.UttMV' aoWSMfi PWIfl gftRintii 'ff.sa r. I'msmfflfPTCYii ' -WW 'TO- . 'VLyiAAV rP ' "'V ,u r wfip v EVENING PtBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE. U5 1021'. 'Xe Daily Movie Magazine if v $ t L ", liJ L- iPwv !'5 HH(ro V k. -i-r N, , 9V t Jf 1 mttr 'ZJr - l. . i U' I II t- STENOGRAPHER USED IN LENS TEST GETS MOVIE JOB W'linN Helen Kay, a uiodeH little girl of eighteen, traveled tin- sub way from her home In Krooklyn to tlio T.asky motion picture atudio. in Long Island, to -cfk woik as n stenographer A clerk or In whatever position she might fit, Utile did ln- think f n career. Her only t lioiiRlit work and a weekly pay envelope that would be sufficient for her living epeneH. Today, after fix months' experience In the studio, she hat risen from con tinuity clerk to movie ai'tresx. She lun put nsido the tell-tale pencil nnd te nographrr'a pad and is now luUtprctinc the part nf Intoxication in lieorge Kitzmaurice'H production of "Kxpen ence." the well-known stage play fiom the pen of George V. Ilobait. THK Morv of Helen Kay is one of those tales that ! ftriuiger than Action. She was catapulted into fame and fortune, perhap", ,int n nil girls at the age of eighteen hope to be. For tune rmilcd on her nnd when the oppor tunity knocked flip was not found wanting. She had latent tiilent for act ing and the camera a mcrctlew critic Tra,s kind to hr, if enmera can be Wild. She screened well, ns they vim In the movie studios, nnd todav she i.s. n her way to a place among film ar tresfe. a place envied by millions of girls and young-women. A new lens for a mot on -picture camera brought Miss lBv hor chance. She was busy as usual, one day. checking the action of a picture, under the direction of Hugh Ford, as tilt story was transferred from script to film, nnd writing long daily reports for her director. When the day's "shooting" wns finished. George Fol aey. Mr. Ford's cameraman at the time, raid : "Helen, put a little make-up on your face and come over here in the corner while I try out a new lens for my camera." Helen did a she wns asked and sev eral hundred feet of film were run oft Then she went back to her tvping ami business of being n continuity clerk one of those drab studio positions that holds little glory but a lot of hard work for those who fill them. THK test was run in the projection room before laboratory experts and the lens was found to be an excellent one. The film was clear nnd distinct. "Where did you get the girl?" was fhe only question that was shot at Folsey when the lights of the projection room were switched on. "She's n ponder." And all the lime little Miss Kay was typing. Hut the fame of hor e.ves of moonstone hue. a hmlle that liberated a dimple and hair of about the shade at butterscotch candy spread in the studio. Then a few week, ago Kdwiird Dil lon looked around for n cast for a Ttralart pictnretarring .lustine John atone. The script demnnded one other important feminine role. Some one showed Mr. Dillon the test of Helen Ray ' Jusr the tjpe." Dillon decided, and .Helen Ra.v was giveu the pnrt of Adele in "Sheltered Daughters." She wa given a drcxning room just like the other movie actresses. ,.f vhe clung to her work as continuity clerk end did both kinds of work for a short period. . Her work in the picture attracted the attention of George Fitzmaurice anil he