WM -' SV '.Ji EVENING UBtilO VL JUNE G, ifofei ' '" v t 5 tn the Strawbridge & Clothier Anniversary Sate Half a Million Yards of White and Colored Cotton i. J ." ( Former ' . T-, s M-, ' i 1 'rf3jfv ; " t WJ H ALF a million yards 1 An unprecedented quantity of thin season's fresh new Cotton Fab rics gatnerctl liom uumo whu uuruuu iur uie Anniversary ouie. iuvur uuiore nave our customers had such a marvelous opportunity to buy such Dress Cottons at such savings. Tnaf Ints are on sale at half last year's prices for the same kinds and qualities. All are t nm one-fourth to one-half less than prices on the same grades earlier this season. And every Irce in the Sale is new, fresh merchandise,' this' year's distinctive weaves, patterns and hades The list is so large and so comprehensive that wo can merely indicate here the extraor dinary savings for all who share in to-morrow's economy event. BUSINESS HOURS 9 TO S.30 DAYLIGHT-SAVING TIME sv 20,000 Yards of Printed Voiles 1 OC One-half of Last Season s Price j -n-v Nearly 100 different styles and colorings in this choice lot of 8-inch Voiles. Navy blue-and-white, brown-and-white and Copenhagen blue-and-white printed in pretty foulard effects and in smart broken plaids. Also lovely two-color printings, light and dark in effect, on navy blue, Copenhagen blue and brown grounds now 35c a yard. 1 38c 1 42c 38c Mercerized-stripe Voiles ) Wnrth i in p.-n;ui iviore Printed Voiles with mercerized stripo, 36-inch width. In smart foulard patterns, including whito on navy blue, Copenhagen blue, brown or black mimls 38c a yard. 3000 Yards of 42-inch Ploin r.nnrpi Voile A remarkable- "Anniversary Special" extra-width Voila in pink, lavender, apricot, tan, gray, mais, brown, navy blue and black now 42c a yard. Plain Color Lace Voile 4000 Yards, Half Price Exquisitely lovely, these Voiles with threads in drawn-work effect A special purchase for the Sale. In light blue, pink, rose, apricot, lavender, gray, tan, navy bluo and black. t 8000 Yards of Printed Voiles Sharply Reduced An excellent range of styles in navy bluc-and-whitc, black-and-white, or lavender in two-color print inff. Also whito grounds printed in bluo, pink or black. Printed Plisse Crepe ) 2500 Yds.Greatly Reduced In demand for summer kimonos and, night gowns, this cool, practical Cotton Crepe. White, pink or blue grounds, printed in floral patterns. ? 30c 35c 65c 10,000 Yards of 38-inch Printed Voiles, now The samo grade of Voilo was nearly doublo this price in 1920. New patterns in navy blue or brown printed t in whito foulard designs. Also gray, brown and navy blue, printed in neat two-color effects. English Prints, 7000 Yds. Half This Spring's Price An imported mercerized Cotton Print, of excellent quality. Whito grounds with black stripes, neat fig ures and fancy colored designs. For men's and boys' shirts, women's and children's dresses now 32c a yd. 38-inch Printed Batiste OO One-third Less Than Last Year O O L Dainty and cool for women's and children's sum mer drcssos and for kimonos. Whito grounds, with neat figures in light blue, Copenhagen or navy blue, pink, lavender or reseda green 38c n yard. 32c Plain Colored Linene Suiting Under Price 32c In fact, ono-half the price last season. Sturdy, easily laundered Linene, in light or Copenhagen blue, pink, lavender or reseda green 32c a yard. Junior Suiting, 2000 Yds.) 99 Far Below Former Price wC Strong, serviceable Cotton Suiting. In plain Copenhagen blue, brown or green, also blue-nnd-white or brown-and-white stripes. Strawbrldne & Clothier Ai.lca 5 and 0. Centre ana Filbert Street W&JBRf&&m!Ztt&r H r.'