Imr"m S ' gmm-.TOMAtE rmESSMAKKR (,pKiilir W open,n" ,or th0 rtu i n , th, plainer kind ot sew.u.. .! llk" JW'7 Eure.u of Employmtnt WAKAMAJCKU'fl , ,'"i knitters on Manner isssr,v.0ftyW "Virki direct ., I'o "J1R N Howarn at. jlf'lyyrh0'w wywn""r operator .ni. for -n.mbUloua your, woman -win w1" ApPlr Dureiu of Employmtnt WANAMAKER'B ABATORS on. ?hVn J ult: steady worki utfteM 'underwear Co . gTATIONBltT BOnDMnEK hfr-A. borderer (hand TOtW" , 0B moumltw ataxioo.. .,...., Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'B .rrSurn. wanted by nnanclal Instl- ITE500iSP5S0n oflter Inaxcellent oppor- Sy for ?P ,Sduaio preferred! knowl- "."iSfle'e d.t5 wS'k helpful Addreai. " ef.mwrlnce edtipation and alary n'K,-i--r 13i, nonor v"---i TOONO WOMAN w for our IUbbon Dertment. & SKorSwit Bureau, fourth floor T-. iinuwv AT lfnMP3 '"- - ,A am tiimip in TW S tuna writlnit ehowcarda: nuleltlv .ffifr learned by our new almplo method: S'.'.MMiuif or BOllcltlrit. we teach vou CUlT""'.t .;.,T n n vou wisli eac! r: "-J iVartleulaxa and booUlot free. Writ .:ii r,mnr work ana oav yon mn.wcn BSr to American 6how Card pcnooi to4T JR.;'" Tnrnnto Canada 30 """ nl"' ' Sii clerks stenographers, typlsta wanted "It nt by Goerntneni; booq aaiarv eney vj;i tVnld advancement, wmo lor ineiriio nS?'prtl?alsM. M OOP, t.ediror Office HELP WANTED IJALE iSmKitKEPER and atenOBrnpher wanted WSSij t "nee McCaualand fltuttonen Co, in"- t" trn""""t ' fW-niikTANT wanted! experienced. Apply rTI . u pAartv fn rnmmAnen nuttea W per"'";1.. din,... h.m.i-t no.. st otwe. urL "'"- -- U' OPTins v"""" -i i" J,.A l. .t T CiTnktT TTIIHllllilia r BLtllLBB IIJI- lihirir rate 80o per hour. Apply W W f.!nd8iy A Co., jno ooin ann ivgwimnQ iv. PWIa rTi'itPOSITOIlS, stone hands monotype key board operators Stephen Oreene Co.. M, 18 corner Arch and 16th "ta rnVPOsriOUS l'lret-olass ad men. 4S Cjggar BW Co,. 1010 Arch at. ATOR CTMNDER PRESSFEEDURS TOLDINO MACH1NB OPERVrOR3 CUTTERS FAMILIAR WITH BOOKLET AND CATALOGUE WORK 48 HOUR'' PER WEEK. ITBADY WORK APPliT THE rRANKLIN PRINTINO.CO B1nJgfcgiV'r- 0ILCTDER and rotiry pressmen wantfd by Curtis Publishing Co. the Lndln' Homo Jssrnu, the Paturdnv Evening rest, the Country G-mleman phlladalphla, Fa : per mintnl work, at wages rnnslng from J3 t' 118 ptr wtk. with IS additional for night 3orki 45-hour week open shop: onlv first ui irorkmen will be considered. Apply bv Mdil delivery letter, slvlntr experlenco ln dtull tad at .east 2 references on your thiraeter and quality of your workman tills and a personal Interview will bo r- nued Address Earl B, Morgan, manager puioymeot deoartn ent, Curtle Publishing Oe,. ftth and SUneom ats,. Phlla.. Pa DIB STAMPER wanted by out of town bank iwplr bouee Address M 010. Lodger Qtllce DTER wanted competent to bleach and dye tulphur blacki one familiar with Hussong micmnei preferred, will pay top wages to rum mn m H3-!. ieager Office Engineers UENT IS PERMANENT UMPLnT. 5.NT IS OFI-KRED MARINE BNQI- EEKS WITH LICENSES TO SLRVE IN BTEA1 aUEKBUKTHB MUNSO.N STEAM- ' LINE. PHONE WRITE OR CALL. UUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE 118 DREXEL UUILDINO NSON STEAitSIl 18 DREXEL UU1 PHILADELPI! DELPI1IA Bn Phone Lombard 8827 Keystone Phone Main 1870 ItoGMAN . trst-cUst wanted Fine onnortunlt-r e trst-class man for foreman of larse print- m ...ui ueruiiuY xj pieeos, nieaay posi Hon: rood wages, also want a, good make W ana stone hand and several pood com MSItorsi open shop. 43 hours per we-k Aldreii Mercantile Printing Co , 10th and TYUolt st. Wilmington. P' nosiBRT roam FIRST-CLAOS nXER .5M BCOTT ftWILLIAMS FULL AUTOMATIC MACHINES tRMANENT POSITION FOR RIGHT MAN ADDRESS M 12 T O. BOX 8600 HAN ti'iltehft,D.v'ho can ''"m oulcklr nnd PMntn. n.L wior.k 'nergeileil'y for Iffii ifl .,Xm WM,f l? sal'" department, with JEt'S""" rll"'e for right man M4 Kh? ory valuable 8xprlenc SSi iE lMVlnc6Inen, ,,ut wn want a Boom lini r"f ."Si u" Ca" 1" to 4 iwom no,, ij,m -Ull0 an(J T uw n?- sr.rrr-r-r-. -. . mittnu. wmu' "orougniy experuncea it. rau.t vi S. " "itant to superintend twt i cost Sr '51,lR.r wlth "'"1 be nble to M Sd ..iJ'-r.0,1Vr"an Permanent position , .va isiarv for one wH n,. n,,niirt. iwirsS!tssTAu,",i jn - can nua Ify enrrennr1e!irrt a rartle..i.Z. ' nvvr uy ! Apply by letter giving to 11 D linn rrVf,ablv d,Ji,fc"N"1Nut:n for "al'a work. pilaa"Shla til1.1. """ ,alBI' r-xporlcnpe for Mtlthla b?anWl0V t0 rvcl out of Phil PMfactur!n2 chS?lce 'v, well estiibllshe I "nwni nil ",U nJ. n 'a s to toor plants t)p e.i.V.f' w-.must be strong aigreHlvo Mrtunlty fo? ;U'J0lrif r'ult. cxi . llent on ESCSsSS?" Apply, stating like mar roqulrfl PlaHTIKO UOHi COMPnnnvMm VLlNn Jr?0A?JP OPERATORS INniiiIi!J,.PKEaBMKN iNDEn PRESS FEiinicnc. CYC won TTlO Work' WI.K).,.mH vm WEEK -iAUI oAfeN-D ,F PHILADELPHIA leS,,,l?nEN7or!??V0 ""'RiiTlnalT J5lrmen m,?.r.'',.:?u.n '"'n ifl l.enm. .':; Jfft! M ? '!'"" nrmVir .'. uurii A ." ra mi pn t,r ran ui ii l si V T?1 opim ti ?!,; i' ' ""ges oi fid abilliv ,,i '"Idiv for men of J'J'Ints. 1L,,nh,0l are willing ', ;lcnr. i.V." r.oire griiljated i., lllllla lie leain the ork. stsle business ev. TtT&flyzvw Ired and lin- af Off. 1 '(' HELP "yAlTTEBMAXB BfK&5W t0 "present an old-established ar,on.Wo?.rJi '""eantlle concern I jounr man ?SS lJi ?".: 0l2' ooalng tact. mutative tB,....e.,iP8,,,jr for. hard wnrk' "" P' ei-.i?11"1 ,Isrlence deslrablo, but not SJSSSi'V1 rP,,r. ln detail, statin whether m.i Iff in8lj and also alvine salary de sired. Address Postofflco Hox 4, Station O, New York I'ltv. 1AL SMAN. w hit rnn rtrrirltie retinlfei n. eentlnnal opportunity to connect with H. n m l'5iS"i,c7l .. C.B. '. ' T and 8.34 P. M.. 001 HuIIcIIii llldg. SALT S.MAN' wanted for Now .cersiv terrl uiSIL' "1"". ?. P'?''uror. Wrlto (ambure Hroom