j i ' vx KjrfiT -J 'f- " V V 'i jj ',v ,Vr. "' f v- rs w . I 1 "tt .. V-. i W w ....,.. ,J,l rf IvVX. '& 'ft.-. v.. ' t r f . "" " .. ' 2J, t EVENING PUBLIC LfcD&ER-PHIkAiDELPHlA, WEDNESDAY, JUKE 1, 1921 ti r. I .. .1 'i ''' "'" '1. ! IL IE J fearing Postponed at Request h, of lawyer Toroa,., - y; . wife h - - - fa REFUSES TO SETTLE K ess .. it. V Associated Jl. N. V.. June l.-noar. trwT i,V rllvnrco milt inMiliitcu oy f V St II mam Nw York banker. "T. ho former F fi rounr. were JJK until .Tuno 7. 8 and 0 ? SS iftci -A . "ttorncyi. hnd pit iwod hnrtir I.,lr. V.i.j ...tinn' TVi lipnr. P"... n .rn rrrmr-Htod b.r The.polr""'-"ifln,nn. unn ..1,1 that Kw u 111 at hr hon.p In tfew ork. Eh IBS? om of Ker attorneys could not EtoWn "nr proceeding this week Ywof other ensaffements. , .u 1m, Rtlllmnn'n rounwl opposed the IV' halt the hearlnKB. incy nn- 'u-.,ht the banker was opposed '!..; further delarn and Intended O ;. -. . -!. ., .u. ,i.ni.H that the postpone Ltit wu made for the purpose of carry Wrnlj. ..ni.tinnR for a sett'ernent of on. "i?:. " .; r. ivlm jeetcrdny lawyers affiliated itt, ftip defense. soiiRht to otitinn nn r oqment of the hearing. Both re iSSSf rejected by Cornelius .T. RrartnT chief of counsel for Mr. J!"1.": i..,ar1 that Stancbfield and II wop - -- gijllm.n tinvo attorneys wr-""" .. to iLfTJi I been, lope ka noUHcd "that not only is there no lope o? tho case being settled out of court, but the banker has enmc to the decision he will never aaln offer to settle with his wife on nnj terms. In thnt connection It berarae known that Mrs. EJtltltiian's first tlnnnclal de mand as n condition of settling the ense out of court was no lens than $tr0.000 a year. That dwindled to ?f)0.000 nnd finally Mr. ollllmnn In 'the nceotlntltfuH under way ten dajH ago offered $50,000. Mrs. Stlllman refused to consider the 550,000 offered a fortnlRht ago, despite the fact she was stronnly advised U do so. A day or so ago the banker let It be known thnt he withdrew the offer of ?fiO,000 nnd thnt he would never pay his wife a penny that he was not legally compelled to. i " Cardinal Performs Marriage Mnhnnny City, Pa. June 1. Car dinal Dougherty, of Philadelphia, this morning in St. Joseph's Church, Glr nrdvJHe, united In mnrrlnge his nephew, K'dward Dougherty, nnd Miss I.oreltn I.cahnn, a tenchcr In the (ilrnrdvllle nubile schools. The attendants were Miss Mnry Lcalnn, a sister of the brldo, and John Dougherty, a brother of the bridegroom. After celebrating the nupltnl mass the Cardinal called at his old home In lloniesvllle, Inter returning to Philadelphia. PananiaHats Bleached. . Htoeked and Trimmed In any alrle. We ua no acid to Injur your hal. JEFFERSON HAT CO.. 135 S. 10th FINANCIAL . ah ffiMm nt Tie Alliance Ga & Power Company MnrtCtUCP puitKiii rum iffl fc.' Tn lear S nll Janaary 1. ftrrle 1021. (Told A" 1W u.UB7."i '":.. t. rr.- PMfiU re Invlteo to d, ' . "7 WJl V., .friti. Phlla JBlphla. Pn... ai "" '. "'S.r ,k. indenture of The Alliance ecurinr. n """.. ..iiV. fnr the awount llT 1. 