Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 01, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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He In Any Way Influ
Document Submitted
by Commission
'Majror Moore declared .pmpha'tlcslly
he in no wnr Influenced the re
wtiof the Municipal Gas Commission
jrend Instructing its members to be
Llt'-La l il.l
fesr "T""., - .,.
'&5iiiiin,i Committee on Transportation
$ ',!. rPuble Utilities, .tames F. I-en-
&?' Bed.- renresentlnr the Ixigan improve
R$sL'aktat Association, said the Mayor was
W.f' reaponeible ' for the. report.
ISf 5v' Mr. LennonV remark wan one. of. the
SWi! -fcbja points in 111. denunciations hurled
ii.V.,'aaalat the report, which recommended
SJr. -eW-leane" between the city and the
IB '" Waited Gas Improvement Co. and which
-'. 'Hinted at .a possioie rise in mc com oi
j;. gaa; 16- consumers.
" "... Hit Critic
'' me. ita mmo tn be fashionable for
EM- .. ana people to use Council and the
BJl,-'uncilmanlc committees, as vehicles
for sayinR unwarraniea anu uuuut
thlni-a about the Mayor," Sir. Moore
aid today. "The Mayor is not re
sponsible for all the ills for which the
people suffer and the attack upon hlra
fast night was not based upon a state
ment of fact. ....
"Tho ms inquiry originated with the
United Gss Improvement Co. and with
the City Council, which passed an ordi
nance demanding an inquiry, which tho
Mayor vetoed because It seemed to favor
a board of Inquiry favornble to the
,4 ., CViUUIMJ.
t.t, . 'Another nrdinance was nafsed civ-
FfekH'- n wIder ,fttltude t0 thc appointment
Kl commission ana mis mc .unjur un
proved, appointing three experts who
were supposed to be untrammclcd nnd
two cltliers; of good repute In the com
unity. The Mayor instructed them
to make an impartial report, which,
under thc ordinance, was submitted to
"The Mayor has not commented
apon that report one way or the other
ur Hlil h Influence the commission be-
""yond instructing it to be. fair and im-
yarnai in its wont.
When the committee met at :30
ofclock there was every prospect of a
peaceful, considerate ana careful ex
change of views. But Mr. Lennon,
started something when in denouncing
Hit report he held the Mayor respon
ds . sible for It. .
rv "The- Administration has failed in
L'f tab gas question," he said-, "because it
lTS. ' has recommended tnat the present lease
GU& ba abandoned. We nre ooDoscd to a
mwVt change ; we are opposed to. an Increase
Wife.; ia the price ot gas. I would be de-Ksm-
lighted to say this to the Mayor, but he
"I would say to him, 'This is your
nport, because no committee would
dare put In that report without your
approval.' "
Von Tagen Take Up Challenge
Mr. Von Tagcn took up the challenge
and valiantly flew to the Mayor's de
tease. His action induced Mr. Weglein,
president of Council, to defend the
Caanell itielf at the exnense of the
W'K Mayor, and the general melee followed.
, J "Mo wrong impression should go lorin
J,' retarding thc 'attitude of the Mayor,"
aiu JUf. TUU .nxiu. auu -i.ji nut.
and has no connection whatever wn
fklii rannrt. mth the rnminlRJilnn nr itx
(' investigation. I say this an the spokes
t '' man for the Mayor on the floor of Coun
cil., tie aid nor lavor mc lui-n oi an
Investigation when' it was proposed and
v?'' I protested against it when thc ordi
ly".'' aaace was introduced by Mr. Dcvelln.
Itav, I had the Mayor's support in that pro-
y:;,iet, out uouncu torccu tne m&iter. i
,aay tms report is a cnna or tne uouncn,
n aad it has been placed on the doorstep
ef-tbe Council where it belong."
Says Mayor Had Veto Right
"I hate to accept the paternity of a
cMld' thrust upon me," said Mr. Weg
Ida In solemn manner. "Mr. Dcvelln
introduced the ordinance or resolution.
The Mayor bad the right to veto it if
he disapproved of it. But he did not.
He selected the personnel of thc com
Bilasion. He may not have been con-
t,,.uitea, ana x am sorry to saj uiai .tir.
r. SbenDard and Mr. Armstronc (two
'l(Vasnhp nt th nnmrntHftlnnl vra .lift.
ff fyf courteous in not consulting him."
ft'.l "Well," said Thomas F. Armstrong,
tAtM "I am willing to admit that I am the
re Jither, of one-fifth of the report and I
' defense whatever. When be appointed
W,i see he asked me if I wns a U. G. I.
stockholder. I- told him I was not. Then
he said. 'Well, as far as we arc con-
I kerned we're satisfied with the present
k lease.' Rather than saddle rvsponsl -
Dimy on me luayor. we aid not con -
suit him during the work on thc report,
s9 one, uie .uuyur uur uny one else 111-
fluenced that report and could not have
iafluenced it."
For the moment the question of pa
ternity was dropped. Mr. Lennon pro-
ceeded with a general denunciation of
the renort. to be succeeded bv W. G.