Works Hamburg, t'n DALESMEN, glue and gelatin j with Velllm. expecince Philadelphia and adjacent tar li'SCK Addreia, staling experience, etc., P. BIO. Ledger Office HALKMMKN Thorouglil: ijlilr eparlonccd In aelllne ready-to PnlB, Ledger Office wear SIO.V PAINTRR First-class all-around man Miintad, It will pay to 'investigate Ad- dress it Sprlngllelil ae . Newark V ,f, STEEL SERVICE t,nr corporation with branch sen lee of flees In principal cltle nf Unltwl States and Canada, will entertain appllcat'ona for posi tions from capable Industrious men ovet zn who bear aood reputation, muet bo re liable. Apply in parson. Room 201. Smith AustermuM Rids;., nth and Market Cam den, N. J STnrtf nAi.KHMir.N Experience not tineeseary m-n with neat oppearanre not aftald to talk, opportunity to Kron with our oruanljatlon -nd later on handle an ncenc. Call at ll.'O Market at Ask for lnnne?ep. -KFHTONn OHAni.ESN TiiMTfin rr BTOK PALE!MEN A larao Carmlen ror- poratlon with nn ostahllahed business of 10 jeata. hlirhly indorsed bv business men and hankers, has splendid opening for re1 stock aalcsmons atraisht rommlalon basis, no drawing account, thin Is the fastest sailor on the market todav and ft worker can niako bl money, bis; mtn are bark of the com pany Anplv, 0 to 12 A. M . and 2 to 4 P. M , 21 Rrondwaj Camden. N. T. UANTRIl A irood, bo-r-st. live man tn onen on office In Philadelphia for our rommrelil Ilsjhtlmr line we hae a big proposition for thy rtuht man. must hae some experience preferably alons our line, writing slvlne fa'l particu lars. CampN-ll Jjnmn ro ire , 405 Hroad ay. New York ctt . , WATCHMAXER A large department store reoulres a watch mker haxlng thorougli knowledge of both American and Swiss nvninents. In replying Kite experience anl salan ileftlrod. Onlv those Qualified ond who hatn own tools will be considered Addross P 02J, Ledger Office Oenernl CIVIL SERVICE examlnitlons July nnd Ail- gust nnnv acancl silarv $1400-1800: write for sampln tee' M 0'i Icduer Offlc. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACTOLNTANT KXPHUT dilrc additional part-Uuie work: oystemalUlng. analytical flran-lal stafmenta accurate rest reports State and Federal U returns, will relieve executive, of all accounting problems', very rearoiinblo terms For Interview address C 124 Ledger Office BOOKKEEPER A marrlod man 88 year nf ace desires position. h6 ratlro .d c rertence, eleo banklnr. Address .7. M. 223 D ilO. CEMENT FINISHER Practical stepbtillder wisher work iTay or contraot. P. Weiss. 132 S 7th at. CHAUFFEUR white, single 7 years' experi ence wish's piKato position do own re ralrs best rofrences C 120 Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, white mirrled 10 jrs ' exn drlv'nc t repair les eltu C 133. Ld Off COUPLE, lolored. experienced desire post, tlona together, ref. Phono Preston 8445, AGENTS COLTjEQE MEN or any hustler desiring clenn and healthy work to earn several hundred dollars monthly In exoluslve terri tory, wrlt Immediately. Indiana Ports Co., Eclipse Visor Division. Richmond. Ind BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY Forceful, hlxh-powered convincing presenta- Hon, through right channels bleed on origi nal Intelligent sales plans will get devel opment or working capital In any amount In record tlmo and at minimum cost Wo specialise on every phase of financial writing and dlreot-by-mall selling: 13 years' success ful experlenoe J Adelmere Durns Co , Wltherspoon Dldg . Walnut and Juniper Sta. Telephone Walnut 40RB pr.Tvrt, ami.ii with Jionoon on MORF FOR OLD FSTAPL7MIFD 1EW EI RT IIIISI.VFSS nut OF TOWN DOINC. BETWEEN S100 000 AND 1400 0OO PFR ANNUM NO UROKERP FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE S LIERF.RMAN, REAL ESTATE. BOS CHESTNUT ST. IF YOU HAVll J.100 or more, t'lephone Lombard 1708 linmedlitelv for appoint ment to arrange for trip to Newark N .1 , nt companv's expense etc make personal ex amination of propertj and mnt offlc-ri of company this in an opponunltv for ou to nascolate with men of imtionil reputation In n entertirlpe of the highest dais dealing In sn Blsoiule Inliv n"co3sl'v enmranv dilna an IncrrTslnr business nnd piling UlvldendH regulirlv , , SPECIAL Seashore hotel (corner), near beach, B0 t edroome for ront season 14000; fully eaulpre 1 exceptional opportunity L LFSHK llEADLMY CO , 010 8th st Ocean CI'V -N. i. INVESTORS One of the most revolutionary lnvontloua on the Amerloan- market For Interview nddresa J R. Williams, P o Box 000, PhlliulelphlO; WANTED to buv for cash a kolng paper box factory In Philadelphia replies confiden tial Address M 001 Idrer Office 00-CAR garas nrond and E for sale neighborhood nr rlo ave Sllfer 3600 Gorman- town ave UI'TCHUR atoro, for bear Investigation town ove sale good location: Sllf-r. 8100 German CIGAR stare for sale reasonable for quick buyer Sllfer 3.100 Oermantown ave 87 INDIVIDUAL gaiages for sale ln""Ger mantovvn, Hllfer 300 Oermantown qve. BUfTER and egg store for sale has Jewish I rsde Sllfer IHQH Oermantown ave. WANT to rurcha-o resort hotel aojacent Phlla . N Y oi Iloitnn M 007, Led Off BUSINESS PERSONALS niiiiui'iiiiiiiuuini I BUILDING OF ALL KINDS y Oarages an I factories fcpoclaltv 3 cement work in all Iti branches, J eanl and gravel for eile I W. D. SPEECE M General I untractor H S Hlaikwood N J K t i rm t h n ti n it t m i i rni i! ni m i n nmN'fi i ni u t m 1 1 ni n n i mn n i i ip t ii fii innnn'n rrn mi mm Si DIAMONDS BOUGHT If 5oii want to bo convinced that we are still raaisonrn.crts SaTl a,r KELLY & CO. 2D FLOOR mniVATE OFFICES) 032 CHESTNUT ST. PII WAL. 7344 DIAMONDS WtWugh nri ir-UT ru-ic osi real e THE HI' US TATE DUUvjlll rilUhT uim.Di.N-o HOURS DD1VATK n a m to p m hell riAlVttllj iikimj jiu nno rulNVESi BROAD & CHESTNUT STS " DIAMONDS BOUGHT" trtTlftY W. SMITH. 