il, -5.AV s r.i ..., ' " " a v.;.,- vf T .?"-' t i i , ,' K! I- fi-'r-' Vi ' -.-. ,; pTAWr5- yi :- ti'V 'tivJ? ', 'V'r.r v' i '. 'A EVENING' BXJBig LEDGER-P&ILADELPHI A,- WEDNESDAY, JUNE;,' i, li)2l a .. - " vv- r AnlWONPACKg, y. v. DIRONDACKS Ci7r--7:" ' zhMsr" ?'.5 . a 7rL mm'EJXjJ(''l1mS iR3nfli ' Health; Pleasure, Shooting, Sailing, ing, Motoring. attractions TV. William Iioiei .iinrinn irlon I'nul Smith's ftaranun Itttl . iinm The Hnsnmnr- Hterenn House The Orand Vie Whltrfnr- Inn Lakeside Inn . Northwoods Inn Tho Pines H ' AniRONDACKS-MOSTUKAlrKUKO TOIIII Is the Mont Picturesque nnd HIE AwlP.ViJiIjil.Y .niomoblle tour Macadam Hlirhwny P.ntlre Dltnnee. For ADIRONDACK? Uootfet und Information apply to OKO. W. RYAN. Seey., pJIe 'Slontrea'l Vnd Province of Onebee Tonr Ilooklet and Information apply to ToorliU' IlurVou of .Montreal. MO Sew Ulrica Illdr.. MOM'RKAI.. Cnnodn. " ronrF.RSTQWK. n. y. fls5L'i MSklft, L riM4r I .... - I I .. NEAT YORK Highest Standards at Moderate Rates NE W YORK'S newest hotel achievement, The Ambassador, gives i t s guests that individual service, distinctive environment and European cuisine that have brought world-fame to all the hotels in The Ambassador Hotels System. On Park Ave inue at Fifty-first Street, The Ambassador touches the shop ping, theatre and uptown financial districts. Special sum mer rates now in effect., Am bassador Restaurant, Garden, Ball Room and Grill. Oh p Amlh)aj.nflifi Atu-yorM "Mou VisiUKllv7Joicl Park Avenuo at Fltty-nrst Street Telephone R'llnelander U000 The Ambassador Hotels System The Ambassador Atlantic CUu The Ambassador .Veto Vorfc 77io Ambassador .as Angeles QENTRALLY located in V" ihopping and theatre districts. Near railroad terminals. Unescorted ladies receive pecial attention. Delicious food, luxurious appointments, personal service. Fifth Avenue &Thirty-firt St. li new rork Lity I -i--'F, tlUlRHE. NEW YORK Lake George Village latorlc i bookie tihtM .tulllk,e- Illustrated. B0VS" nV7ril?U" and b0ard""f MOHICAN HOUSE Uncas-on-Iko Klertrie liii.i. Oeorge. N. Y. J- hK 'lfORIIIiN. Y. " HOTEL MARlON ON LAKE fiKOHGE. N.Y. 'P1f.nmi"!'8hnrh of Albany S'rt Vlllsii" f,hc,,;" f'-o State Itoad from Lake S. Llbor.l .i 'n "ndlnB Modern In eqniD- HSMa I... . "" " jnRPPII n if . nnin IWhii hillJ;50 Mountain Housa'f oi : ii ' ( i.1 tt. v'bw of .. H1'1' WHITE VAC.v, WttrsdTo anraC'"2" ,Aut0 Pr" V i. r?,1?..",r.Hond for booklot. L wii-V.' 'i.t i", Pr k. JMImlnBton, ,v, Y, In ih. 'W. Il" MOtlHK Y.Airir n. ...T..f"iirondacka i'.,- 1V.V . . lHi, iyJ'S. uunclng, etc.t tMAtlnir. excellent r-lln.;'" .'". : -i .AMP. Illtf Mnn.e N. Y. K0 Clear Inn Al'lrundack UU., Lake HnC :" Watdner t Son iS lis! ! IH 9ts!S"''i! t'SiUSl8 9" The AleiovniJrto 1ms Angeles I f7hfuaiS 1L IHnlrnttL I fENTRALLY located in T n-jnJDHMISK. N. , KV r1 a ni n r BTOIMKR RKflQRTH THKONn'KH. N. V 7l?f - -HMH V. HE Adirondack region makes the Ileal and Ideal Vacation Land' for Rest, Recreation, Golfing, Fishing. Camping, Tramp- Its' charms and are sufficiently diversified and numerous to satisfy the most fastidious. , FOn BOOKLET ADDRESS Henry Hotel Hotel . . T.uUo (Ifyinrre. V. V. ...Marian on Lake fleorcn. N. Y. Hotel I'nul Smith's, N. Y. '. ITntwr N.ntltni. N. V