHAEL P.. husband of Mary A. Rrennan, of 317 N. list t . died at his summer residence: in Ventnor Cltv N J . Juno 12. Relatives and friends are lnvlin.1 to atttnd funeral Rt St. JRmes' Church, 3Sth and Chestnut six . Frl. Solemn itiiu.em mass at 0:30 A. M. Im Holy Cros 11HINTON June 13. AMANDA 1" wife of William O. Ilrlnton. Rol.itlvc .ind friends nro Invited to funeral servlc.s. Thurs 2 l SI lato residence 23S0 W. Thompson st. ,n',:.,1'-rA,.?.t0 ,Soulh Eaurel Hill Cem UROWN (Nee Collins' June 12 MART A lH.lov.dwlf,. ol ! Nicholas II and tljuchter of late Charles H. Itnd Marsniel tolllns. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Thurs.. 8.30 A. M , husbana's reel dence. SOS'i ,N nth st. Solemn mass of re iiutem St. eronlca's Church 10 A. M Int S v I'ntHedral Cem. ltROWN Juno 18. 1021 EDWIN H eon of lir and Mrs. C H Drown Re atlv." and frletsls. aljo the officers and employes of tho PhlU. National Hank. Invited ik tu. neral nerv ices. Wed.. HP. M.. residence. 4327 llaltlmoro ave Int. private at con- ven enre or family. uim uiti.i iv June 13 M.FRED hus band nf Alwlnn Ruachbeck (nee Knaueri ased 42 It.lntUei, and friend" and "at" .0 ?':.'f.?' V;,' ,.?..-w"," WS'inber are In . iivii ...,., lunrini 4I1UTS , m I" M residence 3210 N. Reese st Int. Hillside Cm. Friends may cn.l Wed eve. ' ",,,,,u n,RK. At Woodstown. NT T i..- tn MAUV ANN I'LAIUv. ivted 80 years Reli tlvis and f lends tnvttedto funeral services Thura 2 P. SI., standard time, reslden": Woodbtown. N, J. Int M. E. Com. Trim tl'WVea ...HllVCb l. 'lljr 4i;.V VV. Jl. (Statld. ard time). .. .7 ,-Li... a. 1..... ,..7 . ..' . .ii GUl.blNii.- June n IIHUKIET COLLINS (nee Kennedy), wife of lata Patrick Collins. 'uneral private. Thurs., 7130 A. M.. from er late residence. 2720 IVUom aL Solemn j03Arttlfo. VwUHJktvVTCl vr vm Wfl 111,1 iru, linn j immfiirr. i.m, mum St v-.'ii. 1 i.iiu. in,., luii ven.. Hirer 11 1" t '. V Il2nie. uf T. .... HAITZEL. June 13. WILLIAM beloved " vVfaddev stK'Jmv Prlvatr husband of Alice Ualtzet (nee narrett) Reli. IU Nra j , fNSir?fln" Jr J'AW- live, urnl friends. an.r employe, o'f Stceh-n L'e Vharle," Mer?'.,A"nft . "V.. St'n-on and ""''".S?-,1" 'nvit.'!1' 'uneral services. , Relatives and friend, a io nun li of th. T-hUf.".V C P. Mt ,at'?,',.ia residence. 1005 1 Nativity High School Anne" Fnvlted ... V L. Hlrch st Int. North Cedar 21111 Cem. ueral. ' tours.. 9:10 AVM' (rnm 1,1 m' Friends may call Wed. eva. 1 restderv 254 Cedar st .ff ' '" ','"' DARNES June 13. DAVID S. son of ' maw Sx Ann's Church 10 A T lni""S Smith and late Lena Rarnes, aged 44 Rela Holiv "''rner Cem. ""' il" tlvcaand friends, also Loyal Order of" Mooe . .-V.W?.ri .-nJ""0 U- 1021. ANNA CiTH. 0. D4. and liurixir lloatmen's Union. In-1 ;X!"V ,'M.L'S' " of Jacob Mees H -V.l vited to funeral serviced. Sat . 2 P. M re, . I 7" Relatives and friends Invited to e"r denco of hur brother. John W. narnea lfiiis '' rrl . - V. M . residence 01 ' aonSn taw" S 2d st Int private. Fernwood Cem" 7' hn V "'' Elklna ave, Elkln" Park" View ni- lrl eve. Int private. ,rK Tune 13. R'-l. SARAH ANN', MICHAEL. On June 13 int u.r, Eini nue Ilast. D.imi.... ..... , ineuiL., .' "it"?. fJ' .J."