Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 03, 1921, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 19, Image 19

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tetters to the Editor
. . . n9tle Worker
ftrl,r Lmitf People lrln their
1 9lr-I " JSpI. Forum column,
rWnf!' '.hi I would air mine It Is tho
Jl 1 ,hMt of the domestic M, nd to
. (at subject or "J ,,, j Bm,
. b, It V".m,t .try Kitchen, with nothlnr
. "tt ,n. do at present, unless the phone
? Mcle.nr t0, ,1. bflle 'rlnir. I m what, we
ST.ome e i the ""'".loVr hour, alnco
44,1 ?.Bi "dutr." end It will be three hour.
...Ti. all over for the n1.ht-
' ulr'k"? rdrMr?. monotonous life ) that
"Mm.Ucl We aro supposed to get
, the ""cu of the partlea our em
wr pleasure out or ino
W,"Mft thetwmeof the.e tar. ML jjo
""'l!, J II i look after themselves. Ood
jft.?.S? W- 10 ,ounB8 "ound ,n
WS!!"' ,k.. n-oole employ help or when
tl.is 1m to work for them If.
SSlM to yoSr ndlvldualltr. Oh. well, no
.8. lll understand unless she ha. tried the
f." 7or herielf. I do hope aom. of these
'li who busy themselves about the f
' riri". llf would turn themselves to
""Jfrmint- of the domostlo line. There
' " ,7 2. Jwo? complaints, perhaps, from
J'h of wortere If this wero dono. The
E'm, tic l.d a hateful life! and 1 am not
Prised at Blria Ueeplnir away from It.
ft? awraw business tlrl. I ""; ,thlnk
I. sr. an imorant. unintelligent lot, but
want to be recomlifd a. a union and on
W JXs basis, too. for It ewtalnly Is a
tXu. and som. bu.lnes. too. If there
h Vwthlng more monotonous than a do-
Philadelphia. May 21L 1021.
Tha Borgdoll Seizure
.. -,..-.! v p.. Inn VulHc Ledger:
sirWhat did everybody aay whsn they
rud In the rarer mm i" .. -. --
JltoU the Ber.doll estate, houses, mort
t money, etc 7 They said J "Why
Im this not dons hng aro?" Had they
dent this when tha enemy allons' funds
Mr, kiln taken over by the Government
tolng the war we would not have had this
iwtisant ezperlence of spending thousands
tf dollars on this worthies, fellow and the
humiliation of tha Insults that he has flung
at our Government.
Drover Cleveland Dergdoll proved hlmalt
an enemy alien when he announced that he
Jit 8ld from the draft. His property then
should havs ocen sencu. muu n u"i "
biw done h would havo had no money with
which to gtt away, nor to have prolonged
ItUratloni In his case through the craving of
Itinera and others to get some of ths
Bindoll money.
r. ).. h nAvarnrnant hna fartAn It IM
to U bopad that they wilt kep up th
fbt or may now nave ino uerguuno just,
. ik.a fn tham . 't'hcBA nannlit riinnof
WflBr UiO Tit. ....s. t.vu ,. -..
lit ery far In their defiance of the Gov,
ml, Via.,, nuinnv ahrf ilnra IVOFV
chtnntl has been cloaod against drover
CltveUnd Dergdoll'. getting any cash, It la
tt be expected that wry shortly the peoplo In
' the German town that nre harboring1 him
..J hi. n1 TIta will InM thlr lnrlt In
Dtl MtO r .w . v. ...-.--. ...
him when there Is no lavish display.
If he comes back for tils money, no doubt
he will have to serve a long term of Im
prisonment, and If he does not the Oovern
mtnt ihould take the Ilergdoll money and
lnvtit It In some way to benefit the service
Philadelphia, May 28 1021.
Our Greatest Menace
ttlht Editor of the Evening rtibllc Leiloer:
Sir What Is the greatest menace which
aonfronts the world, this country Included?
