Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 06, 1921, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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lays nt 9, 11 and 4:50
Store Opens at 9
Store Closes at 5
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eady With the Goods the People Need for a Comfortable Summer
m "inM-'w
lw Can Tfirdty- a Stone of a
Word i hat May Jbeave
a Thistle
u o life or he may give out a smile or a hand
W,i !Lr will be the beginning of a flower
Sden in the life it goes to.
There's a big, white parrot in a cage where
(Ms writing is going on ana a gentleman is
raressing tnc Dira vy shhiuuhiik w" is iuigui&
U feathcrx head, but now and then the bird
Sumps aside because the finger nails scratched
Sometimes there is not mucn umerence
between tickling and scratching. Nettles and
sweet peas often grow side by side.
Iam 1, 19S1.
might Felt Hats Such as Paris
chly at Longchamps and on the promenades, but disporting
themselves jaunuiy lit iuitmuun u-ua.
. You will find them in the Wanamakcr Millinery Salons
tomorrow in the delicate and gay, colors to match bright silk
sweaters orcniu, curon, jauc, uuigennu, tan, nenna, sana, twine,
rose, white, the French-favored gray) as well as dark blue and
Onei of the prettiest is a copy of Tlcboux's latest a nalc
orchid felt, banded with picot ribbon that ends in n bunch of
stiff little loops.
Others have smart pheasant tail trimming, or just the right
flower, or quills.
Each is right. Aim tnc prices arc from $15 up.
(Second Floor, CheRtnut)
Well-Made White Shoes for
All Her Summer Needs
hvas with leather military heels and trimming of tan or black
Ithcr. It is $7.50.
(Firnt Flour, Market)
Ornamental Hat
'iris That Dangle
Pretty enough for trimmings,
Iny women consider them, and
ly arc one of the new notes to
i Summer hat.
Borne are in imitation jade, set
Ih rhinestones, others arc shiny
set with rhinestones. They
! from $1 to $8.
Mimlrr Store, 'hetiiut u,ml
Dimity Waists
jwcar with square-necked slip-
sweaters have collates which
Id down all around over the
leaters and cuffs which turn
fk over the sleeves. Also they
Won in the back, and sell at
Other sports waists include
lite dimity with lay-down col
ls; ith pleatings color edged,
wth checked gingham col
ls and cuffs, "each of these three
f'cs being $3.85.
Other whitu waists are of lawn.
R Peter Pan collars, and wide
ana arc marked !s.
.(Third Floor, Crnlrnl)
fortunately New
llrlttrinri A Z1
Tioacs vre coming
Right Along
For thpv ... i f..,. ,
In,! u' "uuriuny in UC
L,i Summer and women
Five as fast as tho'
fresll imnnrto(! .'. ;.. i
bf ., ui. T. ",,,lu" ,s '" HOW-
Bf. Uth nil 4U- i ... ..
h! ',w.hitc Frou'ls With col
li! wT .." ' co lcd. .ffrounds
f-s "w.as
iJJ'tH clf.TOloctl dots, $1 a
'''"-! Floor, CI.eM.inl)
Girls Will mo
Plenty of Middy
feteSmnwl' -c going
.ai garment for X I P.rUC'
d moiin.t. '01 tnc neashoro
!." socially nriend
Other o;ar'.?lanJ 51-15.
! or whito w .? i5',th 8,10rt
Ut ,l..Wmt0 With b UO Pn11-a
F fiS, TO,8' liS 4i
?:' "0"' ch.rt
is wearing
in Paris, soft-crowned felt hats arc seen everywhere not
No woman is ready for Summer until she has her supply of white
3. They add much to the effect of any dainty frock.
She could not choose them better than here.
We have the prettiest of white pumps and slippers for dress wear
h lteht. flexible soles, and heels that arc high or low. French. Cubnn
military. Either plain or with the popular ankle straps. In canvas
y are $9 and up; in buckskin from $12 up, and in kid from $12 up.
Lacea OXiorus lor murmur uuu siiuits wuur many women wear
im all day in Summer with heels of different height and shape, arc
up in white canvas, and $15 up in white buckskin.