. m. JP jS iT- - ' i. kspcmm ssmaff&x v- tfSMKtlfJMWIVllBA w 9ywW M5 JNVfUJ mWmr V AND never before has there been such an amazing range of choice for instance, 500 dif ferent patterns and colorings in Printed Cotton Voiles. The variety of merchandise in the Sale is too great to list every kind here. But the great feature of the Sale, to-morrow, Cotton Dress Goods at a fraction of former prices, includes the most-wanted kinds, both 'In white and colored fabrics. An economy event planned to benefit the greatest number of cus tomers. Choose from Ginghams, Voiles, Organdies, Linene, Swiss, Skirtings and other sheer and sturdy Cottons seemingly unlimited in kind. Sharing in the Sale means in many cases saving almost or fully one-half on the cost of the Cotton Fabrics needed for this summer's UBe. 20c 12,000 Yards of Ginghams and Percales, Average Saving One-third New PERCALES, just received for the Sale. White grounds with lavender stripes, or black and blue stripes. Others in neat hair-line checks or figures. All 86 inches wide. Another lot of CHECKED DRESS GINGHAMS at less than half last year's price. Smart checks in three sizes, light blue-and-white or brown-and-white. White Novelty Woven Voile, 6000 Yards 65c L J -1 aa a Jrt Hi e fl bu j 4r aa m Air m V Always in uemauu xoi uiniivy auumiui. iiutus these sheer white Voiles in neat figures and woven squares in lace-work ground. Unusually lovely in effect now 65c a yard. (65c 78c 35c 3000 Yards of Imported White Gabardine, Special UJC A saving of more than one-third on this fino Gabardino specially purchased for the Salo. In fJO-inch width. Imported Embroidered White Batiste, Half Price ( A remarkable purchase of lovely Batisto, em broidered in dainty figures, neat conventional ef fects. Exquisitely fine quality" for summer dresses. 3000 Yards of 38-inch White Voile, Excellent Unusual indeed, to be able to got such a fine qual ity to seil at such a low price. This lot will sell quickly, to-morrow, at 35c a yard. 7000 Yards White Madras Afr Far Below Regular Price ( rlL Six patterns in All-whito Woven Striped Madras, the kind that is so well-liked. Of sturdy quality and nttrnctivo appearance 40c a yard. t5- White Linene Suiting I 00 2500 Yards, Half Price ( C For children's- suits and dresses and middy blouses, for women's frocks nnd nurses' uniforms, this is ono of tho fabrics most in demand. This special lot is only 22c a yard. 44-in. White Linen-finish) qC Suiting, Greatly Reduced DDL, A saving of nearly one-third on this fine-woven Suiting, sturdy and well-wearing. For dresses, blouses and nurses' uniforms now 33c a yard. White Novelty Skirting ( Half Last Season's Price ( A smart plaid pattern or a pretty stripe in this All-white Skirting. Much in demand now for sum mer use 38c a yard. 38c White Pajama Checks Remarkably Reduced ( 17c A special purchase of 5000 yards of this service able, but light-weight Cotton Check so well-liked :or unucrgarments 17c a yard. 10,000 Yards Long Cloth In 10-yard Pieces Pieces of fine, sturdy Long Cloth for undergar ments nna imams' apparel. Now ono-third less than tho price earlier in tho season. Strawbridte A ClothierAisles C an-1 ft. Centre, .nd Filbert fitrent $1.65 M$& TO-MORROW 2200 Little Girls' Colored Chambray DRESSES An Extraordinary Value At95c Mothers of girls from 2 to 6 years old will seek the Golden Special sign to-morrow. For it points to a saving of more than ono-third on tho prettiest of practical wash Dresses. Five different styles of colored chambray, others trimmed with white rep, ns sketched, and another