I3FV WW 'f i: t.r ;i'f3.. .. mi; If 'M ' 1 Vf5 - i ir 71 "i " 1". ! .a y i .; tv "W ". 3 t T i ) r (' J EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, .TUNE 2, 1921 !f l TTte Hfa-fc of the World X Rv RIlTiY M. AWES Sidney SmUte ..' ti s?cn f i.-ni w . . "The Phantom Lover," "Tha Matter Man," "The Second Author or Honeymoon," Etc, i I CovlMoM. lu Bt" Bimdlcatt, Int. t hear about It all; it'a kind of you to rninA. Ttnti tat i.ai, .. -. ..i. i Jill hathV .'"J?, Kathy is .i,l.lf riPP'" r0yA USILmrd. Just now when we went in." i nnouin iiko to bco Iilm," Bald Tnl jentyrc. "I've never ncen him yet. you ' .J 9 ' S T f --f-"'f.l . THE GUMPS Andrf 8 Ltttle Namesake : : : : : ' : x"i ' ' t.'.'-' Mfw mi ini afcfhM-M .I, , 1 oi i ''."'''' .''' 1 .. in 1 1 1 eawpjpjrafaai t ' "-v jwr tO TVINK- AOMAN UK.e" VrOL Ht , PLtNtV vj COMt HEe AHOXJ PE 'a . Wf. aWtCl ( TMArf CAr4 COME IN BEtVEM VS V ( Ft0P!& NOW- CARLOS' v COM. Htt THlR MtMTK- I iS 4 1 ymcxhoo unccc biai Veht ) n "tmat t-A.ce or hers y ujc;c icarlo at niqht-' y- - -i .m- V HtR- L-LtT n B VUKE THE. CftfcCt poV UQHT OK A J 'rT (5) faaOl gH h It en ;" - jrJv. !" ""r . -,.rt.ii UP"' " " ',-). f DC(9 t,ij --- ,ii "" " numcu luiuuji W imT'Tn Ten hrc, also a society 7011 may go In If you like; you 7-iiV CtirUI ait(:n.v','iiittrX. ?)n won't unkrrl him ,.' ,.!., CII" w. s-l.,,,1 OT ir'-- - ... :.":;- --". m r o luab uniicin ""' ?",Jm:U AJw. &"' ; . Hnc lr'1 tlM'.way Into tho little room; tout n...;; must marry money m -"; nu uiuy over to tlic window to start MiYn idleness. Don i sick pw-cr a blind that let In too much ..,r- hi" ' .""... j. . K nihil I cht. ..M jwlffi ""'. Tallontvre unllr.fl .,,... h 1..,. ":.. dfinenroiini ... -, , ..;,'.- .."' .. ..... uu, K', and Htood looking down at the boy ; he tff AMI m ...!. 111. . 1 . !faonPPerBP.ef' nf" Jill ni "Bfl t0".'?!,n ,i 1.-.1I.11 irM ut was verv mnnh llb tr.tk. . l,-'l- ntketl lkeJelL Jr new beautiful there the same beautifully chiseled fca- .'rtWSrf irM that oddlU nervous turcs and wealth of hair; he looked tMM'ton in her Hue eyes. more like n plrl than n lad verging on ASD HCTB IT CONTINUES J,"-" ; "- ouf w.m buu rr avd HEBE IT CONTiwu AND """ . .nn. tn h-o him wisraMii-a . Jll Into the inner ". Jo,.JJ.LLnn at Don. . . , jtS .VJ5 that che kept Mr m J hi line been rightlien she eald that the door as if anxloua ior . - iu'' "us s" et asleep he would not r. .i..if ui.i. M.v.ttA h wDon ,.M,VP,,Bafn! handsome had forgotten his Pn-n flg , ?,nhii. f doerio so very 111 laid l?,H7-hc doesn't look so very .... ,. yolI Tcry Urp(, Mm Athcr. Id KTthy falterinsly: b m not 8 ton?" asked Henry MturgeiB abruptly. ; nerer to him. . Jill had been writing from his dlc- had a inr nenrtr to him. . .mi nan pecn writing from his dl v'"lhe doctor says that he has never tat, th(j nttornoon d fc h bid such a bad attack. Jill "w,crc2 suddenly broken off in tho middle of ..Till raised faintly surprised eyes from nothing wt B'Vfhv "t.!"rl .. jier bart iowuiu ";;.: it-nee : in the 1,'r"0' lnnnK y011, S''0 wn ted There "."TmowS r?t"cily. ", mo1lle"Ji experting him to continue Bt room Hlllyard laovert rcauciy. dctatJonf but ,,c Inl( do h, Katny turned at once - notes. ..I Mnk I ought to be go ng Kainn ..Thnt w, (o f .. -...., StVawhlsperP'looedTuh Jf.,P '; I want to speak to "ftff'U W "ast '" nlffirSS J?Un,dnrrePv4!;aEegufn1; into the .Ittlng.room. get sed to 1.1. empty couch by the -tie j ii" m'. -- ,,.ni .