TTLKaw mkn Atonjw4 ltl a .!).. .. L.
phaarkliu. that the racctinj- was featured
f,ly a large expenditure of wind. lie also
M.:ls tale was a scathing denunciation of
'Lu umw vn Aiui'iutuuicui aj, ana a
T recommenuauon mat tne city take over
$;tbe works. The company, he said, has
been bluffing -tho city for twenty years
eland Is now attempting a new nnmn nt
NWnff. Ha conrtHifHl that hr ... .
&iew. honest men left who could nir.
atithe plants as easily as the water
ifwerks were operated.
Mr. Zelgler Arraigns Company
m "Edward E. !elgler, representing the
Pf; Korth Philadelphia Business Men's As-
S.I, BtHJlowu, yu u vuriuuc III ins ar-
fi( ralgnment of the company and the re
port as air. J.ennpn had been. He also
Tiald bis rCSPCCtS to ail the newananorc
BKS' b asserting that they were subsidized
IvM&'by the United Gas Improvement Com-
'-?ThlB is the most dangerous report
I'tuave ever seeu or hcnrrl of " h.
jjfcouted. "I am afraid to touch it. It
earrtes pollution. This report means
that liberty and free government are
acataKe. i warn you tnat the business
asea or the city win defeat it if it is
resaed. Vou may deny its paternity
atwe will find who is responsible for
x ana snatter mm."
;l.4'Th'e commission ignored everv rec-
Mmendation . we made." anld Mr
Xelgler, , "We could not get a fair
ring Dciore tne commission. Tho
G, I. talked about lean years. Do
ipurposeiy mane tnem lean years by
keening? There are a lot nf tMnira
want to know about this report and
T;While. Mr, cigljr was talking Mr.
Armstrong ana mr, nueppnrtl were
ajuitHi.v preparing to nuswer some or the
uons mat nai oecn made. Finally
nvy iidriuiiieu to no so It was a
It task indeed. The temper of the
was opposed to them, not only
winners, mr one man went so
a ask air. Hheppard If he did
stares to -the United Qua Im-
)kU the stove merchant.
i, '
Woodruff Scores Surveyor of
Customs for Blocking Trial
of Policeman
The failure of two United States cus
toms guards to testify against a patrol
man before tho- Civil Berviee Commis
sion today led to a severe criticism of
Charles H, Kurtz, surveyor of customs,
.by Clinton Rogers Woodruff, president
of thc commission. '
Patrolman John Philips, of the Front
and Master streets station, was accused
of threatening a guard, using profane
language and of having two quarts of
whisky in his possession. The offenses
were alleged to have occurred May 5
at I'ier No. 10, north wharves.
The Civil 8ervicc Commission on May
18 requested Mr. Kurtz to Instruct thc
guards to appear at Phillips' hearing
today. Mr. Kurtz replied by letter that
the patrolman had apologized and that
the Incident was closed so far as thc
customs service was concerned.
Tho commission today found Phillips
guilty of an additional charge of being
absent without leave. He was fined
seventeen days' pay.
In announcing that ho would lay the
case before the Secretary ot the Treas
ury because of the failure of the guards
to appear, Mr. Woodruff made public
this letter, dated yesterday, ami sent to
Mr. Kurtz:
"We are in receipt of your letter of
May 27 in which you refuse to instruct
Andrew A. Brophy, captain of customs
guards, and Guard Meiers, in your de
partment, to appear before the Civil
Henrico Commission.
"You speak of Patrolman Phillips
having apologized to Guard Meiers for
die languoge used, but this does not
dNposc of thc charges against him of
conduct unbecoming an office. The
commission is not sitting to hear pri
vate wrongs of individuals in the Fed
eral or other service, but to try charges
against members of the Police nnd Fire
Bureaus for unbecoming conduct and
for conduct subversive of good discipline
and of sound morale.
"Your failure to co-operate with us in
enforcing sound discipline and good
morale, not to mention the discourtesy
Involved in your action, is most regret
table. "In the judgment of thc commission.
the gravity of your refusal to co-operate
increased by reason of the duty and
obligation resting upon the Federal of
ficers to secure the enforcement of the
laws regarding the sale of liquor."
Garment In Atlantic City Fall
Pageant "Starts Something"
Atlantic City, .Tune 1. Proclama
tion by Mayor Edward I. Bader that
one-pleco bathing suits would be per
mitted :n the Bathers Revue of tho
Fall Pageant here on September 8 has
"started something."
Speaking for several civic organiza
tions, Mrs. Laura White, wife of Judge
John JS White, one of the owners of
the Marlborough -Blenheim and one of
the resort's lending clubwomen, yester
day sent a public letter In protest to
Mr. Bader. in which she said:
"Ah one who hns worked for the up
lift of not only Atlantic City, but the
State as well, I jvish to protest against
a permission of this kind. Even under
the worst conditions which Atlantic
Citv has had in thc past one-piece
bathing suits were not allowed on our
beach, and why snouia tney noc oniy
bo permitted but invited on our Board
walk for thousands to look at?
"Unfortunately for our young peo
ple, I suppose there will always be a
few immoral women who will expose
their formn for the lure of immoral
men. and it Is to such as these that
you give your official permission.