model with white waist and colored chambray skirt. All fresh and new, just unpacked. The Golden Special price is 95c. 5-- Strvbrldre & Clothltr Third Floor, West 100 Boys' Jack O'Leather Suits in the Sale at $12.75 Handsomely tailored of all-wool fabrics in new spring colorings with hidden reinforcements of real leather at all wear points seat, knees, elbows and pockets. The entire 100 will go quickly at $12.75 to-morrow. Small Boys' Wash Suits in the Sale at $1.95 Oliver Twist stylo in desirable plain colors. Sizes 3 to 8 years. ffiy Htrawtwldie : Clothier Second Tloor, Filbert Street, Hast Special Purchases of Women's Coats in the Anniversary Sale Nearly all arc duplicates of the best-selling models in stock this season. Especially attractive are these At $15.00 Worth One-Third More Velour Coats in shades of blue and tan; also a few of mixed cloths. All silk-lined throughout. At $18.00 Worth One-Third More CoaUl of two-tono velour nnd inn wool cloaking, ono model with nawi collar. All silk -lined throughout. At $20.00 Worth One-Third More Full-length Tweed Coats in shades of tan and gray, belted all around and silk-lined throughout. At $22.50 Worth One-Third More Fino Coats and Dolmans of plain and silver-toned velour, ele gantly lined and trimmed with stitching. Clearance of Odd Lots of Coats at $25.00 vurious styles and materials somo sports models. . strawbrldf a k Clothier Second Tloor, Centre Anniversary Sale of Silks Some Reduced Nearly One-Half Foulards in Exclusive Patterns, 40-inch now $2.65 Printed Pussy Willow nnd Radium, 40-inch now $3.00 clack and Colored Satin DnnhnsTs. S6-inch now S3.00 WOO Yards of Silk Pongee, Special Counter "-anai t'ongee, 33-inch Special at $1.85 a yard Odd Lots of Fine Black Silks at Great Reductions. ;i)- - tUrun url duo Clothier Alula (J, Centie Blankets and Comfortables In the Anniversary Sale Many thrifty housekeepers are finding it an advantageous economy to anticipate their needs for six months ahead, with such values as these and the many others throughout the Bedfurnishings Section: Wool-mixed Blankets, nhlte, colored borders; 70x80 $8.50 a pair Wool-mixed Blankets, gray, colored borders; 70x80 $9.50 a pair Wool-mixed Blankets, plaids, various colors; 68x80 $12.00 a pair Wool-mixed Blankets, white, colored borders; 76x84 $13.50 a pair Cotton-flllcd Comfortables, figured silkolino covering $1.73 Wool Comfortables, cambric covering, satine border $5.75 Wool Comfortables, Japanese silk covering now $15.75 --S'rawbrUga & Clothier AtsU 11. Tllhert Street ANNIVERSARY EXTRAORDINARY These Queen Make Porch Frocks At an Anniversary Sale Saving, $4.65 A special purchase of dainty.tcool-looking Dresses that women are buying now for porch and morning wear. Theso arc particu larly attractive of sneer white batiste printed in block design, in lavender, green, gray or blue. Just as practical as they arc pretty, with threo-quarter-length-slceves, batisto sash and novel braid trimming at the squaro neck nnd cuffs. 2i-. Strawbridge & Clothier Third Floor. Filbert Btreet, Wet 600 Fine Pearl Bead Necklaces About Half Price f 3.00, $5.00, S7.