V MVJ'JjU. -UJ- A ' .vit'W " V ' ; y ' vs. 1 Vi ' V'M t 4 '( v e 1 It ., n. teVteNlGs PUBITO aJDGERPHTCABELlPHIA, ' WEDNE8dA;T JON) 1 tt92T ,a TJ'J'r1 VV.'f!?S5i m"A!-.'W ll"- I m L li- "h n 4 4 RnmcinnnuiuiltfjntiTttnui'iuijun For $450 Purchase can be made of one share each of t listed dividend-paying stocks that will return 32 dividends an anally, amounting In all to $46 so that the return on the investment is sliehtly better than 10 per cent The 8 stocks referred to are representative of dif ferent lines of industry, thus making for added safety of principal. Combined purchase can be made on a First payment of $90 Balance in monthly pay ments of $36 each. Write Dept. PL-5S for de scriptive literature on the above which will be sent gratis, together with our booklet, "Thrift'Savings- Investment." mmvsMmmm 66 BROADWAY NEWYORK, vTEUBOWUNO CREEN40Z0-2S SAME INDOLFN T DRIFTOFMARKET Different Construction Placed on Wage Ruling of Rait- way Labor Board The Hill Roads We have prepared an illus trated booklet p'ving a his tory and description of the railroads comprising the Hill System. The booklet contains a map showing graphically the extensive territory served. The Hill System operating over 26,000 miles located in seventeen states draws its traffic from a more widely diversified territory than any other railroad on the continent Copies of this booklet win Im sent to investors upon request. Harris, Forbes & Co PineSt.. Cor. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widenor Bldg. CITIES SERVICE COMPANY Bankers' Shares Monthly Distributions in cash Averaging for 12 months Ending May 31, 1921 39.58 cents A Bankers' Share Bankers' Shares enjoy a wide distribution, being held in practically every state in the Union and in foreign coun tries, and command a ready market. Over 19,000 holders of record indicates the great popularity of this issue. Circular K on request Henry L. Doherty & Company 604 Morris Building Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone! Locust 1440 11 Pennsylvania R. R. Consolidated 4's Due 1948 21 FsdersI Incomi Tax Paid .p2em,Bt ln Pennsylvania' finr iimYi 'ontlnmn lien on 1403.54 mil., of road In PennsyUanla- 283 31 mile, or leas.-holds securities of a par value of I63.;43.7(9 Price to Yield About 5.35 tlmlly atV tor Circular KS-tS COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. PHILADELPHIA NCWYOOK, WUlMOPI-PITTSOUBSH-SCnANTON New York, June 1. The biff piece of news in today's stock market of course was the railroad wnRe reduction. Sev eral dilTerent constructions of the ef fects of the ruling by the Railway Labor Board were made In the market uorld. At first gtnnce the reduction of approximately 12 ner cent was nulte generally considered disappointing, mainly because some of the railroad executives said so. Studied a bit more closely it was found to be much bet ter than at first supposed because It was figured the reduction would save the roads some $400,000,000 an amount not to be sneezed at just at this time when all hands arc pulling bard to make both ends meet When examined still more clowly an even better Interpretation was possi ble. That is to say. tnose who pro fessed disappointment becautv 12 per -"iit wut granted when 20 per cent was asked, iwi.tukcd the fad that If the full rcqnMto. reduction had been made all at once, the result might have been a series of strikes or threats of strikes. So, after deliberating over the matter for about an hour, It was generally con ceded It was wiser to let the wages down gradually. Another strong point overlooked was that the saving of ap proximately $400,000,000 is figured only ror the iih roaas, wnich nau suomutea their disputes to the Railway Wage Board. Therefore, It is safe to assume when the remaining requests are settled It will put the roads on their feet at once. As a market factor, however, the In cident fell as Hat as a pancake lu a cheap hah house. It did serve to check a reactionary turn