," i.1 "V .? , , "s " a a ?'THFZflW'' if ,- 'tit ". j" V EVENING PUBIICJ MDGEEr-IlLADELPHIA, VRLDAY, JUNE 3, 1921 21 sx ffiSn and Mrs. Mallory Are United States Hopes in World's Hard Court Tennis Tourney 0SSTOWNSEND MAY WIN itmuz, L,KUWis Lnrhcs Finals in Women' s sZuu.rrh;l Both in Mixed Doubles j,0VBIJSJODAY Vy SPICK ItAU' nOUT this time Iftt yenr M!B- Xlolly An W' hfltl n chnnCC '" ID, I""'" .., ,n one timrnii- .v lawn tennis "'" "' . . U hc I"! 7: d mixoa iiou-. CECIL LEITCH RETAINS JiTh Z rcnnsylranla am. .' ..,. Tlut she lout th bT ihl, rear nt Morion, it look Scott Perry Deserts A's for Franklin Ball' Team Franklin, Pa Juno 3. Scott Perry, pltclior of tho Philadelphia Anicrtrnn League baocbnll oliib, donned tho uniform of n semi-pro-fosionnl tenni hero nnd nnnoiinred Hint he wns forecr throiiRh llh organized baseball. Perry "jumped" to tho Fruit hi In team two years nso, but Connie Muck Induced hint to n turn to tho Athletics In 1020. ST. JOSEPH'S PREP L 11 OSE STARS All Athletic Teams Will Be Hard Hit by Graduations This Month MARTIN BEST ATHLETE First of Modem Heavyweight Bouts Was Fought in 1882 EnHtern chance tourna- s an will D(nt w V ... . n Tnwnsend Tt me o rtun.ty. She .1rdr ftjft S'hMV-.e bow rt-r... lose that evei lii Misa .. hfllllant tennl While 3li Townseml Is playoff the TKiiii.nl tennK of her career, It rnnrllision tltnt HOP bp.f ff:i;;iP. for mim l. nWa hnl-olsptlUlnKUpn Phyllis fine rcr done IhMni of tennis ns she has m or done. rahndM.:1To.n,indw.l LKihVstatcrn.or,to Bile "'. ih. LnnrlkfinlO Hi V i tpt for tno namiMHuv ""- &A wis carefully selected by Mrs, fs Pe", Jr.. and whleh l of th. L hit may bo converted Into a laini tho lninn 1..4 imi mav uk Lu'M" - -- - 3:a if desired Miss Townsenu ano .ny-i ... .1,- nnnict vmirrum Cn nd eliminated Mrs Richard Kalteln two love sets nnd Miss Wnlt.li ItKi Mrs. Harvey from tbc picture, 6-3. c,4 . ..,. . ..... trnieh ninirii n Driiiiiuiir uiuuu .!-... iinnov nml It. una ctldent I Jlrly in the match that unless she let down In her game she would be the winner. Walsh Miss BRITISH GOLF TITLE Easily Defeats Miss Joyce Wethered In 36-Hole Final Round .Tlirnhflrrv. Krntlnuil. .Timo 'A. Mls-( 'Cecil T.eitch, rontlniiouHly champion of (Srent Ilrltnln since It'll, totnlned her title today In the finnl tlilrty-ilx-hole round hero bj drfentlng Ml"s ,loc Wethered, who was runner-tip In the Ilritish ladles' open golf tourniinient here. 4 nnd 3. .Miss I.citch was 7 up nt the end of tho first eighteen iiolcs nnd hnd no trouble In holding her ndvnntnge. The champion's driving uns particularly flue today and uncounted for nit nd vnntnge she gulncd early nnd to which fiho ndded from hole to hole. The weather conditions were pcrffct'for tine golf nnd n huge gnllciy. including most u uie American entries wlio licntcn cnrlirr. trailed the nltn Miss r.eilch bent MIks Stirling in the first round nnd Miss Uollins in the sec ond two of tho best American en trants. Miss Wethered, who Is the sis ter of Itoger Wethered, famous Hrltitfli amateur, accounted for Mrs. It. 11. Barlow, Philadelphia, nnd was con sidered to line more of a chance ngalnst MI8S I.rllch Hinn she hnd foda. Hrltleli funs now' hail Miss Twitch ns tho grentcst woman plner the J.les iit produced tind bellcp her to lie unbeatable- in her field for a number of etirM in i 'mn n CoodatNet ,..,,, Thn result of the mntih wn a xo- Bcsldcs driving well, Miss Walsh UPrM,i f tlllt ot n VP!lr hj t(i r played