Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 06, 1921, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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HM'. 1MB I ' "JIM II N
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11 P Si
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., .et n'.i
jf, that
ft N
Widowed Mother of Banker Was
Exiled by His Father for
Twenty-five Years
Cornwall. N. V.. .Tune fi. After her
tfntrflvoyonr rxllr. Mr". James
Stlllman. Sr... bnok to mnkc Jirr home
on Cornwall Height, hold n continuous
reception .vsterdn.v for her old friend".
Mr. Stlllman wna exiled In ISilrt by
the father tif .Tamei A. Stlllman. in
mtieh the same manner that her son
noituht to bnniih the more spirited
"Fifi" Potter.
She held her lever on the lawn of
the white rlnpboarded bungalow of her
non. Dr. Ernest O. Stlllman. There
were many affoetinc srene.s iim hIip hue
n'd and kissed women Mie had not ftcn
for yearn.
The new home will be rieh in ao
elation for the returned exile. Nearby
is the brown-shingled and stucco man
sion which belonged to E. P. Stlllmnn.
grandfather of .Tninca A. Stillman. On
another hilltop in the homestead of
James Stlllman. the elder, where Mrs.
Stlllman paired the happy years of her
married life.
The elder Mr. Stillman suppmla her
fiimghter-ln-lnw. Mr. Anne Potter
Stlllman. in her light agnlnM .imilar ex
ile proposed by the prrnt Mr. Still
man in Ills Milt for n divorce derree.
"Anne Potter is n nv-drrn girl." che
faid in nn interview. "She know, how
to fight and has the eourage tn do it.
Hut I was reared In a different sdiool.
T nhrank from n public fight. I didn't
Vnow how to fight. My world toppled
In on me. I wanted to get away. I
wonted to go, So far ns T can T want
to forget what has been done to me.
"Our paths load In onpwdte direc
tions, but my heart lie with Anne Pot
ter. I hpe she will not allow my son.
James A. Stlllmnn, to do what my hus
band did to me.
The curious parallel bctwen the
rate of father and son was revealed In
full by the widow of the former. In
the spring of 18111, she separated from
her husband for reasons unknown.
"Something" occurred, which led to
a quick conference and a quicker ulti
matum. As set, forth by her husband,
the conditions imposed were exile for
n term of years and absolute silence re
garding tho estrangement.
At this time Mr. Stlllmun was presi
dent of the National City Hank, while
his wife was ii well-known figure In
New York society.
In the spring of ISO J. the first Mrs.
Stl'lman was at Cornwall. N. Y.. on
the beautiful estate in the shadow of
Storm King Mountain, with her chil
dren. Then came a day when an in
cident occurred, in which springtime
and nn apple tree in llowcr are said to
figure, which remains the consoling
secret of Mrs. Stlllman's life, and
which caued her husband to be known
us "Stillman the Silent" in Wall
On March 1.". 1M8. her husband
died, without mentioning her In hl
will. So far as is known, she was not
at his funeral. 'A brief cablegram from
Charles C. Stillman. one of their live
children, was nil the notification she
received. Released from her pledge.
he returned to the United States in
June, 1010, and wan met at the pier
by three of her children Mrs. William
n. Rockefeller. Dr. Ernest Goodrich
Stlllman and Charles C. Stillman.
Since thnt time she has seen nothing
of .lames A. Stlllman, and lias never
met hi" wife, whose cause she now
New York, June (. The name of
nine women who are alleged to hav
shared the affections of Junies A. Still
iiiiiti. former head of the National Citj
Hank, will be put Into the divorce suit
tills week, it is reliably renm-ten, in the
roll of "o-respondents in the "affirma
tive defense" of Mrs. Anne Urrjuhart
Laura Bromwell Held World's
Rocord for Looping by
New York. June 0. Miss Laura
Hrormvell. a slim young girl, who
in less than two years of flylnB
became one1 of tho most skilled
woman pilots of the world, crashed to
death yesterday afternoon at Curtlss
Held. The aviatrlx. held downward by
her safety belt In tbe rear cockpit of an
overturned Curtlss Canuck plane, dived
steeplv to earth from a height of 1500
ITer death, .lust outside the field
where she linil first learned to fly. and
where, on Mav IB. she had broken the
world's record for looping by womn.
apparently was caused by n slight mis
hap. Shortly after ,1 o'clock Mies Drorn
well, attired in the uniform of a lieu
tenant In the uerial police reserve,
climbed Into the rear cockpit of the
blg-wlngcd Curtis JN-4. Miss Brom
well received word from the mechani
cian that the plane was lu good shape,
tried her controls and shot across the
field. She climbed upward at a steady
rate. Laura Hromwcll, although only
twenty-three, was old In the ways of
the air and knew well that stunt -flying
belongs In the upper regions of the air.
