W j'. . J t$ It' .. ' .fv T" . F' ' ., ' ft" ";-' "1''" ,rrt 4 . iKf-' &. X 4 .n. , X - "'SAVED FROM TURKS Brothers In Double Marriage Ceremony Culmlritlng Thrilling V. . . - rii Hunt tor Mrmenian uina .MEfUN U. S. ARMY IN WAR ' As the ctilmlnatlnc reward for over two years' Buffering, toriure nna u--vi- .mid the horrors of Armenia,, I two lmng naturallted Armenian!, mar- v ,.d two childhood swecthearta, who f a been readied from the Turks, at " 6110 Chestnut street last evening. 1 The donblo wedding of the brothers, w,th noldlers In ho 'American Armjr during the war, to tho two rescued tlrls was solemnized by the Itcv. Halg Tordunlan, pastor of the Evangelical .Church of Armenia, Slxty-third' and ' Chwtnut streets. . " The i two brothers are Aram and Karakln Samouelln. and their brldesfare Victoria Chakroakjlan, nineteen years ti nr1 Virginia Kosgounlan, twenty tSwISiI. At the- risk of 'his life Am Snraouelln succeeded not long ago In bringing his sister, her two boys and Victoria from their ;.fding nlace In Vinton, Turkey. On half a.dozen oc-, arch for his family and boyhood sweet. ""'' florins Search for Otrla The Samouelln brothers enlisted with he American Army at the outbreak of (be war. The devastation of Armenia obliterated all traces of tho girls' homes 2nd families. Relieved from-scrvlce with the American forces, Aram determined to find them if they were still alive, lie started almost two years ago for Turkey and the Near Bast. He played detective In Turkish cities, questioned Turkish soldiers and Armenian refugees ps he went along, and after hardships . and 'thousands of'h1er VSf&tuaaU country women to Turkish barems, or aban doned to die with multitudes who starved In the hills. Believed Virginia ead ' Aram reached tho United States con vinced that Virginia was dead. But Uie story of his search had soread. and Anally reached the officials of the Near East Relief at Constantinonie. There the inquiry was taken up afresh, and Virginia was located among the refu gees who had been cared for and shel tered for five years or more in the Near Hast Relief Orpbange, at tho Turkish capital. A month mo. when Virginia reached this country, tho two brothers had their tatrotnais announced. It was decided that a double wedding should be hold, but as a mark ,of gratitude for the work done In .their behalf -by Near East Belief here and in Constantinople the brides and their families held only the simplest celebration for their friends, and the funds ordinarily expended on the elaborate feast traditional among Armenian families were donated to aid the rescue work of the Near East Re lief in Armenia. SWELTER IN TIE-UP i .I. i , 8'ubway and Surface Lines Hold'Up by Blowout ' Thousands of men and women were forced to spend a very uncomfortable fifteen minutes in sweltering subway trains and stuffy surface cars during tho rush hounyesterday afternoon when a burned -out switchboard in tho Ban som street sub -station of the P. R. T. caused the power to be shut off. From 0 :16 until 5 :8d o'qlock the sub way and many surface lines on Market street were tied up, perspiring passen gers, in the cars struggling to get out while others struggled to get in. As far as Is known, no ono was hurt, but many persons got a little, nervous when the subway trains in which they were riding were stuck In the darkness between stations. "MERMAID" IS MOTHER' ,Mre.. Soheenhut, Swimming Cham pion, Hat iaby nay Mm. Harry E. Bcboenhut, formerly MlsirOlga'Dorfnar, champion wlmnwr, is the mother of a, baby boy. The baby, who will be named Harry B. Schoenhut, Jr., arrived Sunday at the "Elklns Park home of Mr. and Mrs. Schoenhut. He weights 74 pound. Mr. Schoenhut is a member of the toy-making firm of that name. Mrs. Schoenhut during her spectacular ca reer as a