chose her to play the part of In toxication in "Kxperience." TT MA. seems like a dream." m - little Miss Kav. "I had rem used rued home from the hospital nnd wanted to do some work. Some one told me of the'l.nsky studio, m I derided to tr my luck. I Hiiceeeded in getting on anil riow look at me. "At first my mother did not want me to do it. but I hae three brothers and they are modern mother, jou know, atill holds some old-fashioned Ideas They persuaded her that it wns all right, so I started. "If T don't get moie parts I'll go hack to continuity woik. Strange as It may seem. I nm not struck with the movies. They told me that 1 could do it. so 1 am doins the best I an Hut 1 do not Intend to he Idle and tramp nrouud from studio to studio looking for work in pictures. I'll Just work on here and when parts come up rliar I can play I will do them if given tin: oppor tunity." In "Kxper4iene ' Miss Hay lias shared scenes with .Kirhard Karthel mess, who is playing the leading role of llouth nnd with such other Hro.nl av favorites ns l,ilan Tashinan. Nun JCaldi. John Milium. K. J. Kadcliffe and Mnrjorie Daw. Another Director Contests Honor .1. Searle Dawlej. now a Fox direc tor, probably holds the lcrord for motion-picture making Mr. Dawlej. who directed Pearl White in her last two atories, has direct! d .100 productions since he entered the business. Mnuy of the stories were written hi himself, and run from one reel comedies to preten tious subjects. He is nloo the author of eighteen staje plajs He started dliet Ing with the birtli of the motion picture. TWO FEET FROM A Hi 'Hi Si t :...t llv J,."? m iiImI .BXcEPtiPQk ft aI'EmIb. ' i(&H. uV " viH I ' v 'Bk - , L F -a ' '9e flk FHF WmRL. -mH HkxTk vI flj'," , Jv' f 'O'f w . v iL.mts-fjr ' '. r w--f. ' " rrvrrvr '...." MARY LARAIO. l7o5 W. V?n&rtgo Street WHO WROTE IT? The Love Story 9 of o Movie Star Here is a -oul-ic;eaIing. intimate docu nent that lajs bare the heart of n favorite of the screen. You'll recognize' many of the characters who nppenr in its pages IH'T I' AN YOr KKCOr.NIZK THK WOMAN HKKSKLF? AND THK FILM Iiniltl WHOSK I'KKFII) Y T. K A DS IIKK THKOrtHI AfJONY TO THK HAPPINESS OF P K K F K CT I.OVK? It is a story that will grip you and hold jou from the first intall ment until the last. It Begins on This PagciSext Monday Helene Chad wick to Fnt or Sinr 'n I Lnter star cwoas TI1K rise of uciene iiauwik as a , motion -picture actress, altJiouglr , rapid, has been thorough and pains 1 taking. She began her picture work ! for Ooldw-Mi by plajing the lending 1 woman't. role with Tom Moore 111 ' "Heartsease" and Is at present plajing J )h feminine lead in the all-star pro- durtion of Mary Koberts Kinehart'i. tirt storv written directly for the screen. "The Glorious Fool." being di rected bv K. "Mason Hopper. I Miss Chadwiilt was assigned, for her second appeainnie. to piny th leading feminine role In the riist Kupert Hughes 1 picture. "The Cup f Fuiy." and iiliulc .