1H!i ''"?"":j.,i:.i...H In. Dl there' ni. Slnklni Fund provided for In aild In. rsmrfcTS'TivS Cemeiw. win ?:i'i5,,"l" -Y" i ,Kf th, mM iiAiiira ia.uu"i j r -.. --- the Stlreroent of ld bonda ftt prleea Jot to K:ctid par and accrued interim 10 win u;i K'nd I It li the Intention of the Trustee, pur K?nt to the proxlalons of aald Indenture, to Klw the money o to be received . to the Ewehate or rcFemptlon of uonaa oiiuamvm at trlcei not to -ceed par and accrued Inttrest. ........ ,.. ...niu M'.ui nnH .rV.S -Vroroeal for the eale of General ierliue Slnklna; Fund Gold Bonna or Tne Kuimce 0i ft Tower Company. uaa jan- f the honde offered arrt mut elate the a ..!.. . ...... ..it. an ih itrtnnmlnatlons of he particular bonds ao offered for sale, and .. k. r.r.lifd by the Trustee at lt Cor- Korale Trust Deparlmrnt at or prior to 3 CIOvR I. diet U" tfUiir I" ,-. Advlcei a.to bends aeeeplad v.111 b, itlled on or before Jun 2i. 1021. by The lllmce Gas ft Power Company. Federal Income Tax ownerahlp certlrl- to rtrlnr nccrurd Interest, ehould ac- Bmjany all accented nonns. fhe Alliance Gai & Power Company By FRANK W FRURAUFF. Vlce-rrealdent Baled June 1. 1D31 Konct-wKi-snAcn company tiiiutv. YEA Sl'fKIJiU KUMIJ f H K IT.n t r.i COLMTKRAI, TRUST JIORTOAOK (10I.n TONDg, DATED Jt'NE 1. I0OO. Under the provisions of the mortgaira. itiled rropoeals will be receled for tho ac- ot the sinKinit runn unm is o ciock Jon. 1. 1921. at the office of the under- IniMl. Tritkfftft fnr thf. 8)tl(. to It. at the oiwt price, not exceenc par atri accrued ntirest, tt o many of the aboe bonds as 133.009 33 v.111 purchase. PrnnAiili ihntilrf he Indorsed "Proposals Kor the eale of the Welshach Company Flve'J el bent V.UliaiCI.1 ilUPl Mum i'uiiup .. ddreid to ASA S WINO. preaiaent. HE PROVIDENT I.IFR AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA N. W. cor 4th and Chestnut eta Philadelphia. Pa. " i fOTICE TO HOLDERS of i.F.ninn ro.M. M) NAIOATION CO. 00SOI.HATKII JWRTOAOE MNKINTi FUND IM)NTS. Under nrnxliilnna nf lh mnrtuace dated Jlnuiry 1, 1014. securlnr: saldTxinds sealed rropoitlt will he received until 3 P. M.. nne 1, 1M1, at the office of The. PenneyV 'inia Company for Insuraneea on Uim ann crantlnc Annuities. Trustee, for the redemp ;ur gut ot moneys held In the RlnKlnx i una it tht lowest nrlcs not exceeding 102Mi and tefrud IntereKt. of na nunv hnnde n SUA.- 1'T.OI irlll purchase. All proposals should M (ddreeted to the undenlened HE PENN8TI.VAMA COMPANY for IN SURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANT INO ANNUITIES 617 Chestnut street. PhlladelphtA. Pa Troposals for Sinking Fund of Ihlih Jetl ft Naltlon Company." ..POCAHONTAS CONKOT.lltVTF.n BSUffi?1 COMP.WT. INCOBPORvTED IIITI-IMR riVE I'EK CEiST GOLD BONDS DUE JULY I, 1057 Notice, Is hereby given, pursuant to the ntlS nt th.. fnv.av Ati4 Till.. ... IftftV it the underslmud oe Trustee will recehe aiea rrjpoeala up to 3 00 P. M. on the 7th y of June 1021 for tho eale to It of ' HSS 11 flhftVM rtBrp(hai4 i.eriMln. In ..ka he sum nf t1.91t.li'. The unders'rned re- l'2W.,rl!nt to reject any or ill tenders ne new YORK TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. . B- O. Cimvs. Secretary. Kw York, May I, IB2I. WICE TO HOLDERS UtBPI ioai. Hrn) Undi Wjt& rn name Fund Honda under the OK VALLEY Flret Mnrtcner provisions of th provlsh Proposslt will h. received morlKaan l.n.ll 4. nne 4. 