' f, wwvw H.'v. & ' - -; '" , s J. y ST t l- vl , t " t!.,'i EVtiNItfG PUBLIC XJEbQEBr-VBJLADmimiA, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1021 I 11 JUST GOSSIP ABOUt PEOPLE tf v WyWia Tallcs About the Dance Given by Mr. and Hirst-Charles Cnstis-Harrison, Jr., for Miss BrooJee ? 'Tonight Other Matters Discussed .ii t.. . nnmbcr of dinners T9T hrfow th dnncc which the l.ooli before in glvln(f out nt Jimetawopd, their '0I"nh , ls the for Rhoaa, ",'V Trcnchard Nowbold '"bJSJetort. fen hc was only ijjgon Wiorc ' u ,.mmPr and winter "entecn, nd ?t imm part of ke "lcnt St Tspnln. ab 5J5 v.. tav being "' "' ... .n. nnd how weJu'rf5ArbM "o mo .h For,.. if nine to be away. V? Juts one has been if aln I roVn lonB time to be away. ' ! 'rflrt "? bo Preceded by a ndwcBi'b Harrisons for "nn?r jffthere w 1! be a dinner for Bkoi.nlSw In tar her aunt, EHnlr nalrd of Merlon, at the j'lu Country Club, and the SHtfmoto? up'to the Harrisons fterward. Mnrcchnl Browns will tt befomthe danco and Mr. Idlnn,fwncnard Newbold will on id Mrs; ? niece. Ellen Douglas tertajn for their m , returned Varope "nd who will make her from Europe u , 0 m wm debaD.fnXtnt dinner at Dolobran. Hav "Erf and 1 SSrtheV " will be a gay erford, ??,, "ffnlr. Augusta Harri' ,nd Vlfe Cbtll , Ilwriwn.' daughter. ' . last Mason, you know, nnd ?.t "Loftier debut next year, fnnderstand. a know that the tablet wh eh the. Colonial uamc. i , Ellen X D! aa?-n,F"finul,rfl nnd the formal SSntiUon will be made on fejindnr & tdb MIL" lnn nton niBhop 5 "who was Instrumental In SkMIS ?2!7 0'1L. Instrumental In wnau", " . ohtll tno flret mem- lura The tablet ATr,momnrntC3 alBO tb.8 ??. ChrisT Church and Perm's Si.tr "with the Indians. It has carjea ft the arms of the Bishop of London 2!i tki Compton family arms, and the tlT which Is on the Bishop'a tomb . Mham. England, has bcon. placed 1 rt tablet. Mr, Horaco Wells Sellers ta totaned the lablet, which is carved fn"X marble. Dr. Washburn will '..,. ecntleman to receive the J,ft nX name of Old Christ Church. Mrs. James Largo Is president of the Cekalil Dames; Mb. Wllllnm Maaters Croae and Mrs. Alexander an Kens lelacr aro vice presidents ; MIbs Eliza beth Gilpin, secretary, and Mrs. Joseph Mlclle Fox, treasurer. SPEAKING of church doings reminds me that the Iter. George Calyert Car ter and Mrs. Carter gave a delightful little informal tea in their garden yes terday at the Churrh of the. Hcdeenier rectory at Bryn Mawr. Isn't their daughter Mary sweet and attractive? I law her out at the Horso Show ono day last week tho very picture of spring loveliness, wearing a frock of old rose colored linen and a big black hat which was particularly becoming, ns Mary is fair and has blue eyes. Her 6istcr Virginia made her debut last fall. HAVE you heard that the Saturday Evening Danclnj Class ls to be leld next year in the Toycr of the Academy of Music1 I think that is a very- nice idea. The Foyor is perfectly beautiful, convenient nnd for the bis meetings when supper Is served bos all these accommodations too. It seems to me a wise move. I understand Mrs. Jick Geary is not going to be a patron ess neit" year., Mary will probably be In Europe aud then she will come out and there are no younger daughters in the family so Mrs. Geary fecl3 that sho will be busy enough without affairs. Marj. or Bunny as sho is railed, wus graduated this week from Springsid. She was the class prophetess nnd from all I heard of her work did splendidly. Quite a number of nttractlvo girls were la the class which received diplomas Wednesday morning. There were Sue Goodman and Virginia Carpenter and Rosemary Howe and Martyn George and Frances