-uth a big hit in-the pait that she was gien the lead in Mr. Hughes' -0coitil photoplay. "Scratch Mv Hai-k." one of the biggest screen comedy hits ccr inndi1. She net plajed opposite Will lingers in his con-punching comedy. "Lupiii, the Cow puncher." From thut comedy she lumped back into a poneiful emo tional role in "(Jodlcfs Men." n pic turiziition of Hen Ames Williums' story of "Hack Pawl." UueU.d by ttcgi- nnhl Marker, (loldwyn then switched 1 her batk to a domestic comedy-drama li Kupert Hughes. "Dangerous Curve Abend." which is expected bv officials of the firm to achieve one of their big gest hits. F OLLOW1NG that came another Kupert Hughes drama, a piiturizn- tion of his novel. i he Did ISest. which with hi- "Dangerous Curve Abend" Is leady for fall release. Miss Chnduuk then leturned to comedy in "Made in Heaven." n 'loin Moore pho toplay. Her present picture still in (he milling. "The GIhiiimih Fool," gives her another big dramatic role. Kich nrd Dh, slio is tenoned to, give a re markably line pcrfonname in "Danger ous Curve Ahead." plajs opposite Miss Chiidwirk in "The Glorious Fool." IJffuie entering motion pictures. Miss ChodwK'k was known iiinong artist for her beauty. Mie po-cd for many Hnr rison Fiher nnd .lames Montgomery Vlafi musft7.ine covers. Old-Time Actress In Films 1 I .lit. id Hai'kus Segei . who will be re oieinbeied for her portrayal of llossy j 111 "The Tc-xus Steer." and roles 111 I oilier Hojt comedies in the old ilajs, plays the part of the mother m "Foot falls." the special Charles ,f. Hrabin l making for rox nt the New iorU studio .Mrs. heger is one or the few remaining actresses of the old school who Ruined . - ,-. ... m nri PII1KI- ua jr-t iciiut- 111 mull Ullll i Ollll companies and is now cashing in on it in pictures. She icccntly niipcurcil in " I lie W1I1I (loose. in roles with Noiina and Conntance 'i'nlinailge, 111 "Oh. You Woman" for Famous, in "Mrs. Wiggs uf the fnbhagc I'atch" anil in Hall Mark iliainas. DOG WHOSE FEET? TWtl feet fiom a iloj; in Mipposeil to he a hafo distance. IJut It depends on whose feet they are and whose dot;. l)o jou know these feet? And thiH doc'' This iu't a pric suctMing contest, lid we'd he intciestcd to see li jw iniiiiy of the fmiM can nnswer the ipinstloiu. We'll tell thp swict next week. i, TODAY'S HONOR ROLL IN THE MOVIE BEAUTY CONTEST it -a: 'a' 't - x xfx ka 9 " ". fr . J'i'y - rwuT . m&wj . i s os -Ti m- " LILLIAN VERA. 42 North 62n2 Street Johnny Hines Is Coming Over Herd to See Beauty Contest Filming Screen Comedian Is Looking for Particular Type of Girl and Admits He May Have Contract in His Pocket. for One of the Fifteen We Select , rul 'VK nil iroi Johnny 7ie - he nf the irmly write ami the 71icfc iril m the "Tmeli-y" comedtei. He has made a duttnet mrhe for himself in the mnrie hall nf fame, if there 11 11cA a thing, and hm popularity has grown with 1 nay one of ln film. ' Jnhnny is earning orer here to see the anls who are rhosen it the moit I hiajliful fifteen in 0111 1ocic licantg Conleit. Yep; coming orer in person. He II probably re cm much nf an attraction at Uctstcood that day as the girls aic, and when iee assme ynu that he is funniir off the stage than on. you'll know that there is a lieat in stole for ynuif you happen to be one of the lucky onei. SOMK time ago we said in these columns that a New York producer I j who was looking for some fre.shtpes 1 of girls to use in his studio had intl-I .Hines wns the man w were talking lboilt Wp ti(,n.t montlon IlN mm (..... t.iu. .. Itllf.ll. 