which started at the opening, or was continued from last night, but after producing a half-heort-ed sort of n rally the market and trad ing assumed the same indolent charac ter which mnrked yesterday' opera tions. Altogether the day's market was to ii lnrce extent nlmost a complete rep lica of veterday's colorless production. Although stocks yielded rather easily when subjected to professional pressure, there was a continued conspicuous ab sence of real liquidation and persistent selling. Selling by the traders, as a matter of fact, wns noticeably coutious. indicating an approaching overcrowded condition on the short side. At the same tlmo the entire list disclosed feeble rallying power, or at least ability to sustain the recovery movement. Actiritj on cither side was retarded by the Continued firmness of the money market. Brokers reported n brisk de mand for call moncj nt 7 per cent, while the supply was anything but plentiful, and It was rather surprising higher rates were not exacted. On the other hand, exchange on London rose substantially over yesterday's litiul quo. tatlons. Continued weakness of the Liberty ."Hi per cent bonds, which es tablished a new minimum at a frac tion under S". was nleo depressing The price Miriations, however, much the same as in the previous sessions, were governed entirely by the shifting oper ations of the professional traders. The entire list turned reactionary im mediately following the opening. Ship pings, sugars and chemicnls were added to the long list of heavy issues during the morning. Set oral of the minor rails also registered substantial losses, but coalers and Pacifies were fairlj firm. Shorts were aided in their opera tions by further price cutting in the motor and oil industries. Sears-Roebuck, American Woolen. National Enameling and United Drug represent ed the reactionary specialties. European oils, reversing their recent course, showed fair support. Steels and tobaccos led an irregular rall before noon. Passing of the dividend on South Porto Rico Sugar exerted no adverse effect, having been discounted in jes tcrday's severe decline. Motors were under Increased pressure, however. Pierce-Arrow preferred falling almost ." points to a new low. LITTLE ACTION Mr LOCAL TRADING Lehigh Valley Directors De care Regular Dividends on Common and Preferred NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS 3 E. H. Rollins & Sons Founded 1878 Investment Bonds 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Phone Pprure 54 60 Boston .vw York Wilkes-Bam .Baltimore Chicago San Francisco Province of Manitoba 6 bonds due 1031 Price 91 2 nnd Interest to yield 7.20 Principal and semi-annual in terest payable in gold coin )' in New York City One of the most encouraging dev 'lo,i ments of the day from a locil lew point, and which virtually jiaiMd un noticed, was the declaration of the regular quarterly dividends ou Lehigh Valley Railroad common au.l preferied stocks No change, of course, had cvn been hinted, but anything is possible these days. Nevertheless, it supplied a refreshing change from the disagree able announcement so frequently made of either reduction or mission of divi dends. Trading in the local stocks did not amount to much. In volume continued extremely small It was likewise un productive of any material change in prices, except in a few scattering in active stocks. Most of business was in small lots No response whatever was made to the wage reduction announcement of the Railway Labor Board Pennsylvania Railroad held between .15 and 35V Lfhlgh Navigation on small salrj moved up to B." The controversy stirred up at laet night's meeting of Councils over the Gas Commission report had no pffect on U O I which ruled relatlely hrm at 30 What little Philadelphia Rapid Tran6tt there was offered was well takm at 173 Philadelphia Elec tric preferred was offered modeaterly. falling back to wear's low quotation Electric Storage Ratterv was steady around 107. but the trading was on a small scale The Street expected ttie directors to declare the regular quar terh dividend of 3 per cent at their meeting this afternoon. BAR SILVER Domestic bar silver was unchanged in New York today at f)9'4c per fine ounce; foreign, r7Ji up Vtc In London the price was 4d lower at 33Vad. Today's Range In Liberty Bonds IN Y time) 11 10 Liberty SV&s .... 