Regular sports snoes ot wnue canvas or duck, witn rubber soles
I wedge heels, some with tan calf trimming, arc $7.50 to $20.
An oxford many women will like for all-around wear is white
Young Women's Knitted
A 11- Wool Capes to Go at $10. 75
Fashion advices say "the
smartest young women on
shipboard arc wearing long
capes of knitted wool."
For seashore, country club,
mountains, steamer deck, hotel
veranda anywhere over
pretty dresses nothing could
be cozier or more becominp,
thnn Mie.se long, soft, bright
colored cloaks of crocheted
They arc a clear jade green,
brilliant tomato, peacli color
or Harding blue, with great
collars of snowy white brushed
wool, as becoming as white
Every stitch is of softest
We shall sell them at $10.75.
We have not had anything
like them before to sell under
twice this price!
Wizes 14 to 20.
(eonil I
Glove Silk Is the Finest
Summer Underwear
It looks so well, feels so cool and pleasant and can be laundered so
eanily that every woman likes n good bupply for Summer.
A new shipment in good, firm silk brings the following piece:
Pink vests and bodices, $.".50 to $7.
Pink nnd white bloomers, $5 to $10.
Pink envelope chemises, $6.50 to $9.50.
Pink camisoles, $2.75 to $3.75.
(I'lrM I'li.or, Mnrhrt)
100 More Silk Skirts
Special at $16.75
They are exactly the same kind of beautiful silk skirts that
were in the. Summer Sale a few days ago, this being the
remainder of the shipmdnt.
Every one is pleated, and the silkh aie the most funhionublo
that one could have for this Summer. Plenty of white silks nnd
also the other good colois of navy blue, gray, tan and black.
Not all M70.1 in any one style, but many women who couldn't
lind their size befoic may be more successful now.
(i:xHt Alnlp)
THE latest French idea is the use of chenille on
embroidered Georgette crepe flouncings, and
American makers arc copying it, as you may see in
the Lace Store tomorrow. These new flouncings
come in gray, tan, navy and a lighter blue; they are
40 inches wide and the price is .$(5.75 a yard.
(Mult, floor,
Slips to Wear Under Thin Dresses
"Costumo slips" they are called, and ono may havo them of sheer
nainsook with laco at neck and foot, price $6.85 nnd $7.50; or of tailored
satin, pink, price $6.85; or of flesh nnd wljito crcpo do shine with
Georgctto tops, pritic ?8.50,
i (Third rr, Central)
Women's Lovely Summer
Gowns of Printed Silk
No two of them are alike and
yet In every one you will find some
daintily figured material cither
foulard, or foulard - patterned
Georgette, or printed chiffon, dark
or light. Some of the gowns arc
tnado of only one material; in
others the printed stuff veils n
plain silk or is veiled hy a plain
There arc long-waisted styles,
styles with the waists in the nnt-
(Flrnt Floor,
Fine Silk Coats and Capes
Are Very Much Reduced
This is owing to the fact that
the season is advancing and that
there arc only n few of these
handsome garments left.
They are chiefly of Canton
crepe or satin with soft silk lin
ings. Some havo collars of
slynx or krlmmcr, others arc
(First Floor,
New Shipments of Chinese
Shantung Silks
This excellent Shantung pongeo
goes out so fast to clothe men,
women and children who wish to
be cool in hot weather, that we
are constantly getting new ship
ments in.
(Flrnt Floor.
Linen Suits
The Custom Tailoring Bureau
is making many linen suits and
skirts to order of a good heavy
grade of linen for women and
young women, at very reasonable
Linen suits, white or colored,
made to measure for $25.
(Second Fl
Women's Ideas
Regarding Bathing Suits
From the blue jersey suit with
white stripes to the fascinating
costume of black satin or foulard
silk is a long step, but it has
been taken.
The new bathing suits are as
modern in their fashions and as
pretty as the newest gowns.
They arc made of any number
First Floor,
ural place; styles with rcdln
gotes; with flowing sleeves, with
all manner of graceful or cling
ing draperies. And the colorp
arc lovely faint tans and roso
shades, delicate, evasive blues,
black and white effects, the
darker, more practical blues.
Some of the mcvt attractive
styles arc simply made of the
familiar pnlkn-dotted foulard.