Mrs. White also announces her in
tention to bring thc Issue before the
women s clubs of thc city.
Mission Work Done by First Church,
Germantowh, Portrayed
One hundred nnd fifty youug people
participated in a pageant, in connection
with the 123th anniversary services,
last evening in the First Methodist
Episcopal Church, Germantown avenue
and High streets.
Mrs. Ellen Coughlln Keeler wrote the
pageant, which potrayed the missionary
.work which women of the Germantown
I church have engaged in nnd supported
, n the 125 years of the church's his-
1 tory.
i The pageant was conducted by the
Federated Women's Societies, all of the
participants being in costume, and
many of the most prominent families of
Germantown were represented, both in
the cast and In the audience.
In the distribution of tickets prece
dence wns given to thc oldest families
connected with the First Church.
Many former members of the church at
Gene Brunelli, eleven years old, 5015
North Thirteenth street, who was in
jured while playing ball Memorial Day,
died In the Jewish Hospital this morn
ing. The boy, with companions, was
engaged in a baseball game on thc
grounds at Thirteenth" street nnd Green
lane, when he fell on a nointed stick-.
The stick penetrated his abdomen.
D. L. Taylor's Funeral
The funeral of De Los I,. Taylor,
forty-one vears old, president of the
D. L. Taylor & Co. construction firm,
will take place from his home, 2520
South Twenty-second street, Thursday
Mr. Taylor died suddenly on the
morning of Memorial Day following a
round of golf over the links of the Bea
view Golf Club, at Absecon. N. J.
Councllmen Inspect Prison
Fifteen Councllmen. Including mem
bers of the Welfare Committee, made
an Inspection of the House of Cor
rection today. They left City Hall at
JO o'clock in automobiles. Particular
attention was paid to the proposed al
terations which are to be made there at
the suggestion of Director Tustin.
Robbed of $100 Watch
L. 8. Paddock. 320 West Cbelten
avenue, today reported to the police of
the uermantown station tne then or a
watch from his apartment on the third
floor. The watch was given to him by
the Engineering Corps with which he
served during the war, nnd Is valued
at $100.
Scalded Man Dies
Chester, June 1. Scalded while at
work at the Sun Shipyard. Joseph
Stepp. 2(105 Holbrook' i-treet, Philadel
phia, died yesterday in the Chester Hos
pital, lie was caught in a sudden Dow
of steam.
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Snapped yesterday morning on tho campus at the Bryn Mawr College, where
- '
Total Amount of Projects $431,000
Over April
The estimated cost of all building for
which permits were Issued in May is
$3,000,800, according to figures com
piled by William Gamble, statistician,
Bureau of Building Inspection. This
amount Is $431,155 more than the total
of thc preceding month and $.50,770
less than that of May, 1020.
While permits were Issued for the
erection of 158 garages, only 1B8 were
issued for dwellings. The greater part
of the work being done consists of al
terations and additions.
The character of buildings, number of
permits, operaUons and the estimated
cost arc as ioiiows
Permits Oper.
Kst. Cost
(142. noo
8. ISO
Dwalllnn. onn itcry
fnellltiff, two atory.
welltngs. three atory
vrelilnrs. frame...
2 SO
onice Duuainr
fltorei i
Enrtoe and boiler
Club nouse
Railroad station. . . .
Placei ot amusement
Mlscellneous bides..
Alterations and re-
Jllsceilaneous work. 217
leatera J
Fire-escapes 7
Signs 0?
Power house 1
..1,811 1.430 $8,660,800
Association Would Foster Love of
Art Throughout City
Plans are on foot to form n Civic
Music Association of Philadelphia, and
a committee bos been appointed to pre
pare a dcfinlt outline of such nn or
ganization. The committee, which was appointed
yesterday at a meeting ofta score or
more men and women, prominent in
musical and civic matters, at the Art
Alliance, consists of Miss Anne J. Mc
Donongh. chairman; Mrs. Sidney
Thayer, Dr. Gertrude A. Walker. Mor
ris Karlc. Mrs. Harold Tarnall. Miss
Mary Converse, Mrs. Anders and Mrs.
Eugene Pcttlt.
The purposes of the association would
be to obtain, co-operation among the
many existing musical organizations in
Philadelphia nnd to foster thc love and
knowledge of music among men nnd
women, boys and girls, throughout thc
Miss McDonough stated that "during
the war. Philadelphia led in community
singing" and that the country looKed to
Philadelphia for osmethlng new and
original in that line." .
"The object now," she emphasized,
"is to evolve from that something bigger
and better, something permanent."
It wns stressed that the purposed or
ganization would give opportunity for
study of music to those who cannot af
ford individual Instruction, but who
might, find and give back endless
pleasure through more intimate knowl
edge of the art.
Port Workers Threaten Strike
Havana, June 1. (By A. P.) An
nouncement that a general Cuban port
strike would be called unless legislation
nrohibitinr immurration is enacted Im
mediately was made today u.v4thr Ex-
ecutlve uommiltee of tne iiavana uuy
Labor Federation. In a memorial to
President Zayas, tho committer said
Cuban labor was menaced by the re
lease of thousands of workers by thc
suspension of sugar mill operations for
this vear and the unrestricted entry of
chenn labor from foreiim countries. Pro
hibition of immigration was asKed until
lnbor conditions become normal.
