w t ir. . J,1 . Y MA ' ajvrJk" &'. la J ' - ik -' I"'!.' fl' J -H '' i)J t EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEEr-PHlLADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1921 -K MAN SHOT RUNNING FROM A IN Theft Suspect Tries to Escapo Officer on Way to Station. May Die FOUND OUTSIDE GARAGE Benjamin FoRplman, known to the Jwlice also ns Ilenny llnrrK won shot, perhaprt fntall.r, enrly today while run nlng from a patrolman who had arreted him aa a suspicious person. The shoot ing occurrel nt Twelfth and .leffer'on treats. Fogelmnn, who llvrs on I'rnnklin street near Green, was observed at Fawn nnd Oxford streets nt 3 :30 o'clock Oils morninp by I'ntrolnian John Doyle, of the Eighth and Jefferson streets sta tion. Boric walked alonp hi" lient. but re traced hi fcteps and !aid he saw rojsel tnart closing the door of the gnriige ' 1013 North Fawn street. A two-ton motortruck, owned by V. T. Flshrr, 3612 North Twelfth street, had been rushed to the street. The patrolman ran up and told Foselinan he wiis under nrrct. The mispect professed atonlshtnent nnd claimed lie had been Klvrn permission to use the truck. Doyle ordered him to drive to the. station house. Twice before reaehins Twelfth and Jefferson streets, with Doyle beside him on the driver's wnt, FoRclman stalled the cufi'ie, each time jumplnc off to crank ft again. The third time he ran Instead cf rcturnlnR to the seat. Doyle leaped from the truck find fol lowed He Tired In the nlr when thu fugitive failed to halt. When FoRe -man msaln Ipiorcd the command Doyle ircd at lilm. the bullet plouKhmc into tba fiiftllivc's left side. Fccelman was taken to rt. Joseph Hospital. He" made an ante-mortem atate to Magistrate Imher. but refused to sign H I'once saj i-ui-mmu bet arm-led a number of times. has RECEIPTS SHOW INCREASE Taxes and Water Rents Since First of Year $17,731,181 Taxes and water rents reer-Urd by City Treasurer W. Freelnml hendrlck during the nionth of May total 5. -;-037.05, it was reported today. 1 he in come from these sources since the ltrst of the vcar and including the last month amounts to $17,781,181.47. or an increase of S7flO.075.Sl over the tirst five months of 1020. Taxes on real estate for tho ame period totaled SS,P."1,447.62. an in crease of $tt''.CtU.51 over lat jeat. School taxes collected up until May 81 totaled $3,037,370.58. an Increase of $274,151.05. Water rents also show an increase as compared with last year's figures for the same period This year they totaled $4,2S9,271.."0. or $623,477.00 more than a year ago. A- FALSE ALARM IS FOLLOWED BY CRASHES; HURTS, ARREST Truck, Hit by Auto, Loses Driver and If recks Both Cars. Firemen Have Narrow Escape A fa!so alarm turned In for a sup posed lire nt the Poor Richard Club, SJf) Gump street, was rcsHontll)lc this morning for an auto wreck, a severe iu.liiM for one man, arrest for another, n hair-raising escape from almost cer tain death and a smashed doorstep. A maid in the Poor Richard Club into the street directly In front ut the llying apparatus. Although severely Injured, tho ex pressman started to crawl to safety, as thp driver ot the lending engine tried to swing tho heavy truck awny from tit'. Injured man. It missed him by inches. In tho meantime Denny a truck, driver Anna Anderson. Ilrlited n tire fn n stove i less, continued nlonrr Spruce street that had not been used for some time pushing Ciroisemur'a machine in front nnd at S:30 this morning the building 'of it In the venr of the express truck was full of smoke. A nasserbv turned I wis .Tnke Hosenfcld, Denny's helper, in an alarm and four lire companies io- powerless to do anything on account fpomiei. nt tne wire scieen which Fcparnicu nim In the meantime Charles Dennv. 