t) f WW5 iWf p' Vr "''"t r!'.,rJ 7 ' y K " , M . -V , IP I IHWHWII III i IT . irfc -: J, E6TATE gQR BAXiB 1T7..jm. w.rehntnes. irr. yiooTg- nnfttirfv. fiisWr 0VV; 1M0 ".'Dnliw.rrf River KflgjjCjSaJ" "' I. L Stevenson x Son tiu nidg. . j' intra 2-story building, tin front. J'.,"f..AtJ: Sny financed: possession. 11. "Wllsjn ;" '".""" """" - .-...., l.!.LAhiiiiaAi eentrali mrer At). J".Sf.Vit railroad Into building! possession; 'i.,.(vn warehouses. railroads can rtt.'i?" DIF-THniCH. 787 Walnuil. ' wrKrtT PintAnKT.riHA .1 wnn fash a v n.innrn nn Easv Terms Centrally Heated Stone HomcB t MARLYN ROAD in Exettuive Overbrook Section 20-ft. fronts 2 Baths Garage See Our Furnished Sample ' Houbc, 829 Marlyn Road MOSS & TAYLOR Marly" road Is the first street west ef 64th st . north of Lansdowns ave. Tek elevated or surface eara to H OSd st.i pass north to Laneuowne m .tt 1 K!wt west ia sve wi-, . vtw- ..-..., BETWEEN B4TH AND 33Tn 8TS. WYNNEFIELD SECTION REDUCTION FROM 110.800 TO $9800 only AAjvmn. price Jour tare bedroomi; garage: private rlreway, heated porchea: new and complete In ovary detail; sample house open dally. Motor vJa Kalrmount Park to 84th and Wynnefleld are., then aouth 8 block!, or pna from "W north to tiala ear on G2d at. direct to Stth and Derks. 1 fare, FERGUSON Sc COLLINS builders SAMUELT.HALL SELLING AGENT S.W.COO. rtliA SAN5QMST5, THE FINEST LOCATION IN WYNNEFIELD A HIOH AND WEALTHY LOCATION OVERLOOKING THE CITT FACINQ BBAUTIFUL ESTATES 54th & Gainor Road t STOUT SEMI-DETACHED HOMES THAT AFFORD A COMBINATION OF HOUSE AND LOCATION THAT 18 UN EOUALED. MANY INNOVATIONS AND ALL THB CONVENIENCES BX I'rCTBD IN THIS TYPE OF HOUSE. INCLOSED PORCH: OPEN FIREPLACE)! HEATED OARAOB, BREAKFADT ROOM; MARBLE SHOWER. ETC. WM. T. FIELD Bu"0derP?Snl?,v.nrr O. . nnvth mm 144 ! V.t . ,.. jnd Oalnor rpadfor one tare. Convenient to Wynnefleld P. R. R. Station. 229 N. B2d St. Two-story, elds yard bourn; electric light: modern fixtures: newly papered. 8 rooms and bath! price 110,000. open Sunday for Inspection. Kershaw & Crowl ChtBt REDUCTION SALE BIG BARGAIN S. HOPKINS 400 S. 60th St. Wm.H.W.Quick&Bro.,Inc. 8 South 40th St. Specialising in West .Phila. Real Estate Member PMla Real Bejole Board fui :'wVri w f icWli. N?Pi hou,t: 0ner tir. bKHdrtH"-" ORKENWAT AVB.. i-n... .. ittle J ttory cormr EmSr"ii,5"5,SS with 8 bed- "iXR! electric, and TiMi."e?i ; i""7. " w naiaoDorhondi . ;;rj t.io ueai KWraYir"7 ,rm t0 .5on.lb!. ior lc KUTTON. S048 Ptne A .;; :trr " na oth at . ,.. I- "? iworouaTiiv rmviv, -..' " .r.v,n.orfflp,y.Bsii" ,&'? aY RHL" . Rpnt PorcV-Kota.iS0."1. . '!T. larra ., Sol SiaS -;mu lh lUWlvaLlNU iflll. A. Walto. av. .bath. mad 0J..?, ' 'irm, teVuit. " or vuaflBBiinn i. M. Baker & Son .."2 arfd Ual. Umore ave. rWKsa? and bath. wpenter 4c 1 gntel- &'wileon rlrt" flirt a . martv"bts tr- "" T firry -- 8W.J toema and hath rw'5i,r?? SvTlTX. rST" ") bathTc. !LcDndilnn' lY aCfLl 1l?.V'w.Vr htj -VTiiiiJ.K . n'tv-iagtt.Jti.! Markt ai.' BBAX ESTATE FOB BAI.E W1WT rilll.ADlIf.rillA SALE 4.1 3 S. 46th Street Semi-detached home, with garage. Very attractive residence in exclusive and restricted section of West Phila delphia. 15 rooms; 2 baths; laundry. Hard wood floors; hot-water heat; electric light modern in every respect. ' how price for quick sale. JOHN I-L SINBERG 1-218 CHESTNUT jmimwisiararawaMsimw New Stone Homes Side Yards All-Copper Rain Spouting $8750-$ 1 000 Cash FIRST FLOOR: Has large living room, open fireplace and very mi- 1' luZ Ti,ndows' lare fining room, on unusual bieakfast nooK, a big, bright, most completo kitchen, with many now features cpnrTFnft JjouBovife's cares. SECOND FLOOR: Bright rooms, closets in every room, oxcop n!lii!thTm,Jvltl1 ,two widows, built-in tub with shower, iHIRD FLOOR: Open stairway to largo attic. BASEMENT: A most complete cellar, inclosed laundry tubs, prc- ??r!1C08Ct FI,!,C IJ?.atin? 8ystcm needs "lo care. Only 16 minutos to City Half one fare. Representative at houses till 6:30 P. M. 69th Street, Opposite Elevated Terminal John H. McClatchy MJMMMiMMTOM iBimraninmaMBa OVERBROOK SECTION v T.' E,XCLUSIVI'" Mn)BNTIAL IXK "" di. jio.i auracuve nouse In the 100 block; 0 rooms and tiled hath; hot-wator heat, electricity, hardnood "??r1 All-whlte Interior. Inclosed porch. All In perfect condition. Moderate price. Lebanon Av . near 63d St. 8 rooms and porch New awnings, screens and shades. uaraite 8e(eet location Iw prlea for nulck sal. New house (never been occupied). nar cars and school Inclosed porch, rar- ffae tVell flnanM T.ll.f. -.