nnr. -- WOTW'' . '-p aBM:V'--.Wl.;: ,?'. . ' ' EVENING PUBLIC JjEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 0, 1921. " 51 MEL CASH IFIECp .a checriotions for Sos- ., Sill W" centennial Shows Begin- inroat in Plan ning"1 MAYOR'S AMONG THEM 20 Years a fireman Ijitin Jot i r.W hn been received in ""J" to n VlMrmcnl I'hupiI nt tl.c fOflilBS ""." i,lnv. "w',.f of lh . iiipwibrwlilp pro Annrow ' , ii fml. wiim H; V flMnVnr Moore, wlm .JorlnroH elffl b.T Mi1. ."' .-'.! l" . I.Ml.nr Plllltt- Kn.l'c-ulc.cnti.nnlnrc,, I !!!" . nml John Frederick '";!, p. of tiio Art Jury, vleil hlff m-.lVrrHl.ll. .lues fnr ll.P f "' I .nipm Ilnl Inhibition AkoiIii m&ZZ lm the Mine mnil Hint. ""rtaM hT H cpJch n1o broiiBht one crricl tnj Wrlulit. n member of TJlml too lilninclf. niiil for Ulrhord fi'TTih Jr.. n.l Ulptmnl K. wAhl 53 ' Hie 'or' ln llis fornml nil"!' ' . i ,ta.SK Major iM Hi" trmstircr would . Wc to get out thp preliminary I for tho who l.n.1 already nwynl K member of the nnorliit on hf wwil day, but Hip membership ' L.ln woilhl t-onn bo on in earnest, "rfcxp ontlo.1 that Hip conl of ,100,000 "oil bP irnehed bpforo Hip 1, P lo !yuc enpravrd ;-,-- h.m J w "I'lcnro of patriotic in- hyo,r fnrthp.- stntPil that in .cccrdanccVith the action of the Ito.r.1 f D rectors, iui- " " .....- Vinwiskcr would be nppo Inteil chnlr ,. of a committee to vmlt 1'resnipnt Hirding, the Senate nn.l Hie IIousV. with J "lew of drawing nationnl interest to 1 "Mr.'Wna'nmker will bp givpn the tirlr'ileje of selecting his own commit iff The Maor further stated that Hip 150 in nnmi inw '"""""s " ,"" "' ' t.-l.( ..na ihn firaf rnnl mniinv Btmocrsuiia .- - , & i Tillable for the purposes of the bpstiui ftntcnnlal ami helped to pxplaln why Mills for this intprnational project Lid not been started earlipr. "He said it would take money to run the enterprise and that it was now proposed to a-k tbosp who had been (liking up the Spsquippntenninl to bring In their cash to hack up their pro fessions. "He inslstrd that the membership pfopoal wax one of the very best that tould be adopted under the Rtrnngc or!(I conditions now prevailing. "We will soon know, he .said, wheth er the people irvtually wnnt the Spsqul- . -1 ....... .....! c-n n ilt(it1ini 4ltm (CDirnniill rniriin-v "i iMiiii ."v. vant riillaiK-lpIiia t fall down." GIRLS HAVE TRIPLE SHOWER Deputy Internal Revenue Collectors Are Soon to Be Wedded 4 IfimIa itnililitif hlinuft ivnu r.ltn.. t iiijn' ....i ,..11 hut night l three deputy IntcrnnI rrvp tiue follei'tori. The shower was held nt Inenomrni .irn. linen .Mouunrop, cliict iieiiuif a-iiniii. in iiniTior i.cuerer. Thn rri'Intpili u I'l'P Misi Vm'n AI., floidrifk. who Is betrothed to Tliomns Snppinslcin . .Mi-'s IIpIph Wldmeler,.who in tngiged to Herman Hrlnkmnn nnd l!... On.ll.n ltli.tvn It.. .. Ill . I.- iii iiviiiiu i niiwi, ..I,,. ..in tuuii ue vewiPu I" l iinrii's i.i'niiux, (Wlir ilftilltv intorlinl rnrnrttin .nllnrt iy.iii .i. j... ... ....,, tun.-.-- tors who were present included the Miiwn Mary llloomer. Kllznbeth f'nl- hojn, Lillian llurkc and Itobcrtn Crawford. WARD ELECTIONS WILL BE PEACEFUL Only Ono Contost Forecant for Meetings Tonight Yares to Control GRIER FACES .FIGHT IAMKN W. IA'NCII Captnln of TnteU Company No. 10. Clearfield street east of Frankford lucntip, who Is celebrating Ills t.entlcllt nnnhersary In tlio de part incut Deaths of a Day John S. Kane Jnhn K Tvntir nwinriniiK nf 1.