rarra t : ' 1 ' ,HyvT7S?flbWM v iiia ';.r.j' jt iti v( '"t . sr; 1j-"P .f. ' ' r" ' , . faV , r , ' " , ' 3 -i i f p ft s"'" .n r. r:s-uwmm "Mwm jf I f" KSKfc ?.f'wv ,' , $unvsi ,..- I.rocs, Cumber dm 1. f ;. Rasnberrv Three iu fiefm-v""- VlUon. '1 tr nr Jfits. M. A. wnjw " -t I m .... i i. 0VE brW afford ?V," D t r,nnrtlinity to InihllBP in ; the ww y. ,';-: ; ,," rnHf S?5F STrom local water. MW 'I iTA,,.Vlfc may Pln t0 use ' .,? Kne thcomlng .rm jS'h- & """ Mar"ct SUNDAY ntJP!AKFA8T .JSnJSff Se Blw :.V."n;lii nous- HJ.B.",Pr, CofffC DINNBU' Ltmon Cocktail Tout Onions Radlshci ,ou a.it1 Peanuts Vej Fish with Ham and Tomatoes ffmc cumber Salad Bils(n CuiUrds Coffee SUPPER Wtlih Rarebit on Toast. fined Potatoes Sliced Tomatoes A.rnrfiruH Mnaiereite .....; Pi Ten Tbj &rkt basket will require EiM tamatoet, . (lit UtUt of ttraubtrnes, 0M luiet of raspicrnct, , im, . Cwunberi, Teuns onuiti, Rtiiihtt, Wttereru; 0ws Ptktett, Immt, One wry ttn He of . Tim eauiiM o; ;t, Be0, Cos" tomato tauce. Poached Eggs on Toast Cat ilice of bread ona inch thick tail then dip in a mUture of beaten eggs od milk; ft until golcUn brown pa naklsr hot fat : lav on a platter and lice In the oven to kep warm. Now lice .in a raocepan we cup oi mn, TM.te tablespoons of pew, OHt-hoU teaspoon of ittlt, One'-Aal teaspon of wh(le pepper. Diieolre the flour in milk and bring : a boil. Cook for five minutes and n tidd one-half cud of stated cheese. t!r to. Mend and then poach the eggs i tie usual manner. Jjirc wtui a Iiiob can be held in the band or laid ajilate. Then lift and roll gently preorvi toant. This presents the hit being mede coggy with water, lotcr with clicejo fauce and sprinkle liti finely miuced parsley. Iir.on Cocktail Rcim out the juice of two lemons and its add Sir tabUiMoni of iuoar. One cp of tcatcr, PoU of ore egp. Buttoiniv and then beat the whites ' fit Jtiff and pour olowlr into th' tiffly bfatoii white of cgc the pre- tted lemon mixture; beat hard to tend, UaVerf Ffsli With Ham and Tomatoos Si-ile ami rlcane the fish ns soon as b reeeire it and thtii wran in a loth or piece of wnx paper ; wrap in hrte thicknepsrs of ncwsnftTer and life on ice until needed. Prepare the h in this way nnd it will prevent the aor irom reaemng otiier roods in the letox, To prepare, cut tho 6sh in pieces of litiblc si7i for jcrving and then roll i flour anil place in a rasserale. Cnvp.r ie flsh with sliced onions and then lay Piece ef liam on Ilin flh nlrt th lje of the ham to prevent, it from stling. Cover the ham with a thick lice of tomato aud then pour three wietpoons or salad oil over all and ale in a moderate oven for thirty-five .Inutes. To serve, lift nn n linf nlnlfor nnrl irnisli with pninte of toast and finely cra parney ana n little tomato auct. Raisin Custards Hub th rilRtnrri pun with KnHor atsA Ihen In the bottom of each cup place fjfuii noirn rai&ins and tour piecei f nicely buttered bread, cut in inch oek?. Now place in a roixiwc bowl to eooi, Volt of one egg, OM'Mf cup of sugar. One ani three-quarters otips of milk, One.Aal irmpoon nf nutmeg. Beit Until thn intrturo t (... l.l.. 'leaded and then fill the custard cup's 'L 'lm in baking pan which has ... "'". two-tnirds full with warm . i i,aM ""' nan containing the UDl In h Aran n... I V.l, 1 1 tM e custards are firm in the center. ...ti ,i ,nse""'K a eilver knife ;r: if no oubtnrd adheres tjj the iBiie remove tho rn.tnnU f,nn, i, "a ami let cool, thm chill. Vt? the II tH Of in ai r,,l . V..1T 1 . Ml. T" "in-'liail Hill OH oi wy for making a Caledonian cream. 1. T ,"" t1"' ''""tards and garnish n a few vaifins. Tliis amount mij six large ciiHtards. Asiviraziis VlnnJn-e Trim (Vin ... i .. . KklriFi?rtion,; tlf ,n bundles and r In boiling water until tonder. Now liiit Into g ch nu l.owi m,i . SlaeTO"'". ,,h0 W1ing dressing: H..'i '""' wnps OI nacon ino nm Iflt In l2 1nd '!,rn the bnron nnd th- 'un n bowl and add M 'a,ro0" o tall, oZhl', MSP'" f milliard, indirt'.lli!lc?.pr,r,0.TrAPrnKUH A?ec 1 over Tt. d ,eUUr wlth ,,rcwlnR nxxv:avfn'' kn rub r,L,hf DS0r t0 mix '""J Ml,,. V1 '"o inblestioond nf !,,. r tZi,h,r l3,h?w fr ('0,r the id i.