-I. HAZEL rtKATIIH of John Dalle;, aced Oil. Iltlatlve nnd friends Invited to funeral services, Thura., 2 P. M.. residence. J. Wesley llotven, 1018 M, 2d st. Int. private. Mt. Slorlah Cem. DAnnEt.1 June 12. OKOnOIl If., hus band of Julia A. Darrell (nee llyrne) and son of late Samuel and1 Borah Darrell, of Mid dlcborouah. lnirlatid. llelollvns nnd friends are Invited to attend funeral. Thurs., June III, 1021. from his late residence, near Olass. haro, N. J. Solemn hlch .mass at St. Drldiret' Church, Ulassboro. N, J,. 10 A. M. DAVIS. At his residence. 80(1 n. Main st,. Moorestown, N. J., on Juno 13, 1921, OEOnOE, husband of llentrlre B. Dals, Relatives and friends, also Phila. Ixde. No. 2, U.P. O. E., and all other organi zations of which lie was a member, are Invited to tho services on Thursday after noon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver If. Hair Illrl.. 1820 Chestnut St., Phila. Interment private. DOBNAN. On June 11, 1021, AHCHt tlAI.P DOllNAN, aaed 0(1 years. Itelatlves and friends nro Invited to the service, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock at his lata residence, 433 9. COth st. Interment PrFAmnANK. June 14. DAVID C. FAIR. PANIC, sued 17 years. Funeral services Thura.. 2 P M.. from parents' residence. 2123 Appletreo st. Int. private. KAMIIUM June 12 HAiLitir A, DAI.- .iL,i. wiie oi jmi rnincis jarrell. Funeral services Wed.. 1J A M.. late resi dence. Will Huhicam ave. Qermantown. Int. private. r FINK Juno 13. HU8A.V K.. wlf nf .Tnhn Fink, aired &3. Itelatlves nnd friends Invited to funeral services, Frl., 2 P, Jr.. residence, 107 Mountuln st. Int. private Fcrnwood Cem. Vlewlnif Thurs, eve. FI8MUTH. On Juno M. JOHN O, W. husband of Hannah niddle Flmuth. nt Montlcollo. Fla . !cd 77. Servires on Sat urday. June 18. ,on arrival of 1:23 p M train from Market Htree Ferry (daylight sav Inc time) at nivejton, N. J. Interment pri vate. Plence omit flowers. FOIUlKSTJin. On June 13, 1021, HMZA 'ETH C. FOIIRESTEII (neo Chalmera). w'fe of the late Thomaa Forrester, aaed fill joars. Itelatlves and friends are Invited to the service, on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the residence of h-r son-'ln-law. William Schank 3117 Mt. Vernon st. In terment at Mt. Arorlah Cemetery. Friends May rail Wednesday exonlnc FORT. Suddenly, nt Philadelphia, June 12' 11)21. HAMI'EI, H. FOHT. In hfs 70th Mineral Thurs.. June 10. 2 P. M from residence nf his son. Harry V. Fort, near Mt. Holly. N. J. Int. Pemberim Ilaptitt Cem. FOSTER. Suddenly, on June 12, 1021. A. VIRGINIA, wife nf Edgar H. Foster, of B101I Ilalttmore ave., and daughter of the late Jacob N and Abigail A. Hoefllch. Rela tives and friends are invited to the service, on Thursday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock at the Oliver II. Ualr Hide. 1820 Chestnut st. In terment Mt. Mnrlnh fVmeferv. T.-r!nrlM mav 1 tlew remn'ni. WedneKdnv auanlni. FRISHMt'TH. JOHN C. W.. husband of ; iinnnan ninnie rrisnmutn June 14, 11121. at Montlcmlo, Fla.. aired 77 years. Servlcn at i l.Uerton. N J., Sat . Juno 18. on arrival 1 .2.1 train from Mnrket st. ferrv (dayllfrhl. savlnir tlrno). Int. private. Please omit i flowers. J ORAD7. On June 12. 