'J 113 i""ll then because things wete not certain but now we have n letter from him fca.iing he will he here '.'with bells on." And he admits that he is moie than likely to carry une or more of the girls back to New York with him. His idens will not in nny way interfere with the, starring contracts nt lletwood that are' offeied n the prizes In this contest. II,. I Is nor looking for stars; he wants to 'find one or two girls who have the look-i and the intelligence to make good In minor pans until they learn the busi ness and then, if they climb to stardom, rliey will have done it through their 1 own ability and hard work. I Hn, INKS is now producing a new pic He hns found n new leading woman for ii and the Mastodon Film Co., which' handles his pictures, is hinting that something big will be done by her in the near future. Her name is Hettj Car- j penter. MisK Carpenter, who i a petite and1, , , pronounced blonde, is not heralded ns a!'"1'"1 '" "IP autumn as a Sehnick star, "find" in the usual sense, inasmuch ns appearing first in "The Fourth Sin," she is not, by any means, a newcomer " society pla. to the screen. Her apprenticeship was' served with the I'uliersal Stock Co. at Conway Tearle.'s next screen nppear I'nlversnl City and later for sveia.flnce will be made in "Ye Shall Pa." seasons she served under Henry l.ehr- n Selznlck pioduction directed by Kalph man in Sunshine Comedies. fornlting '"''' with Xena ICccfe appearing 111 the these to go in for the drama. 1 leading lad). Journe.iing to New York, she played Hone in Famous Plnvers" Niioernrii- unction. riperieme, nnu more re- cintly with Kealnrr in support of Con- stance Ilinnev In "Such a Little Queen" 1.. .1 .... .. and of Alice Iirady in "Dawn of the East.' WHAT YOUR FAVORITE FILM STARS ARE DOING Georgo 1-aiUin and Josephine Hill ' hnie heen engaged by Universal to np pear 111 a series of two-reel Northwest r Mounted Police stories. Larkin. in a ' manner, will 'replace Hoot Gibson, who' is to maKe features. Kalph Inre, who latclv presented in Selnick pictures "The Highest Law " has just finished the direction of Con way Tcarle in "Ye Shall Pay." and has now turned to directing Elaine Haiu uierstein in "Kemorseless Love " Vann I nut ft i i linn utnri'nd in liu I (II IIU ItlXIUi WIIM lllll MIIII'll III s, , Prai Selznick productions, will he seen Connv Tearle's lending ladi 111 Shall I'ay," mi offeiini; dwei ted ib Ralph Incc. Miss Keefe now he Icins the presentation of another photo j play in which sho will he the lone star Owen Mooro will soon begin the fllin- , 111B of another coined.! featuie for the I Selznick scries. His latest, play " I Divorce of Convenience." ha inst been released. Knthrvn l'vrrv coin nines it Moore's leadliii? support Winifred Weatoier. to suppoit Con way Tearle, and Knttiryii I'eir., lead ing woman for Owen Moore, hnve been eiiKaKcd on Ion; -term inniiiirN to cou linue their assiuninents with the .Selsj. nick stars. "Hronclio lllll" Xinlci'soii, later famed as a cieeii slur, picture pro ducer and now a musical comedy man uuer, got his stoil us a horseback rider in '"ihe Lite of tin Amcriian Fire man," the lirst (future ever made. .Mrs. M. fiish, mother of Lillian anil Dorothy (iish. was able to leave Man- ( tuittan Hquaie Hospital Saturday. She K back at the Savoy Hotel on the road 10 i'icoii'1'y. . William 1). Tajlor sailed for Kuroiie yestcrilay nhounl l.a France. Jo will lie KOlie for some w celts. W llltl... .. Ml .1 1. 