II it that form of socialism carried to Its
logical absurdity catlod liolshevlsm? Not
unle w,e confuse cause with effect. Our
trtatcst peril and that of the world la Ig
norance. It was terrlfjlng to know that
there were 200,000 t'llter.vtes In our first
1,000,000 soldiers. Ignorance Is not merely
in obstacle to progress. It Is an element
at destruction It Is the fertile soil In
which Bolshevism Is bred. It Is the capital
which herded to the polls politicians of n
tips with which we are all too familiar. In
Its lees Illiterate but equally dangerous
itage It constitutes the clement to which
Btnepspers who advocate political ownership
,cf publlo utilities and the means of produc
tion lucceesfully appeal. It Is. Indeed. tn
itock In trade of the demagogue Ho has
imall use for the 'Intelligent workman, hut
tiudes srrpathy for the Ignorant and dii
discontented laborer.
When free and compulsory education was
Introduced Into England. In 1871. more
ttsn two centuries after the establishment
In Scotland, Robert Ixiwe nn Australian
nd then a member of the Cabinet, em-
""""' nocensuy in view oj the great
extension of the franchise JIo said "You
tavs made these peoplo our masters Must
e educate your masters?" A vote Is but
a means to an end, and Its value to the
K,!!!!"J?f.tV!t,,on L'M' not D the num
er recorded, but In the Intelligence of the
We must educate our voters If we wont
X. .! " Kr,at coun'fy. we mutt educate
L,! a ". ".int to down bolshevlsm: we
aa? ,S, ,0ClOUH "nJ "" "uch unfortu
Mtt conditions
W.ll..i -. C"AULKS T SM5NKER
rhllsdelphla. May 27 ioji
Graft In Public Office
Pe itV Z.dltor of thn Eitnina l'ub,ic t.edo'r
Sir Something should be done durlns- thA
Hoere AdmlnlitT.tlon to root out the petty
?hl Lwat '""'bt Into practice during
S vSSf "'Publican Admlnl.traUon,
by those hUh up a. well a. low. It la a
fZ n,lU Pub" mn,t Pr tor Pro
totlon, that they must pay for .enlcea
5 to 3h..Vd thM mttn " ot "Towed
St ? l". ha arns' but must divvy up
JSJiV..??1"."'? ,h9 P0llceman7and
the aihcart drivers and garbage men?
sJL,M ?in wanU ,0 break the law he
IowMlmnl.,1,eiI-.but h "hould rt re
Wowed to seek, protection through a ,ft
E.i, n Pay ""men and detective, for
their .neace This I. all wrong, and thl
toS2?,?Bth.dn,,rrt.Va "aV8 " m"Sdr.gh
Place and ieln t!f th'5' 'n,ered th8 mau'9
nf.il lMUa hl" cah drawer
ns men whoi are caught In n i r
ta X. i,.i rm? n" nn eamplo to thoi
5 mti. V.01""0" wh0 m"nt be tempted
2 !f' th, "me oxactlons Political
MHlona ' pariJ," lu! torchlight pro-
An Appeal for the Bonus
-.'McHrr --'-t
" any dJn h A"""-'n soldlets who
a?t now m.6P,ari"lons r""bI nd
y for th, w ln 1 ,n addition. .Uo to
Wllon doll.. .'A ,,""" tor 'h tentv
munition andThi l",cau"' h aforesaid
! at m n.ryft,ra ,rr"er' v""9 no'
irodteers we,. h,L .10n.Lh' '"", ,h r
nty bill lo, ?X, "u,lnK Ihe war to cost
doll,,, "10n dolI" Instead of tlve billion
fensatlon. " tSth J P,lllry """ed com
bi comp,rin .kdua, "nd " reasonable
taed co.i V?8h, ,ho 0overni.ient-caused
J'O'lty to "a, SL,1 UnK ,hrough It. sen
"' our Ua, Sn,Mrt- etc ,herebJ fore
hout oil run molhra who were left
vlnf. or ,UrT,r ,"?PPrt' t0 '"' Mn "
J' ln,re.tl"grrar',llln,4A 1,er facln the
pour mjiii , H rt ln Trance
If '"hiW. '"""r- are looked
L" d frienrtV "?l,,"n" ' many rela
ih,r re app.r,nlI"l,h ,0,M' rv"1 ,hol"--h
c0"tre, ,PPr'n'lv held In contempt by
e,tio Th, p,m U " llnllylnr with this
'." ""' hill "n ?n " rnaterlHll oppos-
V b amWnL'ttlWKh0r8 T"" made
!i lhl bm ,, ' h ',fRth' "ro detormlnod
n" word, la ' L' trough.
