Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 27, 1921, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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$1 r
' a
FIWi, .
' Jic ioff Living
rirt'youn folk In NorMwood cnlUd
7"., 'rndp." while 'the oldfr fo'k
cttlfd blm "Old Nat."
Ortndp,httd decided lonj neo that It
Mfh time for him to say "oodby"
t thin old worlds He felt h was In the
ttir't'tbst tne worm woum p ibt ou
ter of without Win, and today, while
't sst huddled up In that old rocking
! rhilr, p'ofBnr 'y at his pipe, voices
J6fM from another room nearby Into
rfundoa b fSfoflte Kitting room, ana
what he heard made him Ion for the
md 'to come. lie wag more tftan eon
. .'need fhat he was In the way.
..".Well, don't blame me, Grace,"
i grandpa heard Richard, her hiiHband,
ttj, "If It wasn't for your father we
could be where It la nice and warm,
hut you know the trip la too much for
blra, and then he mlht be ailing "
Tht waa all grandpa heard, hut his
ionin-law'e worda wrung his very
..heart, and not once but often he heard
his daughter complain and nay that "It
t wasn't for father" she could do this
or' die could do that. Grace, his little
tjrl whom he bad worked ao bard for.
When she had cried or fussed he bad
ntrer complained, but always had en-
' oeavored .to please and cater to her
(lightest whim; now she no longer
, wanted hlra, her father. Were they
waiting for the day that he, too, waa
praying would noon come that very
' hour. If possible?
He turned to look out the window,
nd there, smiling In at him with two
fat 8now"balls in her hands, won Edna,
"the young girl next door, who bad taken
, quite a fancy to that old face looklns
, out of the window every day as she
looked In. Her cheeks were rosy and
her brown eyes sparkling, and into
grandpa a heart came new life a she
smiled on blm, and an he noticed the
youth bubbling over in her, how he
longed at mat moment to nave his youth
(',over again, to be as strong and healthy
as she was.
She came cloae- to the window and
, rubbed her nose on the pane, and, laugh
Mug happily, cried: "Grandpa, they
' hare given me permission to come in
find sit., with you If you care to have
''me," and at this moment Grace came
)into the room and espied the fair face at
,1 the window.
( "'Come right In, Edna. I'm sure
(J fathe'r1 would enjoy having you," ana
. grandpa was ao happy all toe could
(do was to puff all tho harder at the
,. old pipe, his heart beating fast to think
5 that after all aome one would care to
,;it and chat with him.
"Ob, grandpa. It is just too wonder
ful for words out today ! How I wish
'you could come snowsboeing with me!
The girls have gone off for the wcek
rnd and I have to go shoeing alone.
Do you know, grandpa, if It wasn't for
you looking out of the window every
day and smiling so nicely at me, 1
should almost die of loncsomeness. True,
the girls are here off and on, but they
have such wonderful times without me.
;They don't w-want me. grandpa I
f I'm only in the w-way "
"Why- what Is the trouble, little
missy? When I
viaugning away, I never dreamtd you
'. were unhaonv. Now. tell ernndnn nil
. ,. ....... - ,.v ..... v,
ftAw vnn At,r thai
' about It maybe I can help you."
"Well, they all have sweethearts,
grandpa, vou know"
"Ob! I see Frank and the Rhodes
boys. I often wondered why you were
stone so much."
"W-well, they d-don't want me, as
I would be an extra one. and well,
sometimes I wish I were dead. It's
terrible to think no one wnnts you. and
(a if), grandpa, mamma and papa I
nnOythem. They say I'm too bois
terous, and oh! I m so lonesome. Since
the snow came, and I enn't sit with
you on the veranda, I've been too lone
some for words. I wish jou could
come out."
"Tea, little missy, it is hard to think
that you are not welcome, even In your
own home, but I am sure your dear
mother and father welcome you. only
they do not realise that you are very
lonesome. They are probably very busy
with their 'problems and never dream
that you need their lore so very much.
Some day you will meet a nice young
boy who will want you very much, but
If hasn't happened along just yet, that's
"Just you wait, missy dear, and then
you will have the best of them nil," and
grandpa puffed ever so vigorously at
his pipe, and in the circles of smoke he
saw the one he wished Edna to see and
"Never mind, grandpa, about my
troubles. Don't think any more about
It. I am happy to have just you, and
I do love you very much," and she
nearly knocked grandpa's pipe clean
out of his mouth when she bugged him
tight and kissed him softly on the fore
head, and she was gone before he could
recover himself.