a rattling good game at the net. lii native championship tournament. Time and again she blocked Mrs. Har- In which Miss Wethered wns the Ictor rey's fast drives for clean points. Often j over Miss I.eltch. she shot over shnrp-nnglcd vollcjs and AUhs Wethered, who Is considered bj sas'hes that left Mrs. Hancy without , PTperts to he n rising golfer did ie- mnrknhly well In her flist open chain plonship cninpetitiniiK. Miss LolMi's Piny xinee ijefeuting MWs Aloxn Stir ling, the Amctlcnn uomnn luimploii. In tlie first round, Imd been ,,pntei." lint she nlwnjh ns able to get ont of u difficult poMttoy nt rritii'iil tnu - This ability, supplemented with her stntigth in long, sti night drlve. enabled her to dispose of all her opponents nnd retnin the title of open champion. It has been decided to hold net jears championship tournament In Sandwich In Mny. Miss I.eltch won b) four up and thiee to play todnv. Last week all the nthletes at St. Jo seph's Prep made their exit from the "ccne of sport activities to pettlo down to hard work for the final cxnms. In nil branches of athletic cndeaor the prep lads were heard from; for not only did the football team go through the entire senson without n defeat, but tho basketball, trnck and baseball teams also hnd successful seasons. The baseball tenin 'wound up Its schedule by losing to Vlllnnovn Prep. 1! to 1, Inst Thursday. Tho team that represented St. Joseph's In this contest wns tho best that wore tho Crimson and Gray colors nil season. It con sisted of Fcrrj, cntcher; Kelly, pitcher; Oannon, first bnso; Captain Murphy, second base; Martin, uhortstop: Million, third base; Ureslln. left field; Tally, center field, nnd Kane, right field. St. Joseph's should bo well repre sented on tho diamond next senon, for although alx of the squad will be grad uate there will bo eleven well-seasoned stars left, and Coach Johnny Hnrkcr should hne little difficulty In rounding out n winning combination. Those who will ho lnsf Ihrmltrti crnflnntln., nrn hnd been i Mnnnger Hyn, Captain Eddie Murphy, "iggy" I erry, Joe t oyle, Jimmy Mar tin and Kehoe. At a recent meeting of the Athletic Association letters for base ball were awarded to tho following: Manager Ryan, Cnptaln Murphy, Ferry. Dincen. Connors. Colo, Durkln. Ilut lcr. Kehoe. Tullv. Gannon. Hreslln. Mnllon, Mnrtln, Kane, Kelly nnd Os borne. The following trnck men were also awarded the M. J. P.: Cnptaln Frank "rnillex. .Miinnger Joe Mel'nerv. lllll DrWnne. Jimmy Murlin. Fd Mnllie, Frank McAnlff. Frnnk McCuulcj. Fddlc Collins. Nick llenedetto nnd Mnury O'Neill. John It. Sullivan stopped Paddy Ryan in ninwi round named wilnoilt glomes. The coming Dcmpsey-Carpcntlcr bat tle for the world's- heavjwclght cham pionship recalls records of tho former tltlcholdera and the manner In which tho championship passed upon the head of the present defender. The first of the modern clashes offi cially advertised as of heavyweight chnmlonshlp Importance took place July 7, 188'-', nt Mississippi City, just across the Louisiana line from New Orleans, John L. Sullivan was tho victor, wal loping Pnddj Ran with bare fists. The bout lasted nine rounds. There were only eleven minutes of ttgnung, however. In those das n round could bo nn) thing from nn emphatic gesture to n day's work. There were Important flghtfl long be fore then, even ns far back as tho one round encounter between Cain nnd Abel, but the sport record books count time from the