-. t Superior location. TALK IT LAMBERT & BEFORE MAKrNOWNAL ARRANOEMENT8 FOR TUB r0rtrA8E 0F A OMB I iiFCf.XinvT i zis WBMBMmiMllWM 62d and C0BBS CREEK PARKWAY racing ana overlooking Cobbs Creek Pork Twin-houses. With Garages Community Tennis Courts & Playgrounds SAMPLE HOUSE, 6223 ELLSWORTH STREET Open for Inspection OLER & SHAPIRO $$ woono 4,40 omco btu, .- Vutw BELMONT 6062 The Above Houses Sold on Terms to Suit You nmnmndn $1000 WUINDLKFUL NEW HOMES ONLY A FEW LEFT-To bo sold nt an attractlv.. r a . LOCUST STREET. S4TO rnS0 rcduct,on- 2 story, 8 rooms (4 bedrooms), all-tile bath wifi, -t heatod porches; electricity, hot-water -heat hiirSSo5hf?Wer!aLnc,0bcd out; plenty of closet space. Furnished naTiwood flo" through- 5AJV1PLL HOUSE, 5436 LOCUST STREET Pan daly and evenings. Inspect today LIFTER & KOHN ., J 3. 213 S. 42D ST. 11 rooms 2 baths electricity, til onn 510 WOODLAND TERRACE l'i rooms. 2 baths, hot-water heat, elec tricity, lis noo 4235 WALNUT ST. 13 rooms, 2 baths elrptilcltT $16,000 930 S. 49TH ST. 10 rooms, 2 bsths 111 nnf) 2-STORY GARAGE 38th and Walnut ats.. 14(100 Charles H. Buckley iqthbt. rcjiitsmmBin WE HAVE A NUMBER OF SMALL HOMES UP TO $5000 IN GOOD NEIGH BORHOODS. DONALD V. REDDING 52D AND CHESTER AVE. Emnmm c t mmmmmmimmmwmmiu v. WK HAVE veral houses between linnn and I5OO0 that you should see before mak In your final selection, nlsn an attractive home In Sherwood (or only 13(1110 W EARL YONKHR Blst and nftltlmore Wood RMS NEAR 03IJ AND CHESTER AVE 7 rma". bath, modern throughout. Inclosed porch, mortgages arranged. ' M JACOB MARKMANN. INC 8prur 2082 SOU Flmnce DM SSI0 CAIirENTEIl ST. Six rooms bath and laundry, hot-wntrr hat, electrK, liardwood floorsi IR700 J, V. CUNNINOIIAM, 0TO7 Chester ave roftNKH Whltly aa . strictly modern. 7 rooms, laundry; uaruge 2 cars) Immediate possession! reductd to 17700, IX)KIAND) 71CI Woodland ave i JV'.tnh Hnt 130 nt ill 4dlli and Lud!arrt ui. tavlor a coiunt inveetmeni .low. price to elosa NnN. 7H ii unih S. '40th. " mrrnxmn rmr Yxyxxxljr XTUBJLilAJ REAIi ESTATE ,EOB BALE w fxt riiii.Anr.M'iiiA BUILDER OF HOMES - AMTY OF WEST PHILADELPHIA Prominent corner Semi-detached reel- i,.?i!. "i. ?,lh J1 diambera and 2 r ,?,'w"t.;r.,.'ea, 'etrtdty. Ccn tral heat available If desired. Oarage ..u .."" . u"uually Unto lot. Will -".. ruiy dw ngure Anh,fi.,raCTt.h.' ""J9 hom 'or the June iirt.tV.,11.. I '."i0"- "iceiv planned, de Ki h. h lStJ.d. Con,,n 0 foom, and narn.wiJJ' ni" ho,-"t h't. e'ectrlelty. P,Zn,Lm' nd an open flreplace Pnl i. ? n" lon Jfodfate price and financed to suit you OVER WITH Mr.DFRMnrr CASH PIM --,,lllMawBBI vat i uku ST. HOMES IN OVERBROOK" Private Garages tour Bedrooms terms to sbrr ni . ,' ' "0USE was Oler & Shapiro nurSwNnFWND Office 37th .i -..WJ.';n9 wmmmimmmmBaamuaaA WE CAN SAVE YOU $600 to $1500 Warrington Ave. Both to Windsor Ave. 67th St C?rURCH&NSrX0An(il hCHOOLS JAMES C. ENBURG, Builder 07T7I A WAIUIINOTON AVE flOth st. cars to BSth and Warrlmtnn i etuaro east or NS.ft ea? on tValnu, it 9ii. "Sf.ii'P0 ." m" oPl'ortunlty in .lrJmTL n?.'arW lct on of borne, so remember "Cross' stands far all thi'f: good In real estate Hnth '.n"d Mrehwo'Jh.i. THHUK-STORY store .n.1 .1u"".ln L Lansdowna a.e to be told at a ,!, nacrlr.ci' Armlv in R.m,,.i t.,. ".Tt V 40th st .-... j, M (I24T WAiNUr ST Very desirable hnm1 near w-uievard. lot 112 feet all mifi! S?.rKt .e'PWTfcB A WllOw!nogSoo $4jO(i.--FlFfK little hornet S rooms and baiCi Dutch haili elestrlci plpeleas furniuT.! Si,.' sssslon June It 1500 cssh. West Phi UdeU iihln Ileal l?eta rr Hfinit n.ulM.. ".lauei , a. a UEjV&XSr-rmLUA.JJrjUrXll.A, WJCiJLFJNiRSUAX, fJUJMli.; X,..'4-X I BEAT. ESTATE JOB'. SAXE wkst riiiLAnrci,rniA 1020 B. S4T1I .ST. Hot-Water heat..elretrld Mlcht, Incloeed front porch (.hardwopd floori throughout! basement laundry: .larae roomai de tghtful location; prlq $7000; terms to "u!. w"P!'.uw vacnni IIA BON. 82d and Tlaltlmore ave nnalneaa Proiiertlea nnd fltorea WEST PHILADELPHIA Overbrook Section Desirable btislnese corner 4 bedrooms, bath. Inclosed porch and rarasej 2 subway stores (now occupied), a, raro opportunity. McDEVITT & MULLIN flltd and WnoflhlrtA . rKrtirAOlc 4fttl3. 