S""1 faj ,pea"hl,roo2llle tearaTn Me-
" ""thing, 'Tu, LV chV" '" grades
a-Uuitei ,mi.,",lc'' 'hrousli patting
TTt 'o prov. """nwUin bill, win do
citted Prcve our aacrincea .were nppro
PllUa1elphl. jIay :o,' BBOOAll.
ft'ei.".a f0P Pens'ons
J00"" a j".r V,Mttl1" hill providing
mtnd.hu '.'r for (pr,,i,i..i. i.
,IMcmpj,7i'1,,,on' """"on. for retlrtd
r'nho".!,!!,:! ft.dM ,0 ,h0 """ '"'
e0ov'mrnt ,J,h"r.,l" ""o1 or
m:. r.ln kd .i rkln,r "'tough heat and
Lottern to the ndltor ehould.be a
brief and to tho point as poaalbte,
avodlnp nnythlnit that would open
i denominational or sectarian dla
emission. No ntlcrltlon will bo paid to anony
mous letters. Names and addresses
must bo signed nn nn evidence 'of
good fnlth, although names will not
o printed If request Is mado that
they bo omitted,
Tho publication of a letter Is not
to be taken as nn Indorsement of lta
views by this paper.
Communications will not bo re
turned unlens nccompanled by post
see, nor will manuscript be saved.
mall oars. Few of them ever re'cnlve as
mud, n ibuo n year. si. A. D.
Philadelphia, May 20, 1821.
Poems and Songs Desired
Questions Answered
A Break In tho Cable
To the FMtor of the Evtnino i'uMo Ltdotr:
Sir ltow la a break In ,a cable under
the water raonded? N. L, P.
Philadelphia. JIay 20. 1021.
The Bureau Of Standards says that
steamships are especially oaulpped for the
purpose -pf finding a break In the oable
under ths ocean, Steaming at right angles
to the cable) they pick ut one end of It
wllh grappling Irons. They pas. along thla
until they come to tha break. A now splice
Is accomplished, tho other broken end
picked up and another splice made.
Pipe Line Problem
To the Editor of the Evening Public I.tdniri
Sir Is It postlble to solve the following
question: '
There are three houses, back of which
there are three wells. We want to run a
pipe line from each well to each house
without crossing one line over or under the
other or running a lino through a house or
welli that Is, making but three connection,
to each house or well. A IlBADBn.
Philadelphia, jiar. 27, 1021,
Aliens Returned
To the Kdltor of the Evening PubHo Ledger:
Sir How many aliens were sent back to
the old country by Immigrant officials last
year? w s. D.
Philadelphia, JIay 20. 1021.
During the fiscal yenr 100, 430,001
Immigrant eltens were admitted and 11,703
wero debarred.
Measuring Altitudes
To the Kdltor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir Please tell mo how they meaaure the
height of mountain.
Philadelphia. JIay 20, 1021.
The height of mountains or other alti
tudes can be ascertained by barometric ob
servations, showing tho pressure of atmos
phere at the lower and higher levels. An
Instrument called the mountain barometer
I. graded especially for this purpose tt
can also be Cone with a leveling Instrument
and theodolite, but either way requires tech
nical knowledge.
