Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 06, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Rival Clocks Face Each Other
, Unflinchingly, Refusing
to Give a Minute
'Vai'j'lns emotion stirred trnxdora.
who npproaohpd tln ccntrnl railroad
itntions toclny. Thnpc who xcre run
ning slowed to n wnll;. Others who
were walking eame to a dead stop. And
till others, to be candid, swore It
was all due to two brands of time
Eastern Standard and I)u light Sovinp
The situation completely smashed nil
thi famous phllosophx und sayings in n down her face she groped her wa
the fourth render about time und tide 'tn the telephone and called the police,
waiting for uo man and was more in There was another shot almost Instant
keeping w irti that effusion, "Hack ward. y. and she saw her husband fnll.
turn backward, oh time, in tin Might." ' The police found .both husband and
Those approaching the Heading Tci-- wife semi-conscious The weapon with
minnl from l'lcventh nnd Mnrket , which the shooting was done lay near
streets saw that it was 1U:."S o'clock nt hand. Until victims were put In the
and broke into a run to get the 11 ame ambulance and rushed to the bos
o'clock train for New York. When pltal. and .ut mi adjoining cots lu the
they reached the Terminal sidewalk thej l emergency ward.
were amazed to hec that the clock Micro After th.-l wounds lintl been dressed
announced that it was onl U :.T. Some Mrs. Simon recovered sufficiently to
paused to buy magazines or cnntl.v at I tell the police what had happened,
the news stand. I The wife said she was unable to give
, . , . la reason for her husband's act. "We
I'ooled Again m(i m,t nltnProlrl." she said, "and there
Then thc.v sauntered upstairs --lowly , vvns no hint from him that he Intended
to find that the. had again been fooled. I to do such a thing.
for the train they wuntcd had gone to "Recently he has been acting
New York on the vorj tine that thej strangely. He was extremely nervous
thought it would. ' and thought every one was against him.
In other words, the tinin rolled out 1 don't bollc-vc he was responsible for
on the "daylight -nvlng time" hour iukI what he did "
paid no attention to the timetable or I
the clock inside or ottt-lilo th. Termi- EATS NAILS A LA SPAGHETTI
home of the pa-sengers tiitnei
ired their iews about tuilioads gen
erall and railroad clocks lu partic
ular. Of course, some one must be
blamed, so thej made an offcnaUc
toward the Bureau of Information and
rented their wrath upon him.
Walter Amole. who is in charge of
the bureau at the Terminal, is u pleas
ant man of rather slini build. He has
remarkable patience, as well os a larg
fund of information.
"What time docs the 1(1 o dock train
leave for New York?" asked a broad
(shouldered man In threatening tunes.
"Eleven o'clock." replied Amole
"How do j on get that
growled the bruwnj custoniei.
Time Table Explains
"Do I hear ou corrects oi am 1
"I'm sure I don't know." said tho. i
miormanon cniet. "There K a line at
the bottom of the time table which ex
plains .matters xery clearlj."
This line explnined that trains sdied-
Uled to leave ut 10 o'cloel: Eastern
,i.n.ir.n.i !... it i - i
standard time would leave one hour ,
"Then the time table is a llur."
Scowled the patron.
"Not exactly." argued Amole.
"And the railroad's a llur by tli
Clock." concluded the passenger as he
sat down to wait till 12 o'clock for the
11 o'clock train.
Two men of foreign countenance were
puzzled listeners. They didn't know
xvhether they ought to be In a hurry or
take their time. Hoth wanted to' go
to New Wk, too. They were about
tp ask a question when a woman ran
up breathlessly to ask about a train
for Norrislown.
Her daughter pulled her aside "Whv
hurry, mother?" she said. "The train
doesn't go until lli.'tS and its onh n
quarter after 12 now."
"I don't set this thing." said one
of the foreigners. "We should worn.'
said the other. "Let's wait here until
the man with the horn x ells our train,
then we'll get it "
Scenes at llroail .Street .station
There xsere similar scenes at Broad
Street Station. The clock outside the
station absolutely denied the brand of
time offered by the Citx Hall clock.
The two clocks faced each other bravely,
neither would give a minute
Many persons from the rural sec
tions were puzzled. A glib, well-dressed
traveling salesman endeavored to ex
plain the difference in time. "It's all
very simple." he said. "You know.
we have the Western Time while travel
ing on the Chicago. .Milwaukee and St.
Paul to Chicago and also to Pittsburgh,
Then when we get to Pittsburgh we get
the Central Western Time This time
holds until we get to Philadelphia, when
we work according to the Philadelphia
dnyllght-sadng time When we get
to New York it's the same; when vou
o to Boston we have the Eastern Time
"I suppose if ou stnited for Port
land. Mc., this morning, urn would
Set there last night. eli,J"
"Head the newspapers.- , aimed m
a man xvho had been listening, "and
you'll know just where jou're at '
Had Only One Drink,
Is Paul's Defense
Ontlnuril from Tntr Onr
round it. Then Has.sett jumped into
the car. took ihe wheel, and drow it
to the nearest patrol box
Saxs Paul Attached Him
Ila.ssett testified he asked Mi J'ail
to remain in the car when the luiirr
tried to get out Into the road, and that
Mr. Paul attacked him when the pii
trohnau tried to enfoue the reiint
The two wrestled, falling to the load
and then Hansen used his bliukjnck on
me prisoner. lie was taken to the
pouce siauoii. men lo the linn Maw r
Hospital, where a slight cut in the
hml iinu uln.A.I
Ur. .Norman X I.oml. stud phjsician
ai tuc nospitui. was lulled us a witness
.Mr Paul drunk V ' lie wuv
"I noticed the odor of liquor on
his breath, but I couldn't sj.v that he
wah drunk " replied the physician.