12t50 North Sartnin street, was driving n truck for the Amerlcnn Kxprcss Co. cat on Spruce street, while Kills Grosse mur. thirty-three, 1522 St. Albans street, was driving his touring car north on Juniper street, just south of Spruce. Dennv heard tho (lro engine coming be hind him and swung over to tho right nt Juniper street to avoid them, jut in time to be Mrui'k broadside by iiosc mnr's machine. The shock threw Dennv DIDN'T LIKE GREEK DANCES Residents Object to Terpalchorean Performance of Four BoyB Four bo), who were doing some, clasiicat fireek dances along the Wlssa hlckon Creek near ficrmantown avenue and City Line yesterday afternoon, were suddenly reminded that they were not In a ftrecian amphitheatre or the Gnr den of Eden A twentieth entiir patrol wagon from the Ciemuintwn nvenue and i Haines street station rudely inter rupted their interpretations of the gam bols of the fauns, nnd the music of a ' mouth organ and flute, in lieu of the pipes of Pan. censed abruptly. Nearby residents, strangeb wanting ' in appreciation of the esthetic, had ' summoned the patrolmen. The four bojx were placed in tho patrol, where they donned their street clothes. Magis- j Irate 1'ennock this morning discharged' them. j The boj s nie F.dunrd Cuolcrton, Hllorest street near Stenton avenue; Charles Wilt. Highland avenue; Miles, Mnher. Ardlcigh street near City lino, mid Charles Itrood. also of Ardlcigh meet near City line. The bo. are sixteen years old fiom the driver's seat. After going about fifty feet the cars crashed inti a stotn step at 1315 Spruce street nnd demol ished it. Fire Chief Davis picked up Dennv land took him to the Jefferson Hespitnl in IiIh car. Here lie was round to linvc a possible fracture of the hip and so vero body bruises. Police from the Fif teenth nnd Iiocust streets station nr icsted Grosjcmur on a chargo of assault nnd battery with an automobile. Woman Fined for Speeding Miss Dorothy Herman, nineteen years old, of 522 South Sixtieth street, wart fined $12.50 by Magistrate Dugan in the Thirty-second street and Woodland nvenue station todaj . charged with hav ing driven wiMi excessive speed nnd with having collided with tho nutomo bile of D. .7. Stone, of 3H1C Spring Gar den street. II ARE RESCUED AS CANOE UPSETS Man and Woman Thrown Into Water Abovo Fairmount Dam Have Narrow Escapo SAVED BY BOAT CREWS Prompt work by canoeists nnd oars men from the bont clubs above Fair mount dam in the Schuylkill River saved the lives of two cnnoeUts who upset late yesterday afternoon. The canoeists were Claire Wiener, twenty years old, 3830 Glrard avenue, nnd Albert Rose, 1750 Frankford ave nue They were paddling along In one canoe, while another held Fay, Mi's Wiener's sister, nnd John Lassazay, 3828 Girnrd avenue. A sudden shift by one of the canoe ists unset the craft in which Clare Wiener and Rose were paddling. After a brier struggle they got hold or op posite sides of the capsized boat and .called to l.assazay for assistance. Tries to Jump From Canoe Fay Wiener, when she saw the peril of her sister, became hysterical. She tried to jump from the ennoe and Las sazav wan obliged t drag her down to th bottom of the canoe, nnd hold her theie The boat was in imminent dan- TROPICAL WORSTED CLOTHS PERFECTLY TAILORED TO ORDER $50 A SCORE of different patterns in long, staple wool worsteds of such lightness that you will be astonished at the perfection of their tailoring. Pin and pen stripes unusual fabrics at an unusual price. WILLIAM H: WANAMAKER 1217-19 Chestnut Street gcr of being upset, nnd Lnssnrny was powerless to help the two" who were struggling in tho water. Meanwhile Miss Wiener was thor oughly chilled, and Rose saw she could not be kept tip much longer. He kept calling for help, nnd his cries, added to the screams of Fay Wiener, at tracted the attention of persons along the bank nnd oarsmen In the boat clubs wcro notified. Itoats Put Out Io Rescue A nnmbcr of bonta put out from the shorn nnd two canoes reached Clare Wiener nnd Rose in time to support them in the water until rowboabs could