87.50 87.20 87 2tl Libert 2d -Is.... 80.60 88.86 80.80 Liberty 1st 4i',s. 87.00 87 40 87 40 Liberty 2d 4Vs. . 87.00 86.80 86.60 Ubert 3d -IVis.. 00.54 Liberty 4tb 4lta. 87.10 Vic Notes 8 .. 08.06 Vic Notes 4Ms . 08.06 DIV. Sales In 100 to 100 aoo 400 ISOO too 100 200 800 300 600 S00 800 1400 100 300 100 400 300 700 300 3000 800 200 400 100 1300 1400 ISOO 100 300 4U0 2S0 4300 3600 3100 S00 3300 200 100 2600 100 100 100 100 7000 300 100 0600 10300 100 1300 3100 100 100 100 300 200 400 1200 1900 100 700 100 000 1100 800 1300 1400 200 1700 2700 100 0000 700 300 1700 200 100 200 100 100 2600 1700 100 100 600 500 1S00 1600 ' 11700 CS00 8600 1800 100 1000 700 100 3600 400 100 100 3100 10ft 3100 100 1100 12000 200 GOO 11000 200 100 400 300 1100 200 100 101) 1000 2000 too too 400 200 200 300 son 400 100 400 son 3000 4600 100 2200 1800 . . Adams Express ...... 43 41 . . Advance Rumelr 5 6 Advance Rumely pf . . . 4 48 4 Air Reduction 3414 .. Alax Rubber 28 ji 3814 .. Alaska Gold Mines... H H . Alaska Juneau O M.. 114 Hi 4 Allied Chem & Dye... 4214 "1'a 7 Allied Chem & Dyo pf. 81W IH 4 Allis-Chalmera 33 31H 7 Allls-Chalmera pf .... 73W 73J4 8 Am A&rlo Cticm 48H H .. Am Beet Sugar 36)4 35ft 5 Am Bosch Magneto... 44 H 44 . Am Can 30 30 7 Am Can pf 83J4 83J's 12 Am Car & Fdy 123'A 123)4 .. Am Cotton Oil 18 18H .. Am DniB Syn 0 8 Am Exprosa 130 128 .. Am Hide & Leather pf 83)4 83 .. Am Hide & Leather.. 13)4 "Ji .. Am Internal Corp.... 44 43)4 1 Am-La France Eng. . . 8)4 8)4 .. Am Linseed 39H "H 8 Am Locomotive 83H 83H 7 Am Locomotlvo pr. ...101 101 .. Am Saiety Razor.... SJ4 H . . Am Ship & Com 0)4 8H . Am Smelt & Rer 43)4 3 7 Am Smelt & Ref pf... 76H 'J4 8 Am Steel Foundries.. 29 28J4 7 Am Sugar Ref 84 8314 7 Am Sugar Rcf pf 95i 95H 8 Am Sumatra. 60 SS'A 8 Am Tel & Tel 104)4 104)4 12 Am Tobacco 135)4 134 12 Am Tobacco B 134W 133)4 7 Am Woolen 73J4 71W 7 Am Woolen pf 98 98 .. Am Writing-Paper pf. 31)4 3U4 .. Anaconda Copper .... 40 30H .. Assets Realization ... 3 3 4 Asso try Goods 38 38 B Atch Top & S F pf 35J4 75J4 .. Atlnnta Bir A Atlantic 3)4 3)4 .. Atl Gulf & W I S S... 37)4 3t .. Atlantic Pet 1S& 1S)4 3 Auto Sales Corp 3)4 3)4 7 Baldwin Locomotive.. S3H 81H .. Baltimore & Ohio 41 40)4 4 Baltimore & Ohio pf.. S1J4 51)4 .BO Barnadale Class B.... 34 24 5 Bethlehem Steel ... S3 52 n Bethlehem Steel B . . 56 65 8 Bethlehem Steel 8 pflOOU 100 U .. Brklyn Rapid Transit 12)4 13)4 . . Brklyn R T ctfs of dep 7 7 .. Bruns Term 4 3 .. Butte Copper & Zinc. 4 431 .. Butte & Superior Cop. 13 13) .. California Petroleum . 43'4 41)4 2 Cal Zinc & Lead 4J4 4)4 2 Calumet & Arizona .. 48 48 10 Cunacllan Pacific 112)4 111 . . Case JI A 8 . . Central Leather 3? 36 U 7 Central Leather pf... 73 72)4 Cerro do Pasco 28 38 10 Chandler Motors .... 62)4 61)4 4 Chesapeake & Ohio. . . 68J4 58)4 .. Chi & E III Eq T ctfs. 1)4 1)4 .. Chicago Mil & St P. . . 38)4 38)4 . . Chicago Mil & St P pf 43 43)4 5 Chicago Northwestern 65 65 . Chi R I 4 Pac 33 33 0 Chi R I & Pac 6 pf 66)4 66 7 Chi R 1 & Pac 7 pf. 76J4 76 . Chile Copper U U .. Chlno Copper 34)4 34)4 .. ClevCIn chl& StL.. 40' 40)4 . . Coca-Cola 28 28 .. Col & Southern .... 37)4 37)4 .. Cluctt Pcabody pf . . 83 .83 . . Col Graphophono ... 7 Hi 7 Consolidated cigar .30 27)4 7 Consolidated Cigar pf 7014 70)4 7 Consolidated Gas .. . 86J4 86)4 . Consolidated Textiles, 10 10 . Continental Candy ... 1)4 1 4 Corn ProductB Ref.... 68)4 07 SO Cosden & Co 33J4 31 8 Crucible Steel 68 05 .SO Cuban Am Sugar 30 10)4 . . Cuban Canu Sugar. . 18 15 7 Cuban Cane Sugar pf. 53)4 5Hi .. Denver & Rio Grande. . Domcr & Rio Gr pf. . 