xs n,'piy 'ciV( '' ,!.. j(' jif.v ' ,'f?i"(!5?. i','- i" JCi-"' r,viWf" i r,i tscpwvTvh! A -' l 12TBNING PUBIilC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1921 "V" :&VMi 'r-7rl&irr,z i& i ' i! t I 0a fflCCJ IS PLEASED PENN COUNCIL NAMED T (Collejc, and Richard Hftttewley. of the I 'lowne Hcjentllic school, ilember'rtt-i WITH VISIT HER iltistrlous rltUenii a entlrofnt which we undcrMaml you heartily Inflow na( In which w hnre not been dlonp- Underoradu,la Body to Name Two pointed. ,1 " . . "We hm untihni with prHlc me more mjinonn in ran nrnre nil ilevelonnirnl of the Italian 'n, n,v T'nrltrirrtduAte Council at who him come to abide with u In I'hll- the 1'nUoraitr of Ptnngfh'flnln hN heen I foil, one to represent the fine art de ll coniunn or .lonn MiecflY, i imrunriu nnn one irom ine rapininn nnn larce are William Orate. K. Paul Pntton, James Macintosh and Maxwell Katon. Two more men will be elected in the i delphla and note with interest his ded. Italian Ambassador Calls on Mayor to Extend Thanks for Honors Shown Him riarllnH In pmnnlv with I'ltlztnSrlill re Uilretnent nnl to llvi- up to tho.c tiitfli "tnndard" et hv von nnil u "In Philadelphia we find the erst while Italian rerorenoinj the mother land we would not have hlin fall to iln bnl cherishing hl. new homeland nml Hlandintc t.qiinrl nnd loyally for the Constitution nnd the tlajr. the sym bol I of true Amcricnnl'in." managerR of major aporta, Uevlseil nlnnn for the eomnnalttnn of anlan. John Cannon, repreientinr thelthe council were decided unon nt Her- or presitient ot trie eenior enm: llowanl Horde, editor-in-chief of the Pennavl Wharton School; Alfred DleV. theiDny, May 11). MOORE MAKES REPLY TRIDENT SOCIETY ELECTS Gratification for fhe rordinl welcome nnd hospltalln which wn cxtendr! to him during hl hrief tay In Phllnilel nhlaw wa exprrned hv ' Vittnrin Tin landl Tiled, the new trnlinn Ambus-n-dor. who called on Mayor Vnorr tndnj before learin? for New York. The distinguished visitor wn nrenm panled br several Italian" of promi nence ITia call on the Mnror i rnnrk of courtesy nnd appreciation for the Mayor'a presence last night nt a dinner tendered to the Ambandor Ambassador Tltccl poke in Italian tr, expressing hi grntltiidr for the courtesies given him He inld li would long remember the riit nnd that the xentiment of the people of thi city nml the klnrtnesK with whiih he w re. reived everywhere showed better thin words the cordial feeling toward Itnly In reply tha Mnyor said- "He as mired, Mr. Ambassador, that your coming to Philadelphia hn done m (rood The influence von temc imong those of Italian birth nml descent has been helpful "We appreciate the cordial rcliuinn that exist between your countrymen and ours. We trust your mission of in dustrial and comtnerci.il reconstruction may be successful 'We will endeavor in every wn to assist vou , but we especial'y thnnk i"n for the broad spirit in which mil Iwvp approached the question of American citizenship We desire those who mm" from Italy to take up their home- witli us to be peaceful, law-abiding and in- Eight Named to Penn Charter Schoo Honor Society Klectlon. to the Trident Senior Honor Society of th" Penn Charter School were announced toda in the xcliool a embl Harlnn P. Slntrell. i-aptain of the footlin'l team, read the names of the eight The clei'tlnn arc . Eur' Uartlett. lift." Spruce street, lennl" enm captain : Charles K Elliott, mid Phmond street, manager musical rluhs : .Tsmcs W. (?ae We nonah. N. ' . baseball team and glee1 club lender' Wtllir.m II Howell 1000 Spruce sirct. gymnasium and track teams. Mnr W .lones Vnib'er. Pa . inptnin soccer tenm . Itichnrd II Keee ChcMtntit Hill, soccer nnd tennis i'ni . Richard ' Stafford Rotbonuigh foot hnll. tennl and gymnasium teams, nnd Alden N Strong. ."WW.! Cedar avenue, basebnll. football, trni'k and gjmimsiuin teams Kverv renr the nienil-ors of the Tri dent Societv before they grfldtmt. si leoi their successors from among the prominent athlete nnd students of the junior clns- Woman Faints. Fractures Skull Mrs Catharine Vinicoss. seventy ic.irs o'd. 