Piano Turns, Waven nml Falls
After climbing for twelve minutes
Miss Hromwcll found herself at an alti
tude of between 1C00 and 2000 feet.
With a ounrter of a mile of clear nlr
beneath, her first mnneuyerwas a loop,
and she headed the plane upward again
Into another evolution which looked to
those on the ground like a loop or n
sharp wing turn. The plane shot up
ward, turned over and hung for a mo
ment, with motor roaring, upside down
In space.
It was then. In that Instant In which
the aviatrlx was head downward, that
omcthlng happened. The plane wa
vered for a moment, apparently with no
hand on its controlling stick, and then,
Impelled by the motor, swept swiftly
downward In a atoep glide, with the
aviatrlx held upside down. In that po
sitlon, gaining speed in the few seconds
of the plunge, the machine struck the
macadam surface of Clinton road.
The force of the crash spread the
plane on the roadbed, literally In splin
ters. The body of Mls Hromwcll was
held In that maBs j( wood, iron and
Cushion Only Clue to Mishap
The one clue to that mishap, the
cushion on which the girl bad been sit
ting, was seen to fall from the plane
on to the roof of the Curtlss factory n
t,eCond or to beforo the plane struck
the road. It meant the girl was not
eittlnj In place in tho cockpit after the
full out of the loop. It Indicated that
her body, though held by a strap across
the chest, had slipped toward earth as
the plane hung upside down. At thnt
moment the gill's right hand must have
been Jerked from the stick and her feet
from' the rudder bar. In the swift
plunge gravity prevented the clutching
fingers from reaching tho Btlck that
meant life.
Miss Hromwcll first saw an air
plane out in Cincinnati, her home, when
she was twelve years old. Later Ilutii
Law won her Intense admiration. It
was not until nfter the death of her
parents, leaving her with enough mohcy
to gratify her desires, that she hod her
first ride.
Then. In Virginia, she was given n
ride In a Government plane for selling
.1121,000 worth of Liberty Honds. That
wnti tiAt farvAi tn flvlticr.
In July. 1010. she came to Curtlss
Field and entered the flying schoo
thera Tn October. 1010. Hhe obtained
her license ns a pilot from tho Aero
Pink nf America, fin one trln her plane
cfliinht fire, but she coolly dived the
flaming machine downward to the
ground nnd made n good landing, saving
both herself and n passenger.
Duqucstic Light 7'js, 1936
United Iiwy. of Havana 7'jb, 1936
Ninjrara Falls Pr. 6s, 1950
Sun Co. "s, 1931
Johnstown Traction 5s, 1913
Land Title Bldg., Dilla.. Pa.
If.'inbri- ViflaoVlpAia Stotk Vxehorgi
' life
jk 7rfm yffffifsrwWHy' .AW ' - - SZ
"They never made gasoline
like this before"
Every motorist should
have this intensely in
(cresting and helpful
book "The Story of
Gasoline." Get a copy.
Write or 'phone to The
Atlantic Refining Com
pany 1211 ChestnutSt.,
If ever a gasoline showed the hand of Prog
ress it is today's still better Atlantic.
Indeed, Atlantic refining engineers declare
this to be the finest thing in fuels ever pro
duced for use in present-day motors.
You can feel the difference! More get-up
and go. More life in the motor. More sure
footed action. A steadier flow of power.
And mileage! You have the recorder's
positive proof that Atlantic delivers more
miles to the gallon.
This Atlantic Gasoline not only contains
more calorific units, but its high volatility and
thorough refinement enable more complete
combustion, thus developing greater heat ex
pansion more driving power from every
If you have held to the belief that there can
be no discernible difference between one gaso
line and another, you make a careful note of
the results you get with Atlantic,
Iil iwSBHy tihu
( &ft3g(0 If F
nnd hecc is candy satisfaction! 40 crisp, pure
sugar wafers of many delicious flavors in every
nickel roll. They're great! Good for little tots!
New England Confectionery CO.
Oi'cr 72, Years of Successful Candy Making
ST?& tPife.
r v m. m sm .v.viii' r. ' tv7x:nvv -
Wedges f juicy ripe
qJ treat
R "
PutsPepin Your Motor
But this tiine lie called in
the file clerk
He had been reading the L. B. advertisements for some
time. Occasionally he would cut one out of the newspaper
and promise himself that some day he would install a new
filing system. Butwell, you know how easy it is to put
a thing off.