'J Blorra nnd Infllnta 11ALTIMORB AVE. near 4(lth streeti 2-tory store and dwelllngi suitable for any bust, ness! main business thoroughfare; valuta steadily Increasing, large store and work room) second floor, S rooms and bath apart ment: separate atreet entrance! owner leav ing, u, a. a.t most attractive prleo. EUGENE L.T0WNSEND nISM OKRfANTOTTN $6000 Two-story porch-front dwelling on main thoroughfare; 9 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, gas and electricity, hardwood floors Excellent value. Chestnut Hill $8500 Single houe. 0 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, gas nnd electricity, southern exposure. Near 0raers Lane Station on Philadelphia and Reading R. R nd Chestnut Hill Sta tlon on Fenna R. R. Can be financed on I1O0O cash Beautiful Stone $ 1 2,000 Twin dwelling all atone., red tile roof. 10 rooms and 2 bathe, hot-water heat, gaa and electricity! hardwood floors on first and second. Located In the Sedgwick section; convenient to Irtln and trolley. ' Colonial $20,000 A charming Colonial detached house with garage, lot 110x150: 10 rooms ""d bath, hot-water heat, caa and electricity, hardwood floors, opetv flre place, njiar train and trolley Poa eilon Prlca low for quick sale, Detached $35,000 Located In an escluihc. restricted rrsldentlal section near Lincoln Drive, Upeal Station and Wayne ave. trol leys All-stone house with garaare for 2 cars; 11 rooma and 3 baths, hot water heat, gas and electricity, hardwood floors Ownor moving from city and la open to an offer for Im mediate sale An opportunity to se- rure on unusually beautiful home at low figure. 0 Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ 6801 OERMANTOWN AVE lWHIJfffllTOi(liTlIg,IMiiifflMiin Queen Lane Manor We hao sevral attractive houses for ea'e In this section: for 3111.000 wo con offer one with M 38x180, II rooms. 2 baths, electric light Bargain Would you be Interested In a detached stono dwelling. Inotudlng garage, where yojr carrying charges wuuld not exieed flo per month! The lot haa frontage of 21B feet, old shade tre; boure In splendid condition: nur train and trolley.- $15,000 for mTdern 2Vs -story hou ajid C'trage In Lincoln Drte section; house has 9 rooms.. S baths, hot-wal-r heat, oelclrlo light. 701 1 Greene Street bcml-d)tached. frcnt and aide porches, southern exposure, house has been remodeled through-ut: 10 rooms bath, hot-water heat, eelctrlc light, room for garae. owner- leaving city nnd la anxious to sill. . $600 CASH ABSOLUTELY NO EXPENSES 20th & Thorpe's Lane Opposite Belfield Club Two-story porch homes 0 rooms, bat, hot-water hent. gas and electricity, base ment laundry. TaVe .No 24. OS r 8 car. pass west over Olney avenue to Lambert st. Agent: 5710 N. Lambert St. RAINSFORD 1420 CHESTNUT ST. wjJipmiaM 1 What Will $10,500 Buy? An all stone medern home hot water heat, electric IMsht. hardwood floors white pnlnt. Seen lot open country. 48D E Mt. Alrj avehue is the address, Immediate posses slon. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 Morris Hide. sHMtnjnf Fernhill Park Homes With Garages $500 Cash Balance as Rent t3uA,"tl!Jll,, flnl,nl-. every modern fea IhlL.0 "" arnj a -tile bath, with w"oep: flrce" hc' KM- Furnished Sample House Open Daily and Sunday JfeV tiTln,!0 ?TV Junctlen 18 mln a 5.Jrom, "rnllW Te.fpnl 110 trains a day, or car No bfj 0n 18th it t, 2vbhTk.'v Rnd """ty " "sj Berkley and Morris Streets FRANK A MOLTER. IVerolses svunuDinmwiuitioBBai German town AND Chestnut Hill Homes Any one looking for a horns at any price In the abore sections should consult us. SEND US TOUR RKQUIRJUtE.vrs B. B. LISTER & SON 8812 OERMANTOWN AVE iiaiMinifflMmM'mm MimiaiiiiiiiiigMuiaici'i.iiia OERMANTOWN 2 stury semidetiched 6 large rooma metal weather stripped, coo per screens, etc, excellent ocatlon l'hnn. owner Otn. J083 J 081B Roes st "ont 382 K WASHUiOTON LANE One.haTf block from R R station: semTdiPaahed! 3 story. 