'. ,v .n " ''"' ,. i. j w '&'' EVENING PUBLIC) IjKm-HIIiADBLPiHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1921 : i : . V-- The Winds of the World By RUBY M. AYRES , i . "The Phantom .Loveti' "The Matter Man," "The Second Author or Honeymoon," Etc'. , CovvrtoM, Hit' B BvH4ka.lt. Int. THEGUMPS-Andy's Spunk Is Up By SUniw8 US STAWiB - r:- - M Mi Kam fJ --- poor, fl"j . JM 0""r "r, f!!rArt. jrofai h engaged B6Aioh toward to a life of toot, end low i . tips "r j Jii - odd no"' " " .", . :,,,. f ? "irZhu't marritgc. Bhe dot tfom "-;' ffaikv. and Tauentyre, Vilgtrci of herself and Z'AoMhtt, aha thinh,. AND HERE IT CONTINUES j j it.. hn4 In the stone A?tlrca8c(bcalmo9trnnin.flaman . i AAMinir uu nuv .,.... Sm.. nc ot er,n madc lhc ILhivcrydark and shadowy. ?S Jir pardon," she .aid. then JeTeatchlng her breath. "Oh. Mr. Ttllentyr! . Tallentyre law n SSd on the iron balusters. "So "-. here thn " Icc terf what he meant. tr wag In evening "" JUJThe orV as half open, and ,i, taught a ficm '--.. . hlrt expanse 01 iww- - left to her In the world now itathy had nw..v t H.IUllIU.aiJU UUJUDb UD UU V4M.W vas, she 1otc1 him. Me turned his head reetlesaly as Me npoke; Ms face was very white; little Dcaas or perspiration awod on his upper lip. , "You might might .have come before " he said: the worda were broken with littlo stiflca groans of pain. Jill lxnt nnrl IcIhmmI h(m "I didn't know; I would hao come at once; I won't leave you now." Shn wont hurt tn Tnllentvrft "He's ill please don't stay " Tallcntyro wan standing ratlicr help lessly in the middle of the room; be looked absurdly out of place, J Hi thought, and a littlo hysterical desiro to lnnrh Mllri her In snite of her anxiety; she wondered savagely what ho thought of her homo, witn ua ugiy, .cheap furniture, and air of poverty. .. "I'm sorry, but it's no uc staying," she said again, rather curtly. "Don n'fr iifwi nnvhmlv tfhin tinfl 111 he has such dreadful pain.' Her voice uemoicn a nine, , , "But Isn't there anything I can do? can't I fetch a doctor or do any thing for you?" he nsKctl. tiho bit her lip she said, tnd aft Hti hn working late, Tddt"swner; he turned and b ek down the stairs with he, M walked a. far away from Wm , 7 ... , ,,. fit horriDiy i"f ""- ltfe,nec,0thM:,,thr0at w0' " . .. hA never tiNl with nnsnea iii the difference between her Wwd hi. acutely- There waa a taxi wimu , "I'm going to drive you home, Tal- I. .-. ..M "No. Please aon v ri"" 15 eh m unexpected pleasure to see I700." ..,. i. '.im said "I've heen wonwi'b - -- i. hn felt a little o apprehensive, iljila; aho tew r.hft ftrc ,ou be looked up " """ plngr'sheaskod. gomc it was arBcu w .- . . . .... .- 1.t to turn up now, WWM-ll- v- -- - for though; 1 anaii - -- "--;,,. nbourorso. Sj:om your rfster hSP hS asked aUer a moment. i'KaMtst week to say she g'tome straight away and hoc us I flrsar mo, V)MCLt f IM- tMW ?W nLWArA pi&m't a: him for wit MowtV- t hvcttXjOktP WMj M ' Mt hietucd umwj WMtrr vv iia- tfc HA.Vt. "THt LOVC OF RtLAVe -, MP CAUm HIM WCtt- M.1N VTfItH6 OVfH A HOT SWVfc COOKINft'nKt iT"ii b jxr tw lKT wP of Tvrr r. V00IH- Damping ahooho huie FtJiK Aomhi: IN Mt BtST ROOM-tM'THB HOUXt- CH HE SCNPS ME A McASUX AA Biirwsr WlTH A: rlRSt CLAS HH QAV WA.UVUTElCA-reP 'ikMMiiY I CAN Q NVtTtP OvY NOT rdR 500 BOCIC - h m I 1 vJtu vTt'tt qet tha-t back- fTMK roiSOH YO ME" - ," ti V AA VUf! rtyjlV TMfN6 btfTVltEH K AN; TARVMlPHr-J 2? oiSfct BtTORE .W I CANY YWK Op AfrTMIH6 MCAH RNOUiH Y AY YO MIM havcjit 00.T MVtUF MAP tNPUl1 -Wl SOMEBODY'S STENOG Still Making It Pleasant for Van Stupe Copyrlrht. 