WSS S -EYENINft' rolQpPAY, MA1T28, 1021. u M By Sidney ifk tWirids of the wAriiTHEGm8-tmhi M By RUBY M. AYRES jhcr ot "The Phantom lver," "The Master ,Man," "The Second Honeymoon,"' Etc. CtpyrioM, ili hv Ml Buhdlcttt, Inc. '" " HIliaMi If i " ' I ' " ' ' " SVN0P8IR ? e.iehlionhl rxhortlna people to - A hnve a dtp in lorann' S ff attention of Jill Alherlon (all yaanv "t- . '" ctiii lJ rimtmvl n , a fookijoruaid to a life of '?.. j ioc. .MH nm ointr . "" i-. ...... . nH in in (iff "';..,:.. ,.,.. 7'li -l U.JJ A ) , WOH JirviJ " r ' Bturgem, ntr employer. tot Mr. Bturge, ntr emmojrr. "'.. s rnh nlhrr when he 1 ffcop -:..-..,,. , i-Ui a( (Af ovine. "-": -- r-- WtJ' IU 0K jor ficr V' """ '(' CfJSw TAfl rrer o Me Hnha- Sif w ' world.' Kathu Wn Zti ' Taltcntvrf and Hill. f f ( I I 0 wiu:jj"f. -Mjdfffrf jfi hut H mt " ftc tame JTI1. .flu looked nt him dlsbcllevlnEly. ..... ..., n mnuuiuii i nnoilld havo thought nny nun would Jiavc lorcd her.' sho Mid. ' I were a mnn, dm would bo Just my ideal of what a woinnn gliould bo she's no stately no beautiful," "If j ou were a man." wildYTnllen tyro In liln unemotional voice, "you'd ) like other men, nnd wnnt n woinnn of nejih nml blood a woman whnw vrv w oulil brlRhlcn When nhe looked ntyoti ? V'omnJ. ,,'. wouldn't mind hnvlnic her hfllr ruffled If you If you lie broke off with n little embnrrawed .n"s . ..lmt 01nH.,'n'", ioi have made me tnlk." he unld in nnnoynnce. Iltn jeeoni rlgnrctto had gone out, nnd he ntn It nway with a IHtlu vlrloiig. rm- "Jn't it rather waMoful?" Jill asked deprecntlnuly. Wniiteful?" he PChned blankly. She colored a little: she Indicated the 'cIsarettcH, "That'x .the second you ve thrown away." she ,nld. "nnd Mm hadn t smoked cither of them prop- lie Initghcd. i in nfrnld it's n Pnrf nf linlilf icllli VlkV' it miMTINUkS l.ii" . ' forc"t ' ,mok,, when I'm AND HERK 1T CONTINUUS nlk-ng to nny one Interestingly I r .-.7 iv J'lllynrd hnd the others call me 'Cle' ,v uHrti-AH"' i ... uwniiso im Always smbklntr." nat others?" asked Jill. ft9? '.' ? bin plsce lots of peolile In It. , , f , TnAUKNTVItn'B ey tp wandered over 11 Jill's flushed xnc wnn u n i torment; it hardly seemed to him !.... oolneldence of their mutual dls- 'Srtry warranted the wild excitement of fir w'w ! nf,6r n m0"'pnl nc lcauc" ua K hl chIr with a little quiet lauph- iThc world Is n very small place, 2'mM laconically. I thloV It's mojt wondertul iillr wnderfiil." "f'l ". Il,r -mMd with agitation. io1 1 Siwar. -just voice "Home- felt that Mr. Hlllynnl -.' lust wnnt inuiv uinu-ni. f n.AA wn RnmriuiiiK u"tti "Smethln different to, the other men rtThm wanted to mn'rry hpr-thw ;.rmetldng about hV boot. 