1021. WILLIAM J husband of Acne Oradv (nee Curtis). Fu neral on Thursday, at 7:30 A. M.. from his late residence. B18 Quarry st. High mass at St Augustine's Church O A. M. Interment Isew Cathedral Cemetery. ,S.nA?!T7l!DWA,U) ORANT. June 11. I J.0J1. Services at Oliver II. Dair's. 1820 i.iiiiiui si.. veanesoay, at a o'c cck. ORIFFITH.-Juno 1.L 1021. at 21 K Farrasrut terrace. HANNAH HEI1ECCA. daughter of late George and Ruth L. Orlf Jlth. Funeral services. Frl., at 3 P M.. at t. L. Shurtlcft'a Amrtments. 3020 Market st Int. Fernwood. OUNN. June 13. MARY F a WW. Fu. ntiral services. Thurs.. 2 P. M . funu Pern bl5.n,"t:u In1' Private. Woodlands Cem. I,tAtL,sL JV"? 13' JOSEPH II.. huxliand of Lydla E. .Haines (nee Lnnasan). Hda- i v onTnnT.rrAe,,Sa' Bl" Wnahllgton Cnmp No 2rt7. P. O. a. of A : Hancock Command. ery, No 3. P. O. S. of A.. Quaker fit Lodge. No. 31. K. of P.. Anna M. Ross Camp. .No. J. S. of V ; National Camp. P S'-.J?.i.AK nn3 '"iPloycs of Phila Rapid , 1 ranslt Co.. Invited to funeral services v v..?. P.' M.-. at M" 'to residence. 2T27 i ,3ih tnt.l Private, nt Arlington Cem. I Fri!T'i7.,mnj' C1 rhurs. eve 0 HANNA. vTllne If! ntir vnn w M .. ii..l ?-. .. 'aie Caroline Hanna. Rein. -V-o i nn olc'l'!5' a,1-' 'taska Tribe. No I ' V.'.r' & - ,H' Jt-' an curt Weiisloy. No ...,,,- . .r . ."' ..' .'J, puii . H.... 'wr! l it"! " funrsl servieei i.i '"tinbottiom. aged 02. Relatives and WrlZ,. mvnea to attend funeral. Frl. r,,..' ".J1"0!" ,no residence of her aon-in- n-ndaJ.'i ?hl1' Int- Private. Lawnvlew mnnlrleJ"1J',n,ar cn" Thurs. eve. HIPP. Suddenly. June 14, at Ocean City, iiinn- .iIi',:b"n'1 of Elisabeth M. Hipp, aged 00. Residence 1328 W. Rock lBn?,.wtV....P10 notlco later. iimiTO?BI'1"V,ln5 " ,n21' OEOROE HUMPFEft. husband or late Annie Humpfer tree Horn), aged 68. Relatives and friends ,.r lnV.i,1 ,.' H,,rnd funeral services. Thurs.. .' P. M.. at his son's residence. 1214 Oregon ave. Int. private. German Lutheran t-em. . nIJ.?TT0N'tr"J.une ,13' A"E M. wife of PnJ feiinHuiat0P. i"s Uradley). Relatives and friends invited to funernl, Frl.. S:30 A- M.. late residence. 1.105 v. pi av. v4CJ:AIiN.I:X Ju'". IS- JIARVJ.'-KnAR ..V.n.i .:'" "ml00 '"ends aro Inv ted to attend funeral, Thurs.. 8 A. M from the residence of Danlrl Hoardman. 3453 Cresson .nas.Fsi""n,0M,S.?hk"1V Mt" requiem ?. .nr"?t's Church 0:30 A. M. Int. vVestmlnster Cem. KENNELLY. June 13 1021. NORA A NnN1!lI'LY,(,nre.,I'ou,,h"h)' wlf "f ""trick Kennelly "''atlves nnd friends, alsu L-ague of the Hiered Heart of St. Veronica's a.oVvrC.h' ?,re 'nvl,e'L o ttend funeral. Frl 5- .k J .' 'r?,m. husband' residence. S743 ,-' , ,. Solemn requiem mass St. eronlcas Church 10 A. M. int Now Cathedral Cem. LAMPTON. June 12. at the residence of her couslrr. Mrs. Justus M Thacher 'sf 8. 21st at. ICATE CA.MPI1KLL .daughter' of tho late James A. H. and Ella E Lamo ton. Services at Church of Brethren rie? mantown ave at.ovo Sharpnack it. Oer' mantown. Weil. 3PM """ ' "er- .,L.E.c?nTX '" Wllilst'own. June 1.1 m-i "ARTHA P. I.F.OQETT. In h.r"7fith veSr' Relatives and friends are invited to attend fun-ral aervlces. without further imtle, Thura.. Juno HI. Srvl-.t nt ohariel of riT' ten Hill Cm. Co.. E. Washingto l,n. Cn'l'. rime1'"7"' Pa" 10 A' 5yent.?fnr5 IyOUDERRACK. June 14. JLVRV S muun- 01 jonn . Louderback Relatives ILf P.. M" ,"'. her atB residence. 