1021. by rublte Idftr Co. 'XfweSVou say you heard?'; .,. "Yes weanesnoy. " ...,,.,.. Jin Jrhed as i-he thought of the'dls MPMotinl days that had rawed aince then "I'm just longing to see her 'ltentvre wia looking out of the -t.... MR fdcc looked a uwie b- in the grny light. nni,i mi rnmp to the office to see ne?" Jill asked naively, then blushed at her own aucstion. "I did yes: i went. w .w - rice first, and they said you were not .1111 eavo a muo tij " 1 m '" . '", Vr m.ii... "You went there: un, .ur. " tyf?' ...ij.il. Tf !.. n.Vi1. "Well wny snouion t '"'.,; h looked down at her with n faint imile In his eyes. "I didn't think you would mind.' . t x . . "I nuppose I ougnt noc 10 uui oh. I do!" said Jill: her I voice sounded stifled. "How did you I know where we lived "I asked Mr. Sturgess. Din. Vilt hr lln: nrescntlv she gave 1 little mirthless laugh. ,...,,, "It's It's an awiui roaa, isn i in lh said, desolately. "Ii'ii nnt lhc most cheerful soot I ve visited, certainly," be agreed quietly. "But there are plenty worse 'he teemed suddenly aware of the distress in her face. "What s it?" he asked. "Am nn offended with me? What have I done?" JiU tried to laugh. "T Vnnii. H'o .lllv. T lnniv T niiffht to be ashamed of myself for minding; but I didn't want you to know how horrid my life Is,'-' she said stumbllnelv. "You're so dlcrent and I just wanted you to to think the best of me you could." He sat staring down at the floor of the taxi, and for a moment there was inenre, "Do An mil tlunlr I'm linrriH?" ."fill asked, with n lit lln tntlih of ilrpnrl In ber voice. Tallentyro rout-cd himself, he checked t sigh. "My dear" he said gently. "Pcr- nSDS II Wnllliln't hn ii'Ia nf ,11 tn toll you what I think," and the sllcrtcc fell nEam and lasted till they turned the corner ,by the green railings, and stop- nun n V. n It. bad seemed such a short, short drive! Jilt wluhed passionately that It """ "F-r nave come to an end ; sne got out of the cab and stood for a mo ment with Tallcntyre on the pavement. .... imnm up ai unn a winnow ap Pwbensively ; she was glad that the fund was drawn, and Hint he wns not ? ?ut- Tallcntyre paid and dis missed the driver. tv OSatnow may l conic in and fcc Don?" he asked. Hh b lushed up to her eyes. lOUl rOmi In linM UA Ttnn I nil ao!" " " " "'" iiij uoi; f,...t did n.ot know wh-v sl'e had re- lUSeil KA mi .!.! . nl. .: ..1 it ,.. "i "". , pur .vnniru nun 10 f?5'.Sorf than "nytblng in the world, elded Hesitating nnd unde- Please!" Knid Tallcntyre. to !,. '. ""... M,e. 7 iwiy P v.-ji """' "" luniDieii "Tho doctor la quite close, but but I don't like to ask you to go.' She knew how everybody would Btare nt Tallentyro In hla dress clothes ; it cave her a little feeling of hyateria. to think of the excitement hla presence would cause in the road. "I will go certainly J will go, Tallentyre said at once. "If joo w111 tell mo hla name "Baker Dr. Baker It's only in tho next street. She went back to Don. Ho was lying with closed eyes now, his thin hands wero clutching the oca clothes; Jill took them in her own. .. u.j ...