'Ac-Uokm i owi. ih.k " - ,; ltrre reet. ; " -,"7 "" Mi tour s " "!c uiiucii. r Tallentyre adjusted his eyeglass, nnij .. t.t.. ..tumtttau fltli n ftnrr Kratinue mn f - rf cynical smile. mnii,no. otherwise?" he asked grnvcly. '0h as a compl ment of course, -Id Jill hastily. "I only meant that Ik looked somehow expensive ! an a course they are," she nded npolo- f'.'iS'. I .... ... In . nndlttnn in mn. I'lflll lllll IIUl III II inminuu fcw im," he told her. "Seeing that ,thc.v km not yet been paid for he Wiked at her with n faintly cynical isille. r" uM .Till, rather at n 1ob. T'Bhe sat staring before -her with mHlnr eres: Ralph Ilillyanl was .(A!. Kthv was cointr to marry n man ,.,.. . ,---.- .. .. io coum cive ner rverA-uung n.- ..ntnlmnnpv. diamonds, nnd a mo torcar of her own; a man who would Iiurtly be generous to them nil. nnd . . t-- . !.! I.. .. .1.11 I.A A.M. Ill f.t Buy inn u L'uuir in iiiv-i. iiu vutini ... Iwint hv himself and take them nil nt of No. 0 Acacia terrace forever" and" ertrnnd ever. " . ' "I wonder why he hasn't told Kithr " she broke out suddenly, "I irondtr why he has pretended to be so poor oh! won't ne be sur prised !" "I snouni fay tnat sue moi prouu My will." Tallcntjre took n cisari'ttv aic from his pocket. "May I smoke?" . "Of course.1' said Jill. t She watched while he lit the cisa- rtue, sne iikch me neiiDernie way ins white hands struck tho match; she notxlered what it would cost to have her own nngernaiis mnnicurcil as n s were; the wondered If perhaps. Inter on, when Hilljard had taken the entire fnmily uder his w Ing, It it would be possible to experiment. "I he Is he very rich?" sh" asked abruptly. - "Verr." naiil Tnllpntvri inililTprpnt. If. He leaned his head ngninst the chilf back, nnd blew a whiff of smoke Into the air. ''But I Rhould not hnve imagined tliit)you were mercenary," he added deliberately. ' ' Jill turned her eyes tjp his face. "01 course I am! iri had lots of Wmty. I should I 'should " she P off In dreamy speculation. (Tf'ta " he encouraged. , I should go to the best dressmaker B London in hnrin t.-ltV. Till n).1 Wnjrerrently, "and buy heaps and W of new clothes ; tiien I should go M Bare my hair dressed like like that ii otr there," she ndded, lower at her voice. "God forbid !" said Piously. "Viby not?" Sh IM'on him. h5ver mind go 'on. " rk lane," Jill continued, "and u fy motorcar, nnd I should drive In "j park all (n.v long like Mke Udy titled Hpulnr. il.iou " j ?" aly eyes Unshed into momentary , What lln mil ttin.f nl.nnl I n.t.. I'M- mV he sUl " ' '" t Jill thook her head. iOthin .. t.. .-""." ouiy w in ino Dotning, i( Tallentyrc turned surprised I lead about Dnncrs nnd nn Snnilnv t I.... -T .. i V i-L "? ' .'u uun i want me. i ,Iown to the park and wntch ill ?rmn? "P nnd down the How in tier',, i ho .u r.Biu n. .ra' car ou ,.... "" informed him. Hit chn U..1...I hi i Ui tTii '"' 1,'iiiecii; jie wonuoreu 1 Mm liHu1 Ba" if ho told her that toW' h?d ,,rivcn tnnt er'- Cftr 5 i. Jin"L t,mu 1,c C01,,' renftmber: 'd. f ?i h", tbnt l,e '"K1 " by the tuis. ie.plf.c.fl ot Perfwtlon which Ills. i ky ,K.,rico h was bored Mrt'JL..i Jolil her tl,nt for months ?itm dnPiwa,1 i00?"1 ,c,r na,l,M' ai i .I ' looke'1 for the announce- pMt cnga8e"ent in the Mom- 'p. IV. Oil TI11I AI l.i -m onld to,Tv" i.'u 'SUIBW ''""' Klncn. JIU : "? s.u.: nt. l ,lu,l "I .v.... . ... mould 11 sure what ho At la" .k. . ,? .'