-50, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 A Sprciai Dllrrhnsn nf nlnnf n(v linn.lroil olrliicm nf flno Pnnrl Rfiin'K sol'd or ud pearls, in various lengths nnd qualities, Pciudlne tho popular 18, 24 and 30 inch lengths. thinestone Bracelets Exceptional, $4.00 A epecinl lot of Plevlhli. Brnroletn of STRHTINO SILVER not ttinltu- nB and combinations of rhinestones with emeralds, PPnlrcs or nmorWof,, ----. ,rf MVU 5- Btrawbrldw Clothier ALL 0, Market Street Decorative Linens About One-third Under Price Moro than 4000 Decorativo Linens, such aB Centrepieces, Scarfs, Clothb, Covers and tho like, which have lost their initial freshness through handling, aro now marked at reductions chiefly of ono-third from our former already low prices. Let theso few items illustrate the nature of the values tnu3 made available Scarfs, 18x50, linene centre, trimmed with 3'2-inch filet effect lace now 50c Shams or Table Covers, 30x30 inches, linene centre, with 4rinch Cluny-effect lace $1.00 Filet Lace Bread Tray Doilies, 6x12 inches now 50c Madeira Hand-embroidered Linen Handkerchief Cases,$1.25 Madeira Hand-embroidered Linen Centrepieces $2.50 Madeira Hand-embroidered Linen Scarfs $3.50 Madeira Hand-embroidered Pillow Cases $3.00 Jleal Cluny Lace-trimmed Centrepieces, 24 inches $1.00 Mosaic-embroidered Linen Centrepieces, 24x36 inches $10 An there are but ono or two pieces of a kind, early selection will insure the advantage of greatest variety. 2h-- Strawbrldf t, Clothier Alrte 11, Centre Women's Fine Suits Reduced Individual Models now $70.00 to $200.00 The finest Suits in stock this season, of such materials as pique tine, tho finest tricotlne, twill cord and hlgh-grado checked velours chiefly singlo exclusive models. Now $17.50 to $40.00 Belted and Btraight-lino models of twocd, tricotino nnd Poiret twill, including some extra sizos. JJJ-- 8trawbrlds A Clothier Second rioor, Centre White Cotton Dress Net now 68c Six hundred yards in tho fine clear mesh, used extensively for dresses nnd gulmpeq, inchcdawbrMgt & Cl0th,tr-Ai,i. is. Centre Imitation Crochet Lace now 6c Best quality. Two thousand five hundred yards, in several pat terns and several trimming: widths. Striped Fancy Ribbon now 55c Beautiful floral patterns in dark tones with striped edge and stripe through centre. 64 inches wide. tr-V.Strawbrldue U Clothier .Male 11, Market Street Venise Lace Collars now 45c Seven hundred imported Venise Lace Collars, flat shape, in beau tiful patterns. &- Straw bridge It Ciotlilr- Alale 11. Markat Stroot Spiced Jelly Candies, Special 45c Spiced Jelly Drops or Strings, with delicious flavors special at 45c. Plain Jelly Drops special at 32c. 55--Straw brldio & Clothier Ilaeement. and TUbert Street Croee Alilo Satine Petticoats Special at 85c Six hundred Petticoats, mado with tucked flounce finished w laiting in floral effects. I Satine Petticoats Special at $1.50 I Full flounco finished with' scalloped ruffles; double-panel front 1000 Dozen Linen HANDKER CHIEFS Men's, $2.40 Dozen to-morrow Women's$1.40Dozen Theso sturdy Irish Linen Handkerchiefs will vanish quickly from under tho Golden Special sign to-morrow. For they are just what most men and women prefer for general, practical use. All arc neatly hemstitched. The saving is close to one-third. Women's Handkerchiefs, 1.40 a dozen; Men's Handkerchiefs $2.40 a dozen. X? Strawbrldae . Clothier Aim n, .Market Street Imt 1 In the Anniversary Sale Trimmed Hats At $4.75 an Now $50.00 to $67.50 Fino Tuilorcd Suits of tricotino, twill cord, Poiret twill and chock ed velours, in black, navy and colors. and back. 3 Btrawbrlilce & Clothier Second Floor, West Men's Genuine Panama Hats at $3.65 Several smart new shapes, all perfect and worth one-half more to doublo this Annivcrsnry prico. Men's Sennit Straw Hats at $2.10 Imported Sennit straws fitted with ventilated leather band; all new nnd in several good shapes. En Btruwbrldie & Clothier Second Floor, Market Street, Eaet 1200 Men's Shirts Reduced to $1.25 Shirts of corded madras and good percale, that would ordi