HMfBrnmnrr 'jit -. s ' TT-iwvwrwwiwrrarTTMwnii r .w 'jrrT-7' v. ; v - r . ; ; -i'.,v - jj n. ' ', '4". "-f .!'' f V 1 7 '!'- -in "" ...,. jTTvn " .,' !-;.. j 'V , c. V iSft-'iB ft '-.JMr'jr-v i' l " " " '" ,h V M&J, '-TnJI ft ) 'i V f- XG i j1 1-' !v -. ' 4 lli 'M in i si fi- Is i 26 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 19gl Cities Service Company Cumulative Prcf'cl Stock To flfarn Over .9 1. More than 24,000 holders of record. 2. Monthly dividends. 3. Monthly statements de scribing in detail oper ations of company. 4. Broad, active market. Dividend requirements earned scleral times over Circular P far complete Information Henry L. Doherty & Company G04 Morris nuildinj; Philadelphia,- Pa. Telephone! I.ofut 1IKI I - Exempt from Fcdcrnl, State. Municipal and Local Taxation Federal Land Bank 5 Bonds Due 1941 The Supreme Court of the United States has held that these bonds were legally created as part of the banking system of the United States, and arc instru mentalities of the United States Gov ernment. Send for Descriptive Circular Bonbright & Company 437 Chettnut Street Philadelphia w Tork . lloatoii ( hiraan Dftrolt OTIS & CO. Stocks Bonds Acceptances Foreign Exchange Member of New York, Cleveland, Boston, Chi cago and Detroit Stock Exchanges, the New York Cotton Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. Private wire connections with principal markets of the United States and Canada. 216 Superior Ave., N. E. CLEVELAND New York Boston Detroit Cincinnati Columbut Toledo Akron Youngitown Dayton Denver Colorado Spring MARKET MOVED ON IRE EVEN KEEL Easier Money Conditions Influ enced Desultory Covering of Large Short Interest New Yorli, Jump 10. Dosultnr.v cnv orltiR of shorts kept totlit.v 'h slocU'nmr Krt on n more even Ire1. While 11 fnirly iiltntill,il recovery win trEls torcd the rnll.vlng power of the genenil Hit vvns mt.v tiling lint vIcnnitiM. In con eo,uniiec. trmlins lieenme tintlrrnbly Hut nt the liiRlirr levelN, imlientlnc tile bn -Iiir dcinniiil lifter the liort rrqiiirpniciits were filled ooiitlimnl pHlnfiillj limited AltoRrthef the mnrkct vvns Mirrotitided by n moie clirrrful ntinniphere n n suit of several contrlbtitltij- helpful in tllienre. iioluhle iinumK whirli vvns the relative easy eonditlott of the mil money tiimket, with lonni renewing into tiet week nl II per cent, the lowet Initial nuotntloii vinee April T2. Thru the over-night ndvtees from Mexico indi en ted it more conciliatory nttitiide o't the pnrt of the Obresnn (inwrnnif nt. An ndditionnl strengthening element vvns the fnilnre of mini; of eterdny'- di conrerting rumors enncerning individ uals, institutions tint corporntiotiM to ninternllzc. Teehnienllj n rnll, vvns overdue mid a certain nmotint of week-end evening up on tile part of the professional traders was to lie looked for unle-ts "ome cieat disturbing event had turned i tip overnight. The shrinkage of 'M'2.- i.ti tons in the untitled orders n ported bj the I'nited Stales Steel Corporation, making the month's tonnage the small est since March. HUH. caused little surprise: to the contrary, it lind been generally expected, and as a result was already discounted. More concern is entertained regarding predicted further reduction in st'-rl prices, which it is be lieved is unavoidable. ' Considerable strength was imparted to the list bv the continued improve ment in the country's banking position as reflected In the statements of the Federal Reserve IIank. The combined reserve ratio of the s.vMcm tills week rose from ."i7. 1 per cent to .is..", per cent. Kxpanson was even greater in the local bank, the ratio gaining .'!-!' per cent to 01.- per cent, against HO..", per cent last week. The gold ieerve of the local institution stands at !'". per rent, more than double of that of a jenr ago. when the ratio was 1.1.5 per I cent. I Selling pressure was resumed at the I opening i s result of marginal calls. A ' few leaders, particularly high-priced ' oils, showed slight recoveries from yes j terday's leces'lons. On the reduced divi ! dend I'tnli Copper made n fuithcr de j clinu of 1 point and Atlantic (iulf lost l's. Jlcthletiem, t rueiblo, x iiniintum and United States Steels vvrni fraction ally lower with Americun Smelting. Hails and equipments mudc nominal gains mid losses. .l'riccs steadied within the. llrs-t half hour on buying of Mexi can and l'an -American Petroleums and : linldvviu Uoeomotive, together with a brisk rally in t'tnh Copper. ! Momentum was given to the earlv I rally b a 0 pep cent opening rate for call money. Oils, including General Asphalt, California Petroleum, Asso ciated Oil Hnd Pacific Oil improved their position and motor and tire issue also strengthened. American and Hald wln Locomotives, American Car and Pullman were among the stronger equipments. Shippings, leathers, to bacco made moderate gains. Offsetting features embraced Atlantic Gulf. New York Air Ilrake. Montana Power, i'a mous Players, common and preferred, and several of the gas shares, which de clined 1 to I points. In the bond mar ket Liberty 51'ys showed exceptional strength. DEALINGS LIGHT iy LOCAL SHARES NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS J nic Site In I 100 101) ft .100 ttoo 1400 loo 400 400 300 3100 too 200 100 100 300 ion 30.1 SDft .no loo 'inn fltn too loo 300 300 .too 300 .190 10000 100 tsoo 100 f soo I zoo I '10 3.100 .100 100 .190 loo .11300 too too 100 SII0 0700 V90 790") JIUli I Air Reduction 31 .. Alnska Gold Mines... M 4 Allied rhem A, Dye... l 1 Allied Client & Dye at. 80 Ji 4 Allls-Chalmcrs M 7 Allls-Chalmcrs pf .... Am Agrlo Chem " ? 