swimmer broke three world's records. . '-i 1 rr. 1 ' TTsTr "V -' "' " - ' i - - L, ill mmmmmmmammmmmmm l . .. . ' -m m m ' i TUF.BIJAH, JVE 14, 1011 , SH V St 1SIRT I .FNRl JRGS L M ENTW ILQCKMRKET limnl2J STREETS M litv -iiTi-ii. mk rr" a . -. LA 1..1.J TlM,j-i.ti ind perils no ni ibbi wu in. 4n h dine In Mnrsivan, a city urairoyiu bv the Turkish Invaders. The Interces sion b the Near East Relief aided the American In his task, and Aram suc lecded. finally, in rescuing five people from the inferno of war and violence. The havoc that invasion, hunger and almost continuous war have wrought in Armenia Is vividly suggested In the events btt followed. Aram had found Victoria, , .n trnce of Virginia was lost He .n.r,t months wandering from city to rltr for his own sweetheart, and re turned at last to this country, con vinced that she had been takon with Painting the . house when it is needed AA. year of neglect after tho protectlvo valuo of tho old paint is gone means a loss in valuo in any building. If your home needs "painting It ncedsjjt badly to prevent docay. Seventy .years' experience In good painting is behind every, Wilson Job. ' WtllstandthelestofitoQ -4.4N.Tth.St "Where Quality Counts" Gold Seal Eggs carton of twelve At all our Stores i fiigMrjii i I ftru-niClnl 1 atffiSSnSQflniRJiuffaiBRlnfSaSJSflaDMlNHSBBB Ntv Crtr ' at UoUUi S3.I9 MAURICE SPECTOR, Pre. 1310 Chestnut Street , Weeks ahead of the Fashion Street Dresses $5M 39.45 Emphasizing Blum policy of smart style even' to the ultra, at moderate price. These, though new; are lots in price, than you'd anticipate in less desirable fashions in June Clearance Sale. Made of the Terjr desirable Canton Crepes, Crepes de Chine and Taffeta, m the wanted navy 'blue. Duplicated, too, in white. Postscripts That are Extra Specials Wash Dresses, 12.50 Made of fine imported ginghams, voiles, linens, organdies and Swisses. Worth much more of fine line and smart effect V I T a, -favftsiM&? ''4&aj4, &- d " CiMJUL i FATIMA CIGARETTES TWENTY fir 2-" te kJ iff diffinnml wootrr'&'MTtits TomAcco Ca Commencing Tomorrow This Store )Vill Close at 5. P. M. Glove Specials for Wednesday Women's $1.25 Long Washable Suede Lisle Gloves yC pair jolity washable sucdo lisle gloves which koep 12-button-lengthvglovc8, of fine quality wai their superior fit even after repeated washings. In white, biscuit and 'cafe. Women's $1.15 Strap-Wrist Gloves Cf TVnatinVJn mKwfa.flntlltl 1t(tlf thfl Wtvl tt plnVPH TOOTTlUn like "to put on with tailored suits for travel or business wear. Comfortable, serviceable gloves, in mode and black. iJNELLENDURflS Fit Floor 98c Pair Specials in Our June Sale of Housefurnishings 12-Inch Lawn $1.25 4- Mower, Special $7.45 12-lnch eaay-runntng' mower. 20c Garden Hose, 13c foot t gi Odd lenglhi, with coupling's. No mall or phone orders. Walnut Stained Window H(r Screens 7 w IS 34 Inches high, 33-ln. extension. $1.75 Genuine O Cedar Oil Polish Triangular fSc Mops.. OVc Heavy Galvanized Wash Tubs Family lLCn Ea. Size 69c 90c Galvanized Garbage Cans. . 59c y Family elie, mid cover. an $1.25 12-Inch Fiber Floor Brooms $49.00 Peninsular Gas Cabinet Ranges, $38.25 i 1 J $85.00 White Enamel-Finish Steel Kitchen Cabinets, $59.95 Sanitary, mouso and vermin proot. Sold on Club Plan. $1.00 Solid Oak Boxes OsC ITUI Pc. Blue ,& White Canister ., .j-3 - Sets Sx85c $4.25 Folding Leatherette Card Tables $2.79 I XT 50c Table Oil cloth, yard White; 1 yards wide; ma Her' s slight Impel fictions 29c $1.50 Ice Cream Freezers, 79c These 2-quart frees ers will make toe cream in five minutes. Closing Out a Number of $175 .Bluebird Electric Washing Machines at $1yj ( & Guaranteed mechan Ically perfect. These machines have been used for demon stration purposes. $3.25 Folding Ironing dj f Board D.l" i""i"",fc $1.00 White Braided Clothes Line, 59c 100 feet $55.00 Leonard Refrigera tors, $36.95 tEffh y- $35.00 Leonard Golden Oak Finish Refrigerators ' $22.75 With white enamel lined food ohnmhf ml I noia en oiqb Flan. V SNELIENBUROS Third Floor m in "X SB ' MB ....