142 Wat- Kins st, int. private ftpmi, tWi- -.. It.. !i.Vvllt lernvvood Cem. n-nwn iiiwv cuii inur.. err.r - i .. MnenrtRrtiin ...: . 2-l.:.-"r --- .--.-.. ., uii.. i.i. .111,1-. AR. htlsband of Elisabeth 'm Jfi-.Vi.:M"' need 57. Funeral servieei. Th, .. ;,".;' ","r"' " ""uiiuay nnernoon. at 3 ;. ilotk. at her reslden.e 2211 W. Cumber UV,11 wN. l'', -rment private. Friends may call Wednes.lnv eve'illlB. MU.LKIAN On Juno 13, 1021 Ji:notr F. MILI.IOAN Funeral on' Thursday morn i'ii 1 "J b.iw1"e,k' 'r" his late residence. 131 S. ..1st st. Renul.m mass at Mo.t llbssed Sacrament Church at B o'clock Intei mem nt Holy Cross Cemetery MOHAN lune 13. JOHN J. MOHAN son nf Ml-ha-l J and the M . Hntiniih Mora" tnen Carrt. Relatives nnd friends arc In vlled to attend funeral. ThurH., 7'3(1 ,v M fi om his mt resilience. 142 N Sflth st Hli inasa of r-'iu'em at the Church of Our Lady . fVlet..rn V M Int Cross Cem MOSS June 13 KATHRTN P. dauehter of Harry T and Klsle I. Mos (nee Stein) aged 0. Relatives and friends are Invited tn services. Thurs., 1 30 P. M , parents' residence 441S N nth st. Rrt. private Friends may call Wed. eve. Mt'LLIN June 13. 1021. jni;pu ,, band of 'ale Mntth-i Mulltn Reimives nnd frl'-nds ar,. invited to attend funeral Thun n P M.: residence 1211. Christian st Int' 1'VrnvvniHl iVm Remalna may bo .'lewed WeJ . S to 10 P M. Ml'LVIHILL. June 13 ELI.ITN M.. wife of lato Michael Muiv thill. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funernl, Frl , S:3( A M late residence, 23211 Federal st. Solemn mass if requiem at St Anthony's Church 10 A. M. Int Ili-Iy Cross Cem. MLTIPHY June 13 EDWARD S. hus bnnd of Rose Murphy (lien Dufly) and son o' late Rernard and Ann Murphy. Relntlves nnd friends, also employes of David Lupton Sons. Court William Pern. F of A., and Dlv. No. 0 A O. II . Invited to funeral. Frl . 8:30 A. M from his late residence 2n3B E Clearfield st. Solemn requiem mass at Church of the Nativity 10 A. M Int Holy Sepulchro MI'RPHY June 12 KATHERINE wife nf Michael Murphy Relatives and friends are Invited to funernl Thurs . 8 30 A M late residence, s220 Walnut st Rolemn re. iulem mass nt Nt jitmeV Church 10 A M Int Cnihedrnl Cem NORTHROP June 11. MARIE D wlf, nf Harrv II Northrop, dauuhter of Hush P and Sybella McManus Relatives and friend nie Invited to attend funeral Thurs. H 30 A it residence. 1R28 H. 24th st Holemn hlsh mass of requiem St Gabriel's Church 10 A M Int Holy Cross Cem. OI1RIEN June 13. ALEXANDER J son of I.llla Bud late James O'llrlin. Rela tives and frlnds also Lawrence K Delsney Fost. No. 20 American I.islon Invited to funeral Frl 8.30 A M Into r- sldenc S3" N 22d at Solemn mnss of requiem fit Fran. MNnKRTAKEim f." iZ:X ",'r 5l n" Mo reulen. 2121 L. Am st Friends may call Wed . after 8 .-..J.".' nr'vatc. Oakland Tern. HEOINIiOTHOM. June 13. 1021. at Lakenort. N. tr Mmv a ...,- .Tr.n .. HUE II L ..II- Solemn requiem mass st. Stephen's Church 10tAviVo Int.' Rolv Cro" Cem. JO.MJS. At Chestnut Hill, Pa . Tue.dav Juno 14 at I) P. M . CAROLINE S. JONES DUO notice of funernl .111 1.. ,.. v-"-a. V Michael. R.latlves and friends n'. Montgomery circle, V. of a" and emnlov'IS i of OM. Ticket Co arc lnvlte.1 "K,0?r: Hi 21 nr.ATii" r' Xavler Church 10 A. M, Int. Holy Cro C"U . .. .. ... T...J Illillinjliu, ai eruninrc, .run ii,-u"j( ; 111(1?! HELEN lllHHT. vyldow of Oeprta nEDFOTtD, Due notice of 'funeral will M 'lVi, ( glM-tl. ' nOMMKT.MANN. June 12. 