IT..... (Jan.. .a,. XI V M'lllicrl I Hotel .. l'lattsbiirxli. N. Y. Cmnbrrinnil .Hotel rlnltliiirh, N. Y. I)eed's Hend Inn ...E liabHhtown, N. Y. Hotel Windsor ... . .Eilsahelhtown, N. Y. Hunter Home ....Ellzabrthtown, N. Y. Hotel Chamnlaln. roini-on.the-Lnke Ctinmplitln, N. Y. ionr ir, n. .e.Lnke riacld, N. ?: .i.nke riMin, ix. .Lake rinctd. N. Y. Idkn l'llirtrt. N. Y. ake .Lnke rineld, N. V. ..I.nke Plnelil. N. Y. The Ilelmont Lake 1'lneld, N. Y. Lelnnd House ... Krhruon Lake. N. Y. Ilrown Swnn Ctjib Hchroon Lake, N. Y., Westport Inn .. Wrstnort. N. Y. Flnnnrnn Hotel , Malone, S. Y. Riverside Inn. , . . . . Paranno Luke, N. Y. Ilerkeler llotel Hnrnnoe Lake. N. Y. Au Snlile Clinsn. Hotel An Sable Chasm, N. Y. Lnke llnrrls IInnf . Newromli, N. Y. The Wlndor Hotel Roimr Point, ff. Y. The Wordrn Harntoirn HprliiBH, N. Y. The Roeknall nien Tttlln. N. Y. Tlti rnlri'n aiem FttlU, N. Y. WayMde Inn I.traerne. N. Y. KltiC'nrltnn Hotel Montrenl. Tiinnifi. WlndKor Hotel Montrenl. ranndi. The (llieen lintel MnnlMil rnnnt1i. moPERSTOWN. N. Y, LEATHERSTOCKING CORPORATION ANNOUNCES THAT ON OTSEGO LAKE, COOfERSTO WN, ,N. T. mrj. OPKN FOR THE SEASON ON SATURDAY, JUNE 25 UND EH THE PERSONAL MANAGEMENT OF MR. DAVID B. PLAJMER BOWDOIN PLUMER AMOCtATt HAMAODI NfEV YORK OFFICR "THE SPUH." 425 FIFTH AV. TEL. VANDEIiBILT ZU niOHMOCNT. N. T. MMEaS I. A City in HttUr Hif Amount, . I. 1 Opens May 37 for Decoration Day I Under New Management F. tiKlDEN I 220 Rooms With Every Convenience I Hot nnd Cold HunnlnB Water I ALL OUTDOOR SPORTH I Jewleh Dietary Lawa Observed I Bales and Booklet on Reqneat UBTKB HABANAC MUB, N. Y. SARANAC INN n the Heart if the Adirondack. CERTIFIED MILK. A BUJIiri:H RESORT of the hlcbaat character; aupe'b cuisine: an environment socially desirable on WONDERFUL UPPER HARANAO LAKE, Modern IS hole solf. State roada. all sports and amusement at their beat. HARRINGTON MILLS. Mnnuier. E. O. F1TZOERALD. Ass't. Manacer. Addrea Upper Snrnnnc. Netv York LAKE PLACID. N.' T. WHITEFACE INN LAItE PLACrD. N. Y. Open Jane . Modern to all Ha appointments. , J. 4. SWKENKT. Mannter. New York Office, Hotel CoUlngwo 45 Yest 38th Street Winter. Hlah'and Park Hotel. Aiken. 8. C LAKE SIDE INN LAKE ri.Acni. v. NOW OPEN. H0OKLET. T. A, LBACHY. Mitr, BOBPOK. N. T. LAKEWOOD AMOUNTAIKT M SUMMER HOME OF UNUSUAL CttARN INN ROSCOE.N.YT ftttorricMtsoBWAY TllrtA0Sa474B FtTT.TON CHAIN OF LAKES. N. Y. NEW NEODAK "ZZJt!?. dacku. Now Open. Chnrmlntr location; all comforts, jopulnr umuaements, choice table; coneiilent, yot off beaten pxth Ilooklt. Uood Dshlag ROY RODQKKS.. INLET. N. Y. New Arfowhead Hotel n,?jj ffiS on tl'.i Lake; open flrcp'aces; elec. Irta.; un excel. culKlne, boatlnir. Uutnlny, nshlne. wat. sports, danc. natea IDA 10 Still, llonklet. C. E. O'HARA. Inlet, N. Y, ROTKV POINT INN Fulton Chain - of Lake. N.Y. Rutrb location on Lako; altitude 1T1T feet. l:orv possibly convenience for our meats. A. Q, DELMARSH, Mgr., P. O. Inlet, N. Y. THE ItAMONA AND COTTAOKH On the north shore of l'ourtli Lake. Modern tthrouxhout. Home cooklnir. All sports. Special rated June. Ju'y and Sept. Rooklet. tIKM. t iiihiiihki.i.. niu fnrte, N. 1. THF WOOD INLET, N. Y. On f'ulton inc. VYWLcnnln jneaUy locaIe1, Hlkt. P. C. WOOD. Prop. ltl.I'E