1.. r.UKCiir. it ill irii win in-T! oc seen 111 "Clay Dollars " a stor. that gives lnin ! nipoituiiitles soiiiewhnt npmt from Ins usunl n-ieen procciluies It's a tale of the Son 1 11 , with iiinn scenes fixed out-o( d&ors. Martha .Mansfield has started on her summer vacation, havlnir ended her 's I f mAt . - w. !w( i. i -.$ t ilir 'tx. .1 'i&! &. GLADYS GANE. &3 Maple Ave. Merchanlvilk Aewcfersey JOHNNY HINES Agnes Ayres will not go to London to1 ...i , .. . . imine n siar series ior rnmous I'lnjcrs as originally planned, but will work nt ,the l.askj plant. Kay C. Smalhvood, director of Ii number of Nnzimovu productions for Metro, will produce on his own account. Winifred YVestnver, blonde and beau tiful, seems to crave excitement in 1011 jtinuoiis fiiantities. No sooner had she ' tinisheii "liucking the I iger" with L',,11 wny Tearle than she streiiiiouslv hegnn "Ihe iMghter" with the same star FOR YOUR SCRAP J'rWMBmr -?- .aH9iH ( , aHmm - "WQmmm I ii HBHHHH MARION B. GREEN. . 4?tt Market Street Movie Beauty Contest Facts in Nutshell THK Ketzwotyl Film Co. wants to find throe girls of a fresh, attrac tive tvpe for its series of "Tooner il!e Trolley" comedies. We have agreed to find thee girN through a contest. To enter simply send your photogrnpn addressed to "Movie Heauty Contest," Rvenino Prnite LcDarn, Sixth and Chest nut streets. The winners will be employed first in minor parts nt $-10 a week. The Lest of the three will then be given the lending part in the next film at' ?I00 n week. The other two, If they show sufficient talent, will be further trained with a view to filling the leading part later. The juiy to decide the winners consists of two fnmous nrlists Leo pold Sejffeit, portrait painter. 17.10 Chestnut sheet, and Miss Harriet Sartain. principal. School of Design for Women nnd three noted photog laphers William Shewell Kllis, llii:.' Chestnut street: Wins Gold ensky, 170." Chestnut street, aud Theodore T. Mnreeau, 1000 ('best nut street. The contest will close nt noon, next Saturday. Semon Uses His Cartoon Ability I. am Semon, fouuer Philadelphia!! 'wns lnid up in a Los Angeles hospital 'for two days last week as a result of 'minor injuries sustained in tilming ;i I scene for his newest comedy, 'The Fall ,Giiy." He was n fi action it a second I late in leaping fiom the top of a gn- i:'ge which, in a comedy scene, was be- 'ig carried over a cliff. He saved hini- . self from serious injury, but another mi action of a second might hae told an eutiiely diffeieiit storj. 'Ihe mind of the Vitagraph .oniedy king seems par ticularly alert when lie is confined to the hospital, for he put his previous (artooning talent to woil. while he was bedridden and diew a model of a comedy airplatin which he will hn built for i.se in ills next comedy. Vacations Not for Ray Charles Kay has leturned to Los Angeles after a brief iest at the Grand Can) on and has ulrrndjt pliingid into woik on another production. The life of 11 motion -plrtuie star is not entirely as the imnginatie writers would have it Mr. Kaj has not had a vacation of more 'than three das" duration ffir the Inst two summers. This yiar he plans to spend the few days between produc tions resting at neatbj mountain haunts, but lie will lime no extended vacation. "School Days" Started "School Dnjs" has been nlaced in iPioduition by Wurner I!ro. William .Mgli is (lireeting mid intenors will be shot nt the ltlogrnph plain The Tllford 'Cinema Servile is designing the sets. BOOK OF STARS "anmemmmm .. '. ' HELEN 'PENNOCK. 