Bicknell, Amelia Seixas, Nancy Stoughton, Marian Donaghuo, Lucylle Austin, nnd ever so many others, twenty-setcn in all, If I have heard right rpHE baby is just a cnr and a half old, but that vholc year nnd a half I full of love of one person nnd that Is: Mother. Sho can talk very little and juU put her words together, o he does not sny much, nnd in moments o! keenest joy she becomes very, very julet: Tbo other day she sat on the Boor plajing while Grandma was with ner and Mother bad gone out. She did ot seem to miss Mother but plnved contentedly and quietly there till mul- i ' ', front tIoor wnK heard to opon, A radiant unile sprrad over the tinj ce and in tho veriest whisper to wandma, she snld "Here fho turns. ' NANCY WYNNE. k SOCIAL ACTIVITIES tki,n-1ea??ment ot much Interest to "its and other cltlcjj Ik that of MIbs Aoic ready tvUh a host o dainty JCO I sinmeia DRESSES I 'or our flrtt nclertimi (oilny mid tomorrow Voiles, Oryamlies and Chambrays $ Ji.00 yjlmfij-l In th tiewsat Milo cieattorK noon tho bill Priced as low ns $0.50 fSf 8- WE TRUST YOU I Gorgeous effects In tho nowi'st I Georgette v trepes ?for Summer fk U AND uri I Kiwt m GATELY& FITZGERALD L W MARKET ST. W ..Credit i, V r wiicau Evenings i! Mary McDe Mlkell. daUBhter of Mr. and Mrs, William E. Mlkoll, of John son street, Oermontown, nnd tho Rev. Oliver Jamos Hart, of Mnoon, Go., whloh 'A, nnnquneed today. The weddlnjr- of Mien Mlkell and Mr. Hart will tako Place on Wodnosday, July 20, Ui Trinity Episcopal church. Cnstlno, Me. Dlshop H. J. Mlkoll, of Ocorffla, who is nn "nolo of MIbs Mlkell, will ofllclate. Miss Mlkoll la a Rrnrtuato of SprlnKSlde School, Chestnut Hill, and of Smith Col lCKO. Mr. Hart wcrved as chaplain of the First Division In Pranoo and wan cited for bravery. Mr. Hart and his brldo will livo In Macon, Ga. Mr. Ml- KejJ is dean of tho Uw School of the iiiinerniiy or l'ennsyivnnia. Mr. nnd Mrs Mlkell and their family will leave he. latter part of this month for cnstlno. Mo whoro thy will remain till autumn nt their aummer homo. Tho woddlnir nt MIm Snrali IT. Tl r. rose, daughter of Dr. Charleo B. l'cn toso, and Mr. Androw Van Tclt, son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles E. Van Polt, will lake placo on Thursday, July 14, at 5 o'clock at Devon. TTio gueota who will attend tho card party and luncheon today whloh Mro. Tplbert N. Richardson will givo In honor of her daughter. Miss Sarahellen Itich ardson. at tholr homo. West Hohool lane. Gormantown, will Includo Miss Mary do P. Geary, jjlsa Ellrabeth Rofrers, Miss Evelyn Martlti. Miss r.tltla Lnndroth. Mss Luoy .leffcrys, Miss Klsa Krame. Miss Margaret Hubor, Miss Caroline Drayton, Miss Lindsay Pancoast, Miss Martha. Barton, Miss Caroline Graham. Miss Catharine Roberta. ZJIsa Margaret o?an, Miss Kllwibcth Logui, Miss Helen Hendorson, Miss B. Martyn GeorRo, Mlsa Marmret Hamilton, Miss Louise Weill, Miss Helen Chapman, Mlas Julia Ross. Miss Agnes Clement, Miss Annabel! Wood, Miss Elizabeth Pearson, M s Betty Harris, Miss Lllllo Ferguson, MIbb Emily Cookmnn. MIm Betty Bll I'nKilcn. Miss Eleanor BIlllnKSlca. Miss JlrRlnlft Carpenter MIps I,ufllo Austin, MIbs Bertha Smytlie, Miss Marian Dna Khue. Miss Mary Sailer, Misa Constanoe Howe, Miss. Eliza Woolston and Miss i.i jiV.c , .fi-m': ,r 'rh'aa rnoto by Macnrcn. neat for a short time ot her brother, Robert D. Bawn. of 124 West Mt Airy avenue, has returned to her home in pji iru MP Airy avenue, n ew York. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Hunt and Mlas Betty Anno Hunt, of 118 Wt Mt. Airy avenue, are at tho Oceania Ocean City, for a fortnight NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. M. Peustman, of 2122 Sprint Garden street. 