4 Am Hank Note lU .. Am ncet Sugar 80U .. Am Can W 7 Am Can pf ai U 13 Ant Car & Fdy 13S Ant Chicle 20 .. Am Cotton Oil l'Ti Am KxprpM IZVi ..'Am Hide & Leather.. H'.' .. Am Hide & T.cnther pf 0 .. Am Internal Corp.... 3SU I Ant-La Franco Kng... "'a .. Ant Linseed IS'4 Am Ixicomotlve S3 'A 7 Am licomotlvc pf . I0I' I Am Oodlator 70 .. Am Safety rtnzor. . . . ' .. Am Ship & Com .. Am Smelt & nof 3'! 7 Am Smelt & nef pf... 74 Ji H Am Snuff 1041-i 3 Am Steel Foundries.. 27J4 7 Am Sugar Hef 77 H 7 Am Sugar Uct pf "I Am Sumatra . SH'i 0 Am Tel & Tel 104'4 13 Am Tobacco 133' 3 7 Am Woolen 7"2 .. Am Zinc Iad & Smelt H',i .. Anaconda Copper .... 38'i 0 Asso Oil S7',i .. Atlanta Rlr & Atlantic 3H 7 Atlantic Coast Line... PS'-i . . Atlantic Fruit $' .. Atl C.ulf SWISS,.. 32 .. Atl Oulf ft ff I S 3 pf 3' ? 0 Atclt Top ft Santa Fe. 70it 7 Austin Nicholas Inc pf M'i 7 Baldwin IOcomotlvo. . 7R .. Baltimore ft Ohio 38', fl Bethlehem Steel 0'i B Bethlehem Steel n.... f.1U 300 2.60 Hnrnwlaln Class B.. French 72. MILTON HEIM&'CO STOCKS-rORtlCN KCHANCTBONDS wiMoim ZH llOeiPHIA JIQCn CXCHANQt. CONiOUOATCDSTOCXIXCMANCWui 1622 Chestnut Street rhonrsi n. Spruce S041-3-S-1 . KejrtQnpi Knrx 750 T nroadwny & 489 Bth Ar.. N. T. Stamford. Conn. Snrlnrfltld. Man. Price lariations Were Con fined Within Very Marrow Fractional Limits Foreign Exchange Explained An Interesting hnnk n plalnlnr W"1- fl. IMenna & Co. 221 S. 15th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Belt Telephone! Lnrunt 1778 The volume of business was ;inall and price movement was narrow in today's local market. Dealings again con spicuously lacked initiative, find, much the same oh in the previous sessions. I sentiment and operations wen Infill i enced wholly by the developments of the l New Tork market ' Thero was little in way of local news 'or happenings to stir up freth interest in tlto Hlnwer moving local scares. As a result the greater part of the dealing "pro therefore of the familiar per functory lype. Despite tl.o restricted transitions there was an nnusiialh lib "al representation of tin- local groii s, Price variations nnd net rhnngos were mived. Willi the m.iioritv either tin- In atniDl4 lanllrA fin mr.n-n i , UmJ .... t in.. ,....n I I. U m"'?iti flV" of r";',',,!,f;ln""'lIHer gains and los..,., ,.,,. ,-cgist. ml Sent fre upon rrni0t for honvi.t i bv the ttnitivi si , ire- r " .( tin' sitoraire liatlerv l.e Mizit 'nllev tex dividend I. Philiidelpbla In "iilnted Wire. Philadelphia Klecirie omnmn and preferred. I'ltilnilelphiii Hnpid Transit ami l uited tins Im liroveineiit wen- from 'H to ' point lowei Philadelphia Traction moved up ""j points from the last sale, wlii'i- ' York Kailwavs preferred lost I'u tin Luke Superior, Lehigh Navigation. Pennsv Ivanin Salt. I'lilnn Traction and Tonopnh Mining were unchnnged. The further improvement shown b.v the Keileral Reserve banks was regn.ih'd a- encouraging, and was In some quar ters taken as foreshadowing :i furtfier reduction in the rediscount rates v iloj Federal institution'. 200 100 100 409 10 4701) 3t)0 200 100 200 2800 400 300 loo 4200 300 300 . 300 700 200 100 2100 100 1 100 too 200 too 4100 tr.soo too 200 100 ' 300 100 too 200 1(100 3u0( : 7100 1100 3.100 101 100 100 330 100 -3300 1000 400 fisOO too 1.100 20000 400 7000 100 300 .10.1 331) AOO ' 310 a boo 300 100 M0 200 400 300 300 2300 too 10J0 100 AUU 3030 I 100 20 Hrklyn Ripld Transit IIU .. Butto Copper ft zinc. 4'8 .. Butte ft Superior Cop. 13'? .. Caddo Central Oft B... 12,'a 0 California Packing . . . B .. California Petroleum . 414 7 California Petrol pf... 73'j 5 Cnl Zinc ft Lead 10 Canadian raelflc ....1I0' . . Case ,! t .. Ccntrnl Leather 3B"2 7 Central leather pt... 71 'i .. Cltpsapeake ft Ohio... M . . Cerro de Pco 20 fl Chandler Motor C0 .. Chicago ft Gt West... i'i .. Chicago ft C,t West pf 17 'a .. Chicago Mil ft St P.. . 2fi!4 .. Chicago Mil ft St P pf 40' j ft Chicago Northwestern ' b 7 Clil ft Northwest pf..100 . . Chi U I ft Pnc 31 '-i 6 Chi n T ft Pac 0 pf. 3 .. Chile Copper " .. Chlno Copper '-' .. Coca-Cola 25 .. Col ft Southern 35 'J Columb Cias ft Hlcc... Hi .. Col Oraphophone .... fi'i 7 Col Graphophone pf. . . '- 4 Comput Tab Records. 30 ij, .. Consolidated DIs Ins. . fi'i 7 Consolidated Oas .... SI'-j .. Consolidated Textiles. 