MOUNTAIN I -A HE. N. Y. THE HEDGES ADIKONDACKS Formerly Duryen Camp Now open The most modern camp In the Adlrondacks. I.uka side location All sports. Including KOlf; central dining room; tourists welcome. Hklt. W D. Carey, lllue Mtn. Lake. N. Y TUFFFI.1N. Y. THE PRINCE ALBERT Flshlne, hunting, bathlnc. bdntln?. Dry air, superb scenery I. K. FLANDERS. Moody. N. Y. NFAVC0.M11. N. Y. MKK HARRIS HOUSE: Now onen I.n ted un the best flshlntr etrenms In the Adlron dacks. Boats, BUldas & supplies furn. Mod. rooms; excel, table. Jos. H. Oregory. Prop. 1I0LT0N, UKK OEORtlE. N. Y. ALGONOUIN I,olto" n Lo Oeorae. I Irinal loo.; unsurpassed culilne and serv. ; all amuse, anu coimona; spqc. juno ana rept. rates; Illustrntert blkt. L renfleld. Prop. QTTKR LAKE. N. V, nTTCD I AlfF UHTPI Otter Lake. N Y, v "'' ar iiviuu . moArn hotel In the Adirondack), Excellent table; all amusements; goou nsninir. uatni moderate, Ilnoklet Address O It NOftTON, i Mgr "" trufroRGK. nTy. THE FORGE HOUSE Old Forge, N. Y, Excellent table, Reason able rates No files or mosquitoes, Oolf and all sports MARYLAND Vacationing In the Blue nidge Mts.; for de. ncrlptlve lilclt. A list of hotels & hrdg, houses In Blue Ridge Mis write. Gen. Pass, Agent, Western Marvlnnd Ballnav Baltimore, Md QUEAN CITY, MD. New Avalon Overl'k'g ocean A- ban large airy nm M- ee Wk m Mr AMr r Gaskln LONDON. KNOLANP THREE FAMOUS LONDON IIOTET.S yictorla Hotel, Grand Betel, Hotel Mftropole 1 ,HITMMF.n RESORTS VERMONT ffWainiiwirWii)aiiiniiiiiiiiiHnifa Summer Happiness ro It lead Vermont-ward. The thrill of thrills is an excursion- by motor through the Green Mountains on roads that are for the 'most part of cushiony gravel, The zeat of the outdoor life can find no better aid than gliding through the ever-changing Nature-picture of this 'Switzerland of Eastern America." "VERMONT MOTOR TOURS" a FREE book published by the State of Vermont. A copy goes to any motorist fitar. a-plenty; information complete. Other free publications sent on request: "The Green Mountains of Vermont" Hotel and Boarding Home Directory)" lPkJ?RPei Mvr',7eM i'SrfillP rV far lllrllMlF i v "'QjylBsa ii n. n ULafat.5r MiiuimTniuinurUUtIu7HrtrminireiMu;nuuunuiuniunuiniutuiiii!nmiiutiiiiitu:niu;tJi NEW KNOLAND Hotel Abom On the Famoaa North Shore The Holdemcs Inn In the White Mnuntmlne Magnolia. Maas. noldrrnesa, N. II. Send for Booklet nnd Ratea R. W. DAVISON, Proprietor M008EHKAD LAKE, K1NEO. MB. MOUNT K1NE0 HOUSE On Moosehcad Lake, Kineo, Maine OPENS JUNE 30TH Special rates In July and September KINEO ANNEX Open now far Sprint; flshlnc. Salmon nnd Lake Tront. Ouldea and tackle available. For Information and boofctnos address RICHER HOTEL COMPANY 11S0 Broadway, New York, or Kineo. Me. WniTK MOUNTAINS. N. H. BRETTON WOODS . WHITK MOUNTAINS, N.H. THE riOUNT PLEASANT,- Opens June IQ Closes October i. - c.J.Ouhphy, Man. THE MOUNT WASHINGTON,-0PW5.ir7 doses Middle Oct. - C J. Root, mgr wsw vok aooHiNO oeeict.- j-avi WHITE MOUNTAINS PROFILE HOUSE & Open Jnne 80. N. try, S W. 40th Bt. Y. Ofbcei Town A Ct-uo- Social and Beente Centre of White Mrs. Maplewood Hotel aCoclonyob IB Hole Oolf, Trap Shooting Ronklnr Ofrlc. 