1b vtsltlne her Bon ant1 daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard veusunan, of Baltimore Mr. Anil Mm Walt n n.1.lM. of the Royal Apartments,' at Broad" street and Glrard avenue, have returned irom Bpenaing noverai days with Mr, and Mrs. Morris Kaufmann nt Phil mont, Mrs, Ethel M. Junk, nt rlirkahnrn N. J will give n dinner this evening In honor of Mlfs Ida B. Powell, of TI26 Marlborough ntrcot, nnd Mr. nobert Gibson, nlso of thl city, whoao mar rlngo will tako piece on Saturday, Tho member.i of tho Alpha Tau Slgnia Sorority will hold a meeting on Satur day afternoon at thn hnmn nt Ml. Anna Larkln, .1841 North Rroad street. Among tnouo prnciu win ne .Miss Helen urmg land. Miss Mary Wrlcht. Minn Mvrtle Sllverwood, Miss Martha Dlbort, Miss ai,u.if ,, (iiLiiiuii, .tiiaa UUTia I-.CI,- nlson, Miss Kathorlns Ferry, Miss Kattv erlne Young nnd Miss Bessie Parkins. Brown street, announce the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Bertha KIrkel, to Mr. Harry Stein, of New York. Mr. ard Mrs. Wendell Swift Tredlck and their family have returned to their home, 610R Christian street, after spending a few days nt Atlantic City. FRANKFORD Mrs. John H. Brown and thejr family, of 1226 Fillmore street, will leave within a few days for Ocean City, where they will epond the summer nt their cottaije. Miss Hlldn. Rterllnir. of Harrison street, has returned from Atlantic City, where she spent the week-end as the guest of MrB. J. Thompson and Miss Myrtle Thompson at their cottage on States avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mill r, of Paul street, are receiving conijratulatlons upon the birth of a eon. Mrs. Frederick M. Glazier, of 1T Bridge Btroet, has left to spend the summer at hor cottage In Wlldwood, DELAWARE COUNTY jne annum uincneon 01 inn nm; fltlK nt tlm Tmn1 TTnlwrsltV Will DO held at the Aronomlnk Country Club on Trurcday, Juno 0. Colonel James A. G. Campbell, Mr. David B. McCluro and Mr. Isaac E. Johnson, of Chester and Media, havo returned from a fishing trip to the Po tomac, where they motored n few davs ago, accompanied by a few oilier friends. and Woodland avenue, when Miss Helen Marie Dempsoy, of 7223 Woodland nve nue, was given Iq marrlngo by her father, Mr. P. P. Dempscy, to Mr. John J. Graham, of Riverside. N. 3s Tho ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. Father P. P. Dougherty, wbb celebrated with a nuptial mass. The bride wore a rown of white satin and lace, with tulle veil arranged with nnnm hlnnrnrnn. extending the . nt hr M-illn trnlti. Him carried M sh bouquet of whUc rosex and lilies ,511 Aiarin jjenipsoy, f MIbs her as maid of honor She " tie, wi valley. nttenried n. irnwn nf nlnlt irponrnfto. Willi nil OV skirt of lace, pink hat and carried pH roses. j Mr. I. M. Graham acted as beat'ft, for his brother. -n1 f SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Tho Junior Cluh -Ml nniartnln Infor mally at n reception this evening In the Junior Room of tho Bcllevue-Stratford. Miss Josephine Do Putron, daughter of .nr, nu .rs. josepu uo I'utron, or mi Porter street. Ii president of the club. Miss Elizabeth Joncn hn-. returned to her home at 1112 Christian street after having visited friends In Coaldale, Pa. W -I f S fay m M The W m ownmer kjowti st norristown The man-loco of Mies Anna Cecilia Hynts, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Rich ard L. Hynes, of Penn Square, nnd Mr Jams P. Feeney. Hon of Mrs Teresa i-eeney, 01 X3 ivisi intmiTOi street, this cttj, wan solemnized In St , HpIen.x'B Churrh, Center Square, on WpdnpsrlAv Tho bride was attended , by her sinter. Miss HarrMto Hynes ns maid of honor, and tho best man was the bridegroom's brother, Mr. John Feene. A reception followd at tho homo of the bride's parents. Upon their return from a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Feeney wilt live on Bumsldn live nue. Jofforsonvllle. MRS. JOHN GIUJERT Who ls 011 the Kxcrulhc Committee- arranging for the "Juno Fclc" which will be given on tho grounds of tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club 011 Tuesday noxt Nancy Woolston. Miss Margaret H. Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davis, of 618 West Hortter street, Germnntown, will entertain at luncheon nt tho Philadelphia Clrcket Club on Tuesday. June 28, In honor of Mies Frances Wharton Scott, daughter of Mrs. J. Aiinnn n,t nt 2204 Pino streot. who will be married tO the RCV. AlbatT T?!3.w1aV T.llraa ann ?m Mrs. Albert Luoas, of 320 South Eighteenth street, on Wednesday after noon. Juno 2D. In St Mark's Church, Sixteenth and Locust atroets. Tho guests will Includo thp bridesmaids. Miss Davis left on Thursday for Boston, where aha Is being entertained as tho guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Charles Rawloy, of Brookllne, Mass., until the end of tho month. Invitation have boon Issued by the Pennsylvania Society of tho Colonial Damca for their annual celebration on Thursday, Juno 9, In commemoration of the establishment of its nrst public building. Governor William Cameron Sproul will address tho Dames, and a luncheon will be given by Mrs. Sproul at her home, Lapldea, Chester. ,.,JIrJi,.WaIter P and hr daughtern, Miss Elizabeth Copo and MIbs Nancv P Copo, 200 Eaat Johnson street, Ger niantown, will leave today for Saunders town, R. I., to spend the summer at their place. Miss Nancy Cope will return next week to bo tho guost for a tortnlght of Miss Jane B. Teatman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tope Veatman, at their country place In Chestnut Hill Mies Richardson and Mlsi Helen Hen derson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gwynne Henderson, accompanied by Mrs. Frank B. Gummoy, win sail for Europe on Juno 28, where they will spend tho summer traveling in England, France, Switzerland and Spain. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Harrison Fra zler, of 201 De Lancey place, will Kail on Wednesday, June 8. for a several months' trip to Europe They will meet their eon-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs William Howard Hart, and MIbs Eleanor Hart in Paris. Miss Hart will be presented to t,ocIety at a tea by her parents on October 8 at Arrow Head Farm, their plnco at Ambler. Mr and Mrs. O Hamilton Colkot have sailed for Lngland, whero they expect tr. remain Indefinitely They will not return to tholr home 2010 Spruce street Mies Norma Grey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rsorman Grey, of 18.10 Pine aircei. win sail tor .uuropo on Juno 23 accompanied by her cousin, Mrs George Borgen, of 2114 Pine street They ex pect to spend aomo timo In Naples, Italy, and will return home early in October. Mlfcs Pranees Wharton Scott, daughter of Mrs. J. Alison Scott, who will be marrlid to the Rov. Albert Hawley uunn, un -ji iuru. uDen iurns. or 329 South Llghteenth street, on Wednesday afternoon. June 2?, In St. Mark's Epis copal unurcli. Sixteenth and Locust streets, returned to hor home, 2204 Tine Rtieot, last ovenlng after a visit to New 1 orn. ur. ana jure, ueorge J'nies Baker, or 1110 ociioYuc-ouHiiora, wno are occupy ing their country place. Old Oaks. Rose- niuni, win leave on rueaaay, Juno 14, for Taul Smith's, where they will re main for sovoral weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. George H. Earle, 3d. have arrived in Paris, France. They will spend several weeks In London before roturrdng to tholr home, Orays lane. Haverford, about the middle of next month. An Inlorestmic wedding of tho early autumn will be that of Miss Juliana S. Baker, daughter of Mrs, Louis C. Baker, Jr.. of St Asaph's rond. Bala, and Dr James W. Nixon. Jr., of San An tonio, Tex., which will br. polomnlzcd In October. Miss Bakor hai rriurned from a several weeks' visit to San An tonio, where sho was tho guest of Dr. Nixon's parents. Dr. and Mrs. James W. Nixon. The Philadelphia Chapter. D A. R., has extended an Invitation to Us mem bers and Invited guests to a luncheon nt Varnum Headquarters, Valley Forgo, on Wednesday, June 8. Mr. and Mrs. N. Joseph Marks, of G10 South Kitty-seventh street, havo nnnounood tho engagement of their daughter. Miss Ruth Marks, to Mr .Her man L. Coasoy. A number of thn younger set of Oten oldeu will give a play tonight at Sharon urn. whlnh will bo n three-act comedy. rntltlod 'All on Account of Polly." The cast Inclines Miss Helen Deputy, Mlts Miriam rcggiesion, .iib jnna rvuuor and Miss Dorothy Hcpford. The pro ceeds will be donated to charity. QERMANTOWN Announcement Is made of the mar riage of Miss Barbara B. McAndrows, of 133 Pleasant streot. to Mr. Thomas J. Haviland, Jr., of 170 Pleasant streot, in Holy Cross Church, Mt Airy avonue, on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Miss Jcnnio Naughton was the brides maid nnd Mr. James T. Haviland, a brother of ho bridegroom, acted as best man. A breakfast followed tho ccro mony at tho home of tho bridegroom Miss Jeanne Roberts Harper and Miss Helen Roberts Harper, of 211 West Chelten avrroe. havo returned from spending a few days as tho gursts of their brother and Blster-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roberta Harper, 2d, In Chevy Chase, Md, CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Mrs Robert M. Barton, Jr and tholr daughter. Miss Betty Barton, of 143 West Durham street, have closed tlvlr home nnd are occupying apart ments In Bclalr Court, Atlantic City, until tho late fall. Miss E. Male Bawn, who was WEST PHILADELPHIA The wedding of Miss Sarah Eliza, betli Kolb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Kolb, of 4322 Walnut street to Mr. Herbert Holmes Ttoahm. son of Mrs. John J. Roohm, Jr., of North ' Twelfth street, by tho Rev. l-orsyth, op Germnntown, at tho homo of Sir. and Mrs. L. Meyers, C611 Lincoln drive, on Tuesday evening n'rlnric nn Wodnesda morning In St Mr. and Mrs s KIrkel, of 3332' Clement's Church, Sovcntj-fln-t streot Graham-Dempsey Wedding A nrsttv wedding took placo at 9 Black iWhite Shop :& flaisainniw A splendid tonic 1 the ffieddinaZh sbojO neab rrtatol Moderate Trice Writ er fbra for Ensrarc samples. ROYAL ENGRAVING CO.. 814 Wabii St Clearance lale 75 Hat 10.00 A choice selection suitable (or wear now. Values douBle and treble. All sales are final. I. W. MULREADY 125 South 16th Street One Couturier said "Make it of Lace," Another said Georgette." Still Another "Make it of "Let us put the two together." JSh Sir . . . .and so we have all three. Laces take various tints to match brilliant - hued Georg ettes that are diaphanous as a Butterfly's wings Gowns that suggest moonlight, summer night, glowing light and the dance. Priced Moderately 69 .50 to 125-00 Gown Department Second Floor BONW1T TELLER & CO. cJr4r Sfxaaltu Skp cfOnauwhonti CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET raw eggs in milk every morning Gold Seal Eggs carton of twelve At all our Stores BONW1T TELLER &, CQ UtcSfxciatlu ShfycfOnainalionb CHESTNUT. AT 