17i 7 Continental Can 49 .. Continental Candy ... 1 4 Com Products Ref.... B5: .SO Cosden & Co Wi 8 Crucible Steel '!i .60 Cuban Am Sugar !"' .. Cuban Cane Sugar... 12 'i .. Cuban Cane Sugar pf. 37' j 0 Delaware ft Hudson.. OS . . Denver ft Rio Gr pf... 1 Dome Mines .. rik Horn Conl r. F.ndlcott-Johnson .. Erie i .. Erie 1st pf 8 Famous Players I. . . 8 Famous Plajers L pf . . Flsk Rubber General Asphnlt I'i 17 IH34 2S 13 1H14 r,7 70'j 11 8 General Electric 138i I General Motors 10 fl Motors pf fit 8 Oen Motors dob 6""i... li'i'i .. Goodrleb B F 34 'j 7 Croat Northern pf . . . . 7'v 4 Gt Nor Ore oil's 27 3 liuantnn.iino Sugar .. 0 .. Houston Oil 04 '4 ,00 Indian Refining ! 00 Indlithoma Rettnlng .. 4 .. Inspiration Con Cop.. 3.1 .. Inter Con Corp .. Inter Con Corp pf.... 10 'j . . Intermit Agrlcul 7 fi Int Agrlcul Corp pt... 304 G Int Harx'ester new... so .. Int Mer Marine 13'a 0 Int Mer Marino pf 50?, 7 Int Motortruck 1st pf . 70 .. International Nickel.. H' .. International Paper. .,4si2 6 International Taper pf'.lU !w 31 H 38 89V. zm 73 3 J '4 SIU 30 "a 37 Vi 81 Ji 3.1?i 20 17! lTii 0 34', 8t'j 4KI, 8314 I03''a CO '4 SH 37! 73 103Ji 27 ' 74 H 01 57 Ji lOi'i 13l7 73' 8" 4 37'i 87 3'a e4i, fi'i 371, 3.1 " i 79'4 S3 i 70 li 38 .53 20 ll'i 4'i 13'i 13' i in 70 4H 110H .1 71 'a M'l 20 58', 7i2 I7.i 20 i .19' j til's 100 30 'i 03 10'i 21 27 .12 'j S5 5 27 sniR HA 7'4 49 1 f4!i 27 til 104 12 J7'j 05 I "2 17 834 l i I2'i IK 1 3 J, 55', 1281; 9', (!4 C334 .1.1' 4 07 27' 4 9 13 s 4 325, 3'a 10', 30 , S4, 131, 50 70 14!', 57 J1U t-30 Net Cloao Chat. 31 - m 4ii 5 80J4 . . 33Ji - 73 3J'a - H fitl'4 30J4 . 21 Va- H 8IJ4- J4 131 U- Ji 20 - "i 17 Ji- Ji n.ij'H W Hii- V4 50 35 !i I- Ji 45 H - Ji 82 H Ji 103J', 70 ?i 8Ji I Ji 37 Ji - 3i 73 - Vi 103Ji - 1 27 'i V I, 74 Ji- 2y, 91 5815 r 3J lOIVa 1- !i 173 J4 ! 3Ji 74 "1 I Hi 8'i 37 4- H 07i 3 2H .. 85 Vz 1- '4 0" - Ji 27 li- &H ?5j- 3 70 H 52l'2- 2 78 3 38Ti .Hli 5014 - 14 3Ji- 1J4 20 11 !i- H 4V4 .. 12' 4- U 13Ji H 50 41 Hi- 'H 72-i - 3J4 44 1104- riv. Sale, In 200 ItlKh Invlnciblo Oil Corp... 14 r3809 .. island Oil 34 100 . , Jewel Tea 8 1009 .. Kansas City Southern. ViJi 2000 4 KollySprlnEflcId Tiro. 37 J4 100 . . Kelsey Wheel ' 1300 .. Kenneoott Coppr ... 199, 1501 .. Keystone T&R ? 500 .. Lackawanna Steel... 41 10 2 Loe Rubber Tire 3' J'a 40 -H 2 1Oowe Co 11 1 Loft Catidy 10 Ji 12 Ijrlllard .Tobacco ....16 7 lioulsvllto ft NaahvIllolOS 10 ManatI Sugar 'U . . Market St Ry . . .Market St Hy pr pf . . . 38J4 . . Marland Oil 10 400 3.80 Lehigh Valley . I70O ?no 100 .100 loo 100 100 100 too tot) 21000 100 '1 1 2 141 H SOJ'a II A Mldvalo Steel 24 j Minn ft St Ixjulfl 11 JO Mo Kansas ft Texas. . . 3J4 , . Missouri Pacific 20i . Missouri Pacific Df.... 38 3 Montana Power 0J4 , . Mulllna Body lnH 1. National Acmo Co.... 1S4 0 Nat Enam ft Stamp.. 61 fi N Y Air Brake fl New York Central.. Now York C of St I. . . Maxwell Motor . .. 8 May Dept Stores . 13 Mexican Petroleum Mlnml Conner .... 3009 i. 00 Middle States Corp .1000 200 100 fiV.1700 200 403 .100 .100 i .109 ;: 100 joa 100 100 2.00 New York Dock... 58 US 48 284 UH u.lH CO 2 24 ', 145 HJ4 13 0J4 30 04 J4 3534 -714 50' 4 20 ( r.04 f 1J4 i '1 iO'i 4- fi4Ji 100 - 31 'i J 03 - It -!- 34 27 334- 3 55 - 4 5 - 4 37 50 J',-! J', m MJO- li 174- 19 1 1 - J4 65 4 f 'j 3S4 1J4 CI 'j . 17 12 37J4 - H 93 H 1 l'4 i - IMi i:34 i-134- ,IS4-csj;-7J4-134-554 - I28i 10 J 01 - (13 'i J4' o7'a 2Ji4 9 f,S H -4 - 334 T 4 104 (14 304 'r !54 r 13 ! - 5or, 14 70 - A "!i .. 67 - J'4 71 Ji- A V2 'V't Ji 'e 24 -i .- 4 I '4 Ji !l K 'l4 Ji ', 00 .. New York N 11 ft II, 100 7 Norfolk ft Western . , 3000 7 Northern Pacific .... 2000 .40 Okla Prod ft Ref..., 103 2 Orpheum Circuit ..., 300 8 Otis Elevator , 409 .. Otis Steel , !I1300 . . Pacific Devel Corp. . . 100 5 Pacific Gas & Eke, 12000 .. Pacific Oil 10500 o Pan-Amrr Petrol .., 2500 a Pan-Amer R 48J4 tOOO 2 Pennsylvania R R.... 34 J4 COO .. Penn Seaboard Steel.. 84 1000 .. Peoples Gas Chicago. 47 300 .. Pcro Marquetto 20?i 3500 .. Plerco-Arrow Motor.. 10 J4 100 8 Plercc-Arrow pf 47i 309 ..Pierce Oil !4 !. 200 8 Pierce Oil pf 82 J4 100 0 pitta Coal 7,4 400 .. Pittsburgh ft W Va... 281-i 200 1 Pond Creek Coal 14 400 8 Pressed Steel Car 70 1600 s Pullman D9JA 500 fl Punta Alegro Sugar.. 28 moo 4 on 204 100 3.11 Rand Mln Am Shares. 20J4 609 .. Ray Con Copper 1 f00 4 Reading 08$ 600 .. Remington Typewriter 19JA 390 .. Replo Steel 2.1J4 5300 .. Republic Iron & Steel. 49Ji UOil a 20 Roval Dutch NY 57 COO .. St Louis San Fran... 234 20O .. hi I.ouls Southwest... 25Ji 200 . St Louis Southwest pf 31 JA 209 .. Saxon Motor 3J4 100 .. Seaboard Air Llnu... 200 .. Seaboard Aire Lino pt. 0J4 100 .',4 Shell Tranrport 43 420n .. Sinclair Oil l?i 100 7 Moss-Shcrf pf 70 100 .. So Porto Rico Sugiir.. 