11 SO Broadway New Tort VERMONT VERMONT FREE BOOKS "Vermont Motor Tours." "Green Mountains of Vermont." "Hotel Directory." "Cottages to Rent and for Sale." Write Vermont Publicity Bureau. Montpelier. Vt. MANCHESTER, VT. EQUINOX HOUSE OPEN JUNK 11TH Uancnester.ln.the-Mountalns. Vermont A. K. MARTIN. Manacer POULTNEY, VT. The Colonial Inn iV-S,,ffit Shade, sports, good tnble; near R. R, and to 180.00. Beautifully Illustrstei Booklet, nnx 1.. ,', I,. l.rlNAIlli JirT, LENOX. MASS. HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. High and Cool in the Btrkihirti 'Desirable Cottasss with Uotsl Prrvlce A HOTEL OF DISTINCTION Opens June 18 Elevation HOO feet. Ooir Raddle "Hiding. Orchestra. Oarage. llBWR A TWOROGER. Munatjrre Winter Reor. Prlneesa lintel. Bermnda NEW lAINDHN. CONN. THE GRI8WOLD Eastern ralnt. New Lon don. Conn. Most refreshing seashore resort NARRAGANSETT TIER. R. 1. GREEN INN Narragansett Pier, R. I. On The Ocean Front Golf, Tennis, Bathing Henry W. T. Dutton, Prop. Rooms Single or En Suite Open June IS to October The Imperial Narragansett Pier, R. I. OPEN JUNE TO OCTOBER An cxelnilre hotel for discriminat ing people at one of America's Finest Seaside ltesarts. POLO. Oolf. Tennis. Bathing. Dan clng. Well kept State Hlghwaya for motoring. For reservations address JAMES E. OALBREY, MANAGER. Narragansett Pier. Rhode Island. STEAMBOATS RESORTS and ENGLAND pomrs VfATHr! Fall River Line THt rcruLAH sourr Splendid steamers. Splendid servtca. Orchestra on each Steamer. Lv. rulUn (treat 14 N.rta silver .0 P.M. Daylagtit Sarlnfl Time. Dally ImImisj Sanaeya. ,Ii,f?I"J' n tickets 131 and 1MB rheslnnt St. mJ -,S5 t rt ii ss yliVsaw nm SUMMER RESORTS VERMONT tor tle asking. Pictures Cottages to Kent and for bate "Summer Homes in Vermont" "Automobile Distances in Vermont" Vermont Publicity Bureau Harry A. Black, Sec. of SUta Montpelier, Vt ' w nix villi; notch, n. n. r Balsams Dixville Notch. N.H. A Majestic Resort Hotel rlrtarrsquely leented amec the hills nnd lakes of seenlo New Hampshire. 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE Every Comfort and ConTenlence. Fireproof. 4.SM Acre Balaam Wood EUte. Broker's Office. Direct N.Y. Wire. New lork Booking Of flea, TOWN Jt COUNTRY. B W. 40tii fit. Tel. Vand't 2290. Season Juno to October. LUKE ULCtltUn, BIIT. WHITE MOUNTAINS. N. II. FRANCONIA (Wkite Mti.), N. H. Ever' convenience for SOO guests. Excellent table. Unobtrusive service. Finest View East of the Rockies GOLF TENNIS DANCING REST Cottages, bungalows and hundreds of acres of lawns and fragrant pines. No hay fever. Ideal for children. Moderate tariffs. Season Opens June 1st ' Write nr Illustrated Folder KARL P. ABBOTT, Managing Director riioroRUA. n. n. HOCORUA INN CHOCORUA. N. II. OVERLOOKING rilOCORCA LAKE In the Hrnrt of the Mountain Region This well-appointed hotel Is worthy of consideration ror me summer outing. Boating, bathing, mountain climbing, tennis, garage. On main road to Uretton Woods. Booklet. A. B. ATWOOD. Trop. BOSTON. MASS. VHOTEL PURITAN SO Commonwealth Av Doaton The Distinctive Boston House On of Iht moat homapha hotala In. tho world, 1. w .