10 rooms, hot-water heat electrla light, hardwood floors, storm windows' full length screens end KM are R. T Mitchell A Bon 8322-21 Perms ntnwn nvw cnll (IREENE ST. ST.. Oermantown Two-siory mod, elllng 4 bedrooms and bath hot. t. electricity, excellent location, will i th? market long, price 17030 ern dw-ei water heat, not M on in mantei. i.ong. price 17030 401 llncolr Rldif Hpruce 7tn " ONLY $600 CASH 8620 81 Sullivan at 0 rooms, bath, porch and terraiei modern: bargain, I380U. w I O'NEILI flOin Frankford ave. l- 1730O-347 B TULPEHOCKEN 8TTTrn"ode7n In ever: waj s rooms bith. only one lttt out of 'J4, financed, emoll amount of cash JESSE W ACHET Jr. 8221 Oer. nuntnwn ave. " DETACHED STONE Colonial residence 12 rooms. 8 baths 8 open' fireplaces. Iar 81 I R807 OERMANTOWN AVE g oniiiiiimiimHnipiiamM'iHiiii Tfi 4t i mnvsiniani Ia tin av .--it '.-- OIIMMF.Y 80 W Chnllrn aye . tiermantnnrg' 32JU AIU'liaiTST. II rooine porch: irin, ! W, a BEAIi. ESTATE EOB'SAMS (1KRMANTOWN NEARLY SOLD' OUT These comfortable and beautiful homes at' Greene and Tulpehocken Sts. OERMANTOWN Mojt wonderful house and most attrac tive location-: must be seen to bo appre ciated! act promptly by calling at our sample nouse or communicating with . DRCBY & EVANS ' 1007 LINCOLN TJLDO. Vt IXltlAN CAMAC ST , No 3323 Very desirable 2-sty. brick porch front dwelling, side yard; 8 rms r open for Inspection every day; mod ern: aasy .terms' CASfAC BT . No v3J2i 2-sty. modern porch front house; 8 rins , side yard, must be cold, open 'for Inrrxctlon every day: only S min utes from York rd. trolley, no better loca tion tn !nsn THIRTEENTH ST . No. 4818. most deslr nble 2-sty. porch-front dwelling! owntr leav ing city mint sell this neek. open for In spection, modern hardwood floors MASTI1AUM IIROS 4 FLEISHER. 14.14 So 1'enn 8quare. . TIDOA $10,000 HOUSE FOR $8000 Modern 3-story residence. 10 rooms. 2 baths, Ruud Instantaneous water lisater: excellent locntlon Immediate possession and liberal terms. M. JACOII MARKMANN. INC.. MiO Finance llldg OI.NBV rOR RALK Modern home In restricted resi dential section, complete ftauthern exposure, northwest corner of two wide main streets, ery desirable for doctor or dentist: hot r ater heat, electric. Inclosed porch and garage f 120 Ledger Office HAVE X FEW bargains In modern porch HnfAlltnorfl. Si-.nn m.u..Un ftiiMA,4 IAOAN 40 Olny aAp. ; nnaa n. bu ht Three story, porch! all conv I posi Taulane. Olfl Walnut st CHBSTMT HILL TWIN HOUSE near station! olec. light, hot- water heat, n rooms, bath! garage prlv J. W. ORA1TAM Jr.. W03 Land Title Hl1g rnxyHrottn GREAT OPPORTUNITY Most conveniently located modorn English dwellings: schools, churches, stores, amusements and transportation within 8 blocks, do not fall to examine them: they are on Pllllntr st . between Orthodox and Arrott sts (2 blocks west of Frank ford ave.; talto car No. 3 at 13tb and Arch sts . get off -WOO Frankford a.e.. walk west to houses) DREBY & EVANS 1QQ7 TivroiN ni.no FRANKFORD 1801 ORTHODOX 8T. Two-stor cornr house In the North wood' Section, elde yard: room for ga rage, 13000 4718 Northwood ae.: faces Northwood Park, small family; 0 rooms and bath Inclosed porch, hot-water heat and elec tricity. . SCHWEITZER 4413 FRANICFORD AVE frankford 2318 OAK I.ANB raiBSIIIIIIIB OAK LANE 68J2 .V. Rroad st.. Or . 2 baths, gar. 8647 N. 18th. dst.. garage. 8508 N. 8th at. strlotly mod., gar. 1)800 Park ave., dot., Q rms.. 2 baths 6313 N. Rroad at., excellent location. 8000 N. Droad st . mod . cor., barg. 031T Camac st.. 0 rooms 2 bsths 8320 N. Broad st., modern, garage. 0821 Carlisle st.. 0 rooms. 2 baths. 6815 N. Rroad st . del., stone, garage Many others. 17500 to 130,000. HERBERT HOPE 5901 YORK ROAD WYOMING 4137 OPEN SUNDAY lllnllillll1lIlll!llllinilffllll!WI0ll(li)IIHII rinest Home G t rt.i. i n...i a in uan Lane rarK of English design, erj tst loc. tlon; liberal lot: 2-car garuge. Im provements, substantially built. 12 rooms 4 baths- fireplaces, hot water heaf hirdwood floors throunh out, call our Oak Lane of flee today for an appointment. gj V RgALTORq " MfflHilBlliiKl'iyW H OAK I.ANE ."ClAflOn gl Hxceptlonal ioij home In fine loca H tlon between train and trolley, s h rooms, hot-water heat etc , lot 80x a 123, garage, reduced price for quick ie sale j3 Oak Lane Office. Opposite Station Phone Oak Lane ana; wmwwm mmm jiiiwiiiipiiiiii MfDiniiiiiniigbniiiWiiiiium OAK LANE 8547 N J3TH ST fl Y-t ston . Btone nnd shingle 10 rooms S and bath. btrlctU modern and In verv H excellent csndlt'on, 2 car garage fe HERBERT HOPE I sooi YortK no xn open suvnAv S niuin OAK LANE 0821 Carlisle vt 7 rooms. 