Questions Regarding Angles
To the hdilor of the Evening rubjlo Ledger-
Bl Suppplemental to the questions asked
In mv communication of May 20 I would
ask "H. Jf " several others. '
riret. What la nn "angle of elevation"?
Second. How does It differ from an
"angle of depression"?
Third. Tou say. Letting X equal height
of balloon and Y equal th distance to the
elation due south of It, otc, etc., and then
you give the value of Y In the last pnra
graph a. 3018 47 feet, that Is, the hypotenuse
Y Is shorter than the altitude of tho trl
angle, which Is Impossible. How do you ex
plain thla? near In mind, you say that.Y
Is the distance from the balloon to the sta
tion due south of It (meanlnr the balloon).
Therefore, tt must be the hypotenuse,
t Fourth. Why do you assume that angles,
whether "even" or odd, should Indicate to a
(urvayor that tho ground on which he Is
measuring a bate lino Is a-, level plans or
otherwise.? Buppose the angle "of eleva
tion" were aay OS degrees HO minutes 10
seconds from the horizon to the balloon at
one station; would this affect tha contour
of tho ground?
Fifth. I. It not. a fact that you have con
fused "angles of elevation" with the angle,
at the upper vertlce. of the two triangles,
when In fact they are entirely different?
II. Jf.
Philadelphia, JIay 80. 1021,
Referred to Readers '
To the Editor of the Eicnfxo Publlo Ledger:
Blr Could ou kindly Inform mo of some
method of treating pine branches no as to
retain their needles or leaves and with what
to color them so a. to maintain their nat
ural appearance? w. 8. L.
Philadelphia, May HI. 1021.
To Cure Bashfutness
To fJie Editor of tha Evening piiMlo Ledger!
Sir I. there any cure for bashfutness or
selt-consclousncis In an adult? What Is
Its cause, and are there any reliable special
ists In Philadelphia or New York City from
whom one may obtain advice? Any sugges
tion or Information through the People'.
Torum on the subject will Lo appreciated.
Ifarrlsburg, Pa., JIay 31, 1021.
There are no specialists who treat bash
fulness. It Is easily overcome by practice,
do out as much as possible ln tho company
of others. Practlco forgetting' yourself, and
cultivate tho habit of not thinking that
other people are paying jnu any attention.
JIake It a rulo to speak to as many of your
friends as possible and upon ft great variety
of subjec).. Itad considerably eo that you
will have a number of subjects at your
tongue's end for discussion.
Wants the "Ono Glass"
ro.fJieJ?diioro ie Evening Publlo I.eda-r:
sir I recently read In your People.
Forum the poem, entitled "The Two
Cllaases." Would you kindly print for me
the poem of the "One Glass"? I can recol
lect this much of It:
"Hal Ha, ' said tha wine, you slander a
Such vile accusations how can you defend;
Though of many virtue, you can truly boast,
You have plunged Into error without count
ing the host."
Philadelphia, JIay 31, 1021.
'An Autumn Morning at Cambridge'
To the Editor of the Evening Publto Ledger:
air nome weeks ago In your paper the
JStart now, Ttnd then the mind grows
Uegln, and th.n the task will be com
pleted "
"S. W. P." would like to secure a poem of
three or four slanaa. which contains the fol
lowing lines-
"My country, my country, everybody's coun
try, The lend that made " free,"
f p r20j
following stansa was quoted!
"Down ln the town, off the bridge, and the
They are sweeping up the leave, to let the
people nasal
Sweeping up the old leaves, golden-reda and
While men go to lectures with the wind In
their gowns'."
The stanra wss credited In the Introduc
tion to "one of the queerest of the new a la
mnAm ,4nLr.. h( ..! .. ..-. In Mnr.
land," 'and tho title was given as "An Hacelll Eslo The songa "Whn the. Sun
"Autumn Morning In Cambridge " Can you
tejl me where I can find the rest of the
Philadelphia. JIay 31, 1021,
"S, It. L." asks for a poem whloh con
tains these line.