-. Mm nun thin before. ono T "-" .,' time it wrung her heart afresh-each time rtie seemed to suner eacn pi " n ...tned ah eternity beioro an? heard Tallentyro coming back; he naa brought the doctor with mm. Jill tried to thank mm ; ane n " l.j hn' would not stay any ius'i WalshHaa sorry ffr having kept him that he would be late for his rlI 'shall not go now," Tallentyre 8ai'd'i would rather stay, If. I -" he had had a few moments' conversa tion with the doctor on the way from Ms bouse, and there was something very pitiful in his eyes as uiuj i." "Liilnkwered: she turned back into the bedroom, cloning the door. Tallontyrc was left alone; he eat dowTo" 'the couch -heroin j.t most of bin time,' nnu ioo.;u ; - lltHoC thlTwas her homewaa It! poor lltUc girl! there waa a pltjlng : ten derncsH In bis lasy eyes as h looked at tho ugly fumlturo aim cucup '" curtains with which JIU lived every day ot ner mo. . .. . .. ., .- . No wonder snetnougni y; money, nnd the things It roitld buy and he had called her mercenary ! mi..-, i.oc n mnll nre burninc low in the grate, but the window was open a little way ocninu uiu wi ......... ..-. out in the road he could hear a woman u raucous voice "Now then, 'Knery come in, will jcr! I won't 'nlf loll your father when 'o comes 'ome " Tallcntyre dicw his shoulders, together with a little shiver of distaste ; ho rote from thu couch and walked over to the fire. He could hear voice behind tho closed door across the rooni; he won dered what they were saying presently tho door opened nnd Jill came out. She walked straight up to him, nud laid both hands on his coat sleeve ; her eyes were wild almost expres sionless; ho had the uncomfortable feeling that sho did not know him that she would have clung to the arm of Anv Ann mVin hltll lvwn Rlilll'lllltr tllftfft as he wu; there was something fright- oncd and desperate in uie grasp 01 ner fingern. "He's very ill," she Mild; even her voice sounded changed and hoarse. "Dt. Baker says I must send for Kathy How can I, when she is In Paris? how hands from his arm;, she wrung them in agony. "What can I dj what cJh I do?" Tnlli'ntvrn nut nn nrm iMimH hfir ; hi spoko soothingly. "U'h all right don't get upset; I'll see to everything Kiithy is here in j.ondon ill rutin ner at once." H She looked at him disbelieving!)'. "lore! Hhoisu't oh, you km e isn't ; you're only Miying it to t Mic nun comfort mo know rv what shall handle ...Ll. 11.. ,i ;.:., .1 A' """ i,u ..... "'7",u i- 1 nc nnrrnw passige seemed mom imn ..,i Ofi,!h?n ?7Cr ?"' afie thought jwpairlngly : her o iirW i.,.rn.,i .. i. "1 be way un tho ,..,. ".',"" V, "Hill a, 441- woulS .. ' up t"p n,mw ktnlrs. fouid. never want to sec her ngaln 'These houses s ; were not built for u Tnllcntyrc sold Jnk- did notlool . ki oop. ttH "e w,,,t Il Don WoSfd .trWmi f"'' won,1"el what v. i w."?'d "aywhat t,ort t,t ..n.i bto S. iiminJ "!L0 wo,)t on lrrlclly un. .:". ""m. Oh. J ,o " Tallentyre took her liands in a firm grasp. "lour sister is here in London," he said; hi si-.okp slowly nnn deliberately as if to force his words home to her. "She name linme Ian week I thought you knew: I " Jill wrenched her hands free her eyes were bla.-.lni. in her hfnrt nhr l-'iiuw he was Lncaklnc tho trutli ; nnH jet she knew, too, that she must deny it, and must go on denying it. Kuthy would never have corao back without telling her; Kathy would never have allowed ono sinjlc day to pas beforo alio cams to her it was a cruel lie a wicked Ho "I don't believe you I don't believe you." she sild hoarsely., "Kathy wouldn't bo so cruel she knows 1 love her Oh, let mo go lot me go I ilon t want you I don't want to speak to spoil k to you. "Kathy Is in Paris it's a cruel, wicked lie to say that she is here and that she never told me " Tho doctor came to the door dividing the two rooms; he looked at Tallentyre; he could not understand what, this man was doing here he bo obviously be longed to a different world, but he was glad of his presence all the same "If Mrs. Hlllyard Is in London" he began diffidently. Tallcntyre turned to the door "I will fetch her at once." Jill followed him out on to the land ing; sho was very white and her brcaih came miutinzh-. ...