Prices, $38.50 to $115.
more in wrap form or capes in
black or navy blue for street
wear or lighter colors for eve
nings. Many are elaborately
The new prices are $50 to
8276, which is a great reduction
from the former markings.
A- fairly good genuine Chinese
Shantung at $1 a yard; and a
bettor one at SI. 25. Both nat
ural color, and 33 inches wide.
So low-priced only because of
the low rato of Chinese exchange.
and Skirts
to Order
Linen skirts, white or colored,
made to measure for $10 and up
ward. Khaki hiking and sports suits, ,
in skirt and Norfolk coat model,"
made to measure for $17.50.
Our customers' pleasure in
these things bespeaks their satis
faction. Centrnl)
Have Changed
of fabrics and they have a wide
range of prices. There arc new
shipments constantly and women
nre buying them almost as fast
as hev arrive.
Starting with a surf satin at
$3.75, there arc wool jerseys, silk
poplins, taffetas, fou'.ards, ging
hams and prices govup to $43 for
a very handsome black satin.
Lingerie Ribbons
a Third Less
Pink, blue and white, each coloi
it,. rosebud and bowknot designs,
and each in baby to one-inch
Prices, 7oc to $2.40 for a ten
yaid p'iecc.
(Alnin I'loor, Centrnl)
English Silk
Squares for Her
Bathing Cap
Only in the English squares will
you find .the beautiful coloringh
that arc here nnd only at Wnna
maker's will you find these same
English squares.
Among the prettiest of all ar
tlif regimental stripes and the
lovelv Liberty silks. They nre
especially suitable for the now
bathing buits where the same col
ors arc to bo found. From $2.75
to $10 are the prices.
(Main Floor, Control ...id London
Whop, the Gallrr.t)
Why Not Hear
Caruso Sing Now
instead of waiting until his return
next Full from Italy, to fulfill
his opera engagements in this
Something may easily keep one
fiom( the opera next Fall: but
theic's nothing to keep a music
lover from dropping in the Phono
graph Store tomorrow and ob
taining Caruso's Finest Songs on Victor
Hcd Seal llccords.
We suggest "Celeste Aida,"
from Verdi's opera "Aida"; "Scr
enata," Bracco-Caruso; and "Dom
ino Deus," from Rossini's "Mcssc
Solcnnelle," or other famous
compositions benutiful in them
selves nnd rendered with Cniuso's
incomparable art.
No matter what make of phono
graph you own, it can play these
(Second I'loor, Central)
Boys Must Have
Cool, Washable
They should have the good kind.
Only the best kind aro good
enouglr for our Boys' Clothing
Store and they are here in uinplc
choice, in nil desirable fabrics,
styles and color effects,
Wnshablo suits for little fel
lows of 3 to 0 years at $3.75 to
Washable suits for boys of 8 to
18 years, $8.50 to $13.50.
Washable blouses for boys of
7 to 15 years, $1 to $2.25.
Washable trousers in khaki,
gray crash, nnd Palm Beach, for
boya of 0 to 18 years, nt $2 to $3,
(Hteond rft,Vr, Centic")
Hoivm About a
Book Shower
for a Bride?
Almost any girl starling in
her own home would be glad
of the very best ndvice she
could come by in regard to
household matters. And
what would be better than a
little library of well-selected
household books?
We suggest a few to begin
"Boston Cooking - School
Cook Book," by Fannie Mcr
ritt Farmer. $2.50.
"A New Book of Cookery,"
by Fannie M. Farmer. $2.50.
"Cooking for Tho," by
Janet M. Hill. $2.25.
"TwcntV - Fnnr l.tiil.
French Dinners," by Cora
Moore. $1.25.
"Feeding the Family," by
Mary S. Rose. $2.40.
"Housewifery," by L. R.
Baldorston. $2.50.
"The Up-to-Datc Wait
ress, by Janet M. Hill. $1.75.
"The Business of the
Household," by CW. Tabcr.
"Dressmaking," by Jane
Fnlos. $2.
"American Red Cross Text
Book" on Homo Hygiene and
Cnro of the Sick. 60c.
"Home and Community
Hygiene," by Jean Broad
hurst. $2.50.