Father Accused of Burnlno Child
Mahanoy City, Pa., June 1. Because
his e1ght-ycnr-old daughter Mary stole
money from the mother s purse, Michael
Bokus, it Is charged, held the child's
hands over a hot stove, burning the
members severely. The police have ar
rested Bokus. The child Is at the hos
pital. To Ask Bids for Parkway Work
The plans nnd specifications for thc
filling In nnd completion of that parti
or the rnrljwny between I wenty-fourth
and Twenty-fifth streets have been fin
Uhed. The Department of Public
Works will ask for proposals for the
operation before the end of this week.
The estimated cost is 5200,000.
Wife of the assistant to the director
of operations of the United States
Shlpplng..Board, ,She is. active In
S social doings In Washington
i-J'l4. rji .i'Lris:
T .TntrslTTCO' tit
Phebe Anna Thorne Pupils to Pre
sent Dramatic Features
Pupils of the Phebe Anna Thorne
Model School .tor Girls held their
closing exercises this afternoou ut 2
o'clock, when they presented five dra
matic features in thc open-air thcatro
of the school at Bryn Mawr.
Girls of the school, ranging from tots
of five years to seniors of seventeen
year .interpreted the ploys, three of
which they have dramatized themselves.
Tho plays included "Snow White,"
arranged from Grimm's Fairy Tales;
"Thor's Hammer," dramatized from
Norse folk talcs, hnd "Thc Pomegran
ate Seeds," a mythological tale.
Scenes from Shaw's "Caebar and
Cleopatra" and "Androcles and the
Lion," were features or tne attcrnoons
Tho stago wttings for all tho plavs
were designed nnd made by pupils of
the school.
Netherlands Government Concerned
Over Our View of Oil Polloy
Th naaue. June 1. (By A. P.)
The new note from thc United States
Government regarding The Netherlands
oil policy In tbe Dutch East Indies
hns evidently caused much concern to
the Foreurn Office, where the arrival of
the note was confirmed today. Further
information regarding it, however, was
Forelen Minister II. A. VanKnrne-
deek yesterday held a long conference
with the chief of tbe Department ot
Economic Affairs. It is presumed that
the American note was discussed.
It is Kcnernlly believed that thc Dutch
Government will answer thc note, again
nutting forward the Government s
standpoint and expressing regret at the
American view of Holland's policy.
Annual College Event Held This
Morning Garden Party Tonight
The annunl breakfast at Bryn Mawr
.College took place this morning. Miss
B. Worchcster, of Boston, n member
of the sophomore class, was toastmis
tress. This afternoon thc senior class gave
Its garden party on the campus,
nnd at 8 o'clock this evening thc Rus
sian. Cathedral Quartet, assisted by thc
Russia!) Balalaika Orchestra, will give
a concert In the Cloister Gardens.
At the conclusion of thc concert, the
seniors will sing on Taylor steps for
the last time, and will give up the steps
to the junior class.
Graduation exercises will be condncted
tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Dp;
Simon Flexncr, of the Rockefeller In
stitute of Medical Research, will speak
on "Thc Scientific Career for Women."
Blaze Which Heavily Damaged
Building Starts In Attic
Bellefonte, Pa.. June 1. The Belle
fonte Academy was almost entirely de
stroyed by fire last night. The fire
started in the attic, an unoccupied por
tion of the building, about 6 o'clock,
and by 8 o'clock the entire top of the
building was burned away. The Lock
Haven Fire Department responded to
an appeal and assisted in saving ad
joining buildings.
The academy, with more than 100
students, would have closed next week.
The loss Is estimated at $100,000.
mostly covered by Insurance. The
students are all housed with private
Bailors Held When Attempting to
Sell Drug
Charles Yates and William R. Can-
ady, sailors on the United States
steamship Olympic, were arrested lato
yesterday atternoon in Washington
Square ns they were about to sell a can
of powdered .opium valued at $fi00, de
tectives say.
Lieutenant of Detectives Wood pre
viously received information that two
sailors were arranging to sell opium to
a dealer. Two men were detailed to
watch the dealer. Late yesterday they
saw him approach tho sailors, who wero
loitering in the square. Tho dealer es
caped. Both seamen are charged with
having narcotics In their possession.
They will probably be turned over to tho
naval authorities for court-martial.
P. R. T. Skip. Stop Protest Filed
Harrisburg, Junel. Complaint of tbe
Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co.'s skip
stop at Forty-third street and Chester
avenue, Philadelphia, has been filed by
Richard J. Beamish, of thnt city, who
also alleges there Is no shelter at Forty
second street and Chester avenue, where
people have to go to board the cars, and
accidents have occurred at that point.
Caesar Mllllsan. 418 S. Hutchinson St., and
I.,ul 11, Johnson, same addrtss.
Earl Prettyman. 414 S. 11th St., and Olivia.
rurnr .oun .-vninrfi si.