"Toil see. I don't know how mnnv
drinks he had."
Captain Donaghy of t ho Lower
Merion police, then spoke up "Dr
Loud." he said serlouslv. -'if it's a fair
ciuesticm, max I ask If jou ever were
drunk yourself?"
"I can't saj that I ever was." con
fessed the phjslciun with u smile.
Objected to ns I5pert
"Then.'' said Donnghy, "I Insist thut
you're not a competent witness. A man
who's never been drunk himself mn't
tell when aiiothi-i man is in that con
dition." The courtroom locked at Donngln's
Mr. Paul on the stand in his own
lirhalf, denied ttuit he had hcaid the
patrol man's order to stop, that he hud
been Intoxlinli-il , Unit In md used pro
fane language and that he had died to
ttrikc Hassett
"The thing I obje. ted to." he caid.
"xvas 1iIm trjing to force me buck into
fiy machiiic. Then I wrestled with
him. 1 didn't even know J was under
tr L.MrPuul lifuKrtl iioiia the worse for
.V" , ,Jim cicciiiilri- with I 'he niitroliuiiirs
nxcept tor u patvii of plaster
i ,S". '
'.i it
," , 1L
Camden Storekeeper Wounds
Slooplng Woman Tries Sui
cide as She Phonos Police
Cliarle Simon, thirty .cnrs old. who
conducts n enndv and cigar store at
2H.10 Westfield avenue. Camden, shot
his wife In the head as she slept early
today, then turned the pistol on liimseir.
Husband and xvifo are In the Cooper
Hospital, where it Is said they probably
will recover.
The sound of the shot and the pain
of the wound brought Mr. Simon stag
eerinc to her feet With blood strenm-
But Tom Blocks Traffic and Now
He's Gnawing Cell Bars
A doctor told Thomas Williams, 812
Lombard street, his sjstem required lots
of iron so now he eats nails and tacks.
It was a public demonstration of his
unusual appetite that cnus-d Williams'
artet this morning near Ids home. lie
was charged with blocking traffic
Williams had a bag of long nails
which he was eating, sphnghettl fashion.
on the corner, r lest lie would taKe a
nail and then take . drink. The drink
wns not an 'ale. as it came trom a
bottl" and was dark brown In color.
Its odor wns in violation of the Eight
eenth Amendment
Patrolman Dodson. of the Twelfth
and I'ine streets station, arrested Wil
liams, so that the street ears might run.
His audience stretched across the, street,
and then some
Magi-trute O'Hrion doubted Williams'
talent, but the prisoner declared he was
no faker
He grabbed a pen from the desk in the
station house and ntc it as though it
. - w -- rr I i
weie o prune .-miiuc umc imni nun u
,mlf Aafn v(lf(.t) rIl7nr blades foi .lev-
sert. but the judge halted the menu
Williams, was placed in a cell nnd
rurnkev Sam Mason watched him to
see that he didn't bite the bars in
Hold-Up Victims Taken Into Cus-
; toay on uisoraeny oonuuci undrgc ,
I Paul Shurer. M0 Columbia axenue. i
hill overseas eteran. nnd John Phillips,
I of 20.11 Cambria stret. ariested at 4'
, i--. I..- ri- '
o c ock tins morning nc jcnui sircei
and Columbia axenue. were discharged
todax bj Magistrate Henshaw, xvhen it
c'cvelopcd that instead of being guilty of
disorderly conduct, thej had been vic
tims of a gang of hold-up men.
Detectives Hanson and Hojle testified
they were standing nt Eleventh street
and Columbia axenue early this mornin
when thcx heard a noise nnd. looking ,
down Columbia nxenue, saxv a free-for-
all ficht a block awav
When they reached the sreno they
found Phillips aiding Sinner from a
ii'ate-ghiss window, which he had
At todax 's hearing. Phillips and
Shurer testified they were waiting for
n trollej car when scxeu men attacked
them. Harry Kohn. owner of the shop '
in front of xdilch the fight took place,
failed to collect damages for his broki n
Speeding Car Leaves Street Two
Occupants Arrested
A speeding nutoinobile siiddeulj left
the tracks on Twelfth street this mom
ing. and staited to climb the front steps
of the house at 1 til tl N'oitli Txvelfth
street, but as the fiont door xxas closed
it could not gain ili:iiMaii
'I lie car was still , mating Impatient!
oi the steps w'leu Parinlnriu H.insou
iiir,ved He was woinl.wng how the
machine managed to riacli such a high
point, when two men craw lid from
under ll Thex g.iv. their names as
John Kelleher. Thlrtj -ninth and lliown
streets, nnd Eugene Moore. Pltty-fourth
street and Columbia axenie. Neither,
was injuied I
Hanson happened to icmeniber that h
mi going at a little less thnn a milct
n minute lind passed him on the street. J
Kelleher and Moore were arrested,
ihaiged wifli reekliss driving. !