This particular day, however, he called in the file clerk.
Together they figured how many letters had been lost or
mislaid in the last three months how much confusion
this had caused the orders that had been lost or
And they decided that it would be' far. better to install
a good filing system than to struggle along with the old
one. So they telephoned L. B.
For the last six months they have had the L. B. Auto
matic index working for them. This system has more
than paid for itself. By eliminating delay, by preventing
mistakes, by speeding up the entire filing department, it
has enabled this firm to give better service to its customers
and thereby increase its business.
Come in and make us prove how it will help .yow
Write for "Vertical filing" the best book
on films eter written.
Library Bu reau
Card and filintf Fouad.d 1876 Filing cabinet
systems wood and steel
910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
t fUUtroomt in 49 leading tttUt of tha United SuUi, Great Britain and Pnuica
Cuticura Soap
Clears the Skin
and Keeps it Clear
lOOT ako i-ure
ImUntlr m1It4
by eur pelal arch
upport, flttJ ao4
adJuitxl by txperta.
Our BeMitfM
KUslIc no!ry. tha
moat comfortabla
aupporc ior Tart-
cm velni. airollaa
, llmba, weak knraa
and anK.
TTuiKa. abdominal
and AthlAtla ann
Mritrt of ail kinaa. Larrast mannfaj
'm of (Hformlty appllancea In tha world.
I'hllndtlplila Orlhotwrflo Co., 49 V. Itth a.
Ct aut and kttp far rtfrno.-F. U
CKKnt.E .Tun 3. rnEDtTIltOK. Iui
crnd of Mhry 11. AekerU (n lOiauf). nel
atas and friends, nit oraanlratlona of
which lie h a member, nre Invited to at
tend funeral acrvlcea, Monday 2 r. M at
hl.i lata reeldrnce, 3.110 N. 24th at. In
let ment private Frlenda may call Sunday
wlfa of Inte llerrry It, Ahrcm. Itelathes
and frlenda are InWted to attend funeral
services, Wed., 2 J'. M., lata residence. 2833
Poplar st. Int. private. Mt. Peace Cem.
Itemalns may ba viewed Tues.. T to U r. M.
AnTlIUflS. Suddenlv. at Pnttatnwn. Pa..
June 4. WILLIAM, sou of William and Sarah
Armurs tneo .McKcel, aited 23. Helatlvea and
friends, also Mitchell Loduc. No. 200. V. and
A. M.. and Motorcycle Club of Phlla.. aro
Invltod to funeral services Wed., 1:30 P. M ,
resilience. 31 Jluah at.. Phlla. Int. private.
Uelvu" Cem.
DAIlKEn. June 8. 1921. nEnECCA. wife
of .late Edward Barker. Funeral Tues..
12 30 P. M rcsldenre. 11221 Westminster
k.. Senlces at Merlon .Square M. K.
Church 2 P. M, Int. lit Merluti Kquaro Cem,
l)AriSL'f!MA.--On Jtinn I JEIIKMIAH.
Iiiishan;! of the latt- AritU llarsualla. Tu-n-rnl
rflncKln., ut S.-30 A M. refldenc
of on. Perdlnind B.irsuzlls. ftiT08 Whllbv
me. Illah mass Church of the Most Hleed
Parramtnt 10 A. M. Int Holy Cross Cem.
Ilelatlies and friends and all societies of
which he was a member are Invited to attend
tha funeral.
UEAItD. .Tllnn R 5H.I.IP V. TtKATtn.
Funeral services Wed., 8:30 P. M residence.
021 e. St. Bernard at. Int. private, Arling
ton Cem.
TlElSaiCn. aged 81. Rolatlven and friends.
ROXbOtOUKh Iwlr. Vn III I-' and A. XT
Mellts. Chapter, I. A. M.: Itoxborouah Lodre
and Encampment. No. 68. I. O. O. I'.i Camp
No. BO. P. O. S. of A.. Invited to sen-Ices.
Wed., 2:30 P. M.. Wlssahlckon Prosby.
Church. It.t. private Friends may call
Tues. uve.. home of Isaiah T. Ilyan, 200
Oreen lane, Manayunk.
ItEIlHMtri.T.rcn nn t., n nnr.Tif V.
