r'Ei'' 4 i i fk u ft ? ir'ir .I'fi V, ,.wJh ," '',- ' i' KV? TUESDAY, JTJNE U, 1021 PUBLIC itBDGBIN-PHlDAPBLPHIA, EVENING "jM - - J. , . , ..... p ii nannilsji aaieaaaaaajfjaisaajaflajsj JB it '-V. I Money at 8 Doubles in 9 Years 7J& if doubles in 10 year THE interest irom a bond yielding 8, com pounded annually, will amount to the price of the bond in 9 years; or in 10 years u the bond yields 7. At such rate of accumulation there is a real incentive to save and invest The present bond market offers many opportunities to acquire Safe Bonds Yielding , 7to8 Such bonds offered by Halsey, Stuart & Co. are of the quality which banks, trustees and insur ance companies select for their own investment. They are as sound as expert opinion and search ing analysis can make them. rt.i r D I ,il I ttmfwf H lit III 1 BONDS 1 mi I FT A Few Examples eArdUU rW 100, 300 and 1000 Amnts .. YtaUt. KJL 4a Baet ik Knoun O Ca. 7k , May 1.1931 Mshutrr Abeut Kdar8orisfiAlT!rtCa.SinUa( Ptjaa & .............. .May 15. 1931 Ore Northern Ry. Central Mortfafe 7a J"!? U 1936 RuCltylWtr&LtCo. lat a&olIUru&dB'e Dae. 1,1940 GovwsBMat et French RapuUfc Exarmal 7)i? IUM M941 Pardaad Rr. Ix & Power lit and Refund 7f a Mir 1,1946 jklUM fc $JMmdttoeO HMO h. 5.72 8 8 7.85 USB YOUR CRBDIT TO BUY BONDS By mean d our Investment Savinp Plane! 10y down and 106 monthly you can acrjulra bend at peasant hlh yield. Just a eflecdvejy m by paying cattuYou a allowed 6fi on all pay ment and receive the bond on com pbttoa of paytnanta. Thb plan enable alaeat anyone to bacoene a tytaoaade invactor. Many large invtatcrs are nov utfUdag thla plan to buy all de bond they can pay lor out el future Income. Haxsey, Stuart Co. pa-1 : Land Tltlo Bide., Philadelphia Please aendiM complete list and detailed dcacripdenolianteaol type checked bclowt D Covemtacnt O Municipal Railroad Induatrial D Povcr and Utht Sand booklet PA-II explaining the. Halaey. Stuart & Co. Monthly- Pay. merit Investment Plan. &Camt. off . i... ........ ..... Dry. HALSEY, STUART & CO ncorporated CHICAGO NHWrOMC PHILADELPHIA BOSTON : Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia Telephone Locust 4820 DETROIT MTLWAUKxTS GOSSIP OF THE STREET NEW YORK BOND SALES tvmtaary of Individual TranaaciWa en New York Excfcug ST.tOtriS 'MmNEAPOUS I I 1 , . . . II, Bad Debt Losses Increase Six-Fold Are You Protected?) Unforeseen credit lossei hit each of the following houset. But every one was fully pntttttd by the American' Unlimited Policy of Credit Insurance and every one was paid the sum indicated after its name. The list ii but a very small portion of all our policyholders who have been reimbursed for losses: Kum.I1 M.Ur All. C. Detroit, Mkh. M,&r Hahlo Company N.w York City IS.I3S Curtis Publishing C. Philedelphle, Pa. M.1U Cordon & PerfUtem St. Paul, Minn. 20,183 Arnold Shoe Co. N. Ablntt.n, Mut. 1.5J Van Zandt, Jaeobe C. Troy, N. V. IM York Card Papor Co. York, Pa. 1T.W1 Etoetrlo 3nr Co. Philadelphia, Pa. 1M Barkthtro Cotton Mfs Co. Adam.. Mom. I4.O00 Harry C Michaels New York City 11 ,8T Durham Hoalary Mill Durham, ti. C. ll.m Wngw Armttronc Patrelauni Co. Chicago, 111. t,So0 In times like these, money invested in a premium for the American's Policy against abnormal bad-debt losses, is the wisest money you can invest. Manufacturers and wholesalers, write or phone for the full particulars tiJay, Payments H PtlUyhUm tvtr $10,000,000.00 AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITYrCa Of NEW YORK " v' E. M. TREAT. wiiiDWf uauaa tandaio unlimitid reuoraa W. J. MORPHY, Manager J. P. McFADDEN, General Agent 1011 Chestnut St. Phone Filbert SB02 Philadelphia, Pa. GRAIN In the execution of grain ordera on the Chicago Board of Trade we are enabled by a faat pri vate wire and inatan taneoua quotationa to give excellent aenrice en all ordera, either in full or fractional lota. Weekly Grain Review Free on Request Boureau & Evans .nemofra ChCago lloard of TnuU 130 South 15th Street Philadelphia I.ocut MS2 noes 17S1 Jid j ROAMER CAR- ANNOUNCEMENT FIAT automabila, ino louowmc The Potter-Dieainger Motor Co. havln decide to (J.voU thalr