Offices Now Situated at Twelfth and!
Walnut Streets
'I in Pliil.Klelplnii Cliambi i of Con,
iiKiu Kiciav moved into Its new home
at the noitlieait corner of Twelfth ami
Walnut stieets. the building formerly
Known as "The Church House" and
' . cupii-d as headquarters foi the Dio
i ,-ese of p.aetc rn Pennsylvania.
.... .. .'. ...
Jht- old looms of the "humhc-i ol
i Commerce on the twelfth tloor of the
I Wldener I'.iiildinz have been eiven on.
and nil the activities of the bodj will
now he directed from the new "liead
qUUMeis Then weie just enougli otfices
lo go nrouml in the new building ulmli
is still in the hands of the painter-- ami
Students Vote to Abolish Hazing
Madison. Wis.. June .1 - fliv A P.,
in day nlghl Iti-a class light The Ins
lone gteeii i up wa- voted out, ulong
with the nnminl i lass rush and cap
iiighl Lenders oi both classes vill go
on trial before the student self-governing
bodj this week Conviction will
be followed bj expulsion
Discuss Orphanage Spread
The spread of Presbjterian orphan
uges throughout Peiiiisvhiiuiu wus dis
cussed ut todav 'k meeting of the Phila
delpllla Presbjteij in Westminster
Hull. Witherspoon liulldlng. The Hc-v.
Kdward Jordan wns the speakei
Fire Destroys Automobile
An HUtnmobile belonging to Martin
J Cunningham, II.".' I South Hroad
street, was destroved by lire ot 0 o'clock
this inofrrfjig nt Seventieth street and
Ovcrbrook Ii venue T.Ut. machine xvns
Vi'lucd st w.vm.
v .
All fnttllS flf illiiifr hill, l.nim nl.M
. , , . ., "" , now i low ii uusiiic.ss sect on ut I
...... w. .... ; "M.n..- me o'ciock tnis inorning threatenei lenait
, Inivcisitv of Wisconsin, it mi. nn- ment stores and other i.earbv buildings
' ;'",," J !'",' ' "'"-'"'"s -' i irv ah me apparatus of the Pire I)c
of eight fn-shmen and sopjiomores Sat- muttm-ut was called out io o,nl,n. ,i,
I 'LL1 "Priiifrr'HS3S 7 .ifflfilM'MMaaaaam- -KKImKtflHKCSwSfsM
r . ,. z3tfi (Mmmfi it -" '
The nboe picture, the first rereiicd from Ttilsii. UUIn., .since the dcstructUe
wrought In the Negro residential section of that city. .More than ten blocks
ground. Thlrtj persons were killed In the riots. It Is estimated
Ventnor, However, Doesn't Fear In-, Citizen Who Failed to Halt Auto
vaolon by One-Piece Bathers , Dies of Wounds
Mlantlc Clt, dune (i -(lv A. IM ' Tulsa. Ohhi., June 0. (Ily A. IM--Ventnor
City, the lnsinonaolc sunimet K I.. Osborne died today at a luwpltnl
home of hundreds of I'liiladelphlaus, ol wounds leccUed flicn he was shot
doc not fenr an invasion of barc-Ieggcd bj a guard last night,
girls clad in one-piue bathing suits m According to military authorities. O-
n res'i t ot tie edict 01 mc ivimniic
City authorities b.mning the immodest
curb from the beaches Here, according to
Mayor Amor Urehman.
Imitation of Mayor Crls'. of Som-
rs 1'oint, for merm.iid who wih to
disport in negligible attire to bathe in
the brackish waters of Great Egg Harbor
rtnv lm caused a furore, ami the sug
gestion that othei icsoits aouIiI wel
come such bathers caused in uir to be
made as to the attitude of other icjort
oiuiiui-. ,..,,!
I I1HVC 111 " r llilll l ill' ,u.--iiM.
lnlsed here before, said Maor Mreh
pian toilnx, anil masmurn as iraimr
is a home section it is hardlx likeh that
the mntter xvill come before us offi
cially. When it does it will be t inn
enough to net. In the meantime Vint
nor bithcrs x ill continue to cnjo their
nil unmolested
As Ventnor has nier baiim 1 the
one-piece suit nnd bare knees the Max -or's
remarks are taken to mean that It
will not do so this je.ir.
38 Defendants Arraigned for $1.-
000,000 Theft at Toledo
Toledo. June 0. (Hy A. P.) -The
second chapter of Toledo's famous
SI .000,000 postoffice robbery started to-
dav. xvien thirty-eight iletemlants. ac
xiius.i nf romnlieitv. went on trial
-'."' '. - . -
a c-nrffiilly guariled courtroom.
Wanda Crbaxtis. once named as the
moster mind in the theft, is expected to
make her appearance in fresh feminine
apparel. Her sisteis late last week
visited her at the jail and are said to
have left a lot of frills and furbelows.
Father Anthony Gorek, of New Chi
cago. Ind., also xxlll go on trial today.
Five of the thirty-eight defendants huxc
been indicted on ten counts each and
cacti count will bring a sentence of
twenty-five jears in the exent of u ver-
diet of guilty.
