Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 01, 1921, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    iKvwari' '! rw draiows-'7v,', r - vvv -v- yittj.g ttmib tarr mrr'iM imr:ra'a:MMwMPjp-aow-Mi wtTT'Ty tw auppjiyam
' " -, !"., ..'. . ...V.". "liJ. '.. .! ) ' ,
PE1.?' "" " WANAM AKER'S
4 r cir
I'."'. tfc, ' (.
! J ,
Htnre Oraaatavat:
Store Closes at 5
, 'yV'fr
.'! '
orf Safes; Good FiashmmMmd
a wnoie rcige-orjmmmmmm:
. . , L- :-. 1 - - - ' - ; - -.-... ".-
!?Maidenly,Modesty Gontmues
li?A i .... T 4-Vt I AtraliAC'f
ro ne wuc vx .&; juu't vxach.
' ' T'i;o'. '
X JUlllgCI
this beautiful earth. ,
nlwavs seems
a freshly discovered
treasure, to give pleasure by her voice, manners and
!,' . A
7 She has' all the charm and delightf illness of ihe
fresh flowers of the new Spring, which, when they
Lgt come, seem to have a flame in them that burns
into our eyes the idea that we never saw anything so
he before.
t Such a woman, with a heart that holds the
Mities of a courageously strong, honest man, is
lire to be the best companion in the world. '
fa l. mu
Signed 9,
ihe Most Nearly Perfect Figure
in the World. ,
irtHe boyish, straight-lino figure modeled; by ancient Greek sculptors
ltd their modem disciples.
" m,t not Individual opinion, but the common judgment of art
I lad beauty connoisseurs in all ages.'
Strange how the tlgnt-iacea siay ana oia nour-giass corset ever
gtt woman away from it!
" But, it is the corset that has again brought her back to it.
'-. Parfsienne corsets in particular are designed to give women tho
iitural lines of the perfect human figure, with modifications to eliminate
kcjssive plumpness or. its opposite, where Nature has been unkind in
aiUier direction.
' ' These perfect-lined and graceful Parisienne corsets are priced ?8
fa $34.50, and appointments may bo made for personal fittings.
, (Third Floor, Cheitnnt)
-L :
A Timely Sale of Summer
Sports Skirts for Girls
$5.50 and $10
' ' ' About two hundred fine Summer skirts, all brand new and fresh,
lit in desirable and attractive styles, and all of remarkably good quality
iWffashiori for the prices.
At $5.50
there are skirts of dark wool plaids, checks and stripes smart woolens
raide up in pleated styles and in sizes to fit girls of 6 to 14 years, as
will as older girls who wear 25 to 29- inch waist bands and 32 to 35 inch
kflrths. These aro skirts for sports wear, for school, for general wear
MM are in most pleasing colorings.
(- At $10
are trim, good-looking skirts of fine English flannels in light colors
and novelty striped effects. These are most attractive for Summer wear,
will look well with fine blouses and sports jackets and are in 25 to 29
fell lengths and 32 to 35 inch lengths,
v (Second Floor, Cheitnnt)
J Smart New Sports Jackets
for Young Women $1,8.50
H Brand new and smart as can be I
Of wool Jersey in dark blue or dark brown, the jackets arc trimmed
with a novelty white wool which rqsemblea krimmer. They have long
wxedo collars, cuffs, and pockets of the white, and narrow belts finished
with white tassels.
1 118.50 and 14to 20, year sites!
They'll look well with light skirts, sports frocks and Summer
(Second Floor, Chcitnat)
Even for Bathing
, She Wears Strap
They are the newest style
bathing slippers, these smart
little strap affairs, and you
tnay have them in black sateen
;wUh two straps across the in
step for 11.75 a pair.
One-strap black satin slip
pers are $2.25.
Two-strap black satin slip
pers are $2.75 a pair.
One of the newest bathing
hate is all of glistening satin
and in a charming combination
royal purple and dull gold.
The hat is quite new in shape,
Is finished with a long, tassel
wd is 7.
Another new hat is all of
purple satin with white cord
ike stitching. It has a tarn
.crown, a roll brim and is $5.25.
tmi a pray iam-Hko hat w th
stitchinir Is verv fetch.
inffi QU te new nnH iu ti qk
Colored rubber novelty caps
btrin at 35c and go to $2.26
are In all cplorB.
And plain rubber diving caps
re 25c and cxtra-hcavy ones,
Mln Floor, Central)
Nfew Silk Sports
Scarfs in Roman
Beautiful border effects, plaids
and others in plain shades. There
are light and dark colors both and
they are the prettiest possible for
the sports suit or street frock.
