Gwrrmn c ? -j wwv$& . Ttftygi V .CTI V " r" " fry'aji . ji - w -i j "j" " , "T 1 -Si , iloWiY I ii EVENIN0 PUBLIC LEDaEE-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 23 DATE PLAY BAniN HIGH U--'-rr:,r hWeen Knauo,i' both CracK win SET FOR JUNE 11 mi.i. flinnt' rhnmnion flwB"B .n Pint tho Kllrnboth. Mftiw'JmKiV;. tire the game. . ,. fjrmn. & I 'ffil wm hnn,,lln,: the n htL aWnro of Conch Lnrkoy. ri Ml-W mornlM He brl owl ,V I '"' ",,, i. nblo to nrcopt tho r. H'V nVhl Mr" directors rJ!&d , ni nil rlrtt for the . . nrnri, 11 n; ".; " i fmbloMlM a ' ""T. mil In nlav. P.Knerv "or Committee on Ath tylheMipem . th(J Grccn Twhlto nrrgn.lon would be nl- lotftd WKP .l,r'Vl,-r him tt a Rr -or,i thi. ,on,on. tXm Vm not mifforrd n defeat In L Snrt". It l'n l',n'w1 somo, ?f g&SW 'Nw .W Stntc flinmn, UlniNew York Title V .irl while bro the Oorgn Wnsli htfnifh School team, of New York flff&d the Jew town and was u,'l'. w!ti! lis first detent. The nt home vnn . , irtorv nl score wns to (. u? ini" vinor? Rtln High Srhool had an open claim Ii the New York City high school rW."am In' nilaibeth has convinced Itself tha t is tne nesi wirauiuwj "'; u"."1 .1 1.1.1. Inc.nM In fllO KnHt. "d ta out for mmr scalps. When It ard that the Cennnn own team lind piled up s""I' " enviable record It 'ranted a game right nway. nnd no time nai lost in trying to arrange once. AH tbat remain to he completed now Is the Supervisory Committee's ruling:. OermantoMii has one of the greatest .-holastlc hall tenins in these parts in vom years. The team has won twenty- use out ot the twenty-two games pinycu. Swarthmore High walloped them hint ufek by a 0-0 score, when Cnrbach ,iad allowed u Hook of runs to come in near the rloo of the game. Il;d Park Wants Game 111 111 kllllll iv ur Wired on hip inner h grounus on dune IS. The Mage Is nil set for these games. T mnl vri'pnl viplnrv nf fhn Hi mantown bojs cnnie yesterday nfter noon when Camden High was set hack to the tune of !) to S. Gcrmantown put a nil 01 hi inns in hip ruriy irnmos nf the game. Thr were n bit unlucky In the lntlor iniiiiiK". however, ns n irirk meet fur griuninnr schools nf 'tmaen puneii on n inpie piny, rue all was nit to the shortstop who threw 'is mm out at firM, and on n return ihrow tagged the runner going to third, lien threw home in ilmo'to cut off the I'lijer at thp plnip In (h ivlli illtllllr nnnllini. fn..t " ... -.-. .iiiwtuvi linin (lay was made This (imp Hip ('live i'ens turned tho trick. The ball wns hit down the first hnsp lino, and Kaufman Homo Run Hitters in Games Yesterday S J'nlili. Tlitfro .. . .... 1 . Ipp. Vnnkrrit I nwirnn. Ilriln.. 1 TOTAL TO DA1K Vnllopnl I.rnmif mericnn l.cumn" , fanon'i Tolnl. 7 .. .1 . T i 1S3 innde a wild benvc to rlr-ht field. Thp Riinrdinn of that sack threw over the second baseman's bead, nnd then the shortstop threw wild. The third base man ran out nnd Melded the ball nnd llirpw It ovpr tile second hnsemnn's ncad nnd lluftlcr. the Cliveden short stop, reeovcrpd It nnd threw to first base. The runner, who wns bewil dered by nil nf the wild throwing wnn cnught flat-footed off firist. TWoloR NATIVITY Uptowns Defeat Tamaqua and Cressona Tigers by Good Scores The Nativity hnseball team returned to this city today for their game this afternoon at Rplgrndo nnd Ontnrlo streets with tho Philadelphia team of the Contlnpntnl League. The uptown ers while nway played nt Tamil nun. where they won, 10-4. nnd yesterday easily won from