'J021 Mitflin street faintcil Mt 10 o clock th.s morning n sin alighted from n Snvder avenue trolley car a' 'lventiett streei Her bend stru-k tl.e street nnd 'he kull was fractured She was- tHken to S- gnes' llospial GENERAL COXEY IN PHIL A. ; THREATENS ANOTHER MARCH At a Cost of $1000 a word A distinguished author may receive one dollar a word for his production. An advertising expert sometimes writes a message the production of which costs more than one thousand dollars a word. A great reading public knows and applauds the author. The copy-writer of the advertisment is known to very few. even in his own little world. The oldest and mo6t experienced advertiser values the real expert most. The newest and most inexperienced advertiser leaves it all with sublime confidence to "a clever young chap my wife's cousin." In advertising, as in the iron and steel business, we are developing specialists. When you advertise, secure expert advice. Publishers don't write advertisements, but they know those that do. tft mining s;i(icr in 'he tuttertek publication? t. tor site by neertditcd advertising agencies. B U tt e r ic k Publisher The Delineator t$:.50 a Year) The Designer ffC.OO a Year) May Head ri- Irmv of i ncm ployed i tiless Congress Shows More irtion. He Says $35 General Coxev. the man who man-lied them up a hill nnd marcheil them down again back in 04. i in town today threatening to look for other lull to conquer nnd to henl a new nrmv of unemployed In a second historn hik" to Washington The general' patience i badh tri"d by the proorntination of Congress If thev don't show n little action on hi non-interest paying Imnd Hill and hi .initiative and referendum Hill in the near future. h will unmufTlo hi drum, issue a series of bugle calls and bud a hungry lnt on the Nation's capital Perhaps he is banking tor M ration on the senatorial hanging garden restau rant recently oened in the Capitol. At any rate, he I throwing to the winds Napoleon' tip about an nrmv moving on its stomach, and the march will begin from nil sections of ihe coun try icry soon, 'f Congress run true t" form i "Wlirn Oo We Eat?" ! It is the same old trouble that ; Prompted the nll-hobo cress-countr id ' S04. General Coxev sjild. 'n discussing the enlistment of another nrmv. whoic uniforms will be anything but that, and whose slogan would be. "When Do We Eat?" The general is billeted on the ninth floor of the Ilellevue. Stratford, bit In 'ntimnted that sixty -seven venrs old or not. he would be willing to forgo the comforts of home nnd head nn arm of the unemployed if i' would Imvn nn effect on Congress. General Coxej sign? hi- he. .1 . oo S. Coe . Sr . and hi home i ,it Maslllnn. O.. from which fhe immortn' oimv of !4 set forth for Wnhington "Conditians arc nrw in f'i "i" try today than thev were thai -a the general "You mean prohibition u gesiecl. "Ye. the Eighteenth Anynnm"" wrong because the principle of it wrong." said the general will o" mence. Ills gray ees dashed from unde" heavy, rimles spetcaclcs. and the i har ncter lines about hi kmdh mout i tightened As he talked, lie waved h -hands atid hi