anllra attention totbe aala of hv dlicontlnu.d tba enor for Roamtr cara. The company ROAMER care In etock. all of which ar eftrd for aala. New Roamer Cart At Attractive Reduced Price One four.paaaenffer tonrtnr palotod mtrin MU, kbaU top. blua Bpanlih uvholttary, wtilte wire whMla, . One thrM-pa.ii cabriolet oalntad Itborty rrean with tipanlab leathar usholitary. Tbla a a beautiful all-aeaaon oar. One Umonaine town cor painted maroon, with eold, trlplh, richly uphol. rtered, white wire wheala. The eomoany alto haa In etoek the fellawlntj One four-pMUfrr BOAMKJl dtroonatrator painted coach red, ktiakl top, blue Opanlih leather upbaletery. white wire wheel!. BUOniXY U8ED nOAMCn ceupa, aUna nre, and a four-paeaenaer tourin, car. Potter-Diesinger Motor Co. 2207 Cheetnut St. nU Phenei Sprnca SUi BAMKJCBB Dealer in Invettmant Securities tfeaOar Jftia York mud rHkuUlpMo OiotU XxoJKHffM 321 Chaatnul St, PhlUdelphla i j Trenton Pa88eng;er R. It. 1st 6s, 193i Norfolk & Portsmouth Trnc. Ca, 103G iicrancv unucuiuie i yjn, lUflO . Cities Service Corp. all issues. mCowntrCn Lend Title Bldg., Phlla- p8. Member Philadelphia Stock Kxehaitge AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE UHERTY MUTnaA. tNNrittMrm nn rkaai'Loout'81rfJ,. f0.aa b,,, 19u, Jt . V Spruce 8200 BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED U. S. Treasury Certificates All Issues SECTJR1TTE3 DETAllTSIEM' COMMERaAL TRUST COMPANY Member aXorel Steim halrm City Hall Square Weil Whlln jldliiK to one of th Maahor romnrlm nti i3i.mmr m ...milkman WtU known In'Iocnl flnnnclal clrelos anu wno la genernllj nupposftl to be w "', piled in worldly goods, atartled a;Jl of his frlundn b awertlng, "What would you think ff I should say I y" drad broke?" .After a few minutes llnce one of the party ventured to reply that thr apeaker was Joking. "Kerer was ao earneat in my life, '' tlomcn. I do not mean to say I of1 down on my uppers, but as to rcaoy real ensb I om poorer than some ot the men running this train. Let mo ex plain. My income tax payment tot last year ttns close to $250,000. Many of the concerns from which I derived my income have either reduced or omu- lr! tllr1inr1a flin InrirKnf ncrCCDtage rinlne tlin latter. Not only baa that .MAiiitt nf Innm. Itj.fln iMlt off Dtlt I cannot borrow the same amount of money on the snme securities as I olo a vpar nio. The tax narmenta tooa pre'tty much ull the loose cash I had n imnd ha vnn ran tri. I em cleaned out. To such an extent, In fact, that I an compelled to alter my entire plans for the summer and do sorao drastic economising which a few years ago would have bcemed ridiculous even to suggest. What Is more, there are lots of others In the same boat with me. Liquidation Believed to Da Over There was a growing belief after the closing yesterday that the worst of the liquidation was over. This was based largely on the idea that a good deal or. the selling had been made necessary in order to obtain funds to pay the- sec ond Installment on tho Income tax pay ments due on Wednesday. As funds lor this purpose must bo secured by toda at the latest It was felt that the end of such selling was reached yesterday morning. In all events that the char acter of the decline indicated quite clearly that tho preure comprised something else besides short Belling. This was partly Indicated Jn the ability of the list to inane any material i rm in the Intermitting rallies. A great amount of selling, of course, w for the short account In the last ten days, but the volume was nothing near as largo as some pocple estimated. One of the curious phenomena of the cur rent market is the conspicuous lac k of faith manifested on all sides. Borne of the shrewdest observers declare they look for little elso than a traders or a technical rally, as In their opinion there Is nothing In sight to bold tlja market up. For one thing there la ai together too much unanimity of opin ion as to the bear side of the market. Experience has repeatedly shown when everybody about gets to the one wav of thlnklns n radical change In the temper of the market Is not far distant. Western Money Conditions Unchanged Little change Is shown In the West - .... ,. Yn.rk.r hnnVa renorUDf the Clll tnvy .......