collision at Mississippi City. Sulllvnn, horn In Ilostcn, weighed 100 pounds and Itjnn. n native of Tip perary, was ten pounds lighter. Tadily sank beneath u cross. firo of rights nnd lefts In the ninth round, nnd his seconds tossed up the sponge. The Irishman's left Jaw had been broken in two places by Hulllvnn's smnshes. faddy stnggercu to nis dressing quar ters to discover that while he hnd been taking n sound thrashing some rascals hnd stolen all of his clothes and the S300 they contnlned. He was flat broke, for the winner got tho entlro purse. News of Soil hail's victory set off h big celebration among the sports of his home town. "The bojs were out In full force." wild n newspaper account of the Jubi lation, "and the fight was freely dis cussed. Money and wlno were as ire as water, for the winnings were heavy." ! ID EN AND MOLLA i REACH NE FINALS Americans Compoto in Men's and Women's Singles for Title at St. Cloud Tomorrow U. S. STILL IN DOUBLES by defeating Nicolas Mishu, of Ru mania, by 0-3, 0-3 and 0-2. The elimination of Miss Kdlth SI- gourney, of IJoston, nnd Arnold Jones, ,of Providence, by M. Hlrch nnd Madame I Flgucron, of France, in two straight 'sets In the mixed doubles, leaves only Tllden In the men's singlon, Mrs. Molln HJurstcdl Mnllorv. the American cham pion, In the women's tdnglcs. nnd Tllden nnd Jones in the incnTH doubles ns the representatives of Amcrlcu In the tournninent. Tllden showed good form, with won derful control of the ball, ngalnst Mlshu. The latter, for the most part, plunged wildly nbout the court after Tllden's sizzling plnccmcnt shots and tantaliz ing chop strokes. The Rumnnlnn lost Ills temper early In tho game, nppir ently renliztng he had no chance to win. lie used the baek hund-cut stroke for his service. M. Washer. Itelglum, who his semi final match from Krlk Teener. Den WRESTLING BOUTS TONIGHT In '7 . -. I .. I a cnance to mnKO a reium. Miss Walsh's service was quite se vere, but no was sugniij unsicnur With it. BUC lost ivvo Rami's mi ner nrn delivery at love, making two dou ble faults in each. Mrs. Harvey had n chnnce to proloug the match, and possiblv change the en tire complexion of it in the second bet. ten she led at 4-3 in gumes nnd 40-13 la the eighth game. Hut Miss Walsh itiffened her offense nnd drove for four successive placements, winning the rime and then running the set out nt e-4. Mlsa Townscnd s ore against Mrs. Nalle was a complete surprise. .Mrs. Nalle has been iibiving nn excellent me all through the tournament, nml the fact that she defeated Miss Mildred Wlllard, the conqueror of Miss Mollj Thayer, sent Mrs. Nalle's stock up Terr high. And the remarkable pnrt of it was that Mrs. Nalle was not off in her game. She Dlavcd well, but Miss TniniMml played super tennis. She drove with tetrlBc power, nnd she duln t seem able to miss If she wanted to. Her KtivnVlit drives down tho side lines wrre deep and usually caught Mis. Nalle in an other part of the court. Ti" mine mini wus iruo 01 .Ml;.s I iiu nsPiul'H . peedy cross-court shots, which lireed OVer at such n hie ntipln tlint- fe.t... 4I.A clubhouse veranda they appeared to be I traveling parallel to the net. I Fine Volleying At the net MKh Tounril'llll uni rir. hially perfect. She vollejed with the precision nnd confidence of Ulllv John- miii. iuu 10 mis n service ttint wab invincible, and niiirit. i -.i, and Tllden morrow . 