2 baths excellent condition, sacrifice for quick 'it story, corner garage privilege, easy terms, will sale HERBERT HOPE V101 TORK RO D OPEN SUNDAY toDjiraamrafflia'raKii'WJsiranffliiMi)K CTniiEDrjtjaiarisflaiiSUQiua'StiMii rmTJiwaiaM3MirTOuiainnnB A Real Buy in a New English Bungalow Eight rooms 2 baths open fir places ionvenlent to Oak Lane St tlon lot 78xlS0 price 114 000 fall Oik Itne Office mmwmmm ruimn immraiairjniAVFiifiiiiiif jBngi kWWMmrsmrmm OAK UNE Modern detached dwelling 10 rooms. 2 baths hot-water heat electrlcltv flreplace; garage privilege sacrifice for quick sate HERBERT HOPE IB 5001 VORK nOAD OPEN SL'NDAY 1 !!im ivrnmrn wDhnwtmiiiiwi.winnntimrfritmn I frBuaMJiaiwi'uyMUiiti HtniiiiMJuuntuxBa:u J OAK LANE 0318 N. Droad St. Nine rooms, 2 baths, varace, strictly modern, eot cellent rondlilon. bargain for quick "U" HERBERT HOPE 8001 YORK ROAD ww-i -i'.NlAV Bl iaiiMirirocaiiiiiiiiM BPACIOUB 3-famlii private apartment, best i part of Oak Lane acre of shaded lawn. I T-car garage, buyer can ocoupy 1 apartment i rent free I mm ed I llate ross P OOfl Led cur I PENNSYLVANIA UUl!HH HUnURRAN commuter's farm and country home, all modern building,, splendidly tocated 80 acres, only 44 minutes n.aVlinJ alone coet tJS.OOt) w,l sacrlfUe quick sale 117 000. terms to suit slon, will consider good pal at cash value owntr, immeaiate posses. M 834 Ledger Off TOR SALE Closing Acuff estate, well knnwn William Penn Inn r..Lr i. weii acreage, excellent patronage locatlun ...il..1i I.. mult ,, am4 U....1 --,l Itnd tlook. transit, auto and hotel conven l.nceL ip y lo owners Mr.Acuff. Mrs Knapp d mlng premises Qwynedd. Pa. your own jker. or Q Herbert Jenkins, attorney rvl" irclal Truat llldg Phlla D'fey. Com and guiiuum A LD! Joli liroktir. i-ntrctal TrutU $9000 X?agM5f0N $12,000 10 nR. 12 noo.M MODHT1V tmn.un l an acre. re. each with mm. r. ... shade. Moyian-Rose Valley, near mt.i -- '" C. P. PICTKRP A SON BOH CHEST NUT HT ttt.. ;-..,.. . .. ... .- n:' . catd; 1 hour out: ISOOO: P 008. Ledger Oftlca, Y beuutlfully la- InkU' cosi flO.OOO.iy l ,. ' w, w , W - - m "'. 'aMtf' BESTS' itfa "l&fifi' "t - rKNNBVT.VANIA BcmmnAN Own This Beautiful Home in the most exclusive section o 0 v e r b t o 0 If ,. SHERWOOD ROAD NEAR LANCASTER AVE. LOT 80 x 1 5.0 3-ftory, de(ached. all-atone. Ineloaed, ptrcn. Flret floor, spacious living-room, cheer ful dining-room, den. kltehsn pantry. refrigerator room. Inclosed back pi UUIVII. pecpna noori Living-room, 3 bedrooms, D&tns. Third floor' 3 hedrooms, 1 bth, Complete .laundry In basement, stone sftfajre fDr 9 cars. Priceless shrubbery. . plants and freest large, lawn. Springfield water. ntral heat;' convenient to train and VJ'JV' You could hot find a tnori SiriHinsijr beautiful home In OverbTOoX. Price, $40,000' Inspection of property can be arranged through McDEVTTT & MULLIN 63d & Lancaster, Ave. Dell Phone, Overbrook 4893. snpiaiiiwoiifiM Overbrook Homes . ?12,600 Oxford street near C8d 12 rooms. baths, hardwood floora. eontral-plantH heat, owner win sacrinco properrjr; bargain, ehn be financed. $15,000 Columbia avenue near 03d S-story dwelling. 10 rooms 2 baths. S bed rooms! southwestern exposure, large lot! property In excellent condition $1,7,000 Near Overbrook Station and trolley seml-detRched house with separate porch. 0 bedrooms 2 bathe, central plant heat large lot, excellent loca tion, owner will consider offer If aold within 30 days We have a'numbor of other especially attractive properties; unusual values! In this desirable section A Charles J. Hood & Co. (Morris Rldg ) 1 121 Cheetnut Street SoiniKn xm iwiiHiCVinnioaiiiiiaiuiiiuiiiiin iiin I WYNNEFIELD Mnipniiiinrainii First offering of n. modern well- between train and tro!le , center hall. 7 chambers, dressing room. 8 baths! electricity, -hot-water heat hardwood floora beautiful old shade and shrubbery will bo sold quickly ' rw ui ts m iji i!j irr E.A HAVENS CQl fiteMB LAND TfTLE BLDG I CYNWYD North Side u D(autlful Colonial houie and 2 g! f car garage In a most-attractive 3 neighborhood, spacious center ra hall, attractively paneled llv- a Ing and dtnlnc rooms 4 bed & rooms and 2 tiled baths on second H floor. 