717 BANSOM ST. b-i FCTRICAL treatments, physical culture For appointments phone Walnut 1H31 Houra 10 to . mTI-L electrify your home flxturea Included reasonable oash or terms. Jagdman 1120 8 2d si FUTlNITURE repaired and reflnlshed, estl- nmtes given Ivan a Furniture Repair Shop BI22 llie st toU CAN UORROW money low as 3 pet cent on diamonds RIEDPR'S 12W Market st ELE TRICAL trestmenfs physlcaT culture 108 3 17t'ist Hours Uto jl ELECTRIC treatment and manicuring, Mln HansonWileon 101 Heed U.dg Ph Lnc 3ai ADVERTISING We vi rite advoFtlsIng that geta the mone that's the knd )ou want Bands ft Qulnan 3404 Lan sd'ne av Hel 4H 7 0 J SCALP sneclalTst Liclsl mas all branches Hlacknell 1010 Sp Garden Poplar 101 f, PAINTING PAPEUH ANGINO ROOMS papered or pilnlod S.1 mnieilui in i luiled IMtter 10iu rrntii il Pol 1O0I1 WANTED WANrilD To buy S HJmpr nlclujo' ma vhlti'a and ocuerdlor set. Nixon Tcinplu abentro. Camden, N.U. -",. n -u s r.r ' BVBKCN PUBLIC FOR SALE OFHCE FURNITURE . Slhi-li1"1 chlr- alael mid wooden) flllruj NATlbffilT FMrfURE CO. BOO WALNUT ST ROTH PHONES new OFFICE FURNITURE btori Nevoid" DESKS aW 1102 ARtH 911 WALNUT PA. OFFICE FURNITURE CO. WAU 4184 nirnr ijitiiMmi,,n b?J!!oi."J desks safes, files, eablneta and general office, furniture, store' fixtures. W hltV. aMI nn.t m.bhh . PATTEN FURNITURB3 Co! LOtU'ST. 4070 1127 ARCH HT. rtACF. 41.09 OFFICE FURNITURE ' " - 1 i DKBKB. CHAIR"? FII.INCI CAmNETS. 1037 Race St. 904 Walnut St. TWKr.Vi: UNIVERSAL f'OTTON DOtT. atAfC'r'.,tNJl CONTAININO 10 HPINDLKfll THiArNRjiV'W FIi:1ii?.a.i'30V.'.co Bll,1. "f"!. stock-reduotlon sale! all tjpes filing devices at ureatlv KfiL;'",.lElc" awer letter fllei?! half price! also liirira stock new ind used fire proof safei jrrentiv reduced Tori: ff. nnd frer jOfkTo., a Chestnut at u OFFICE FURNITURE mi CENTLONNfi ftS,?,'? CO -ggi-TALLpWHILL .ST FILBERT 410B VERY NICK bay horse IB hands hlith 10 years old. televd to bo sound, fast pacer sold, only for want of use also fin. rt nf slnsrle harness and ertra collars. Inaulre of Mr. Gaskelt, 2Bth and Ppriten stw bAila An,...flnn" ,rtev,cW atoek-refluotloii eale ii used safes, 21 new safes- at greatly reduced prices: 4 drawer ste-1 letter fJift yWu'r-a, rU "J -nd'Lock'6 REFRIGERATORS nnd flxtur-s for grocers tiuu iiirML iiinincm terms ir aeitren. RANDALL & CO , 831 N 2d St. CLOCK, tall, mahogany, chimes snap to quick buyer, can be reen evening or Sun day. Phono Wvnmtng lflOO J. FOR SALE A number of new Oriental rugs from 2212 ft. tn ( ft 1J,. ' n".: Mawr B8 ""' """ SAFES, fireproof, 100: allghtly used: alt alaes. styles nnd makes 72 N. Foiirtn. ROCKLRS, Mission, comfortable leatherette nt tT iO north double Wto 1000 I WALLPAPER cheap suitable for otery room In house Ptcln. 1014 nimantown FOR "ALE lllnoci.lara J22. con J7B Ad dres. r 130 Ledger Of'c MACHINERY AND TOOLS FOR SALE Fortt new C. K. W. BJ-lnch In dhlduol motor-driven looms all kinds of textile machinery Silk City Ex. Inc. lfjfi Washington nt, Paterson. N. J, Phone Lambert 0070. FOn ST,n-05 Robblns A Meyers 4 -H. r bll-b-arlnir loom motors, brand now. In nrlrlnal cnntnlnere also 0." nw steel pinions that fit motor shaft Address Penn-Allen Silk Co , llungor Pii ELEf'lRICA), MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS. POWER EQUIPMENT OT1RIEN MACHINERY CO 119 N. HP ST OArt L'VCHNE for sale. White A Mlddleton, B horn- powor. Apply 1713 N 24th st. STORAGE AM) MOVING J, ft D, Transportation and Storage Co. wanta ioaos ana part mans to and from Washington, Reading Atlantto City and all seashore resorts: nttractlte rates on city moving 040 Huntingdon. Columbia 1070. TlogA flflin 1 etenlngn LONG DISTANCE MOVING The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO.. Inc. 87TH AND MARKETT STU Daring 7B2 West rsj SAFETY STORAGE VAN AND PACKINO CO 3712-14 MARKET faT. Moving, packing, ahlpplng and storing: Rell Miller, North Broad Storage Co Broad above L-hkh Phone Diamond 7480 Moving- brick anil fireproof storage:packln VICTORY STORAGE 6200 Illbert. for ostlmflt-s Phone Helmont 4070 rierce yvrrovv vans MONARCH BTORAOn CO 0S70 LANCAS TER AVE ACITO SERVICE STORAGE PACKING LONG-DISTANCE MOVING. MALLOY STORAGE. 183S N. 2WII .Loeal and long ols. moving, move fl-room house for J1T. estimates given Call Columbia 2011 THE JOHN RHOADS CO. ' Btorage, packing moving, carpi-t cleaning. IB7-ni LANCASTER AVE . WEST VHIlS.. j c lliMVi aiiiia, o.o iincaster ave Moving hntillrr;, packing, shlpptng. mont B2S0 oabpet'cleatiino-" llel CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE J0TH 8T. ABOVE CHESTNUT ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND CARPETS Cleaned, Scoured. Stored SUMMER STORAOE FREE TELEPHONE LOCUST 1000 STAMPS AND COINS ABOUT STAMPS RUT OR 8F.IJ, PHILA STAMP ro 2J V lhTH ST. USED AUTOMOBILES Tor-sale new marmon 34 coupe Driven 80 miles Delivered May 31, 1021 Taken In trade as part payment on a LINCOLN COUPH RWFETEN AIITOMOB1IJ5 CO 441 N Rroad st . Phlla 1FFFFRY l'n 3 passenger, excellent JL.I 1 1-.IV1 condition. Call POPLAR 8244 MR McMICHAEL, 1848 POPLAR ST RPfj ROADS Phil. 1010 six tlrei $378 lUKJ liU )i)P,AR 3244 MR Mc- MUIIvEL. 13 411 POPLAR ST STEARNS-KNIGHT ?Si5 S.prenra, POP I Ml 3214. MR. McMICHAEL 134U POPI-AR ST AUTOCAR TRICKS Real hargafnai tho"r outhli overhauled leflnlshel and " id tested Autccurs. which we fully gviHrantne The Autouar Biles and Servloo Co 23 1 nn j MarketjM Phlladolphla ROA1V1RR n,-' B "al oar' war A-l ivjrurii,i conrt oin droad pop 7820 OPFN SUNDAY AND EV1.NINOS STANLEY AUIOMORILE CO , STORAGE BATTERY blx volt $7, 12 volt. $10, all batteries posi lively guaiantaed, 1st daBs condition Llb-i-itv Sinr.igi Hatlerv, 184 V IMh et STT JT7 " PaiKenger. fliat class condl ML1.IAM T TATIOTt 118 N RROAD ST jyjiujii ,n,l011i j4oo ,0 ioyvi MOTORCAR I O INC . 