1)4 I 1 Dome Mines 184 18 Emerson-Brnntlng ... 7)4 71 ft Endlcott-Johnson ... 61 01 . Erie 14 14 Erlo 1st pf 20'4 20h . Erie 2d pf 14)4 14)4 s Famous Plajers L .. 71 69 4 Federal Mln & Smlt pt 37 37 Kisk Rubber 14 1314 .. Free port Texas 15 15 . Gaston Wms & Wig . . 1 1 '4 General Asphalt ... . 07 05 fl General Cigar 577a 57 K General Electric .... 133 131)4 l General Motors .... 10J8 10)4 0 General Motors pf .07)4 67 14 0 Gen Motors deb 6 .. 7U 67 U Goodrich B V ... 36 S 7 Goodrich B F pf . . 79)4 70V4 7 Great Northern pf . . . 68)4 68 4 Gt Nor Ore ctfa .... 28 28 . . Gulf State Steel 35 35 .. Hendeo ctfs 18 IS Houston Oil .... GOJn 0S"j 1 Hupp Motor Car 13 11(4 7 Illinois Central 01 l .60 Indian Refining . ... O1 0'4 60 Indluhoma. Refining . S',4 514 Inspiration Con Cop .34 34 Inter Con Cop I 4 Inter Con Corp pf .. 11 11 Internal Atrrlcul .... ft 8 ft Int Agricul Corp pf. . . 48)4 10 7 Int Harvester new . . 87'i 87'4 R Int Mer Marine pf ... 53)4 53'4 . Internat Motortruck.. 34 34 . . International Nickel . 15 15 International Paper. 68 68! Inter Paper pf stpd . 73 73 Invincible Oil Corp . 17 10 . Island OH 3Jt, 3 87.20 88.86 87 40 86.80 00.40 86.80 08.02 08 00 00.40 80.00 08.02 08.00 United States Treasury Certificate! Int Maturing Hat Data t'D June 13 t' Juna 15 64 July IS. 8 Aug. 16. t'SM Sept. IB t'fl. Sept. 13, nirl loo 54 Oct IS irnUfy i'fywft'i' circular L-168 t t ernrr.ent tAccep nn an loll 18 l?t 199. Ill !i$N at 100 a 1 "i 4.37 in 5 get, 10. iai log joOA 5W Feb. 18, 1022 100 100A B Star IS. 182J lfi0H 100 Exempt from normal iJra fore! Income. laoie rnr navmn. " i . r , v, Miiu-iy, Aaked Yield 100 1-32 S? lOOA a " 5.J8 til iODX s.88 inn if a ii Weral forelrn a-ov- at Income tax due 3:80 Net Hlh low (N.T.tm.) Che. a f 1 IS . 40 34V H 91H 33 41 -30 83J4- 133)44- 1)4 18- 6 r y 138 h 53)4 13)4 8)4 - 29J4- 83- 101 - - 8- 43 - 76J4- 38J4- 84- 05 - 60 V, 104)4 )4 125)4 124 W-72J4-98 31)4 40 3 - 38 -7ST4- 3)4 37W 15)4- 3)4 83 41 51)4 34 S3 - 46 100)'4 - 13)4 7 4 4 13),-41)4- 4- 48- 112)4 0 37 4-73J4- 38 -62)4 58)4 1)4 -28)4-43)4" 65 33 4 66 76 4- 11S4 . 34)4 37)4 83 - J4- 28 -70)4-86)4 10 -1)4 68)4 33 17 53)4 t4- 18)4- 7)4- 61 14 30 J4-14)4-71)4 37 l'4 67 4 A 4 36 4 38 -35 18 -09?,, - lt',4- 91 OJ4- 514- 34 - 4 1I- 8- 0, - 87 - 53)4- 31 - 14 15 - J4 "7J4 4- Hi 73 16 4 )'4 3- 'A a 14 14 1 m 14 14 )4 )4 ft 1 ft y )4 n 3 (4 H 14 J4 m a 14 ' 2)4 a 14 1 )4 1)4 "u )4 )4 )4 14 H '4 'a ' 3 4 ' Vt )4 3 W !4 )4 )'4 '4 !'4 i )4 ,Sale 1300 4300 100 900 300 10a 4500 Div. Int Hlsh Kancas city Southern. 37 4 Kelly.Sprlnsrfleld Tire. 8)4 . Kelaey Wheel ........ 3 . Kennecott Copper . .. . Keystone T & R 0 Lackawanna Steel 46 2 Lee Rubber Tire 7 TM Kt tow (N.T.tm.) Che. 900 8.80 Lehleh Valley "J4 00 3 Loewe Co 14 00 1 Loft Candy 11 100 12 Lorlllard Tobacco ,...1 100 7 Louisville & NoshvlllelOO 10o . . Market St Ry pr pf. .. 40 100 .. Marland Oil 19)4 lOO .-. Maxwell Motor Hi 100 .. Maxwell Motor 1st pf. 8 100 .-. Max Mot 1st pf ctfs.. 5 100 .. Maxwell Chalm wl 12)4 100 .. May Dept Store 83 110Q0 Mexican Petroleum . .14SJi 100 e Miami Conner 33)4 200 i.jo Middle States Corp... 1314 .. Mldvale Steel 74 7 Minn St P & S St Me. 13)4 .. Mo Kansas & Texan... 2 . . Mo Kan A Tex pf 4)4 .. Missouri Paclfto 21 . . Missouri Pacific pf . . . . 3' .. MontBomory Ward ... 18)4 .. National Acme 20 . . National Con & Cable, ifi 6 Nat En am & Stamp.. 60)4 .. Nev Con Copper 11 8 N O Tex & Mex 1 S New York Central.... 68)4 80 New York Dock 23)4 . . New York N H & H. . 19 1 New York Ont & W. . . 18 .. Norfolk & Southern... 11 7 Norfolk & Western... 95)4 8 North American 9 7 Northern Paclfto 70)4 5 No-a Scotia S & C, Okla Prod & Ref 2)4 .. OtlsSteel 12)4 2 Owena Bottling 49 8 Paclfto Gas & Etcc. ... 51 .. Pacific Oil 38 8 Pan-Amer Petrol .... 65 8 Pan-Amer B 59 2 Pennsylvania R R ... 35' .. Penn Seaboard Steel.. 0 7 PennyJCpf 90)4 .. Peoples Gas chtcaaro. . 