4,4-io Sansom Street j Vitagraph Announces 1 Big Autumn Program I 7JTAGKAPH announces thnt nine! 1 " pictures are ready for the autumn season. All of these, including George Knndolph Chester's "Son of Walling ford" nnd "The Tuner Chamber." Alice .Toycc'H newest featuic, arc listed for 1 September-October release. The seven others include "When Men I Are Men." starring William Duncan and Kdith Johnson. Thin is 1111 ndapla- , Hon of "The Princess of the Desert's Dream." by Kalph Cummins. "The. Hell Hop," Larry Semon's last effort before he cracked a few ribs and put himself in the hospital, is also repre sented among the specinls. "Hring Him In." wifli Earl Williams Its thu hero, is 1 another promise, It is "Canadian ! Northwest" in flavor. II. A. Van Loan ' In the author. A melodrama, with Corinne Griffith ; nnd Catherine Cuheit, cnlled "Moral Fiber." adds to the joy of this Scntem her-October revrl. fm- n litflo ..hnnn, Alice Calhoun in "Pecirv Puts It Over" him been set for 1111 earlv fall release. Mather down-hearted between shots to Of course. Antonio Moreno, Vita- I ,ln-r- 1'erhaps it's because the report graph's Adonis, is represented in this ' of her divorce Is true. It's all too bad. potnouni of favorites. His 11.1rtie11l.1r brand will bo "The Secret of the Hills," , 1111 adaptation of a novel by William Garrett. Another feature 'is Lillian 1 Hall, an English actress, who plays op posite ,ir. .uoreno. Completing the list is Jimmy Aubrey in a' new comedy called "The Kiot." Snpidcmcnting thin schedule is the announcement of n big special to lie made with Jean Paige in the lending role. Jean Paige, who in private life is Mrs. Albert Smith, wife of the head of Vitagraph, was .such a success in "Hlack Heauty" that this "new special is in the nature of a lewaul of merit. rilOTOI'LAYN HOTB-PUy? ihA " 11 )&iasu4, COMANr r PfAMlRICA M'nmliriV.. ' -''!' Morrlii & PaynV: Av. .clIUUKV.'.u Daily t 'J. KVRa., 11:43 A 0 I iii.IaM.1 OAST In "SOME ONE IN THE HOUSE" AF I Fr.HFNIV Fan!ifoi! & AlBlienro i). xv. (iituriTii's "DREAM STREET" APOI I O 6"I THOMPSON 8T3. CARLYLE BLACKWELL In "llli: I'AOB MYSTKKY" ADCAHIA CHESTNUT Htl. 18TH M.rV'svAL'lA in A m. ,0 11,15 i. M. 1li:il I' I.YTKI.t. In "A MESSAGE FROM MARS" ACTHB FUANKLIN Sc QIRAnD AVE. MJ 1 Jt MATtNKi: DAILY nKoitci: MKi.i'nitn vkoiu'itiov "THE FAITH HEALER" BALTIMOREAnlViT1?? JKAN I'AIOr. AND srr.riAT. rST In "BLACK BEAUTY" DtTMM nTH AND WOO Dt, AND DC1MN MATIVfH: DAILY MAE MURRAY In "THK UII.DKD MIA" AVH. DI T TimiDPV Broad .V Suquehnn DLUn.DlIXL' rnnlinuniis L' until 11 i.ois wi:iikii's "WHAT'S WORTH WHILE" BROADWAY D?B1., ITS. T i. w. nuirnrii'si "DREAM STREET" road ot. Casino mat uau.y MAE MARSH In i.itti.k riiAin I.AHY r'APITHT 722 MARKET ST. LArl 1 VJL. in a r mil ij p. m. MADGE KENNEDY In "THK IIIRIIRST IlIDItKIl" COLONIAL ct?.af, i,?,00i,. T' ELLIOTT DEXTER In "THK WITCIIINO HOIK" DARByTtHE ATRE AMtTAK CAST In tlASir. KINO'S "EARTHBOUND" EMPRESS MAIM ST, MANAYUNK MATINCI! daii.v II. . I.llll I I III' "DREAM STREET" FAIRMOUNTW'' THOMAS MEIGHAN In "Till: KSY HOAD" I7AMII Y TIIKATHI.