"Another visitor, grandpa, for you."
and George smiled na he slapped grand-
ps caressingly on the shoulder.
"Why, grandpa, who was that won
derful looking young lady I met as I
was coming In? I should think, grand
pa, you wouldn't keep such a secret
sway from me."
"Gad. boy! I was just thinking of
you and in you walk! She is one of
my rave ot sunshine, boy, and you arc
me oincr,
She is very unhappy and is
Komg over to Ilaymond Hill, snow
'hoeing. Go right after her, boy, and
ee that she gets home wfcly. Yea,
yes." you must do this for me. Tell her
that grandpa said It was nil right, and
that she will make him happy if she is
Try kind to you, George,'1 nnd the
somewhat dated George hastened away.
Iatt in the afternoon grandpa saw in
the distance two people skipping along,
hnd In hand. As they nenred the
house his heart gave a leap. There
they were, like two children, luughlng
and chatting away.
Grandpa, I couldn't have been un
wind to him if I tried, not when he
tsid me you said it was all right. And
n. grandpa, I must thank jou for the
most wonderful day ever."
. Ami, grandpa, you must insist that
as allow me to accompany her to a
Perfectly wonderful-to-be bungalow
Prty tonight. She is waiting for ou'
w say the word." and as dear old
Ju J saw ,n both thelr er" that
?iV put ever new. story, he realized
that he demred to live live live !
complete novelette Trust a
For Bobbed Hair
(orVh.Ji knml coming down over the
th .n. "J"1 fastening undor tha hair at
Our KmX i"i.vt. h"tn Bren much lately,
for bbd-halrcd .timers are coming in
hnJ 6
'r a rriMit ri..i .....-.., '.
.' ,h.J7:. ?"."""" i
U- -i--i --"-- . ..."
nd for tv.ii l"""nir or accessories,
ntr ni VY ." u"rnmeni come an man
flower ."! " Psted.feather and in
abSuY.h1 ThMe b""a stralaht
last DletaH.'iB? m,2 c""UJ"'y no 've th.
intln. K?Jlal i0"0" ,0 '"" riy lrlol
ari b.iJ, J"."- 15v'n ostrich feather nanus
r b,nr Wed out for th shorn.
Couch Covers
aii?,1.?. and Pretty portieres
dsnim hi-". ,,re m,ul', ron' brown
I'srrt r.,mplp t"rn th Kls for a wide
'TWi ... "",0 I"
right ii I rift nml mltnli
. aji ...'..':',. a
light tan border. They
-- 'wcnauie,
..iuuirn Tiacui.'v
Organ Plays at 9, 11
and 4:50
A Lower-Priced
What Summer Loveliness the
New Frocks Bring And How
Amazingly Low the Prices!
$5.75 )JX $20
Special at $15
160 dresses of checked taffeta, ruffled plain
taffeta, beaded Georgette, checked Georgette and
tricolette are special at this price. Of most of
the dresses there are but two, three or four of a
kind, though the tricolettes, with five rows of silk
fringe on the skirts, nre in navy, brown, black,
white, gray, Copenhagen and honeydew.
Foulard Dresses, $16.50
Cool dresses, which will give comfort and serv
ice all through the Summer. They are in black,
navy and brown, variously patterned and often
made with overdrapery of Georgette crepo.
Fringed Crepe de Chine
Dresses, $20
Two rows of heavy silk fringe arc used in
scallops on the skirt of each and fringe finishes
the sleeves. In navy, brown and black. (Sketched.)
Wool Jersey Dresses, $10
One of the most popular frocks of the season
is the one that is sketched at this price. It has a
pleated skirt .and jumper blouse with white collar io
nnd cuffs. In brown, reindeer and beige in young
women's sizes.
Women's Middy Blouses
$1.25, $1.50 to $2.25
White jean middies are in six styles. Some
are all-white and others have cadet or navy
blue collars and cuffs.
A smock of white jean, with three-quarter
sleeves and a belt, is $2.
(nioann Store, Market)
Black Silk Rajah Pongee
$2.25 a Yard
This silk, in the semi-rough effect, is greatly
in demand, especially for the black-and-white
sports costumes. 35 inches wide.
Black Taffeta, $1.50 a Yard
It is 36 inches wide and good quality. Excel
lent for Summer coats, skirts and suits.
$29 $15
Women's Two-Tone
Knitted Capes, $15
The collars are sixteen inches deep and are
of softest, thickest brushed wool. Capes arc
accordion-knitted in two colors jade and white-,
black and white, Copenhagen and buff.