"The Social Letter," by
Elizabeth Myers. $1.25.
"The Social Secretary,"
by Elizabeth Myers. $1.25.
(Main Floor, Thirteenth)
Summer .Rugs at a Fourth
to a Half Less
All first-quality goods taken from our regular stocks,
where they have been selling at much higher prices.
Fine rush rugs with end borders and all-round check
Straw rugs in large block designs and pleasing colors.
And the always desirable Colonial rag rugs.
Rush Rugs
9x12 ft $12.60 and $13
8x10 ft $10.25
0x9 ft $6.75
4x7 ft $3.75
3x6 ft $2.50
Colonial Rag Rugs
9x12 ft $9.75
(Peientl. I'loor, Chettnut)
This Housefurnishing Store Is
Philadelphia Headquarters
for Summer Home Comfort
Of all the many varieties of refrigerators, ice cream
freezers, gas ranges, tireless cookers and such things
made, we selected the particular varieties you will find
here because we believe them to be in every instance
the most completely satisfactory articles of their kind.
No skimped quality to make chep prices. No
defective fittings to screw out larger profits. But one
idea throughout to yivc you the best household service
possible to have. The best
Refrigerators are $17
to $390.
Ice Chests arc $11.75 to
Ice Cream Freezers are
$4.15 to $12M.
Electric Fans arc $6.25
to $47.
Gas Flanges arc $o2 to
Gas Water Heaters are
$20 and 2I.
(I mirth I'loor, Centrnl, and Market)
"The Honeymoon
is what wc call the newest special
package in the Caniee Shop. It
is an attractive -package ofde
icious Cameo chocolates. luscious
morsels they are! and it is rib
bon tied and all ready to give
$3.50 complete.
But you may choose Camce
chocolates in anv quantity you
like they are the finest choco
lates in Philadelphia $1.75 a
And there are all sorts of
dainty nnd unusual and suitable
boxes and packages to hold them,
in the Caniee Shop.
(Mnln Floor, ( hentnul)
Men's and Women's
Umbrellas, $1.50
They have paiagon frames cov
ered with Amerienn taffeta
(black cotton) with taped edges,
and the men's have plain and
carved mission handles, while the
women's have the hanie handles
varied by colored tops and silk
cord loops. Men's aro the 28
inch size; women's tho 26,
Price, $1,50.
(Mnln Floor, Market)
Wanamaker Quality Means so Much
in Men's Tropical Suits
There is only ono Palm Beach cloth and all Wanamaker Palm Beach suits are made
of it. Wanamaker Palm Beach suits arc not only genuine in fabric, but they are tailored as
all suits made of tropical fabrics should be tailored. There are no Palm Beach suits of the
same kind as Wanamaker Palm Beach suits that are sold for less money.
In other words, there are no Palm Beach suits sold for less than Wanamaker Palm
Beach suits that are equal to the Wanamaker suits in fabric, style and tailoring.
The same is true of Wanamaker mohair and tropical worsted suits.
The reason why WanaWker tropical suits hold their lines and givo such satisfactory
service is all because of the excellence of the fabrics and the tailorwork. Here aro our
prices for tropical suits and garments that keep a man cool without "taking it out" of his
Palm Beach suits, $20 and
Tropical worsted suits, $32 to
Men Like the
Color Straw
Wc knew that London men of
fashion liked these hats, but we
were not sure how Philadelphia
men would take to them when wc
brought them over this season.
They have made a distinct hit
with men who like a somewhat
different kind of hat.
Rcdlcaf London styles at $5.50.
(Main Floor, Market)
Imported Straw Rugs
9x12 ft $9.75
7.6x10.6 ft $7.50
6 x 9 ft $4.85
3x6 ft $1-75
9x15 ft $9.00
12 x 15 ft $14.50
Oil Cooking Stoves arc
$22.50 to $37.
Firelcss Cookers arc
$26 to $58.
Steam-Pressure Cook'
ers are $25 to $19.
Hath S ho w e r s and
Sprays arc 75c to $25.
Window and Door
Screens are in many sizes
and varieties.