Jack r Powell, 2113 K. Tloaa st. and
Mary K. Mawson. 1700 Meaalnvr t
William Phillips, 8303 Jtace St., and Vemuj
v,ODie. 3un Arcnm st.
Albert 8. Nairle. 14fl IV. Olney ave and
Martaret Rambo, 2020 8impson st.
Paul F". Lamorelle, Wayne. P.. and Hilda
M Schoen. 2210 w. Tloa st.
Frank H Auric. S10T Walnut at., and Ella
M. Stlnser. 1234 S. 81st st.
Joseph R. Deaky. 2ft fi. 49th st . and Kath.
ryn M. Tlrody, 21 S. 40th at.
Frank H. Diver. 2318 Aspen st., and rube-
kah it. Orundy 2404 8. Hobson st '
William O Tamart, 3288 Chestnut st , and
Laura M. Dankrf. ST42 Commerce st.
David Backs. .S'orriitown, Pa., and Cell
Harley. 10C 3 Diamond st.
due H. Lewis. 222 B. 46th St., and Oerlrude
F. Ward, same address.
Morris U. Fuchs, 2103 N. 18th at., and
Minnie D. Iluhln, 2010 M. J8d st.
Albert Fnlecheld. 180 W. Tloca St.. and
.Helen Blmpson. 170 W. Eelauwh st,
Abraham L. Sickles. 320A Diamond St., and
Lydla D. II. ,Mak, 2207. N, Ilroad St.
Jeseph Devans, 1843 Garrett at,, and Ruth
Trlslcy, 1000 Wharton st.
, LJter Photo Hrvlce
thousands gathered In the annual event
Committee on Turlington Crash Saya
Cook Disregarded Signals
Responsibility for the rear-end
collision on thc Pennsylvania Railroad
at Burlington, N. J., Saturday evening,
which resulted in the deaths of two
persons, was placed upon Charles R.
Cook,, engineer of the Now York
Atlantic City excursion train, by tho
commltteo appointed by C. S. Frick,
general manager of the railroad, to in
vestigate the accident. The commit
tee submitted its report yesterday.
The wreck was caused by the ex
cursion train running into the rear of
a Camdon-Trcnton local as tho latter
Was leaving Burlington Station. The
Investigation Committee reported that
Cook npproached Burlington at a speed
of thirty-five to forty miles an hour
when the speed restrictions at that
point called for not over fifteen miles
an hour; thnt he ran past n "slow
speed" signal without reducing speed,
nnd that no over-ran n "stop" signal
to the rear of thc local train.
The report added that Cook should
have been familiar with the routo, as he
had recently made five rounrl trlrm
between New York nnd Atlantic City.
Central Coal Association Seeks Re
opening of Agreement
Clearfield, Pa., June 1. The Ex
ecutive Board of District No. 2. United
Mine Workers of Amerlcn. han 1imi
called to meet here June 2. It will
consider the request of J. S. Soinmcr
ville, of Altoonn, president of the Cen
tral Uoal Association, thnt the wage
agreement between the miners and
operators bo reopened.
Sir. Hommerville recently sent a let
ter to John Brophy, district prcNidcnt,
suggesting the "situation surroundina
Central Pennsylvania und its effect upon
thc production in our fields is, in our
opinion, a subject for mutual considera
In reply to that letter Mr. Brophy
snid :
"If your purpose Is to ask for a re
duction in wage scales, as is intimated
in the various press notices emanating
from Altoona, a conference would be
useless, because the position of. District
No. 2 is tho position taken by our na
tional organization, that our present
contracts are binding, that they wero
established by thc United States Bitu
minous Coal Commission, acting for the
Government, hnd that they must con
tinue until March 31, 1022."
President Brophy yesterday said the
position of District No. 2 had tho sun-
port of the international officers, in
cluding President John L. Lewis, who
bod written mm that the international
organization would co-operate in every
way In "protecting the integrity
of the wage agreement.
8tudents of Episcopal Church Train
ing Get Diplomas
Seven young women were graduated
yesterday from the Church Training
nnd Deaconess House of the Episcopal
Diocese of Pennsylvania. Thc com
mencement exercises were held In the
Pro-Cathedral of St. Mary, Broad and
South streets, with Bishop Rhltielander
presiding. The Rev. Dr. J. De Wolf
Perry gave tho commencement orations.