- hMonc lilue Moll Inn for twonty-five ffirs, liod oMriIny mornins nt n hie fpsiflonrr, TliJU Woudland nvvmic. lie was hity-8ix joarN old. Mr. Knno U Mii-vivfil hv lil hIiIah jndnlnp chlMron. Tlio funoral will bo bid from his former home Thursday RlOm If! P. 1ith tnlnmn fni-mlntii mnuu t'n. US rClrtllTltnri 111 Sir nninnnt'c Pni.mn - I . II llll Ill ." ItWIIIll II 1 j .,."' '"bureh. Sevcnty-firs-t street na iiooiiiatid avenue. Iiiternient will ceraaue in Holy Cross Cemetery. George C. Canfleld (ifinrfn I lnr.r.l.l ... .. -a in n . ' vfll"lr"i .i iiiiiiiuKn ni ineotcigerwalt Hoot Shop, I t'JO Chcst- 1i mm, iiini niiiuriiay nt tils Home inUerwin mad, C.miwjiI. nl'ter mi 111- ui live mnimis. Jic una s tv- fma years old. Sergeant Malilton's Pnncrai r nrtoi-nl en , n . (i.n. '.""' s ", ferBi-nni iieorge Mtjilton. (iinipnuy 1,, Kifith Infiuitrv. JM was killed in uelion in tlu- Ar ,ooiw fn.-e,f tt,,.p .,i jptPidav nftcr- -..., wn.tHiirr i niiniy, IntAPlniml '... ., . r , '"" " ui i rrinvoou i. empiprv. '."ere n iininiiiiinni K,..,,.ii, .....,.'.. "Won s war m-nri-Mm,, hern crerted. Charles D. Joyce's Funeral- Iho fniini.ti r i i i i. ti.u.. "",'". "'rr- :' pp. Wiit.j l "" ' ' '""iirn i o.. of JWWphlii nnd ,,1-nil.oi- ,f the Tuion i5 ' Mil ,llk" I'1"1'" " "' "'eloek 'morroW nftein.,..,, Ilt his leMdenro. Il !,L .."wnrinninrp. Up p. wf iiin s '""K "' pneiiniiiiiui, iirtcr a JEWS PLAN MEMORIAL Brlth Sholom In Convention Urges Building Hospital In Palestine Atlantic City. June 0. Final action will be tnken today by the .TiG dele gates to Hip convention of Hip Independ ent Order, I5rlth Sholom, meeting on the Steel 1'lcr. uixin the ilnn to Invite nil Jewish organization? in the rnlted StntCH to unite in giving n great war memorial to Palestine. According to Joseph (iro.vrjnf Phila delphia, who made the original pro tosnl, seconded by llirnin .Mnxmiin, nlso of T'hilndclidiin, the mcinoiinl Is to be n tributo to Hie allied soldiers of all faiths who made ft free Palestine poAsi 1 le during tho wnr. Telegrams havu been sent President Hnrding and Pre mier Lloyd George, of England, plac ing in incir nanus me decision us 10 uic form the memorial is to take. It is suggpe.ted Hint it be n grcnt hos pital, or n tine road trnvcrslng Pales tine, or something of simllnr character. Joseph L. Kun, chairman of tho Reso lutions Committee, will report tho mat ter today and it is expected to pass unanimously. Tho order is sixteen yenrs old. and was organized in Philadelphia. There aie two strong candidates for the posi tion of grand master, Solomon f. Krnus iiimI P. K. -Miller, both of Philadelphia. The convention closes tomorrow TELLS POLICE AJHRILLER Man Says He Routed Two Thugs In Brother's Room Innfrwn rVl nblnmn n t U'l.lll I'.fivp VMM ..",' . Mini'."l ......... ... ,. ...... old, HOT Spruce street, entered the Fif teenth and Locust streets station nt 11 ..'111 .nlnfk Slnliiriliiv ulr-lit nn.l toll? the houe sergennt he Jind just disarmed and routed two roouers ne discovered in l.tci hrnllii.r'u rnrmi nn Hip third floor of a building nt 100 Wnlnut street. lie said he was passing the building nt ! o'clock nnd noticed the door had licen opened. According to ins story, lie hurried up to his brother's room just as the two robbers were leaving. , They threatened to kill him if he made any noise, he said, and one struck him on'the head with a ,44-callber revolver, revolver. lie then took the revolver from Hip rubber. The two intruders rnn down the stairs and escaped." The ninn's brother is Ilernard Tinkle ninn. The police nre investigating the story. P'OLJCE SEEK ; CHILD Matilda Russo, Age Seven, Disap pears From Home In Moorestown New Jersey nnd Eastern Pennsylvania police ure searching for Mnti'da Itusso, seven years old, who disappeared from her home. ll.ri F.ast Second street, Moorestown. X. .1.. Saturday evening. The girl's disappearance was not re ported to Chief Hrndshnw. of the Moorestown police, until yesterday noon. Xo reason for the girl's vanishing was given by the police Inst night. The fnther is nn Italian tailor, with a shop on Main street. Moorestown. The home of the family is nenr Hie Pennsylvania Itnllrond station, nnd it is tliought per haps the girl boarded a train. She is rather large for her age, 1ms black bobbed hair, and at the