1-0. (5 1. C will meet In the Teg! 0-4. St. Cloud, June 3. Mrs. Molln UJur stedt Mnllory, the American women's singles tennis chnmploh, defeated Ma dame Iilllrmt, of France, In tho seml- finnls of the women's singles of the world's hnrdvourl tennis championship tournament Here today bv 8-0, 0-4. I William T. Tllden, of Philadelphia, ,. ,., . ., , trnm .,. world's grass court tennis singles cnam- JlnJnv.lift.VSPnil'nSIv'ta'i. "viV plon, advanced to the finnl round todny nam Taftce 4,o North Thirteenth tret Proceeds to Bo Used for Work Devastated Farnco Three wrestling bouts between heavy weight grapplcrs vill be held tonight at the Metropolitan Opera House, the pro ceeds to be turned over to tho American Students' Reconstruction Association streets. This event for expenses of twelve T'nlversity of,n number of yenrs. CATHOLIC SPORTS ON Purple nnd Gold Teama Moat Track Today Tho nnnual spring sporta conducted by the Catholic High School will be v held this nflernoon on the Purplo and Gold field, TJwenty-nlnth and Clearfield has been held for Wnsher finals to- Fcnnsjlvnnla students, who will lend their services ln devastated Franco this summer. ... Zbyszko, the heavyweight champion, will nppenr In the star bout. His op ponent will be Ivan l.inovv, the RusBlnn. Other matches will be between Rennto Gnrdlnl. of Itnlv, and Dementrus Ta fnliiH, of Greece, nnd Suln Hcvonpoa, ..C Plnlnn.l ...1 Cn.ttin. Itllllm Stm.tll. cm champion ISnch of the three matches will be decided under rules of catch-ns-cntch- can, and Prof. William J. Herrmann will be the referee. A largo number of entries has been received. Unlike previous years the sports will bo conducted by the Junior class. In former years It was always mnnnged by tho senior class. Tho meet will be divided in two dif ferent classes, one known ns tho Purple Team and tho other the Gold Team The Purple Team, will be made up of the juniors nnd seniors, while tho Gold Team will be formed from freshmen and bophomore ranks. There is always great rivalry In this event. It rivals the color contests of tho other schools of the city. I Thi Csthrdrat himflnll nine d'Mreii tu nchedulo jriim-s with Uri-t-rlinH hom itln (ifOrlnit rwenalil" ciiftmntro!! William Ham"! 221 North Twenty n ond strfi-t A flfternH-UlilnMi-jrfnr-olcl team (Voire to hnr from liom teams of thi imtnn aci. Hlmer Dutter 1P2.S North Ninth atrff Scraps 4bout Scrappers Hoot and Saddle Naturalist, minim.' ton weicht. nn- pears much tin- best in the Garden City Will Miss Mnrlin tiantiieap at iseiinont todn. Captain Alcock nnd Piineus. should furnish the contention. Horses in other races readv foi w inning efforts nre : First, Fred Kin ne.v, Wrecklcss, Mnble A; second, Fair Gain, Dream of the Vallev. St. Michael; third. Hilly Wntts, Johnny Dundee, Maggie Murphy; fifth, Amcrl ( an Iloj , Miss Petite, Sammy Kelly : sixth. Scotland Yet, Hiach Star, Donna j Agnus. Iose Sl Tnu k Slnrs The trnck squad will bo hard hit b.v graduation, for slv of the best men of the squad will receive their deplomas. These nre ; Frank Brndlev, Joe Mc Fnery. Fd Mnlllc. McAnlff. McCnuley and .llmmv Mnrtln. Tho football team will also receive n hard blow. Not onl.v will spveral stars lip r'riiihniteil lint ilnriinr the veiir s - I oral left i honl. Those of football fame who will be iiiIss.mI kip: Cnptnln Hradlej, l'crr.v. Martin. Mcf lemon. Mnllie. .MeAniff, CuiinilT. MeC.iuley nnd Mcllenrj. Of these. Hradlej. Ferry. McClemon nnd McCnuley were mentioned on several All-Catholic se