reach the spot and drag them aboard. Rose was none tho worse for his ex perience, but Miss Wiener was In a serious condition. She wns taken Into one of the boat clubs, where first nld was administered. A physician was summoned. He worked over the girl for hours, and this morning reported she was out of danger. ' WOMAN IS NAMED GRAND JURY HEAD Miss Francos Broomall, Thorn bury, First of Sex in Penna. to Bo So Honored 200 BILLS OF INDICTMENT Miss Frances Broomall. ot Thorn Lury Township, was appointed foreman of the Delaware County Orand Jury to; dity by Judge William Tlronmall, a dim tant relative. She la said to bo the first a omiiii In I'ennsylvanla to receive the honor. Tho Grand Jury met at Media to pass mi about 200 bllljH of Indictment. Tin Judgo named David W. Stewart, of Hnverford Townsllp, as secretary of the jury. Mrs. Margaret Shea, of Chester, who was summoned for servlco on the Grand Jury, arrived late in the rourthoii'c. She was rebuked by the Judge and ex cused from service. Matthew Randall, n lawyer, who lives In Wavno nnd practices In this city, asked tho Court to excuse Mrs. Frances Randall, Ills 'wlfo. Mrs. Randnll was excused after she lind explained she lias no fcprv'lnfn nnrl .Iaam -ti i work. r-, Tin members of tho Grand t cons dcrimr bills ..f i.V.ii..".I JH.i various points in the county .Si1 lccomincndntlons for briilen .in4 The County Commissioner;!,.. Jl llnncd the Coutt for pemffiJSWl new uriURcs. The Court wii T ,! the jurors to Inspect the connwl'r and-to include recommend 'fa corning Uicm in Its official ttvZ ."",,.""L.""."IM.5ill the petition made liy resident TffW bell's Rank, a villa,,, L.iVi1" &, Uorough of 'Clifton Hetfl.ff iffl dents want tha village annV.271' '3 borough, vu JggLjJH Lxaj'. A. F. BORNOT BROS. Main omce. ITth & Futrmotint ATf . rot'Isr OflOA Hum 7891 Safeguard Your Rugs and Carpets Moths love to gather in tho corners or the soiled places nnd you run tho risk of having nn ugly bare spot staring ot you i next Fall, unless you insuro the safety of your fine rugs nnd carpets through tho Summer by having them Hornot dry cleaned. You will bo nmnzed and delighted with tho soft, fresh colorings which our , fnmous process will restore. Unless it is threadbare, your old rug or carpet, Bornot I cleaned, will be almost ns good as now. I Our wagon will quickly respond to n postal or phone call. Rranch Offices lM ChtMniit 17 .M K. nroail II Homes Made Happy in 60 Minut With a Victrola from Wilson Why put off this joy-bringcr? Stop in. any of our stores or call us un v. the time you order, I'll have . "I7trf iiln in srnn Vmn. -. . wUI. ... jvu. uluo ana - ing m one hour. lZtb A Walnut Ilronrt A Hnydrr 0208 Chestnut H 7lrv(c) B n Qr4hu &"U of The J. R. Wilson Comnanv VICTROLAS and VICTOR RECORDS "Ottr Sorvicc Is Next Doov to You No Matter Where You Live" 929 North Broad West Philadelphia Roxboroueh 1215 N. 52d G190 Ridge at 5029 Baltimore Avenue tnnnwniin Hilili lO mmmy I mammzMfa, Before & After Motoring Ptly our trin Food to rour tr and thuii protect y"ouridf HKlnRt bn unnlracant sITccts nt sun Trlnd &nd dust Thlj eiqutalt toilet prtparntlnn cluiai, rati pnt And nourlahex, and fa Abao lulely harmlaia. Itandy tub 39c Jara. SI LLEWELLYN'S rhnadrlphla'a standard Drue Store mwm 1518 Chestnut Street oi ,'. .wM ,.W.M. ,,yffP Dancing Contest Tonight Large Silver Loving Cup Palais D?Amour 8. E. Cor. 12th & Cheitnut Su. JfMt beautiful daiurtng neadnmy in America, rhonf Wnlnut Itjt 100 yd. Spool Silk 13c spool Silk Remnants 95c yd. Thresher Bros. "The Specialty Silk Store" 1322 CHESTNUT ST. Annual June Clearance Sale Consisting of crepes de chine, canton cneKS, georgette crepes, chiffon taf fetas, new printed water-spot proof foulards, fiber spot silks, tricolettes, spool silk, blouses and silk petticoats. We extend to you a most cordial invitation to attend this great June clearance sale of all broken assortments, discontinued lines, odd pieces, in our regular stocks as well as several very fortunate pur chases of new and staple silks very much below regular market prices. You arc familiar with the reliability of our silks and the truly remarkable values offered in the past. We wish to thank you for your loyal support which has made pos sible the opening recently of our Specialty silk store in Cleveland, Ohio, and which now permits us to offer ever greater values than ever before on account of the increased purchasing power. Wc only quote a few of .the many values offered. 