48 3300 4 tsouthern Pacltlo 72 Ji 1100 .. Southern Rail 10?i COO .. Southern Rail pf 47 COO r, Standard Oil of N J. . .135 100 7 Standnrd Oil of N J ptlOtiH 300 .. Strontberg Carb 34 20S0U 7 Studebaker 714 M0 .. Superior Oil Corp 6J4 3U0 0 Superior Steel 33J4 7300 3 Texas Co 31 JJ 100 .. Texas Co. ct. full paid 32 200 .. Tcxhs ft Pacific 33 1300 l Texan & Pac C & O.. 33 14 100 fl Tobacco Products.... 64 3100 ..Trans Con Oil 000 .. Union Oil 30J4 500 10 Union Pacific 117 100 .. Union Tank Car OS 3U0 . United Alloy Steel.... 21 2300 3 United Retail Storea. . 50'4 100 . . II S Express 6'4 1200 ...US Food Products... 19 3I0U .. U S Ind Alcotiol 01 J, 5UU ..US Realty ft Imp.... 47J, SSOti , a V H Rubber 684 100 8 C S Rubber 1st pf.... Oil 21009 fl C rf Steel 77 '4 4100 2 Ptah Copper 1914 1500 .. Vanadium Corp 2S'i 600 .. Vu-Carolma Chem ... 80 1, 400 8 Va-Ciir ('Item pf 72Ji 17U0 .. Vlvuudou Inc K'a ! 20J ,. Wabash 8 C00 . . Wabash pt A 20 ?i 1200 2 Weber ft Ileilbroncr.. 13 600 .. Western Maryland ... '4 3U0 7 Western Union Tel... 874 700 4 Wtstlnghouse B & M. 454 200 .. Wheeling ft L E pf... 15Ji 700 .. Whltu Oil Cotp 10J4 COO 4 Whltu Motor 334 3100 .. Willys-Overland 74 lOu .. Willys-Overland pf ... olji 400 5 Wilson & Co 33'': 000 6 Worthlngton Pump . . 4,'j 100 0 Worth Pump pf 11.... 01 Ex-dividend. Low 14 34 8 24 !i 35 J' 63 19 im 0 37 Ji 40 J j 104 in 150 103 J4 454 4 38)4 in 83 13GJ4 20 HJ4 24 J4 11J4 3J4 104 38J4 60 1J4 1HJ4 614 68 08 48 2H 17 VS 134 C84 1J4 24 J4 113 11J4 134 50 J', 34 J4 62 J4 47 34 Ji 84 47 204 10 47Ji HJ'a 2!4 61 Vt 28 It 78 074 27 Ji 28 20 J4 12 (4 f.7 4 18'i 23 J4 484 654 22 26(1 3I4 354 G n4 43 204 70 4S WA 10J4 40J4 1:13 1004 .134 004 6J4 3.1 Ji 33 33 33 214 64 74 104 lift OS 23J4 60 6J4 174 no 47J4 60(4 fir. 704 474 37 Ji 201, 714 7J-, 7 4 204 13 0!i Bi'i 45 15?i 104 33 7 4 34 Ji 33 4 4534 CI 1:30 Net Clono Che. 14 S.. 34 !t 8 ny-r v 30Ji ?4 63 19 MM 41 37Ji 594 1 11 10 - 150 105 - 1. Vi I H 3n 454 I -r 38J4I- 19 I- 34- Ji 83 -r 3 137 J4- X 20J4 " 31 11J4 I- Ji 34 J4- Ji 11 '4 Vi 104- ? 3SJ4 60 -194 IHJi-614- 68 -08 -48 284 -t- !ft i7'4i- v 34- 00 m 21J4 143 -11'-13 50 J', -354 t 63'j 47'4 4 -r 204 10 - J5 47 Ji- Ji Mi Ji (12 !4 t- 2J4 574 I" H 28 Ji- Ji 14 79 074 - r 27 !s- Ji 28 - 14 2Ji- 1 13 1- i 084 Hi 19 J4- 'A 2.1'i .. 40 4 65 Ji- 'A 234 1J FIRMER TONE TO T HE CURB MARKET Volume of Business Very Small Because of Reluctance to Follow Up Advances New i'ork, Juno 10. A pood deal of satisfaction vns shown over the mnnner on the Droad Street Ctub In todnyV trndlng in which the lcadlnc industrials and petroleum shares were maintained throughout the week, al though the market oil the Stock Kx rhango had been so neutely unsettled, ...III, ,n,... tlnnll nil I tin lllrr llOnril FCll Inc nt tli lowest liriccs touched in J-J"-. . . . e .1.. Htiy inc "orders were in many 01 " industrial issues in largo volume, lint those bidding for stocks were not dis posed to pny advances and on that ac count movements 'of these issues were narrow nud the volume of business transacted was Binall. Aetna LMdosivci ngnln sold at ll'j. tbat price ap pnrenllv being the return obtainable in tho distribution of the amount received from the Hercules Powder Co. .There was n fair nmotint of business in (tlen Allien Coal, which sold at 41 and J0. Packing stocks were proiniiient. Libby, McNeill & Libby sold nt S. Southern Coal and Iron was Meady, with n fair demand nt .Tfc. Hetnil Candy was quiet, with a Email amount of trading nt 7. Chicago and Lnstcrn Illinois common was unchanged at There watt a firmer tone to the 1 e troleum market generally, nlthougli Anglo-American Oil was again influ enced by the proposed Issue of new com mon Ktoelt nnd was traded In at lt)'ij to 15Vi. Standard Oil of Itidianu was one 1 from innced ognin sold nt (l:'t nnd the rights were traded in nt ami n-iu okciij u sold at 4 nnd :iT(. Simms Petroleuui was bteody nt 7;' nnd 7. Tho fen tun. of the mlnlnc Croup VVU" Kurekn Croesus, which had 11 break from 4(5 to i.5 cents a share on tue report o. rulings made on the stock uuder tln Mlclugan Dine Sky Law. lMtTni.I.S Prnfflahte An attractive and well diversified selection of high - grade bonds, suitable for the con servative investment of funds. To yield from 5 to 8 List vpoit request . IRrfmond&ifo. Broad & Sansom Sts. 33 Pine St. Philadelphia New York Baltimore Pittsburgh Watttington f the strong features, moving up G0',6 to 07V2- Cnrib Syndicate 1 from IPs t" W- u u,,sln fib 4 Spruce 8200 is H I 231 !a 14 J4 S4 4 4 ii 'A 25Ji- J4'j- 3!i- (1 - 3J4- 43 314 70 -4H -73Ji-101J-4GJ4-133 10114 31 -70 H Ji I 32 22 32!. 64 74- 204 li 14 98-3 23J4 l!4 60J4 4 5J4 - a I8J4 J4 nt -h l iv.ii 4 66J4B 4 or, j'i 77"', - 4 484 4 28 2!i- li 73 - 8)i r 13J4 16,4 104 3:t - 54 34J4 332 154 01 Aetna nxplo ctfa c n i: iii Kmolro Voad (.llmi Allien Coal . llbliy AlcMeil . . . Perfection Tire . . . Kailin Com rref . . Southern Htnnd Com Tab . . Ktnnd Com pref .. U 8 DiatrlliulliiB . U H Hhlli Corn . . . II S Steam United Ilet C'nmly t'nlon Carblito .. . . Utilveraul Uum . . Hlch It7? , 131 , 114 . 