BEnO.MULLEn. nited SO years. Itclntlveii.
friends and Clifton Height Fire Co. No. 1,
Invited to funetnl aerMrrs on Monday, nl
ft. ai,, rasinence or Alls. 1 nnnii' A. init.
Itlitby and llaltlmore aves.. Latmdowne.
interment nrtvat Arllntnn rmeterv.
Friends may call Sunday. 8 to 10 P. M.
HUH. It. June 4. MAtlilAHPr A ntlirir
ne Cloujh), wife of late Henry C Birch.
aeeq ok. jielatltes snd frUnds, also Ladles'
Auxiliary of Lu Lu Hnnd. InUted to funeral
erlces, Wed. 2 P. M.. son-ln-lawa resi
dence, Albert Wllley. 100 W. Cloraas lane,
Mt. Airy. Int. j:aet Cedar Hill Cem. Ito
ninlns may be viewed Tues. oe.
iVi?'"1. JSnf 3- WH'MAM McCART-
and friends, nlso members of Purple Htros.
-. 'j. i,. ,o, iij; uidio wibh of Ml Alrv
PrcsbMerlan fhurch. aro Invlt.d to attend
fi.ncral rlcos. residence of hi brolher-iti-tnw
John McArthur. tni n.thlAhMm nlL
Cliesinut Hill, Tues.. 2 P. M Int. hy Hill
IIHADV. On .lime I. MATIV 'lf nt
Theodore. Brady. Relatives nnd frlenils In-
yneti to runerai. WMnesday. 2 P. M from
her late residence. Q220 IlldBe ae. Inter
n,l.nl '-"vcrliiBton fnnelcr.v. Trlends ma
rail Tue-dO- cenlne. I'ottsMlle papers
please copy.
HUSWELL. On June 3. 1021. MARV I.,
widow of Herman ti Buswell. In hr "2d
fnr HerKe nn Tuesday afternoon, st 2
o'clock, at the Ollwr H Rnlr HU'c, R20
l.ostnut st. Interment at Pernwood Cam
etiiy. .
FIELD. Relatives and frlendi are linlted
to attend funeral ervlccs, Tues.. 2 P M.,
at Into lesldence, Ucrwen road. Cjmvyd. I'h
I nl private. Auslns will meet 1 :2ft P. M.
train (standard tltn,-) from Broad St Station
at C.nwd
wife of Win. ClendennlnB and daUKliter of
Chnrles nnd Jennie Bliick, uRed 23. Rela
thes nnd friends Invited to funeral. Tuos.,
1 P. M.. residence. 124 Emily at. Services
St. John's I'. E. Church 2 P. M. Int prl
Nate, Fernwood Cem. Viewlmt Mon. ee.
John and Mary Pooley, killed In nnliou In
France. Relathes and frlendH. Veterans of
I orelsn Wars InMted to funeral resi
dence. 1815 Hollood st Solium llluli
Muss, 0 A M , Tues., M. llabrlei's Church
2'Jlh xnd Dickinson sis. Int. Old Clne
dral Cem
KENTON. Juno 4 MARV E nldow of
I Inrles U. Fcnton, ReUlhes and friends
Invited to funenil. Tuos.. 1 P. M.. rol
rtenco of hun-ln-luu , Jumes II. Itambo. H33U
Osase ai Int Femnood Cem.
FITZOKIiAI.U. At tJcedii City, N. J..
.line '.' put. EDWAHU. husband of Llllle
Hlzserald. nelatlvi-s uivl friends also all
ornanizailons of which he nun a member, in
vlted to funeral, Mon . June tl. 2 P. M.. from
deughli-r'a resldanco. 34R9 Helen st . Phila.
int. Hlllttde Cem. Fi lends may call Sun
after 7:80 P. M
FARRELL. -June 4. at Ronbury. Mass,.
JANE. lfe of late Francis Fairell. Ilcla
lles and friends lnlted to funeral. Tues..
S.30 A M.. 2120 S llih st. IIlKh rc'iul-ni
mass Church of the Eplnluny, 10 A. M.
Int Cathedral Cem.
GEISHLER. June 4 EDNA II . lte of
J. Henry fielsiler (neo Crrsfiniin). Funenil
servlers rut. 2 P, M.. hi Armstrons's.
1U27-2'1 ,N. Hroail si. Int. prlVMto.
(JI.UCKEHT. On June r, 11(21 . A.VVA
llnm J. (I urkfrl 1l atii .imi r-i..,.iu ....