They are pure silk, very fine
weave and $15 and $18.50.
(Main Floor, Central)
' New Striped
Prunella Skirts
In tli ..h. t.
Un r t tao'llnDie navy-and-
Z?5 ten want either the
. -. - i uiner.
A'Khis the light
Mf and I Vh i ' '"fty nne and
iisthenhrl",ternste 8triPe8'
lt KlooV, Central)
For Women Who
Like Those
with their dainty designs , and
pretty colorings, wo have an in
teresting collection in both white
and colored linen.
The white handkerchiefs havo
colored drawn threads to form
borders and plaids and different
designs, and they usually have
some floral or othpr decoration in
the corner. $1 each.
The colored handkerchiefs are
of those vivid-hued linens that
are so popular greens, blues and
pink and rose shades and have
drawn threads in other colors and
colored embroidery as well. $1.75
(Main Floor, Central)
A Special Lot of
Hats for Children
65c to $2
Wash hats, all of them, and pre-
need for now und all Su
cisoly the kind of hats youngsters
They aro of sturdy piaue in
white, pale pink or pale bluo, and
. there are styles for little girls
as well as little boys. Mushroom
v Imported Ramie
;L,nen, Special, 75c
a YtirA
ihvl'had1?)? for ? lonf whll we
'5 ttiiS renl ram' linen aB
n elght is an eSn,.tnll
iur su ts. uu.i.'..j "i""
Jt It ak l l" " ,m ureases
shapes, round crowns with brims
tnat turn up, hats with stitched
brims, soft hats and other styles.
7.a"d natural.
w yiltlt)
2 to 0 year sizes.
(Third Floor, Cheetnut)
Specially Priced
Unbleached muslin, a yard
wide, 8c, 10c, 12Hc, 16c and 20c
a yard.
Ulcached musln, 124c a yard,
one yard wide, The quantity hi
limited of this last Hem.
' (Flrit Flo.r, CIeeluB)
Hut, .
Women's teT&pyiS)iit&
, Ipr; Summer
, They are llghtwehJt.J:lsV, c9w7ii'oi, haither i !x
seys, as they' hduldKbe,7.Hd,,,.l V'tori,,"oif4rd,:,.oitinel,; nary
lightweight putW'lniiiW 'HmfH"""'.'
in' them, since i.they.artJonV i ,i5';iT,,1!i"r'W0?rlnr
27.60, -, , mii. , , when.irWthtVof ' ctiei
They worti.made.ln'mir'.own ," t Mrt.l'.deilrlr.there is nothing
factory and are' weir flnishtd 1 eter.' than JmyT""Alto, as
in consequence; there' ari'tciic. evetjUwdy. knows, It; doesn't,
models, all belted, ."arid .'thai 1 crti'sK' .' t..'
1 I -, "J1 . '" ' ' '
SOME fine en vdop'cheMlei have; jdkyrlvcd from Paris'
-chemise's ofVbtisteth'h! and hand
.embroidery, or Uee'iwd'h the refine
ment and charm .which" areJinevarble'frm French work.
Prices are $7.75 to. $12.
(Tkli Viim.. ciiH.ii)
Dress Blouses, Tailored
and LiixiWmsts
About Ohe-Half Ltssinthe
Every woman" whp
wears waists andr'jVat.
woman, does not?-rr.will
find her own btyleain -this
June sale. Suchvfineand
just-right-waists", bldusea
and over-blouses s& 'one '
usually pays- dQtible-fofrr
Dainty pale-colored " or '
bright-colored Georgette,
crepe de chjne; rhignonette"
and other silks, some
hand - embroidered;, some
beaded, some wjth real
lace. Hand-made batiste
and voile waists'. Morn
ing and tailored shirt?
waists of dimity, lawn,
handkerchief - linen,- .ba
tiste and imported shirt
ings, in the prettiest new
' fW; f 9 '
. auavi w-')r
, ViaSBLflHav
7fLi' .3HiW "
1 74 ) 'w i ABK
Mil ? yi'jjJJ". 'K
Prices'.start at $1, and
ifbsgltir,.' And for al-
. rnojtteyejry waist, fri- the
' Seybty would ordinarily
pmjr.-KoT more ira pre
: sent figure'.-
., .i 1
Dishes and Glassware in a
Sale of Opportunity
A sale of opportunity for every household; and
especially for everybody on the lookout for a bridal gift
of service and value! '
A sale bringing splendid 'selections 'pf dinner seta
of fine quality, also cut gtaask mporjtddected glass
ware and lightA:ut. glassware at real savings from
regular values. . -; t.
