WKWU. W M w sn KM Iff. .- fV El'", fell IP . fe IPf . ft I -.: l h'r Kt . 1' V y m m k.' li f.'V. I lilj !v Efr w A1. mmm. mm-rwyvw f.r-"" "'rT' EVKIN PUBLIC IlfelPHIADELPm, 'rSDAlJtmE H ' '?$! ' V ' t . w't V 1 5P0tES WITHDRAW PISH APPEAR .tnglish Troops Tako Con- y Tirol of Cleiwitz, in Upper f Silosia GERMANS RETAIN POSITIONS Ny Hie Avoclntcd Press Oppeln. SIIMa, .Iiiiip ".Detach ments of the Itoyol IrMi Infantry, the first rtrltMi troop" in cro th UnrM established Ity 1'olMi insurgents In Upper fillwln. detrained nl. tileiwitz yesterday. They assumed control of the city, nnd will be In i-liargi1 of the farrlfonlng nnd polifitiB of the place in future. As the troops. ronitinc of on-1 l:nt Ulion with full field equipment, entered GroM-Strehlit7.. northucM of t.ilciwitz, It encountered the lir.t Polish outpo.Ls. Machine guns hud been trained on the station by the Pole, but when the British appeared the Poles withdrew and wre not seen nRiiin. The train was held there for some time so that the officers could invetigaie n report that the track further on luid been rained. This report was found to be false," and the train proceeded, being molested nt no point, hIhiir the wii.n. One French officer and a number of French non-commlMsioncd officers ac companied the Hrilish. While these troops were on their nay to the storm center of I'ppcr Silesin, General Von lloefer, commaiidcr of German defens" orcnni.ntions. bluntly declined to comply uith the I'rcnch tlltimatuiu to withdraw his fiitviw ftoni the front between Krnpiutz nnd Kocl. where the Poles have lircn driven back for several miles, lie prnmised, how ever, to prevent a further advance b the German", "unless provoked bj the Poles." It has been learned b.v Allied nfnVinU here that from ilOOd m WHO Germans, who were liberated in the territory talccn over by the defense organisations, xoluntecrcd to serve with the Germans, nnd that each man produced a weapon with which to tight ngttinst the Poles. It Is learned from Ilritlsh sources' that the probable plan for the pacifica tion of I'nper Hllesla will be to gar rison all the large Industrial towns in tho plebiscite urea with HrltlMi troops. It is said th.it sufficient forces nrc available for th's service, and that, in addition, local police forces will be formed of "citizens of known good character." The Ilritlsh. it is under stood, will gradually relinquish the policing of the district to this organi sation. The Ilritlsh troops probably will ex tend their authority northward through the occupied area, disarming the Poles us they proceed, ENTOMBEDMINER RESCUED Not a Scratch on Man When Taken Out After Thirty-five Hours Shrtinudnali, Pa.. .Iifno 7. Kntombed behind a heavy fall of coal and culm in Packer No. il mine this morning, dneob Itomansky was rrscued without n scratch. Kcscuer had been working franti cally to reach the man whom they feareu hud been caught by the fall. Itoninn sky'" partner heard the coal working nnd ran to safety just ns the fall occurred. MEXICO MAY YIELD Ti 0 DEMANDS OF U.S Answer of President Obregon to Secretary Hughes' Note Receivod in Washington CONTENTS KEPT SECRET lly (he Associated Press Washington. June 7. President Ob regon's reply to the American messages, ketiing forth the conditions upon which the t'nitcd States would consider rec ognition of Mc.tlro, was expected to be discussed nt today's meeting of Presi dent Harding's Cabinet. Meantime, of ficial comment on the reply Is withheld by Administration ollicers. I'nnfiicially. it was said thnt (Hire gon was not averse to entering into a written agreement covering the guar antees, of the safety of Americans and. American Interests, out. Hint until nc bad threshed out the question with his Cabinet he could not take any definite step. It is understood that the policy ns outlined In the memorandum presented by George T. Huinmcrlln, thr'Aincrlcnn charge nt Mexico City,' was well known In Mexico prior to lis delivery and that It was, discussed by iilm with bis Cab inet. According to reports here, n ma jority of the Cabinet advised Obregon to agree to the conditions, at least In principle, but definite opposition to such action was offered b.v Ministers Callcs and Do la Iluerta. Until the dissenting members left the Mexican capital soon nftcr tha t conference for visits to Souora.' Immediately nftcr Mr. Hunimcrliii called upon Obregon the Mexican Presi dent, necordlng to these reports, sum moned Cnlles mid Dc la Hucrta. Un official dispntches from Mexico