A luncheon was held in tho Guild House
following the exercises and a reception
wob later held at thc school, 70S Spruce
The graduates will go to many dif
ferent parts of the vorld to do the
work for which their training has fitted
them. Gladys Spencer will go to Ja
pan ; Susan B. Smith will serve in
Alaska ; Florence Huban will remain in
tblB city to nssist in the schools; Bcau
lah Dobbin will go to the North Caro
lina Diocese, and Lctca Tafton will gain
further training at thc Kpiscopal Hos
pital. $22,833 AWARDED SERVANT
Alleges Agreement by Boston Man
to Give Her Half of Estate
Boston, June 1. Marcaret Dixon nf
this city, yesterday was awarded ?22,8S3
ivi uu vi-uio nri yirtn us a hvrvnnt in
the family of the late Dr. Kverett Miles
Taylor. She hnd sued the executors for
Miss Dixon said that when she went
to work for Dr. Tnylor In 1018 he made
an oral agreement that if she would
care for him and bis household for tho
remainder of his life he would give her
half his estate. She stayed until his
death In 1018 without pay, she alleged,
Toronto Pitcher Quits
Toronto. June 1. Tommy Thompson To.
ronto International League pitcher, today left
the team atter havln been fined 1100 by
Manager Doyle for refusing to pitch aralnr'
the Rochester team last Haturdny. He do
clinnJ to play, lie aald, becnuse he had bc
refjulred to sleep In an upper berth of a
sleeping- car on the way to Pochester
CORNER JtOUHK. white stucco, Just built
israis! 6 rooms; tils bath; 1 square west
of Che- st.. on Ixicust ve. ; Jio. CXnsoN
pROH... AKent Phoiw Cltn. 0. Chestnut
hmHfiOu, or after 7 P. M.. J'hestnSt Hli!
rent rt'RXisnF.n nr.RMANTntvN
WKL.li FURN house for sum.; near cricket
club; eonv to trains 4 trolley, rcaa rent
adult family Phone Pin. 88 .1. ' r "''
ATTRACTIVE fiont apartment In Norrls
towns llvlnir room with lurce bay window
also bedroom and bath, convenient to trolled
and Pennsylvania and Readlnt Railroads.
0 minutes to PhllndDlphla; larne cool porch
rHi. !';.s0.llbl,!,,. rh.n or r.ee OORDON R
UEOAR. Hamilton Apartments, Main ami
Hamilton sts., Nnrr slown. Pa " nu
ARTISTIC, home-lllie. lurnlehert apt,. uiTof
people. Phone Media, pa.. 2Ja It ""
I8TH.. N.. 3317 FurnUhK, rooms "fo77..
fined Bimtlemani private fsnWlri refir"
JF"!' MXZf'll.'.i ur..- responsioie uentlo
enevs reiuirsu. i-none -upca. 01711 w.
's;W -r
, . J UJNJU J., xvtx ,
Mrs. Barlow, Miss Cummlngs,
Mrs. Foltner and MIm pownos
Are Eliminated
How American Women
Fared in British Golf
Mm. XI. ft. Barlow.. Phltadrlnhia,
was defeated by Miss Joyce Wethcred,
Kngland. IS and 4.
Mls Edith Oummlngs, Chicago, lost
to MIbs .Toy Winn, England, 2 and 1.
Mrs. Q. P. Fcltner, South Shore,
L. I., wns beaten by Miss Janet Jack
son. Enelnnd, fi nnd 7.
Mlsa Sara Fownes, Pittsburgh, was
defeated by Mrs. Cautlcy, Kngland, 0
and 8.
Turnberry, Scotlnnd, June 1. All of
the American invaders who entered the
British Somen's golf championship here
have beon eliminated. -The four who
advanced to the third round were put
out today.
Mrs. Ronald H. Barlow, thc Ameri
can hope from tho Merlon Cricket Club,
Philadelphia, fell an easy victim to the
Bklll of Miss Joyce Wethered, Worples-
don. B up and 4 td pl? . . .
Miss Joy Winn, oJ A deburgh, de
feated: Miss Edith Cummlngs, of Chi
cago, 2 up and 1 to play. , ....
i, t- r..vn nf Tularin Mala-
hide, defeated Mrs. . F. Fcltner. of
South Shore, L. I., 8 up and 7 to play.
Miss Sara Fownes, oi i";
wns eliminated by Mrs. Cautlcy, of
Thanet, former champion of Kent, by
(I up and B to play. . , . . '
Miss Cecil Leftch, tho British cham
pion, defeated Miss Jean McCulloch, of
West Kilbride, 2 up and 1 to play.
Miss Molly Griffiths, of Sunningdale,
defeated Miss Joan Stockor, of Sherlng
ham, 3 up and2 to play.
Both Miss WoWicrcd and Mrs. Bar
low played poor golf. Mrs; arlow waa
considerably below yesterday 's stand
ard. She said tho groens troubled her,
and she nearly always ployed short.
Miss Wethered had touch bunker
trouble, but she made the turn lap
nnd improved nfterword, winning easily
5 up and 4 to play. , ,
Miss Cummlngs. In her match with
Miss Winn, started woll. She njar!
both straight and long at thc third, a
385-yard bole, was on the green i in 2
and was ncurly down with a 3, the ball
Hnping the cup from n M-yui P"tt.
She won the hole, 4 to G. Miss Winn,
however, Bcorcd at the fourth.
Miss Jackson, the Irish champion,
u. i mm vvitnor. who ex
perienced bunker trouble at the second,
rM.i ,.,i tnn-ru hole. Miss Jackson s
piny throughout was brilliant. Sho went
out in 80 and bad a four nnd a fivsj
for tho tenth ana ciovenm uoics, re
spectively. , ... . .
Miss McCulloch. losing the first three
holes. She was bunkered on tho nrst
and third and took three putts on the
second green.