-... Mar Send for Our DooWet wtflirU I Guide to Historic Dcstcn. WINtllENDON. MASS. WINCHENDON MASS. Now Open Excellent 9-hole golf course on the Hotel grounds. Swimming Poor Tennis Saddle Hones Music Fireproof Garnge. Attrac tive rate for May and June. MT. CLEMENS. MICH. MOUNT CLEMENS MINERAL BATHS World renowned for Rheumatism, Nervous ness -and that run-down condition. Open all the sear. Twenty miles from Detroit. Writs for Booklet. Business Men's Assoacltlon, Mount Cltmtns, Mich STEAMBOAT UEMIRTH SpUndid SUomtrw and Srvta Orckntr wn eM Summer Lv. FiriUn St. Pier 14 N.R. SJO P.M. Dally tad. SuMUy New Mtferd LtM tl. 1.. Is 1 V iti.siiiw ivinrirTui nun..iT, Pt M N.R. Houston Bt., P.M. New Lenden Una Lv.riertt N.R. Ilea. tonHt..l.SOP.M. rter 70K.R.lSt.,r. Daylight Say. Time Tlrkrla at 1311 und 1B89 Chest nut St. MlfibL ERICSSON BOAT TOR BALTIMORE $2, one-way fare; $3, round-trip fare .Dally at 5 P. M S o'clock Saturday, from Tier , 8. Delaware Ate. I fiend for Pamphlet. h sgMg Iforest Hills Hotell HI IUIIIII W 0PULA KOUTC Wm BOSTON S ITMAtr.B REPORTS BAR HARBOR. MB. Visit, BAR HARBOR Jhisjeason OCEAN, MOUNTAIN AND LAKE SCENERY Acclaimed UNEQUALED by world-wide travelers NATURE'S WONDERLAND U. S. GOVT'S LAFAYETTE NATIONAL PARK Oolf, yachting, swimming, tennis, sem-pro. baseball, mountain climbing, etc. DAILY CONCERTS BY MEMBERS Or THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Through Pullman car leaving New York for Bar "trl,Mo'!iZ' May 28. May 0 and Juno 0. and on une 18 and Dally there. After sxrept Saturdays. We wilt be happy to suggest and assist In Mcommodatlona. All tastes and purses suited. Write for profusely Illustrated booklet, PCBLICrTY COMMITTEE. BAR HARBOR, MAINE YORK HARBOR. MAINE A Netv Brick House . FINEST ON MAINE COAST Latest Achievement in Summer Hotels Ocean or river view ' from every room Open June 25th to Sept. ISth Good On State Highway EMERSON Open Juno Ii to BETHLEHEM. N. H. Spend your July Vacation in 4rTen "The Heart of the White Mountains" Tramp the mountain trails, motor over fine State roads, play and rest whero sun, air nnd inspirinr; natural beauty give new health and interest. All seas6nable sports one of the boat 18-hole golf courses in the region. No hay fever. Thirty commodious hotels cater to every taste and purse. Excellent train service from Boston. Write today for illustrated booklet of details Secretary BETHLEHEM TIOTF.L ASSOCIATION, nethlehrm. N YORK CLIFFS. ME. Passaconaway Inn Cottages for reBt in connection. Addres Chas. A. Wood, Hotel Belle vuc, Boston, MabH. HOPTn nARrSWELL. MB. MERRICONEAG HOUSE South Harpswell. Mulne. Modern hotel of 40 room" Fine view of Cascn llav and Islands Bklt. E L KEHEW ft SON. Props. PLYMOUTH. MASS. MAYFLOWER INN Tf.vni"rn utun , Cape Cod's Finest Hotel . hltuaten nn me signuy eleva tion of Manomet Point, dl rtlv on the ocean front. GOLF, TENNIS, BATHING, DANCING Unexcelled cuisine Salt water connection In eery bath Write tnr Illustrated bk't. TOURS De L uxe Frank's To sco the World to sec it intelligently, comfortably, thor oughly, intimately is the goal reached by the Tours of tho Frank Tourist Company. For over 45 years this organization has rendered efficient and satisfactory service to travelers in every section of the globe; its steady expansion since 1875 is a guarantee of respon sibility and capacity. PACIFIC COAST TOUR C-17 64 DAYS TOUR C-22 Leaving Philadelphia visions