(Sketched.) They are the most perfect wraps
we have ever seen for Summer evenings, espe
cially at the shore, where the warmth of wool
is needed.
Navy Tricotine Coats, $29
Soft Tuxedo rovers, showing squares of blue
stitching, extend all the way to the hem of this
simple and practical coat tfiat is suitable for
overy Summer use. Lined throughout with dark
blue silk. (Sketched.)
Black Gabardine Coata, $18.75
Manv women have been asking us for just
Mich con'ts. These are all black in a conservative
model, three-quavtcr length, lined with silk. In
sizes up to 46.
', t
' J.' vfr
Evening- public ledgeRt-philadblphIa, fkiday, may 27, 1921
Store Filled With Summer
Wanamaker's Down
Organdie dresses in orchid, lemon, rose, flesh,
light blue, Copenhagen, brown and navy range
from 8.76, $10.60, $18.60 to 85.
Gingham dresses, with fluttering organdie
sashes, crisp frills and picturesque collars, are in
checks and plaids of all sixes in light blue, navy,
green, yellow, pink, brown, red and black at $3.86,
$4.60, $4.76, $6, $6.76 to $8.
Voile dresses are figured and flowered, polku
dotted and ring dotted in light, cool colorings and
in the darker blues for more practical purposes.
$3.25, $5.76, $6, $7.50 to $12. ,
Linen dresses, in the softest blues and pinks,
are trimmed with white bindings, rickrack or bands
of voile; $16.50.
White Dresses for girls who 'will graduate arc
fresh and new and most delightfully youthful.
Organdie dresses, $10.50, $15, $23.50 to $25.
Crope dc chine dresses, $27.50.
Georgette dresses, $23.50 and $25.
Embroidered net dresses, $39.
) ,p i
Center Aisle
Women's Extraordinary
Sailors, $1
Another 200 of those marvelous banded
sailor hats that last week caused such a furore.
Smart rough and smooth straws with artistic
bands of Georgette crepe and silk. Black, navy,
natural, jade green, heliotrope and blue.
Women's White Tub Silk
Blouses, $2.90
Remarkably good habutai silk in five-fetching
styles to wear with sports suits and sepa
rate skirts. Plain, tucked or frilled roll collars
or two-in-one collars. Tucked or plain fronts
and long sleeves. They were over a third higher
in price a short timo ago.
1200 Pair Women's Silk
Stockings, $1.50
Best value in a long time. All silk and silk
with mercerized cotton tops and soles. "Firsts"
and "seconds." Black, white, smoke, gray, Un,
fawn, navy and cordovan. Sizes arc broken in
the various colors but all sizes in the lot.
Children's Summer Socks
25c Pair
Pretty white cotton socks with pink, blue,
lavender or black striped tops. All sizes 5V4 to
9. Wise mothers will get a supply for tho
3000 Excellent White Sale
Corsets, $1 to $2
At $1 two good models of pink or white
coutil for slight to average figures.
At $1.50 and $2 two thousand corsets of
pink or white coutil or cotton broche. A dozon
good models for slight to average stout women.
At $2 are prettily striped athletic girdles
with no lacing.
Picturesque Large Hats, $1.50
Graceful pineapple finished and rice straw
hats in gray, chorry red, orchid, brown, pink,
gentian blue, yellow, jude green and natural.
Flower wreaths to trim them begin at $1.
Silk Handbags, $2 and $3
Comprehensive collection of black, navy,
brown and taupe silk bags with good looking
metal frames.
Sports Scarfs, $3
Lustrous tricolette scarfs, more than two
yards long in plain black, navy, jade green,
henna and Copenhagen. Nicely fringed,
Novelty striped scarfs in gay colors are $6.76.
Hair Nets, 60c Dozen
Blonde, light, medium and dark brown and
black. Cap or fringe shape. Perfect nets in
a good size.
600 Japanese Silk Slippers, 55c
A good deal less than the regular wholesale
price. Made pf silk with quilted linings and
with Japanese ombroidery or plain. Black, blue,
lavender, Copenhagen, purplo. Sizes 5 to 7.
Prettiest White Sale Chemises
and Gowns, $1.50
Soft pink or white batiste with hand em
broidery or dainty laces for trimming. Charm
ing styles and unusually well made.