-, ---..---- i, , T volume of new business ratner iigm. is apparent that a period of marking tlme'rls going on in manufacturing and Industrial lines whereby production Is comparatively limited and the super flelnT Imnrovement noted has arisen through tho release of certain locked -up funds or slackened demand rather tban Increased supply. Tba rflahnrsement of June Interest and dividends will afford some increase In the available supply ot tunas in cer tain quarters, but the greater propor tion of such funds will find its war directly back Into deposits, so that with the quarterly payment of Ineomo tax having to be considered, there Is reason to believe that money rates will continue fully as firm as for several weeks. Dis count rates at the leading banks con tinue on the same basis as for several weeks past. 7 per cent being the ruling rate on collateral loans, 7 to 7 per cent for commercial paper with counter transactions remaining on a 7 per cent basis. Decrease in Mexican Oil Exports A cablegram from Commercial At tnehn Carlton Jackson, at Mexico City, dated June 7, states that according U official figures, the Mexican petroleum exports durlns April amounted to 18, 200,000 barrels. This figure represents a decrease from the exports for March, which Is attributed In some quarters to manipulation, according to tno com mercial attache. (The exports from the Taraplco oil fields In March amounted to 15.500,000 barrels, ac cording to a cablegram from Commer cial Attacho Jackson. The present cable does not specify whether the April figures are for the Taraplco fields only or for the whole of Mexico; but prac tically all the Mexican oil exports come from this dUtrlct.) German Competition Kxaggerated Catching of stop orders was largely responsible for the rather violent break In the steel shares In yesterday's mar ket. Tho trading contingent, however, In openly bearish on the entire steel group end attacks these shares upon the slightest provocation. Among the fac tors to Justify such soiling are un precedented depression In the industry and the fact that German interests are offering some products In this market nt below ruling domestic prices. But the fact must not be overlooked that the trade and the financial community has been through other periods of depres xton, nnd so far as German competition In the homo market is concerned, the i trndo experts are not Inclined to worry I very much about It. Its effect is nat ' urnlly felt In a dull time when every I ton of sales counts, but with normal I consumption Germany could not affect 1 the American market for the simple reason she docs not have enough steel. THK TItADEll. Adam Era U 1 esvt Amn ACli 8 va Am B Be Be 5 78 4.. .. 76U. 1 Tl Amn T T clt 6 ITk Amn T T 6 9 OTtt (sale) OT Armour 4 Ha 1 IS A T fl Fe aj 1 98 a 8B!4 A T & 0 Fe ta ISAMta IH I10M1 1... Cuban 33. . 3... B.. 74 78 7Stt 7ST4 74 Ii T( 101 6SU C S ov I 7B 74 H 74H N T Cnt'l 44e I , 1 0., 3., 0., 3., 4.. Ooe't Province of Alberta Guaranteed Thirty Year 6 Bonds Issued by ,LethbrJdge Northern Irrigation District. Due May 1st, 1951. Principal and Inter.et payable In New TorU. The Government of the Prov. ince of Alberta has by endorse ment provided for n full and un cnjalifled guarantee of the pay ment of tho principal and Inter est of these bonds. Price: 87.52 and Interest Yielding 7 (Payment In United flutes I'undc) Writr far Circular P.6U Wood, Gundy & Co. Tneorpnratfxl 14 Wall Street, New York iutoum. ""ntreal Indan, Kns. tVlnnlJJJ PENNA. TAX FREE SECURITIES PAUL & CO. Members Falla. Mock Kxtbaata IMI CHESTNUT STRUT DIVIDEND8 DECLARED Nuequehanna main? 14.00, to mock or record juno jo. Albany and reculer aeml-annu Itallroad Co., payable July 1 Pamoua Piav.ri.l.aaliy Corn.. recuUr Quar terly of 13 on preferred, payable Auirum 1 to etock of rerord July IB. , General Cigr Co.. regular quarterly of 114 per cent on common, per cent on preferred, and 1H Per cent on the debenture preferred. Common la pnahle Ausuu 1 to toclt of record July 38; preferred Septem ber 1 to etock of record Ausuet n, and the debenture preferred October I to stock uf record September 24 Tide Water OH Co., quarterly of 2 pr cent, payapie June o io mocn oi rrcoru June 1 1 1 8 4 in A Coaat 1. Atl net ct 04 ii eH Dalt Ohio cv B 67 D Ohio 3He 2 80U Salt Otilo 4i i es 0.. .. SB 7 4H 1 A4H 1 04 H Halt A Ohio Be 1 SU 4 0AH 6 AS Si Bait Ohio Oi 1 88 D A O I I. B tWVill 1 OS Bell Telephone of Pa 7a 5.... l3tt 8.... 