$!&?!, T V- V i I t i w m m 3 lJ . f . ' 'I ig-lV 'Turyr'Tiinr i " ' , , , I W. " ff"Unur "II iTMif "HI EVENING' PUBLIC LEDaERr-PILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1921 BANON FIREWORKS IS SIGNED BY MAYOR Moore Approves Ordinance Pro hibiting Sale, Possession or Discharge of Explosives ALLOWS PUBLIC DISPLAYS Two of the Outstanding Reasons .for success in business arc courtcousness and the exercise of sound business principles. These have made ninny successes with the aid of n good banking connection. Therefore, this con nection should be decided upon with a full understanding of your special neods and requirements. To keep a bank nccount twenty miles uway from your business is neither wise nor economical, and the added interest of personal service is a large factor in your growth and success. Wo render this service and we are convenient to almost any busi ness in the city, for We Arc in the Center of Tlwigs Opposite Broad Street Station Third Organized 1863 The nntl-firvorks Inw becomes ef fective today ns n result of action yes terday by Mnyor Moore. He signed the measure pnmeI by Council, which pro vldes Hint It shall be unlawful for nnv one to have fireworks In his possession or offer them for sale, Public illsplnvs arc permitted providing a permit Is oi- The real "teeth" In the city ordinance are found In the section which gives the fire mnrshnl tho rich, i n.t. n fireworks unlawfully used, sold, dig. played for sale or stored anywhere In tno city. Announring his approval of the antl nrenorks ordinance, the Mayor Issued a stntement In which he explained lie win supported by the opinion of DaVld J. Smyth, the City Solicitor. ? The ordinance, the Mnyor said. Is a 1n,,,p,?',p . Prt.lilbltlon hill so far as Plillndclphin is concerned. "It prevents nnv ner.son. nn-snnn. firm or corporation from storing, selling-, of fering for sale, or having possession of with intent to use or sell, or discharging 01 causing to be discharged, ignited or fired or otherwise set in action, nny fireworks of nny kind. This menns that no one can lawfully sell fireworks hero after, or have them in possession, ex cept in tlio case only where a public display is permitted upon permit issued by the Mayor. Any body of citizens or corporations desiring to make a public display of fireworks in Mime designated nlace can do so if a permit is obtained from the Mayor nt least fifteen dnys in I advance of the dnto of the display." GOSSIP OE THi STREET Coupons Payable at this Office June 1, 1921 Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Equipment Trust, Series "I" Chicago, St. Louis & New Orleans Equip. Tr., Scries "A" Consolidated Light, Heat & Power Co. First Mortgage Eric Railroad Equipment Trust, Series "CC" Eric Railroad Equipment Trust, Series "S" Eric Railroad Equipment Trust. Scries "DD" Indianapolis Traction & Terminal Co. Car Trust, Scries Latrobe Conucllsvillc Coal & Coke Co. First Mortgage Norfolk & Portsmouth Traction Co. First Mortgage New York, New Haven & Hartford Equip. Tr., Scries "UK" iyts Old Ben Coal Corporation First Mortgage Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. Equipment Tr-, Series "S" Spring Valley Utilities Company Southern Pacific Equipment Trust, Series "C" The Ironton Electric Co. First Mortgage Vinton-Roanoke Water Co. First Mortgage Principal Due. 4 Ms 5s OS I 'i H2s 4Kb D" 6s 6s 5s 6s 6s 6s i'js fis 6s Commercial Trust Company Member Federal Reserve System CITY HALL SQUARE BROOKE, STOKES & CO. Member Philadelphia Stock Exchange 140 South Fifteenth Street lake pleasure in announcing that Mr. Clifford C. Collings formerly of the GUARANTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK has this day become associated with us as' Sales Manager of our PHILADELPHIA OFFICE HlllllllllllllllHlllllljllllllllllllllltllliiliiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllliinilllllllllllllllll!: Averaging Down You no doubt have among your holdings securities that havo cost you well above the present market quota- ; ' tion. Have you considered taking udvantage of the prosent 16v level of prices to average down your cost price? Lot us make a few suggestions to you in this connection. West & Co. I Members 1417 Chestunt Hired "" I'hlUdelphl Philadelphia Stock Exchange New York Stock Kiclmnto fit Tiroadwar New York IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIll News of x the passing of the Pierce Arrow preferred dividend yesterday, coupled with the- announcement of further drastic cutting of motorcar prices, naturally exerted a decidedly chilling- influence