51 .. Pere Marquette 23)4 100 100 100 100 1000 500 100 400 100 5I0 1700 100 700 100 S 500 400 1000 1400 200 1000 100 15000 100 100 100 1000 1300 200 300 600 100 100 1700 300 100 2000 2500 200 100 3100 100 2500 3500 1100 5100 200 100 400 600 4300 4800 8 2300 300 300 100 200 F300 3100 300 400 3100 9600 100 300 0400 1000 100 300 400 500 300 37600 300 200 800 10500 5100 3100 1700 300 loo 1800 700 100 100 3100 300 3 1700 100 4300 1900 1000 300 i 7300 too 27100 300 3100 300 i. 1500 200 200 100 1400 1300 100 100 100 400 100 400 1300 1400 I 1100 300 100 as 38 Si 20 134 4 28 V 51J4 14 11 155 100 40)4 19)4 4)4 6 5 13)4 83 148 23)4 13 ,264 13)4 2 4)4 31)4 41)4 18)4 20)4 14 40 11 61 08 32)4 19 18 10 WA St "Y 41 54 33 55 9)4 69)4 29)4 100)4 30 Pere Marquette pf S Pero Marq prior pf . . . . Plerce-Arrow Motor. 8 Plerce-Arrow pf .... . . Pierce Oil 8 Plerco Oil pf . . Pittsburgh & W Va.. 8 Pullman ft Punta Alesre Siurar. 4 Pure Oil 31 . . Ray Con Copper 134 4 Reading 72 2 Reading- 1st pf 43 2 Reading 2d pf 44 . . Remlnpton Typewriter 21)4 . Replo Steel 244 . . Republic Iron & Steel. 55)4 !n Royal Dutch NY 59 .. St Louis San Fran... 25)4 . St Louis San Fran pf. 34 . St Louis southwest... 28)4 .. St Louis Southwest pf 37)4 . . Santa Cecelia Sugar. . 3 . . Saxon Motor 4 . . Sears-Roebuck 77 '. Stneca Cop Corp 10'A . Shattuck Arizona' Corp OV .74 Shell Transport 43 . . Sinclair Oil 33J4 fl Hoss-Sheff 38)4 fl So Porto Rico Sugar. . 45 4 Southern Paclflo 75)4 . Southern Rail 204 8 Southern Rail pf.. .. 474 7 Standard Oil of N J pfl06 7 Steel Tube pf... 78 2 Stewart Warner Speed 25)4 . . Stromberg Corb 37)'4 7 Studebaker 72 1 Submarine Boat Corp. 7 . Superior Oil Corp 6 Tenn Cop & Chem ... 8 3 Texas Co 36)4 .. Texas & Pacific 24'4 1 Texas & Pao C & O.. 24 6 Tobacco Products .... 56'4 7 Tobacco Products pf.. 83 .. Trans Con OH 0)4 . Union Oil 33) 10 Union Paclfto 118 4 Union Pacific pf 61 Union Tank Car 101 29Z 39 14 12)4 49 51 35 04 59 35W 9J'4 90)4 51 33 41 64 21 SI 9)4 89)4 29 100)4 39)4 33)4 13)4 70)4 43 44 34)4 23 64)4 58 24 'A 34 28 37)4 3 I 4 75)4 10 V 6)4 Ml 23)4 38)5, 45 74)4 20)4 474 ioo)4 78 35 38)4 60 7)4 27)4 V 38)4- 63 .. 20-14 134- H 46 )4 37 1 614- Va 14-14 11 156 - 100 "40)4- 16)4- 4)4- e s 12)4- 88 -1484 33)4 13)4 2- 4)4-21)4-41)4-18)4 20)4- 14 40 -11 -01 -68-324 16 -18 -10 -05)4 59 70)4 29 4- 3 12)4 49 51 -35 4 05 - 50 4 35)' 4- 9)4 SI 4 )4 : ft V 4 4 ' ')4 V 14 'j4 i 1)4 a 'l4 1 J4 14 3 1 14 5 54 54 54 Now York Curb INDUBTMALS Hlth Amer Leather .......... 14 S empire Food ........... OH Perfection Tire 4.... lft !,JLC Ci (N. Y. Time) 11:10 MW A. M. I .IB .38 ii? f) 48 4SU m m i 24H 24 g 1 1 33 41 54 23 52 - 9)4 - 100)4- 304-30)4- 13)4 D3 1 54 3)4 ' ' 54 U4 54 VA )4 jiaaio .orrr .... Radio Com prat ......... Readies riante .......... Stand Com Tab ......... 4 Stand .Com Tab pref,.,... 98 U B Dletrlbutlna- 24) u s snip Corp J u p oirnm ,,,i,, ,, United rroflt Bharlnr ... 1 8TANDA1UJ OILS Antlo-Amer' Oil ISJi 18V4 Stand Oil of Ind 72 H 72 INDE3?KNDENr OIXS Allied Oil 1, i. B Arkaneas Natural Qaa ... 11U natta rt '.... 0 Boone Oil ............... 1 Jlottpn Wyoming- ........ 90 vjariD eyna 7 Cities Service "B" otfs .. 20 yenny 011 K k Hasln Pet Klk Uaelii rlshts Lnslrriere' Petrol ....... aerai oil 1 12 18)4 72 p...., ,, Ouftey Qllleeple Hudnon Oil Int Petrol -. 10 ' 1 87.. 0U. 2Jf 22 1 1 12g 12i !i 1B ISM ijivinnaion ,i ax ax., a., Maracalbo Oil 26t 28'f 26W Merr tt Oil 9S 9I 01 S P ......... .Q ....... 1 4? 71 154 8 United Drug 93 SO United Drug 1st pf . . . . 43 8 United Fruit 100 .. Unit Rwy Invest pf.. 23 3 United Retail Stores.. 50A ..US Food ProductB... 20 ., U S Ind Alcohol 05 ..US Realty & Imp. ... 63)4 8 U S Rubber 67)4 ..US Smelt & Ref 33)4 5 U S Steel 80)4 7 U S Steel pf 108)4 1 Utah Copper 53)4 .. Utah Seo 10 , Vanadium Corp 31 . Va-Carollna chem . . . 20 . . Vlvaudou Inc 7J4 .. Wabash 8)4 Wabash pf A 33 . . Western Maryland . . . 10 .. West Maryland 2d pf. 10)4 . Western Pacific 29 4 Westlnghouse B & M. 46 .. Wheeling & L E 10)4 .. Wheeling & L 13 pf . . . 