103U Beth B Be 'SB 2 78 Bkn Edl Co Be 2 79 Bkn Edl D Ta 1 es Brkjm n T 7e 1 44 H 1 44 H Bkn It T ct Ti 18 48 U Bkyn V K let 1 84 H Canadian N 7e 1.... 101 3.... 100H 8.... 10014 Keale) 101 1.... 101 Cen'l of Oa Sa B Can't Pac 8Vfce 8 78 C A O ov 4Ha 1... . 72H C'k A O cv Be 1 80U 3... . 8BH 1 80H 1 SOU C n A Q It 8H 1 C-Ott Chi B t Q 4 1.... 00.83 Chi D A Q AH 1 B8H 1 09S4 8 'Btt Chi A Q W 4i 1 48 1 48 Chi Mil A Tat Sound 4a 1 M Chicago Mil A 8t Paul 4s 2 SB 1 4 7 68 Chicago Mil A Bt P 4a '33 3 70H 8 70W Crleago Mil A BtP ov atts 1 65 1 6BC Crleago Mil A BtP fd Hie 1 BOH C A Nwn a '88 2 89 CA Nvrn 8087 1 00 C A N W SHe 8 07i Chi Rallw'a Be 1 03 Chi It I A P fd 1 64 1 64T4 1 04 1 4'4 1 94 Chi R I A P 4a 1 68H C A W I 7He I OS Chi V Bta 4 Si 1.. .. 70 Chicago Union Sla cl SUi 1.... 101 Chile Cop'r B B SS4 Chile Cop'r Be 1 72H 8 72X 1 74 Chinee Itly Be 1 48 City Berne He 1 00 H Cty Chrla-a 8e 2 90 City Cop'n 8 8 78 I CNIk 4'B7 B 88 B 88 1 8S Ctty 'parte Sa 1 onu 1 00 1 a 9.i 8 90,1 City Zurlrfi gi B 90S rid Cln Chi A Bt I, cm Ii 1. ... 3SV4 Cl'il Cln Chi A St L. 4H 1 78 Colo A Bo'n 4 s 1 77 1 77 Coin A 8 4e 1 7 Cont'd Oas 7a 3.... 100 I.... 100 Cuban A 8 He 1 ON 4 Dtn A R a fd 4 43 H Den A R O 4e 3 88 Det Tun'l 4s 1 76 1 78 D Match 7 lis 1 .. 103 Do Canada '38 1 93 4 03 Do Canada '39 3 00 1 00 Do Canada '81 3 86 XI De Nemours Pwd 7s 3 90 1 08 8 08 Duq Light 6e 1 90 IS T V A O en 1 .... 80 Krle II It ev D 4 63 Oen'l Eleo 0s 1.... 100 1 100 Ooodyear T A Rub Bs 09 09 09 90 09 00 00 French R 7a rets 8 73 73 Hew Tk Ctl 6 1 87 3 87 J 87 1 87 New Tk Ctl 7a 3.... 1W N Tk Cent' I Ij Bhora 8a 1 60 4 60 N T Cent'l M Central 8 3 60 New Tk Dk 4s 1 68 1 67 N T A Jar Da 1 84 8 84 N Tk Light If A Pwr la 1 81 N T Rys et Bs 2 fl N T Tale 4S 0 77 77 2 77 1 77 12 77 1 77 New T W C A Cost 4a 1 84 1 SB Nia F Pwr 6a I.. .. 86 1 86 Nth WDTtl 03 08 08 OB 08 08 0.1 08 08 05 OB R 8S 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 05 OS 1. B0... 7.... 35.... 3..., SB.... 3.. . 1.... 3S . . 30.'.'.! Oove't 8.... 3.... 1.. . 1.... 1.... 2 ... 4. 18..., 3.... Croat N R 7e 1 06 2 96 Gd Trunk rcte 1.... 100 Hud A Man fd 3. ... 06 1 66 Hud A Man In 30 37 0.. .. 87 1 87 I... . 87 1 87 111 Cent'l 5e I.... 87 tnt Met ct 4 3 13 1 11 1 11 Intbora R T fd 1 61 1 81 I M Marine 6a 8 80 8 80 4 80 1 80 Jap Oove't 3nd 20 84 Jap Oove'nt 4i 1 88 3 68 Kan C A B 3s 1 B4 1 SB 1 SB Kelly flprlng'd TColiwI 8 00 4 00 K Belgium' 6s 3 03 1 01 K Relsr'm Ta 4 08 1 08 8 08 1 08 2 08 K RelaTm rets; IB 07 07 1.. .. 07 2 07 6 07 Kingdom Den. mark et Ss 3 .... 00 1... . 09 Kingdom Nor way et 8s 1.... 100 1.... 100 Klna Bvd'n 6s 8. .. 88 K County K U A P 4s '07 1 . .. 0T Lake Shore M B'n 4s '38 A ... 83 Lehigh Val 6s t 08 1 06 1 04 Lex A East Bs 1 88 Lou A Naeh 4s 1 .... 78 Manhat EM 4n 1 . . 84 Marland Oil 8s 1 .... 06 Mai PstVm Se 4... . 04 1 05 Mleh Ct'l d 4s 1... 1... 1... 1... 3... 6... 6.. 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 2 08 N 1'aclflc It Ss 11 63 1 83 N PaolBo R 4a 3 73 Nth B Pwr 6a 1 78 Ora A Cat Ba 1 80 Org-Wn R Ca Navt Co 4s 1 68 1 68 P M Car C 8a 3 08 1 04 rao O A E Bs 1 76 Penna R R Bs 1 81 1 81 Penna Rd 6s Union Pao 6 1 09 1 09 (iKofO Ilrlt A I'd 1931 1 00 7 00 7 00 1 90 U K of O Ilrlt A I'd 1023 3 97 1 ... 07 3 07 7... . 97 UXolO Brit A I'd 1020 3 88 1 87 S... . 87 1... . 87 B 87 UKolO Brit A I'd 1887 1 84 2.. .. 88 2... 88 1.. .. 83 a 88 tJ Tank Car 7s 5.. . 100 U 8 Uraall 6s 2 .... 07 1. . 07 Saasjjaw-- -pa .aa?ailWBBaaW ' -V'. J Mealeo'i. "T J HHBta3.l D WMffiVfiP I A..... v' ' - ' :i ----T'-. tt -.ti . 7... ......... . MaaaaHHBiaiavaaaaMMnanOTaM.aw! . . 8.. . Jfllt fegw,ni mmrimiin . o w - a aTJk. aW 'A.'