Officials Express Regret at Absence
of United States Stare
Chantllly, Franco, June 1. Play in
tho French amateur golf championship
tournament wns begun here today with
out any of the ten American golfers
who had entered appearing for the start.
Charles ("ChicV') Evans, of Chi
cago, was tho only one of the Amer
icans formally to scratch his name from
the list, and the French tournament
officials were somewhat mystified when
tho other Americans did not appear.
Thc officials expressed regret at tnv
failure of thc Americans to notify them
that they would not compete In the
tournament, thus disorganizing thc pro
gram at the last minute.
At the conclusion of the British ama
teur championship tournament at Hoy
lake last week, it was stated in dis
patches that none of the Americans
who competed there, with the possible
exception of "Chick" Evans, who had
left for France, would take part in thc
French championships at Chantilly.
Somo of tho Americans went to Turn
berry to witness play in the women's
championship now in progress there,
while other of the competitors stated
they would sail for homo this week.
Cincinnati's Holdout Captain May
Be Traded, 8ays Herrmann
Cincinnati, O., June 1. Henry K.
Groh, holdout captain nnd third base
man of tho Cincinnati Nationals, signed
his contract at the club's terms today.
He accepted the salary of S10.000,
but his nay will not start until he is
reinstated by Judge Lamlis. August
Herrmann, president of thc club, said.
President Herrmann also said that Groh
probably would bo traded.
Groh hold out for a salary of $12,
000, and It is believed he signed with
tho understanding that ho be traded.
Tom Dooley Signs With Braves
Doston. June 1. Shortstop Tom Dooley, of
the Uostnn University nlr, signed a contract
today with the rjosUin Nationals. He was
transferred to the Norfolk Club, of the
Virginia i-eague lor stationing ana will be
recalled for next Benson. He le n farmer
Georgetown University player.
I . a'a'a'a'aaawJ'VfmaK'SfaHHI J.3B
Pearls and Jewels
A Century
Of Quality
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
Chestnut and Juniper
Quick and efficient service in
garage or service station will
your patrons.
Advertise for mechanics in
KREIjRMIJ I 1414-26,aetnutStt !'
:v - '.-ir -
MnlJPWff iMHiihV
" - aaKiTOa"t'?'fPaiaBsV "'''
afafafaWV'Jl.vZi'taSbr aVafaVaVaW u . V
Former rector of 8t. Andrew's
Protestant Episcopal Church, who
died last night In Toledo. O.
Former Philadelphia Rector Suc
cumbs In Toledo
The Rev. Dr. George Gunnell, for
many years rector of St. Andrew's
Protestant Episcopal Church, of this
city, died last night at Toledo, O.
Word of his death was received here
today. He was rector of Trinity Epis
copal Church in Toledo.
Dr. Gunnell had been In bad
health for some tlmo. He went to con
sult Dr. Alfred Bulford, of Toledo, and
died while in the physician's office.. His
death Is believed to have been due to
Dr. Gunnell was rector of St. An
drew's Church, Eighth above Spruce
streets, from 1003 to 1000.
Asquam Wireless Olvee Position Off
t Winter Quarter Light,
Somewhere in tho Atlantic Ocean, a
thousand rnlles stralaht off Winter
Quarter Light, the Shipping Board
steamship Asquam Is wallowing in the
seas, waiting for a tow to brine her Into
The wireiese, ranging the ocean for
aia, Drougnc word ot the ship's distress
to tho big navy station at Cape May,
whence it was relayed to the Philadel
phia Navy Yard.
Though thejnesaaire said the Aiuinnm
needed help, it did not indicate thc
cause of the trouble, nor state whether
any one naa hoen killed or injured.
ino message was picked up at 2:83
o'clock this moraine. It was: "R. S.
Asquam In lat. 37.48 N., Ion. 03.30 W
no steam at nu. .Need assistance. Must
be towed."
It is surmised there had been an ac
cident .in the freighter's boiler room.
It is unlikely that help will bo sent
from this port, as the message would
have been picked up by ships at .sea
near the Asquam. Thc Asquam was in
Baltimore as recently as May 10, but
the Maritime Exchange has no infor
mation as to its cargo or destination.
Will Not Leave 8ehool Board Until
Fall, at Least
Former Judge Dlmner Beeber stated
yesterday that he will not present his
resignation as a member of the Board
of Education to the Board of Judges
before fall.
"Although I intend to resign from the
board," said Mr. Beeber, "I shall not
do it at this time. In all -probability I
shall wait until after tbe summer va
cation to take that action formally.
"I have not been giving the matter
much thought. In the fall I shall prob
ably take definite action."
Mr. Becber's decision to remain for
the present leaves thc Board of Judges
with two vacancies to fill at tho meet
ing Friday, one caused by the resigna
tion of Simon Gratz, president of tho
board, and the other by thc death if
Charles H. Edmunds.