'"Mil:1. ,0. ,h" erlca pn Tuesday afternoon,
st 2.30 o'clock, at th Oliver H Balr Hide ,
ls.'O (.neslnut si. Further serxlce and In
leiment at M. Michael's. T.ilbot Co.. Mil,,
on ednesdaj New York tlty and Pltlu
burali pniiers pleuoe rnpx ,
(JUSSLER. On June 4. 1H2I, EDNA
II. xxlfn of J. Henry llueslur l'lineml
rxlios on Tucsdax ufternooii. at 2 o'clw
at Armstrong's, 1027-2'J N. Broid st. In
terment prlvsts,
IIALLAHAN. At Atlantic c Itv N 1
on Jun I. 1021. PE1 Ell T. IIALLAHAN.'
Ilflailxes and friends are lnxlted to the
funeral on Tuesday morning at H'30 o'rlwk
from 1 he Oliver II l.. Ir Bide.. 1K20 i',,m:
nut st SoUnin requiem mass at Su John s
Ionian Catholic I Lurch, lfllh and Clicsttut
"s,,,At. I" "dock . Intermenl prlxnte.
J'K "1'. I'".T . Helatlxe.
:r.... 1 . V. "".".'i lu- 'unerai serv pes,
ru.s. Hi A M at tho funeral p.ilors o
) A Dunlap luth and Fall mount me
Int Monument Cem Friends may , all Mon
f e
" 81 Jaara. nalatlyea and friend 1, nlv',
' u. I l.lstli Real.. Pa v,, I.leiilcr;aiii
John II Fisher Post. No. 101. !1"
are lnxlteil 10 attend funarnl on Wed' m
2 P. M tdsxllirht-sxlnK Ume "from a'oii'i
ri'Menie. 0212 Limekiln I'llcr Int. Ix"
HOFF June .1, 1021. HENRY HOFF
aeeil ni. Funeral serxlce. Tues.. " p i'
precisely at his late residence, h22fl liutV
uve . Tloiborouah. Cassia Lodte, N0 '"fife0
. .I - rM.. and Sneedland Lode. "vn
210 K of I'. Invited. Int. prlxste. Friend
may all Moni fxe. ' ' ' rl,"ds
, HpOrjW.-June 3. PHILIP husbind of
I.lllla Hoop-h Relatives and frlen". In
n. to luneral services, Tus , 2 m
residence. Uoothwyn, Pa Int. Lawncrofl
JAMISON Juno 3, 1021. fiACIIEl ic
JSMISOV ,Ked W3. RelatlxV, arid friVndH
' !.'.n..M T.,"Vn,rd,..,n.'r'!!Jl,.J.CNl'1f:o' IxV
'li;l''nd leaxes Iteadlnc Termliinl 12,13 I' 1
HON. In his 8Sd xear .Funeral services Mnu
& ;,V C""' Rem""' "Via
i?"' '' her f.-'th ;ear. Funon sUtf,
:E.June 2. 1021 HAntitSil
ias I9. Relatives and ft!ln hi
to attend funarnl Tilts TO S
s. 7104 Paschal! ave ''& X
LEE. June
vltrd to
Lence, 7104 Paschall
LIOHTCAP. June 8, ALnt,t. si
band of Josephine Llehtcsp OX, J
ires xx eu,, j h; m., 480D' f.x."""l
Survivors of 08th Penna? Voluni,.B,t 1
widow of
lives and
eu,, -J i', M., 4800' M.""i J
irs of 08th Perm" VoIum'.1"" 1
Y. June 8. 1021. cvri,:" hJ
of Edward Ully (n.. TJ!Bl'IXl1
id friends,, also fnemhI..N?7l- J
sacred Heart, Altar Soeliii "i wi
Circle. Hi. 12, L. F. of i ''i.5!,'7
tena lunerai rues., sao A V "a (1
rtence. 1030 E. JLrlznn. .. A'--i In.
H . 1
mass Church of Visitation in, V"1 !
Old Cathedral Cem. on ,0 A. U
LUKKNS. On Slxth-dsv. 01... . fl
at his brother's resldepe,' tni1 nr.tii
avs., Oermantown. WILlIam'.B- '1tJ
ln, nf HvKnll. fl..VirlOI. Elll."l
at Friends' etlnr ifoui,. pf.""- fiJ
Inc. Pa., on Second-day 8th JlB!Mhi!
moUIHE. June 3. DRNNtS'xV f.
or aiaraarei Aiaauire (nee n, V nail
o; Huh and lata Mary M.Ju"." t ?