. 4 a .... 04 lMJkSMairiMMMyGRw' ' '(JJ It 88 1 .... 88 11 8 Mexico ss 2. ... 0O 12 ..B0 6 (aala) 60 BO 40 69 60 80 60 80 B0 49 40 49 40 40 40 I Oa 87 U S Rubb'r Bs 1... . 77 V B Rub 7a 1 08 3 08 1 98 2... . 1.. 11 6..., 8.. 6 2. . . 8 1.. . 1 0.. 4 ... 6.. . ft.. . U fl R 1. mi IUs.. 87.42 Vis. . . 88.84 ttt... 01.64 Liberty 4th 4Us.. 87.00 Vic Notes 3is... 08.38 4s. , Liberty 3V4s Liberty 1st 4 Liberty M Liberty 3d 4 Vie Notes 08.40 Utah P A L Bs 4. . . 04 Va C Ch 7H I... 00 Va Rly A P Ba 2... 65 Wabash R 1st 1 83 Wash Tvr'l 4s 2 78 Weet'n Md 4s 2 88 West B 4 rag 1 60 W A K Mfr 7S 8 08H 2 .. 98 2 08 1 . .. 08 3 08 1 08 Wilson Co lit 7 88 W A LB 4a 1 47 11.16 Mi 87.42 80.84 01.52 80.08 08.38 08.30 1.42 87.42 86.70 01. BO 80.00 0S.38 08.30 Reserve Banks' Dlsoount Rate Official rediscount rate at the tweKa Pad oral Heaervo oanas are as joiiow.i Boston . . . New Tork . Philadelphia Cleveland . Richmond . Atlanta. .... Chicago .... Bt. Louis . Minneapolis Kansas City Delia. S Ben Francleco .. e 05 05 08 05 05 04 0B 05 0S 06 Treaa, ctfs. . 6 . a .6 . a . . 6 :: Lib. Bonds. n 6 0 a A 6 6 6 0 a 6 Com' I llkre. Paper. Accept. 6 B 6 6 fl AH 5 9 6 6 vlth fl 6 fl fl 6 6 2 A Intreet niaenunt rat. corresponds kArn. hv r.rttflAia pledged as collai oral, with minimum of 6 per com In th caee of Kansas City and o f Kansas City and if Philadelphia. par cent In the caee 3 1.. 2.. 6.. 11.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 6.. Penna R R 7s 1.... 101 B 101 rltts On C A Bt L a 6a 4 80 Rep Chile rets 8.. i.. 04 Rep'o C Bs '04 1 81 Rln Grande A W'n clt 4e 11 B0 Bt L A 8 F aj 3 J 8 68 1 68 St L A B V In IB 80 1 80 2 60 Bt L A a Fran Series A 1 60 2 60 Bt L A 0 Krau Series B 12 73 1.. .. 71 Bt L A S I'ran Series C 3 88 at L Sow'n tn 1 04 Bt P't Minn A Manlt'a 4s 3 63 Ban Antonio A A P Rly 4s 1 63 Beab'd A L 6s MONEY-LENDING RATES PITILADKIJPH1A--CS4I. 0 per cent! time, 6 per cent; commercial paper, three to six months, fl per cant. , ... Note These are merely nominal quota tions, the legal rati) of Interst l;n the Stata of Pennsylvania being fixed at fl pr cent. Plus premium and commission, time money for thirty to ninety days. Is loaned at 7 to 7 per cent, while commercial paper, from thirty to ninety days la loaned at 7 to 7 per cent. The superstructure of the Beaver Bridge contains 17,000 tons of steel work. All of it was fabricated and erected by this or ganization. McClintic-Marshall Company Oenernl Offices! PlUehtirgti, Pa. Philadelphia) MORRIS HLDfl. New Yerfc, Chicago, San VVanHsrv McQintic-Marsh.aU Steel Bridges Buildings The Greatest temptation to your Wife or other inexperienced beneficiaries of your Es tate is the promise of "get-rich-quick" returns from attractive-appearing investments. You may guard against possible dissipation of your Estate by putting it In Trust with the NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY riWANt'lAI. Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, 'una 14. Spot cotton vras quiet. wltb pries eaeler on the basis of a decline of 8 points for middling at J fl7d The sales wore 3000 bales: receipts were lfl.OOO bates. Including 10,800 bales American. Futures vera aulet In tti- early (Teallnrs. npot prices- werwi Amcnuin iniuqunr, fair. 10.62d: good middling. s.Tva: run, nMriilna. R.S2d! middling. 7.67d: lour mid dllng 6.67d: good ordinary, 6.426. and ordinary. 4.67d. X y oil Pennsylvania Crude Oil Reduced rltUbursh. Juno 14 All grds of crudo I auoted In the Pittsburgh msrknt uer. reduced 25o a barrel by the, principal pur chasing agencies today, making the new prices as follows: PnnsjlanU crude. I3.7B- C'Mjntng, 11.65, Cabell, 11.68; Homareet. II. SS; Somerset Light, 11.55; Itagltnd. 