--- . xt- .I -o-'l-5' k&A Tf ill MsW Satisfied Customers Areine rroui ui ,Sr:M ;7v t Who ye Actuauy ku uuiit lnescamw irai " ' " Our Aitthorltjr foiCWtniiiigr The Greatest-Reduction Sale of i .., - - Mens & Young Men s Fancy Light-weight Suits In Philadelphia Unrestricted Oiolce of Our Entire Stock of $35 to' $65 Fancy Suits osr at $'29.00' - $22.50 Couch Hammocks $13.95 As Pictured i i-iif-'1I'-r'ififr-t i'fl I l 1 A Tremendous Trouser Sale in Addition to Our Big Suit Event Men's $8.56, ?10 and $11 Fancy Trousers at CC Pair Comprised in this group are all-wool cassimcres, flannels, in VJ blue, grocn and brown, and a large variety of striped worsteds. Men's $15 and $16.50 Fancy Trousers at fcO ff Pair A wonderful assortment of pure wortseds, cassimeres JmJJ and flannels. Plenty of stripes suitable for wear with cutaway and frock coats. Men's $15.00 White Flannel Trousers at $0 O C Pair Absolutely all-wool and cold-water shrunk. 9JlJ Men's $10.00 Blue Serge Trousers at. . . . JjjC Cf Pair Absolutely all-wool; from 29to 83 waist measure ony9jJ w Bring in your coat and vest anil let us match them up with a pair of trousers. Plenty of outing trousers for vacation wear. II SNELLENBURT3S Third Floor Stand Extra high-grade -Couch eauipped with combina- Exeeptiormlly Hummocks, eau Hon back rest and windshield fea tures found exclusively in the higher- Tvrlccd hammocks. Large, roomy and comfortable 28 inches wide by 72 inches long, and fitted with button-tufted mattress covered with 10-ounce canvas. Made with the famous National wire snrinirs. Two styles of coverings to choose from in ail-khnki color or in a com bination of green and khaki stripes. SNFM.F.NBURflb Fourth Floor Marvelous Savings Afforded by Our Great Advance Summer Sale of Household Textiles and Domestics A1AC44X UIAU UVltU JIA.0 JAW4 A'AV VttMUUiuvi V a-- v A . U w a wv- " --wvs omy Basement unless otherwise specified. Sheets', Pilloui Cases and Muslins 10-Year Guaranteed Silver-Plated Tableware At the Smallest Fraction of ItsRcal Worth! Very attrac tively patterned silverware, bright finish, heavily silver-plated. Teaspoons, 15c Ea. Tablespoons Dessert Forks I'C-. AO Dinner Forks LtJK Dessert Spoons J Dinner Knives, 35c Ea. bHEUENBURGS First Floor An hi Notion Specials 3000 Enameled Waist Hangers 10c each Sc weights they $1.69 Bleached Seamless 81x90 Inch Sheets, 98c 29c 36-Inch Cambric, yic Yd. Berkley and Lonsdale 1'v makes. 69c Feather-Proof Ticking, Q,, Yard Ly Herringbone weave; blue and white stripes. 29c Pillow Cases 1 C Ea. Good make. 15c 25c 39c Pillow Cases, Each Size 45x88 inches. 25c & 29c 36-In Bleached 1 ) 1 Muslin, Yard, stains; -Cream of - the Crop, Arwight and Fruit of the Loom 'with slight mill Blue Ridge, On sale in the Economy Basement only. No mail or phone orders filled. One Splendid Special Value in 18c Outing Flarmel at,icr Yard Table and Household Linens $5 Double-Damask fry HZ 2400 $1.00 Lace-Trimmed Table Linen, Yard ...f, Scarfs. Each onowy oieacncu; cxira nno nea-y qual ity. Irish linen double damask, full 72 inches wide. In several attractive stripe and floral patterns. On Sale on First Floor Only 600 Dozen $8 All-Linen Napkins, Doz Excellent heavy quality pure linen; size 22x22 inches. Six lovely floral patterns. 40c All-Linen Crash Toweling, Yard Bleached, heavy pure linen Barnsley weave crash; Hntleps. 25c Huckaback Towels, Cr Ea. Heavy and absorbent. lOv All-white or with colored borders and hemmed ends. Size 18x36 inches. 