upon speculative en thusiasm' in the motor group. There seemed ta be n growing belief on the street after the closing yester day that most of the bad news pos sible on the motor Industry was now known, Many, however, did not.alto gctlicr concur In these deductions,, point ing out that, with' the trade war now a matter of reality, thero was Vvcry possibility of u further slashing of prices, which would! ultimately mean the survival of the fittest. It' seems mthnr like the lronv of fntc Mhnt motor shares, which were the tirst of the War brides in- the memorable bull mnrkoiH of 1010 and 1017. should now threaten the destruction of 'market superstructure. The remnrkablc- career of many of these companies tends almost like a fairy talc, and from n plaything the Industry lins become one of the lending bnromeoTS of cencral trade. While the outlook Is dark .and gloomy, there is every possibility of the bearish op erations In these stocks being ns grossly overdone as was the o-cr-cnthuslasm of the bu)l movement. Most of these, con cerns are more vnluablo today than they were when the market prices for their stocks were soaring heavenward. What is more, the industry hns likewise been established on a more permanent busi ness 1wn!s and altogether out of the tfro motion tficjd. Thero may be a complete readjust ment, with consolidations and amalga mations much the same as In the steel trade 'hrior to the organization of the United States Steel Corporation. No New Government Hond Issues It is unite iMissihle that there will be no further large (iovernment offerings of bonds in the immediate future. On the other hand, it is true that all foreign governments are in need of large sums probability nf .iiiittht1 n.t1 ihil, In nil BEQUEST TO K NG SFT ASIflP they will will unnn the American mar ket to supply it when they believe their requests will be grantee, by American bankers-and investors. There Is n mixed condition in this country still with respect to the finances of the corporations. Some of the larger ones have paid off" a considerable nart of larce bank lonns made during nnd nfter the war. It is doubtful whether they will.be in the market for some little time with offerings of bonds or any class of their securities. These statements apply most specifically to Industrial companies. Some of them, unfortun ately, still have big bank loans nnd may be expected to offer bonds with which to The oosts of the action are charged I finance for n long period the temporary to the Marquis de Itoya, of King AI- obligations. Such offerings would be a fnno's household, who represented the I factor in the general bond market, monarch in court. If the general railroad situation is French Court of Appeals Refuses to Give Alfonso $500,000 Toulouse. France, dune 1. The Court Court of Appeals hns reversed the de cision of tho Civil Court In St. (Inudens. rendered In July. 10111. under, which King Alfonso of Spain was warded SfiOO.OOO bequeathed him by Albert Snpcnc. formerly mayor of a small town near Toulon, who died in an insane asylum. The Appeals Court held that the will wns Invalid and thnt the entire estate should go to n sister of M. Sapcnc, who was un ardent roynlist. cleared up and the credit of tun rail roads Improves materially, they may be expected to sell bonus' in order to pay off temporary loans, both from the Gov ernment nnd the banks. As a matter of fact, however, some little time will have to elapse and prices will hare to advance materially iiciore i great num ber, of the weaker lines, could afford to ell bonds. West's Money Rates Unchanged Although the Western money market shows' some further signs jot relaxed credit strain as a result of the exist ence of a feeling of optimism coming fromthe reduction of discount rates by the Federal Ileserve Hank, "nevertheless there has been very little change in the financial situation as a whole. It Is true, conditions are far better, in a general way ns compared with a month or two ngo, but business In' mercantile, as well as In industrial lints, has proved disappointing In the way of spring trade. This Is accounted for' In a lnrge wn. by the slow reduction In retail prices, which have not followed in a pro portionate ratio with wholesale prices. Discount rates at the loading finnncinl centers In the West are 7 per cent on collateral, 7 to 7")i per cent' on com mercial paper and 7 per cent over Hie counter; banks feeling disposed to' con sider flirt question of lonns favorably only where consistency .and legitimate requests are recognized ns csscntlnl. More