body swayed while a rubv-and-iluimond pin wh'"h pierceH a brown polka-dot four in-hand tie. sparkled a- though to empha-ur hi words. Is gninsl Saloon I am against the saloon, the gen eral added. ' bu the jgntcentb Amendment ha caused more lawless res than nnv lnw ever pnsseil ' If mj Initiative ami Referendum Hill is pn'seil it wou'd enable the pci nle to vote on whether prohibition should he continued I'ntil they do vote on it. thev will never support pro hibltion. and without the people it will never be enforced Genernl Coxev H nntn of Sclm grove Pn nnd vmi ra sim n- iMnville He hn five hildren ope i wnom. I'a vld Coxev, lius iui left as n -eaman on the Kevston- State, whu-h "ill jt'y be tweeri Seattle and 'he ttrien' "Mv son wants to .ec ilir word the genera' aui ' nnd a" I know i'hp tain .lnnuarv of the Kevt'n tate J arranged to hnve Iavnl ship on her Some one told the gi neral h" 'ookd ss wel' todn' a in '!'! 'I feel tit for anothei march n said ' I to vou moke "No." he replied ' Drink ' ' "When I n ii out a grimace He said he hud mm in New York daj am! "hat 'Uei volunteer m i s Inrtnn man u If ( ongi . .' appeal. ' he said. "1 propose to isu a ca'l to all the unemployed to move on Washington b.v train, airplane sub marine, automobile or on foot "And we'll hnve more than liOOO men this time We'll have nn army nf nt lent 1011.000 Expeditions will b or CJimed in various part. of the oountri. 1 will organise one at Mnsillon We will then converge near Washington find when we reach tin- capital we in tend to uimn tnrrc mdefinitelv. If there are 100. 000 men in Washington with uoth.ng to eat. Congress wi'l do something The genernl 'aid he walk six oi eight mile even dav to keep in trim He hn no hobbies except In two con gressional bill GOOD things from 9 sun shiny climes poured into a single glass for you. The Coca-Cot Co. Atlanta, Ga. JKBf (ML Deep-Down You can dye a sparrow, so that it looks like a canary, but the dye will wear off. You can press surface sleekness into a maclv ine-made Summer Suit, but it will wear off. Stylebilt Clothes are hand-tailored, and, as this goes deep-down , it cant wear off 1L Hilton Company 1211-1213 Chestnut Street CUxti Shops In Pnnrijxi! Qrtej KE'X AR" NEW OR K PRCOKIYN THILADELrHK CHICAGO BONWIT TELLER 6 CQ QJie Spevjafo Stcfi cfOnainahotis CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET h was asked making a gnwae ne answereii m 3'llresell I.IMI r '"stirdav nml San liml aM nree.i to otlll I'll fii Wis litR.ttAirii US Trf SSUMsrlJ.tfS, It .x A71v3' ttt' Mria UU GABDEN Hose, .Better Quality. A wide variety all sues, grades from good to best. Alst) Hose Reels, Lawn Sprinklers and ever: tiling for the lavxri and garden. BaWare of Garden nicfi We Have the RemrdieM It' not ton lnte to act nut Vegetable PUnN; we have Urge miorlmonl. CATALOG FREE MICHELL'S sg?E 518-516 Market St, Thila., Pa. COST PRICE Sale of Gorgeous Sports Overblouses For Wednesday Only iHecimn it I ' c I Lnnel pnii kIi lnpitrii lkirts. 'I hr Ovrrblmises r harui-omr tor .pnrt mode ire urxr to hr worn developed ot ith punt I trinj;i .ut Sale Li.,1, (..l.TO (.RLPE MOROCCO (Jih'l: In rttilli.itir Spoils ludes tor Sea horc. Countn Cli.lt and l:nii rtili Jndr 'Vhmttfr, ll'liitr Hrritm Tanfruti? 1 hf-st- pnt t - ftlt.ii cs le.aturr I'eter Pan slul and 'I wved the Sweater mi main oiraMons. ill Ivint, wtml rinbioiden iln ulnll i Ii, innuv .itmn. R0SH0S.-1R.I l.REPh DE CHISE Mntintrfin settitiRs. lit'ifr Royal Blue Collars, and Mip tlirow .scarts u'ldi Priced 15.00 to 29.50 Formerly 22M to 4a M r.'