1 brooms nnd bath on 3 third flo-ir hrdwood floors white gj flilsh. hot-witer licit- an unusual IS opportunltv to secure ono of tho a M best offerings In this section at a H P reasonable price a nw offering. M ' 1 CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. g! H 1421 Chestnut nt (Morris Bids ) tZ rjwTrar!Min!iii!ffl irAn Attractive Hornet "f moderate size jou will be Inter ested In this iloee a Pl Davids carefully built houe 14 roome anl 3 baths well lald-out grounds of 14 acres beai'tlful tres shrubtorj t nnis -njrt ec TREATTREAT Jrlalt 1 Suburban Till ounjry I'rupertles P Tr,'. W VNE NTNK 127 epraruirai nn rarariMiii i imiLtiii n ieii miiniiii liiiinmnifflriiiii i in CHARMING OLD COLONIAL HOME 1 2.67 ACRES g House containing 12 rooms bafhi hot water heat, electricity, gar licau P tiful grounds surrounded bv r. d .a hade, price 113.000 HERKNESS b STETSON I LAND TITLE nr, DO I r1 MI1II1IiI1IiIIIWI1I1III1M1M j.uwin nix iiiaLaiiwMO'jwmminaf OLD STONE COLONIAL hoyse. containing 12 rooms. 3 baths hot-water heat electricity gas; ,1 acres of beautiful ground, lurroundei b old nhude. rrlce 113 BOO. u morl jage of 110.000 at 6 per cent with SH years to run now on property. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE) LDO. EiircrowiiifflW'i!! wmoumBmiam wMm&mmmpmmmmmMmi4 Building Sites Ripe for Development Convenient to station, over 7 acres of high attractive ground with good outlook property fronts on. two roads, choice location, most desira ble tract available In this delightful suburb for Improvement bv builder or prospective home owner Tlans and full particulars with this office CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. ra . Morris diik ini u-nfflinui tt sj 'ifiwuMiiuiiffiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiii wwimiaraicr'iiiiiw wmmnafl fjraiiinwrarOTiiJi OAKMONT. PA. B ONLY li YEARS OI Jl E 84 Ralston ave 3 stury frame and ti stucco largo llv In room dining H room kitchen launlry toilet, 3 H bedrooms tile bath with shower fl flr Ished third floor garage chicken Q house, cement wailM garden retdj H for planting, wide fro it and aide 11 porthes nw Dings nd hdes com Fl pleto lot noxno near school and 55 chunhes tost tro'.Iej wrvlce even- H thing best condition very reason W ably priced, w ner on pretnUea H Phone lanerch 41 W til Mwrami rawiiiiTOiiiJiirinffiniFWKirTOiUKiraCT'n jrwraraiiHiHiw ELKINS PARK HOMES AND HOME SITE ' SEND FOR nXCI.US.IMC LIST MORRIS W. WILSON elkis's iwrtrc rAwawraii Diiniiinffliiiniii raiai wmja:, rja! 3 - .filllllinjIJilllIW!! OIUINU, L.ULUINIAL Ten rooms. 2 baths sleeping t ,irrh garsce electric lUhls ga"1-.Vntrv ?."",l,n ,l.TL mln'l"".:i k from P i nwMivui i )vi tin iwj HERKNESS & STETSON l -Nl) T1TI.1 III wfi iJiiaijiiBi ;liiiiii'iii,iiiiininiit!iiiii!iiimi.3 mwxriMitJN REAl TIl'l L sidonce delightful .uburh even convenience in m n fromfi"H.il lelevV solarluiri, slate roof all stone i rooms center hall uaruge. sacrifice ii Qlendale road ppp. ftlltli fit Term Own rtalv eni evenings ' "' un S '. ,h 2lTr..'Mrfcyy"' hqme7."coloniri 14 r6oms,-2 baths. hoi-Vter.'heat, 8 or,n Hrenlaces. 114 acres. .,r..i'.,.vlil.,v. "Pt" bsiu Iful Huntingdon VilloTV "''"'"v1 Kin the OEO. II. VE1DNKR INC.. J.ll1flllltwn I hollOVV tile dwelllnir n looms and in, nrvn nrpi. nou Eonaa it widnbil ixc.. E 3 rf r" g 'iumi luuinn: JLi J El I J n.i MmeC M"t)', RI IXJi. Jeultlfltown . ,, . ... , ' I ' EA'EjrrTE,0's'Allii3 ' PRNNftYLVANIA-r-limmnAN FOR SALE . 'S01rjE;sUG"GESTldNS)V. Wo .offer you. every , .possible, choice inv.finQ residence property along truvMain Liner both "in price and location., OVEftBROQK SECTION:, ' ?7,600.00 ' '8,500.00' $16,500.00. ' . 17,000.00' 18,500.00" 19,000.00 . 21,000.00'- 6Ooo.ao', 0,000.00 ;o,ooo.oo 11,500.00 12.Q00.0.D 14,000.00 15,000.00 15,5-OO.OD 10,000.00 2800.00 HI 35,00O.'O0 , 45,000.00 , pO.OOOjOO OVERBROOK $11,000,00 $39,500.00 12,000.00. 14,000.00 40,000.00 42,500.00 45,000 00. 50.000.00 65,000.00 . 60,000.00 65..000.0Q 80,(50000 16,000.00' 17,500.00 18,000.00 20,000.00 23,000.00 24,000i)0 25,000.00 20,000.00' 32,000.00 36,000.00 80,000.00 135,000.00 160,000.0.0 v 200,000.00 ' MERION $20,000.00 $32,000.00 21,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.d0 60,000.00 23,000.00. 24,000.00 27,500.00 28,000.00, 30,000,00 31,00Q.0f 05,000.00 75,000.00 200,000.00 NARBERTH' . .7,200,00 $18,500.00 v 20,000.00 21,000.00 23,000.00 'ynrtnon' cj.uvu.uv 9,500.0b 10,000.00 11,000.00 12,000.00 14,000.