(noU ,0,,t Rn(l "so to ? berrlelnfn " t0 (,rntn- Trn pSl"n.bSwrP,irf,,,,,,,t,nn3 "if cm,i nf , itl b''w "d,ltfn1,r!'',l' 1'r over the tfd l"l i-pnnkV over the oiih. ();"', C"''"y 'filf l,rrn,t r, ,.. kiif. """"' "f fl Wy (. onnrrf . ' lin.i I. . bi'le la i ieTw!11' (,,"""rrton and' the; EVENING PUBLIC LDGER-PBILABELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 191 0n,"I,!Sil-ii-d4" WANAMAKER'S . DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S WEATHBIl Radiant June Dresses, Some a Third Less, Some Half Price in a Summer Sale of Great Importance Wanamaker'sDownStairsStore . . . Center Aisle Opportunities Many tables of soccial merchandiaa rure-A for the Center Able. Each table i numbered, beginning at Chcatnut Street, to which there are two direct entrances from the street. No- 1 Wonderful $1 Underclothes Belated shipment intended for May and just; arrived to the great advantage of Juno shoppers. NljjhlKowns and cnvelopo chemises of lovely white cotton, voilo or dimity in pink or whito. Puff Bleoves, narrow laco edgings, ribbon shoulder straps nnd other daintinesses. No. 2 Pretty Lace Pillows, $1.25 New low price for charming lingerie pillows In narrow and wider widths. Covered with effective imitation fllet with figures or with large laco medallions. No. 3 pretty Veils, SOc White or flesh color grounds, gaily dotted with light or Copenhagen blue, henna, brown,' black and jado. These fash ionable, finely dotted veilings nre cut in yard longths for con . venience. Nob. 4 and 16 3000 New Summer Corsets $1 to $2.50 Models for all type3 of figures. Materials aro exceptionally good, thoy aro well made with as little boning as possible to make them light enough for warm wcathor. Athletic style corsets aro included with clastic insets and no lacing. Brand-now shipment of cool net corsets has just arrived at $1.50, $2 and $2;G0. No. 5 Plain Color Rag Rugs, 90c Ordinarily they would bo half as much agalnl 25x50 inches, in blue, pink, brown and green. Nico for summer homes. No. 6 Rainy Day Umbrellas $1.35 and $2 Both men and women can share in this fine June offering of really rainproof umbrellas. Those nt $1.35, without cases, have handles with wrist cords for women and plain and crook handles for men. $2 ones aro of better American cotton taffeta with wood or bakelite handles with rings and neatly cased. No. 7 Double Panel Sateen Petticoats, $1 Heavy white sateen, double paneled front and back, with clastic at top and deep flounce hemstitched nnd rufflo edgod. By far tho best yet. No. 8 English Voile with Directoire Stripes Less Than Half at 19c Last year at this time similar vollo sold at sevon times as much. Wish wo could paste n sample right hero on the paper for you to sec. It is cnchantlngly fine and tho stripes nre of yellow and pink with a black line, turquoiso and blue, rose and blue, bluish gray with a touch of pink, navy and rose and so on. Ideal for cool frocks, negligees and soft curtains. 86 to 38 inches wide. No. 000 Hair Nets, 60c Dozen Again a lot of theso perfect nets that always go so quickly when wo are able to get them. Cap and fringo shape in black, dark, medium or light brown and blonde. No. 9 Women's Lisle Stockings 75c Pair Fine imported lisle with pretty openwork clocks or lacy effects that look much like silk. Black, white and cordovan. "Firsts." Silk Stockings, $1.50 Pair TCemarkably good silk stockings of durable quality with mercerized tops and soles. Black, cordovan, suede, covert and navy. First quality. All sizes. No. 10 RemarkableLeather Handbags, $1 Silk Handbags, $3 A maker wanted to clean up a lot of fine raotal frames. He had these bags mnde up and let us have them at n fraction of their usual price. The $1 bags aro pouch shapo of leather or suede with flat metal top that has mirror inside. Some of tho $3 silk bags show frames that wore on bags at more than double. Silks are of corresponding quality. A number of styles in black, taupo and navy. No. 11" Different" Silk Underclothes $1 and $3.85 $3.85 for satin step-in chemises directly copied from a Paris model. Tho flesh-color silk reminds ono of quicksilver. The "step-ins" are gaily ruffled nnd tho tops havo lace, Georgette, ribbons and fascinating rosebuds. $1 for camisoles that were two and a half times this price last year. Exquisito satin, hemstitched in maize, orchid, mignon, light bluo and rose. No. 12 1500 Pair 16-button Length Chamois Lisle Gloves, $1. 65 Until now duplicates of this very quality have been in our stocks nt n good deal more. Perfect quality and fresh. Manufacturer's overstock or the saving wouldn't bo possible White, biscuit and cafo nu lait. Almost as fine to look at ns real suede No. 13 Children's Joyful Overalls, 60c to $1 Nothing nearly o good all this season. Special purchase of favorito kinds in khaki color at 60c, navy and whlto cotton at 75c nnd 85c, and plain navy at $1. Sizes 2 to 8 years. Made with "can't-pull-off buttons." No. 14 Dainty Veslees, 55c Many have ctifls to match! Hcally pretty ones of fine organdie or net trimmed with Inccs. A similar lot went out in no timo sovcral days ago to women who wanted them for Bummor frocks. No. 15 Charming Feather Hats, $3 Astonishing at this low price. Not so long ago thoy would havo sold for moro than double. Milan hemp and liscrc with beautiful uncurled ostrich bands in contrasting colors. Dnrk blur, black, gray, jade green, Copenhagen blue, brown and sand. Silk lined. Thoy will fly away at this prico. No. 17 1200 Pair Long White Silk Gloves, $1.1 5 Beautifully cool gloves from a famous maker known the whole world round. "Seconds" of a grado usually considerably moro costly. Imperfections are very slight, silk is heavy weight, fingers aro double tipped, bncks Paris point stitched. They arc full 16-button length. No. 19 Hand-Made Porto Rican Blouses, $2.90 Anothor lot of theso ideal summertime blouses! Sheer whito batiste, every ctitcli put in by hand and quite elaborate with hemstitching nnd drawnwork. No. 20 Women's Summer Skirts . 50c to $2.90 About a hundred good shirts that show rnarks of handling repriced 50c for Snturdny. Other splendid white hkirts, usually of gabardine are $1.15, SI. 35. SI .05 to 32.50. l.ustroiiii Mirf satin skirts (cotton) in white yind Copen hagen bluo arc $2.90. J $15 j .2 i 'f ! $12.75 $6 $8 $5.SO , $6 HAT an unfoldment of Summer loveliness: Dresses like these can tnakc a Summer, for every fold speaks of happy vacations, pleasant little expeditions and rollicking good w times. 400 Dresses Special at $15 Embroidered Georgette crepe dresses in pastel shades; in all-white or in navy over gray. Navy bluo Georgette crepe dresses dotted in white. Heavy crepe do chine dresses in navy, black or tan, trimmed with silk fringe. Georgette crcpo dresses with bended bodices and fringe-trimmed fckirts in navy, black and whito. Checked taffeta frocks in gingham colorings. Fringed Tricolette Dresses, $12.75 Lowest price yet for tho3o fashionable dresses. In tricoletto nnd crcpo do chine, these dresses can be had in black, brown and tan, with five rows of fringo trimming tho skirts. 2-Piece Wool Jersey Dressea $10 and $12.75 Youn? women never seem to get enough of these simple, becoming dresses. Skirts are pleated and bodicea have Peter Pan collars and cuffs of linen. In navy, tan nnd rookie. $6 $15 $18.75 Prices are a great deal lower than they have been for many Summers, and dresses were never more delightful. Virtually every Summer material will be found in this won derfully fine collection of charming new dresses. Tricolette Dresses in Large Sizes $22.50 and $25 Cut on simple lines, which will be becoming to ma tronly figures, theso dresses aro in navy blur and black. In sizc3 30 to 44 at $22.50; sizes 46 to 52 at $25. 