time of her dis appcarniice wore a pink p'nid dress and lilnck shoes mid stockings. There nre indications of only one contest when Hepubllean wnrd com mittees throughout Hip city meet to night to e'ect members to the City Com mittee. Tonight's meeting will mnrV Hip reopening of political activities which will continue until the Septem ber primary. Another Important pre paratory step will bo taken when the Republican City Committee meets nt Eleventh and Chestnut streets Wednes day or Thursday. The only flght anticipated is in tlio Eighteenth ward,' which Is now repre sented by Robert Orler, n" real estate assessor and Penrose supporter. Councilman Isaac lletzell, Vare leader of the wnrd, has hrcn groomed ns a candidate for this place, nnd his supporters sny unless there Is n sur prise ho will win. As Orier is n re ceptive candidate for the postmnster ship, his friends arc anxious for him to make a strong showing nnd believe that he will be re-elected. Vnrc adherents nre desirous of plac ing lletzell in the City Committee be cause they wnnt to be sure of his Coun cilmans vote nt nil times. There were rumors that a fight would be made to unseat Councilman George CohiipII, of the FortlPth ward. Jacob Engle. a Vare follower, was mentioned as being n formidable opponent, but there Is little likelihood of his, losing his sent. Re-election of the present officers of the City Committee, with Thomas F. Wntson as chairmem, Is ns.surcd. Added Interest is given the meeting of the com mittee this week on account of the presence here of Senator Penrose. The Senator, it is said, will have more than a c-fisunl Interest in the proceedings. lhc Citv Committee meeting will he held on Wednesday nt 10 A. M.. in its headquarters, Eleventh and Chestnut streets. Vare lenders say the re-eli-c-Hon of Thomas l- Watson ns nlmlr. man is assured. They claim forty -two of the forty-eight votes. SEEK HoFFMANrSHORE Thlrik Boy Thief May Be In Asbury Park, Bound for New York Detectives are now searching AsburV ?rk! N. J-. and Xcw York City for Charles II. Hoffman, the bov who Ims twice absconded with funds" intrusted to nis care. A clue from Toms River, N. J., has led the police to believe the youngster is making his way to Xcw York, where ho had such a 'good time on the first money he got illegally. The Municipal Court got the tin that the boy was in Toms River nnd sent Detective (inrvin there to make a search. Garvin learned a boy- answering Hoff man's description had been there last Thursday trying to persuade passing mntorlstn tn PIVP lll.n n ,..tn fn Vn... ... ,, ... n. . , ,..,,, ,. , .... ... .,.- I ork. A thorough search of the little! town inncci io iinng tne uoy to light and the supposition is now that he succeeded in getting his ride. Whether he left the car at Asbury Park or some other spot along the route Is a matter that is beiiiR nivraiiKiiieu. THREATEN GIRL'S ASSAILANT t Wynnewood Crowd Tries to Lynch , Man Arrested for Attack A crowd of Infuriated men yesterday threatened to lynch Robert Anderson, twenty-six years old, no home, after he had been arrested nt Wynnewood for nn attempted assault on a slxtcen-ycar-old girl. Mildred Howell, Montgomery avenue, Haverford, and Florence. Hutchinson. fifteen yenrs old, Wynnewood avenue and Argylo rond. Wynnewood, were walking through the woods on the Isaac H. Clothier estote with Ralph Pctitt, luuriccn jenrs oid, r'u urnndvicw ave nue, Ardmore. A man suddenly Imped from the druse underbrush nnd knocked Miss Howell jiown. Her boy companion, realizing ho could not cope with tho assailant, ran off for help, while Miss Hutchinson stood by, screaming. The boy notilled Chnrles Hutchinson, father of the dther girl, who summoned Lower Mcriou police. Sergeant Miillin nnd n detail surrounded the woods, as did n crowd of eltlzetn. Anderson watf caught and was later idcntllled by the girls. The police had to draw revolvers to Keep the crowd awnv from Anderson. The accused man was held without ball for court at a hearing In Ar.lmorjn to day. 