13 STREET BLOUSES Special for Saturday ?J for the Sports Slirt for the Sleeveless Dress for the Sports Suit H Frill Blouses 5.50 Dainty affairs of French voile or white batiste, trimmed with Valenciennes lace. ' Dimity Shirts 5.50 Imported fabric shirt, with gingham fluting?, in rose, blue and tan. 3.95-5.50 Tailored Shirt, with Peter Pan or long roll collar. Long or short sleevts. Blouse Department l-'irst Floor 21 lli.iiiii.iiiii:iii)iiiiiiiit !.. ,i. i.iii,i,iir ' M Oh V.i BONWIT TELLER & CQ uht tSpcdalbj tfhop gf Qricfiaationt CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Extraordinary Offering 150 SMART SPORTS JACKETS I5.00 V Flanntls Velvets Jerseys Veldyns Polo, Blazers actual values 22.50 to 39.50 Jackets gay in color for those who indulge in 8 p o r t s, and for those who watch others play. pawiiniraM vjeorge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 12M Now-a-day's It's Allen's Hats Summer Millinery Reductions A re in Full Swing Our Summer Millinery is marked at decided reductions for quick clearance. These price should proc irresistibly attractive with the summer months ahead. 100 Trimmed, Tailored and Sports Hats for the weok-eiul at ' Price Now $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00 Women's Pure Silk Hose, Special $1.45 Wck Whti drvii nj.jian a f nM Na -y 1 1 pir. aU itnrklnz ith a llsl top ii j . riie 'e a hy grad unci ar a ery serlc ililn nuilltv An t' ipdi 'our numnifr ui Women's Lisle Ribbed Vests, 3 for $1.00 Now ip tfv tlm? that r t " ii an s di ous 'eta and w ha lust ri l a. .ot Lf t nr i - 1 'h tf-jirw nad rKUlar tnpn 1 a s f'nm ft 'n 41 f but in rinf eummT ltln ribbed vrftta In 51 125 FLANNEL SKIRTS White r Tailored Models Striped Plaited Styles lO-oo The plaited skirts reveal stripes o f rose and purple, purple and gray, and gold, gold, walks. Oxford blue and the wearer as SPORTS WEAR DEPARTMENT THIRD FLOOR Nightgowns at Special Prices Nainsook Nightgownn, special values, in three qualities, .i0. SI. 65. $2.25. Extra sire Nightgowns, of fine nainsook, S1.65, 52.2.", $2.50. f'otton Crepe Gowns, kimono sleeve; flesh color or white; others in figured crepe. $1.7." nnd $2.00. Cotton Crepe Pajamas, plain or figured, in flesh or blue, $,1. $3.00 Quality Fine Foulard Silks, $1.95 cMa SUk of Ann n')t t 1 m PK -rtTTlb i ("pr'lrraM i - fh s a1 r i t'TTid n I i i l p f r ti n tin mnn n hr j (i n Annual Summer Sale of Notions and Toilet Articles Allen's French Hair Nets Ifc rirli l PO a doirn DurinR this sale onl wc will sell six dozen Hair Nct.s for S.'j.OO Wcll-Known Toilet Articles Reduced lUnd !IMi, anl Alinon i i r.n i u'fi t mract Null Si"t ili, urn Viura Htlfl KloraniM" Sarin,. (H( riraya "rem H'ic all IRr n C t.ln lai IKr. tax tax 8o Ptbfro or rfpo1nt Tooth rn.t,-, 3Ari t.x Je, flna-flnel I lir. lrtallp ro"lh Uri.t,'. t 1'rnnhtlKrlli lnnih llrii.hr. P irr Hm I It t a'o 1" ih r,i,lrr Sfti Dnrln 1 rrnrh I nmpnet P'trr Timdrr u nl fi'v cl-r Vn .Mr l.mhauitr Talcum u-ualh 7ft'- ftSri x Sr .Tapnnua OII Oil ami Hnap H.lrft a .ln?n ukii l.aro Bpanlnh I umiln M,dp aprriui Mi akr Tlrlilsh Hath tiiap qftr lr r rak.a for WV. Uomlhnrr'H ,,r Oilllrura Paap, 2(V rak. Honor t nanrt I in Poap. .n fc7 .rvial lOe cak. Axura Trrnrh ral urn in.l zu , i! r Dlr KU Ta' mn Poudrr i-rila1 5ri tax 1e Cul' 1Orlciin rn-iidi 'll)r nvidrri all ahadra Vir pox I n Air 1 inbuunift latco . 11. CO !. l."5l IK fir Anu monr otlirr Itrm. ton numrrnu ' 1 " 1 h ti . ." imrtpjr.nt handlaa tV. , M 7 pr ll ,1.1r. I ? II nzzzz 1 r',1al 8'r; tax In H fl a M - . i r xB raxular li i m Jo rt I'M Compact Pact fowilar la mrntlon, '1 I I I i y I M nM v II W1WinillllllMBllMIMiMMnML,Miiimii