11 , H Ji H'i . r.tVa , nt , 21 in 11 on Iw l.nst llji Ilia u i:tt 114 10 rl S'i r.s us 21 4 7 10 IS" 11k, 4nj S .." .14 riw us 21 BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED U. S. Treasury Certificates All Issues sr.cuniTtES nF.rAKTMr.NT COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Mcmhrr lVdernt Resrrve Sjstrin City Hall Square West Our June Bond Circular rV crib" 16S bonds and noS' which we recommend fl, InveBtment ts , These includes Government and ' Municipal Bond Short Term Bonds and, Notes Railroad Bonds Long Torm Bonds Ask for Circular F-n Harris, Forbes & Co Pln St., Cor. William NEW YORK Philadelphia Office Widcncr Bldg. fcTANDAM) (UI.S AnBlo-ATnfr Oil IJJa Stand Oil of IndT 07W IMllU'KMIENT OIUS Alllrd Oil ) ArkKnaas Natural Gaa.l.. Ilalto ivt Iloono Oil , lloiton 1VomlnB .... Carlli Sjlid Creolo SnJ Denny Oil Klk llasln Tot I'.lk Ilnaln rlRhta .... KiiL'lncprK I'etrol .... IluilKon Oil Alarnralbo Oil .Moxlru Oil Mountain I'roducts . No Co I'et Omar Oil Producer 4 Hcflners . Slmnra Pet Hkolly Oil Toxon In Texai Oil United Hoyalty 1 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET riiiraRn, June 10. Wheat .tnrtoil Chlcwto. Jun in CATTLE. Ilccelpta. ,'irMio. genrrnlli cleans, too at-r. ... bulk. 7 "BtTB SO. bulk fat "h atnr-k jntf rannr and rutiora larcely JISOBS.":., h" loefa hullH nnltl ! r.Mf 4 R5. butcbi bultM $5 RiiI(l Mi. bulk vealcr calves. JO'S v i?o,ft-KKS.Fp'E. 5: '" "erSrr- Ten rM(.'Hh July 2t- to .Vie higher Tm Srp-::;.uVVW"wp?yw5""u?k- ,tc"lbf''- "i2c bettor than the pre jw.iii'ii s :m iiH mnatl 105 iushr. bulkltintis rlnso. Thrip vvns n Rcnernl rush ilrjilrnbl rlc arnuml Jh 2iV 1 . . 1 . .1 j sni:np- lieiipis i".uiirt head slow, to rover ycstenln.v t late sales nnd v"Hk ' -' lever '"i1 .n".,K. 'rr'"?." j5? : offern ich were limited. JJeeeints in- I.. I . . . . rt r I m 1 T 7i nt If 111 Tlliri.ll V-IT- 1 - - - p. - si.'.r.n few (.imd rjn-ruunl native f,n - J I ' CASHIER of out-of-town National Bank deiirea banking connection in Philadelphia or n position of xeiponaibility with firat - claaa commercial houae. Age 28. C 423. Ledger Office. "TnTnrrnrrrrrj A Controlling Interest In a natlonallv nilvertlseil inniififnr turlnc corporation, well financed ami with a contitiuouH rerord of .-tondllv lncrcaniiiR sales and earning for the paiit fifteen vearii tniiv lie rer-wrd on reasonable tcrim an cxcvllent oppor tunity for tlieitKlit nun or croup of mtn to buy into a vigorous going; concern ( 420, l.i:il(,i;il Ol ( i; Philadelphia Storks LIBERTY Bmm Bouaht and told for cath at Stock ExchantjePrlcea. ISAAC STARR, Jr. & CO. , 16th &. Saniom Sti., Phlla, Uenb;r Vitln. Stock Uxchange ' and X Y I otton Exchange GE0.A.HUHN & SONS ' HTOrilH AND WINDS Memtxra of th rhlladeliihU. New Sork and Chltafo stock lCwbangea Ntw Ysrb Cotton Kitbanie CenmltMon Ordan Executed In Ail the Prinolpal Market .Iharty. Bontf-louaht and told i roar Mtt 111 Vlnul fit. pA mniuiwmj. Atiantlo city kAmbaatadar Hotel ITikIi IL'.". Am Str . .'II1-.. KMltl'nlinn ('inn' 1'J'm !l r.le..Sinr.JI)"'.. 14 I Co A 'J! I 1IM1 l.llki- Slip N'j 1011 l.i-li nv r.4'M "((Leli Vnl III-1. .".T'j l'a IE I!.. :!'.. 7." I'n Salt . 117 1! I'liiln Ins Wire .'.P-. J. I'liiln Klee -Jl'j J I I (In pref . '.'.""u 17 I'liiln It T, 17', 'tl rinliiTini- .".I' 1'J." 'I'lin.i I 'i I." I n Trn .".'.. r,(i i ij i. . :tn. I IS t.w S'.i I2S lliK K7', 107',, J!l Vet i I "1 II) 'i :;s ji'.' J.V-S IT', ."ii I'i ::u.. 77' , L'li m.. . filK. HI'S :u ' '. . t'.7 ". r.i'.. .-1 ' .. i'i. .nil... i t--1-.- S West .lei K S . . . 'JS !." VoiK Kvv.v pref. . . 2S et chnrae rnide b comparison with last al on New York Uchanae K dividend todaj I.ehtsh altej. 1 t per cent 1'HITDKI.l'IIIA IIOMIS '-'ST, 2S!h I'm ritt-liiireh, Jnre 10. HflCS pc.irt. inno hewl I'j-ver Henvl'e Hg .. hev lich' -r'r,tr and piK" J? ifift " HKi:P 'iM I.AMrtS rtei-elrtB Jnn he, i Hieo'l' Top heep ts .10. ton lamp-. m i AIA i: - lt'ie.pti. J.Ki head Me.,,1 . Top 511 Kiii lluriHli.. V .tune in- rvrn.r It.celtile L'.'p'i b .id elrcnc ..,,. I .VI. lif- -Kec; PIS li.uu nenrj ? i i nisn ei J.'. 1 1. II' "H Itecept" ,'i40O heart 'cart- to '.-. Imver lleav JK SOWS 7". in wi S T'. . .!' r-. s:.fl!i licht. orler and 1 a t .".. nnuhe HI L'.'.'dil..M). ' lit!', Mil. 1.1 ..1 l.Allll.""- i.r.riiJir. mm. n-.i'i ! 1 ambe .S. lovier. Yearllnii". M)c lnvvor 1 l.omh. Jrtfill. pnrlll:e. J.wll. wethra IJlMKlT. .ei. i Iff 4.. VI mlel Fnerp, J). .5 I tl I Tj MONEY-LENDING RATES M'.tV MllUi Money on Cdll. both clause nf'i ollaternl, opined todaj ut it per . enl for Ictdips unci rcnov'nK rilll.MlKI.I'IIIA Call r' rer cenl- '-., (1 tier errt (nniinercial paper thre to elx month. II per cent. rte Then" arn tnerelv nominal quota tions the loital rate of lnt reel m the State of IVnnavlvanlu belns tlxet) ni 11 per .ent. 1'lue premium amf mmmiaaion time mont for t liln to nlieiv d.iv l loaned hi 7 10 71- per rent vvlillo commercial p.ipei from UnrtN to nlni'tj d,i Is loaned m 7 to 7'a I r lent London tun 0 ' Von per rent f)l. count r-vlen Hhorl tilile .V, per r.m thrte rmmtliH lull " " ' ' eer 1 ei ' BANK CLEARINGS j Itanl. cKariliKe lid.l tin .i d uilli for- rtaiiuiKlnij da Ian fv.. v ' .. 