1021. rATltA' ' RINli, widow, nf Dietrich ltommelmanij (nea Keller). Relatives and friends nr Invited ttiU? ' attend f funeral. Thura. 8:80 A.M., resWetie ''A -' r i. nn. n:it4 Ponlar st. Solemn masi of iinil.m nt Church nf Our Lady of Victor i ' j 10 A. M Int. Holy Redeemer Cem. iitiauf.r.r. June. in. WALTERLT.. on of '. the lata James and Mary Russell, RelatlVM ,,;, t oml friends also Frankford Ixidge. No. 2f)WJ 17. T. O. R M.. aro Invited to funeral .frl., J 1" i ' t r. from his late rss dence. 34S0 Mem- t' 'i fhls st." ln? r?o?tn Cedar Hill Cem. Vli ' . n'iu'" "" i'-Ci. .v. jrin:;;T 'vi" v ,nHAULINb.-At Vlneland. June 13. AM., TONIO. husbnnd of Phlllmlno OaUllnn. lllth 8 to 10 P.. JL mass of rcnu m at unurcn o; o ''"l Vltieland. N. J.. Thurs.. I) A. M. Funeral Frl from his lato residence. H. 13. cor. 13tfi st and Snyder nve.. 0 A. M. Int. " SAYEN?9 -"suddenly, at his WaldhelS. St. Davids. June 14. WILLIAM HENRY SAYliN. Due notlca of funorul will ''"sTKVENH. June 13, CHARLES Vf. HTHVENS. Relatives nnd friends, also ' I odie. No. 3. F and A. M.. are Invited tn ntten'i funeral services. Wed. 2 P. M at LVStlU. Iiuni,..,. " ;,:"--. ,-" 1. ..I... his latO rCBiacnce, u ..wiiun n.v, nil, PrTHURMAN. Suddenly. Juno 13. JOSEPH W THURMAN. aged 00. Funeral services Thurs 8 P M (122 Wakefield St., Oer- mroOEY-JunePri3alrd21. TERESA, wife of Tnhn Tooey (nee Dally). Relative and friends also St. Francis' n. V. M. Sodality. f'mi.iii.J in Attend funeral. Thurs.. H:U A' M from her late residence, 745 N. 25th mt Solemn requiem mass at St FrancH Xavler Church 10 A. M. Im. Holy Cross VARNOCK. Juno 11. ANNIE J . wife of George W Wnrnork. Relatives and friends are Invletd to funeral servires Wed.. 3 p M . at her late residence, 1R17 North at. Irit.' Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may call, TUWATSON. At her residence. N. W. cor. 20th and South sts.. on June 14. 1021. MART F wife of Charles O Watson. aed 19 icsrs. Notion of funeral later. ... WATTS Juno 13. MARY HARVEY, daughter of Mary Uroadwater and lata David Harvey Watts. Relatives nnd frl'nd. are Invited to attend funernl services, Wed., 11 A M precisely, at tho residence of her sister. Mrs. Joseph E. Paradise. 531 West Vie.- ave.. Oermimtown. Int. private WEHER.-On June 13. 1021. ANNA M.. widow nf Frederick Weber. Funeral on Friday. 8:30 A, M.. residence 1551 N 11th tt Solemn high mass at St. Malachy. t liurh. 10 A. M Interment St. Peter'. C,'wLLIAMS. Suddenly. June 12. ELLEN (nee Cooke), wife of Arthur Williams. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services. ThursV. 2 P. M.. residence. 2040 N. Falrhlll rt Int. private jiernaiua inny ura tw.u WY(H'NO. Juna'ia!' MAROARET C, wife of the late David Young and daughter of the lato John F. and Sarah Wolfe Funeral, . to which relatives and friends and Kxrelslor' I odze. No. 80, Ladles of Golden kaglo, are invited. Thurs.. 2 P. M.. at the residence, of her niece. Mrs. Carrla Artls. 