Freight Handled In, West Officials of railroads operating cast from Chicago and HJ.. Louts report n moderate Increase in the movement of freight, nnd the number of Idle cars has been reduced to some extent, ftn the big industrial lines there has been no great chnnge. out miscellaneous freight offerings have been larger. -The hand-to-mouth character of general buying is reflected In the movement of local traffic. The movement of build ing material Is held back' by the Inter ruptlon of the moderate activity at the principnl centers on account of labor troubles. Coal Is picking up somewhat, and there Is a fair movement of lumber. Conl Is beginning to move to the lake ports for shipment Northwest In some what larger volume. Lake boats are depriving the railroads of the'bulk of the grain nnd flour shipments. Southern road officials report a much smaller movement of coal and lumber thnn a year ngo, but the movement of general merchandise is keeping up a slow train. Wheat shipments in tlm gulf ports continue heavy, as they have ror several monms past, uotton ship ments arc not heavy compared to nor mal, but there has been a good sized traffic in seasonable fruits and veg etables. THH TRADER ' ''.'"1''-V';'" "ri't f :( f'if't& vK .' v '. K'V,svfa V" m ', " - ', "i ''!"4ft v ';? f!i?' 1 - ur.Famdvs - - .' i " r " ' . W - ',& II I ' .;,;' " ;, :'. v . ,V &sssL- x .. k, . .. ;-.''r'-'wl'ivl w 'ITH the best of intentions for the welfare of their families, many men neglect to consider the future. They forget that women and children, left unprotected, are often forced to assume financial responsibilities without previous training. There is one best way to provide for the time when you may not be here. . . That is to make a will. The head of a family owes it to those who look to him for protection to be informed on these questions. They are discussed in a booklet entitled "Safeguarding Your Family's Future." We shall be glad to send you a copy upon request. GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 316-18-20 CHESTNUT STREET 1415 CHESTNUT STREET 9 SOUTH 52D STREET - ------.---.---.. --------1. ---. --t. -. ----- ----------------. ------S. . A Protective Committee of the Class A Stockholders of the Ajax Oil Company and the Hercules Petroleum Company of Dallas, Texas is now being organized for the purpose of making a complotc in vestigation into the affairs of both companies. Stockholders of cither company should communicate at once with BRYAN R. DORR 58 West 39th Street, New York We Offer DUQUESNE LIGHT CO. (ritlM.nrKh) Fifteen-Year 7i2 Convertible Debentures Price 982 & Interest Yield over 7.65 "Tax Free" in Pcnna. Welsh Brothers 328 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. I WiU Invest as a partner .or stockholder in an established business where the services of an experienced EXECUTIVE are desired. In reply give nature of business nnd amount of investment, de- mreu. io agents or motors. C 115, Ledger Office pro- V How to Forecast Sales This Summer E. I. dfc Pont de Nemours 7'2s, 1931 MILTON HEIMtfCO STOCKS-roRtlCH HOWNGtMJNDS- - MIM8 i 1622 Chestnut Street IMionri I1HI. Hpi-nre U 1-2.3.4 -. n Kerntnnr) IUr 1M .4 llroadWM 4SO Bth Avi.. N. V htamfonl. Conn. HprinrflfM. Ml Ww ntrwtt Virgmuut Railway. Company VTlfll flU lttlU anau , Saimue! K, PhJlips & Co. !. 61? IISBT.MIT TKi;i.T I Frederick Peirce 1 HONUB O f INVEST ron OC VX. must ItZl Ckettnqt Street, Tiilfdelpbla M r ITU inforwuUUn fntqintd in DUs lk mnd riNvt bulls tin )U4 f th0 pr 1$ 4ytUl imprUinct t 0nt kuin4 man, Clip mtmt fti. . Kt IV"1 if. Certain territories and certain industries pre sent unusual sales opportunities. Will you get your share of this business? Is your sales manager following the old method of depending on salesman for reportsofcondltionsor is he basing his sales campaign on unbiased facts? "Advice to Sellers" Bulletin )ust off the presa forecasts ulea conditions in every territory in the United States and Canada. With this information you can not only pick the most fertile fields but, by a special method shown in this bulletin, accurately estimate the sales you can safely expect in each territory. MmhlAik hr Bulletin n:r BABSOINPS cKKsL Wellesley Hills, 82, Mas). (StAuk.IBo.Ui) TU Lartul OrganUatien of lit CKtrctUr in On World rrnrOTUPm I mciviKj jor i our secretary I Write Roeer W. Babeon. founder of The Baboon Statistical Organiianon, Wellesley Hills, ta, Mass.. as follows: riease I . tend a cooy of SDeclal Bulletin NuMlKA and HnnLlr, I I "InareasinkSaift'' eratis. AMER. TEL. & TGH. CO. RIGHTS BOUGHT SOLD