1031, ot the office of ltl!.."?,71!,"u.,CoraP'"'. '."r Insurances on tt;.VM211 .the loweal 'ts ana Qrantln Armnitlea. Tmit is su ia i. .k. i.n. .ir l : wdlis imu ..j""1 i price noi a? 17101 04 will Durchass htiny V "ipni intd inrf .,ii.i4 l Onds as ITlni nj ...ii. rropofHi Should be idilil i. h. i,.fci All n.i?rIlLP.EnWTt'VAN;A, COMPANY for '"lurtnces on Lhea and QranMn Annuities. "m.ra,,T."co.rco"nl"": """' of Vn,lav Si Write or cat! for our nco and (crest(ii7 Booklet "Loohinp Into Your Own Eyes." A Scries of 'Eye Talks ft By Joseph C. FcrRuson, Jr. Onr Neat Talk Wed., June Ift In n very big pcrccntaBO of cavc.n cc trouble Is Just ns much n medical problem as Is liver trouble, kidney trouble or nny other or&nnlo ailment. No one denleu that the physician Is tha proper one to consult when bodily ali ments occur. ' And since eye troubles so frequently present similar medical problems, prudence 3URPests that you also con sult the oculist tho phslclan eye specialist whenever eye trouble of any kind occurs Go to a specialist for cor rect illafrnosls -and proper relief. - ' If Blnsses are necessary let another specialist the pre scription optician make and nt them for you. Prescription Optician 6, 8 & 10 South 15th St. ire Do XOT llxaminc Eyes This "Talk" from a ropyrlijht series All right reserved. PI0NEERC0AL MAN DEAD' Passing of Q. 8. Clemane Recalls Ef forts to Sell "Black Rocks" Here I'ottKvllIc, Va., June 1. The early days of anthracite mining ucrp rccnllet' yesterday by tlifiiloath of Oeorne Shoe' mnker Ulcinens, ruining enijinuer. Clem ens' grnndfnthcr, Colonel Ocorgu Hlioe innkcr, hauled nine wngonlonds of on thrnrllo to Phllndeliihlii In 1811! with teams ot horses, hoiilni; to Induce the peoplp of the city to hum the. "black rocks" Instead of wood. Mr. Clemens ousted the erenler part of his life us mltilug superintendent for the t'hllndelnhlu nnd HemlliiB Coal nnd Iron Co. Mirny of the leudiug en Klnecrs of the region studied under hlni, including W. .1. Itlrhiirds, president of the I'hllndclphla nnd Heading Co. ROTARfANS GO TO SCOTLAND 1100 Americans Embark for inter national Convention New York. .Tunc I.dly A. P.) Klovcn hundred members of Ilotnry Clubs in the l'nlted Stntos and Canada were passengers on the steamers Cum eronla nnd Cnronln, which today be Kan voyages to Liverpool, They wilt nttend the twelfth annual convention of the International Amiciutlon of notary Clubs at Edinburgh. June lfl to 10. The ronvention will be the lirst held outside the t'nltetl Stoles. Kins fleorgc of England Is the pntron. nnd it was expeetfd thnt he would attend some of tin sessions MMEoCURlE At COLUMBIA Woman and 8lx Men Are Given Honorary Degrees New York, June 1.