- 1311 MarU.tStT I MIV11U. I Ii A M T1 MIDNIGHT EVA NOVAK In HOI.VKS OP THK MIK1II" iATH ST tiikathi: luiow sPruc. JO in kJ I . MATIVKK DAILY VIOLA DANA In "IlLACIiMAH." FR ANKFORD '715 v"Ai?, ' W.L-STAIt CAST A'"NL,J "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" GLOBE cm MAnif, ,, , NEWS, VIEWS, RUMORS AND GOSSIP Ily CONSTANCE rALSIER Hollywood, Calif., .Tutio 4. APOPULAK rumor has it thnt Mary Plckford Is expecting another Jittlc Mary, or maybe a llttlo Douglas, In September. If "it's true. I think it's wonderful. That such happiness should come to one of such consistent nobility of character a character made sweet through adversity as well as through success is only right. Bebo Daniels has just finished "One Wild Week," from the story by Fran ces Harmer. Harrlng retakes, Miss Daniel; is going to take a little rest. She says she needs it. They say Harold Lloyd Is a very happy man now that bis old friendship with her, for some time severed, has been resinned. Miss Daniels is younger lookingoff the screen than she is on. She is very sophisticated, very non chalant, yet wltlinl what is known as a "good fellow." She seldom smiles, and when she does, It Is the slowly dawning hind. She inspires whole-hearted friendships nnd whole-souled partisans. Don't you think "Koblnson's Trous seau" is a cuto name for n comedy? That's what they call Lee Moran'fc latest. It was written by H. C. Wit wrr. whose works often Appear in our monthly public prints. The picture's just been 'finished, so jou'H probably see It soon, Scott Dar ling, who. I believe, is under contract with Christie, was loaned to Universal to put it into continuity. He's a smart. young fellow and will do bigger things one day. Do you remember Edna Fcrber's "Fauny Herself"? The wonderful pic tt re she drew of the little town of Winnebago in Wisconsin? Personally I think for actunl Middle Western Ideal color it gives "Main Street',' a run fo its money not so morbid. 'Well, what I'm trying to get at Is this: A camera wan went to Winnebago, Wis., nnd took pictures. Now they nro building an exact duplicate in Hollywood, Calif. Nice? GLORIA SWANSON has started on her new picture, "The Shulnmlte," which, as I understand it, was drama tized by Edward Knoblock from the I n by Uaudc Askew. Mahlon Ham I illm Is her leading man. She looked. because her husband. Herbert Sam borne, a non-professionnl, and she had seemed so happy. Every one thought It wns going to Inst, with the baby nnd I all. Well, life is real and life is earnest, says I" with n sigh. I met Milton Sills today. He's nicer, to my mind, off than on. He's still at work on Hetty Compson's picture, "At the End of the World," being directed b Penrhyn Stnnlaws. Cossou Fergu son has finished Ills work in it nnd will take a part in Frank O'Connor's new picture, "A Virginia Courtship," by Frank Prcsbrey, starring May Mac Avoy. Wlille Mary Nash was playing at VHOTOPI.AYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. GRANT 0" OinAUD AVK. . t... JIAT1NKK DAILY LOUISE GLAUM . In "I Alt CIUH.TY" GREAT NORTHERN TWWA". TOM MOORE In "OFFICKK flOO" IMPERIAL T" & wALNuTsmlCEDAR C0T, , .WSn ft oiiVfrfSlii " 7 ' " CONWAY TEARLE , VDREAM STREET" I nK'rrK Pl Germantown Av. anJ , m ICE"T Tt Mrk-t l)tf B0the'I "THE HIGHEST LAW I IRFR-TY unCAD ft COLUMBIA AV. "? IS5'iIN InJIACK SF,.NKTT'.S "A SMALL TOWN IDOL" OVERBROOK03D&1lvyonD CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "00011 ItKITItKNCKS" PALACF ,2U S'AIIKHT STRF.Et' "DREAM STREET" PRINCFSS ,ul8 MAHKET STIIEET BUSTER KEATON In "THi: HAI'IIKAD" RECiFNT MAHKET fcT; nelow 17TII ii-sJilsj 4 VIOLA DANA in "I'ui'Hrrs o'f i'ati;" RlAI TO GERMANTOWN AVENUB TOM MOORE In "THK OIIKAT ACCIDKNT" RUBY MAItKET ST. HEIXW 7TH BERT'LYTELLni5,,M ln "THi: I'ICICK OK ItKOKJII'TION" SAVOY '-11 MAIIKUT STIIEBT Bob Hampton of Placer" SHERWOOD iYAlT "I'ATVm MAE MURRAY' " in "I'm; (iii.Di:i, i,u." STANLEY.. NAnKirr AT 10TH ii.rt1 ,M A M- t It :ltl I'. M. MARY PICKFORD - i'U'I'iiiHjniKiACK UOOIl" STANTON, .,AnKET A1'" ifl-ni" CONSTANCE TALMADGE InJ'MAMIKItuiH IILHINKSS1.' 3?L MARKET T" 7,'Ja? wT' FAITH HEALER" VICTORIA "fA'-'JT HT Ah or" POLA NEGRI U,5"M- In "OYrSV IILOOII" AT WEST CHESTER RIALTO Ur' "l11 " Carirr ,1 HaTC f?l FROM THE HOLLYWOOD STUDlol the Mason here, she andwTT7 Jose Itubln,. vis ted the If, ..if husiH .cy called, on Mar 'ion "Fa f'r W b directing "Th0 Lvlne Tr?,-. Ivnttcrjohn i working owrtli1' continuities for Pnmouq Pi5I ,IBe sides doing these 1 two, ho tifit ' tlnulty w utoria Swanson' .nT Moment," which was ? ' 1 by Elinor Glvn from . ureat original ,: The Stars Again Shine In FmfJi' According to WIdV, Famous r, $ has nlnety-five picture, cither comS' or planned for th? fall season and tS' there remain only nine more ,.1.1 cither to buy or map out toMi to rouud out the complete 3. J1 Further that the star Te le,' returned to in n more definite . " 'J" being nl , addition to ,u ie,Kfcr Meighan, Dalton. Kcld. Swan on ?SJ' C ayton. n group from Agues AtJn ' There has been considerable speeffi or to how many German films fS Players w 11 release next year. It ? dcrstood that at present there i Zt more than two or three listed for 1 lease, although it is possible that of St nine yet to bc included In the ik ,V may be some additional German film!. Here's Mr. Bang BOB MAXMILIAN Moxmllion plays th part of ft1 Terrible Tempered Mr. Hang In tit k Toonerville Trolley comediM it ,v Jieuwonu. tie is shown her' In the mnke-up that has aroiifed to' many laughs all over the countr ? niOTOPI YS M0uPUtr rHinxjL (TtThe NIXON-NIRDLINCER I UJ THEATRES BELMONT 52D VV MAIiKH'f 6 .1-0 JO tl It nv ALICE BRADY in "out or Tim tiionts l in "irmsrL'KiNO nKVir.s'' ' ;' 'i-Bk,MH-l' '. h B" x -. Ihieh Aitnue I v -"--' I VI 1 311 , 3 fl J) to 11 , CONWAY TEARLE In "THK K9AI1 TO AMI1ITI0.N" JUMBO rnnvT ct t nrnAnn ITfr lumbn June, on rranKrora BESSIE LOVE In "IIONNIK MAY1' I P" AHTTR IST A LANCASTER AVt LCAlJtK MAflNKE DAILY MAE MURRAY in "THK OILIIEI) LILY" I (IP! IC.T asn AND I CCUST STRIP LULUOl Mft,, ,,.-,o a id v.t, niotoU WILLIAM, CIIIIIMTY f AIHXM5' j WHAT'S A WIFE WORTH ?'j NIXON B-D ANU MAn,y?s.?Vrti KOY' NTKHAIIT In I "THE LONE HAND" ' RIVOLI 62D AND 1$ASIU EDITH STORY In "THK (it)LIIK.N IIOPK" i STRAND . ...s,.,s. AVUi AT L'.SANOO HTM" it. w. oitnriTii's "DREAM STREET" j WEST ALLEGHENY a.IVV: ALUHTAU 'AST In .,, "THE CALL OF YOUTH AT flTHFfl TWRATRES MEMBERS OF M. P. T.OA XURQRA 2 awisawtt DOUGLAS FAIRBAINN) in "Tin: nut" r.m r-armantOffO Alfc I Liermantown matinee paiit i II(dil.t Notrt. .luck Holt Mill """'I . .'i "THE MASK" Dupw .51 "A"'.. "THE FAITH HPACDI.N IIKN TIIKIMN In JMfl ..HrNNEW A SMALL lUWn '"" T7.., ttil PARK RID,Vi? A. X? vMVtiii LOUISE GLAUM In fl AM flUILTl" SPRUCE potuma5PnSS LEOUR ifAUST,n JLIP1 ; hAt la "KXTRAVAOANCK" V'A . v, , j M Vh j?ti-r ljMy-jUfaAtitiiiCrf-. .1 Jhi 1Ams, Una aa a leading lady. Hhe will fare rp COLLEEN MO0BK- ' TtS