lections. Hresih. Denny. Wynne and Mike Sweeney left school during the year. Tho basketball squad will be thp hardest hit of any of the athletic (enms. Captain Martin, Murphy. P.rnd ley , Dugan and Lynch will graduate, leaving Knne, Hrelin nnd Cunnlff for next senson. At Montreal i First race, The Cigarette, Rosa Lee. Naomi K. ; second. Shore Acres, Red f Post, Wnr Fox ; third, George Rovce, Dr. Campbell, Lonely ; fourth, Heath Helle, Sweet Houquet, Antlphou ; nun, Htnr voters. Minor, rirer : sitli. Sentimental, George C Jr., Norman Flder ; seventh, Clip. Rhymer Attorney. When graduation dav nrriv.es, St. Joseph's will lose one of the best all around athletes that ever wore thp Crimson and Gray. This lad Is Jimmv Martin, who Is the only four-lettei rfmn thnt St. Joseph's Prep ever had. He plays end on the championship football team, was captain of the bas ketball team, ran in the middle dis tance races for the track squad, held down one of the berths on the relav tenm. anil was the regular shortstop on the bnsebnll team. He may enter St. Joseph's College. r the lllilillo i hiimilon. whos.. 1 1 . 4-5 mtlo haU lowered tho murk of 1 SO 3-fi. net tu Amnlii in inn. u i irii" iioamer run rlnsr icalnst time, had rim k mile nt Siri tern In 11MH In 1 31 4-3. hut rnccH run with out oiiiipetltliii Jo not etttul as records, and rre not to Iks counted Berlous Th race of Au'laj-loun makes the record hut It doe net iiiuka a champion. Mm O' War holds fA r-corda at dlrlerent dlitances and udphtH. and will lone rcmiin the champion In this country. .... l.n. Iti.... m .Ill, llill ! ...1NM 111 11 lis I -. . ..... tend's mm ,B.,.jV. oi. i ... ".,. I . T"" "oimoni ciiurw .ro, aeatin-vi o Kep .. n'ov j.iuiu, kjiiv ii nn mil iino dpeT recora ror a mil1 on tnia con one double fault nml shot mer ,iln I tlnt-nt When Vudnclous. In tho ll "1 runnlnir immaculote service nces nnd mauv V? 'h,.. v.ln"0111 . Wtiincn in displaced1 ... a..,. . . ... .,"" ." Man iV WHi'n record made In the samo iac morn first seniecs thnt Mrs. Nnlle !r uin in runnltw the miln in 1 .) l ,s. he ffllllfl hnndll nnl. .. til. .. .1.. .1... ..II. 1 lu -... tlV, r.9 .,..! nlV . t... . ' -,.., ,, umig unit ttllll U 1H'H'I1 llOl. ' "l''r,l JU", witi'-iiihti ' nv ouu mi nm HJliC Uth th s Rtate of JfTnirs It k,mJ'f thp HlUH o i iiimpion tilflt the match hntxtnm. M.ciu VT..1..I. I 1.. '' "-' ".' ," .'.." mill HUH is cownsena wl I be ntiout the hest Contest thnt lins heen stnon.1 lmrn l,n. teen members of the fairer but alleged Yr nex tor years, lioin of tliem Tiay a man's style game, and for that reason the buttle will be fast und 'nanm. Thorn nil! nnf h mnr... l ies, for one of them is going to reach he net and the point will bo won or l"lt quickly by the one who reaches the miner nrst. The final in rln.ti.w 1.I..1. scheduled to be nlaved this nftcrnnnn 1:7. '0,0;k. mny be a thriller, and Sain it may not. w .lmJs "etween Mrs. Harvey und J rs. M. n. Hiiff, on tho one side, und l it?,en(I nni1 yl WnlKh, on the in V .i"1" i0vnFentl nnd .Miss Walsh fill both go to the net whenever thev a ..f.i c,'nn',, nd they nre likely l l. i ?,chlncp often, for Mrs. Har 7, and Mrs. Huff both rilav n strlrtiv Mt-court game. RrVii"- ,V'V " " N, " "r""B A""- banth Vv..,ut .,""?.. "." " :. K?r- Dlansl'ln .v V"1'"1 ram. mi four K tin, hp b?P,k (,"rt- I,1,t ll '" ! ""Huff and Mrs Ilnnm hotl, ,!,,, U Sr'h ",.,illif:l l'?n.l shots. tilinn. ,; " "s lurln "omns ot up- natch wi. i """ ""cusions. i ne Koe 7 "- " according to the TMri 'Thft' n,th0fh Mr- "nrvey fLEisliiniAivrvviNs D'ti Brldeaburg Throu0h Ger nr' di.i.i . u t..,, ' '"""ng oy acore of 6 to 1 a tl.it . . . "L,sner larncrs paid noon ? IJri,lcsbfB yesterday after ""on and enm , . . the ,,.i u""y 'Vlln ,m Hcalp of Rj.uPnWnew by thp "e of 0 to 1. BrldesbuV, Zu ", " "' o h Una initio nrvr,m,, n ,,1,al"', creriu 'U?. tl Irtten stilkeouts n i.i,. fcimeved t0 a?