17)4 4 White Motor 37)4 .. White Oil Corp 134 .. Wlllys-Oxerland 8)4 .. Wlllys-Oxerland pf ... 36' fl Worthlngton Pump . . 40 6 Worth I'umn nf B 63 Ex-dlvldena. 8)4 35)4 23)4 23 55, 82)4 9 31)4 117)4 64 101 01 43 107)4 23 57)4 19 65 S3 65 33)4 784 108 52 10)4 30)4 20 74 8'4 23 43 - 44 24)4-23-65)44-68 4 35 4 34 38)4 37)4 3 4 70 - 16)4- 0- 414 33- 38)4- 45 -75 -20 f 474 106)4 78 25)4 4 37)4 4 71)4 7 - 6 - 854-35)4-34 34 f E6054 83)4- 054- 21)4 118 4- 01 101 91-. 1 43 101)4- 23 - )4 59 - )4 to- 65)4 .. 52)4 4 f 108)4 4 53)4 4 304 r 774- 8)4 '3 54 1 54 54 74 U 1054B 10 4 19)4 10)44 29 40 9 17)4 37)4 13)4 8 35 )i 40 03 54 54 154 20 40 9- )4 17)4 lU 37)4- 12)4 8 -63 4- Commodity Markets COTTON MARKET New York, June 1 There seemed to be considerable Southern selling at the opening of the cotton market todaj , which occasioned a partial loss of three points In all months except March, uhlch was one point higher. The of ferings were absorbed by shorts. Jap anese interests and Liverpool, so that the list had a steady undertone, and after the start was only a few points under last night's close. Trade was light, with brokers await ing tomorrow's Government crop report The N'ew Orleans Times Picajune made the condition 115 1 and the reduction in the acreage .10.8 per rent Receipts nt the ports for the day are estimated at 115,000 bales, against lfi,37.S bales a week ago- 12.00S bales a year ago and 48,300 bales two yars ago. tN T tm 12 30 Philadelphia Stocks July October Derembtr 'inuarv Ifarrh .. , Preuoue Cloee Open . 12 03 12 or. . 13 00 18 7 . 14 10 14 00 14 20 14 IS . 14 40 llri 12 82 14 40 GRAIN MARKET Chicago, June 1. Crop estimates by B W Snow and Goodman & Crom well were construed as bullish and thib caused the broad wave of buying in the wheat market, which carried prirti up sharply. The expert's estimate of the total wheat crop ranged from 844, 000.000 bushels to 870.000,000 bushels, against 787,000,000 bushels harvested last year. Cash wheat premiums were off nearl) 30c on contract grades. No shipping", sales were reported. Export demand wns shut off br the advance. Strength in wheat caued bullish sen timent to develop in corn and good gains were established. Goodman estimates the acreage per cent larger than a year ago. Shipping demnnd was slow, with sales of only 10.000 bushels re ported Vessel room was offered at hi cent cheaper, but with this advantage shippers were unable to interest Eastern buyers. Vessel room for 1.000,000 bush els was chartered for Buffalo and Mon treal Dullish crop reports also had a strengthening effect on oats. The three experts estimates range from 1,321', 000,000 bushels to 1.384.000.000 bushed against a crop harvested last year of 1,(526,000.000 bushels. Tho cash basis was unchanged. Shipping sales lere po,uuu Dusaic i m 00 Am Strs 63 Am Gas.. .15 Ilrill J G High 50.. 281? 35 1:15 Net Low P M. chEB. SOU 50 V6.. 28 28 .. 35 35 1 BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearing! today compared with cor responding day laet to :ear: Phlla. . JOB. 867. 234 f07.28S.071 ISO.110,7,12 i. X. Vmr.fni.HHU I.U4U.UHS,47 1 noi ia,V77n Boston.. 48,072,400 03,001,4(11 74.130.705 Chicago 100.737 474 112.820,30 100 O32n08 Mexico oil 1 Mountain Producte 10 iiorin Amer uu Noble , Fait Creek Prod Slmmi Pet 8J4 Texon K ft Un Texaa Oil U l! United Koyalty 2H 2J4 SHNINa Atlanta 1 1 Dlff Ledg A A Booth 3 3 Ooeton & Montana, 60 67 Caledonia Mining 10 10 Candelarla Mlrrinr i 88 80 Cona Virginia ....J 4K 4)1 Cortez Sliver 75 72 Creaeon Gold 1)1 Hi Crescent MacNamara .... 0 0 Dundee Arizona T4 T4 Kmma Silver 2 2 Eureka Croesus .'. SO 48 Eureka Holtv 1 t God Cons, r 7 7 Gold Devel 1 1 Ooldfleld Florence 32 32 Gold Kewanaa 3 2. Gold silver Pick 4 4 Gold Zon 1A la Great" Bend , 1 1 uccia Aiming 3ft ail Jumbo Extension 7 7 KJiox Divide 18 17 XIacNarrrara IB 10 Marah Mlrlnir . 