Finish the Walls
with Flat-Tone, an ideal wall
coating for home, hospital, church
or public building. It is a wash
able oil paint of great durability,
in almost any shade or color and
applicable to any surface. Ask
for it in the Paint Section.
(Fourth Floor. Centrnl)
Spend All the Time You
in Summer
Hint is pretty safe adice to follow in fan
weather, but there is no necessity in roughing out
tioor life as onco was necessary.
Closc-to-nnturo canvas houses, easy to put up
and take down, usoful on a camping trip or on
your lawn, sizes 7.0x6 ft., $54, to 18x24 ft , at
$108. ,.
e.nVn'L1 leon,t3 '" S'ZC 7x7 feet to 1:2x11 fctt.
$10.50 to $33.
Automobile tents. $20 to $30.
Also several outfits for motorists, comprisim
beds, and tents which enn bo carried in or on
the car.
Camp furniture and cooking outfits, blankets,
outdoor clothing, flashlights, caineias, canoes and
rowboats and nil outdoor equipment. t
(The" QHllerj, Juniper) .
Mohair suits, $25 to $30.
Knitted sports coats, $20.
White flannel and striped flan
nel trousers, $12.
(Third I'loor, Market)
An Extraordinary Occasion
in Glassware and China
Glassware for every need of
homo or Summer cottage,
glassware in .a variety that is
proving a delight to seekers
for bridal gifts, glassware of
every degree from the simplest
light-cut pieces up to the rich
est specimens of fine cut cry
stal; glassware in as brilliant
nnd attractive an assortment
ns anyone could well desire is
offered in this remarkable
Juno disposal at savings of
20 to 50 per cent from regu
lar prices.
In fine cut glnsa choose any
thing amongst hundreds and
hundreds of pieces now priced
at $1.50 to $175 apiece. If
you arc looking for an inex
pensive piece of cut glass at a
good Raving these arc very ex
ceptional. Berry bowls, $3.75.
Hundreds of Dinner Sets at New
Low Prices
French china sets, English
and American porcelain sets
form the bulk of the assort
ment which comprises a
wealth of the most attractive
(I'onrtl. Floor. ClieMnut)
For the Comfort and
Convenience of Travelers
The travel season is here, nnd thousands of people are looking for
luggage and such accessories as will add to the comfort of their trips.
In this Luggage Store you can get traveling bags of sturdy black
or brown cowhide at $8.75, and excellent cowhide suitcases at $12 50
Both prices are much lower than similar luggage was last season.
From these low prices you may go as high as you like for fin
fitted and unfitted luggage, and the fitted pieces start as modestly
as $25.
Men's dressing cases of black oi tan leather with black and shell
finish fittings, $6.50 to $35.
Women's dressing cases of shiny and dull black leather with cellu
loid fittings in white, shell finish and two color combinations, $10
to $67.50.
Travelers' roils, with space foi men's and women's tics, gJoes,
urns and such accessories, $4 to $20.
(Mnln Floor, LheMnutl
Sample Lamps for Floor
and Table
N caily a hundred metnl lamps in various finishes ivory, black,
brown nnd other colors; and with one. two and three lights. Some
are the tiny, dainty lamps for the boudoir, some are the larger table
lamps, and the rest arc floor lampN of the bridge type. Prices htarj
at $8.50 and end at $33 50.
(Fourth Flour, (enlrnli
New Irish Linen Napkins
Remarkable at $6.75 a Dozen
Thee are the lowest priced napkins wc hae had in this size,
L".J2 inches, in a long time.
Of full-bleached, pure flax damask in a choice of five good floral
To anybody knowing how pure linen napkins in this size have
been selling in recent years there is no need to say how c. optional
these art at Sfl.7." a do.cn.
(First Flnnr, (hentnuti
Blue flannel sports coats, $18.
White duck trousers, $3.50.
Khaki trousers, $2.
Orange bowls, $4.75.
Jugs, 3-pint size, $5.
Vases, 12-inch size, $4.50.
Compotes, $3.
Sugar and cream sets, $3.50
a set.
Imported, decorated glass
ware and light-cut glassware
aro offered in fine selection at
very attractive savingB.
floral and conventional pat
terns in wares of the best
shape and quality, every set
comprising 106 or 107 pictcs.
Can Outdoors
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