-h,f,0re "'MwburR had rnk Mi.r'. tor,.l.nn' sh"t out This af?B 0,ub without u hit. ru i i C1,lb- &U'sKr2',11Vhl,'''"noon.hut r a Hie Con m n rl r." P(I wraWnatlon lhodox; ;. il "'9'nnoiii and nni. Il "reets. nml nn U....A.... I ton ha6 v.1'' n- A 'line. Rrides "Vwllh nteW reorganlaed I ".'ino, - nni semi-pro 8';awbrldae ,0 P:" -" . UV'L n. Bo,,ih. '."""""""" lr&!X,dlln-inf. LEAGUE LEADERS CLASH Norwood and St. Clement's to Battle In Catholic League Norwood C. C, leaders of the West Philadelphia Junior Catholic League, vill tackle their strongest rival when they nlay St. Clement's nt Sluy -fifth and r.lmwood avenue tomorrow. A ron with four wins straight for Norwood, will be on the hill, while Mi Lniighliu will twirl for St. Chnienls In the other gnmes St. FraneN villi play Moorlyn. nnd Victrlx will tackle Our Mother of Sorrows. Htundlnc of the Teama Norwood.. 4 0 1.000 Moorbn , I 2 313 Ht. Clem'a 3 1 .760 VictrU... I 3 .2(10 Ht. Kran'o '2 2 .300 M. of So'a 0 4 .000 - Joe Aurntts nnd Joe Iytz will appear ln the end- rvliid-up of tho open-air aenon nt the Cntnbrln. Th meet totrliht ln nn elht. rounder, with other houta na follona' Kdd'e toran v. Tont nnnleiv. Hobby McC'nnn V'rcddy Turner, Jlirnnv McOovorn va rut Jlarley und Jimmy Haxter va. Kid McCoy. Joei Jarkaon'a 1'. ('. ta civlng a ilance nt App'h Academj tonlrht. Jackaon'a ball club haa been plnMnar a fine enme thin aeason. A mimber of local boxera will be amonc those nt the dance this evenlnir. Twelre bouta In four different claasee wilt N the amateur boxtnir attraction at the nijou tonight. MaiuiKr Howurd haa been recelvinc Iota of entrla for hla novice tour mmenta and the amateur matchea are prov lnc ao popular he plana to tae such bouts throueiiout ire summer Joe .liwkson'a hand it. in hlttinir commls Klon attain nnd h has resumed trainln The "ouih Phllid-lphla Italian waa on Ih-alde.lln-a v Ith a bone felon ln hla rleht thumb for j.eveml ! I-n Tendler expert- to Iw at the rlrralde of the llenny Ionard-ltocky Kannaa match nt ltarrleon. N. J . Momla nlfcht. The Philadelphia aUr la In Werneravtlle. Pa.. now taklnc thinga easy until he eta bacl. Into training ln about a week. Marcus Wllllnma hna completed hla ehow for Tuesday night at the Auiltorlum The uliid-un Mill bn hetw-en tlnttllng KhJ Towell 1 of New Orleans and Johrmj Oarrtln-r. I (.ihr mitihea nre KU IJoota ve loung ' lioldle. Kid Iturgera s Btaekcy I.elRh. t,tACke llniise a. Ueorgo l'aruor ana ana lop vh Hobby Mears Voting Tom Shnrkey la In fine fettle for his mntch tonlcht In Wilmington. The Wtit riilladelphlnn la to meet Jack McWllllama in the atar bout of a ehow being promoted by Villus Brltt Other bouta: Otto O'Keef b. Ilattllng llarnen Jimmy Ireland va AI Moore and Jimmy Myaon v Oeorge Morrow. Mike Urnine, Vaahlrgton boxer, haa bn In town for eeveral daya vlaltlng frlenda lie motored here from I). C. and intonda motorlnir baek Uralne is doubtful whether he will box agalrr lie hia been considering a match with CoMla Trembly In Doeton. Joe Jiwohs. of New York, haa