7 1 Mother .Lode new r4 Mi National Tin 1W 1 Nlplaslng 4)4 4i jvorin Btar 4 4 Ilex Cons 10 10 Itocnejter Mlneo 0 0 San Toy 4 4 Sliver King Divide 1 1 Stand Slher Lead A A Success Mining 2 2 Tonopah Belmont 1U Hi Tonopah Cash Boy B 6 Tonopah Extension 1A 1A Tonopah Midway 10 10 Tonopah Mlzpah 7 7 Tonopah Montana 7 7 Tonopah Rescue Eula ... 17 17 United Eastern 2)4 2)4 t ct?T. V 3 3 .st ''B11 Co" ' 1 JX!!l,e.cPa "' nl Wllbert 3 3 noNns Amer Agri Chem 7"4h 0411 OHi Amer Tol 6s 1022 OS'i 064 Anaconda 7s 1020 0.1i 03"-i nein nieei 7s iva .... Heth Steol 7s 1035 ... Copper Export 8s 1024 ConB Gas 8s Cudahy Pack 7s 1923... Deere Co 7V4s ... . Grand Trunk arts Gulf Oil 7 Humble Oil 7b Interhor 7s Kennecott 7s Morris TAn . Sears Roebuck 7s 1023 Southern rty 7s Southwest Bell 7s . . . . StarM OH N T (114 s . . Stand Oil N Y 7s 1025 Stand Oil N Y 7 1027. Stand Oil N Y 7s 1028.. 101 Swift & Co 7s 04 Va'Car Chem 7Vis 88 Winchester 7s 0 Swiss 0ft n 84 04'i OO'i 035 I17A OH 'A 10?! O.V4 05H lltj ion nns 100 100 100 100 09 00 00 oavj o:i'i o.Ti 034 3ft OH' otiw nH o; onH oiiH on; 72 '4 72 72 01J4 OIU om 054 my, 05V4 bo1' oo(J on4 05i 051 05. 00 OBli 06 100 100 100 ion; loiu ioi; ioiu nv. tntu 4 ioi mi: m 8SS, nni on or 84 84 FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yorlt, June 1. There was a slightly better tone to the principal Eu ropean exchanges at the opening this morning. Sterling was up ; francs BV6 up nnd lire fi points better. Marks were unchanged. Quotations were : Sterling cables 3.80. demand 3.88 ; French and Belgian cables 8.40, checks 8.30 ; lire cables 5.30. cheeks 5.20 ; Swiss cables 17.5."). checks 17.52; peseta cables 13.15, checks 13.13; guilder cables 34.40, checks 34.35; Stockholm cables 22.05, checks 22.00; Christiania cobles 15.25, checks 15.20; Copenhagen cables 17.78, checks 17.73; marks 1.50. The premium In Montreal today on New York funds was 12 1-10 per cent. The rate of discount on Canndfan funds in New York today was lO-'ft per cent. Central European cxdiangvs wor quoted today as follows: Greek, 5.75; Uumoninn, 1.00; Bulgarian, 1.25; Austrian. .25: Poland, .13; Czecho slovakia. 1.454. YESTEHDAY'S FINAL QUOTATIONS sterling Francs Lire Guilders 2-S2I? g.gr -& ft.20ft H4.35 . 3.80. 8.42 8.27 34.30 TODAY'S OPENING QUOTATIONS n. . "i'll',1' K'iK,' LlreGullders Cables .. a 80S H 40$ 0.30 NOON QUOTATIONS Stirling Francs LlreGullders gmnd 3.01, 8.4S'4 B34 34 58 9abl6 3 02'i 8 40'4 B.34V 3M3 Demand Cables 34 fln 04.40 Japan's Gold Holdings Decline Washington, June 1 According to n re port receded by the Department of Com merca. Japan gold holdings abroad to the account of the Dank of Japan and the Japanese Government amounted to 2.154 000 . O06 yen at the middle of March, a decrease of approximately 18,000,000 yen as com pared with the end of February, The . cllne. the report stated, represented a fall In credits held In London and New York, which transferred to Japan na n, consequence of Japan's Import balance of trade. 15 ElecStor.107' 107 1074- 1 312tGon Mot 10 10 10t 34 I Co N A 20 130 I.ch Nov 65 10 Pa Cent'l Light pf 43V. l',-:! Pn n n . as if 20 64i 13 35 20 65 43 35 ii 13 I'btia Jo cum pf 32 32 32.. 145 Phlla Elec 21 21 2iqi.. 108 do pref . 25 25 2H M 125 Pbila R T 17 17 17 . . 150tRoval Dutch. . 59 59 5TonoBel. 1A 1A 35 U G I... 30 35 10tUS Steel 70 70 Net change made by comparison with last fale on New York Stock Exchange. rnrLADELFIHA nONDS 59-f-l ei A 36 .. 70- 1000 Liberty 3d 4Us 00.46 4 'A 3500 Liberty 4th 4'4s 1000 Liberty 3d s 00.54 ivxni uiueri.r tin -tviti..., 01 ,i;u 3000 Liberty 4th 4is 86.08 1000 Liberty 4th 414s 87.04 1S350 Liberty 4th 4Vis 86.02 BHOO victory 4is lots im.no 3200 Victory 4s 08.04 3000 Bell Telephone 7o Iota 102 4000 Lehigh Valley 0s 97 1000 Pennsylvania 6s 05 7000 Phlla Co cons 5s lots 81 2000 Phlla Elec 1st 5s 83 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yorlt, June 1. Trade interests were again the chief buyers at the open ing of the local coffee futures market this morning, but the persistent offer lugs of a prominent broker, supposedly liquidation of