'Police say he ms served three sentences for the same i)ffcne. GIRL AND WOMAN ALLEGMCIDES Ono Dies by Shooting Other Takos Poison After Scolding AGED MOTHER PROSTRATED afternoon. She heard no shot and does not know nt what lime her daughter committed suicide. Miss Ethel Copland, seventeen yearn old, J101 North Thirteenth street, the second suicide, killed herself nfter n day's outing on the river with her sweetheart, Herbert Nltch, of Delaware City. She returned nt 7 o'clock Inst night nfter a hunt trip nnd told her sister, Miss Kiln Copland, Hint she and Nltch hnd quarreled. "I nm going to end my life, slip snld. The sister nrgued with her mid thought the girl merely was depressed and would not carry out her threat. Kliiel went to tier room iitld some time later the sisMcr heard n heavy full. She rushed upstairs and found that Ethel hnd tnken poison and had fallen from the third floor stnlr landing to the second, The girl was tnken to the Hahne mann Hospltnl, hut wns dend when Hfe pifllce curried her Into the accident ward, Municipal Band Concert Dates The Municipal Hand, conducted by tl. Krnnlt Mniirer. will clvc n enntert this evening on Mckean street, tie tween Twentieth and Twenty-first streets. Other concerts this week will be given ns follows: Tomorrow night, (iermnntown and Chelten avenues; Wednesday, Fifth strict nnd Llndley nvenuc; Thursday. Jefferson street, be tween Sixty-second nnd Sixty-third streets; Friday. Hrnnd street, hetwei-n Morris nnd Moore streets, nnd Satur day, Thirty -third nnd Reed streets. ' J.IH rr r WAR ON UNMUZZLED DOGS Delaware Co. Starts Drive to Pre vent Spread of Rabies A campaign against unmuzzled nnd unleashed dogs has been started In Del aware County to pi event the spread of rabies. A number of persons have been bitten durliif, the Inst few weeks by dogs said to be suffering from the disease. Plans to round up all dogs regarded as dungcrous to the community were discussed yesterday at iMiicctiug hi the home otDr. Edward Martin, State com missioner of health. The meeting was attended by County Commissioner James M. Hamilton, of Media; Albert ,T. Wlllluiiis, county fcollcltor. nnd other officials. Public bchools, churches and n num ber of county organizations will assist in the drive ugninst dangerous ilogs. Two women nre alleged to have com milled suicide yrsterdny one on rp turning from church services, the other nfter she had spent the day on n river excursion With her sweetheart. Miss .Tennle Mownt. forty-four years old. Mil Dickinson street, killed her self by shooting, using a small -caliber automatic which she kept for self-protection. Xo reaon lias been asccrtnlnPil for Miss Mowat's act. According to her mother, Mrs. Mnrie MoVat. seventy yenrs old. -die hnd returned nt 1 o'clock in the nfternnon from ciiiirch services. "I'm going to tn v room to lip down nwhllp." slip told her mother. The mother thought nothing of It, though the daughter did not reappear. At ( o'clock John Mount, lhe father, returned home, nfter having visited n granddaughter, who is ill In a hospital. "Cnll Jennie." hp said to his wife, "and we'll hnve supper." Mrs. Mownt went to Hie girl's room nnd received no answer to her knocK. She entered nnd found the girl on m-r bed. the pistol near her. She was dend. Mrs. Mownt Is somewhat deal nnd was alone In the house all the FINE FRAMING PAINTINGS CLEANED AND RESTORED THE ROSEMUCH GALLERIES 1310 Walnut Street Silver Plated Ware for Surttrtiar I'urnishiriA Standard Qualilron Nickel -flilvot-Dasrj 'Ion and Dinner Services- JSitglatP'ccca arid Fal Ware comprclicnsivo acted ion www.y,v T Viniir Copy Work t'."rinl STENOGRAPHER NOTARY "KsfcjJiM n ,,11 .HH .M,lorl in..;.;, motei vFfcinm uu'.i IDAY ""d" -fl-mocm, MIiuT isiitiiliijil mull OVERUSING in- creases thp numlvr ' Sales Hiai rnmp in VllflOlU incl'Cnsincr tlin num. 