Hundreds of Dinner Seisat'Lower Markings
Chiefly Ameriean,Freneh and" English. . -.... .
American porcelain sets now $lT.50:to ,TJ50. .
English porcelain 'sets; 36'to: 5. ' , - - '
French china sets,: 76 to, $400..
Other imported seta,J65:to flOO. ';.," ';
All are seta of 106 or 107-pleces,uaJKl thefeJU a large variety
of. attractive; patterns ;to' select from..;"; " ' .j
Fine Cut Glass One-Fourth to One-Third Less
Much of this collection is from our regular stock and much
of it is new and all of it is exceptional.'
Pieces, of every 'desirable' description are? included and the
assortment is rich in gifts.. ".. " "
Prices from 1.60 for a bonbon dish.upto $175 for a lemonade
Imported Decorated Glassware
. In plain gold banda, in .floral decortloasiapd hi flowers and
gold. A wealth of pieces, all splendid gifta. From 25c for a vase
to $60 for a candy jar. '"
Light-Cut Glmisware
Pieces and sets of all desirable kinds for all. uses, nearly all
in designs dono by our own 'expert and "obtainable nowhere else.
Savings one-fourth. '"
Water sets with Jug and six tumblers, $2 to $5 a set.
Water sets with .jug and six goblets, $10 a set.
Ice toa sets, jug and six' ice tea tumblers, $, $6 to $10 set.
Grape juice sets, 7 pieces, $4, 60 a set.
Sherbet sets, .7 pieces, $5.60, $7.66 1 14-plece set, $16.
Berry sets, 7 pieces,''$6 aad 4$7i
Lemonade sets,-12 cups and footed bowl,"f3J50 a set.
Cheese and cracke dishes, $2125, $3.7K up to' $4.60.
Handled sandwich trays; $1.90 to $4.60.
(Venrth irtMr, CKMiaol)
Women's White Shoes for
Every Summer Need
-Oxfords of white canvas and
'buckskin,'.wlth Cuban, military or
Many a woman wears white
footwear from morning till night
in .Summer. And finds It cooler
and more becoming than 'any
other kind for wear with summer ,
frocks. 1
Pumps and slippers, of'whlte
canvas and buckskin, strapless ,j
or with one or two straps, with'
In loathfcheels. are $7 ud in
canvas, and f6 up in buckakln.
Sports ihoes of white' canvas
or buck, wtyh' vubber soles and
wfdf : heels. some, with tan
Russia trimming, jire, $7.60 to $20.
. 'A', shoe that answeVs for Vn.
'rious.needa Is Vhlte canvas with
trlm'mlnir'nf tmn K1..1. 1-tk..
Louis, baby Louis, Cuban oru. .-nJiuiti. rfmUltrw kMi. '
military heels, and either, light t$J:60; ." 4 .
' tyrnod ;or waited soles,-are W;tj v.FhiUciW'sllppera.witn Louis
for canvas; and.$12 upforbikt1.;keelsi,ra4',er.itraple:'$12-'
imi wi -.: 'A '.. . .
(rNt.Ww. IbiVrt)
Chinese Rugs
With Much to Commend Them
t From an investment as well as from a furnishing point of view
these are very desirable rugs;
They have In them the quality of service, and that is the quality
of a, good merchandise investment.
The prevailing colors are blue and golden shades that lend them
selves readily to unusual decorative effects. 1
People naturally like rugs that combine the furnishing quality
with the qualities of practical service at moderate prices.
12x9 ft $205 . 14x10.5 ft $485
14.4x10.5 ft. .- $525 . 9x6.3 ft 1145
. . yr
15.3x0 ft. $487
14x9.5 ft $357
0x6.3 ft. ' $175
10.2x8.1 ft $225
11.9x9 ft. .$287
, 13.8x103 ft. .
2x4 ft. to 2.6x4.7 ft
13.3x13.3 ft 1 .$636
10.2x10 ft :....$300
17.7x11 ft. $575
16J8X10.10 ft $5aS
16.6x12 ft $475
....$25 to $40
i... ...... 1
(S.renth .Fleer, Central)
jHaaav'' weeaifataaiaiaif;.-.it .-
.11. ' ' V-t-
savvjajapaBaBaK. Pij.arBaBaB
IH uVI Vi!Hieai7;LL "' '
t ..'WV
Men'9 'Sum:SXWmi4K 4
t- wi;ri...iwii' '.-'
xV.-,T,wf'wT!,.tH!'''f ' , &"!