narily sell for one-third moro. JJ,-- strnnbrldro & Clothler Eaet Store, nirhth Street Men's Silk Knitted Four-in-hands, 85c In plain solid colors that will appeal to men of conservative tBSteS. sr Straw brlds-e Clothier Aisle 1, Market Street Rubber-Sole Tennis Shoes at $1.50 All sizes for men, women and children. White canvas uppeis durable white rubber soles somo with red and some with black rubber soles V--- Mrawbriaao 4 auKiler Fourth Fluor Market irtel Jardinieres and Pedestals, $7.60 to $36.50 Needed right now for porch plants. Scores of different t-tyles that would sell for one-fourth more than theso Anniversary prices. l-- Strawbridge & Clothier Daeement "Wear-Ever" Pudding Pan Sets, $1.95 Sets of threo Puddinor Pans 1-. lVi- and 2-ouart sizoanf gonuino heavy wear-over ALUMINUM, at a saving of moro than one-third. Tho threo Pans for the usual prico of two. fcft-V Strawbridge ft.Clothler llairmerit Lawn Swingrsr-$9.75 and $10.75. Four-passenger. Worth one-fourth to ono-third moro. Sh-y StrawbrWgo A Clothier Fourth Floor. Centre Worth Nearly Double Fresh, new Hemp Hats, chiefly in whito, soma colored edges all mid-summer shapes, faced with creno and trimmed with flmvoK -;m .. itf fancies. A beautiful, summery assortment. Trimmed Hats Nearly One-half Less--$6.50 0 fniDOrtPfl tmnsnnrmith hrm1 nnniiilnJ .:ji. w?i trimmed with flowers and ribbons. """man-nemp and Untrimmed White Hemp Hats-special, $1.50 Ribbon "Crusher" Hats, white, colors $2 95 - 3- Stra. bridge & ci,tA.r8.. o, q' rhw. "farket fZ .-. Market Street Eighth Street Filbert Street STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Market Street Eighth Street Filbert Street Ideal Fireless ! Cookers Reduced With tho first warm days ofj early summer reminding every housewife of the cool kitchen com-' fort, made possible by tho Ideal j Fireless Cooker. Noio $21.25 to $60.00 J A special demonstration of tho Ideal Fireless Cookers will be given nil this week. Other timely values Or'olo Cabinet Guh Ranges, oven 18x18 inches "ith gluss door, heat , indicator, broiler, warming closet, I and canopy now $79.00. Enamel Hrenil Tnnstnrs. fur in ' ...., .... h.,, or oil ranges; half prlcfs 80c. Straw brldne 4 Clothier liaaement j Satines Special FAST-BLACK SATINE for bloomers, aprons and petticoats; 86-inch 30c, 10c and 50c a yard. WHITE SATINE for petti coats; 3G-inch width H0c, COc and 60c a yard. Fast-Black Lawn now 35c Lininp Lawn, 38 Inches wide. StrawbrldBe & Clothlei- Alula 7 Centre Cowhide Traveling Bags in ( (7 the Sale f P -OO Black or mahogany-color, with sewed edges and corners, sheep skin leather lininir. centra lock nd twe nd catches. In 1C- and 18 Incj zes $7.05. Household Fabrics Under Price! ,.FJnc"SI'un onp C1th, in 10 yard pieces, for $1.65. Fine light-weight Nainsook in or. 12-yard pieces, for ?4.00. Bleached Muslip, 36-inchlfic. Book-fold Nainsook 8c J8cUh"j.SU0W Caai"e' 45-'nch White Cambric Muslin 25c hite Cotton Shakei Flannel 20c a yard. Straw brlilc Cloihier-i,,, ia Ct,r, Toilet Goods Greatly Reduced Brown's Talcums now 18c Mavis Talcum now, 20c Garwood's Talcum lb., 18c Mavis Face Powder 68c Extracts, assorted odors 48c Brown's Extracts now U8c Brown's Violet Simplicity and Jap aneso Incenso Toilet Water 05c Bay Hum now J10c Strnwbrldte A Clothier - Alelee T na , Centre Fountain Pens ' Special at $1.35 Self-filling Lvory Pen guaranteed; nnd has M karat gold point tipped with 'U tf.ft iridium, cup auaonoa to cap. atrwbrll(f A Clothier A(il 10, Centre) lunaire uiotmtr AUle 8, Centra 4 .( ft V" , m J'aUjv''" . .u ,,vf"? t -K ', j i2 . , VHfVtjt V, ,vfc5l i