020 N nllOAD OPEN SUN AND EVE. POP! AR 03t) KING diner 7 (asaenger vvniidorful con on VMM sell cheap WILI IAM T TAYLOR 188 N HltOAD ST NASH $ orcN pun CO model, wnnletful condition N BROAD ST POP 7K.'0 AND EVE. STANLEY AUTO NOMA sport roadster If you are In the nvjjurv mBrUet for a classy little car at a reasonable price, come look this over ROYAL MOTORCAR CO INf 020 N Rroad Open Sunday and ie'oplajflOS OVI7PI AMH Chumnis roadster, wire vJVl-.lLlL' u net Is perf t onlltlon 1110 N BROAD ST POPI.AR "? OPEN bUN A EVE. STANI.EY Al TO CO GASOLINE ALLEY Not I JUST MURED irVA 'THtTM YOU PAS AT UcVSrN AoU PWJD AT UASrl20 ( PONT UANT TrA "-''TosM.r., iOwKa Y00CA-JR. ONCE A. Vft, MOVCPKCClViCH) NTBrWST ON HOUR iNVtENr; VoC) BUT OF CMSE frKnl r Sfv, 5 IOO DotlARS A. TS VOU 300 MORE. YOU WOOLO AM00NT T0 AJ3CXJT ' THM VCZSNT IHCHjPC ( JSM! I a V-l.J -l unr I SSOM- ANOIWER FICOCCO THAT. OF CTOUE&e VTWC SAME nCJRtT. J CAI3:e BENT, OIL, I - - I 3jl CfcNTf, a. mile: I CesT AND ' w . . ucensf; Feds and T I I lb OPeRwre ha-lp. J T' l Pepscval ppopcriV J Vsl- nf I r -JTS V.TAX r-t-nrT "l h.7,' .a'W- ?' . v r'V LEDaEKr-n PHIUADBnPHlA FBIDAY, USED AUTOMOBILES sniSft EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN USED CARS HAYNEScTOTr;rrV.,n20! ,llw 4', COLE 1920 eVK'.:KKw 1920 ESSEX XX-AXX reasonsble REVERE '-CTitVSf pew. price PACKARD fl paint! reasonable 7 pass ! original HUDSON r'T.NoST1"'." IBID, neniy painted cord tlrev. A-l me- Chan snl-slly I918JSTUTZS&V.I1-??? lamps nnd radlntor, cord tires! bar gain. 1919 PACKARD oV ISVi-UJ. n"vr- Westlnghousa shocks CADILLAC kapa"";wTodw.,r9; wheels ft cord tlresi nickel-plated lamrs, slip co-ered. STIJT7 PasV model II. 100. JIKJIC art Ures ,8) run ury litis: bargain PorLAR B49 BARON'S, 640 N. Broad npcvi sitM. y OTniiiiiiiraiiiiiiiiiMiiTiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiraBiirofflBiiiiiiiiiii im 1 CADILLAC Fpiir passenger, model B7-RR, splen Jld coidttlon PACKARD Hvwn pascngr touring;, 1017, A-l oondltlun. MERCER Pour passenjer PAntd. s-rlen 8: rebuilt re- HARE'S MOTORS, INC. 2811 '.322 MARKET .YT. Tulephono 430 Looost ssMiiniiiiBiiijffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiia SI DODGE ,02 roadster, with open ana winter lops, in condition Rlimr 10IS B passenger touring. tn kuu'1 cnnailion. pa. PAnTI T AT 1P17 7-pQRflcner tour- 14 KtWkLA lnc In exceunt oon- dltlon Cfin b nnn at ty Itl mfttA onHi4U1nn WILLS-SAINTE CLAIRE COMPANY 1031 MARKET 8T, SEK C. N. IIRILL WIHIIinMllllDllllliilillill LWinimiiiiiiiiiiiraiisi uwiran iipiiiiiiiiiiiraniiiiiHiiiifflQ a a S 1 U 1 L USED CARS ALL MODELS FOR UfMEDIATK DnLIVERT BARGAIN PRICES SEE MR. HUNTER STUTZ AOENCT 060 N. BROAD ST. il IttjstwHiiirtHiBitiiiifliiuiEiijiiii Hmniiiiiniiiiirn S AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS 10.000 IN STOCK NEW, TOR l.VERY MAKE OF CAR RFAR XI.ES FOR T'.VLRY MAKE OF CAR B00O IN STOCK READY TOR DELIVERY I)WKSr PRICKS GUARANTEED WE MAKE 'EM. OPEN SUNDAY Sattle's Machine Shops lflOl-lfi Spring Garden at. name the car we have the repair PARTS NEW OR SECOND HAND SATTLER'S 1601 SPRING GARDEN ST. CORD TIRES Private party will soil new 10 000 mile cords tflirnn for rittht- oil iwrfect no seconds 30kJ III 30x3H 10 32x14, 17 81x4, 82x4, J2J 03x4 $21. 3U4. J24 12x P, VJt- .3x4. 2II. 34x4 H no, BSX4. , 34x4 4 I ehlh 1012 CAN vol' RAI.'-'E $n0 aJid nay u smill bal ance In 1 time'' Wo hvo ovor 100 tars tn select from, all makes and models Royal Motorcar Co.. Inc. 620 V RROAD ST TOPLAR 0030 OPEN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS AUTOS WANTI.D- Must be In good shape best oath prices pd Spruce 21B0 1707 Vine RI 111 k 1020 and 1018, coupes roadsters DU1V-IN & tourlncB. J400 up ROYAL MOTORCAR CO, INC 02(1 N RROAD ST. OPKV HUNDAY V KVE. POPKAR fiono CADILLAC SEDAN, used very little come maki offer ROYAL MOTORCAR CO. INC 820 N. UROAD POPLAR 0030 OPEN SUNUV.1 J, DyRg LEXINGTON toiirlnc Inte mo lei Uke new nod cash 1701 VINE Open eonliigs ppvl J A"' suburban so fin double E V,MlILiLrtv- ciiBrnnliorl A 1 ondltlci. 019 N Rroad Opoii Rundov nnl evotrtngs 1 PoP'ar 720 STANLEY XI TOMi'lULE ( O l,Oi (JMOBILE. 1, 1020 model 7 pvosengrr louring car In perfect onlor Phone llryn Mawr 08 CADILLAC 07 FS rortsfir, bargain H10 N RROAD HT POP LAR 7820. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVE bTANLKYAUTOMOBILE CO PARTS I'ARTS PARTS We can match your broken parts for all makes of automobllra Send us your old parts makes of cars RELIABLE Al'TO PARTS CO KING OP PARTS, 14T0-U 41 1 MERRY ST PHILADELPHIA. PA. BELL SPRUCE 811.' OPEN 3UNDAY, C VIV AWn 1P-1 ourlng this csr i LLLVLLINL' ven near new at bu sncrllie CM.I. POPLAR W271 FR VNKLIN ambulance 1017 Applj Mr Caple. the Atlantlo Refining Co 3144 Pas gyunk ave U C-Viu v Tour. & road'r car, llkt new, J37I. U.JJU. down Royal Motoionr Co . Inc 020 N Broad Pop QeiO Opi n Sun A eve PIERCE ARROW chassis vilth ervlco bodj Appll Mr Caplo the Atlantic Refining Co 3144 i'anavunk qve, HUDSON coupe lO.'O guar mechan Icalli perfect like new Ol'i N BROAD hV rOPiail 7S20 OPEN HUN AND EVOS 3TAM P AUTO TO LINCOLN COU Xe now, for sale cheap rur dJress Oil P O Box 1448 -DO miles RrrVFRir 4 passenger, A 1 nnd ill rLiVL.IL, N j,road OPPN SI N VN'I EVOS POP 7S20 ST VN'I LY U'TOCU DODGE tourings lain rtinlels llko now canh or KtmH 1707 VI.N1, Open eves. PATGF LMICHMONT, Irte model beoutl ifllvjLif . rondll,,n g40l, dl,n noYAL MOTORCAR CO . INC 020 N UROAU POPLAR 0010 OPEN SUNDAY A LVE PMGE TOURINO bargain. Phone Oermantown 0918 Duval Garage HUP SEDAN, $100 cas i balance tenns 010 N BROAD ST POP 7820 OPEN SUN t EVE hTANI EY A I TO CO STUT7 1B-' roadster, cannot be told from J ' new will sacrifice to iiil"k buyei Roal Motor, nr Co Inc. 020 N, Broad Open Sunday and evenings Poplir 0018 Trucks 1VIIITE truck. 