"Aro you In earnest. Belie this very
I What you can do, or think you can, begin
rr v gis
r '-IT "B
- , .- , i i i i
Goes Down In Flanders" and "Olrls of
France" are both copyrighted, and we could
not print them without securing permission
from ths publishers
"Jtrs, W. W. A " asks for the words
of a song'called "Jlother's Evening Song,"
the words of the first verse of which ares
"Jlother's song la low and sweet.
As she rocks'her babe to sleep,
Twilight shadows oreep along
A. she sings her cradle song,"
t 8afe Broken and Rifled of lff
IMMbIiukIi, .Tuno . (By, ,V M
Thlers entered tho offices of t -H
Liberty Lumber Co. hero duriBf
night, Knocked tne comDiwaiion
gnfe and stole SI 70. Negotiable
tie worth 500(H) wero taken rron, A
drawer and acnltercd over tho floor. '-.
I where they were found by" n clerk whVi' '
"opened tho office this morning;. ' '
The People's Fonnn will appear dally
tin u,o j,.cii.ni "iuiio xjtuirer, ana niso
In the Sunday, Publlo Leificr. Letter,
discussing timely topic, will no printed.
an wu in. rcnuniru Doeran, unci questions
of general Interest will be nniwerrd.
War Tu
ftefggtSii IJjS fHNEM,
Every Other Sunday
Sunday, June 1 2
Specl.il train loaves Heading Ter
minal 7MM) a. M. (Htanunra Time),
H.'OO A. SI. (Das light Having Time),
stopping at Columbia Ave , Hunt
ingdon St , Wayno Junction, Logan
nnd Jonklntown.
Returning leaves Now York Wfst
21d bt . 0:47 P. 31. (Standard Time).
7t47 P. M. (Davlicht Snvlnir Time).
Liberty St . 7i00 P. M. (Standard
Time), 8. 00 P. SI. (Daylight Saving
Philadelphia & Reading
ilnZ7fetwj J J&S eaaSaTBas
laaTiiiaaaaaairj2 .
Same Quality, But With Ideas Added
Many Gas Ranges sold
by us yenrs arjo are still
giving such good service
that their users would
jiate to part with them.
These old Ranges were
built nccording to standard
specifications, thus insur
ing long life and econom
ical operation.
But the now Ranges
which we are now display
ing have many added fea
tures for convenience and
cleanliness which appeal
very strongly to the mod
ern housewife.
You will find a visit to
ono of our Showrooms in
teresting and full of ideas.
The United' Gas Improvement Company
alTa.-. (J ' Kv-4 Z ow
For Men of Good
Black and Brown
Heather Grain Brogueu
Now $9.00
A show fashion immensely popular with
well-dressed men. Here are numerous toe
shapes and many varieties of punchings and
patterns. Walk-Over comfort and fine fitting
byilt into every pair.
Harper's 0228 marketi
Single Pieces
Complete Sets
aaaaV '". , W
rivcrythlmr tn furnlturS to benutlfv thn
home erounda unlnuo. nnd attractively ile
Hlgned, Including; Wood Aichea Trellises,
Arbors, Entrance Ontes, Tergolas, etc.
Buy Direct From Manufacturer
See Our Display at Salesroom
Bv buying dlrcat from us, you are assured
not only sorvlco and quality but reason
able prices
.1835 Market St., I'hila.
Ui ''w-
i. in .. 1
Smith 6? Brodhead
Manufacturers Custom Furniture
Temporarily 1112-14 Walnut St.
We Are
and enlarging our plant at
are located temporarily at
1112-14 Walnut St.
(Same Phone, Walnut 1801)
where we will offer all our floor samples at a
big sacrifice, as we cannot carry them over
the season.