.oi M' ri h DKPRVU-AT r M.tJfiR ;'ti- u'iiHiyw STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER $24.50 1000 Men's Spring Suits Blue Serges, Worsteds, Herringbones, Tweeds and Cassi meres, in smart new styles for young men and men of con servative taste. With Extra Trousers! A spic-apan, fresh, new lot of the smartest, the best-tailored Suits we've seen in many a day at the price an extra pair of trousers to every Suit to sell at far below present retail price, and very close to one-half of what men paid for similar grades last year. They are from manufacturers who have been steady contributors to our stock. Every Suit made to exacting specifications to insure excellent quality. The fabrics include the smartest weaves of the present season grays, blues, browns and tans and the same is true of ithe styles. While we shall have practically all sizes and proportions to begin with the intensive selling activity bound to result from such a remarkable opportu nity should warrant early selection. !- mrAwbridj cimhi.r -scami noor kh Equipment to Meet Every Sports Need in the Sale No matter what your favorite summer out-door sport may be, you will no doubt find some nccepsnry ndjunct to it included amonp the hundreds of different items, at reduced prices, in the SportlnR Goods Store. For instance Bicycle Tires Savings Average One-third U. S. Cord Construction Tire's, $2.90; Chain Tread, Thornproof, $2.10; Heavy Service Traction Tread, $2.75; Overland Thornproof, M.90; Nonpareil, red tup, studded tread $1.65. Complete Golf Sets how $19.50 Caddy Bag, Brassie, Drivor, Mashie, Midiron, Futtcr and 2 Balls; leather-trimmed canvas Caddy Bag. Complete Tennis Sets $25.00 Four Rackets, 2 Balls, Poles, Guy Ropos, Net, Marking Tapes and Instruction Book. American League Base Balls $1.75 S. & C. Official American League Balls official weight and size. "Life-Guard" Bathing Suits $4.65 White Wool Shirt, fast-color blue Wool Pants, white canvas Belt ivith non-rustablc buckle. Ford-size Guaranteed Tires $12.90 Non-skid Tread, freshly made of tough cotton fabric and live rubber; 30x3 $12.90. Fully guaranteed. f- Strnwbrldce ClnihlT Fourth rioor Markt Streei Men's Panama Hats, $3.65 Worth One-half More to Twice This Price '. A large special purchase of genuine South American Panama Hath all perfect and in several excellent new styles for men and young men all at $3.65. Sennit Straw Hats, worth One-Half More now $2.10 Another special purchase. Smart-looking, well-made Hats of fine Kennit straw, in the styles most naked for this season. All are fitted with the ventilated, easy-fitting leather band. Men's Leghorn Hats Fully One-Third Under Price $4.55 Thousands of Books Far Below Regular Prices It would be impossible to list in ten times this space all the dif ferent lots and titles throughout the Book Store that are to be had at reduced prices. Suffice to say that practically every field of Litera ture is represented. Some of the various lots were secured at price concessions direct from the publishers. Others have been taken from our own shelves and marked at reduced prices. These two lots are representative of the many, many opportunities Several Thousand Volumes of Standard Authors 60c to 95c Each -Including Carlyle, Dumas, Balzac, Stevenson, Hugo, Marrvat, Scott, Charles Readc. Shakespeare, Thackeiay, Prescott, RiJey, Bul wer. etc. some slightly marred, but the vast majority fresh, new and in perfect condition. Several Thousand Volumes of New Fiction About Half Price 90c Here is the opportunity to secure xour .summer snnnlv ne Piminn .i, Unlf rt,- .Uto fr. lioir flirt TiiiVilioUn ,! Tl . . I?., ill iiuii "i iiuji iw nnn