(.pne: .WL," luo P"sHing ot time sip on y real It was, all euc,hf,,n",nV?IscastaSd?ng zctl moro actcly how much he had Kathy in her beautiful. tlothw, ndlng been to her; and hat n terrible blank there with the stiff nw"arancii b 01 a h,fl (cnth ha i?5?lr' ???. .ttVTom had been her T!!cr."r tlm. when it , K; tae home "to why:n she had been elad to return every night the home where at least she had always had thewarnth of her sister's unselfish to Jill's heart swelled with panlonato resentment; she wondered If sudden wealth would so quickly have cnangco hir, had she been married to Ralph Hlliyard Instead of Kathy. and her heart erica 0111 in im.i.uiiui.c i";""" Well good-by she said after a moment; sue irautu .-..... Kathy, offering her rheek it was hoi and burning; Kathy kissed her fiorneaiy. , , .- "I shall come again soon and if mere is anywing you ii Hillyard laid a couple of sovereigns i me laoioi uo uvmucu .. " w he an BB BC U.U DU "Give them to Don from me. Jill did not answer; sho left the sovereigns lying where be laid them down; she knew hovf furious Don wonld have been had he heard the un- cvnacioun conueBcents.oii in uib uiuuivr- ln-law's voice; sho knew that Don wuum prooaoiy nave mrown um ku In tha fa r9 tha trviT Kathy and her husband went out of the room together; Jill stood looking after them through the open door; Hill yard's hand was on bis wife's arm ; no seemed to be talking to bcr In a IMM WaIiu Suddenly Kathy freed herself; sh" miue runniBE dock ; sue pusueu me aoor to now of Her own accord she went up to .mi wun eager steps. "Till nh Till !.. .mtA l..ml,II.Jr Jill raised her dark eyea; they were wuru unu accusing. "Woll1)'. '"Don't b cross with me I do love you you know I do; but but Ralph " She could not on; her voice irrmDiea so. Hillyard called to her from tho nar row T)llftAfrA hftlnur thmra naa n Ait.k of impatience In his voice. "Kathy Kathy !" .Kathy put her arms round Jill; she kissed her unresponsive face twice with eaer fondness. 'I shall come again I shall come ogaln soon," she said; sha flew off nnd oown the stairs. . wen she went out to the car she found Tallentyre talking to her hus- d ?' .&rt?d her gravely he did cot shake hands. I hope your brother is better," he said rather 'formally. "I was Just going to Inquire," "He's asleep we didn't think he locked verv ill, did we, Ralph?" Kathy appealed to Hillyard eagerly. . " "WdM" shoulders; he was an noyed at Tallentyre'H friendship with Jill annoyed, too. because Tallentyre hadrefmed to teli him how they first nJwJ ?,ithosc atiacks so often it's useless getting upset every time. Can .feC L Tallentyre?" n ii ' v,nua" t iXnT mth.at'fl wl"t he is try. bod5 udti i:w -iS. u? B.V.?,"r B,8' loves you. she 'will ..N He bent npnror tn m uA . n rnAMAtil'H ..II. . -. ..W.UJ.1.WO Hi.cnce. men Tallentyre caught his breath hard, and drew him- ov,i uif MiiiirniV. CHAPTER Xtl "The key lira to your hand, th world at your ffot. 1?.1 the B0"1 od offer nd walk 'Are you very tired, Miss Athcr- ts n 9n rk 1 1 1 1 j a hundred years nlnoe his death; and times when she could not believe that it had been longer ngo than last night; times when she was sum thnt she had only to look In the little bedroom to see ...- wiiiic, buu inco on tne pillow, nnd the thin folded hands on the narrbw chest. Life hml Inaf Ilo lnfr.. n,. . 1- .