MORLEY, WOOD & CO 333 Chestnut Street NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members , New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanaet 410 Chostnut St. PENNA. TAX FREE SECURITIES PAUL & CO. Members rhlls. WtocW Rxchance 1421 CHESTNUT STREET WIEGNER,ROCKEY&CO. Certified Public Arrniinlr.. II mml Uailding, PWWfeluA jL . i J A Leading Engineering Firm Now Serves "Tlie Workshop of the World The firm of fOXv, 36aC01t d flvio has established art office ift Philadelphia. The comprehensive engineering and .management services of this firm are now immediately available to executives , of this city. - The reputatibn of this firm in public utility and industrial fields , is international. Its services are retained by governments, states, . muriicipalitiesj corporations, firms and individuals. Among its services the following are particularly adapted to meet present economic conditions : ' Engineering Department ' To increase net revenues; complete service in study and de sign rendered, if desired, in cooperation with owners and their engineers and operators, covering exhaustive examinations of y operating, production and accounting methods. v ' . Report Department ' To define present conditions ; investigations by practical engi-" neers, operators, accountants and economists experienced hpub-r lie utility and industrial work, covering physical and financial conditions, with recommendations. Such investigations include, possible revenues and markets, production costs and budgets, rates of fare and selling prices, and general management and operating problems. Valuation Department To determine actual worth; inventories and appraisals ot - property and businesses, both physical and intangible, for banking . and management purposes, taxation, amortization, replacement and . depletion, insurance and continuing inventories, accounting, reor- ganization and refinancing. - Accounting Department To interpret engineering findings; accountants cooperate with engineers in developing from books and records data required for specific purposes. This department specializes in analytical studies . of revenues, costs and overhead charges, production and sales. Construction Department To cut out middleman profits; direct representatives of owner either as supervising engineers, purchasing materials and supplies, negotiating contracts, inspecting materials, supervising and accepting complete work; or as construction engineers; by force account. It functions with the least possible interference to normal operation of the property or Jbusiness. Management Department Through this department the. operation and management, of public utility and industrial properties is undertaken for executives and owners, whether they be individuals, partnerships, receivers or security holders. It comprehends in detail all the broad ques tions of modern management. i ... -TN Financing Department Preparation of financial programs fitted to existing financial conditions, to accomplish the purpose sought, js the most import ant feature of this department, it organizes or cooperates with syndicates, it negotiates securities and assists in securing credits and loans. OUR OFFER With a view to widening your operating margin, we will, for a limited period, at our expense, make- a survey of any business in Philadelphia with a payroll exceeding $500,000 per annum. We will present the owners with a report of our con clusions, and opinion whether our services would or would not benefit the business. Wrjte or telephone (Bell Telephone, Spruce 6082) for our representative and he will call. jfork JJacon & avt0 Established 1894 1421 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA 115 Broadway New York 58 Sutter Street San Francisco Electricity in Industry is the title of a booklet we have prepared for com plimentary distri bution. It explains how electric power is revolutionizing in dustry and trans portation. Ask for Booklet 7322 Bonbright & Company Njw York 437 r.rK..lnl.t Ct- l ni!i . . . .. -"" "i, nuaaeiphia Oostott Chic logo Detroit AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE LIBKKTV MUTUAL rNHfRANrr r . - --. -, "T ,,on, ' ft" Ucrlp,i riaemy " Depo.it Cornp of Marvlanrl Connelly, Schweder & any a hi. hu ?Xf Dry. Mftniiris. wiuuKa i Spruce 8200 Chicago & Northwestern Railway Equipment 6V2 Due 1925-1936 SKCtniTIES DKTABTMKNT CommercialTrust Company 'Irnthrr redrrat Rnwrre BrHtn City Hall Square Wast The , First National Bank of Boston Capital, Surplus and Profit , $37,500,000 .j.-"iM.i,,r ,-Aii IT:'.; "- .J r'i fi?v