36-in. Imported White Ilabutai Wash Silk, cool and serviceable. Retail values, $1.00, 51.25, $1.75, $2.00 and ?2.50 yard. bale prices 68c, 88c, $1.10, $1.25, $1.85 id .lo-in. Washable Satin, the correct material for undergarments, etc., in white, flesh and pink. Retail value $2.00 yard. (PI 3C a V tfJ yard Dllllll!lllimilllllli;i!!!10iilll1ira!l!illllll!lllllllll!IIIHIIIUIIII!illllll.llliL ''1 Two Rinds 1 of Insanity. I . . IF A sale-builrier bean ra to put wooden doors in j ....,.. t E in C(.,i.uui o a i c n, ct a padded ambulance would fa quickly call and take him gj to Kirkbride's. Yet every a day wooden roofs are put s on brick houses, and still I the builders are allowed to ' roam at large without 1 caretakers'. h No matter what your house is built of, be sure that the roof is covered with tin; for tin roofs not only prevent fires, but often stop them after they are started. Tin makes the best and cheapest of all roofs, if you pet the riptnt tin. Ask any roofer to namo the best brands. If ho mentions NU-DURA-TIN, you're safo! Sale price 32-in. Imported Striped Wash Silk, made in .Japan, launders perfectly, suitable for vausts, flrcss-ns, and men's shirts. Retail value $1.25 yard. SRr n Sale price OOL yard .IU-in. Striped Tub Silk in medium-weight all-silk luoadcloth, in the wanted color combination; a most serviceable fabric for waists, dresses, men's shirts and pajamas. Retail values $2.50 & $8.50 yard. Sale (1 OP and C7 O-T a prices. PI.OO P-.wtJ ard 32-in. Imported Cliincnc and Japanese Shantung iPonpce Wash Silk, nntural color only. Retail values $1.25 yard nnd $2.00 yard. Sale OOp and d O- a price OOL P 1 ,00 jard JO-iii. Crepe de Chine in street and evening shades, plenty of white, pink, nnvy, brown and black. Retail alue $2.25 yard. (j 1 CZ a Sale price V 'OO yard ( ,-intnn Crepes, Satin Canton, Roshanara Crepci, Chinchilla Crepes and Vampire Crepes. Reinil values $4.00, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00 fc $7.00 ard. Sale prices $2.95, $3.65, $3.95 $4.50 p4.Vi) yard 10-in. Waler-Spot Proof Printed Foulards and Printed Radium Silks in tho wanted color i combinations, suitable for waists, dresses, lin ings, etc., a most desirable warm-weather fabric. Retail value $3.00 yard. C 1 (C P ' J yar 36-in. Hlack Satin Mcssaline and Satin de Luxe, extra heavy and fine in quality, suitable for waists, dresses, linings, etc. Retail values $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.25. Sale prices $1.25, $1.55, $1.95, $2.25 "., 10-in. (The Ace of Fiber Sport Satin), street and evening shades, including all the new sport colors, plenty of white, navy, brown and black. Rctnil value $3.50 yard. (j0 A e a Sale price J)v."TtJ ard .'lfi-in. Tricolctte. made of high-grade fiber silk in n full line of colors, including the new street shades, a most serviceable fabric for scarfs, sweaters, dresies, etc. Retail value $1.75 yard. (J OA a Sale price. . . P I -" jHrd 36-in. Heavy Striped Tricolette, suitablo for sweaters, suits and sport wear in the new sport colors, alo evening and street shades. Retail value $3.00 yard. j Qc a Sale price P I V O yard CAMISOLES Wash Satin t nmisoles in flesh and white, daintily lace trimmed models. Retail value $2.96. Sale price COTTON WAISTS A good assortment of French Voile nnd Ratiste Waists, lingcne and tailored styles. IS 95c Values up to S7.00. Sale price $3.95 is Sale price. ird 1 M T S TUB MKTAI. C I.I n OF I1UI.A f tf tk U 603 AKCH HTJIKI.T wis 1. 