2 ton ntudil 20 with covers! bod, open cab pnumiflr tirfs in us less than 1 ve-vr pirfe t runrrlng condition eacrlllce Applv c HiHikenbors t. Ahram lux Stove Co American aril D uipliln sis io Mention Tips and Fines ICTIIllllllllimiWllllllllllllllllnlillllllll ?,Wu$P - ''AiAVT ' .; 54 . - .' ' ' HOOMS FOR BENT C1IEBTNUT, 2000 Lara nn-1 small rooms! running water. DIAMOND, 1007 Des. front r ; also slttln rni I gentlemen- nam, marnia shower! pn. DIAMOND ST , 3142 J-nrge film, room, near Park. Diamond BOOQ J front FRENCH. 1032 tnr. 17th & Diamonds-Furn rm neitt nam, wman Jewish family, reaa anilENB ST , MOO (Otn ) IMrn rnf.. 3d 0., next bath. Otn. oaSO for a ppolntmsnt.... PINK ST.. 1600 Ixircly mi Turn BUltable for 2 poop'ei excellent table. I,ocuBt 4470. SPRUCE. 1818 Desirable seancles eonven. lent uftiimt ri.c iinnts; rneonapi. WALNlir ST.. 3040 42 Two well. furnished roiros and kltcnenettte alNi 2d front, 13TH, B , 2C8 Single nnd double rooms, prl- ate hath, shower and electric 13TII. N 15(10 llandeoipely furnished sec ond floor room-, electrlrlt, IB weeklvi also ga t ago privilege If deal red Poo 1017. . 10TH. N.. 139 II II r E L It U H I (- Heau tllul furn rooms spotless clean eleo , flatly ami weekl rates conv to stations. best accom for traveling people SprucolBBJ rTIIK HEDdE" Prlv. famllr"f.. room, bath, continuous hot water, breakfast Phono Perms mown 1.113 W . WALNUT. IOO-i single anil double rooms nicely furn excellent meals, res rates ROOMS WANTED ROOM with breakfast for Jnpanete gen; tleman In a plisant prlvat home In good neighborhood give location and rate leignoorn M 002 edser jmee. BOARDING OTN.. Clretnor 100 H Walnut lane 2 de- llvhtflil OH flnnp film ,imm. .tm! service. Individual eervlc Phone Qermentown 08S2 OratMANTOlVN ACCOMMODATIONS In "ref home, nt. Queen '.ane eta. P ll It j ret 1 024, Led1 .Off FKNSVLVANI spihtihan QERMANTOWN Nurse will board aged nervous and eoml-lnvallds, largo grounds APABTMENTS 5-R00M APARTMENTS IN TUB VII INI TY OP" NORMS SO 20 7 Ilowanl s l0 per mo recently renovated excellent car service. Applv 10S nrjRO.MAIR. 2202 N 2d at. Prion Kenilnatorr 2211 Eric Ave. & 19th St. rNoon-Rcnrb extremely attrac ant . nil outside rms sun ny porch! surroundings are being developed with beautiful gardens Apply to Janitor or to C HARRY JOHNSON 142 -u u Chestnut at WAVERLY APARTMENTS noj nun: AVK SIt rooms, hot water electric lights. Janitor services, low rental third floor. Apply J H HinilERT. earn Northern Central Trust Co , H W cur Uroad and Hrle. 201". N I'Mllv AV1J I'lTn rooms and bath, bvck porohi thoroughly modern, uso of vard, hssement laundn , lib eral concessions for summor months C HarrT Johnson 14J0 Chestnut. Spr. Ildfl 00 PARK AVi; i. Dauphin All new, up to the minute, 0 ro ms nnd bath, sunny porches front and back npn for Inspcet'on, flnit apartments In s Phlla . Just 2 left. C. II lohnson. 1420 f hestnut st. CHESTNUT 4U1H riva rooms, bath and largo sleeping rorrn noiiseKeaping, apart ment unfurnlHl floor mostdHs n-'n flret class, entire third hit vv I'hlla. Raring 1010 SURLIir To i noma bath kltch-n loth nnl Spruce I M Hudnut, 321 Itesl l,.tnt Tru.i Rjd-c 1IA1U.NO 4081 110 S ,10th. 221 ISO 43oTT llh 1 end J moms with hath als7 kltchn r III f irn Pr-aton 2023 1 12.' nj WILL be w Ulng ti share oory apirtment with reflnert oung lady, 125 month tall ev enlngs 1804 Spring (.arden. Att 7 N.it0Tlf. 2241 Mod apt., lncl. sleep g"pch . 4 rooms and hath, near Park. Plain 0HB4 FOf'll rooniw and bath leo light and steam heat .Id Ooer 1417 N r rauKiln st ORl.EV ST n.m a fur for hskpg elec . 4 rms . prlv bath continuous hot water MODERN. Or A b , nr. Strawberry Mansion till) per mo Hechtfl .1212 Ridge Dli fiflo CFNTRAL modern housokeeolng $00 A. Sn per mo Orms lath kitchen 100 N 10th 170R GREEN ST 1 nnd 4 rms - prlv bath fur for h-k pg elec continuous hot-wn ter MOD HSKPd" APT . II r & 2 baths 1527 Spruce, by appointment only. Spruce 070 WEST PHILADELPHIA 4039 BALTIMORE AVE. Harrdsomely furnished apartments 3 rooms tnlh redured rents WALLI.NC.rORD AITS 80th and ( hestnut sts living room dining room kltihen pantrv 1 hedroom bathroom mild s room and lavatnrj. second Moor, south-rn e;rn lite eloct-l- elwval ir Ph Tnrlng 17011 1 IHPSTNUT ST 8218 Apartments .1 ri oms anl hatn oppoaite pouieviir I UOBINSON, COS Bailey Bldg Phone Wnlnut 1021) 23 N 01D ST -VU'.I per mo, furnr. rnis are! bath ouposlto Park loss lune 1 LAMBERT, & McDERMOTT 101 N81D ST NEW unfurnlsheiT houeekeepli-r apartment 3 large rooms, bvlh kitchenette, Overbrook section Telephone Belmont 1110 W. WALNUT 432 1 Thi in lovely rooms prlvato hath always h t writer ',' per mo vac. ("ID N , 28 Mol , S rms .ind bath opposite Pirl, Ijmbert b McDermott 401 N Old. rr.NNMi.VAMA srniRnxN ATTRAC11E front niiirtnvnt Ir- Norrla town living room with laigo biv window alo bedroom and bath, uonienlent to trollevs anl rennsjlviini'V nnd Rending Railroads 30 mlifiitoB to Philadelphia, largo cool porch rent reasonable Phone or see Gordon R. Rcgar Hamilton Apartments Main and Hamilton sts, Norrutown Pi ARTt&TIC home llko furnFrhed apt., use of porch, $7B-fl0O I or 2 responsible gentle people Phim M llu Pi J12 M JEU .1 P K S EV SKA. 1 1 OR B TI N1ir C ITV Amsterdam Apartments Irgnrla ave Wo k f'em steel H,r Two three anl H" mom suites reasonable rites furnlihed FURNISHED apt . ion Pl mouth ave 7 rooms Apt II 2 baths, sa 3800 Ventnor BEAUTIFUL ocean irprn nirnisneci apart ment. Wm Kennard 401 Chestnut, Phlla APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL BARTRAM 83D AND CHEST NUT STS Turnlshed and unfurnHheil apartments. Dining room Plnne Preston 2310 b ritrTrYMN owner HOTEL COLONIAL SPRI'I E AT ii rn st 1 2 3 rooms anl bath permanent or tran -lent excellent table ( P1TM N BVKER THE MORRIS TTt Manager 3M rTnu"ril I1T11 Fnnlshed apartm-n's si i n-r rites week Iv or montblv 1 . or 1 ro nrs ind bath THE GLAllS TONE 11TH ANI I IM -T A0SO1 I TEI -V I-I I I PRuor T If E" MARLYN WALNUT AT I0TH ST rIREPROOFTllR.i't -H'U'T III RWOOD Tllli above - hesinuO Two moms and bath furnished r unfurnished so single rcom exielltnt tnb'e Ts W t S Dnugh'i'v MOM'IVISTX APTS 81d and i-xfor 1 sts Iirg-! room furnished Ith bith and kit henette alsi larg-- ro'n anl private 1 tilth Phone Ove-brrok 300-. OPPORTUNITY io secure unfurn ipt 3 I r oms huh in 1 private hn I it the sher- wrwd 8Mb aril hestnut Ai art ent 81 THPTRM Y Ifth .mil Chestnut sts to sub let choice fiirnlRhed hotel npaitinent 2 rooms nnd lwth fifth flo ir T11FI ITT LP'lIOTn. .2". S "nrnsd st A goo 1 ace ui live while H I'nimoeiphla FURNISHED A.PARTMENTS CO J o in f in lh-1 apvi u i no tr llith and Ar, h sis unul n-mti-r 1 r nt tin a month gas nnl o! trnliv fir -h I must b t ken fit ctnri I Ijinn I ocilsi 7 1 2107 lUIA'l T st (BethAiivn i)tK)"Tf0 gantly fu-nlshrd 2 r mra ai d bath suite reftrvn es '?f'.l -:- :- By Kinn wwmrrz: 'Ml'" ''7r; ". " - -- r . JTJOTJ 3, 1921 HOUSEKEEPING APAHTMENTS W1WT Plllf..lF,I.rillA BTEIN COURT, 0413.15 IUu-e "t. -"SI rooms, 2 balhe, wltli front porch! thor oughly m-derri! unusual opportunity to so cure a choerf -ii apartment! all outside rooms! epaclous lawns, exclusive environments, 10 minutes fron rly Halli will aublet, untur nlshol, 3 months or early leos, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE f T MliilMllMIIM IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2000 blo-k E Bucklue terrace! front porch, o rooms nnd bath, nnlsnefl sumirer kitchen, bsji and elect-lo hot wstnr hiat banement laundry, 2 toilets, hardwood finish: a. beautiful home 030 B Ontario at , porch, 7 rooms and bath, ess and elertrlo, nw roof statlonnrv tubs, house In excellent condition, vacant D. J. RAFFERTY 1IB7 IsENHlMTTON AVE eiiniiimi ui'iiii Homes! Perfection Homes 1 1 Pesutlful Norlhwood section durable mod ern and luxurious homes for r"rson of dis cernment pnrfoct in every detail, largo lots with garage privilege, live among a sub stantial c m, of peonlo ln a healthy and con vement lo-ii nesr new L. 5100 Block Saul St. Take Nos 4 3 cars to Pratt st walk wet 2 blocKS. ask for Jlr Powell at 3103. Sample House Open Evenings SMITH H SCHMUNK 724 W ERIB AVW " WORKINGMEN'S HOMES 1 Comfortahl cheerful, durable construction newly renovated, A-l condition II. Clearfield ann inoiana. nvn . i diock rr 1 block from Allegheny nve mr lines agent on premiees LET US SHOW YOU That thr- attractive and desirable homs are the lest value for the money nnywher prices reasonable, ttrms right, going fast notlimnow . .,, II E. 1MITH 724 W ERIE AVE. STOP- Do vou know that Kensington aye Is the DUsiesr streot in tne nortneantt We have a large list of stores JOHN T.DOYLE SrETOlSS HOME RUTER'-0200 block N 2th. 8 rooms rn- osea porcn, not. wair nat I'ctrhlty prlvato parage visit our samnl nouso onlv h revv leu little rash required H-J.FASY.18th & Thompson Sis. VACANT IMMEDIATE POSS. VACANT lOIOHoudlnot St.. aide jord 8 rooms n-10 8117 Hear-h at porch. 0 rooms . 42r,0 100 2X1 W Wlsnart st 0 rooms 3Jim 2010 Cornwall U moms pnr h 3jr0 PULP & MOORE. S1J K IIi-ghnv ave Jll." NT HOWARD ST Ton rooms, all corrvenlenres HARRY E. THOMSON 2'21 PRANKFORD AVE 1800 ItT.OCK N 22D ST 3 storv, p rooms and bath, electric llnht newly rapered and painted (mnvdlite pn-se's nn H.J.FASY,18th & Thompson Sta. CHESTNl'T ST west 0 Hr J st Four storv residence can b taught at remark ably low pr cei 80 per cent nr-sent Invoat i-fnt with th chance cf ri ul-llng m value Jos-Ph ti KK-s i' injn e riKiK 141001110 E CAREYsr - RubsTantfal. modern porch front electricity, flnlslie I in whlto mahogaiu throughout eonven lent to trolloss nnd new L rare opportunity ,-al! nt nfTliO -O lliso1 H E SMITH 721 W Erie ave MODERN HOMI H rooms in- loped por with heat biihionm Ii r linen clo loautlful naper ar I fixtures hardwood floors white and mah-gai t -Int throughout Pnone T'ot;a -1182 8210 N Nenklrltst fMALL HOME FARGMNS See 3283 Agate .t .1 rooms. S1H00. 418 Glenwood ave . 0 room's. $2000 341S II dine st 8 rooms. $2100 3431 Amorloin st vao , $2100. 808 Olenwoid ave . rMMi McAllister i ivy ?t am et CENTRAL BUSINESS LOCATION 7AMES D WINCHELL 17TH AND SANSOM STB. 10OO BIJfK Monument ae . 2 storv 8 rooms nnd nil convs elec light vacant H.J,FASY,18th & Thompson Sts 3011 N J4TH Move right In 0 rooms bath and porcn terms io nun W. W. HUTZEL 2JTH AND SOMFRSET t NLY $1700 will fluan e ImmedHte posses sion 1121 Amber t line sM -t 7 rooms bs.ih exrel cond verv Mm- teams Apply 822 Chestnut at ,!iecond fl nr 5142 N 11 TH ST Immediate poiwsi,!on 0 rooms tllo bath torch front ileal direct with nvner Phono Woodlnnd 4011 J, or 371 Thomas bv $1ii7i i ASH 291s TajIor7 $3700 vie re uiodell 7 rooms eleo good street tine tielghboihood L"-iZ J-i'li-i1".'1 ' eJgh 207 ULlMTi i 8 rooms ami hath -tone porih gas and elec . bare rnce $3s0u 'iJ)JNcJILlir--' 3010 Frinkf rdvw 2S00 BLOCK N 27TH Attractive 8 room porch home reisonible RUMOND U V1ECK Judsnn at d Indiana sve RINGGOLD ST N 3000 block Must-be sold mod dwg Or , bath poreh reason able 1VW Hutsel 21th tr Somerset sts l"28 27 "DOUGLAS STi 6 rooms nhd bath 5'iOdO good condition Eni,el Huntingdon an I Patton sta fiS 7r S. bith porch front only $8000 '17 N list Vi ply Engo s (. r, r Hn iliijjl n -'i'L Patton J,'-"u .''