1000 Pretty Cotton Dresses, $2.25, $3.50, $3.85, $4.50, $5 Dotted and figured voiles in light and dark color ings are made in dozens of styles. Checked and plaid gingham frocks in gay, sunshiny colors with crisp whito collars and cuffs. Scores nnd scores of pretty dresses, simple nnd practical. 1 New Slip-Over Sleeveless Frocks, $5.50 Another wonderfully popular model with young women. The dressea are of white, Copenhagen or laven der lincne in ramie weave or in pink, blue or red checked gingham. They havo cop V necks, no sleeves and narrow belts. Wonderfully Pretty Summer Dresses $6.75, $8, $12.75 to $18.75 Hairline striped voilea in Copenhagen, pink and orchid look so cool and fresh with their organdie sashes. $6.75. Checked gingham dresses in red, yellow, brown, green, blue, pink and lavunder, are in clear, pretty shades made in many ways, at ?8. Crisp new organdie frocks in light blue, beige, brown, flesh pink, orchid, often combined with white, at ?12.75 to $18.75. ' (Mtrknt) 300 Dresses Special at $6 Many of these hac mignonette skirts and bodice.' of printed Georgette; in navy, black, brown or tan. Dotted and figured voile dresses. Gingham dresses in a variety of checks and plaids. Organdie dresses in pin" white, cherry, Copenhagen and orchid, made in many pretty ways. Fine Sample Dresses, $25 $29 $35 Exquisite materials and handsome trimming char acterize these beautiful dresses suitable for afternoon, for dinners and for evening wear. Canton crepe, crepe back satin and lovely combinations of Georgette crepe and dyed laco or Georgette and satin. In navy, silver, brofn, pink, white, cherry, orchid, honeydow and flesh. Just one, two or three of a kind. ; SPECIAL AT $5 Summery Hats Hats of Georgette crope are lovely and markedly becoming. There seem to be all shapes and shades, from whito to navy bluo, including orchid, gray, pink, flnnie and light blue. For trimming, bright field flowors, ostrich, silk fringo, whito flowers, silk embroid ery, bends, applique flowers or rib bon. Summory hats of organdie nre in various delicato lints and show the prettiest flowors made of orgnndio! Dark hats, very light on tho head, of horsehair and malino, trimmed with glycerined ostrich, mako excellent street hats for Sum mon (MnrUot) A Most Graceful and Fashionable Wrap Special at $29 It Is a full-length wrap on straight coat lines. The collar may j bo worn Tuxedo and tho front open or one may pull it across if tho breeze is chilly. The sleeves are set-in but open in kimono fashion toward the hands, adding charm to the slcnderness of dainty wriRts,. The loose, nnrrow belt goes around twice. Beautiful Materials You may select lovely duvet do laine in navy or tan or fine qual ity navy tricotine. The wraps are fully lined, some with Canton crepo and others with peau de cygne. Jersey Sports Coats Special, $13.50 They nre in Copenhagen, tan, emerald and binck, with Tuxedo rovers of white Jersey (Murkrt) WOMEN'S bathing suit arc $1.90 to $16.50. Rubber bathing caps aro 15c to $2.25. (Market! Men's SilkHalf Hose, 35c 3 Pair for $1 Half hose of good black silk, fine gauge, are well re-enforced. First quality. Wise men will get half a dozen pair! Men's Underwear Special, 50c Seasonable shirts and drawers aro "seconds" of a dollar qual ity. Tho imperfections are very slight and mostly hard to find. All are of a fine, light-weight, knitted cotton. Shirts, bleached or unblcnched, havo short sleeves. Drawers in both nre anklo-1 en gth. Knee -length drawers are in the blenched cotton. (Oaller.r. Murkrt) Real Value in These $21 Suits, Sir! Yes, AH-Wool Wo KNOW that they are "real value'' for wo worked hard to have them made of rcliablo all-wool materials, tailored right, yet keeping the price down to J21. Your choice of blue serge and mixed cheviots in a varied