1. Financial Briefs The average price of the twenty uuviriai einrn aetlv. In. aatanctta u. I'er nni yti to on ui terday to 70.08, uhlle the. twenty railroads qoounaa u.ue per cent wa..a of Krle atreet-rar man from old eraln of 30, A,t and on cent. iraur, io 4, n ana do vein, an nour. ar reduoed 10 centH an ur. to i'l. 4rt and So cents an hour, a rut of 1.0 3-8 per cent, by declalon of the Arbl- iraiion iioara. The Treaaeury Department haa made pay ment of I7B, 'JSl to the Ann Arbor Rallrou S. ano itiion io tne riiwiric nnori uin. Ter nal Co., under section 300 ot the Trans orlatlon Act, and eAO.OOfl to the Orand nK iiauway c'o, Trun Chimin Junction the act, Dstrolt Ilallrosd Co of Canada anu (.ansoa aeesee . rand rand " . i" m ine jjyw under Beetlon 313 o Tno Mey production of the to. wae e aia.noa pounna 3.600 In April and 8,605,000 I 0 pound In May. lS2n. Ih. iriMrll. nrfw4nlM ,t. .:.::: ..T.i.ii"-.v.v"""" me Hmptn was u,oiiiiruu vQunos, Kennacett Cop. .000 In uarch, production et pounds, ., It .was officially announced trdy that the United Btnlea Tpoil Products Corp. hai erranajrt, an ealanslnn of M.BOO.OOO bank loans felling due. The stock failed to ri p v ino anr-iuiirenieni, pnnwing a ... poni iivclin point fpr thMinarket session ot half 1... Mil L Mich 8... Mid B 1. . Mo i: 1 77i B W d (Is .. 08U k Or ft 76U IT BSM Mo raclflo 4e B. . . B3H 1. .. 634 Mo Tae 0s V 1 .... 83 Mont'a Pwr Bs 1.... 83 M T Cent tV,' B (sale) 04 3 04H N T Centr! 4e B 73V4 47 46 1 47 46 K 47 i. 6,. 4.. S.. 4.. t.. 8.. Blnelalr O Oil Corp'n Ttia 1 "Hi 3 B1VI 7 01H 1 91S 3 81H 1 91 Si 4 (sale) em 1 01U 3 9 Hi B'n Dell T Be i am B'n Paclflo fd 6 78 1 78k B'n Pao cv 4s 6 70U 1 76U South Rwy 4s 11 BBT4 South Rwy 6s 8 80 H Stand'd Oil of Calf rets 5.... 101 U 1 103 3.... 103 Bwts'd Con 8s B ... 103S 1.,.. 108U Tex ft Pao 1st 8 78U Third Ave aj 3 38H Union Pejj ev 8 am 16 S1U Union Pae fd 1 7SU Union Pac 4a B 78 B 78Vi 8 76S To yield over 10 Central State Elec. Corporation 5 Secured Gold Notes Due) June 1, 1922 Details on requett Blodget&Co. RctI Estate Trust Bid;., Phila. Boston Chicago Now York Walnut 1606 Race 4363 LUKENS STEEL COMPANY First Mortgage and Deed of Trust, Hated November 1. 1P30 Dankers Trust Company as Trustee une' tho above mortgage gives notice that It will receive at Ita Corporate Trust uepartmoni. No, 10 Wall Street. New Torlc City. Vl 8 o'clock P. M.. on July 7. 1031. 8ealed Proposals for the sale to It for the Sinking rund at a price not exceeding 107 tV ft and ai-erued' interest of sufficient 1st forgags 30-Tear 8 Oold Honds Issued under said mortgage to exhaust aa nearly as practlebla the sum of $100,000 on hand In the Sinking rund at the date of fhlg notice, flueh pro posals should b made In sealed envelopes and must reach the said Truetaa not later than 8 o'clock P. M.. on July 7. 1031 Notice of purchase of bonds will be mailed on July 8. 1931. and the bonds so purchased must be delivered to the Trusts, before the closs of buslnees on July 13. 1031. on which date Interest thereon will eeaee. In ease mors bonds are offered at the same price than trie Trustee can purchase It will be determined by lot which bonds will be taken. The right Is reserved to rajeot any proposals In whole er In part. Federal Income Tag Ownerehlp Certificates covering accrued Intereit nhould accompany accepted bonds. Dated at New Tork. this 7th day of June, 1931. rJANKFJU TRTJPT COMPANY ne THUrtTEn By H. P. WILSON. Jr.. Vice Preeldent. to noi.nnns or NOTicr 18 irnBEnv givkv. tjtat on Jnly 1, 1M1. ati the principal ofne of the Equitable Trust Company of New Tork, No, 97 Wall street, Ttorouh of Manhattan, City and State of New Tork. the undersigned Troy Laundry Machinery Company. Limited will redeem, at mm per cent of the face value thereof, all Ita Serial Seven Per Cent Rinkln Wiinrl flolri Note, dated January 1. 1BJ0, outstanding on the eald redemption date: and the said Notes ars hereby required to h tti.n and thare oresented for payment with all ooupona for Interest maturing sub. aequently to the said redmpllon date. The said Notes will pe-tr no further Interest after the said data. At any time prior to June SS, 1931, any holder of any of the Notes hereby called for redemption may, without prior written notice, surrender the same at the eald office of The Equitable Truet Company of New Tork. with all unmatured Interest coupons attached, for conversion Into nn equivalent aggregate par alue of 8 eumu'attve pre ferred capital stock of ttte undersigned, full paid and non-assessable, subject to adjust ment of Interest and dividends to th. date of such surrender. In the manner provided In the Trust Aarsement under which the eald Notes are Issued New Tork. May 81. 