1 1 IH'Jl 111." I'llll IMitla K'.t s''l """ J'" 'i'i .' k; iniK ,',-, H.I.I..P I" 7:t .'7U .'.i. IIC'i e.n'. nalilni'iie 1'J Ttl -! I' '1.7 -Hi 1 in. huh "'I "s:' "-- 1"" l"l "" Lake Superior Rail Orders Vlconi.i Hi.-el in II if the Like 'iperior 1 'orpoi hi ion hit m i''ei,. pew nrderii for 1'J nun tons "f eteil rrtlln 'I hli with ih" bull I,... aMend in land uiil Keep thin depart men innniiie fulll up to Sentembei 1 The morchai" mill I" runnini; mid new orders are 'Inc nun rail order are '.M 001 lona for the Canadian I'adllc ltallvvav " IS nnii for (Irand Trunl. Itaihvav of Canada and tltWD for lielavvate mel llmlann. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yorli, .lime 10. Hates on the principal European centerp Mhowed nn easier tone at tho opening of tho for eign exchange, market today, rith ster ling quoted nt 3.7' for rabies nnd n.71' for demand. Other oxrhangen vvns proportionately lower. Tho quo tations follow: Franc? enhles 7.S.'!, cheeks 7.82: Helglati rabies T.KH'i.., tierted veslerday. thirty-four rnrs; j enerhs. i.;i'.' . iiro onoies i.idIm. IBM v ear ten cars, t'ahh market steiifl.v , ' ' 10,'s :':;; I"" 'ablos KJ.T.t. excct'.tliic for hard winter, which closed '' K-'ks '- I",i,ta cnbles I'.'.SO, nt n leduclioti of 2c in nieniiiinis. De- inatnl fair, but cxrliiFively ilonuMn-, the wcnkness in foreign exchange pic , viniiiig expott business. Weather he I pnrt-. liov dint inilt'd wet vve.ither in I the Southwest, which wil' further ie. 'lord harvesting work. I.egisliitive out look is sntinfai'lorr, but detinue action hecks 'J.i8; guilder table, .'IL'tlTi checks .'IU.IiO ; .Stockholm rabies '.'L'.OO, checks Ul.fl.": Chrislltinia i nbles M..i2, "hecks 11.17; Copenhagen enhles 10.05, i hecks Jd.Od: marks I.171.,. Afler the lirst hour quotations in the pnncipal exchaiigeH were bolter. Ster ling cables were :!.".'',.. deiiiaiitl ;!.7l:l, : i iciicn nnii jvcigiun caiiios l lO'i t'4 I 7'. ir.u tltl's H 7', 1 I & I I 3 MINING Atlanta 1 Hooth Bokton t Montana M Caledonia Mlnlne I" Cindelaila .Mlnnls aS Corte. Sliver o Cree"on Hold It C'roacei;. .Mai.Vamara .... ! Kureka, t rocaua i , Kurelia Holly Ml Hold Conn i Hold Devel 1 (inld Kewanan 1 Hold Silver l'lck n letuilins to lie tauon ami until tins iv :;.",f"" '' '"'' V",' " , V .' will be nervousness in the' ' "" :';""''. " -' ,' """ "" .); done theie trade. Corn opened ',c higher to ' lover for July and ',- to '-jc off for Sep. teniber. Latter was sold in heavy volume by an eastern house. Oats opened unchanged to ',c lower for July nnd Vic off for September, with selling led by nil Knstern shipping house. ShortK bought on the decline. COTTON MARKET New Yorli. dune 10. I'nder South ern sellilng. poor cables and pressure from the same interests that sold Jul.v heavilv vestenla.v , tin- niarhct opened ,'I to V point" lower this morning. Liver pool vvns about the best buyer nnd there wan considerable switching from July to Inter months-. After the start tho list acted wtend.v at about 2 points under the previous close. New Yorli. dune 10. Cotton r reipU tit tho portH for the dav nrc estimated at Hl.Otm bab'f. against 1II.I2!! bales a week ago. !I2!IS bales a vein- ago and 'W.llifi hales two j ears ago :0, ,.,p,!n (lold Zono Great Uend Itccla MlnlnK Jumbo Kxtenslon Knn. DlvtiTo MncN'nmata Magma (.opper .Mnrrh MtnlriE -Mother Lodo new National Tin NlplalnB North Star Ilex Cons Ilocheater Mlrres San Toy Silver Klne Divide Silver Hllla of Nevada.... So Am l . O Stand Silver Lead Succeaa Mlnlns Tonopah Belmont Tonopah Cash Boy Tonopah Divide Tonopah Extension Tonopah-Jltn Hutler Tonopah Midway Tonopah Mining Tot.npah Mlzpah Tonopah Montana Tonopah flosc'io Kula . . . l'nlted Ilaatern Victory Weal JInd Con White, Cap Wilbcrt IIDNIIS Allied TacUera n Amer Tel d I'.iI'J . . . Ainer Tel 0 in;.'! Anaionda ih la.'U AllBlo-Alner Oil 7'jn Armour 7h . . . Htll Slcel 7 llltta Can Nut llnv en 7s r.i.15 . Copper Htport s lll'Jl I 'on On ti I'ntm Textile .s (jrand Trunk d'tn tluir Oil T Holnr I'n n Iluinhln Oil 7a "a l.lBnett f.- Mvers Ha N y N 11 & 11 l . . . Southern Ilwv 7. .. Southwest Hell 7e Stand lll N Y (I'-ia.. . Stand oil N V 7s 1U2.1 . . Stand Oil N W 7s 10.11... Texan Co 7s . I'n llvvy llnvnnii 7'ja. . . iicuuni v; In 1 all II 15 HI in'4 4'. I S II a l "i'i. n III r ! H J.1 tU 7 8 :o y'J a i 7 a .Ml 10 n 7.1 Ml s, "i" 1 1 r is i nit n l.i ir. i't .1 & S 11 a l s "ii W a i 7 2.1 l'.a 4 4 3 t a .17 10 as 7(1 1 II 2U i" . 1 1 r ir. l ;!'