Two Get Thirty Days for Attacking
"Open-Shop" Man
For beating up a Jamaica Negro, one.
of an "dpen shop" crew on tho steam
ship Commodore Rollins, C. A. Vlaga
neous, 321 Gaaklll street, and Fernando
Gaelsa, 600 South Front street, were
sentenced to thirty days in tbe County
Prison by Magistrate Toughill this
The Commodore Rollins Is a banana
ship of the United Fruit Co. She lies
at Pier 0. North Wharves. Patrolman
Bcatty and Shclton, of the FourtJi nnd
Race streets station, heard the sailor's
calls for help late last night, and found
the pair beating him.
The sailor said he knew nothing of
any port trouble when he signed for
thc voyage at Jamaica.
Camden Woman Hit by Auto
Just after alighting from a car at
Phillips street and Ferry avenue, on
her way to Somner School, Alice
Smith, forty yenrs old. 010 Chair
street, Camden, a school teacher, was
knocked down by an auto driven by
William Miller, a city fireman. The
woman sustained a rrnctured leg, two
fractured ribs and a fractured elbow.
Miller was released on his own rocog
nlannrc. your
Bu ! sons I ':
aSSMs III ..f i -" JtaaaajaMMaaWlaailllBllallBSJag,JM..,-. I.. HIHMIl,H ' '..JBafJlBatatal
v..-.- ,y t'
i - . V "T"K
T. ' - ill Ti .SB!
Phils' Manager and Catoher,
Bruggy Banished From Game
for Disputing WitH Umpire
nnra. Jr. t
nonerwn, s.
rrlseh. ih.
Vowng, f,
"'. lb.
Walker, ef,
Rnnp, 3b.
Smith. ,e.
Ryan. p. . . . .,
Umpire Qatler sod
rnnxrM' -
nawtbtrov ,h. v
J. Mi r. ib;
Menael. If,
wrijjfte: JH. '
n. Mhier, m
JVHUam,.' f. ,
T. rf. K
nrnrzr.t n.
Tllnj, p.
New York, June l.--The Phils a4 ?il
I linnta rflrn etMiAsTiilnii t Vllnv at rUA.
hle-header on thc Polo Grounds to
Hiiibu nuiy ovuiuuiii) -r tHMj u UVM
Ring nnd Ryan were the opposing1' "t
hurlcrs in the first game. Bruggy arat'n
behind the bat for the' Phils. l g
rtnr. r
New York scored early, getting a rua y
in the first inning on a triple by.Frisch' h
after Bancroft hnd waiKM. ' a
Vn, nlftn Milled. scoHnr Frtre,i..' M
Bruggy and Mnnager uonoran were
chased to the clubhouse for disputing'
with Umnlre Quigler. '
rfcll . it.' 1H.k Vi
TITIST Both Bawling and .T. Mil.
-"" - - ----- r-- - - j
1 JV.a .(akl aaa naaaf tKlatJi "-
Wrlghtatone's single to center. R.' Mil. .
ler filed to Burns. No runs two hita, '
no errors. ' , '' '.'
. Burns filed td Lee. Bancroft walked.' '
Frlsch tripled to left, scoring Bancroft.
Toting tripled to left and scored ,n; .
Meusel's poor, throw. Braggy waa'put'
out of the game by Umpire tjnlgley f6r
c'atmlng Young's hit was fotiV. Mack"
Wheat went in as the catcher 'for the
Phllfl. Donovan was also banished by,
Qulglcy for the same offense. Kelly
fanned. Walker was out at first, Raw-j
lings to Miller. Three runs, two hlta,
one error. ' ' "' C
SECOND Williams fouled to 8mltbJ
Bancroft tossed out Lee. Mack Wheat
fanned. No runs, no hits, no errort,"
Rapp was out, Wrig btstone , to 'J;'
Miller. Rawlings threw out Smlthi
Wrlghtstono threw out Ryan. Ne
runs, no hits, no errors.
High School Association Name!
C. 8. Ivory President ;1'
West Philadelphia High School'
Alumni Association elected nt -the
school, Forty-eighth and Walnut
streets, last night, as follower
President, Chester 8, Itott; first
vice president, Dr. Howard K. Math
ews ; second vice president, Rodney T. '
Jack; treasurer, Alexander Glass; re- ,
cprdlng secretary, Joseph B. Heamt
corresponding secretary, Proctor Mofflt, '
The advisory counsel chosen ineludea
Paul Dcvereaux, John M. Ellis, S. ',
Moffit Ellis, Horace B. Reed and.
Charles A. Wright. Steps are to be
taken to obtain an athletic field, fully ,
equipped, as soon as possible. '
Anew size package t
Ten for 10c.
Very convenient.
Dealers carry botht
lOforlOc; 20for20.
It's toasted.
ThtsJfm I t yjfmujQ
ler were thrown ont by llapp. Meusel V
j nose, duc u
f N .
" 1 A lucky oppor- u ;,
I tunity, of which we, n
j took immediate ad- n !
I vantage, permits us R ;'
I to offer an excellent M ,
I quality of Men's K (;
I Silk Half Hose at :,-
1 B Half a Dollar. i
I Colors are N a v y y.
I Blue, Black and x"
I Cordovan. ,
I A year ago they r
tza ouiu rcaauy
U double this price. jf 4
.1 CI
i II
I . (I