hut; , uiuimiul a The saving Leghorn Hats. or brown bands. is actually more than one-third on these popular All perfect and in several good shapes, with black ipr y Strw'trldK ClotliUr Bfmntl Floor Markft Htret, Kist China, Cut Glass and Art Wares in the Great Sale The collection produced by chases made especially for -pi iall at reduced combining the many special nur. this Sale xvith the scores of lots from prices is equal to the entire stork of rHwbrtiU'i ,. ( lolll prices. Recent titles. r bei.iii.l Kluiir lMljon Siren Wmt our own stocks manv stores. From this great array housewives can replenish their own china closets, or handsome gifts may be selected for June brides at sav. ings of one-fifth to one-third as based on present market valuations. Of course, we could not attempt to set forth the hundreds of indi vidual items in this limited space. Therefore, let the following selected at random from among scores of others in each group suffice to convey an idea of the opportunities: More Than 800 Dinner Sets, Including 175 Different Decorations, Under Price Porcelain Sets, 51 to 107 pieces $11.00 to $72.50. China Sets. 50 to 107 pieces S24.00 to $250.00. And in addition our entire collection of open-stock Dinncrware is marked at special Anniversary prices. Hundreds of Pieces of Cut Glass Such values as Bonbon Dishes, at $1.90; Bread Trays, at $6.Gtl and hundreds of others. Light-cut Glassware especially popular for summer service arc also included. Fancy China Greatly Reduced Many items from 10c to $13.50; Vases, 60c to $26.25. Bronzes, Jardinieres, Art Wares Too numerous anil too varied for individual mention but all much under price. - .' rrt m iiriii.- i ioihir nmnt Women's Dust Coats and Capes , At $2.75 : (ne hundred regulation IHim Coats, and the new full, envelop ing Dust CapeF, that close up well at the throat if desired. One Hundred Sports Coats now $7.25 Short unlincd Coat of Burella cloth in Pekin blue and a darker .shade of blue very smart with n separate skirt of practically any kind Mrhu trn1f A '!mhir j p' nml Floor Centrn 1200 Infants' Slips Under Price Neat little Bishop Slips of soft white nainsook that are so neces sary a part of baby's wardrobe These at savings nf one-fourth to one-third: 600 Lonjr Slips, trimmed with embroidery now 95c 'loo Ixjnjr and Short Slips, infants' to 2-yr. sizes, 7oc ."00 Long Slips, lace-edped now 50c Jflfl Long Flr.nnclettr Petticoats, firrtrudr xtylc note 38c Vm hr ip A. t'lmhlpt Thir.1 F1" .r WM Baby Coaches In the Sale Reductions of one-fourth to one-third from present selling prices: Pullmans $3 1..10 und $41.50 Chariots ?27..')( and M2.50 Strollers $12.75 and S2.1.25 llohv Yards- now $.1.23 Hnb ANalkcru now $2.25 Porch Swings $3.75 Lawn Swing 8 $9.75 and $10.75 rwhr Uf ft i'tfnpr I ji Ii Plnur Wheel Toys and Playthings Semes of thuiK- to provide healthful out-door play 01 in structive indoor amusement to youngster" Here are just a lew of the many under-price lots in the Sale- Pnris Express Wagons, .$3.85 Mechanical Trains $1.75 Aeroplanes 20c, 75c, .$1.35 Play-ground Slides $ 1 2.50 Hand Cars now $6.00 Character Dolls, 05c and $1 HirKnhrli A riiillH I'nu h I" i" r Colored Drapery Scrim, 25c Which Is One-third Its Value rn Art Printed Ktamine Scrim, in Egyptian, Chinese and conventional design.1-, wonderfully lovely in their rich coloring.. .Just the thing for semi-transparent draperies that add so much to the attractiveness of the summer home. A wonderful saving on summer draperies for those who share in this economy event -."ic a yard. Taped Scrim and Marquisette, 25c A saving of one-half on sheer White Scrim or heavier Mar mnsetto with broad woven tapeil edges. So attractive for curtains and home decoration --25e a yard. l-r-- "iraHliriJc i'loihir Thinl f nor Kilhn Sii t Wonderful Millinery Values 450 Fine Trimmed Hats i (7 Cn Half-Price and Less, at ' P ov peeial purchase of untrinimed Hats at less than half price, from a fifth Avenue manufacturer, all of high-grade straws and trimmed in our workrooms, in style usually to be hnd onlv in Hats f mm ? 