the Cressona Tigers, 0 to 4. Dcvinc wns on the mound In the first game and Cnrrigan hurled yesterday. Cresnonn did not get n single run off his delivery until the eighth, when Iip pased up nnd tho Tigers tallied four runs. Nativity on the other hnnd knocked Perry Sterling out of the box In (Iip first inning otf flvp runs and five clean hits. TIip onrlip Infield. Mplnnls, Josephs. Nlelil nnd Meisler. plnyed .wonderful hnll. nnd .foe Letters wns n' tower of strength In the outfield. Tomorrow nft ernoon Norfolk Stnrs piny at Nativity. Today's Local Ball Games I'lillndfliihla rontlnrntal T.nnrnn nt Nn Ihlly. Ilriffrurifi rnd Onlnrlo lmlii. .Nopfolk .star at tlelaher, Twrntj-nlxlh unci Uhnrton Ktrrrtft. (tflltj Trust at (iunntnlrn Tnil. riinile' I iirk. nhijJnckyts' tMsniv-Foil MIITIIn n V. g. Ilr jrf. 1 I ,M.I Nnval Ho.ntal ut Novj Kerrultlni: Stutlon. 3 I M.. .fngue lutnnii ny innl. C'lvlllntin Snrr Inriif rfounllur IM Mon nt Muclilnprr IHvlslnn. Untue Inland uvj innl. Innrnnre I.tnuur Mnllier Tn. at F. K O. I'lilliwtrlpliliv Flnnnrlnl IAcur--Tndn(-mrn s Niitlonnl at IVnn Sliitiial. KlnrKlne Krrrfiitton Crnler. llftlrth utrert nnd Chtiu ler mrnur. Hank and Trust Co. T.aKiii I.and Till nt Itonl KM n to Trust, nrittel lllfl. M'.STEBDW'S Hf'OriF.S riillndflnhlii Irujl Co.. 0. FlrM National Hi Quaker Clly Nnltnnnl, 10. t,ft i,i,Jl,.9rn'.r'.,.,T1:' LeiBiir- udllor . r.. It. II. rhllndrlitfilft TiTliiln.,1 I ruitui M. I; ncunrlmrnt, 8; rrriuhl I rain Mas tern. 7. Nativity. Oi Trrwina Tlrr. 4 tt?Ra ,TrnJfit. '-on.itup I.urrrnr. 10: Cnl lonhtll. .1. Kkhniond. IOi .In.Uim . rirUlirr, fli llrldmlmrjc. 1. Illlliliiln. R: Illirlinrnoli flfnnl, D. Xtnmlnnl gnpnlr. tit riillnilrlnhhi TAtt ,T ! ,S.-.S- "I'll- "1 Notnvmr .1. .. .s. White Bj NotilKTno. 3. . llliiUaTKelK' U'anir Itrorlilnc sinllon. II: I . S. Murine, t, (IiIIIhii'.h Nny 1 i vision Kr imlrN, IOi InrilM nnd Korku. 8. BANK LEAGUE STANDING nral F.Matr Tlllo Trnst I'onimrrrlnl Trust ... Franklin Niitlnnnl l.ank l.timl Titlr A Truht . Flrt Nntlonulnank vesi i'jiiiii, in if k Trust Qnakrr Clt Notional (lank Commercial Title Truirl ft A I I.. (I i 2 1 .' I I'.C. I 000 It .B17 MOT ,W)0 .J.1'1 .107 .ooo DRAW TWO TEAMS IN GOLF PLAY-OFF Elimination Round Tomorrow to Oust Ono of Fivo Suburban Loaguo Division Winners KEEN SEMI-FINAL TEST n.v SANDY McNIHUCK Two tenm.s will bp drnwn todnv from tho winner of tho fiVp dlvlsions'ln the mpn's Suburbnn League golf tenm com petition. Thesp two plubs will piny off oh homp nnd borne courses tomor row to enter the scml-fmnl round. The other throe tenms enter automatically, tho play-off being necessnry, duo to the fact that nil our best semi-final rounds hnve but four competitors. ' Printing tho results hns been nn nb breWnted proeess In the publip prints during the competition, due to tho whirl wind of golf going on in nil cliinca. The best stntlsticlnns nvallablp. how ever, figure tho winnow of tho dlvisioni from lnpomplete summaries ns follows: p vision A, North Hills; Division 11. L nnerch : Division C. Cednrbrook ; Division D Woodbury; Division B. Aronlmlnk. One of thesp fivp teams will ho pliminntcd tomorrow nnd the other four clubs will bnttle It nut next Five Leading Batters . in Two Major Leagues NATIONAL I.KAOUi: Major nnd (lull II. All, K. II. llornh', St. Iiuls HR 140 32 00 Mrltrnrt, l. Ititn.ns 114 S.I M Minnlnn. Ilrnoktin It 170 nn 03 I. .Miller. I'lilta 31 113 17 40 Marnntllle. I'IIIsIik 40 IBS 3S 84 AMKIUCAN