50c $5.98 26c Scarfs trimmed with Enorliah-madn lnr edging and with embroidery and lace inser tion: 12 very attractive patterns. Size 18x54 inches. 60c Turkish Bath Towels, 2Cn Each., :...OOL Woven from mercerized finish two-ply Terry yarns in fancy Jacquard weaves; hemmed ends; beautiful large size. 4000 Yards British Govt. Aero plane Linen, Special at, A Cn Yard " 86-ineh-wide linen, suitable for women's and children's summer wear. Also for drapery and upholstery purposes. Bed Spreads and Blankets Well-made hangers, with little rubber buttons. All wanted dainty colors. 2500 Paper Shopping Bags, ET - Ea. It is amazing how long these bags wear and what heavy carry. Assorted styles. 1500 Pairs Children's a Hose Supporters, pair lUC Woll and strongly made. Black and white. 1000 Pairs Women's Sanitary rn Bloomers, pair OUC 2000 Pairs Women's Sew-On A Hose Supporters, pair, . . I llC Good quality olastic and well made. 2500 Real Hair Nets z' for ) - Cap shape and fringe U OC shape. All wanted shades. Every "net full giro and perfect Each . in separato en velope. SNELLENBUROS First Floor Tomorrow a Big, Special Sale of Men's Famous 35c Ipswich Socks 6 Pans in a Box for $1.35 Guaranteed socks known throughout tho 'nation for the nuaHfcv of materials, dyes and workmanship. Made of selected matorlals dyed with stainless, sanitary dyes and carefully fin, ished, being strongly re-enforced at points of hardest wear. 6 Pairs in a Box Black, cordovan, navy and gray. Guaranteed Satisfaction in Every Pair. SneTCenbUroS Ffr" Floor 1000 $3.75 Crochet Weave Bed Spreads, Ea. In Marseilles patterns; hemmed and full size. $7.50 Satin-Finish Bed Spreads, Ea. In attractive Marseilles patterns scalloped edges and cut comers or hemmed ends. Full size. $2.29 ends $4.98 with plain $5.95 Wool-Finish Blankets, Pair . . . Choice of white or gray fine heavy soft wool-finish nap blankets, with pink or bluo borders. Full size. $12.50 Wool-Filled Comfortables . . . Covered on both sides with best-quality mercerized sateen, filled with lamb's-wool. Full size. $3.49 $8.95 Colored Block Printed Bed Sets $6.50 72x92-Inch &A QO Set Spreads, at M.O English block-printed sets, consisting of one scalloped-odge spread with cut comers, and bolster throw to match. In attractive colorings. $8.50 82x94-Inch dC OS Set Spread Set DO.yO $6.50 Comfortables at $4.50 Flowered batoen and silkolinc covering, white fluffy sanitary cotton filling. Medium weight and full size. $20 California Lamb's- 19 no wool Blankets, Pair Pi."0 Vocn from pure high-grade lamb's wool with pink or blue borders and wide Ml'' b-mline. Extm lartro rimihln.lio,! -U- 'SflEllFNBURcS First Floor Economy Basement sN. SNELLENBURG & CO Matchless Value in Women's Fashioned Silk Stockings at $1.45 Pair Stockings that cannot bo matched any-" where at this, price. Made of tho bct.t-grado twelve-strand puro silk, fashioned on patented machines to follow tho slender lines of ankle and foot without wrinkling -fitting perfectly and producing a graceful shapeliness that endures after repeatccj waahin very acceptable graduation .rifts. Tn Wack, cordovan, African brown, 'Russia calf uu iiiuiici gray "-an sizes. , SneICenbUrcS st Floor Manufacturer's (Jlose-Out of $12.00 Silk Poplin Bloomer Bathing Suits at a Marveloualji Low Price Only $7.98 Stunning suitsin tho practical, be coming style shown. Trimmed with colored piping Bnd but tons. A really remarkable saving opportunity ut this early Htago in tho bathing-sult "season." Women's $8 Tuxedo- d A no Style Sweaters at. . . M"0 Stunning sweaters to add a touch of be coming color to your vacation coBtumes. I .... ,, "" m wiiyii nvyies. 1 bNELLENBURQS Second Floor iM 1 'Vi f. iYtV. VJ I i '2 TT r y :llenburg & co: .o . tiflJTSVSjnTi r( "! I tj.t.1j-'i.,,,wttf. rl. ,n .ttiijf'Y.y y;ii' jEj tnf oscLhw, V.-1 l -x , r'vi it " 1 . .!