- . J!-'. Tallcntyre " man my hcicht, "fir; he had to old not look . v. a ?" Nhe "aid nervously JoinlnlrTi ,r.om,t,,,e b'm nl- ler Uon.v." "'t6., amllo,,' wl 'noled " Ie'sDb,iCn " wa n.! h" ". . 'JmpathetlriiiK. n ' B" 8al(1 dJ! he waniV,i Rcfu ,n nn'n all tatthr?8rVLV!' t0 wnd for you, anew,1 Si" l ,"" T lyn " t Icoud fo M,,J. 1V0 d0"9 We, and Lnfr hP, .(Iown " to the we fer the inaJS1! fo1r"en Tnllen- 'rV,"owJ,f.ni' nioaning .falntlv. she nnnlcA hl& agonized whisper. "Oh, a moment wait a I gently, ner eyes : she Mr name in an please wuit moment. " II CiilnA hnole nl AmtA "What is it?" he asked She nut her hands to tried to remember what it was she wanted to say, but could not; she look ed at him vaguely, and suddenly at the sight of his immaculate dress, and the Hashing diamond, she seemed to remem ber. "Kathy was It was It to din ner with Ihem that you were going?" she asked in a whisper. He tried to deny it; tried not to loos at ber; he began a stammering evasion, but she cut him short; she leaned against the wull, laughing shakily. "Don was right, then,' she said dully. "Don was right after all and she's done with us she doesn't want us any morel" ? SEX UK vOvaK ' j tC3 4fiIil jt ffl0D I 1 0 C? 0 m '1 fc LETS 3IT A TABLE RIGHT H THE MlOOLt OF THE CrniA t M: - 7 mj;c a .t.i?.oij a4iRHS Ml Nmn lOH.'-lSAl'T THAT TOO BAD &&? TTTFn Vr'AHfcJ 't A-E.-HAyWAHD - QuTo, J The Youh'b L.dy Acroe. tho'W.y I PROFESSOR GNATT, THE MILLIONAIRE BUG HUNTER -:- BV FONTAINE FOX, , SCHOOL DAYS 4 f The young lady across the way says hard words never do any good and, no matter how interested one may become in an argument, one should always pass the He. A .f MV ' ? ''F ffc fKoftSSOKHAS V PURCHASED A SMM.U ARMY' V sX ? rANK AN0 HAS M AUU . necoROS THIS SPKiKG IK THE. HWMt?R OP RARe SPCCIMEMS SfCUREP. tTj( "5L1 ME VXHT A EEL, COOtf. ftOt IT 0 VCW WH ttwa T ' TAKC IT' HOa AH eT IT; w 7 ' r jlXwe T tmv. I KMT1 -T HU 4 Wtlfc A Mft0- PETEYA Lowbrow Eyebrow Mb 111 Hi ff DiflBntti l i mmnm lotpy. ,,, 'ii- v , SM-SUTiki W"mmh & I - "miMKms mew Pari si am fad op VjeArIWi false A loT b OMEi APPF ARAUCE- 3)0MT TOU UUCtE PETcV t r r -''s allumk!' Doesm't meakj A ThIWC LOOK- AT NOUR AUMT 5ME COT ALOKlCl ALL MEP- LIFE VlTHoUT AW EMEBr?0W.J" i ii u f- ,1 - " - F ae ""a .- .. n-j----- i -lEV POM'T CM Look me aEtyc, ARC (?) rt it - V J JCfE ., T r . j . 9k m i - t bhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih m w v - DONVMfauI ja Num." 1 Ii4,vVi-. ej i m a- u ati 'r " x x. y . u ' " t ' met0m C'iXOiavg- " THE CLANCY KIDS Breathes There a Man With Soul So Dead? I - 96?. jJLUI BftOWN fs fATHER5AY5 HE DOCJnV ewe WHeTHffR hc cver TArCeJ ANftTMCR Dr?INJT OR NOT r: 7? i j, . . ..... s '-7 mc JAr i i mvrccj n n i (f SICK" UHeN HE TH INKS r-' . x J Y P OF ALL THE STUFF ccHnr. y i men urx (Nr. ' -r jLmKj i C i W J S x .Als-TTiHr - THAT D POOL MUST HAV6 BC'ftNlNTHC ktoHNJT0WNriOOD p-bosks I Ik .Jt "' ?t ' f m T l aW or tJ y ,,. sy.,.1 t By Hayicard Jm By DWIG ; HiMR. IFACirtl rwi Af 4jg. JA I V ATlf By C. A. Volghi ;' By Percy L. Crosby jf CaL. Bmjf5HBm MemeeemeeteSSKflfBIefmW0ffgKkfffwitA ' Y J h 7 '1 J57 ' c b?d! h was nil thtt was CONTINUED VOMOIIBOW m r,'L i( , A... ' -W- .- ,, .y' ,t,fr . I.. ("?. .M?"e ..-.- .y.. ft - -....--'-, . . . :U ' .',.. S"