193J, TROY LACNTJRY MAmiNRRY COMPANY. LIMITKD rty BTANLP.T ItROTK President I Consult any of our of- I ficials. I THERE WAS A TIME WHEN- The Bond Buyer had to hava surplus funds. NOW The man with a limited in come can buy A FIRST MORTGAGE on the biggest. most conservative and best managed companies in the United States in $100 denom inations. Write for our Utter K f 1 BUYBABY BONDS J. F. McGOVERN & CO. Member of rhlla. Bterk ITsrhanga 1480 Mouth Trnn Ha.. Phlla. Npruoe 64 IB Boea MM Orders executed In all Markets New York! 31 tlroader ttlng numbers of bends nirnrd Trust t ompnn Cold June SERVICE Quick, intelligent, reliable service is appreciated by our clients, and by all pros pective investors. Otr Wall St. Review ta mailed free on request. R. E. Lewis & Company 702 Ftnance Bufldtng PhUadalpr.L Telephone Spruce 8317 10 Dread Bt.. Kxcliange nidi., New York Reading, Pa. THteet Wires U New Yerfc IIAIIYTOOD KLKCTMC COMPANY PIIIHT MOnTOAOK TnillTY-YKAR VIVK PKK CENT GOLD IIONIJH, Hl'K 1039. Pursuant to terms of Indenture dated (July 1. 1B0P the undersigned Invites tenders of above bonds for .ile and delivery as of July 1, 1921. at a prlre not exceeding lf7S 'and intereit to extent of SIS. 828 08 a sum 1 then pitabip to Hinxing i-una I Bealed tenders, stating numbers nfTrrea. annreeaed tn Trustee Harwood Electric Company Plret I Mortgage Thirty-Year PHe Per Cent i nnnde will be received until IS M., 28. 1931. fllRATtn TIIUHT COMPANT. Trustee OEOHOB II STUART 3d Treasurer. Philadelphia Pa June 14 1921. HAT.K A KILnurtN CORPORATION Blnklne fund Netlre healed proposals for the sale to Fldel:t Trust Company, Ttuetee, at a price not to eieMd 1024 per centum of per and accrued Interest of a sufficient amount of the first Mortgage Twenty-Tear Sinking Fund Gold Bonds of the Hale A Kllbum Corpo'ii tlnn to exhaust the sum of I800O.OO. M: h I received at ttie office of .aid Pldellty Trust , Company, Trustee, Rl'-fUl Chestnut etrt, i rhlladslphla. until Thnradny. June 31. 1921, nt it eriopx ,M, FIDELITY TAUST COMPANT. Trustee 1VJI. T. OUST. Presldsnt Itilladslphla June 10, 1P2I. BIDS INVITED FOB 888,000 LOAN BCIinOL District ef the Horough of Miaron Hill, rati. Co., P.. 30-year coupon bonds 8W and state tax. Hubmlt bids to W If. H. MrNatr. Sharon Illll. Pa on or bfore June 18, 1031. Illght reserved to reject any bids. THK TOLTIH1 Chicago Union Station lit 6VlB Due July, 1963 101 nnd Int. to Net 6.450 Townscnd Whelcn & Co. 505 Chestnut St. N. 1. Phlln. Stock Kxeliangee P rope wain CTHl. COLVMTIUH 4 OHIO RrVKK HAILROAD COMPANY n,vrJl OfHoe ef Ibe Treasurer Pittsburgh. To , June 3. 1021 Plret Mortgage 4H bonds of the Clee. land Marietta Hallway Company to an . cregalr coet of Eleven Thousand Hlx Hun dred Sixty Dollars (111. nno. OO) will be pur iaeed for the Hlnklng Pund July 1 ji, from Oie loweet blddrrs. at a price not to rireed par and Interest, Healed proposals to sell bonds must he in the hands of The I armers' Loan and Trust rompan. Ne ,.n'k City. N-fore clo of nuin"ie, viirre o w i-. ji., 80, 1921 three o'clock P. 51., Thursday, June T II B. McKNtlJHT. Treasurer Dividends Members IKYBSTO TKASn TaaiWesk'eUswCesaites Wromttui Oils 8. O, ot Indiana, OHb BritaUcaVia) Tobacco lrrA. Erp, Tonopoh Erteajskna Botston A Montana BoainefW and Market OostdlUoraa INVESTOR & TRADER" inaued weekly will give you the latest news on the stocks in the New York Curb Market. ATLANTIC VIIOH OIL COMPANY Juim X j;t The Doard of Directors of the AtlanUt vwi oil Comonj has this dny di.ci.r. I u .tividtnd rf t per share on Its rrnferr. BloeU, Clais A and dMdend of 82.82 prr ehiire on Its t'feferred sloj-Jr Class Ii, p.l.. atle July 15. 1921. to stockholders of record at the cloee of tmslness June 24. 