The robbery took place February 17.
fixe men compelling mail-truck drivers
to remain impassive xvhlle they loaded
the valuable sacks in au automobile
and sped away.
Russian in Power After Deatn ol the
IVWii. June !(H A. P l Chi
nese military dispatches report the
death at T'rga of the Kutukhtu. oi Liv
ing Huddh.c, nominal ruler of Mongolia.
The Kutukhtu was reinstated in I'rgu
after Its cnptuie from the Chinee by a
ltusvlan-Mongolian force last Febiuan.
Theso dispatches say also that the ud-
minihtration of outer Mongolia is now in
the hands of the Uussiaa General I'n
gem-Sterntoig and the widow of the
The Chinese commander on the Mon
golian front is nskng foi re. enfoice.
incuts, a cgiug that tne .xiongois tu
preparing a-. ctfeiiMve in anticipation of
the nrouosed effort of General Chniig
Tsao-l.in to ictake L'rga.
Fanny Ward Starts
Council of Feminine Charm
lnndoii. June . Preliminarv nr
ningements foi the foundation of an
international academy of beaut) cul
ture undei the direction of Fannj Ward
and uniting ull of the world's most fn
moos beauties as advisers h-u-e ln-en
ninde here The organization meeting
w.is Held ai .Ml-S vxilius nonie
Just us men of all nations unite for
the prommio,, of science literntur. ami
ait. so Miss XX iird plans that all women
shall get together for the worldwide pro
motion f feminine charm ami b'.iutc
The "academj" contemplates the in
stallation of "beauty halls' in cceiv
citv In America nnd in the worlil's nrh,.
. i eipal capitals, to which women will he
invited or "cosmeiK matinees ,t
these functions how to find the fmin
t.nn of feminine jouth Is to be dem
Blaze Is Threatening Buildings in
Main Business Section
,-, '" "'tr" m" . . lul. . ZT
i j '"h ' ir
u ::io
Tho tire suited between 100 and IHi
Wood street, destroving the local offices
of the Falrbunks Scale Co the Pitts
burgh Office Kqiupment Co. and tho
New York Wull Paper Co. Tho loss
will run to tiearlj MOO.OOO if other
buildings a r" not ignited.
Ten Injured In Airplane Swing
llartfonl, Conn,, June 0. Ten per
sons were Injured, three seriously, when
nn "airplane swing" collapsed yesteiday
at Capitol Park, un amusement place
here. Six prisons vvero taken to the
Hartford Hospital.
Fire In Dry Goods Store
A fire in the dry goods store of John
Hliini, SWHft Kensington avenue, did
S.'.(M) damage fhortlv after mldn sit to
dav. The cause, has nol been detriV
milieu. . - v.j
borne, who was a member of an nuto
mobile party, failed to halt when com
manded to stop by guards. Mrs. I'aul
Wainer. sister of Osborne, w-ns cut by
!l.iiig glass and is In n hospital.
Citizens of Tulsa have talscn over the
duty of guarding the city in the futuie
ugain't possible riots or organized law
leMic.s with the formation of n public
snfetj committee, composed of 2."l) men.
ed to go deeplj into reports that there
was a Negro organization here xveii sup
plied with arms.
, . i
Willow Grove Memorial Activities
Will Be Enlarged ,
Activities of the Willow Crove Me- i
inorlal Hall Association, formed to
"ffL .T"r"iJ!il,i!jy,i1lr:::; I
vir r in uwilui na iiiih iiw umiiu .'
service during the World War from that
district, xvill be xvidened b the for
mation of a omen s Committee.
Women of the Willow Grove section
who xvill co-operate in the movement
include Mrs. J. Pyre Mojer. chairman:
Mrs John H. Howarth. Mrs. Stanlev
Martin. Mrs. Wlnficld Holt. Mrs. E.
A. Hhiimsyre. Mrs. W. H. Pugh. Mrs
W F. Seibert. Mrs. George Fritz, Mrs.
Edgar Davenpoit. Mrs. Walter A.
Flounders. Mrs. Cornelius (lorson,
Mrs. H. E. Jacoby. Mrs. W. E. Rob
inson, Miss Myitle Hnbinsoii. Mrs.
Wnltcr Tliomns. Miss Cora Weigner.
Mrs. John C. Stuckert. Mrs Joseph
Walton. Mrs. Howard l.endbeater. Mis.
Albert Gelger and Mrs. Harry Haab.
Failure to Find Lilly Pepper Adds
Mystery to Disappearance
Mjsterv surrounds the disappenrnnc
of Lilly Pepper, seventeen years old, of
1.111! Carlton street, who h-is not been
seen since Apiil 12. when she received
$100 by mail from her brother in Can
ada. Miss Peppei arrived in this ccunt.-.x
from Ireland lust. December nnd mnde
her home with an nunt. Mr. J. Vv
Ahem. List Januarj she entered the ,
cmplov of i fumilv near Fortj -sixth i
and Chestnut streets, where idle lived
until her disappearance. All efforts to
locate her among her friends m tln
countrv and Ii eland have failed Mis
Ahem." who assumed tire ciue of tlm
girl, has been made ill bj her nieie'sl
disappearance I
Another Public Meeting of Council's
i .. ,, .h hu rhairnun
Committee Announced by Chairman,
ommittee Announced by Chairma
Another public lienung on the Mu
11.1ip.1l Gas Commission's ieput will be!
held next Friday at T :IW P. M .in1
Citj Hall. This was iinnoumed ioda
l.t " f'liairmnn lllicll MoiltgollM'r. , nt
Council's Committee on Trunsportiii mi
nn,i iblie Ftillties.