- fc Bw .ut.Ob. 1-llflT, IVlin and her nobody to think for, or work for; she nriu. lo uim iro 10 me oiuco mechan ically. ami an ner worK mechanically, won dering why the troubled nt all, why she " "u urunK, anu irieu to sleep, when v.jiuiug uvtiiiuu so unenv pointiew. In tho first shock of grief and re morse TvntllV hnfl hatrirnA 1in . .! f. w,lh. thcmi she hnd clung round Till s neck and told her thnt now their Lome must always be together. Hlll nrd was In th? room at the time, and .Till hnd looked past ICatliy'a golden lipnrl to U'hmo tin elowl ttfa HMJ .... . -..w.v ..L iuun, nun illllt Ull- icsponslve, pointedly not seconding hie wife's impulsive invitation. Jill had almost laughed ai sho met hi unfriendly gaze. "It's kind of you very kind, but I couldn't! I'd much rather live alone i shall be much happier nlone." Kathy hnd never again made tho suggestion. Jill could not suppose that when they got homo Hillyard had told her plainly thnt It uould never do nnd that he did not intend to bne n fistcr-ln-luw In the house. Jill writhed whenever she thought of his silence and of the formal con aolences he hnd offered her. X1 what way was she different to Kathy? sho asked herself resentfully. He had thought Kathy good enough to lOVO nnrl innrrv hnf fa. Trnt...fa ab-- he had only undisguised dislike. i-xoc mac i woum nave droamod of kuiiii? in nvn trirn rhurn .nan i !. lnd both Dcgscd mo to!" Jill told Tal- "Not even if I had liked Kathy's hllbbnnd. nnd T ilnn'l- vnnrilmn. Tl,.i him." "Tou don't mean that," Tallentvr"j answered In his quiet voice. "Hill J aid's all right ho only' wants under- riujiuuig. Tflllentvr hnrl tionn nn nnA Till during those first days of her sorrow; in a quiet, unobtmiivo way he had lightened her burdens whenever he POlllri ! hf hurl rnllivl nf IIia nfRn .f... after day to see her even If only for a io- in.mucB, 10 iry to encer ner up; to tnko her a little out of herself. been out of London, and Jill had missed blm terribly. lhn thnnrrht hr. mlwhf hntA nllH a.. her; she was thinking so again now an cuv ri'iuuiuuuy imi aside ner worn In responso to Mr. Sturgess wish, and drew her ehnir n littln nonrrr tn nrha-a he sat. Tallentyre had been away n week, nnd he hod not sent her a line nt nnv sort. Sllf. flirt nnf lnnn ntiiA I. . 1. . .f gone, or, onco or twice, driven by her xajiMityro waited till the car had 1n0' f' "n"" twice, driven by her driven away, then ho went into the ,(1pflPc,nt(? loneliness, she might have 1'onse. lnB been tempted to write to him ; she was oiii was standing where Kathv had Mn,vlnl? r affection for omo ono to unh rlrrl tb tW0 fl0Vfr1CTs still lay Jorc for hcr antl bo '"tT'ted In her ..v. . ' fc.. Ri.iiuiiv luiiipr'inrn Uftn ! ... t r :,-- im." i . ) lunipciom. .: .: . .... TallrnT.- ,TTi l am Kl0(l hear." . atn-v s ?W wn' mt ' h 'n the nii ? yro SRi(': he w,,nt up to her and '",,t fH,nso of tho wnr,, ,'" haw;noth- wou bf.r unresponsive hand. RK ull over be the Fame between Jill flM Afc . .' thfm nrrnln nlmnilr .Till tvna hnftt.,nt.H ..-........ ...v ....... ... Uvn,,,UiiiK ner sister in ) newsncnern- evidontlv lie. llwnr. .-. "7. """:. "l"J nt? ni.BhcH tn thr. fnrn hv .f-n ,.,. i nnrt h. ;" t' weK-o rnslly led, I, " ' "T " 'V ..i.. ". ". ". '"i"' warfrZ""1;."0 ". . lr right t"i ' , ' " '"' " 1"". '":, ""; 7 ...! t Till 1... HA... f,. lu mi, , Ii 'iuii iiuiii .int. unt nun ii, iiii'reiy niiccl cr with a burning resentment. t- . .. Tlnhl- r,AM nlnlil mh 1.... . 1. . 1. - i- o.oivr loves you. She will .'.".'". " ' "'!".'""'". nwnra ll SSSrf J?JT J.nlr "e take her awav th" "tf1? .room. f Acacia terrace, hcr 5niV V tallentyre said c'cs ienn.v ciosnu m Keep nacK the ,li'.IaVhed mirthlessly. scalding tears she uould not lt fall; Oh T h.i c? nlm ra"oh better n"?l,t ",te' nlK"t t,lp fCnS0 ,1f hurt hu haV. .' nlB I never thought I im1H filiation would not ler hcr aleep. obruDt rn " mucn ' with an lt wns unfair unjust; why should elrna hiiT "t"1!1 SD? swept tho sover- s"e no 'oni-iy unii unnnppy wn e W Jfinl,ll,d 'cft r her to tho Ky had everything she wanted in fi. . otr CneekS Wlrn rinl.. nil tho wnplil. 