1 iBBI I ' 36 in. Striped and Checked Novelty Silks, several qualities in color combinations, some of which arn shepherd cnccKs. Retnil values up to $3.50 yard. (PI QC a Sale price .pl.yO jar( 36-in. Imported Blnck Waterproof India Silk, cool nnd serviceable, especially adapted for waists and dresses. Retail values $1.25, $1.75, $2.00 & $3.00 yard. Sale prices 88c, $1.25, $1.55, $1.85 vard SILK WAISTS Odd lol of CJcorgette Crepe Waists, some hand embroidered models, others with real filet lnce; colors flesh and white, also street shades, and black. Values up to $14.00. Sale price $6.95 PETTICOATS $1.75 Cotton Taffeta-Top Petticoats with changeable chiffon taffeta rufflos. Retail value $3.95. Sale price All-Silk Changeable Taffeta Petticoats, in a good line of colors (exceptional quality). Retail value $4.95. CJO "jr Sale price $L.IO Hlack and Colored Chiffon Taffeta Silk Petticoats, many of which are made in our own work rooms (generous widths). Retnil value $10.00. &(L Qr Sale price vU.O Odd lot of Cotton' Crepe Kimonos, empiro style, also Japanese hnnd-cmbroidered models. Retail value $5.50. C? OC ,,,,,,, . J w y J m Sale price Noto: Owing to tho extremely low price that obtain during this sale, all purchases must be considered final, no exchanges, C. O. D.'s o r reservations. Please allow its a little mora time in filling mail orders, as there is likely to be a slight delay in a sale of this magnitude . No trouble to show goods Thresher Building 1322 Chestnut St. Boston Store: 15-17-19 Temple Pla.cc, Boston, Moss. Cleveland Store: 1148 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, Ohio. Telephone: Walnut 2035 Walnut 2036 "SSyfUll fi&rtWH inwitifiiiiMii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffliiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiiriLiiiitiriiiiiiiirjTiiiiaatH; iiiginiiiiuiiinniUHiiu an Today at Oak Hall an Old -Time June Sale of 3000 Summer Suits was launched this morning when the store doors opened and these particulars will con vince you that never has there been such a sale as this in Philadelphia since the first gun was fired in the World War. Read These Figures Carefully They're Investments r $25 and $30 suits for $18.50 $30 and $35 suits for $22.50 $35 and $40 suits for $25.00 $40 and $45 suits for $30.00 $50 and $55 suits for $35.00 $65 to $75 suits for $39.50 TT OR do these figures neglect the stout man who always finds it difficult to get pure worsted suits, in quiet patterns that he likes at a reasonable figure. v I SHERE are blue serges, in extra sizes, A selected mixed worsteds, fine striped worsteds, oxford grays, Oak Hall quality, Oak Hall tailored sizes clear up to 48" breast measure. ou p HREE thousand suits arc a great many to offer in a single sale. We are certain you MM II nr ?4 ! iiinneoilvln c nvi t m!i 4 liii? m,iii-1i. ( .1 .... ..!i .. n l i i . i . .... mm ibiu-iwaiviv w ...iha,h um0 v uuuv;-xui vainly ui uauncis, standard Dlue serges, sport suits in tweeds, gray and brown herringbones, checks, stripes, and tropical weight all-wool worsteds, anywhere in Philadelphia, at anything approaching the prices quoted. There are five hundred standard blue serge suits, with extra trousersat $35 There are hundreds of new light-weight woolens with 1 extra trousers,as low as $25.00 Truly an unprecedented occasion in the clothing annals of Philadelphia Don't delay your visit the fore-handed man will make it a point to visit the store before noon and partake of first choice which is always best. Wanamaker & Brown j Market atTSixth for 60 Years M Js Hr ,' ' v'g.-A. -s t. -!. .. .. .. .. .: .1 I MRy SBtwii f fyilTroo 1 lir mtmjmmmmmmmmmim1 1 EuMF .' l imJIIBI JL- 0?;t iC ESSESfi BKBtBmmJ. . ',:il:'".t....,,il,'. ,,,,-'K. ri-iiiiiiiir -mi f - ..