Council next Thursclnv will (.ass ,n,
a bill extending until August 11 Un
tune in which the Hritish thermal unii
may be used hen- in the manufacture
ot "gas The time limit unilcrthc ex
isting ordinance expires June 1.".
. KVKn jUne 1 MAItcJAti:T II if
' t -jeorK- n. l.nur nml cIuubIut of th Ui-
;'"iIS nt'lT-'r'l &T4 V m'
,a, ll(.r husband n.rpsirtfnc T3.1 Ilotinont m
Ihr.imwDocl. N J interment nri.M
1 riii.lB my cull XVpilnerdaj nrtir . ! xi
r si'ippc 0810 N lMh st HKNJtll.TTV
wlfo of Kmanuel llernlielmcr, hki.1 .. I u
n.rM t convnlenrc of the famih 1uffila
inno 7 rcnttlvcly no flner
KclJl-'INk"r-Jun 6 CHAni.t: XX Kn
l'INK al -IT nolullvos unci friend imj
roVr.? Lodge Nn. CO!. V. nl A XI r
iniil to Rttnd funfrn ervlcii Tuoadiiv
S P M.. re.ldenre -.'US . .Marvlt.c t. In
i yvc'll -lunn t 10"1 .K1HN X iie'med
,n of, John J ml Jir l.-ii'h in. Nincm'
Itealve" and frlendi i are Invlfd i -tiet.l
funnial. TI ur.1av. ao A M fiom Ills
pare ili' residence ISO lt VVe.'inoreUn.l
it Holemn requiem m si at c hurcli of th..
Aicen.lon. Hi A M pretlneh Inlermenl
Holy SepuKhre Cmeti
vwsJEDX" At Whllemarnh P.i on
liin. 8 1M1. ANNA XtAItCIAIlHT w don i.f
Frank arner Kennedy, need 79 ;evr An
'.:L. .. ,.r rmiffrAl Inter
n"""'iKU,X" A.. .... i(i-t nn linn
nfisj wife nf Wllllwm A Miliert at her late
residence sra N. I'arK a.e. Tunera! und
interment prlvali
7A('KKy Iun 5 XIAnt.D.X, wl.lnw of I
flenrRK Z..cK au-ed 7.1 er. Ilelutlvi-i
nd frl. 'iiilii iin Inv I'd to attend funeral i
Wednoml vs 2 .10 1". M late r.-sl,leiic. 100),
Sf a'o ! liarl.v. Interment Ml
Mor'ah Cemeterv Frlendu may call 'I ue
dav ovtnltiB . . , , .,. ,..r.,r. .
VlKMAN en June I AI.I.NAMIt'ft (
J I1CMAN beloved hubanfl or r.uratietti Xlk
man Unlatl-ea nnd frlendn Invited n. fu
ii.rnl a 'vlcea on WedneMlnv aftenuun ai
iKluV i.lhl. lute r..Mence .141K N -d
at Interment Clrcei mount Cemelen Jt
inalnii in... be viewed Tuesday ewn'nii
ItKM. IWTATK. lfOB riAI.K lirt. XIAUIt
I'ClIt IIHNT furn ahed for aunvincr, new
home on north aide IS matter bed
rnomi i wrvanta' rooma a bathe. c
raire for J rare Willi mm a loom and
bath, 'i aera of ernund bem location
ennvenlent lo alutlon Phone Dryn .lawr
10 KOOMH and hath, all modern Improve
mental larve- porches, allruuuery, chlnlcert
houin; larK lot. ISSilBl fetll thta hour
mint he void, nnd I will orifice for it
I (iuld? Mle See
IIIXXIIAM, Ml-,nol. N J,
x deli will be instantly available to put n; o "K ' ',""" '"" ti ' " ' , :-.,,
I down anv disturbance nt its start. eligible lis to hi the pnMticii of assist -
Fixing of responsibility for the race. nut cliiei invi-siigniiir. .....cm. ; ' "
tigl.ting"..d burning of the Negro .lis- '-inict ir Sc.al Service. Vm
trtci will be left to the Grand Jurv. took the examination. The jol) pays
v , h has been Unmoned to convene I f.om SiaOO ,o 1 rm a , car I'm .mon
next Wednesday. The inquiry is expect- ally it is being filled by Mrs. Maigntet
I'tKlerwouil & Umtcrwoiid, N'cw York
race riots there, shows the havoc
of Negro homes were burned to the
Seven Men Take Exam for Superin
tendent of Maintenance
Seven men took n civil sit vice exami
nation today for the post of sui erin
tendent of mnlntcnnnoc. C'it.x Hall.