-(Hy A. P.) fejumbla l'nlerslty today bestowed upon .Madntnr Marie Curie, co-discoverer, of riidlum, the honorary degree of doctor of sciences. The Pnlverslty In like manner honored six men who have achieved fame but the noted scientist, Business Man Graduate Engineer Age 33 1 recently renlftnetl mimniter of mnelilnery exporting concern, would like position il any field requiring re soureefiilnesa nnil rnertry, together ulth exeruthe nbllKy. Address it 037, i.v.nnr.n officio You can mear your SMALLEST SHOE with EASE and COMFORT whlls using MAGUIRES IRISH CORN NO PAIN Tak.t Oil Calloua Take Them Out by tha Root PLASTER Sticks to your feet lOto a postaca (tamp. Bald only la Greta EntiloiMi. Tiki no olhir. VERDEE That's the name of the greatest lick, i'." and l. A K V A K le- atrojer known. It docs the Joh quickly nnd thoroughly without Irritating or harming tho hair or scalp. At Your Drupfftslv Raabe & Bowman, Inc. Mfg. Pharmaciitt 2223 Snjder Are. riilla., I'n. H 25c -. as i VERMIN "4 eHsag' $ &25K1S t RUPTURE BOOKLET Aim Fort F.DIT10V NO. 4 vnellnlle Informntlon iibont fruaeee). rnn. Iiire and lln treitment. Also teatlmontels. sraxKy's AiwiHTo nurrcBE tad $3 .00 Thumb ReraW rtes-ulatiU. noTfle when oil ethers fall. Can attach to moat anr irnss m 5T Patented ni, CT b-Ausuat 31 tS&M& ,0,T xiliiiii3WsB(piii r L.ijjEiy ,T TM Cdgea TteJd to pressure but crater neeei aiiumo screw adjusts pressure elilfta domlnul belle nnd supporters of VCISU. . Conanllntlnn Vlllinnt Charira I. n. SKEI.KY. 10t TVAT.NUT ST. Cnt Ont and Keen for Tleferenea Ak- supertee -- ' ' j I I II j i ' XX- -TV. COFFEE iind hun-I.tle rood Prodllrls Sold by All Good Dealers John Scott & Co., Inc. Amerlmn nnd Diamond Mh, Phlln. GAS Soldering Furnace and Appliance sb.vw ron catmoovi: L. D. Bergcr Co., 59 N. 2d St. fell. Market RM Keintonr Main 4000 WALL BOARD That Will Not Burn SHEETROCK WON'T WAnr. EASY TO EnECT PEARCE FIREPROOF CO. 1345-47 ARCH ST. rhoneal I.oeiiirf Slt; Unci. 4i-S4 who nrrlred here several weeks ago from Trance, was the only woman to receive u decree, ns well as the only one who is not an American, Honorary decrees were conferred upon overn6r Miller, of Ncw York: .ludec .lullus Marshall Mayer, .Tames How-land Angcll, president-elect of inie univer- f jtr ; ( , T1L..I AM.a HHM.ll.4 . T..1... Jiy; num-rt triii, ii'mimi . .mm, 'nmpbell Merrlam, president of the Car' tifBie Instllutinu oi wnsninRton, ami Dr. Samuel Wnldron I.nmbert. denn emeritus Columbln fncult of medicine. The graduate this jcar totaled 2VM. A precedent wns set when six women were graduated ns doctors of medicine. Rob Bank Messengers of Minneapolis, .lime I. (Mr i - Twomrn in nn.auloinoblle helil Off trrf. i -Ai. ii i: ''"'- ''"j-r. A. jt'.i mecsengrrs of thn Millers nnd Jvnfl'jfJ; '. Hnnk here today nnd escnpeil vttn t--u , , 0(M) In currency. The hnnk Is locate ;ust across the stret from police hea'i - qnnricro. ; , . ""-nrr. F III1 III For Athletes IPSS1?!!!!!! 