have reported Calles to be on bis way to the Mexican capital. The I'nltcd States, it Is understood, Is not greatly concerned ns to the exact method employed by Obregon in ex tending his promises, except that they lie in written form, which may be re garded by the United States In the light of n contract. It Is declared that tnc signature of Obregon to the promises might be regarded ns sufficient. FILIPINOS FOR SELF-RULE I NEW POLISH WAR FEARED FOR 7 Opposition Confined to American DUtlnen Men and Igorrotei Wn-shlntton, ,lune 7. (Hy A, P.) Kecent dispatches from Manila declaring that several Filipino business men were preparing a memorial urging deferment of Independence' and that the Igorrotes were voicing opposition to Independence are attacked in a statement Issued by the Press Uureau of the Philippine mis sion here. The statement declares that the Ma nila business men opposing Independence arc Americans nnu not Filipinos, and that the lgnrrote tribesmen who ap peared before the Wood-Forbes mission were not representative nor .many. The bureau has been advised from Manila that the Igorrotes who appeared were acting at the Instance of American missionaries. PURE FRESH-PAINT Believe Me Kuchnlc for Paints! If you want to do your own painting at home or fac tory you can still obtain Kuchnlc quality service by buying Kuchnlc paints sold at the Kuchnlc factory 17th and Vine streets. "Save-tht-Surface" Kuehnle PAINTERS Vme&17th.Sts. 8PP.UCE.5W IMCe7749 XSS?i Jm& Te Safis W'Drwj S fores Worthwhile reductions from the manufacturers' suggested Belling prices on Family Rem edies and Toilet Needs. 60c Bromo Seltzer 45c 21c 49c 45c 28c 93c 79c 42c 60c Java Rice Powder Q(. 23c 13c 21c 83 c 42c 45c 65c 21c 89c 79c 39c 89c 22c 2f,r16c 49c 25c Woodbury's o-i Facial Soap iSlC Kodak Time! Brownie No. 2A 8.50 Brownie No. 2 $2.50 We Do Free Developing 25c Cuticura Soap 60c Doan'a Kidney Pills 60c D. & R. Cold Cream 40c Fletcher's Cns- toria 1.50 Gude's Pcpto Mangan 16-oz. Horlick's Malted Milk 50c Hinds' Honey & Almond Cream 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste lac Lux 30c Lyon's Tooth Powder $1 Listerinc, It oz. 50c Mulsificd Cocoa nut Oil 50c Mcnnen's Shav ing Cream 75c Mellin's Food 25c Mum $1 Nujol $1.10 Nuxatcd Iron 50c Pcpsodcnl Tooth Paste $1.30 Pinkham's Veg. Com p. 30c Hesinol Soap 15c Rcxall Toilet Sonn 70c Sal Hepatica !7l(i Sai f'Druq StoriT lormerlr Klkrr.lltgrman 300 8. Ilroad SI,, ror. Nitrites llln Mirkrt ZOO Market 1S82 rhulnut 1311 Mirlnn t K i Markti li N. ,, tUt S. I rout. ror. York (Krnilnrton) 3.71 Otrraantown Are,, nrnail A JCrlt UtrmanUnn ,V riitllrn Aira. J4 U M H fjJN Garden rests can easily be de stroyed by using our modern insec ticides. ARSKNATK OF LEAD. BOR DEAUX MIXTURE. MELROS INE. PARIS GREEN, PYROX, REVDEANA. ETC. WEED KILLER for destroying weeds and grnss on walks, driveways, tennis courts, etc. No special labor re quired, just dilute in water nnd nnply with a watering can. Il' not loo In lr lo ft mil Vff lulilr rianli e have n lre its-Mnrtinrnt. CATALOG FREE MICHELLE Se .'.IS-rilfi Market St.. Phila.. Pa. Announcement THE FRANKLIN TIRE & RUBBER CO. 2123-25-27 VINE STREET Distributors of FIRESTONE SOLID TRUCK TIRES is now owned and directed by W. C. SWEITZER G. A. NAGELI J. F. MEEHAN &y ""Y W330 'INC TJ y.carun I I 26-128 GgU?tu Seet. M JC 1Honv- t? A Sale of Summer Dresses at$ J 9.00 f OVELY Summer Frocks in women's and misses' sizes. Choose from figured J or dotted voile, tricolette, gingham, dotted organdie; chic new styles (6 of which are shown). Some Betty Wales Frocks arc included the second from the right in the illustration is a Betty Wales of dotted voile. Others at $7.00, $12.00, $15.00 and up to $72.00. Our entire stocks of Dresses, Coats and Suits have been re-marked to new prices. (Third Floor.) Hand-made Waists at $2.90 and $3.90 Our new Blouse Section on the Second Floor offers these charming Porto Rican Waists at very moderate prices. Warranted hand-ma.de inspection will readily convince you as to this fact. In two styles one in the little vest effect which is so popular this season: the other a sports model for wear with suits and sweaters. The material used is batiste and the Waists have been designed in long-waisted effect so they may be used for golf and tennis. Long or short sleeves. Serni-SportS Hats of Florence Mixed Straw, $10.75 Three good models mushroom, sailor and drooping brim with turned-up back. Trimmed with Georgette crepe scarfs; brims bound along the edges with the same material. Delicate shades of jade, sand, lavender, brown and natural straw, to blend with your summer frock. Cf)C JJUbenile HjQP Babyhood to 16 Year8 Philippine White Poplin Creepers, hand embroid ered; 2 and 3 years ?3. 