150 RItner M Int. Arlington T.r.OAL ADVERTISEMENTS KSf KTATi: OF WILLIAM P. J. HCIIEN- ' KEL. dereasl Letters testamentary on the above estate huvlng been granted to the undersigned, all per 'on Indttled to tha said estate are requested to make payment, and those hivlrc claims to present tho same, without delay, to ,.,.... HELEN SCinENKEL. Or ti her attorneys. WILLMANNd & FOODY. 1122 Steph-n Olrard Rldg. KX5 JWTATK OK ritKUKKU K KICK. OF. Itt' reused letters testamentary upon the estate of Frederick Elck. rteressed, hav ing been granted to FIDELITY TRUKT-COM, PANY and Clarence L. Mitchell, all persons Indebted to thj said estato are requested to make payment and those hov'ng clalma against the same to present them, without delay, at the office of the said company, Nos. 325-331 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. WILLIAM P. a EST. President. LOST AND FOUND CERTIFICATE Notice Is hereby Riven that the undersigned has mado application for the renewal of Certificate No. A 7018(14. for ten shares of stock of the Pennsylvonla Railroad Co . Issued to Carl A. Knlaer. and dated nth of May 1021. tho nama having been lost or destroyed. Milton Helm ic Co.. New York Phila , CERTIFICATE Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has mado application for the renewal of Certificate No, A 701803 for ten shares of stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.. Issued to Philip C. Reed. and dated the 3th day of May. 1021, the same having been lost or destroyed. Mil' ton Helm Co.. New York Phila. PIN Lost, sapphire, peart crescent pin Bun. day afternoon. Reward If return to Bar Ing 300. PIN Lou. rn June 7. diamond crescent pin. 18 to 20 small diamonds. Reward If re- turned tn 2B22 N 10th st RING Ixist, on Friday or Haturday, going from Ridge ave. and lfdh st. to Chestnut at.. solitaire diamond ring, stamped EI 180 J, E. C. 4 Co. Reward If returned to J. R. Oildwell A Co.. Juniper nnd Chestnut eta. RINU Lost, on Friday or Saturday, from Ridge ave and 15th St. to Chestnut, soli taire diamond ring, s'ampod El 180. J. K, C. A Co. Reward If returned to J E. Caldwell &. Co . Juniper nnd Chestnut sts. PERSONALS CANDY STOKE of Ham CllbanotT 410 Oreen st , has heen sold to Michael Wnldman. Creditors. If any. apply M. Zlnnian. cor 2d nnd reen sts 1 WILL NOT be responsible for any debts unless comrncted by myself. M. TANENy 13 A I'M. 1032 Houlh st HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERICAL position open for woman of lir telllEcnce, education and accuracy; must wrl'e mall, clear hand. M 10H Ledger Office CLERIC Young1 lady to fill clerical position;' state age. education, salary and tjeperi' ence.. If any. P 11 in, Ledger Office. COMP. white woman for c'k'r il'wst'a wk. no U dry good wagm Ph l.ansdnwni. 832 CHOCHETERS. experienced. wanted on nhade, rings to tako work homo, do not write, no work given out of city. F W Mnurer & Sons Co.. 1311 Wayno ave.. near lth and Oermantnwn ave OIR1 for Indoor messenger, must be 111 vei-e old or over. Apply Mrs. Linda Pat ton Curtis Publishing Co.. 0th and San. Hnm sts. GIRLS AND WOMEN, experienced In selllnir advertising for magazines, newspapers, pmgrams. directories nd special editions, This proposition calls for real S'llesnuiflslilPi do not anvwor unless ou can produce, lo producers drawing account up to $00 per week call be arranged. C. 1 SC1IEETZ 123 P 11th (upstalrs HOUSEWORK, general (3ood plain cook and assist with children: no wahhlng; 10: sleep In. Apply 20 W Phll-Ellena st . Oer mnntown. or phone Cermantovvn s28 J SALESLADIES, experienced, to iiell sweat ers Applv bureau of emploj ment, D K Devvees. 