U $7.50 U
Baronet Satin Skirts. $8.75
Good news for the many womon who have
been waiting for this shipment. These are in
two gathered, models, trimmed with pearl but
tons; in Copenhagen, flesh pink, white and
Flannel Skirts Start at $8.75
You may choose from creamy white, pale
pink, blue and a great variety of stripes show
ing nearly every ,8ummer color. Some of the
skirts are gathered, others are knife-pleated or
box-pleated Prices range upward to $17.60.
Inexpensive Tub Skirts
$1.15 to $5
Two dosen different modols in white cotton
gabardine, piquo and surf satin all simple
enough to launder satisfactorily.
Last Days of
the White Sale
Pink Silk Bloomers and
Chemises, $1.65
Imagine $1.66 for dainty pink silk under
things! Bloomers are of crepe de chine or wash
satin, edged with lace.
Chemises of wash satin have five-inch
tops of pretty lace.
Crepe de Chine Nightgowns
Made in three delightful wayB a square
nock with hemstitching or elaborate with lace.
Frivolous Chemises, $3.50
and $3.85
Satin or crepe de chine ones with pointed
yokes and much lace aro in pink. Georgette
chemises with embroidered bands and lace
insertion are in white, pink, coral, orchid and
light blue at $3.85.
Women's 2-Clasp Silk
Gloves, Special, 75c
In pongee and white, they are of excellent
quality silk and have double finger tips.
16 -Button-Length Silk
Gloves at $1.50
Full length, in pongee and white, they have
double finger tips that arc sure to wear well.
12-Button-Length Chamois
Lisle Gloves, $1.25
They are in cafe au lail and French gray.
Light Corsets, $2.50 and $3
A girdle of pink coutil with strips of narrow
clastic all the way down the back is just the
sort of corset that most young women want.
Quite as comfortable is a corset of cool
pink mesh, with three inches of clastic all around
the low top. It has only two bones in each
side. $3.
Another at $3 ir of light brocade with
clastic set in at the bottom of the front.
Introducing the
the perfect petti
coat to wear under
any kind of Summer
It is of white tub
silk of oxcellent
quality, cut with
just the right
amount of fullness
for comfort, yet
close enough to
wear under straight
line dresses.
A 22-Inch Hem
does away with any
need of double pan
els, making it pos
sible to wear tM
petticoat under the sheerest organdie dress.
In the right lengths for the present fash
ions 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38 inches.
Sports Blouses (
in the Little Gray Salon
Special at $5 and $7.50
A Real Savins: on Every Blouse in
Each Group
Few-of-a-kind blouses at $5 nro mostly over
blouses. Included are some pf white or brown
ratine trimmed with wool embroidery: over
blouses of wool jorsey in various colors with
linen collars and cuffs.
At $7.50 they are all exceptionally smart
cyerblouses, mostly of crepe de Chino in gray,
blue, white, bronze, tan, flesh and white. Some
have Peter Pan collars and are trimmed with
pleated frills. Others show wool or silk cm
broidery. Not all sizes in overy ltyle.
Stairs Store
Three Lovely Kinds of
Summer Hats All $5
First the Summery organdies, with their
charming organdie flowers, in flame, white, light
blue, tangerine, pink and orchid.
Hats of Georgette crepe, in becoming wide
brimmed shapes, some with soft folds of Geor
gette drooping over the edge, arc in pink, white,
green, orchid, light blue and king's blue.
Last, but far from least, are the transparent
hats of black, brown or navy hair braid. They
are trimmed with bright flowers and fruit or
self-tone ostrich and ribbon.
All have silk linings and are exceptionally
good hats at this price.
Girls' White Frocks
for Graduation
Charming, girlish and infinitely becoming
are the dresses planned especially for gradua
tion. Of whit organdie, Georgette crepe and
crepe de chine, some are trimmed with em
broidery and ribbon. Sizes 14 and 16 years,
$20, $25 and $27.50.
Holiday and Vacation Clothes
$1.90 for white jean regulation dresses in
sizes 6 to 14 years.
$7.75 for smart white flannel skirts with
interesting pockets and separate belts. Lengths
28 inches to 32.
$3.25 for delightful gingham dress with a
waist of buff and a pleated skirt of cadet blue.
Sizes 6 to 14 years.
$6 for dotted voilo frocks trimmed with
organdies, sizes 14 and 16 years.
Ruffled Organdie Frocks
for Miss 14-to-16 years are in blue, maize, pink
and green. Wool stitching adorns a number of
them. $10 to $17.50.
144 Boys' All-Wool Suits
Specially Priced, $9.75
Here's something
worth knowing
about, boys!