! m in 10' r. n 11 4 S I', a l 21 i'i f. i' W K i:t I'i - a :t i On an , Investment of $1500 ivc can give you $G000 in High - Grade Bonds, Riving you an incomo of $325.00. WlDCNOt Bloq, Philaoiiphia Mtmbtrt PktladttpSia anj Am? Yeri Swi rthangri wvneK ran The Situation Existing Todayj In our June Bulletin, just issued, wc have summarized for investors present buii ncss conditions in America and the extent of the cur tailment of prices of farm products, manufactured products and wages. There arc also brief paragraphs re garding the railroads, public utilities, our present stock of gold, and the bond and stock markets. Eleven conservative securi. ties arc briefly described. Complimentary copies of this June Bulletin will be sent on request. Hemphill, Noyes CSJ, Co. Member tfew York Stock Cieiani Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia Hew York Boston Sainton Buffalo Albany Eyracvu Baldaoi m Kiilliler enbles marks l.-lT'i f'ential lluinpenn ex linni;e. were to. day quoted ns follows: tireck, (I. ().",; Htimniiinn, l.riO'l. : Hulgiulan, l.'.W, Austrian, .2'"1..: I'olanil, .11; (V.ceho Slovaklnti, 1. :!',!' i; .Iiiko-SIiivIu. .72. llio lireinium on evv York funds etern Kle.i 7. here today was 113 per eent The Swiss Govt B'-j rale of dihconnt in New York todnv on Canadian funds .was 10'js per rent. YUSTrjHDAY'S CLOSING Qt'OTATIONS Hterlini; Trnncs Lire CJultdera Pemind .... H 72" 7.KH 47;, ,1" no Cablea 3 7.'l'j 7 UO 477 n3 00 TODAYS Ori:.N'lNCl ION'S SterllnK I'mrnt Mr- (jUIldera Demand . . . 7.S2 1.7B ,121111 1 able ... 3 72'4 7.M I.7&V-J :i2-(l,1 NOON Ql-'OTATION'S m't tm't 11.1 nj' tuN U2ta inn !i 'i Inn inn 1IM' in' us a.i'i , llll'i .in'., m tm II !', n"7 isT ni't iu 100 111 ' 1 ihi inn V2 ti.1' 1I7' ll.l', 91', 111'. r. it n.n. IMIV. d'i'I IUI.1'1, inn in', im", ni', li'j'i H4'i 11-.", 1 no !'i'j 1 on Kin '.'- HI '4 ns (I.-.'. 11.. tin', .111 MS NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1410 Chestnut St. aWMiiMnnfjaaafaaaaaai $10,000 City of Phfla. 5s, 1971 Price 101 '2 and Int. MORLEY, WOOD & CO. 333 Chestnut Street LOW PRICED RAILS Wo liavo issued a timely letter summarizing some of tho important railroad stocks which arc selling at low prices. Atk for L-16 P.KaWWRIE&CO Members rhlln. block V.uhr.nse 1418 S. Penn Square SUITE 800 BPRUCB 070T IIACE 48SI direct Wires to N'iiiu Yorl; and atl rrfitclso! llarkttt D,mind 1 .bin Htsrllnsr Trancn Lire OulMera . ;t 71" 7 til 4 hi) nj 7ft . tl 7f.'ii 7.lnl I.MI'i w Su IftO Liberty 2d 4s 200 Liberty Ud 4Us 150 Liberty 4th 4Vis..L.... 1000 Victory 4"iB, 400 Electric & PeoniB'44s 2000 Electric & People,s4s....i 2000 PennnylvBiiIti 64. 1 1000 Phlladelnhh Elecl'B..- WUUM unumi itntiwafi aOOQ United "Welsica ,! Sfl TO 1)1 . 20 80. IK) I)R SO .11 R1V OS 84X. l7i or GOVERNMENT BONDS Bid mnviti coil 1- IMg PS'li Panama reg J 1MB 9U I anam. cou 2a. logs . n& v Panam reit 2a 1088 . . OOH Panama, ton 3 11 .... Panama res 3 181 ... 7 PhillPBlna U. 1084 . . SO l'hlllpDlna 4a. 1835 .. DO Phillpplna 4a. 188 . SO U H (lov cou Za. 1030 09 II H Cloy rcc.Za 1930 , 100 , U S Oov cou 4a. i23 , 104 KB Oot rar 4a 1023. ...... 104 of Columbia 8.6a 1024,,, 93 - Aak mow 100 'I moil ino'I 70 so S3 83 83 IMt int 104 Pftton . Nm YcrK ridledrlrllla i l.elHntl . Iticluirnjiil . All.IllH . ., i hi. 1RO "51 1.0lll - Minn' npcll, ..... x,r.i Mrtrt?c MADU'C-r 'Knns.ia i itj new tuniv jjrrn- i"ni"M.i Iialua Reserve Banks' Discount Rates ntMiil rcdlfcnunl mien nt u,n inolvo IVd Ileservo lUnlia are j follow. Tiea. I.ii. loni'l llt(r cir iioiirta rjnnr. Accent l'r InuK I no I'lui" dnen I' ,. . . .. 1-' "' I- -1"' I'-' "1 ii,l.,ei ... 13 tl'l 13 31 l.'l.-l; i'"inii" ' 12 r..'. ,; M .HnUBM I-""1 13"- Mkr."i . 1 I 'Jll 1 I J3 1 1 .'.' ,i ., 'v.1 '" l '' 0 (1 (t a " " (i'i n it K'i It -t d it it n n ii ii 'i H n ,. (t 'I .''j ii ni, i n r, ' 1, n n .. ;! n n l'S 1 ml (MI lllllV lil(. tOl'i 103'J 1U3V, i'i i'i 031-j 03'-, ir.'', l".li US", lisi, N.Vn b.'1'i 07 'i H3', IIS', b3' LONDON STOCK MARKET American Stores First I'fd. .lelTerKon Itailraad 5hH, 1929 Public Service N. J. 7s, 1922 HENRY D. B0ENNING & CO. stock r,riiANfii: iiiii.iiino lllrnl I'rlvnlc 'lleplione (n New orl llemliera I'liiln. Mtuck JAiliunco ! C. S. PATTON & CO. 31) A; 4lli:srM'TSlS. BANKERS SufrpRHorH in PAII.KR A- hTKVi:.NSON llrtiiiU ntul StnrkH Imitclit niul notd Mfmbrn IMilln. fcnrk Krlinnr OFFICES A Company contemplating re daction in ofiico force to suit present-day needs, will sublet all or portion of present, oflkes iurnished or unfurnished. Approximately 2000 sq. ft. in centrally located modern office building within half block City Hall. Ofliccs have dayligM on three sides and are cool ana airy. A year's lease Riven. Rent is very reasonable and, location considered, these oflices represent a barcain for a wide awake Company. Address C -115, Lcdffcr Office , i. t ti-. 'im... i i ...r 'Han I rar lco -v ntt' &mi .iiiii i . iiii- mi in i 1 1 1 i . . .. i 'l" ,. -iiisioun' roi cnrrcipunna vvith lnir.,i fee futures inarl.Ct npQIieil stdllly tills rate borne by rertlniatea pledge, nn rola,l erai. vim minimum n u pr rent in the ran. nf K'aiiaaa City und D'4 rer cent In the cnn of J'hlladelphln. c " llinrilinc Wltll trailinB qmri linn pniri "J to .'I points lower. Lower tem perature vvrro iiRnin reported from tho State (if Rnopnlo with frcez-iiiR vventher in one (llfctrirt. Krnst so enrlj In tho season does not ilnmngo the grow ing crop, the frost of 1018 romitiK Into in Juno and early July and damaging tho young growth. Trev Close Opw .tuiy fl.7874 B.7O071 necamber 7 4HOBO 7.4nftRo Ui'eT...,:... ........ 