l.KAOVK rinjrr nnd Ctuli l. All. It. II. IIHIman. Pflmll 43 inn 34 72 Cobb, lMrnlt 17 10.1 1 WJ iMnkrr t'loieinnd 35 130 30 113 sinlrr. HI. 1-ouU . an I ft I 47 OA Srrrrrlil, ft. J.ouls.30 124 15 48 ,3(14 .318 r.o, ,4J0 .410 ,408 .son ,887 Mcrehnntvllle nnd n tie wns tho best that could be had with lHverton. Fifteen clubs nnd 100 golfcr.i hnvo been eliminated, hut Interest continues n-pnee in the scml-finnls, down for next week. Imitation ar Mmr wnt out for a worn fii'a tourney at Atlantic Cltv this month. A uoixl flM Is rrtp1 for thin adrted and now feature on tho In, rl card 41m Kdmundson, Inrinnr Irtnh champion and nawly arrhd pro at North Hills, should b heard from In th local open at Pino Val ley, thin jnar. When sn In action this stalwart, red-hoadrd llnksman turned In n neat 7H, which Included ono ml"ed drU and threo putla on but fine ren. lis ahlnea at Iron play and la a deadly putter. Tin work of Norman Mnxell o far bears out the thought that he Is beit at ono perdlem. Any one who taeklea him In tho inornlnit well knowa ho bus been throiiKh a coif mntch. but tho midget Wbllcinarnhlnii has not the phjeloue to carry en tha pace through thlrtv-slx hole. Wedliewlnv In enter tlin Ilnnl rmmil , .... ... ....... IU. .,. . ,,..,. , , .. . ,. North Hills won the championship' " " " iln 7 ! I r .i ' f lm ,,k nt year, but this year Is minus such nJ J.I,t Jf00l!,w.0rk .f ,tho AJron,mlnk were nil beaten away, and yrankford finished the league meeting eomewhnt dlsorsnnlzod i North Hills won nil thclr matcnen in thlH league comfortnbly. Llancrcb got the npccssnry jump In Division II oppiilng day by beating LnnsdowiiP. Tho latter won only one mntch nt home nnd but two awny. It had a fairly easy time with the other two tenms Inter, hut It wns too late. Cedarbrook hnd enrnest competition in Phllmont, Itoxborough nnd Old York Ilond. rtnb Holfner led Phllmont and Zlmmcr Plntt bended Koxborough. which made the loading matches as good as tournament tussles. Woodbury proved strong In D as ex pected. The Jersey foam has several young players who carried tho team to the title in other ears, but Woodbury will hnvo to step to head the list this senson. In winning Division R, Aronlmlnk displayed real prowess, though it nearly received a fntnl jolt nt the hands of Mcrrhnntvlllr. "dnrk horsp" nt the start. Opening day the. Drexel Hill team onl won from the .Tersejltcs by three-qiinrters of a point. Tcwksbury s I stnrs ns the two Plntts nnd Rddic Styles. The other four teams nre strong this yenr. with Cednrbrook nnd Arnnlmlnk stnndlng out'. The lnltpr tenm, predicted to win nt thp stnrt of thp pompptltloii, still looks voiy good. In Tpwksbury nnd Reynolds It has the two bpst lend -off plnyers in the lengue. WrlgM. Hninenr, Sntterthwnit nnd the rest of the, men nre respected golfcrn. , Hut Cednrbrook also has plenty of talent. As If to prove It, Edward J. Tallant is captain of the team. So thnt'H that. .T. J. Ilpadle, Atlantic City finnlist. and Miles Hlggins nre the lend -off players. LaTlnche. F. J. Hlg gins. Itpekner. Johnson, Hunsnn, Jen nines nnd Sober have all shown n steady brand of golf In whnt piny there hns been this senson. The tenm qun'i fied for the Intercltib ehnmplonshii). second in fnct, which should recom mend this new club for serious con sideration. Several Tumbles Surprises stnrted cnrly In the piny Frnnkford only won three out ot ten matches against Hnddon County. K. V. O'Hnnlon. Frnnkford. beat 'Wil liam Kiinn, but tho other Hnddon Countv stnr. Vlnnell, surprised every one bv beating Morris Jones. In fnct. Fov. 