assort ment of semi-conservntive styles such he young men, particularly, like. Other all-wool Miits, herringbones, cassimcres, serges and worsteds, $25 to 537.50. Palm Beach suits arc $lfi.50. Mohair suits aie $20. All-Wool White Flannel Trousers, $10 The real flannel kind, creamy and cool-looking and very well tailored. Trousers of fine worsteds aro $8.50 and $9.75. Trousers of chciots in about every imaginable pattern, all-wool, of course, are $3 to ?7.50. Men's Good Shirts, $1.30 Another little lot of these good shirts that men have been so enthusiastic about all sizes to start with, but they probably won't last a great while. Of evenly woven percale, firm of texture, cut over our own genernus patterns and mnde with soft cuffs. Fino Summer shirts. MEN'S English straw hats at $2 are in small sizes and in sizes up to 7V2 at $2.50. (GMtff.T. Miirkel) Little Girls' Organdie Dresses, $3 to $3.85 Flowered frocks in maize, pink and light blue are in sizes 0 to 1 at $3. Plain color organdie dresses, pink or light blue, $3.-15. Dotted organdies white grounds with orchid, jade, cherry, Copen hagen or brown dots with plain colored organdio ruffles aro in sizes G to 14 nt ?3.85. White Dresses for graduation and tho festivitieb of the close of school ate of lavnr at $1.50 and go to $35 for fine frocks of Georgette crepe. Between those" prices there aro ninny dainty lawns, voiles and organdies, (Mrkt) Eventful Shoe Doings for the Family New low prices on eood shoes from our regular stocks. Wanted shoes just come from the makers. Mothers, fathers and all the children will be nter- $4.90 for Women's Black or ested. Plenty of room for every one to be seated comfortably and to be fitted quickly and carefully. $1 for Children's Pumps I White Low Shoes Third to half less for our own standnrd nnklo.Rtran pumps of black patent leather. Sizes 2 to 6. $1.75 for Children's Button Shoes Lo&s for our own carefully-built high shoes for chil dren vho wear sizes 2 to 4. Made of black patent leather. $1.30 to $2.10 for Children's White Pumps Whito ennvns ankle-strap pumps, Somo with wedgo or spring heels. Sizes 2 to 1 1, according to price. New Shoes for Children Tan leather oxfords and ankle-strap pumps aro new at $3 for sizes 8'i to 11, $3.50 for sizes 11 & to 2 Pntcnt leather ankle-strap pumps, sizes 11 U,"'to 2 arc new at $3 25. ' $5.40 for Girls' Pumps Hla.'k dull leather, tan calfskin nnd patent leather strap pumps with low brels- Sizes 2'i to 6. (ClirstnUt) rtl.rtt cl.mn.nnl nn ..n.vMfil tmrrtlin nf Ul o .! unlf- A s skin one-strap pump (pictured) with imitation wing tip, ' Z' welted soles nml ( iiluin Iieels. Also white ennvns onn-eve ties with turned soles nnd high or baby French heels. $5.40 for Women s Tan Oxfords Three styles. All great favorite. Both ofords and strap pumps with welted nes. medium and low heids nnd imitation ball straps or uing tips. $6.85 for Women's Pumps and Oxfords Decidedly lcs than our early season price for tan leather oxfords with medium heels, tnn calfskin one-strap pumps with baby French heels and gray leather one strap pumps with babj French heels. Broken sizes. $7. 75 for Women's Black 56.85 Calfskin Pumps v resh ivoin the factory the much-wanted one- trap pumps with welted snp. and Cuban hccK if lirnlnut) -rtA 1 $5.40 jr) fX'fS' 1 $3.50 Men's Market Street Gallery Shoe Sale at $3.50 Well-CUt Oxfords frp.cihlv vnnr-ipnrl in VrnvrM- nnf IVin lncf Kff .,. r a wonderful special purchase. Staunch black 'leathers, tan calfskin and brown kidskin. Blucher and straight-laco stylos, medium and round-toe shapes, bturdy welted soles. Some have RUBBER heels. Plenty of all sizes in tho lot. Direct entrance from Market Street and Subway. (Onllrry, Mm Lot) SVw' -$?Oi ' y " 7 'r - jT -S? $3.00 I i 4 13 r f,t r a 'J i 1 11 "15 W ii, W 1 ill '1 4 " 1 Iv'i it,- ... VI ' LjVjJV; C, , , - . -t i .If r H ? -LiLH'v .. ..-V I Wfl . .IL ,v , V ie. .". . IvtsJii