County Doneaal, Ireland n'.r11!!
friends ra Invited to attend ?,?L,ui
7:80 A. .. residence of si.t,;".""!. s
Dennis O'Donnell. Ml M jiiHil
requiem mass m, Aaatha'a ri.... r
Int. private. Holy Cross c.mUfch
MALONE At nn.rt.-..y.ni-..
JULIA A., daughter of Jul!.' .;; )
rick Malone. luiatlx-ei lJ.nVlil.'
..a. J a- .11...1 S r u irietiJ. - (
of h.r mother. Mrs. Julia 'mS.. "JlZ
xrorin bv Lioruentown. N V cn
'. M.. Solemn hlith ma 't.T
rhurei; O A. M. In, n.'I!M 8t I
dentown. N. J. "ry, c
McANDREW. June R. flir...., .
of late William nnd Marv i W L
Mealey). Relatives and f rlendi .l0? (J
attend funeral. Wed, 8:30 A fM.h,1Wi
Lombard at. Solemn hlrh m..." '.rllal
at St. Patrlcli's Church, 10 1 J"1ti
Cross Cem. A' ' tot
aruwiAii'i r, June 3 Amu .
MOTT. Jr.. husband of Marl i! i
aced 82. Relatives and frUna,1.1'
to attend funeral. Tuss.. ."?.' US
nia laie reeiaence, 1508 p T, " m
Pplemn requiem mass at Chureh erT,10 I
rmmo 11 a. m. int. Holy Croit ol
McKEAN. On June 3. 1021 uitJLJ
nnlx- dauchter of th V.JiWATPniJ
Mary I.. MeKean. RelathS? til -J
ara invneu 10 1110 service, on M. "
noon, at 1:30 o'clock, at iha oftl
Iildir. 1820 Chestnut st. Burials! Sjt
ton. N. J., at the convenience nf .v"
l',ii,. ni ,1,3 ,n,r rrnni.nce, 21?SXiT,i:
Due notice of funeral will be ifi. "
McNEILL. On June 22. ft -
ixrrri: mat. dauahier 0 Anil: Sm
Marv E. McNe'M aed 13 tear, n.v ti
and friends
ca on Sunda. betw.is
t 2 P. M. parents' re.iSI;
N. Marxlne st tntemiem on, .7.
.. i, .i.4 .,..:.'.".
11m, v." ic 1
! I'. 81,
McNlCHOL .lune
late Daniel and Mary
c-oiemn rquicni man mass at R
Mrnnt.r.TON a i rr.i,-- ,",SrH.1
Wed., t P. M., residence, Martha. 11
Train I.9IM M.rli.l Rf VK... ,""-
l):10 A .M. Istandard time). InL CbSS
r.m P-rl.f,. n,i .11 OS... '.? """H
NEWMAN Suddenly. Juiis 4.'
vniMf j m in i.i- aoai. ... .'.:
friends nlso Concordia. Lodte. No Si
Tuen., 2 P. M.. from hU lute riiWi
111 IJIUKIl Bl) !, (IlKHLC
OWENS. June 3. EDITH B . d.oikW
nu.ra 11 unrt Ih. lain TaI.h ulr
seed 10 years. Tlelatltes ana ri'..I?
Invited to attend funeral services Tom
... ..... mi i.e. ii.',.c, lrBIQCQCB
Soring Garden st. Int. nrtval. '
PENNELL. At Ocean City. N. J., im
r.DMl'NIJ TENNELL. ared 59, ffl
and trienot invited to funeral ni
Tues., 2 P. M . 1238 N. 68th it. lit
xate. Omit flowers.
PRICE. June -4. J. P. ALLM0ND nil
ruiivri.1 pcrvitrp i uve , o 1 ,M,, Ittt
dence. 814 R. Oranta st . Media, Til
Lancaster. Pa.
RANDALL. Jura 4 MART. lll
dnnrnil II jv.iiuhii. in,aiivei sna I
are Invited to attend funeral servlcfi.