Newest fabrics In' tHo" Custom, Shlln Shop 'are.
madrases and- some beautiful sllka.
The-madras. Is uncemmoftiy flne.ln textmre7Td4lMn4v r
in design. We will make It.'ap Into plain -nejafV Alrta'fli, , l
and pleated shirts at,$ll. 1 . t -. , .t.v v.t;M', ,
The silks are 'not' the sort., to. W feutuiih' nMVMir ,.:
shirts. They are In-tolM colors, vtrlpt and jamM tarea'an
are extremely rkh'ln colering. Plfclh negHsw shirts ef'tjiflse 'ailic's '
art 116 anil nUWtM ar 117. 4 -.
- I
art) $16 and pleated are. $17.
shfrta, ia.aiia "
I 1500 Pair of Summer
Curtains Specially
White and ecru scrim curtains
with hemstitched edges at $1 a
pair; with lace edges, $1.26 a
White and ecru marquisette
curtains with homstitched edges
at $1.50 a pair; with lace edges
at $2 a pair. -
All 2)4 yards long.
(Firth noer. Market)
take trips out of town
are interested in the Auto
mobile Ulue Boohs for 1921.
these books may be had. in
the Book Store for $4 each.
Road maps are there also
at various prices.
(Mala riser. Thirteenth)
Leather Portfolios
for Travelers
Convenient little affairs of gray
and brown alligator' calfskin and
glazed leather in brown, green,
gray and navy.
Containing tablet, address
book, stamp book, pockets for
envelopes and loose paper and
loop for pen or pencil.
Price, $6.76.
(Mala Flor, Cheetnut)
Summer Rugs for
Indoors or for the
Grass Rugs Unusually
0x12 ft., $14 8x10 ft., $11.50
6x9 ft., $8
Colonial Rag Rugs
9x12 ft., $18, $25.60, $35, $40
and $42.50.
8x10 ft., $14.50.
7.6x10.6 ft, $10.60 and $21.50.
6x9 ft., $6.75, $10, $18 and
Spedal 9x12 ft., $12.75.
(BaT.ath Fleor, Cheitant)
A Good Toilet Water
Is Refreshing in
Queen Mary toilet waters are
all mado in our own laboratory
and very many people think they
aro the best to be had at their
respective prices. These are
some of the favorite odors.
Muguet, Rose Spcciale, Helio
trope, Queen of Violets and Jas
mine, all at $2.60 a bottle.
Heliotrope, Muguet, Rose Spe
clale at $2 and $3.60 a bottle.
L'Emplre, 86c and $1.65 a
Violet. 76c, $1, $1.10, $1.35 and
$1.75 a bottle.
Vlolettes de Paris, $1 and $1.75
a bottle.
(Mala Floor, Cheitnnt)
V '
l . . ...
Men! Bays! Girls!
25,200 Summer Union SM$
in an Extraordinary Sali
Men 's Suits at 85c. and$&Ml
Children 's Suits, at- :75e
Savings of a Fourth to a
Best underwear news of the season. ' '
Brand new, first grade union suits, fresh f rom af amoumilli ;
Fifteen different kinds to choose from, anxf all of tHelfri Mafia,:
wanted right now and for all-Summer wear.- . ' . - IX
One of the best manufacturers, of' undfergannen.ojC tHte ?
kind found himself overstocked by nearly M000.-of -tfiew5ui&-i
xiy uin.inK uie entire atocK iur our rniiaaeipnia anawew iotk
stores we got them for a song. . i. .:.... i -:
These goods are on sale both Upstaiirsand Dpvvnetiirsit ,?
will probably be the big underwear opportunity: of-itf? 'lafii&bfc'
and one in which wise people will outfit for the. entire Sunimeipr''
- r f 7 ;
rt r -
Men's Athletic Suits
At 85c- athletic union suits of nainsook, basket-weave and fourdifftr-
ent patterns of striped and figured madras. ...
At $1.15 athletic union suits of plain andsilk-striped mercerixerl'cot-
ton and of striped madras in two patterns. . , "-.-
Regular, honest-to-goodness union suits, made without eny ekimphir fh'miUtUl?,
or workmanship and made for comfort. ' ' ' ' r
Generously proportioned and cut extremely full, with the'thrrfecvsMt'wJtlfch
gives extra roominess, comfort and wear. Also a tapering elastic walstbridthlif .
around to the front and thus providing freedom of arm movement and elimmatirif'ny .
binding at the waistline. .-.--. .? p. . . -...-;"
Sizes 34. to 46 in the lot, but not every size in every irrpup. ,,,, t:'..'" .