The provisional superintendent is
( buries Ktter. who was recommended
for the nlnee by John Iliinny. tduiini
trillion leader of the Forty-third w.ud.
litter succeeded J. Holsate llerry.
known to City Hnll emplojcs iih "the
mnii with the brown derby." Superin
tendent Horry xas n holcloxer from the
hist Administration and xvius di'chiiiged
several months ago. The job pnH S2.'5l)0
n ear
Tim Civil Service Conrni-'sioil .lNo is
Father-ln-Law Gets Brick on Head
in Answer to Advice
1 Niid to him, 'Walter, whv uin'l
nii ,j0nnie get along. Take her
j k . ,0 Tonr ilomc aud treat her as u
man should.' Then he picked up a
Helglan block and struck mu on the head
with it."
William Watson. 1I12S Neelurinc
street. .testified thus against his son-in
law. Walter Moyer. .100 Norlti Eleventh
street, nr a Hearing locuiy oeiore .uhk
istrate Henshnxv in Central stntinn
Magistrate Henshaxv turned to Moyer
and asked him if he lind throxvn the
block. When the son-in-lnxv admitted
the charge, he xvns held in $500 bail for
the Grand Jury.
He and Watson's daughter xvere mar
ried a j ear ago. Watson took Hiis
daughter home in February after, it
is alleged, nhc had been treated cruelly
lix Moxer
11. rhilllp. ii.i usage incline.
You Must Buy Your Prima Washer
Before June 15
To Take Advantage of this
Big Electric Washer Offer
Th.li is the well known Prima
electric washer featuring
our sale
qualities of the Prima electric washer, or
telephone Walnut 4700 for information.
$15 reduction
in time payment price
$5 first payment
Exceptionally easy terms free trial if
desired an Excelsior clothes drying
rack free with each Prima washer
machine of highest quality these are
the things you gain by
buying your washer on or
before June 15th.
The time is short all the
salesrooms listed below
have Prima washers on
practical demonstration
See the Prima today!
t5h"" Media Lnadown.
k' 711 . e.
OF 1. 0. 0. F. T
Visitors Will Be Addressed by
Governor and Mayor in Met
ropolitan Opera House
A competitive drill of the Cantons of
Patriarchs Militant this afternoon nfid
nn anniversary reception in the Metro
politan Opera House tonight, to be ad
tlrossed by Governor Sproul and Major
Moore, are the outstanding features of
the third day of the week-long anni
versary celebration of the Grand Lodge
Independent Order of Odd Fellows of
Pennsylvania. The jubilee is held here
to mark the lOOtli nnniversary of Penn
sylvania Odd Fellowship nnd is nlso
the ninety-eighth annual session of the
Grand Lodge.
At 4 o clock this afternoon the lie
bekaii Assembly, the xvomen's auxiliary
of the I. O. O. F.. who are holding
their thirty-second annual session in
conjunction xvlth the parent order, xvill
hold n special session for the conferring
of degrees nt Columbia Hall, Hroad
nnd Oxford streets.
Hanking in importance xvitli the
Hashing color of the drill on the Park
xvoy xvill be the gathering nt the Metro
politan tonight, xvhen virtually all visit
ing Odd Fellows and their families will
gather to hear the addresses of wel
come to State nnd city delivered by
the Governor nnd the Mayor.
Hesponses will be made by Frank
Shannon, grnnd master of the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania, nnd Anna J.
Cllne. president of the Hebeknh As
sembly of Pennsylvania. Hlshop
llliinclandei' will deliver the invocation.
Other speakers will be Joseph Oliver,
grand sire: Charles C. Hulkel.x, grand
xvnrden nnd chairman of the Executive
Cothmittce, and other officers of the
Sox-ercign Grand Lodge.
The musical part of the program xvill
include singing by children from four
orphans' homes, selections by the
Sunbury Orphans' Home Hand, chorus
by tho Aquetong Glee Club, led bj
Webster Grim. P. G., nnd singing by
the audience.
Lojnlty to Christianity nnd to
Ainci icon ideals was pledged nncw last
night by the Independent Order of Odd
FcllowH nt Its service in tiic flag-drnped
Metropolitan Opera House. In the Im
pressive service the sjdrit of religion
nnd fraternity was beautifully blended
and struck a- high no'e in the jubilco
celebration xvhich began on Saturday
und will end Frlda.x night.
An appealing feature of the conclnvc
appeared yesterday when 110 children
from orphan homes conducted by the
order, cnnie to the city. As guests of
the conclave they xxlll be given a week
of sightseeing heie and in Atlantic City.
The orphans from Sunbury
their own baud.
Appeal for Frateniallsm
Democracy was declared to be the
cornerstone of "the fraternity of
Americanism" In the annlvcrsnry nd
drcss delivered bv M. Clxdc Kelly,
member of Congress from the thirtieth
district of this State.