-Ii N list st elec Mgh f ., j nn vnted nei painted Fng I Hint ng d inl 'ii'lon. stii rnl7Tl llliill 1'ori.h steam hoat, o Igts" in i i ar st 2 baths Glnn ii7 Cniuinh OAK f WE 1422 80th ave Beoutlful ro"me 8 large rms bath porch mod price reas Hutiel Jlth and Somerset n jfTAR 11 anl Cambria, porch 7r oms 1 Cambria, porch 7 ater heat, electric joiiui' nw"Y -ioi, rit-Kvitn n oern :ltv Covne 24th and Lehigh Tea - -.ID- rooms and bath, mod neivlv papered and palnteij, SHINFHOUSE 22d financed and ritzwatar sts Ifl'Olk .143 N 23th, 8 r modern, perfect hot-wa'sr heit jeo today little cash Ownerjr i O N h 4th and 1 ehlgh VTfLL Onan e- 27B7 silver Hr & porch mol rlu i blng John P neither 2Snj Lehigh av 2M7 40 N TIVMHREY ST - 1r Rnd shed pi Ire $2000 ex inv FleUher 'nj v I,ehjEh . . 7HI st N 10-8 P.rrh s rooms and bath rn-" em cms quick poss im m k1 ' N M it-heny ave Ph Tloca 7isi 8011 lliIKHAN-n ;,ti ho, v- r is tin in Beohtel Ijl'.- Hldke UT47 N I EIUK.OU hi -0 rooms K tnh price $170 l"i-,r P S20 IedcirOfnre 1R21 NURIU- '- rjoms baths el.ctrlr 1117 i i I i n h r.'" () -nn Jl SI i pd i - 1 - rooms flj e li 2607 I'nl I MB1 ulteii- I f r str i N ihlh. bro mis! ne ii Oleiui 1.1t7 Columns 1. I good loo eisilj Glenn 1M7 Columbia 1740 TN1'Y , r br mtone Dutch hall finectrrj-onv lenn 1M7 Cnlumb a li. 47 N 15TI1 K ro ms perfect ord-r m2 0n S-Ml I ' '" lf1" ' "lurmu lbl"7 TANEY 7 r mil Immcllate jossis Mon$ "O nnillPR 2il nid TssH. V 1012 MOIN1AIN -l moms lent $J1 niajce offvr IFT HFP J.'d and Tiker 2000 ULii K Siill' i i ' - Pirrh frojit Jlon cash reiiuir;d llinl 2lthan I Somerset $34011 a mi a sms Jus 1 urnei i-t leif oi I ,ri 1"J0 ith 1038 N Hill Pv: -itiinvl home hot water heat flu I' I ri h il -in 1MT i ulumbn 241. N MVJI I. 2 siv '- nnd h t n , t up stairs heater mi ffnr I' s.l .,i off 372.1 414Sl I N I I " ir r , . us .,, 7,,,), SLU 1 It I HO i .ern intji n nve 2'30 W. GLEi-M. ul ,1 l pro""p $ '.-00 forjulrk sil P M0 I,e Igei iftlce 3004 fl S N I ith m si 1 ms t i"T,Th I) irgsm Wevrtii P s.2 I. Ir, i ,iff r. $10011- 01) N .Hh 1 tnr s mi X. hslli icnd Fnh I IT iiiMni i hrd Pimioi L'428 NAfA ST II r easy o-rms Engt I H.iin p ss nn ii, i Iluninmd in t 1'atton 'vmT:JwrwwfWfimmm": Hrw-" r,iwi VTtW"". . ,. WFf p' Tr' 'iaHB?''''? ?'' " ''V "- HEAL ESTATE FOB SALE WEHT Pmi.ATlKI.PlIIA sininuiM New Stone Homes Side Yarclo s All-Copper Rain Spouting $8850 $ 1 000 Cash FIRST FLO OTl : Has lnrgc lhinp; room, open nrcplaco nnd vtsf attrnctivo side windows, largo dining room, an unusual breakfBit nook, n big, bright, most complete kitchen, with many now featurw in it to lessen the housewife's cares. SECOND FLOOR: Bright rooms, closet in every room, except tional bathroom with two windows, built-in tub with shfxwei?, special two-door linen closet in hall, clothes chute to laundry. THIRD FLOOR: Open stairway to largo attic. BASEMENT: A most complete cellar, inclosed laundry tubs, pre servo closet. Fine heating system, needs little care. Only 16 minutes to City Hall one fare. Representative at houses till 6:30 r. M. 69th Street, Opposite Elevated Terminal John H. McClatchy Milll!llIH!iimffilM iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniigiiiiiBiiiiiiisnuiiiiiJiiniiiiiiMirnw OVERBROOK SECTION THE EXCLUSIVE RESIDENTIAL N 04U) fit Most attractive house In the 700 block 0 rooms and tiled bet'l. hot water heat, electricity, hardwood floors All-white Interior. Inclosed porch All In perfect condition. Moderate) price Iebonon Ave , nesr Wd St 8 rooms and tiled bath Inclosed semi-detached roreh New awnings screens and shades Oarage Select location 1-ow price for oulck el New house (never ben oecuplM) near cars and school. Inclosed porch -ar sge Well financed Little cash required ip-rlor loestlon. TALK IT OVER WITH LAMBERT & McDERMOTT nrroRE makino final arrangements foh the purchase or a iiomb 403 N 03d ST HELMONT 3777 fimmmmmmmmsii MM crrv IDEAL HOME 8033 N Judson st ! newly renovated -lew iutur-- must 1e seen to be appreciated. Immediate possession call off I' e to lnPet " II,- SMITH 724 W ERIE A E ORTHWOOD i-'04.(in IIARRlhON -ST opposite Frankford jt cj All-tono house, must be seen to l e rtreclated agent on premises bundav . rr? ii L1KBERMAN '.07 S Lincoln 111 U Stores and Dwelling (,TOIlE AND DWLI1ING 0J4 n st -t.ivelv business orner cntni-etltion lleht Immediate pois---lon oorortunitv for right rrll JL Illi- 24 W Kr nu tore prrp little Huntingdon and cash req Kngel. S E rnttnn $42002715 Berks, store, 7 r , Inquire of Ergel, S E cor essv terms Huntingdon and Patton nullrtlng Lota. Factory Rltew - 1 ET B TALK IT i LR: Ele. 7 MANUFACTURING SITE 75,000 SQUARE FEET P R R. siding Tioga Thompson AI mond ats bargain price for quick sale REYNOLD H. GREENBERG MORRIS RI DG 1421 CHESTNUT ST LARGE TRACT OT GROUND, NORTH EAST SECTION RAILROAD FRONTAGE WILL DIVIDr HARRY E. THOMSON 25.1 FRANKFORD AVE IjOT at N E c rnor Indiana ave and N rth Penna R R '..' I"0 siiuai fet suitable for Junk dealer marble stomvard leu plant will bo sold on reasonable torms J H RHOADS 135 s 3t h st Fnctnrlr aristiom-es llfg. Ploom Factories and Warehouses T0MLINS0N n,;V,.n Industrial plants WARKimusES- RAILROAD AND RIVER FRONTAGE. J. L. Stevenson & Son Hftff &Kd 11E-ST PHIUDKU'1II fSinratnrimin nniiijbiHuiiiTiiniiiiiianiii,niiinB,miiiHiD(iianii,i nimrDiiitunnnija I CORNER I I 1 100 S. 53D ST. I heaut ful home in tl eriusive H cTe-wnod section me lern In everv S respect ipirage inc o, 1 por h ha-I g wind lloors c eciri luhts refrlge g 3 to room and ri kit hen sureeunJ- I j w with ovelj chrjLt m finish 1 - n i hosm and wll'e nn ilei.i ivni n H f fi ad K?ior oi an profesen t -il m s see this properts before buvlnu e & fl where agent on p emlses Sunday and IS 3 Monda K SmwjiiMiriffiffliiMiiiin! 