Leaving Philadelphia Juno H July 2 Colorado, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, California, Yosemite, Pacific Northwest, Mount Rainier, Canadian Rockies. TOUR C-18 TOUR C-21 TOUR C-23 TOUR C-20 Leaving Phila. Leaving Phila. Leaving Phila. LcaUng Phifa. Juno 12 June 26 July 2 July 10 46 TO 48 DAYS v Canadian Rockies, Mount Rainier Glacier and Yellowstone Parks TOUR C-19 TOUR C-25 Leaving Philadelphia 57 DAYS Leaving Philadelphia Juno 15 visitinir July 10 Colorado, Rockies, Yellowstone, California Resorts, Yosemite Valley, Honolulu, Pacific Northwest, Canadian Rockies EUROPE Tour E-18 From N. Y S.S. "France" June 9 Returning N. V. S.S. "Olympic" Sept. 22 Riviera Italy Switzerland France Belgium Holland England 1 i as saa Tour E-19 From N. Y. S.S. "Mauretania" June 9. Returning N. Y. S.S. "Aquitanin" Aug. IS. Vialtlng Switzerland France Belgium Holland England Tour E-20 June 24 to Aug. 24. Visiting Norway Sweden England All our De Luxe Tours are limited to 15 mem bers, using only tho best hotels everywhere Other Western and Kuropan Tourr leavlntc nt frequent Intenals. bend for Booklet o Tour desired, . FRANK TOURIST CO. Eltabluhed 1875 Bell Phone: Sprue 0862 219 So. 15th St, Philadelphia SUMMER RESORTS , BAR HARBOR. ME. YORK HARBOR. MAINE . Fs4r York Country Club 18-hole Course Excellent Bathing and Boating 800 feet of broad cement verandas. Grinntll SprlnhUrt Throughout Roads Large Garage midway between Boston and Portland. HOUSE. YORK HARBOR ME. Oct. 1 Under eame management. BETHLEHEM. N. II. BETHLEHEM 30 HOTELS Bethlehem HOCTni'ORT. ME. -I SHORE LODGE Southport, Maine ON THE COAST OPEN JUNE 20TH BOATING i BATHING FISHINO Terms reasonable. Booklet. Beet of Phila delphia reference:. ROSS W- THOMPSON. Mgr. HAR IIAR.IOR. ME. i the Malvern- BAR HARBOR, MAINE Opens Jtine 30th ERNEST G. Gnon. Manager Core Hotel Woodstock 127 West 43d Street, Now York FOX TOINT. ONTARIO. CAN. ISLAND VIEW co""" mpi open for flihtng sua son. Cap. SO. Guides and supplies fur nished. Central dining-room. Bates mod erate. T. SALMON. TOURS To urs Service WRwwinl TOl'RS WkTV o lW oteamsmp XlV Tfg liCKetsrorujLities Tfvl Tariff Rates. Special service in securing passport, rises and sailing permits. Itineraries prepared. Bleeoine car and hotel reservations mado in aL knmn k'tOlX. Send . ULflilU 1a T K SBw ucean ii "V ss OK !c M . lTI l" A EUROPE Pre-war standards of comfort now found everywhere ' along our routes. Our illustrated booklet, "Europe 1921 Conducted Tours," offers 28 tours of, different lengths and prices. Next sailings from New York, June 23-25, July 14-28. Groups limited to fifteen mem bers. AROUND THE WORLD Across the Pacific, through the kaleidoscope of the Far East, into the mystic spell of India, on to the lands where man began and ancient civilization forever inspires. Seven Wonderful Tours four East, three West. Parties limited to twelve, under experienced escort. Departures from August to January. THE LAND OF EVANGELINE Four Cruise Tours, sailing from New York on the luxurious 14,000-ton S. S. Fort St. George via Halifax, Grand Pre, the Coast of Nova Scotia, Gulf of St. Law rence, The Saguenay, Montreal and Quebec return ing via Ausable Chasm, Lake Champlain, Lake George