turnl over Willie Hermnn, llghtwelcht chnnnilon of New leraej to VV ll in Hrltt. Herman will box hla first bcut for Hrltt tonight In Newark with Henny I'ohen While llrlft la lmndllnc Herman at Newark Willie Kdwarda ulll tuka care of the Udwarda-Hrltt boxera In Newark. Tatar (KU) Wnllitce. of Little Italy; Frankle Donohue. of Wet Philadelphia, and A'ounr Joo O'Donnell, of Cnmden. each hnva won three contests In thi the Qayetv Theatre. Tonlgnt they will 11 1). round class at draw to aeo ho will meet for the diamond ring and gold watch offered as prizes There will be thrte other amateur bouta and three professional contesta between Martin fftnn lev nnd Al Treniont, Harry Ornnt and Vounar Oonnell- and Young liuc k fl-mlns,' and Juek Wt. Kensington Trust Wins The Knalngtnn Trust Co add another .1 tory In Its alreadj Urn list whon It walloped Iht Philadelphia Mint In a the Inning came by the one-sided score of 17 to 3. The Kensington team walloped the hall freely, and ulong with other smashes had four homo runs marked up to Its credit. The score by Innlnga; Philadelphia Mint 0 1 2 0 08 Kensington Trust 4 R 0 4 x 17 aflNHHpHHHHBJMp mLBBBHaLBaHLaw MMM BBBBBBBBBBBHVvVrMsKJ l5aHiaaaXn4TrffV KM mMMB GIRARD harmonizes with your moods. In the quiet evening hours Girard is just the smoke to help y.ou relax and enjoy rest fulness. Its mellow mildness, fragrant aroma and true tropic flavor bring you pleasure unprece dented and incomparable. Take home a box of Girard tonight and enjoy their friendliness after dinner. A better, bigger Smoke than ever. GIRARD Americas Foremost Cigar Never gets on your nerves GIRARD "Hroker" 15c A national favorite Other alzea 10c and np KOSHLAND f DUB LIC o- NOTICE? eHLosttheLeaseouH3tfcSiBuildrtA MUST BE SOLD iaaaaaaaJ"',,l,, """ asaaar- . No man who steps up to our windows can fail to be tremen dously impressed by the astounding bargains he sees displayed in them. Many of the foremost nationally advertised brands of clothes in America are shown at prices that stagger belief. Not a dollar's worth of goods in our store has escaped a clean cut of 50 per cent, on its original price, and much is cut even more drastically. Under the pressure of the limited time in which we must dispose of our stock before handing over the keys to the landlord, we have been forced to go to these extremes of price-cutting. To ymi, it means the bargain opportunity of a life-time. Don't miss it, for nowhere will you find anything to compare with the bargains that this sale offers. .($ i y u " m Entire Slock 1 SUITS ?! HALF-PRICE AND LESS! 40 FAMOUS BRANDS! r. , Reduced rain Reduced from M6y - il l rf v, Reduced from Reduced from Reduced from 7 Jsoy Reduced from $60 AH of Our S30-S35 2-Pants Suits Elegant Suits in tho newest patterns. Each one has extra pair pants to match, doubling their wear. $ 16 9 95 H $25 Palm Beach and 1 A K Mohair Suits, Cut To t $10-$12 White Flannel Pants $5.95 All $3 Pants All $6 Pants All $8 ranis All S10-J12 Pauls $1.48 $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 Men's Furnishing Prices Slashed! S2-S2.50 Wilson $135 French Silk $ ge; $3 While Pongee e- Qcr si 25-S1 50 mm Bros. Athletic iP0, Shirts wllh A'QO Shirts with or $ 1 5 jf,," W K Union Suits Collar without Collar now ' ASHLAND TZS "5-17-19 No. 13tfa'st. , 24-26"SoT5th St. -1 Open Daily Till 6 P, M. Friday Till 9 . .If. Saturday Till in p xi I -T -p t- ,; f' r r f it 7 t ' 'iMl u i n T T "! 1 1 ,. t-. . lt 1 f.