'iiranrairamii ram u n? WE CAN SAVE YOU $800 to $1500 Warrington Ave Windsor Ae 56th to '.7th St CONVENIENT TO UK . hoi 1 S HT Rl'HFS AND STOTIF'- UN TAIN TN r FRY KNOM. N i t N I N IFNi I, JAMES C. ENBL'RG, Bu.lder S7TH ARR1N i I N 1- 00th s- are to 1"tli nnd Wart pjjto- I Biuare east , r N 13 f n- on U a.nut et 213 S. 42D ST. 11 - is 2 IT h elec-tr Itv HI Of n 510 WOODLAND TERRACE 12 rnrr - lrir) , hot uater i "c 4235"WALNUT ST. IS ni . Tsihs e r r- I $rt nnn 930 S. 49TH ST. in - . hulls 1 1 1 noo 2-STORY GARAGE IB "1 I 1 il lUt Sts I Ml Charles H Buckley hui'st i il m II i s, anl 40tl st with Uk' ' '-n l"l rn 1 st in , . d-n . ' p i se I mi ern . I s e I l V a r h- l ele, HH H s ..r lis perch J liths I Hr, I 1 1 I 'o r leBV UK (It most ill) A ve t I IghlK rl m EUGENE L IOTNSEND uW BARGAIN -POSSESSION 710 ' i 1 fills A 1 1. r ii ins ' I t is flnaiK,- t i i - i ur 1 a he Edward M. Moll 3 1 A It . i ri B 1 n n i7!i $12,500 Mnliai i .000 I, o k beeui .1 si ) pir h 1" rnn - baths ele, i hint througl ill h I water tint vv fll tin In all in neir 1 miier P 021 Led irnf Ors Off hkdi i I D f -r uiuk noii irM.k nt sum Willows ave ulth garage best value of. ferel knmheie i nv terms ne honi ttvery modern ( pniiniiir in lie. He nr h in Clf sure eiariiin ui- i -i re ,g pur nrt. T'muIJJ sull 1421 ihestniiis Spruce fl2i VAC NT 2220 s Hnhson st n7th and Woodlanl 7 r ms ind Inun In nil, h hall in rl Ii I hi tor heat vr, m 7(1., allfl ,! gOJbrink ve 7 iitii ind ami, Irs nenK lennviled ,inl i-l li'ialt n F I, M'i l M'Ii and Hull i ui, ,. 4008 KINi. HISSING AVE --,ree storv I dwelling iiUIi modern Ittiprov, menu ino( 1 r.l. nrtce FRA1ER JH24 Chestnut st JIN ST PFRNARD HT lieautifij7 room home m.r I nation nil r-ons bargain small amount cash nuulrrd KIlPAriUiJK t.SON 113.1 Market st llul -Jl.i st res iinartmen'iM suburban Tesl den es I milling lots etf f , r see ut all prr-is and ran be purchased on easi terms EMPIIIE Till SI o m' TO MISS this office you miss opportunity in the best Hii.l lurg-st selection of homes" so remember "Cross" stands for nil th.t's good In reLJtaU,.B0th and Urahwnorl . '." 48S8 WAI.T-JN AVK.. '4i!triindliriiTnr. ..VA'.V., " h .. ' rt- s 27 -fJ REAL ESTATE FOB SAljn 1VI.-J1T PIIII.AnKM'HIA BUILDER OF HOMES lUHIill'll'lilll'llllBi'lUTll IMHIlMlil Ii ifHIIWllllllllIIBlWF LOCALITT OF WEST PHILADELPHIA Prominent corner Semi detached real denie with 8 bed chambers and 2 Laths hot water heat, electricity. Cen tral heat available If desired. Oarage, for 3 rare Unusually large lot. Will sell at vtry low figure An ittrartive Ht'ie home for the Jun bride It is prettv nicely planned, dt llghtfullv located Contain- O room n9 tiled both has hot-water heat, e'ectrlelt-. parquetrv floors and an open flrplo. j-erieci conomon jrolerate prieo ana financed to suit ini jniMiMiiiiiiiiiii!aiipm WestPhila. H With Garages a $7500 Thf ideal of modern homei 6 rooms, tilo bath, in closed porch, p;arage and every possible improve ment. Situation superb 1 square from Chester ave. on the east side of 53d at. between Florence and War rington ave. Terms to suit you. SEIDLE & NUNAN Realtors 55th St. below Balto. Ave. Phone Woodland 949 "The Wynnefield Section' Lebanon Ave. From 84th to 56th Street The Parkway St. wynSluew A MODERN HOME THROUGHOUT INCLUDING OARAGE. ETC 3 AND 4 BEDROOMS Price, $9300 Also Rem) detached Homes $11.00 S-FF FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUBB Martin Molony Builder and Owner on the Premise Auto through Falnnount Park ta S4U and vnnerleld ave, then south three block or take "I.'' to B2d t . paas north on Bali car to Lebanon ar. for one fare BETWLFN BITH AND 53TH STS. WYNNEFIELD SECTION REDLCTION FROM $10 000 TO $9800 ONI T A FEW AT THIS PRICB Af T Ql Ii'KIT Tcur large bedrooms uarare, private drlienaj healed porches new and imolete in oven detail simple ntii. oren dath via Kjlrmount Tark to 84th unj Winmf 1 then south I hlc ks or t ,ss from I. north to Ria jr rn '.d st Jirtct to (14th and Ue'-s i r, , FERGUSON & COLLINS hi it nr iv. SAMUEIT.HALL SELLING AGENT SW COO 17th A SAHSOM 5T5, in m m it " ' M M HI- rn. i i-n en pa $rt(00 for his i - 'his f i ffer room com- I p ele rn dern 1 ome In one of the most 1 ' f i m flu In w Ph la the street I I -" ' I' ail its uppeuran e vn a sunny norr g s s iperb sn fanul i-in be wsll I proud in live there the 'ernis of imrohase I ari v.r resi hh til, hoth s to ciish and mtn'hU charges don t merely read this id .til ii n 'orgn ii hut Phone Sher wool 2s fir riirikulni" Remember It may le lui ii J n j dr IfKiklng f r s F inj. I1H II AND I ARi HWOOJAV. I le r oms .- lths it(c hut-wat f-at yi i u lr)tfH s s 4(lth st UiiRI l I l ere 17 N ,17lh I bedrm. ' .lie , 11V. Hl 81 I e dsn IIIKI-V l fl 14 U llubj I .UMXNTOHN I $16,500 A ii ilotn sen let r-wfl s re diseMlnftT with kmik' 12 iiKims baths electric per- ,, in 0 ,ir i ' 40170 Just a. few mln n'fs j i. So Is irk E aiion Otn ave, irs s r s srlm l ch irrhes we ran offer ui i- s u s i fleto ned or semt-detaoneji o Ingn i hi I Inspe t them, B. Ct r in, i ,01 1 H mr si Oi 171 vv JIIMIMMir I'll nf Henley at,: 3 str n p fh 10 rrnria ,md hath gars i-l nt. hit - ssli re mlreil I LI I FASY 18th &l Tliomn.nn ifi ' l'J ' IlOIIipson OlO, rn I IMll-lt PI.AI E letween Msnhelm an4 ' l - a e uposlie i ri ke ( lub. facing laige estste fhot-e, iielghNirhood new hr ue f tii oms . laths gerage a If. R VNDI I 21 - -I W IIN NT.AIt InllNHOV ' sirne house u 1 1 I a-u r rnn street, flna. Shu I. large lot sijiiHlile fur Hil house. PI.IPRM A sus nils t HliHTNUT BT. i T AfANI IM Sharpnaek nttrai-tlve M.r. m i Ii front liiini- In A 1 oon ecel. loo.i " l 011 irasm I n Ii Jiidion and Indlsnal I (KIAN 4(inu ft MMiO blk Marvlne 2 sty Mlliet hrrBaeTl 6UO0 blk 12tli et 8 sli Millet. lOr,. 3 hT IBOO Ilk 12lh st .1 st 0 rm. -iV-.t.7? (HI V vnnung r 2 ij d rms .hath.. mnsf Iidlll VUrvlne st 2 sti 4 7."l N I'lb st ii,ii. nouse. st IM.1 llrnad et I st W. D. CHAMBERS Jzv&r ..r. .t - """"" "41 C' WESLEY READ rroad 5r 1 irt j. M VJ, pi av,l twin, ui rma.,viiteaiu,.tC(. uooo. 1 M ''i- c N ,r-r) i vfi'h 4u 4 tJdSi-vViL