15.00 to $20.00. 600 New Trimmed Hats Worth Nearly Double, at $4.75 Hemp Hats in six difTeicnt midscason shapes, in plain shades and various combinations, trimmed with imported (lowers and rib bons which we purchased at a great saving. $6.50 300 Light Trimmed Hats Worth Half Again as Much .some wortn nearly oouuie, ah ngni, airy nats or nnn transparent braid lomhined with Swiss Milan-Hemp, trimmed with beautiful wide ribbons. Five Hundred Soft Ribbon iro Qjr Crusher Snorts Hats, now lP"JJ folded up and Smart and comfortable on the head, and can be carried in the pocket when not in use. Many shades. UNDl'.R RHCULAR PRICK .- Mr.w hnd ijp A iofh.f Hci nl Pioitr M,irrtM sin MUCH Misses' Wash Dresses Much Under Regular Price at $4.85 TWO HINDRKD freh, new Dresses, of novelty oilo with dainty lace collais. tucked plain voile with long roll" collar, nnd smart plaid gingham, trimmed with white folds. Sizes 1 1 to 18 yrs. Five Hundred Girls' New Wash Dresses Greatly Under Price, $1.85 I'lain and checked ginghams with collars in contrasting shade, also plain thambrays, trimmed with colored stitching. SizeB ft to 14 J'Cars , r,wl ri k . , i.Mr,i,r Sni.ml .. , , ., m,p,i Women's New Cloth Skirts At $2.75 About One-Third Less Than the Regular Price About two hundred Skirts of attractive new mixtures, in grays and tans, made in a good plain tailored style that Inkers and vacationists in general will find most satisfactory. Straubnili: A i loiifr rntv V'lonr Kllln Strut Notable Values in White Petticoats Dainty, practical and extraor dinarily good in value are these White Petticoats that women want for immediate wear Both kinds with DOUBLE PANEL back and front. Satinc Petticoats, now $1.50 Of fine white satine, with a narrow ruffle on the tucked flounce. Extra Size Petticoats of White Tub Silk now Sa.75 A straight-line model, well pro portioned and made. Stiatinls ' miii' Hc-oml nr. Weil BOYS' HATS the Sale At Great Savings Hovs may pay much less for Hats and Caps that will stand them in good stead during vaca tion days. At savings of one fourth to one-half. Straw Hats, in ariely SI. 93 Straw HatH- now $1.25 While Duck Middy Capr.oje Wash Hats. man colors lot Panama Hats, some slightly soiled - now $3.4!) 4lraunrl13P i"""'" Sioml r"nnr I'lllwrt SlrMl, EH Long Cloth, 10 Yards, $1.50 There i. a worth-while saving for those who share in tin.- ".nni versaiy Special" 000 original 10-yard pieces of Lung Cloth. A good quality of dependable S. A C. SPECIAL brand- now $1.51) a piece StruHliri'tKr A l lender ,, . i ,. ,, Men's Oxfords Smart new st!c. from the James A. Ranistei C oinpany. Wing-tip Biogues of tan grain leather, and English lasts .of tan and nf gun-metal calf. sa;i'?s i nre one-fourth and more nt '' or tan " slliie Wing-tip Hrogue.s uh mi STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER upi-foriitpil anil w I eyelets now Sfl.90. Boys' Oxfords Brogues and English lasts o inn calf $1.75. ... , ,nfdli M KKKT ST. EIGHTH ST, riLUEKT SI, Tab livilhfir rninfnit'Otl . .....,. .....--- ed Neolin soles J.' -ird hrnU" A Kmhlli n'l r" White cam .is 77- . aim wiiii " luinw'... H'rel' OTaiVlWH -s I ) : n's i- w"'y