old long accounts, eased eft prices on the call 5 to 13 poluta. The cublee from Brazil wore about a stand off. Prices worked off to still lower levels light after the calUon continued pres sure of liquidation, the break carrying July to 0.82 nnd September to 0,65, or 12 to 13 points net lower. The market then worked up a few points, with sen tlment still unsettled, Prev. Close Open juiy SiigiJ e.33t September 2-7l2I9 6 607O December 7.2S024 7,14015 Nureh 7.64CTB8 7.40a4l j MONEY-LENDJfJT RATE8 NKV YORK Monefetahl I. both cl of collateral, opened tjSSESti t per cen lending and rnewtntT classes cent for E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Ten-Year 7y2 Bonds The Companv manufactures commercial and military explosives, artificial leather, pyralin, dyestuffB, paints and acids. It reports tangible assets at ap proximately $246,000,000 (of which $89,000,000 are current), compared to less than $58,000,000 of total lia bilities, including these $35,000,000 Bonds which are the only funded debt of the Company. Price to yield about T2 Dcjcripttva circular upon request Philadelphia Office Guaranty Company of New York 421 Chestnut Street fsz 1 The Advantage of Appointing a "Professional Executor" f u When you are in need of legal advice in your business or personal affairs you turn ', to an individual, who makes law hi pro fession. Should you not, then, consider the advisability of a "professional custodian"' for your entire estate when you are no longer present to care for it? ' No single individual can possibly have all of these qualifications for the highly specialized and technical business of acting as an executor, possessed by the Girard Trust Company: Continuity of service, uninterrupted, by death, illness or disability. Financial responsibility secured by tho entire capital and surplus of the Company. The collective judgment of an organiza tion, specializing in the financial, legal and accounting questions involved in the management of estates. Frequent examination by federal and state banking authorities. The above are some of the advantages arising from the appointment of a corporate executor. The fees charged are no greater than those paid to an individual serving in the same capacity. Member Federal 1 Capital and Surplut Resenre System $10,000,000 EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS, Pmidnt GIRARD TRUST COMBUST CAorfereJ 1836 KfHDCPNatsHUI tL'XS . . Philadelphia INVESTORS should avail themselves of the opportunity to exchange maturing short-term notes for bonds with a high income yield for a considerable period of time. Send ui a Iht of your June and July maturities, in exchange for any of the following: Government of Newfoundland 15-Year 6y2 Gold Bonds, duo June 30. 1936. (Interest June 30 and December 31) Yield Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. 25-year 7a First Lien nnd Refunding Cold Bonds, Series "A," (non-callable first ten years), due May I, 1946. (Interest May I and November I) Porto Rican-American Tobacco Co. 10-year 8 Gold Bonds, due May 15, 1931. (Interest May 15 and November 15) Mexican Petroleum Company, Ltd., 15-Year 8 Sinking Fund Convertible Gold Bonds. due May I. 1936. (Interest May I and November 1) Pennsylvania Railroad Company 6J9i 15-year Secured Gold Bonds. due February I, 1936 (Interest February I and August I) Pennsylvania State Tax Refunded. Tax Free in Pennsylvania. 7.20 7.85 8.00 8.20 7.00 GARRISON & CQ. 1030-32 Widener Building, Philadelphia Members Phila. Stock Exchange N. Y. Stock Exchange Telephones Bell: Spruce 8370-71-72 Keystone: Race 9721-22-23 nJP" H A BANK sufficiently large to accommo date the reasonable wants of its customers. Yet a bank not so complex as to lose personal contact with a single individual customer. GmtraiNatfonal Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth Capital $,,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits Earned Stocoo 1 -JE J-, '"WA-'tiW,- ... "'( , v , V yf