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 17,000.00 28,000.00 30,000.00 60,000.00 75,000.00 125,000.00 . WYNNEW00D $23,000.00 $31,000.00 25,000.00 ' 31,500.00 26,000.00 50,000.00 27,000 00 ' 75-.000.00 27,500.00 76,000.00 30,000.00 125,000.00 ARDMOE $12,000.00 $30,000.00 15,500.00 40,000.00 18,000.00 43,000.00 20,000.00 v 45J0OO.OO 22,000.00 - 45,500.00 25,000.00 50,000.00- 25,50000 60,000 00 HAVERFORD - "- 312,000.00 . $25,000.00 WAYNE-& ST. DA0DS- $9,000.00 $20,000.00 11,000.00 50,000.00 55,000:00 16,000.00 DEVON $25,000.00 27,500.00 45,000.00 $48,500.00 67,600.00 . 75,000.00 i BALA & CYNWYD I $16,500.00 ' $28,000 00 I 19,000.00 10,000.00 21.OOP.00 60,000.00 ! WYNNERELD .. I $22,000.00 $29,'500.00 I 23,000.00 30;000.00 II 27,"000.00 ' 35,O00:OO' gi I 27,500.00 40,000.00- W. GORDON SMITHI; Vi Line Property JJa-cuttejg K'liir i uv-runtrt cuiihiji , ty Telephone, riverb-onlt 700 I I'l -n H aroi.iiiTi'iniiirri'iigpirifi''-'"' ,,iBarenwrp; ffairai.iin.i mwn ARDMORE Modern home wtUi gArage, 6 ctiam- cars : painj large aeep lot. exciu slve, must be sola BALA-GYNWYD All-stone Co'onlal center-hall dwell ing on l.r corner rot. hUh con venient; lorailonj eufcject to ftjer. MERION Tbree-story all-stone dwelling larRe lot garage for two cars modern WYNNEFIELD Excellently constructed, three-stnrv stone home on main street In th best location LLANERCH Sto'ie and stucco Eng'lsh dweUlna nine chambers, two baths la rare attic fve open fireplaces old shade, priced in s(ii 01i:RBROOK SECTION T ston. serniaetachad with- garax nfj.a cnamoers . rtame; iifciKW, cash NARBERTH i ompieuj njiinii ot tne moat desir able properties in tbla popular suburb 1PJIUCB 74P1 3PRUCE 281S IfiHiMraTlitJilJMTOtHrWilMUIIf Beautiful Country Home 15 Minutes frorn Broad St-.Statlon llouvo and surroundings of vurpatslng beaut: suitable for w family that ds sires a boms to be proud ot thoro I, nothim: else Ilk It: sstAWlshtd xelu slve neighborhood, drive out and seo Tc Ivrge lawns shtrgls houi rooms and bath separate cafaga did rbade. .fono and 'M stotlsa mooerft, ?o oonsenratory. 1 porchea Trequen' trains prompt possession, owner must netl make offer, present 10 OOo fl.-st mortgaga may remain Phone Ijvnedowne 031., J or Walnu, 384 Ask for Mr Btrayir. 'nut IIJlllljJilllllilurfTrff. ARDMORE Hi .n;""! iUu-.'U 'tons X',.'MSi'. '.'."n!?..1""3. aru4, hot-water heat electric llgfrt BRYN MArtR . An airellont house with baths modern buy well built 7 bedrooms, 3 Reasonable terms g 1 A. D. WARN0CK M2 S Kith liiiiiiiilimiinMliiiiMirrTrTrnTrrrnF "ynN UriKini brkk.and VtiifiKin" oi?. nne conan on ana locality nuen V. Plau Xront and side, porch "icrtiJiS, ,18500: u.room ' mansara.TSoP' di,.,iiK,?Ki nuuaa , mm laji il . lut iniTinn . ui il eonvenirncesi eiecirio shls: all ..ii. JT. jr , . ., -t. ,. ..ju. jvr?. "ffiSAWi jsmxix r"i-iTrtMj v....ti..jijjiiL.j-zm Qf;rf t VVIVnU2JT 1' '!""' !1" m ', OVBttBRO Nesr.atatleri- stono v liouee; BH storeroomi nrd ini natures etc, i lares r'' ft. MERIOr'S r 7J -Lkj V .' L n. All-etone Colonial'' house, an '.side center hallh largo llTlrur i C bedrooms t baths, itioroVsDuy rrn; most attractive outloaK I groundings, low prk Mr, Uil ,Uon. .rVr..,'- a. .1?"? 4 .-FIj have's "li-U . 'Handsome Englsn-it high local J ii acres M I'.iair masters bedrooms, NJWrVants' win. wllh A MMlenAtna 'Barn! large musto room: every meder .appointment: built within the last' 'years, aamae for .1 cars: man i quarters; most exclusUe neighbor hoodi convenient to club and statlei RADNOR -Attractive Eng'iah Oothle-style .over 4 acres, tilgh location: baa outlook) surroundwr.'.tiA.Atiaii homes and estates;; J5;toott). ! Attractive Em g'lah Oothle-style bon paautii tndaoi Iwalhi sun tMrlnr. ell nCCttt .MbtMrwia ,by owner, exceilartt-epfSuwTtT WJ u.uoi vaiue ior VrKJ.. iy t(j t ST. DAXIPfrj.J') AH. ..It- r-, ... t. '1. .f Z'mtl 1 tll.-m.M . YI.L ' ""J.-i ' " "v ' ..ii'hiiiu. LcainniB, nnni.i wimnr i,iriu iHiins on ia noor: center ban nurnuxniy moqern: '. appointments, conven most up-to-dati neni to oxaiio oeautltui corner lnt! I trees, price 117.000. CYNWYD ? All-stoin Colonial nous and gaa:j B tedrooms. moderp baths; thoro-ugSlyf up-to-dste. convenient tor station; ,J raoai aesiraoie home ror IZS.ouv. 1 GERMANTOWN I. All-etone Colonial lyi'rfsa,, and rnrace. adjacent to jUncotn, Prtvej an rairmounfl'anc:. 