'TZ.i.t -". "c " "qtj J J?S&& iiiiiliiiiiR. Relieves Pahi Keep a Tube Handy Titos Urminjl 0 Co !N V iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii! 1 i h oj ij , jrBr.Vi' Do we serve you? We Handle Onlr the Vary ICOAL 2240 Lba. to Every Too For 35 Year Wo Servo You Right OWEN LETTER'S SONS A Yard That Ha No Equal Trenton Ave. and Westmoreland St. nell Fronkfprd 2JM ItrtMfiiie i;i H'J' Harry C.Stutz's Masterpiece ' The ideal medium weight, medium-size, medium - price fine car. First in economy, comfort nnd service ability. Famous for beAUty and refine ment. Price guaran teed. H. C. S. Sales Co. 1309 Walnut St. We pledge ourselves again to go on building, better and better, a Cadillac that can be depended upon to do all the things an automobile is intended to do; do them better than any other car, regardless of price or size; and continue to do them for a longer period, without any nursing, coaxing or petting. NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Broad Street CAD VtosMy LAC JrvT..JU ii W m . DlTldends urSrrToS WuHTKffi JSA9 n. Dt,.-"RJ!'!ti ?. . Tmi r.TL ) mvia;nd"o, thVryrs?"c'"eI". &&S?i&.K&ISZL i?' me com, nt h.i . :--." y jrsnrn 'yJmr :i " oc,,v,K ' ' wl" be mailed " A. SltFWKM l Treasurer ...The plteetoV.1Uh.eiShlft...Mih ? .U1 oarterly dividend of n. .-ji .i. ,,ecared u WfMuinV 2L?ni 'hrrewiuartera r;Lto'i'i.sccni f" Voi ;ll WKkl )t tV to holder l IM rlA. i ." .-. ".".' ...i; r llllb.-"rSllidu",n,",TOM',.-lMI ivS as?3 ..WS IvJMfc rar.iii W tmr i "' ' lB rrooniuiU iriKtirrt n.n.. . .- -i, riiiii'nsAi n w .IVftd Bt HftAr-AVn" -.! . sw-ssas-'W..- 'r Inil.n. ,;. "in5.'.n "m L'18. .City Hall , , ---M-iivii lii nniiap u,i ;. .- .-'w I ,nulr at noom 4in c THANK nr. nn- unlll IS ' 1. and I ' Ila at Mlneo Hal I'AVUN Director. If Ht.ii.lui. Va?hlnon AUri R,fa. Untri - v... u i- - "... ,ia PARTNEKfllliPu Ms h.7.., "!"",..? n that th. D.r..r. V.ll.i. ---".. . i Balllins- hal,.,.. . -'."- I" and MIIMom "j "?I""1 rT'"" " h We have built Philadelphia factories for 57 years - For 57 years we have demonstrated the economy and efficiency of Tho Steele Idea of Industrial Construction. For 57 years die foremost manufacturers in Philadelphia have found the Steele way the right way to build. ' For 57 years we have been enlarging, improving and building up our organization to better serve industrial Philadelphia and the Philadelphia manufacturing district. Today the Steele organization includes the following permanent departments, working in close cooperation, under one roof and management. one Executive Industrial and Manufacturing Civil Engineering Architectural Reinforced Concrete Mechanical Fire Protection Supervision Purchasing Accounting Estimating Traffic manu- This close-knit organization has produced hundreds of facturing plants many of them among the largest in America. Our 57 years experience is embodied in our present organiza tion. We shall be glad if you avail yourself of it in solving your build ing problems. WM. STEELE & SONS CO. Architects : Engineers : Constructors Philadelphia Toronto Rare Values in Cord Tires i for Small Cars A?G?f ev& rXJT ,fflKb (Avi AwWpl (AA 111 cord 1V Jr I XX) I JSfiBlJf I WuKiIImRIw 1! I mmgwvM I THE WVTM i swSRlv JzrZm!!m i ?!