and the Hudson River. ALASKA Fire tours Including Lalca At 11 n and ths Yukon to Dawson, combined with transcontinental trips through ths Canadian Rockle. Inter-Ocean cruise tour sailing from Baltimore via Panama Canal. Includes 15-day auto trip through California, also Oregon, Washington, British Colum bia, and Alaska, with return via the National Parks or Canadian Rockies. Extension tours including the Hawaii National Park. THE SAGUENAY Eight Cruls Tours from Juna 27 to Sept. 1st, including; Toron to, Lake Ontario, Thousand Is lands, Rapids of the St. Lawrence, The Saguenay, Montreal, Quebec. Return aa above or via Ausable Chasm, Lake Champlain, Lake Oaorgo, and the Hudson River. THE CARIBBEAN Delightful Summer Cruises 15 to 23 days. No passports necessary. WRrTE rOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET DESCRIIIING TOUR DESIRED INDEPENDENT TOURS American Express independent inclusive price tours give a complete travel service for the independent trav elers. Under this plan you have in your possession before you start, your transportation, either railroad or steamship, pullman and sight-seeing tickets and coupons providing for accommodation at hotels and a neatly bound descriptive itinerary of your entire tour. Send for "Summer Vacations," a booklet featuring tours in this country, and the "American Traveler in Europe 1921," descriptive of independent travel in Europe. American Express Travelers Cheques, used by Travel en for the past thirty years, ore spendable everywhere AMERICAN EXPRESS .TRAVEL DEPARTMENT 143-145 South Broad St. Wanamaker's Main Floor, Central (Dell) Walnut 4691 Phila., Pa. North Cape Cruise The Ideal Trip for the Summer Visiting Iceland, The North Cape, The Fjords of Norway, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Antwerp and London. Sailing June 25 on the e.chnicly chartered P. & (). liner Kmperor of India. Alaska Pacific Northwest California SprinK ;uul summci tnur, of ilm-i- to eilit weeks to Colorado, Grand Cain on. Wemitc. Hpi Snake Dance Yellowstone Paik, Glacier Park. Crater Lake and Rainier larks, Canadian Rockies,, ukon Riser and the Klondike. Leaving June 0, 6, 20, 27, 2'J, ,n and through July fcf August Europe lrequent tours of varied length and itineraries. Round the World Luxurious, tours of limited membership leaving every month from September to January. 0icr touts to Japan-China and South America bend for RAYMOND & 1338 Walnut Street PhUadelphia Tel. FUbert 3864 .ffifk, rji i VV advance, at m CkfS rPAl Lr a. af i ' ams) h - for MATk -,,! . -aT'N.T- OHiuigi r,a .r sa, " A r:3. -r rt 111 NATIONAL PARKS 'Every American should some dm make The Great Circle Tour of Nine National Parks the in comparable circle of feature's Masterpiece. Also shorter tours. JAPAN-CHINA Summer Vacation in ths Ori ent. Party sailing Juna 23, 103 days $2,300. Autumn sailings, August, September and October. See Japan whan ths chrysan themum is in bloom and ths hills are ablare with ths glory of maple foliage. BERMUDA Summer Tours including first-class Steamer, hotel ac commodation and sightsee ing, $81 and up. booklet desired. WHiTrniWR rr la PrMWJ SSaVMkM3slr) y I V m IB v! ) i i -'Hl, t 'ViltA 'S ,tr 01. r , H i. ,11f." "l. . sA..l., tik, ') Q