15. Voile Dresses $5.00 10 to 16 Years Cool voile3 in checks and stripes; hort sleeves; low neck; organdie jashj specially priced at $5.00. JZMy i For bero we batiste years at ittle folks' slum- have Pajamas of in sizes 2 to 8 $1.15. To reduce summer laun dry bills we have Paper Diapers in packages of 20 for 2Cc. Organdie Dresses $7.50 7 to 1 4 Years Summer organdies in pink, blue, vellow, orchid and brown; trim mings of lace or ruffles; sash of jrgandie or ribbon. Dr. Sze Pleads for Chinese Sufferers Springfield. III.. June 7. (Hy A. !.) Dr. Alfred Hr.c, Chinese Minister to the I'nlted Suites, addressed n Joint session of the Stnte Legislature today In nn appeal in lichnlf of the fnmlnc suf ferers In Chinn. Lntcr he visited Onk ridge Cemetery, where he Inld a wreath on Lincoln's tomb. He planned to re turn to Washington this evcnlnc MEIIIiilllffiN i? gitmiimiuiMii '. BMT. MniramifflMi 111 oil '!ISI!l!lin ISIS Clocks for June Wedding Gifts Mantel chimes etneks, cilm inp each quarter hour. Ma hoganv casta. Hall nnd Wnll Clocks Desk Boudoir Banjo Wnltham Mirror Clocks Dependable Movements Only $5.00 to $600.00 KENNEDY & BRO. 102 8. 13th St. ' wiihiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiniiiiii a . '"n i 'i'iiiiiiiat -il "Aggressive Imperialism" Reported to HUghes by Lithuanians Washington, June ". (Hy A. J'.) Danger exists of war. between Poland nnd Lithuania becnuse of the "policy of aggressive Imperialism" of Poland, Sec rotary Hughes wss Informed today In n letter from J. Vllcliis, Lithuanian representative In this country. Interruption of negotiations between delegates of-the two countries nt Brus sels tor the purpose of adjusting ter ritorial nnd political questions nnd the "aggressive activities of Polish troops In the neighborhood of Vllna," were said to have crcotcd "a dangerous situation." SlittiiiiiiiisiiiiminmHiiiufUiinHiniiiiiiiiiniriniiiiinHimninninmiiiTiiiimiiitiaiiflniiin Right from the nest Gold Seal EGGS carton of twelve 35 BANKER DIES OF BROKEN HIP Charles McGIII Lamberton, Aged 64, Passes Away at Oil City ..Oil Clly, Pa.. June ".(By A. P.) Charles McCJIll Lsmberton, aged six- wour. president of the Olf rtV offal and CitUcns' Banking '$ at.mldnlgHt. Hu'ndnp .fulW? s due to n broken hip. ' ' t tl died illnes . He was a member of the Chh, Commerce, Venango, Ivy nbi it? -IP Hoi Clubs. Oil City Lodge of E k, ."? City Boat and Wantingo ConntrM. ntrjr-cJ i S g i if ra n ii;iin!iMiniii At all our Stores As Time Goes On the average man does some serious thinking about the passing years nnd where they are taking him. He also thinks of those who are dependent upon him arid what would happen if another year would not find him as their pro tector and provider. To put your mind at case on thi3 point, make a will today, appoint ing this company as your executor, and relieve yourself of worry. The Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia 523 Chestnut Street 45 S. Broad Street Across from Independence Halt Lincoln Dulldlnr Reid & Fort's Entire Clothing Stock REDUCED! Midsummer suits excepted. All men's suits, topcoats, and raincoats included. $30 garments all $22.50 $35 garments all $27.50 $40 garments-all 32,50 45 garments-all 37.50 Original price tickets remain upon all garments. Deductions made at time of purchase! No charge for alterations. This sale comprises all our three-piece woolens suits, topcoats, and raincoats, No excep tions, and, what is more important, no additions! Every garment is of R. & F. standard, the great majority of them tailored for us by the Kirschbaum shops well known for the fine clothes they make. The original prices were marked genuinely close. With these reductions, Philadelphia men are offered the closest ap proach to 1914 clothing values they haveyetseen. It is an event which will bring to our new Windsor Room and our Plaza shop hundreds of old friends and hundreds of others who should know us -and Kirsch baum Clothes. Kirschbaum Dress Suits and Tuxedos Special H5 R I BID -a$ r I nuT WINDSOR ROOM-1204 CHESTNUT ST PLAZA SHOP n SOUIhSSLS rounded In 1894 r i -i ' ' ti '. .UIJI'M J. JUIi.i. fj rf.vv tNH. :t'V-4'- , ,i . ....... . -. . .... ' '1'W.WtfiW.lu. ,. .. J .i. .td.,i.hUj'....tiL.l. !-. L'Jtl y -- -- - .i- -,f..1rtBk.WT. ntjiv "j :i W$C