10 rlk. .. -- ".unii ..- . . ... tnoneT-ii. arve than touch his Yo" m,,st move rrom here," Tal- neath him If 5" M ,f wo were be- lentyro said to hcr once. "There am l... .""a aitojrethpr ; nl, ... ,lK-u hnnn nt nlhpr nlnprs rrtii inn tm tn "Bin him n.ii. ' " " were ue- ""- ""! " .- --- "o nm Wh(w I L.fi!5r! ?' y lont P of other places you can go to tand her. ,.. to h,,m; ! "ull hardly in far nicer neighborhoods." "u utra todav nml .ii 1.1" ' vi.. ..iuk.i..i,. .. i ,, Jal entv- i -i , '"v ii aim so, -iiri- iiviiiiiutiiiiuuun rn iiui cuenn, then bartlP ?ed 1"P th cons nnd put Jill told him In n hard voice. "This ''neprobahi. iablV l" ns sood as any other; I shall stay f Jo?r slnty,,g?, A" to 7" he- here." uPt and uT,i jJ1,.1i knw you'ro haps he had realized its futility while tht thine, ar i' bu.t (Ion't believe sho was in such distress; Jill had won- ! Have a lltti .ithnn t,lcy ronHj' clered since If ho had really eared If '1 come rgu i1;,1?0'1 everything she stayed thoro or not. or If he had thPf i.-.iQ "W to sav rht,. ,'." i.u I, anvthlnn w. " " nmii Jklljrwiij' lie linn u, wn mil ui AiUillluu f-'Kht." ah. ,Sm?.s y want to come for a whole week nnd had not written now how I f..i "iVr , .n' yu d0"'1 to hcr. a wholo week during which bhe me one ha ' "." J.ll8t nt if as If had tried not to think of him: tried to D1IV Oiujliv. ,1, uiu UI UWl. Ill Ik ue llllll merely made tho suggestion because it was an obvious one. ion Anyway he had been out of London m s W ilfifipl- .... ' ..' ui'i1!! irtlnff tn r "711 out ." .1,- ;!" m n-Nir my lorce ncrseii ici rriiiiyi- iiini nner an, I T0Jce. "Kathv Tn.. 1 ll ln " "t'le'1 friendship -real friondshlp could never ! she thought o ,M.'n.r" Ro 'liferent bo possible between them Tallentyre j verytl,InKrttt eVh n.if mv wcro moved In n totally different world to r. on, It was Hkn i,,,., "cr "nil now hers and sooner or later she know fW!,',' JH now " 8 atri8cr'l the (hat thU ncquulntnnco whleli had be i rrl' s'.'c ''rolo li.7 uin I, . gun ho strangely AVouUUhavo to end. .,. '6a doa '. CONQUNDBD aMORSpW. SOMEBODY'S ST EN OG Getting Rid of the Old Ninny Capyrltfit, 1031, by Puhllo LiWlsr Co. By Haywari 3U TWO ?IWE HIM A SOOO UCKI6-IU -7 S v L."1 MORE THAM IDO&J 0& yMORE! V . N B&Zm WAIT 'ROUAtD THEMg' ' Mfet I ll B MmfVtW 4'OU7' - T ZyMm Tho Young Lady Across tha Way --.- T ART iSSJ nvm fy Tha young 'lady across the way says hcr father oxpects to go to Jersey City, July 2, to see the match between Carpentier and Babe Ruth. LEANING OUT TEE ENGINE CAB WINDOW Bu FONTAINE FOX l SCHOOL DAYS M f F.1 ?6? l .ij . - mi a r, smri ' ; KRce 0? HABIT GETS THE BBTTCR O THE OJ.D LCCOMoTlVE Er4CIMSR eVERV TiMfi Hi G6TS OP SPfiBD IrJ His automobile. 11 SaiS- IUSK ak.at Matfaf7SSiB PETEYNo More Fun for Him -B00-H00-1 I OH- "Boo )M00-O0H.H A 1 By C. A. Volght MVDEAR llTTl- MAN WHAT AttE NOU CRYING ABOUT ? V -Boo-Hoo' CAU5E OF 5CHCXX. KWOW HOW lou FEEL 5UT, CHEE1 UP, IN A COUPIA VJEEK3 School' ll close. (? MM? frVr!'-2?lH ' ' ii ! & , 'A -Voi' -ITtAt's what i'm cemw' about . Wftij'Y 1 Be AbteTb VlAV HOOKEV s 1 rv nuK, 1 W" -" r CLANCY KIDS They Had Timmie Guessing fLOOKAT hm iSNr C Yef.HE iscuxe, M: fSr ) He SweeT.ooRAP et)NA - lwoaLprf'rMjj Tmfptf r9t ( Sr- J V THIS View OF HIM , . WJIJr fTS- i9y Pt?rc L. Crosby By DWtO n 1 -I 5 fli 1 il "TmmsSWSJSmmrm