"Amerlcn is built on the Ideal of
fraternity, fellowship, friendship and
brotherhood," said Mr. Kcllv. "Those
are the very structure and heart of
Americanism. With all its mistakes
the people's rule shall go on ruling. Hy
mutual aid and trust the good Samari
tan idea nf fraternity is carried out in
"There nic dangerous groups nnd
sections among us. There nrc class
divisions and race rlvalies. To some
JUNE 15th is the closing
date of the biggest elec
tric washing machine offer
we have ever made. It is
an unparalleled opportu
nity for our customers to
buy a really good washer
at the right price on easy
terms. Come in today and
see for yourself the good
Eiceliiorilotheirack, given
free of charge with each
Prima electric washer
extent the i-plilt of Democracy lmi been
lost. Hut the Ideal remains. ,
"When ines-engerK of Kitsrun conic
nmong iih and soy that they arc 'out
siders' on account of the difference of
Ideals, I am in favor of taking thcin at
their xvo.-d nnd making them outsldeiM
In fact. If nnv man uinkcs himself an
enemy qf our Institutions the sooner wc
t'ear tho ground of him the sooner xvc
will be nble to solve our problems In our
Aliinftflitt M'nT."
The ftatcinlty of Odd Fellowship Mr.
Kcllv defined as "putting something in
the Stnrs. and Stripes te mnko it mean
more to us nnd to the rest of the world. '
That could bo accomplished, he said,
by "putting ourselves into the ban
Dr. hotter Upliolch Order
"Odd Fellowship is doing Bitch n tc
markable work," said the llcv. AMlllnni
Harnes Lower, xvho preached the anni
versary sermon, "becnusp it slnnds four
sqiinrc on the Word of God." The
trdtr, he said, xxas trying to develop
n man 100 per cent American.
"I have much to say in defense of
the pure American Institution brought
here and developed by our forefathers,"
he continued. "In my America I hold
Washington above Home, the Stars nnd
Stripes above the papal banners, the
Capitol above the Vatican.
"The time has come to stand four
square against the hyphenated Ameri
can. The foreigner xvho comes to these
shores must become a citizen if he is
to remain among us. He must be loyal
to us nnd to no otiicr country."
A surprise not on the program xvns
the short address made by Joseph Oli
ver, of Toronto, Canada, Grand Sire
nf the Order. He Is head of all the
Odd Fellows in the xvqrld.
The Itov. O. Edwin Cook. Grand
Chaplain, presided and made the invo
cation and the benediction. The exer
cises proper xvere preceded by a con
cert in which several selections by a
svmphony orchestra xvere played. The
Welsh Church choir of 150 voices tang
splendidly, selections including the
Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's
Slayer of Miss Howard Watched
Carefully to Prevent Suicide
Lester H. Newlmll. the twenty-onc-j
ear-old murderer of Josephine Howard,
will undergo n thorough examination
at the hands of Dr. Frederick O. Haldi,
prison physician, today. Since he xvns
received in Moynmcnsing Prison Sat
in day afternoon, the youthful slayer has
not uttered one word except to nsk if
he could see his sister.
Following the request of Police Stir
genn Dr. John F. Egan, the prison
authorities placed Newhall hi the hos
pital with a special man on watch as a
liecaution to prevent nny attempt that
Newhall might make tn end his lire.
Today Detectives Helshnxv and Mill
grew questioned every one xvlio has any
knowledge of the shooting of the girl.
They will probably secure statements
from xvitnesses who xvill be used nt
New-hall's further hearing on June 21.
Tn the meantime District Attorney
Hotnn xvill be advised as to the status
of the case nnd It is quite likely that
an Assistant District Attorney will be
on hand xvhen Newhall Is arraigned for
his further hearing.
The Silver Basket
for fruit, flowers, cake, tea cakes, sweetmeats,
crackers equally welcome in the gift-displap
of the bride and the home of tho wife.
J. E. CaUwell & Co.
Chestnut and Juniper
Am i:rti4Kmi:nt
Among the shops on Chestnut Street, that of MncDonald A
Campbell Is one of the most noted. The variety and quality of men's
apparel xvhich they sell for ex-cry occasion street, dress, sports wear
is lemarkablc.
1C.V in their wiiite flannels,
A' women in their light summer
flocks, make any out-of-cloots affair
look festive. For the informal
dances or nny of the social events
at the Country Club, tho man xvho
wishes to appear well dressed will
wear white flannel trousers xvith
cither a dark coat or one of those
heavy pongee coats which ate really
more comfortable on a hot, sunny
clay. As with all the mcui's apparel
sold by MacDonald & Cnmpbell,
i:J34-1336 Chestnut Street, their
tiousers of xvhitc flannel are of a
high standard of quality and have
the reputation of beinir the smnrtcst
styled and the best fitting produced.
They are priced at eleven dollars.
You xvill also be interested in Mac
Donald & Campbell's large variety
of outing trousers.
A RTISTS and craftsmen have la-
bored to achieve the most beau
tiful and appiopriate settings for
that most lovely jewel, the Polished
Girdle Diamond, exclusive with the
house of Bailey, Hanks & Diddle Co.,
and they have succeeded in design
ing rings whose settings are not
only worthy of the jexvel which they
hold, but xvhich ex-en enhance its
beauty. The girl xvho receives one
of these for her Engagement King
xvill be pioud to compute it xvitli
any other, for she will know that Miu
possesses the finest ring in tho
world. Bailey's also have a xvonder
fill selection of wedding rings. Tho
circle of diamonds is, of com so, the
most beautiful, but theic are mnnv
other styles, both in plntinum and
gold, which are very charming.