Chemically tested
all-wool cheviot suits
of medium weight.
Brown, green and
gray mixtures.
Plain and fancy
Norfolk styles.
Mc hair-lined
Taped jeams. All
silk sewn.
Lined knickers.
Wanamaker qual
ity at almost the
pro-war cost!
Sizes 10 to 18
Who will be the first 144 boys to get them ?
Boys' Two-Trouser Suits
New shipment. Ever so many styles, but
not every size in each kind. Every suit, how
ever, has two pair of trousers which of course
means double wear. Sizes 8 to 17.
(MnrUct Str.t, nailery)
Children's Knitted Wool
Bathing Suits, $2.75
In tan, brown, turquoise and cadet blue, the
have white collars and white bands at the waists.
Well made and reinforced in back and front
to prevent stretching and tagging. Sizes 2 to 6
Wool Sweaters, $3 to $8.50
All tho best-liked kinds are here in slipovers,
coat sweaters and Tuxedos. Red, brown, tan,
salmon, turquoise and Copenhagen arc the col
ors. Sizes 2 to 14 years.
Extra good values at $3 and $3.50.
39-Inch Organdie
30c a Yard
It is in maize, pink, Copenhagen, orchid,
light blue and apple green.
44-Inch Organdie, 50c a Yard
This wide organdie is in beautiful shades of
turquoise, light blue, orchid und pink.
38-Inch Voile, 28c a Yard
In apricot, pink, blue, Nile, orchid, rose,
Copenhagen, navy, tan and brown, it is just
what many women are looking for.
am a
Men's All-Wool
Suits, $21
Just Right for the Holiday
Any man likes a new suit and he;
doesn't want to waste his money on a.
poor suit.
These are sound, good suits, well'
tailored and all-wool. Blue serges and
mixed cheviots are splendid value for the
money or for several dollars more!
White Flannels
All-wool white flannel trousers, $10
and $12.
Separate trousers, all-wool, in the va-i
rious mixtures and stripes, $3 to $7.50.,
Fine worsteds are $8.50 and $9.75.
White duck trousers are $3.
(Oallrry, Market) ''
Men's Striped Silk !
Broadcloth Shirts
Exceptional at $6.50
300 brand new silk shirts at moret
than three dollars under the standard
price, of this Spring.
As good in every way as any at the
former higher price. A slight, almost.,
technical mistake of the factoiy, sent the'
price down.
Silk broadcloth wears and washes,,
splendidly much better than either
crepe de chine or habutai. So these"
striped silk broadcloth shirts are not only'
the smart things to wear, but they are
Plenty of colors. All sizes from 14,
to 17.
(OalUry, Market)
Men's Black Silk Half
Hose, 85c
Full-fashioned and every bit silk, from
top to toe! The siik is of a heavy weight,
glistening and fine. Most men will take a
half-dozen pair at a clip. They are classed
as "seconds" but the imperfections are very
slight and hard to find.
(Oallrr.v. Market)
Men's and Boys' Sports
Shoes. $2 to $3.75 i
(Sizes from a boy's 1 1 to a man's 11)
Light, comfortable canvas shoes and
oxrfords for spirts wear. Some are aUf
white, others all brown and still others4-brown-and-white.
They have rubber,'
soles. i
Men's Oxfords and Shoes
Special, $4.75
Of tan or black leather, they are in,
both straight-lace and Blucher styles,
with round toes or English lasts. '
Boys' Oxfords
of tan calfskin or shell cordovan are made'
on English lasts, in straight-lace style.
Sizes 21j to G, $5.90 to $6.90 a pair.
Mlullrr.v. Market)
Vc d&f
1000 Pair of Tan
Low Shoes
for Women
Special $5.40
These are remarkable for the sound, high
quality of the workmunship tlmt has been
put in them. The leather 13 soft and pliable
and the correct medium shodo of tan. Tho
soles nre voltcd and will gjvp good service.
Both styles have imitation wing tips and
docoratie perforations. Pumps have Cuban
heels and Oxfords medium heels.
Children's Low Shoes
Special $2 to $3.50
Tan leather Oxford ties and black patent
leather strap pumps in sizes 8,4 to 'J.
Outing and Tennis
aro here in plenty of styles for women and
children, from size pmall li at $1.50 to o
woman's 8 at $2.G0. All have cemented
rubber soles.
Children's tan play Oxfords and bore
foot sandals, sizes 8 Mi to 2, are f2 nnd $3.50,
l.j V
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