This means an unusual bargain to those
interested in fine living-room furniture.
Free Auto Delivery in Philadelphia and Vicinity
Smith & Brodhead
Manufacturers Custom Furniture
m-1112.14 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
rJrHE undersigned Banks and Trust Com
panies, members . of tne Philadelphia
Clearing House Association, give notice
that the hour of opening and closing for
business will follow Local Time, which,
from the first Sunday of June to the last
Sunday of September, will be one hour
earlier than Eastern Standard Time.
Philadelphia National Bank
Bank of North America
Southwark National Bank
Kensington National Bank
Penn National Bank
Girard National Bank
Tradesmens National Bank
Corn Exchange National Bank
Union National Bank
First National Bank
Third National Bank
Sixth National Bank
Eighth "National Bank
Central National Bank
National Security Bank
Centennial National Bank
Ninth National iBank
Tenth National Bank
Northwestern National Bank
Southwestern National Bank
Fourth Street National Bank
Market Street National Bank
Quaker City National Bank
Northern National Bank
Franklin- National Bank
Textile National Bank ,
Land Title 6? Trust Co.
Real Estate Title Ins.&TrustCo.
Girard Trust Co.
West Philadelphia Title & Trust
Philadelphia Trust Co.
Provident Life 6? Trust Co. of
The Penna. Co. for Insurances
on Lives and Granting Annuities.
Yv VfaaVaMaBBBlaaBBBBBBBBaBUalaBBBBaBBBBBBBBBB .jaaaa1aaaaaaaaaaa"aa?aaaaw. ' I k flf
pfrEAmft p rrtfti-
Your Mother Used It SiKi
aM -VI MM.W .BaaWMBa Mki MaaaW iMaijBh V
fill It Tod.u! Onre Vsrdl Alnais llsrill
It's Ihr "Orlflnul" Krmrdr! Urlukr "I.iiiIobIvi' "Imitations"!
iSst 15c . 35c & $1.60 Worth its cost!
Si n
of rich,
Factory Help
If you need operators, menders, sewers,
finishers, etc., you'll get them quickly
through an ad in
- J
rPHIS choice unsalted butter is
sure to suit the taste of those
who are particular. A perfect
creamy flavor and fine grain make
it the most delicious butter you
can place on your table.
twees p3I
Just ask the driver
of the wagon with the
Supplee -Wills -Jones
Don't let inferior oil
hold up your trucks
Profits today depend upon rigid economy
TTTHETIIEK you use a little one-tonncr on
V pneumatics or a fleet of 5-ton giants, every
truck must pay its ay today. Lay-ups for re
pairs wipe out months of profits.
Scientific checking shows that 90 of all trurk
engine troubles are duo to faulty lubrication.
Ordinary oil forms black sediment when sub
jected to the intense heat of the engine 200'
to 1000 F. Cylinders are scored, bearings loosen,
over-beating becomes common.
Keep enense like this off your books. Sedi
ment is reduced 80' 0 when you use Vecdol, the
lubricant that resists heat. (Sec the two bottles
below.) With Vcedol in the crankcase most
serious troubles are prevented. Enginea pull
better, throttle down lower.
Have your men flush out their engine". In
struct them to fill nn vitli V,J1 I .:
dealers have Vecdol in stock. Consult them for
Vecdol lubricants for every part of
the chassis
Use Veedol lubricants for al! parts of the car: VEEDOL
d - v";o": ,-- ",v"'"'ui ncavj, special ncavy,
Salen Corporation
11 Broadway New York City
Distiihutcd to dealers from
1-10 South 55th Street, Philadelphia, Pa
(Phone, Woodland 1001)
hi fi
0 1
Onlinirv eil Vtfiel
ejlet ute mfltr tw
rm ii'itmi fnrmM
ejur S00 uiU anmaia
Mado by the jnakcrt of Tydol ?
i '.
4 ,
' ,