These men's suits will be on sale on the JVet Aiik UrUir. J
wear oecuon, main rioor, Market, and the Market Street Gatfcry of the
uown fetairs store. . . ..
tlJTS rf
Boys' and Girls' Cool Union Suits'
At 75c nainsook union suits for children: insizes 2.tt"18ivArtL; ,
Boys' suits in trunk length; girls' suita in .bloomer "style:., with, fin- nn.ii .
checked nainsook tops and bloomers of pink or" blue chambray 'or whlttcambrii. alf:V;
All made witlj drop seats and elastic webbing at back. ' ' i
These children's suits are on sale on the West Aisle, FfijFlc BliV
ket, and Down Stairs Store, Central - - . . A ,
Big Turkish Towels
Exceptional at 35c
Full bleached, snow white,
made with hemmed ends, Rood
absorbers and will give lots of
service. Liberal sine, '22 x 44
inches, at 35c cacK.
Splendid for seashore or home
(F.arth rioor. Cheelnat)
Madeira Tea
Napkins, $9.75
a Dozen
Of fine linen, hand scalloped and
beautifully hand embroidered in
six designs.
Excellent specimens of Madeira
work and charming gifts for a
bride of June. The price, $9.75
a doxen, remarkably moderate for
napkins of such fine quality and
loveliness. Size 13x13 inches. All
neatly boxed for giving.
(Flrat rt.er, Cheetnut)
A Good Vacuum Cleaner
ata$10Savfng -0
Every woman who hasn.t one, :neda a vauuaa"aner. ' '. )
It is the only way- to keap the hou clean without vanccwLW
drudgery. '-1'?7' '
The King Electric Suction Cleaner is one o.f; 1it on. the 4kt.,
.It hS splrndld P" feature insvrlng ita eflklmcy ttnaura-1
It Is used with no effort at.all. by on persn and b eatUr cairU.lt
about the house. . , -"j
During June this excellent cleaner is on sale her at-the'.awdal'
price of f 85. .... ..... ''"
(F.ara riaw, Ceatral)
Many Fine Dining Room and Bedroom Suits
at 40 Per Cent Less
.. 1
These suita are part of a series of unprecedented
Spring purchases. Within the past six weeks hundreds
of them have come in and gone out again ; but the selec
tions still here are wonderfully attractive.
t)imng-Room Suits
Queen Anne suit in American walnut, 10 pieces, $385.
Queen Anne suit in American walnut, 10 pieces, $790.
Chippendale suit in American walnut, 10 pieces, $410.
Heppelwhite suit in mahogany, 10 pieces, $830.
Chippendale suit in mahogany, 10 pjeces, $470.
Queen Anne suit in American walnut, 10 pieces, $585.
William and Mary suit in mahogany, 10 pieces, $795.
Queen Anne suit in mahogany, 10 pieces, $790.
Chippendale suit in mahogany, 10 pieces, $960.
Heppelwhite suit in American walnut, 10 pieces, $850.
Adam suit in American walnut, 10 pieces $550.
Heppelwhite suit in mahogany, 10 pieces, $886.
Italian Renaissance suit in .American' walnut. 10 "
pieces, $660. . " ''.'
Chippendale suit in mahogany; 10 pieces; $96: '.
Adam suit in mahogany, 10 pieces,, $13S. ?
Bedroom Suit ' - ,v 1
Mahogany suit, 8 pieces; $028. ....... f -.
Queen Anne suit in mahogany,, 7 pi J1076; ' f r 2
Louis XVI suit in mahogany, ft-p!ecJ;ifTttiX'(1Ti
Italian Tnntiinl ..fl. ! t''i. . .'. 1'
pieces. $705.
Mahogany post auit, .7 pieces, .$510.1 ',;.;: TlSH' j-'
$nooU"an nriw,vlt ln. ' i?
Colonial motif sujt in mah'oiaSy.'f pif41iM?wi' I
. t'v
i ft
V!.. ,
' !'"-):": iX'
i '.,-nfi. , ... ,-A .uiis
:, f.rX- "i-T ,' IUJ,-
J -v fl-'-'Tf- TST'T?T,'SWMnM"anaeaaaMeaBeneaaaeHBnMMaJJaBdaUK JB1
f xWtiJJr-y-