'cr f salesmen that go out. HERBERT M. MORRIS Advertiiing Afjency . .,: or oalea I'romotion TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Km 1 Schneeu-eli. fholtenham !.. nml Hi-h- trlc.i X. .Monteomerj , 111-2 Ulniiij .Sun Inn.-. Manuel Garcia. 2023 Arch l , nml Jullii Pnwpr. 1st 4 Green nt. Trunk T. Mullen. ChlcaKn. nnd llfsle Hn- Lfirnhelmer, 3S.1 Green Idne. liul A. Zelknn. 3SI Harp Hi., ami Abo Dan- noren. 8.14 nnrp nt. Dalns Dnkan. 110:i W, G.raril ave.. and V.ve Purser. 72.13 ClnrlilKO t CII'Turil I. Hp.rli, fl-oo I'ow-rs lane, and Kvanitellne Caldwell. 7723 DrunsHlcl, a. Sam Aeiluns s;.-27 Tlnlcum ae . and Cura Slnnclton, 831IH IfoUtcin nve. Krank Seldel. 1S0H W. Susquehanna av1 and Trances Fink. MOS I,ncut nt Henry J. O'NHII, 1447 X 10th t.. and K1U . ,?bp, II. Browne 1310 AV. Tliomponn nt Allen T Lloyd. 1112 n. Tlnora nt and Alk- r Aiidnr, r.sno CottaBP at Trodor .Vararlo. 220 R Somereet st.. and rtoaa Trotto. 2023 n. Salmon at A niton A Srha-lfer Cinden. and Harriet I., llarrlaon. 3243 N" nih at Advertising vs. Publicity Publicity may convey information admirably and still fall short of good advertising. Publicity is usually narrative, while advertising, in addition, carries the word of command. The news item in this morning's paper announced a parade.'a launching, or trite coming of a heat wave. An advertisement of the same event would give the same information plus a direct invitation for you to attend; box-office prices; connecting train sched ule and, perhaps the assortment of hot-weather garments to be had at Blank & Company's. More people read "Publicity" more people act in response to advertising. The most primitive advertising proves best the "law of mental domination," for the unsupported command to "Buy Blank's Biscuits" alone, but oft repeated, has in many cases compelled a national following. Advertising space in the Duttcrick publications is for sale by accredited advertising agencies. Butterick Publisher The Designer ($2.00 a Year) A $10,000.00 MAN has part time available for the organization, development or improvement of the miinngcmcnt, advertising and sales of a smullcr manufacturer. He is ready to apply the experience gained with nationally known concerns to the advantage of some manufacturer with a $10,000 job but a ?3,000 to $5,000 limit and will guarantee to save and cam more than he is paid for his hcrviccs. Location must be within tivo hours of Philadelphia. P. W. G., Box C 216, Public Ledger IJLSheppacd & Sons Fine Dimity Bedspreads edged itK 4-inch Torchon lace ?ry attractive and dressy. $4.50 and $5.00 each. Pique Bedspreads All tfhite with hand-made French knots, forming graceful designs. $10 and $12 each. New Steamer Rugs The long-awaited line has finally arrived and well xvorth waiting for. Delicious plaids tfith plain-colored backs. $22 and $25 each. 1008 Chestnut Street The Delineator ($2.50 a Year) hen you find it necessary to come from r0. from 10 or from 20 miles an hour to a dead stop, and do it quickly, you will find Mnrmon brakes as dependable as Marnum power. Mi A !!2"nBldg. Philadelphia lll,Ji',cColli.ns'Systcni serves " "Ulliai) )()( V !1C tUn c.,.,,1 0CS tllC Wllffle of fK- !,!.. slinni.,' , ot on,y Prevents ,nR. but increases sneed " " right direction, treatment "VC y,m a frcc '. ,s?S L INSTITUTE co"a B?ISICAL CULTURE i "LD0-. WALNUT ST. AT l&TH THE HATCH MOTORS C? UISIRIIIUTOIIS 720 N. DROAD ST - PHILA. Sliowroom Open Until 9.30 P. M. rrhey'reSoWce CICY CUPleasure WHS rrw -MSfjvH i w fifiiUji 1 ipuwyrMuuix i (mini '" I fu'miy uu) tmnvuijJ) rjfy VjMuiL) 1 ru"" HuiUj I WJ'VApanry t i: BONWIT TELLER , CO. AeJpeciadij JJxop of Origination? CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Special Selling