7.78660 7.7380 BAR SILVER Janaim, June 10-Br Bltvarrraa H d United States Treasury Certificates .,, hlhar he'ra todar t Ht- ijucitatlona tnuay nn t'nnen stnlei Treat nrv certllleatea ara na followai Int Maturing Hata Data Kill SW July In. 1021 100 fl Aur. IH, 1021 100A tTi'a Sept. 1ft, 1021 ion t'rt HepU 15. 1021 lOO' R'4 Oct. 1, 1021 100 5I Oct. IB. 1021 100A t'fl Dao. 11. 1021 100A Light Realizing Sales Made Gilt Edged List Flabby Loiiilon, June 10. There was little fenturc to the trndlng In securities on the stock exehnnge today niul the mm -Kets tvero Irregulnr, .Many brokers ie. innlned away from the city for over lite week-end. Light lrnli.lnc made the gilt-edged list llnbliv. Continental loans also wnvcrcil. owing to the depression in cxcliniiEe rates, oil shores were with out a loader nnd sagged. Shell Trans nort nnd Trading wns fi 11-1(1 nud Mex ican Knglo (P'. Modeintp hujing vva.f noteil hi tne iniiustrinl department. Iludon's liny whs (P,, Hollar decriptinns vveie firm. In svm. pnthy with New York exehnnge. Home mils were (tilet, but hard. Argentine rails heorctl fresh gains, having been oversold. At the top thry paused, be caujo of poor dividend prospects. Federal Reserve Ratios lVaalilnston, Juna 10. nation nf total ra eerve to net rlepnalt ami Federal tles.rve nota liabllltlea comblneil. for the tweho red. eral Jteaerva Hanks anrl the entire ayntein as of June R, 1021 compared with previous weeK anil a yaar aio. follow. . June 8, Jute) I. June I WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR Steel and Iron liars. Holts, Nuta, lllvcts, Wuahera. etc. lmmedliile Delivery t''rom Stock. DONNELLY & COMPANY :m Vine Street Market 510(1 Jlnln 1070-77 nrtabllalied 1B02 Hoth Phonei William R. Chapman & Sons 1500-08 Washington Ave. MASON BUILDERS ALSO OWNr.IlN Till". rllll.ADI'.l.l'IIIA I1KICK COMIVVMS Cnparlly of 30,000,000 tier iinniim. Kcrbaugh Lime Company llilllilern' Hlinpllra lC'lllllallln lllllmlllilllnc (ni,, .t. Iiinner & llnrrniialiH Co. l'nlted N. .1. Il.iilrniiit A Cnmil Nnrtliern Indliinii (in i;ire. ( onim Hi ut Its. H I Iclilli,.- hriirni.e l.lnlit .V. 1'uvvrr Co JOA 4,68 H;o".32 ?.'().' 100a.32 n 12 JOOA B.ia u.t iooj Ml 190A a.a7 6H Feb. 16. 1922 100 r-o-4 iiar. to, i.x juu lOO'.t n an Kxempt'from normal Federal fortlm bov. arnment Incomt, . tAcceptabla for rayntantrif lncoma tax dua.on date of maturity. Ji i v Dolton New York , Philadelphia Cleveland . Itlchmondt Atlanta ... Chicago ... ftt. Loula . . Minneapolis Kanaai City-........ Dallaa ............. San Kranelaeo t....t..f ... . . Total in ji no. ii IK. 'J nil n no n 4" 1 BR.7 IVS.O 39.0 4K.7 87.9 oS.O BS.3 1921 (IR II on a 62. 1 TOO 11 (I 40 . Ml ,1 Bl.l 42,2 4o.a 40.0 64.0 87.1 19211 r.o s tn n .to 3 63 42 B 39 II 40.6 12 1 40,0 41.2 4t.7 46.6 43.0 Ii' 194H H'k 111311 I'm nun .V Ifl'.'fl '' HIM ft'N lllJVl SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. letn.ierM.s.o.u,,,,,,,, Lee, Higginsoh & Co. KMalillklieil mm UOBTUN Nl.W lOltli CII1CAOO 130G Finance nidg., Philadelphia AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE I.I1IBRTV MUTIIAt. INStlltANCK CO rhou. i.M.t C07Q. !tu-' hu. imb st. WUV ban no Invcator ver lo.t u Uollur of Princliral or Interral on tiny . rlty bought of M. W, Htrau. Co.? 'wrlK for our booklet 2-Q BnU learn Ihi AlSfS 8. W. STRAUS & CO. Stock JUan aIdi.. I-bUadelphta If There Is a Market W Tan Fi'nrl It Wa hold Bales of stodU and bonds every Wedn. day, charging ?i.w En trance feo for each item. W ' we4)kly catalogues and poi". card service reach every n i. .i Tir tm nlpniurt BUI. u who I" furnlflhinc quotation. Barnes & Lofland' tock Broken ana AnlonHrt 147 S. 4th 8t. WIEGHERfRbGKEY&CO. Certified Public AccountanH, Drexel Building, PhUadelpi" : Linvl Stonkwell. Wilson rniiGaA iP..M.V ArcoiintanU, Land Title Bldg., Pliiladelpb- - """i lllvlileiiiN owU, iti vvTic liiiKi-s on. n,.'?Ai ! ....m..... --- .tune o .'.'until I "IhK day H re,"i lit KV.-fl llvld'n. 1,nf j W'aV.l Tha Hn.inl nf PirertorH l.nhoa ill 1'iini'anv " .livideml of S per l inrk. Claea A and " !'.'Wr-.",1 IV ttVl'T. atKi.lder.i:'""'' the 'Vl.i.e of hualnfja Jiin- - -,,, n-i. A Alfti rnpe In the. uiwnei' (i of the nvo i-luaaea " .Ki.'dlfferVnc, W ?f n hove i I' ' reason of tho " ."JiJ,,! omM .iii of i.eiie. In auhaenii.enl if, ""' UlMit of the preferred atojK. Inc U' ji ' ,'ldp,tlon. J -I Uo rntltlei, to jJWggy l.inAtll) THUrtT compav 1 mSilnir of th ?'t Tct fjl .ViVM-flSftVJ At a held thla (tax III per cenv wi 1. 1031. to atoounoiaeia . .-,, Pf m jmh Jun iltoaWWH-.gS , (p Philadelphia, ra.. Juna .'.. tft; i,. iv - --