$ ."" TyaSSKaA The remarkable values now being offered in Goodyear Tires and Tubes are most impres sively illustrated in our clincher type 30 x 3V2-inch Goodyear Cord Tire. Like all other Good year Tires, it is now being made larger, heavier and stronger, with thicker tread and stouter construction. It is a big, pow erful cord tire, with all the tire advantages identical in quality with the Goodyear Cord Tires of larger size, preferred on the world's finest cars. You can buy it today from your Goodyear Service Station Dealer for only $24.50 Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company Offices Throughout the World 30 x 3V Rib or All-Weathcr Tread Fabric Casing 30 s 3& Heavy Tourk Tube In waterproof bag . $1750 $325 30 x 34 Non-Sldd Fabric Casing .. 30 x 3 Regular Tube . $15 2 The following are among the Leading Goodyear Tire Dealers in Philadelphia iisiea oecxionally lor Easy Reference central Philadelphia West Philadelphia 11. RTjnOM'II , . . ... 4'-M snd Chestnut st(. iiehlin nnoj. 72TI WewxJland ava. vmk nnoM. .,,.., . . M1 Walnut . prnrNoriKi.n avk. oAnAnr, RMS RnHnarflrtrl ava. iiarymok ArTo rrn.Y CO. 94" f am atr ovEnimnoK iiEionTS OAnAnE 1529 N HDth at. North Philadelphia TARK A-F OAIUfil! , 2457 Park aa. HE CRAY IlllO. J115 N Ifith at. WM. T. SIMMINOTOV ft ro. 5400 N rtroad at. KNNIH TIRn PERVIOE 4HV8 N Hrod at. ALOIS nCOOLTN lnan n 2Ttn t OHO. I CARROM. N W Cor 13ih k Mac sts. i:cnn GAR.nE 1016 is Chanrallor st. rrrjicE acto ncrrLY co. 1 137 Kalrmount ara. V. C. IIORMIETK 210 S 17th st. KETSTONK TIKE STORE of Phlla 1318 Vina st. TfflMMI IIROS. 22 N IBlh St. LOCUST ACTO SITI'PI.Y CO. Mil I.OCUSt Pf J. ANT fl. SHTTON 212 B Chatten Gsrmant'n. WHITE bWAN OARAGE 7200 Gurmuntown ara. Germantown-Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill Northeast Philadelphia (iKORfJE XV. TOLAND 4003 Taul st Frankford. SEES i. FAnEK 200s N front st. JOHN A. OAK'S ACTO HOPPLY 434 E dlrard an. GnooKinr nRos. Tox Chaas, Phlla, AI.REKT O. NTAin. 200 E Roosavalt Dlvil bTAIII.'S OARAOE 46'J Illslnc Sun a?a, TAtONY OARAGE Torrsrtala aa A Lonaahora st JACOll LOTZ 4120-4188 Frankford ava. GOROAS I.ANE OARAGE 6634 llurav St., Mt. Alrir. ST. MARTIN'S GARAGE Navahoa & Lincoln Orlva. ALIEN'S OARAGE 8' """ 10 Ulahlani ava Chtstnut Hill. '.! s i. i ? ''f r ''nrnual consent ; V" l 21 wa" lasolrtd mmmm EB1 mm H B4B& "LBauwTfMt ViavilK,' H i t . ' a!??. '.;.. " f' I'miirlii'i in if . ""ii-iiva s Jl1 i Lvft ' ""- mmmmmnmmimmm'mmmmmmmlm'mmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmaammmmmmamiSS. M t i i -n , 7 !!!!!!!J A m : '-" - ' ' iSlaMaMaMafclhA. , ., .JuLl:. .1 I ,wA . ")",mJMU