of Canton Crepe Sports Suits 48-po An exceptionally low price Two models of heavy Canton Crepe, featuring the thirty-six-inch jacket. In navy, white, gray and black. One design illustrated 7 lie Silh butt is the Summp.rtimp FnnnrUn. fnr chnrc n,-,A nttnr- noon Wear alike. The coolness of a Frock and the Well-tailored look of a suit is at once accomplished in this costume. Other models of Pongee, Mignonette, Tricolettev and Roshonara Crepe 59.50 to 135.00 WOMLN'S SU1 V DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR graS3JBlg3g8g qg MiniiniF'rrr;1:!! j:i:: iimji..'; ,,)';ullli; n" s k rlffli MW i 1 rWftM'iW n I msr I T I I ( i 1 9 y B C LA.5 Cfl sx 11 X tot il i ni wfifa, I Dainty Lighting Fixtures and Lamps For the Reception Room, Music Room or Boudoir i Quaint Colonial designs for our coun try home. An artistic, appropriate fix ture for ccry location. Inclusive dc siRtis nut to be found elsewhere and at. moderate prices. The Horn & Brannen Mfg. Co. 427-1311 North Broad Street ".1 i'iorf Walk Unity Automobile How" Buyers are after Th?m! The limitations of the Eng lish language prevent our doing justice in "cold type" to the Wonderful Merits of the Special Values we offer! But, "the proof of the pud ding is in the eating," and the people seem to under stand that our "puefdings" always prove better than they expected! That explains why we are always doing business whether others are busy or not! Perry's Continuing our Big June Sale. About 2000 Suits. Grouped at Three Prices. $28, $33, $38. Meat Wor steds in blue, with white pencil stripes. In black, with white pencil stripes. Silk mixtures. Light col ors. Blue Serges. Quiet herringbones. Novelty mixtures. Simple story. Simply unmatchable values. At $28, $33, $38. Perry's How light is nine ounces to the yard? Our tropical feather-weight worsted Suits will tell you. Just about feather-light. Hand some quiet colors. That look as cool as they are. Grays with lively colored stripes. London fog. Color of fawn. Dark Oxford with subdued pencil stripes. Coats and trousers only. Or three piece Suits with vests. Sizes up to 48 stout. $35. Pcrry'a Clothes 5 i JVhat Label? The label on a suit of clothes is to a certain extent a standard by which one may judge the intelligence and business sense of the man wear ing the garments. Reed's Label indicates Quality, Correctness of Design, Superior Workmanship, Real Economy in Purchasing. It s an entirely creditable label to appear on your clothes stands for things that are worth while. J Spring Suits nnd Top Coats are ?30 and upward. Tho " alues at $-15 and 50 arc especially attractive. JCOB REEDfe SONS M24r-M260teslEBKilSEirett Mohair Coats and Trousers. Most every one. When he thinks of Mohair. Thinks of black. Not so by a jugful! Beautiful stripes on black, on blue, on gray grounds. All silk trimmed. Splendid ly tailored. Low priced. $14.50. Plenty at $20. Best are $22.50 and $25. Perry's "What is so rare." Nowa days. As a sensible man suf fering from the heat. On a hot day! Palm Beach has revolutionized. Hot weath er clothes. Two or three Palm Beach Suits on hand. Make it handy to keep cool. And such variety of pat terns and colors! Browns, sand tones, blues, grays, tans, Oxfords. Striped pat terns. Inside seams silk piped. Some as low in price j as $14.50, and $16.50. Beau tiful Palm Beach Suits, $18, $20. Sizes up to 50. Perry's Going golfing after lunch? Sets you up for tomorrow's service. Our four - piece Combination Sports Suits. For the morning business. For the afternoon on the Links. Coat and Knickers, $20. Coat, Knickers arid long trousers, $30. Home spuns, $38. Extra Knick ers or long trousers, $7. And up. Perry's Perry & Co. 16th & Chestnut Stgjj f-M 1. .M 1 M -.! 4 rn i wir MOM: ' y,-tv . .J3 , ' . ' V . . ' l ..v fVfvlfcfc.V' (i.i'iv,, .' 1 - jTt i n i lVk V r tTt,v R.m-rt -aV4 p .. 'i .-,'