2 P. M.. at her late residence, 23SI Hi
ruin ., nn, 1'iiv.ic, .orin tair
RAYIIULD June 3, 1021. TAIIH
E ulfo of the late J. Auruntm n
Relatives anl frlenda are Invited to ni
IUI1CIIII turn., rt.oit , iU. ITOm 111!
reslderfee. 1811 W. Lehlch axe. III. I,
at Our, Lady of Mercy Church 10 A
Int. Holy Seaiulrhre Cem
REED. June 8. 1021 Villi, 3. Rtl
Hfted 81. Inersl services. Wed,. 2 P.
residence 1000 H, Farrnsut trrui. i
Phlla. Int. private. Weslmlmter Ci
xjmu iiowers
P.EES. -On June 4, THEODORE ?J
SONS REFS. In his 03d sesr. Ccloa!
i.oace :xo. hi. i'. ana a. m.i union ij
No. 14. K. of P.: Mllle lod. Kn. II
I. O. O. F.. Invited to services, on Wtt
2 o'elock. residence of his dxurht.r. II
S. f8th st. Friends may call TUesIi ri
REXSAMER. At her late rxl.n. Ti
niont. Del., on June 3. 1021 ll'ct Ca
xxldoxv nf 0orao W. Roxsamer and in
ter of Josih and Barbara Csrr. of 0
vir.. Relatives nnd friends are liwlti)
the serxlce, on Tuesday afternoon, it!:
o'clock (standard tlmni. nt the Churca
the hcension, ciasmont, ii. r
errxlce nnd Interment nt Woodltnli
clery. Phlla., Pa. at 1 o'clock (itul
SADLER. June 8, BERTHA F. will
Ma), I. Sadler, aced 74 nelttlvtJ
friends, nlso Conuresatlonal "Mv
Chexra Blhur Chollm of Strawberry
uimi M K. Talmud Torah Society, in
xlted to attend funeral erxlees, Tim,
P M. precisely, resldenco f her dm)
Mrs. T. Salirman. noui ' am it.
Mt Carmel Com Kindly omit floam
MfATTF.nooOD. On fllh month lh. II
T.lTi-v X ilaua-hter of the late Hrn I)
Lucy A E. Statteraood. Funeral on H
day. (Ith month 7th. nt 1 ociock. it
Ollxer It. Balr Rid. 1820 f heitnut it.
terment prlxnte. Frlenda mas call Jnd
SlIISLER. On June 2 1021. E:
Haimhf.r of Heorrn and Louisa Shliler.
11 .xears. Servlco on Tuesday afternoon
2 o'clock, at her residence. 2&00 P
axe. Interment at Arlington Cei
Friends may call Monday evenlni.
cnnl-ns Tune 3. ANNA M 80B1
TTatatKa nnd friends Invited to font1
Tuos. June 7. 8.30 A M 1132 ItWi I'
lllah requiem mars Our Lady of In! mil
Saornment i iiurcn, iirosii nonvr ima
.. . . ,n A .r Tn Unit frni, f.m.
MU'DEUS Juno 3, 1021 WILLIAM I,
husband of Margaret J Soudcrs IWUB
,wi frUnda nlao all other nrssntrit Oct
ixhlcli he was K member are Inxlleilloh
lend funornl serxlccs. Tuesday JP.I.
lit. lain ri-.lilenee. Central axe rsoil.
Intrriiieiil ArllnBton Cem Frlendi roil
Monday evening, 7 to 0.
of XX'llllam T. Sparks and dauahler ef B
beih C. Cochran and the late Hamilton
m- I--,.. n.liillid, unA frl.nlV. Sri
xlid lo funeral services ru.. I:J5J..
at her husband's residence 12. W. Jim
ai Nfirxtnoil. Pa Ini prlxste, ItIW
ma- take I2.:if P M train (Eastern nil
STECIx (nee SrhoncK) - Suddenly, JUJil
Itelatlxes cid friends are lux Ited I to ItliJ.
funeral eervli es. nl ner laie resmtn, -N
imii It . Tues 1,3d P. M P"clielr.,!
Mniiteomerv Ceiii. Nnrrlslnxxn is. n
"'tVl WART--A. the Pre;i,xter.l.n 11.1
BalUl Pa., .lune 1. IIAWJ l' u w -
Marv i;. fstewnri wr "' VyL- :
TneV i .-,!) p. M Ini aremwood (h, olf-B
'''", . ,.,., nviinr.n huilm
nf V VsTltlls Tate' - Relative, snd frM
an lnxlted to attend funeral r'nic. I. i J;
2 P M.. late residence, 111.. "'""'S
1 1 i bv. Ia. rrienua un,j ," .'-
7 P.M... ni ,ii '" 5,",., '," hu.fcmi
JI"W.;;uV;a,,-.rlV). .'on ot
i'litrlrk and Ann Thomaa of Inx-er,
Do'neial ""lreland. . Half mt- jn!
ami Mirw ., TufT: I
?". .rP.'1v,'c"i.';,.MfiMii Redram I
folwiV requiem "V-.jM.iS
nguratlon l A. .-vi ;;' nkC W
rnuTTV June 4 1021 LAIBA t.".
v.. ..... - t Tii.tln.
thna). fionx rrlend.' MeetlnK House. MoJrV..
lu,;",.,Vi' J Int C'olestown, N. J,
n,,..rt.:. M'ARLEb D JOYCE. Her1re ,,n
iLVnJL ?I?.,rr!t,0 l -' o'llock (Easier
Vn,ihai1 T ,,")' "'. hl l"" residence 811
termem h'."t- T.m? Sxxarlhmore. Pa. i.