'I'onell nnd Bowman men at home thnt carried the dnv Bnln wns bndly weakened, though headed by George Hoffner and Clarcy They failed to take a single point from Aronlmlnk. were soundly trounced by Worn the World Over What do jgem ikinh about it- What would YOUR impression be if you dncovercd that the Boston Garter tnaaoU all tmt nSewrxk) tbaC tl IktUarjoplcMcrcthe amall Prrndi or Enginb town kept k cotiatanth in itocfc . . . that you cooldbnr k in Homr Konfj, or in Alaska, or Sooth America knot ANYWHERB? Rather natural to aacnroe that the Beaten (nrter w a qoahtf prodoct tbrooph and through. Soles jnutigt b no thing of mere train. The article moat b aoperbtrvehr good that all peonlea of afl tongue unaiiiuMjuah' ajrree themarjofactnrB' hit flood qnalitf FIRST. CEORGE TWOST CXX. DOSTTON, nUcenof Velvet Grip Hom Sopporteni lor Van, Misina. QiiUna ml laaslm. 15ih and Chestnut- Open Daily Till 6 Saturdays 10 P. M. ajjSatfM" ft At ne Price No POLO Today. Next Matches TOMORROW S r. M. War Iepnrtment ts. rhlla. C. C. t'lrat Team (tlnal for Woodereat Cup) 4:30 P. M. -Ilrdham v. Ilrrn Mawr First Team (Special Match) Phila. Country Club Field BALA (Take I'nrU Trollej- to Woodslde TartO TlrketK. 2.1c. AOe nnd HI PRICE REDUCED $90.00 ACE 4 CYLINDER World' Beit Motorcycle See the Best First Of course, you'll "look around" before but Ins, but rou ahould know what to look for. Lei lis tell you. SMALL FIRST PAYMENT $5.00 PER WEEK HAVERFORD CYCLE CO. AMERICA'S I.AItOKST CTCT.K IIOUS1C 503 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. rc.t. i i forMeik Hf TAN RUSSIA CALF ly J BALL STRAP LACE OXFORD .is ?m X-) MHnn Club, h to plnv morrow Slaiicht nlaveri t Mundiy Illaek I'n well Two Games fop Stenton icer .lack Kar.M. af tlie SKntnn field ini two of tlie bom to.imn bnckod at t'beiv ami I'leasant tret to r nnd Sunday I. It nrothere. with :er nnd Klllle as tbe hntten, will be An lt ...k.I.... ..1.11. n .-.J I... un I'niiliuii, IH' i VUUUXl, Willi nml Ixiwrv In the polnte, will Ik met !... ...Ill Jk.J t i i-i. xMin., v., i, u-i.-.iki mi 7cnniitii or and Fleck in tho Hrsi gnine. and nnd I'leck In tha eeeond. Mf.lnnmlne T. C. has June u open fnr a nrrl cla home team. Tl V lliitton 3.121 Coinh Ftreet or call Walnut 52;1 during th day. Dl IM T 8T" RACK MAT. DAU.V OloKJ J In Conjunction With Rrtrular Tonite riurleaane Show M'e Offer -AMATEUR BOXING HOOD FAST ROUTS FOK PRIZHS W lit 111"""" Hi I f tt lml iNN ttitilltll OrAlllill Boxing Tonight TOr SEF. 'E.M AT TTTK OATKTV FIRST Young Bud Fleminj; vs. Jack West I 13lh Wurri Sonthirnrk. PI1II11. ' HARRY (5RANT ra. TOUNd TKINNni.t.! MARTIN MASI.B1 va. ai. 1 nr;ini.r AMERICAN LEGION CHAMPIONSHIPS ni:i,i. tomorrow. 2 p. m.' Kid p. Wallace vs. Yg. J. O'Donnell U. S. Army, Nav- and Marine Corpa onlcliil J Team In Sen Ire Championships. . Olympic, Amtri nmintercoiietiate Baseball Today, 3:30 P. M. neMTved eata on aala at Olmhela' nnd , SHIRK PARK 21ST A I.F.IIinH Ai:. Spnldlnt'a. Prirea. Roi Heata. 