1122-24 Chestnut. STENOGRAPHER Largo manufacturing" vnmern Rroad nnd Chestnut, has position open for experienced girl not over 23 details as to age schooling, exptrlence and mini. ilium mlarv desired I'ostofflce lJox 751, Philadelphia TENIKJK MMIER Ililtht iimbltlnus vounir wnmull who can nlso do Beneral clerical uirk. Htrwdy iHisttlun RliiKhhiu Co , 13U-41 . JUllttier st TELEPHONE OPERATINO FOI'RTEEN DOLLARS A WEEK Is palif to beninners In telephone operating, A' conatantlv Krnwlni; business nfferltis: PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT WITH NO LAY-OFFS Miss Ktevenson will be u'lud to receive appll eatiotrs from vounir women between 18 and 23 years of aite at 1031 Arch st. THE HELL TELEPHONE CO. WAITREHS-CHAMHERMAID Wanted, nn expei lenred white woman, over 2.1 Alsa tian Enullsh or Scotch preferred steady po sition small famllv; Bond whites, best ref 1 r.-neea mqulred Hok 30 Radnor Pu, WANTED rjlRt.3 who have aum knowledge of cuinptnrneter. must be able to llifure quickly and accurately und have enme hlah school education Hec Mrs Linda Ration Curtis Publishing Cn (1th nnd Hansom eta. Wi'MAN of education and refinement who 'ias personality und nmbltlnn; splendid op pnrtunltv for rleht party. Call In person. Sir R.iivr 702 Van lnm Tilda I) ti 12, i)l'N( WOMEN sollcltcira for hlMh-arade maaazlnu proposition, drawing account for producers I Snort Publishing Co. 123 3. 11th (unsUlfe),. flenernl MAKE MONEY AT HOMB You can earn front II to 12 an hour In your spare lime writing ehowcardn; quickly and easily learned by our new simple method! no canvassing or soliciting, we teaob you how. sell your work and niv you cash each week, full particulars and booklet free. Write today to American flhow Card School. 310 Ryrts llldg.. Toronto cansaa. U1RI.U clerks, stenographers, typists wanted at onco by Government, good salary! easy hours; rapid advancement, write for Instruc tions particulars. M uOD. Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MALE COMI'UHITORU Wanted, nr.ti union hand rnmposltors rapjibla 11 f filling In apd making up bonk and ad matter In a Iowa of 00,000 Inhabitants, located less thin It rrl'ea from Philadelphia) permanent post, tlons guarrnteed wages 130 lo 140 Tr week of 18 hours plus s bonus to corf? li rig expenses tor the first month. Address M 11" Ledger Hfflre. CLERIC Young man to fill clerical position! .119 HI., ence. If any. state age, education, salary and experlf . i' niu Ledger OfOce. COMl'OMTUlt nign-grade man 1.. familiar .alotf tflaWs. with first-class dlaplay Apply lllngbum Co,, ltii-i id sr inn k. jumper . up. atveet. ?,, "(. e'l Vr u i 1 ISiW . 1ROAD Mm g 'l,u wT "Tlni1 .- . ."''..' BSeh 8 XM. "VtT,d5lRVrV.nV' k lAMCT'D I M3W, -jrr ee.i H.i'nh "'- v1' .js". 1MW Sl f,Y. 't i; ', ti' v' '5a''',,"