1U21 Tne qinervnwr m .,n ""lumQ urciaratlon of tne to cir . rrriprrra stock ae is uy rrnoui. v.. niv uiuvreiKe in the 5 For bale at newsstands. Copy given without obli gation at our Board Room or Bent on request. Ask for TU-1-17. fTt eatTi fj fvmUk you eeneUt reprt$ on the JVm York Curb Market ttecktU tchUk you or Mrtt$d. It gives review of general condi tions and market trend articles, news and charts on specific stocks quotations and record of high and low prices. It will lo explain how to open an account, commission charges, deposit requirements, etc, Ask for a copy PHILADELPHIA OFFICE WIDENER BUILDING Telephones Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 5861 BALTIMORE OFFICE 4J3 EOUITABLE BUILDING Telephone St. Paul 8451 Direct Private Wirea New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia Pitlaburfh Detroit Baltimore) Cleveland Jones & Baker Member Nev? York Curb Market OTIS & CO. Stocks Bonds Acceptances Foreign Exchange Member of New York, Cleveland, Boaton, Chi cago and Detroit Stock Exchanges, the New York Cotton Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. Private wire connections with principal markets of the United States and Canada. 216 Superior Ave., N. E. CLEVELAND Naw York Boaton Detroit Cincinnati v,oiumDUs toiaas Akron Youngatown PaytOB Denver Colorado Springa J atv OM, ite the of the preferred etork Including UoUi rlastss. will be entitled to the eeni. participation CHA3. n UOLDSflOnoi'OH Mffreiarv and fraaurer LITTLE Hrill'lLKH.L NAVK.ATinTt' UIMluan .'.' l"'' nuir.tY 338 Walnut Mrret Iilladelphla. June n injl A Plvldenil offline Mr JMI per share has been declared paable rridjij', July 13, 1011. Checks will be mailed. Tranefer books to hv rloeed Mond4 June 20, 1021, at 'i o'clovk P. M. and reopm Mondai. July 1 10-1 hi 10 o'clock A. M. imESTON IlIlCAriLKY jn Tre.nurur United States Treasury Certificates are free of State and the full nor mal Federal income taxes. We invite subscriptions to Sli Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, due June 15, 1922. 554 Treasury Notes, Series "A." due June 15, 1924. At 100 and interest HARPER &TURNEB Investment Bankers Af embers of Philadelphia Stock I'xchanfft Stock Exchange Building wcrotuoti Philadelphia iummo Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland KVKHY KIM? OF HtJKCTY no.ND HERMAN HOOPES, Inc. General AsenU oOft ttr.Al, KWTATK TOPHT tlLTKl. H. L. Smith & Co. INVESTMENT SECURITIES 1009 Land Title BMi. Sprnca 8721-Z At,tMO...L&VNKl rU,B,Tov At the Mar meetlna of "is rjoard of Dlreo- I tors oi this corporation a dividend has un declereO on the preferred shares of the Auto- i mobile UanlUiiir Corporation, payable Ju& Lawrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ltlAO BKAL EbTATK TIllhT IIIJJO, linretlsate and iuUusI eorporatlen and iiirtnerelilp lurounts and prepare Lieome Tax Itetiiro. June 25 1021. at the rate of 8 per annual. P U. NKWMAN Tr.ssurer KKAMIL1N KKt'l KITII1S t OHroilATIKN l'hllsdelphla June la, invl The Hoard of Dlreeiore liui tlila ,y ,), rlared 6 dMdend of threo ner rent (3) out - tlie ernlns of the Company prtshle Julr I. 1031 to stockholders of record at the c'oee of business June IS. loal annAi.n iioi.hmas Treasurer r.nTr.nsniPH . C. S. PA1TON & cor au & CIIKBTJKUT HT!J. BANKERS SiirtcfeAnm in HAIT.KH A RTKVKNNON V,rmnv llnnrfii Willi Htrtrk buhi nn4 m4 MfmiTa I'lllll. miapu uiuuu ijiimua tLuuumtuaijjmiLiujjijcittiiul uu juuuui ui i,u i j.m j llijj uj i u NOTICK lb 1IKIIKH (IIVKK THAT THK late partnership (Ltd i lately euhalstliiK between llenrr A. Rath, (Irorxe C'arenn KdwaH ('. Bead. Jr.. tUmuel U. Kms' Bhla. under tf name of the Alph, Menu-1 Jaturtnr tomlemny, Retlslrreji was dia solved on me ievn dsy of June 1821 h oi an th. partlaa i.i., ""htP .Kdward C Read to do and nrrnrm ail .,. 1st, settle and renrlude the varinsrsnip. hiiIii.I Mnm.n ested In said Pt .lr . Is authotltl necessary to ail affairs of the H Uduard C. BeJ and Harry :- 2Rath, Oeorae Carson. mue( , worn. CRBW LEVICK COMPANY i.i ds oue iumi Ilenemlnatlvtis uf 1100, tAoA & V1000 SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS ft 00. Members I'hlladelphlu Moek Rxehanat 801 t'HKHTNOT HTKBJST STROUD & pOs ;l A 'l fc-ity'iA'lfisJl -vJ-S ww.rtM.V.v a.kt w,. ii ,s?f tfrWi. ; f "Yj ,Kj I ai.- ' 4 , , 4