H Ri t, B.uI'pi,isLfor my winters. I discovered on the second floor 0
,1, "Vlsi nii 1 if1 k'1,'1' f Walker & Kepler, Sl Chestnut Street,
IZltJ ' iV01! of urt,8tlc c,oc,t-It; "ph. lamps of all kind an-descriptions-tab
e lamps, standing lamps, reading lamps, boudoir lamp'-
thn'i n.n tn.tJ "n0lf ol f,0'01' UH wi"
tlmt n fn'ii quallty (,f thef,c
l,n Tuna UJn ..ii in UU1 ujinriuiiuy io bo eci a vvuikmhk k'"uu
Hllyy.Vi m Uridyl I,an.p. K.
at tho.romnrknblv 1 v A, r";veuy
rJift,,.:" ""' Tw'
xjflje umbstnuT STREET ASSOCIATION $
W t
Pino Street Child DiB8 e.i
Afffir Arlm!r,.,. x. ..
-. . ot0
"ver wrested
A SIT VAMM.nl. 1 t
eight persons we e nJur". kil J
I.l.in yesterday Ml' ' Ji ftfl
.Hie noy w in met deiHlT ""'Willi
Fickle, 014.1 Plne"lHit'thit? W
oxer by nn automobile whl, ?,rxl
of I- ox Chase, driver of ,. f "r'V
AVtlttn liltrrt'ttir. ii
P..wllln ncPldoiit. the n5i'Bf o i
of the Nineteenth and Vffl
station was rammed bv an LltP
after the driver had been i MmiSW
stop to avoid billing n t r ck R(Ilrt
xvas Injured In each occl.W Unt
It happened that Kdnaril n '
fifty years old, of loO.V lrr'
win tlirmvn Crn, l.i '"'nlier rr,
street when his m , hi '"Sndt to llJ
mobile of Solomon Hn.u ? 0f P,i'nt"
X. J., collided at Klxtcentl, XfPi
Susquehanna niei.ue. As 1'hZL
W Innemore wns go tur tn iv- . u""t
xvns forced to
tna fninnil ..-. . ,v-
HtOII 1,1. .3, M
Klghteenth street and Cm Z "
nvenuc to avoid blttim- , C""!'
Ah he xvns, waiting fnr the MS:
pass, nic niitomobl e of J. Ear null"
son. of Uwchlnn, Pa. noi V
Winneinprc, sidc-wlped tfc" Mhff.1!
eras bed nto the i,i ,.f .. i....patnl a4
!K i1!0. r-?nd throw'" DickiS"!
T)trtflnnnn H'nBi4nl.. i. .1
the first nccllen , l?' '." HI
nicked up and both were nnheM :
omen's Homeopath c Hosnitil vi!
they were trmted for cuts and Im1 ;
The drivers of the three shii"
xvro nrreste,!. CC m&l9
Commission Asks Right to R,ftr '
Disputes to Neutral Arbitrator
Paris. June C (Hy A. V)--d.
Hcpnrntlotis Commission has prestnt S
to the Council of Ambassadors a 2S
sltion that the commission be authoX
tci refer to n neutral arbitrator mm
tions upon which it is unable to unit
The proposal has provoked con!J.
auie criticism in rrench quarters iIim
ltf virtually amounts to decisions' U,,
given on important questions by a m
trnl. The Peace Treaty provides tbit
the Heparations Commission may (
questions of procedure to n noutrnl .
bltrator, but docs not mention arbitrt
tion 011 questions of policy.
tttirnmh fccfO
'"pHE other day I met a friend ;
-L the street and I remarked on Ui
charming little gray Georgette dH
mat sne xvas xveanng. it wns i
beautiful shade and most becoming.
"Don't you remember this?" Bh
said. "It is that old xvhitc drew
that I had last summer. I had it
dyed at Barg's." White Georgette,
in fact, all kinds of xvhitc silk, ai
you know, xvill get yellow after be
ing worn for a season. You will,
therefore, be clad to know how suc
cessful Barg's, Cleaners and Dyers,
1113 Chestnut street, have been in
dyeing dresses xvhich otherwise
would have had to be discarded,
lien as xvell as women have found
the work done by Barg's perfectly
satisfactory. It is surprising how
new they can make your old things
EVKRYTHINGto"asslst the June
bride xvho is contemplating keep- (
ing house from the smallest kitchen '
utensils to refrigerators, xvashinc
machines, etc. may bo found at the
Store of .7. Franklin Miller. 1612
I Chestnut stieet. The Ideal Fircless
Cookstove xvould make a splendid
wedding gift. How delightful to
i roast meat or bake biscuit or cook
any of "the various things xvhich you
want for dinner without having to
stay at homo nil the afternoonl
Every day this week a tlcmonstraj
I tion of this l-'ircless Cookbtovo will
I be given at Miller's to show you how
I deliciously food may be cooked in
this way. It is even better than when
cooked in an ordinary range, and
Hunk now much les'J bother. uurwK
the demonstration the $H8 Fircless
Cookstove will bo sold for $3i
b"'b' delight you. I urn InforiM"
Inmim and their shades equal th
,8n unu "m,u oraion ana-
V &
itfoa '
I III ('
tit I
1 cum
UJrfjffl.,, i Zli
.).'. 1A'
pig'Btla, B
-'Vt4"ct-Hv t
.A jsA . ':,? K'A
!; i- n-