"I"1'"' t . Bast Uwn Cenietcn. Hxxarih.
.rain leaxes Broad St Stuilon nl
Mow of
i A" ". '"a'" iiroan m stm
kalWr'',"" BV"aR ' !!!.
'..j..i.i .,-."" ." wninn win
dene, of h.V. ,lT,. '""l H I-- M. rS
.i ' """ tiruriq JallHr lJlli
KANE. Inn.
Martha a Kane
. JOHN H.,
33 W
rnon Cem
hu.bsnd of
WWAU!"- ''." . t 1B21
......ii.ii mee ixnurrnanir) ivlfa ki iiT- r,
Kramer, aged 03. RelatlVe. an?i fJi..,1" F'
nvlieil to attend funirklVirv"c.srl Mon ar?
P. M at her late residence "'ani M0nii'i.?
Jutil,lVr,"bsTJaUI!ne,d o'o. PnTOyV.h.U'll"fn? Sf
lnxlted to funeral. Wed.. P Vlut
Cumberland st. Jnt prtvaia w .i4 ni
C.m.Mium.ln. m.'b. Tu',0.r,,.hi'rrr
itMv.- Port Ktnnsdy. jUn.
n .tint
.ER. wlJiw of Joseph c. ""'" "
rnon"cVS "rHeno?mttr V.-t
VEIT-Junc !!, .11)21 "?'!!.(.
m -...! .i laia i .rin i r "iiu
niiiLfr). itifi'ti 1
II j. lew IjoiIK''. ss"
-i.. .i. -- unil irwi'i
llflHinr" -..- . , ,
v.. i n?."'i.'.tiji
, i;
1 rnnklln rt Int. '""' rTr .
.!... m!,. be viewed Sun .alter i
daughter of Lewis ": 'f. M " at art M
neinl services .moo -". cVrunfton. m
residence. Marshall road l-aru '",,
n rrienue ?"""".. yxitos" trill "
mav be viewed Hun exe ,n10,; 1"
Irsln (10th HI. larrninai " N, j jjiib
WALTER. At 9-'oft",.' ''iVpomirt
1 RED (1. husband of nn'? ' wiil
ter llelatlxe; and trlends. also ' ,
Hamilton Lodge. NJ. P.00-,1 .""-I, wl
all other orHijIKllon nf wntni j JJ
member, are Invited to a'Und ' w ', (M
2 P M. thanel nf Andrew J W "cvt, M
lr,h and 10th sis. In rJ''.'.MDr1 f. b.ll
WELHH.-Juna I. JSYi, RiV jlfedirgH
husband of Mary K. AV elel. i;d '( ,(!
Relatlxes.and '"' -rM '"int. TM
TiinArai. a u "
"' ' ui miun
15.'L.J?1'-"K. ATr'n'loT. M. i'1
Cross t'eni. .ni TIIO-yH
WESTWOOD. -On June 3. 10";?' (;tfl
WESTWOOP. JR. ,0.V, ., sM ""
ule S WCHtwood n"l?h,ess. p,A.Jl
also Mt Morlah 1 ,ndg. N" lB'Yn,V,r, M
lioywi 2; - ,a1 P XX im
II Freeman
213. Washington i 'amp. n ; ,(,, wr
of A and Sloneman's luh o ' ii ltm
are lnxlted lo t he serx ce on Tuj"dai
IIOOTl .1 O ,nn-n,
2HU H. Hobsnn St.
t'ein Frlenda may
ix- ,
WVATT.- Jun .
Inlerniont st At1' SM
view remains
1021. nKtlECJapl
xx blow of Thomas O. Watt fulrjl
neral services. Mon . 3 r- ".n.,,. vm
i,r lata res donee. 4i xi'"
la.tMiwy x , ww
..r M'.! .'r!'Kiv-
aw-T- if
.inn, a! MowriJ "pfw nmw,7'hlPni &;
, -t.w, .
I i'J' l"5l!i'. l"