52.80. Senti. ' ATIII.F.T1CS a. DETROIT fi.OO. nnd $1.00. Iteaerved Seats (ilmlirN nnd Sp.ildliig'a -M-E-N! A LOW PRICE HIT THIS TIME! J. AN Rutiia Calf Oxford $10 grade for 5.85. Strike out "war" values in HALLAHAN'S "Lower Price Campaign." MEN'S SILK HOSE, 1.15 TO 2.00 IALLAHAN' 1 GOOB'HOE8 921 MARKET STREET 60th & Chetlnul Sti. 5604 Gcrmantown Ave. 2736 Gtrmanlown Atc. aKSaataal BaaPPaaaar' BaC fe92iaarBal SaaaKI SaaafVaB UWU .taaVMaaaaW 4aVAT3KJaaaaalLaaaaaaaaaaaaV aVsalaaaf LaaaaCTstaaaaaaaTOJaflaT I v Iyi th?1 could not be copied in a thousand Fi Xa' nat l? why an E1 Producto smoker is an w rroducto enthusiast. blpTnf is. 8?mething in that well balanced "tend of choice Havaria tobaccos, in the ouaae fjrrnwn -r.. .u-. ' Kr xv ) STA,"! Fl pLS" roaucto smokers stay ,uuuo smoKers. ndahlff? "re FP different 8Ucs VlfiBfi"1"1' Puritano Fino J3( or 2 for 25f s jot enjoyment G- H. P. Cigar Co., Inc. Mill,,. I'lilhilrlplil,, 1 vm WMl y&ii ': LAST FEW DAYS " To Save in This Choice of the House Sale! Nothing reserved entire stock marked for quick clearance, regardless of former prices. Your chance to save! t SuitstoMeasure ANY SUITING IN THE HOUSE! m il 34 .SI THESE TWO PRICES ONLY The unseasonable Spring left us with a tremendous stock of fine serges, tweeds, herringbones, fancy worsteds and other high-grade fnbrlcs which must be disposed, of quickly. That's why we offer these special bargains Ab solute choice of the house at $24.50 and $31.50 which means a handsome saving. Every suit made to measure. A J !?, IXtftTil Simple and leli-roeainrini blanks icnl vjraer Ey iviuii ou, 0, lown on requtlt Wri(e todo7, P. B. WHITE & CO. TOM MALONEY, Manager 808 CHESTNUT ST. OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Formerly 104 South 8th SiVwww;r lTT.lTf1Tf iriRWf WM IB mm IIJ vl MM SaL lL2f QUALITY CLOTHES kjf QUALITY CLOTflES 1514-16 MARKET ST. Purchasing Agents Orders Accepted oi-r.v ritnv ani sATirtnw i-.mtvimis Men! Heres Big News ALL-WOOL SPRING & SUMMER SUITS 3 Big Lots 3 Small Prices ii!75 .i'-t- i ji"f l i'i"i" ;' V'j ?V lift - Jm ': - S ' nvei K -y Style Material ill Wool Lined Silk 532. VALUES 11075 PalmXHa Beach V35.to40.VALUES 75 SUITS All Colors and Stuli $g.50 Up Silk Mohair SUITS All Latest Q.00 Styles & Patterns up iMMU WF.MMM vi ww vsa s45td50.VALUES Open Friday and Saturday Evenings Beginning toda we place on sale the stocks of 12 more na tionally famous makers in the biggest distribution of men's clothes at one price ever at tempted in this city. A total of 4000 Suits For Men and Young Men Purchased at a tremendous saving and involving only the highest type of ready-to-wear clothes made in America. Though the names cannot be mentioned in our advertise ments, THE LABELS ARE IN THE CLOTHES. These Very Suits Are On Sale Today Everywhere at $40,$45,$50,$55,$60 In the selection of Suits are. the newest gray and tan herringbone weaves; in stripe and chalk line effects; blue, brown and giay flannels; Glenurquet plaids, club checks for the swagger dresser, and neat patterns in worsteds for the man of quiet taste. AN ADDED FEATURE TO THE ASSORTMENT IS OVER 200 COLOR-FAST BLUE SERGES. Nothing missing, single and double breasted, 1, 2, 3 and 4 button models. Regulars, Shorts. Stouls and Longs A 11 Sizes. A It orations FREE Some of the Suits Hare Kxtra Pair Pants $6.50 Additional Tlie huMiiicsi of our l'hilmlelpliia store is coiihlnntly inrreasinc Our nKKressie polio f nurclinntli.inK nnd the enorinoiih daily turn-oter of our chnin of stores these are the fnctors that have j;ieii iih the reputa tion aH the Kreatest alue-i:mnK men's I'lnthinj; storo in Philadelphia. Our windows tell the story. Open Dailv Till 6 P. M. Saturday 10 j. M. 15th and Chestnut Veto Yprk Hindquarters, 15 W. 34th St. . k i vw i ,1 1 iM ryi iJH i" . . "c .,, in i , i "" h .... .K , .' ) r .t