10 -roatn.''- As."-btht.-' large living wooci nt beautiful location, BR-- pnn.vintaiafiriA. abvisk i vsf jaw REQumnMUNTa. CHARLES J. H0toMS , 1421 CHB8TNUT BT. ; (Morris max CHARM 1N COUNTTtT HOME, lo old Colonial house, alp convenience garden, woods nJ; stream, near train In Ki trolley at Willow Orovenfner going atrmy: quick V n session, a oargamtior SSUtWUJj J. DAOER. Amblem. Pa,'.' ey Fartorlea, Warehouses. Mfg, TUE'FXNEST foctery propodttim In clcee-lu vubunis of Phlladel' acres. ir-llrpAd siding Installed;. , .tniMt nrlrW iIthI ateal fartevrv rf Uonally eiitrtsntll--poaSructlon, 20i((O ft floor rBsce:. fot sale Inol. 83 h. p. -ft rti.,:? cK s mJ,o Una analing pulleys, harurerk; crgvat Ing craive etc.. at a rv reasonable iprte. Far further details and appolntraenerftfilft tpect. pa-Ambly. .. ums vmrr-' r r.. niNTI.UMAW S minutes frqm,B jrchlWKture 7 .' .win j.i rdad St. realdaneetL IT Station: CaHeaal vfffoQinv U BXltUUK We rtf' 'Uti , 3 . TKRKB-JITPRT single corner housev let! 4)M 3 . W; lJ? roonw and'bHUt.-1l'tlV!(rtM.L3: Swo)d Hoors jlona flrfT,jirr..rt-wtir . ii i eieetilc ILihte.'-modern and-iljrrrtUiult4iJeaB n dltlpq! detKed .banraru M '18800; labJ ey, termilTltl a nm hnupeir. X43trl s?y& iih... rrnnt llnflfV. tn. lilOSOr jri:' au t-Vartey evenings any-ttpi-f tveystjpne.rllarl any-ttpi-f KystjpTii-JarRy ajli',,li4 Chester rdtM. C. 5IALB-?,.ir. tnester SUilBdS. "&t - ui $8500 atotvi VnJ.jhlnlV Ate.;'' and bith..hOtvwaUr'bJL,a) Baraga, lot. V)x,10V lmmndlat.poeti WI1 AND J3I "IVpQqiAnff ,! i nKTv'AVn'J' M- BEriCAYRLS. RAl Iff acana: nr. KAl-ltr Jttll (Inns ripe rtevelop-- .vyrTT11' w RRVJf MAWR H'l KWl HonRK nd grounds, fdr s,le 811 L gomsry Ate IS nomt kntl excellent order. With garage. hatha: Fboha.- Vswr,. as j'. vi i ,; ';(- OROOMAtJ'.. PA. . . f'tilfV) . J BROOIvt≪-SI1 Reautlful lots. Improved Ml a rvrnent wallu slec 'sts & BpTWtj fle'd wterv 40x180; -or large j.t Wj AUrartlve (uc. 'house., ow hir-' tng completion, nooo, wfll Tlnhlh "t sutti convenient tertna. "'. . . j',?i another,' just atacted. $a'oOO:.id rorutV latl ITKISO wrtl, start atthlirlV this week, for, about Inoqp., ,tfl Air these .liouse spld, kt coal tie s'p Improve tract. .. T ' i. he'p Improv .. PIlOhB Belmont rTl-tp 'e 2482 tor W nlana n appothUnei see tho'JsveloptTMaCl . , . . :..' , $15,500 All-atbne liouse with slat Wotf? co -i talnlng center hall 2 llvlrw nmy, dmlng-rooan etc.. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch second flea bedrooms and stbreroom third t lot 03x230. 2 minutes, from atal tmmndlat possession Call.vOrM brook 433 or Crmyyd T52 - wi JAMES E. DOLAN m'$ 121 nti,A Xve ." crsWTrXr'v i, DAI LFXSroRD I VERY ATTRACTIVE prorn for the i whi wante to be In the emintm and; near a station wjui irequeni trsnr tee over an acre. with, houee. lo re 1 baths hot-water iwatl eleotrtolty, rage chlrkan houej'lfl,00. j m. ritu-nwriiiW), Wayne. F. . D13.AWAKB crtrrfrtr REAiniF.UL C0unty.'r13 untry estate m ttataw crt, .Hi -room "s torsi lho- eonvenie; S. CROWHLL- CO,. P;t.V I 1T Stephen pirmrdTTnniaikiiT '' !,! rxurNitTAitK -.c?- NK A' COWMMjTWjSLTTOiS T5 in tho PrtfTi wnry impnunwni. iiimiia:,nu l h. a.l ..,.., ..". -'W.r WILLIA .11 m-t ,,. .-enai inee in-m'A.'.ffawf;- Side. Pa i v,vry. JilOhLAST PTtrU' rolling. Center Laiirifi Vj I MODERN dwelling, V i open nrepinre to 3 helruoms , menth Coo L 2jTOan flliri, Iejtr "r tM nmit nayxt V, ilr jvntectKAOTMi -rV- FERi) ROCK" A. 5ffffV.TiA"JSsS?Wy fiSlMWM r !.h3 s. tigag "" SSiSh- ,?o7oooa',,, HERBERT HOPE VOMTN5r4.l7 flpftNJ ArWr l'TOi.11 iKTUi2Kl!SliiiKsHTB FERN ROCK &U10 N. JIu)tbln,n 'in st beeutlfiU i:nq uunaaiow. '. !.fofW,f,tiv attic, electricity.' -,ni t-v'v.i ft svaoot mmr on) vl v .x2..rM,,,,,'"V' eweni'vu HEfclERT HOPE 6fAl YORK 'ROAD $ I IH'IST 8lNDAy misroyjCTiipi tl yuwwimwtE 5915 N. BROAD Sgx Bioatrn a-story stone aelacbe k K,.iJr Tr,BKff 'XSStiXS tavrnsi bargain for qulctj j. XT HtKtJfcKr'HOPK', tjri mmm 1 ' - 9 1 trvxTVi-p .t'';i'V1l - - ! M ..ii ii ren roo-rie. ; qatos, j-or-veatsr It. hit keod flo.-r-s rwlucfd in prloe,- t.-'., 1 Mct-oilMicK Mijftariiiilr''' ' Lincoln flldtf, r Itlktcs Park .. , ORNKR LOT 'W f. 'frstlt. s'giSKTS house 'i(, .? MV MP. )S H . 1 . I J I t .1 vWv ,1, .AM.- '- ' (1J t? s? m --I i. '