? be aB beautiful as rtould" livL .t0,J ''" bluntly. "And I Mnadfin. . nn?0 a. crown ot men d I khLnriSwrjr time r stopped- 1 was doiJ."1'1 ,,he ."founts of whnt 4hat t f1 aml whero l iml becn. My,01 was wearing. " ttlH'i h. . i non tT0" I,a,l lne all o-HtSSS? ",.fn ',ousfJ- "What 5'5M,ltt!,LJ,,,,J,rMW,,Jp- "l """"W "Tall?" U.;e ha.PPlly ever after. " ' listen.. ; . u 'arette KnO out bother? e1 : h(S lhrv it away and lit iMfo K ,an tC,r w,,h ft IBan J"" don't ".!. 0l know and b mnn whn happ, TfJ,.abo',t J0"' You can't SttmiiiLiu " ' '"t" business nr Wlon fnl R"1 Pny. 1,la ,lebt iricon J"a. and thKe "'ul honor of.his Ht'ba".8 bsnkrunt estnto wlilch IWrl5 S'H? blood, and q nf RSfW Vw. Vi' " th0 kind nf &? insu"" "" TOHcii will mtb ",,lke." hB tinlsbed more marry probably I" he a tOUCh of hlttrrnpua vnn n.n.f lt ,,... vul, IIW lhr nther mnn I l,.n....i. .. Ihrr'iih. "" ,n ut "Oht" v . Slit' looked nt hm consideringly. It feenied Impossible thnt she wa shortly M.'m I'L.?1 S '" .man who was on sumi-Iently fmnlllnr terms with Tnllen- K.rei raH hI! "C.l3"! "Hlj-ard Te;t i '? I,c. p!,tlmntlon by caps anil '""nils. She wns burnltu to iret horn" nnd tell Knthy of her Crent dlscoverv; she was Imrnlns to let Don know that the man for whom he hnd evinced sitcn nfternll"'1 ,UlH " ral "pomebo,1y" llcr eager mind leaped abend Into a future which she saw bathed In n losente glow. Knthy would see in It thnt she and Don were not forgotten "or Knthy who loved them so much. , Do you know." Tnllenlyre said sud ornty, "I don't think I should snv nnv thing to .your sister If I were' you ibout Ilillyard I menn!" Jill s eyes opened wide. ..w0t,T7.70t ",ay nnythlng! Oh. why?" m1: ,I.I!"va.",, wishes 1-cr to know he will tell her himself. He evidently has some good reason for keeping her In Ignorance." "Oh. but mi rely " Jill broke out disappointedly. "Surely it can't mat ter, she II have to know some dnv?" i tiiinic Ulllyard would prefer that she did not hear it from you." He looked nt her with n faintly whim sical smile. "Why can a woman never keep n ecret? " ho asked. "I can " Jill nnsuered indig nnntly. "Of course I can." "Very well then jou will not tell her.." She looked nt him dubiously; her eyes fell. "Very well if you don't wish it," she nnswered reluctantly. There was n little silence; the girl with the highly coiffurcd bend sitting opposite roe from her clinlr; she glanced ncross nt Jill nnd Tallentyrc; suddenly she smiled' and nodded. Tnllcntyre bowed gravely, nnd Jill caught her brenth with a sort of gasp; she was red nnd embarrassed. "Oh, I am so sorry I didn't know you knew her," she said aghast, when the girl and her escort had gone. "Why didn't .ou tell me? I might have said something dreadful about her " "It would not have mattered; she is not n particular friend of mine " Tallentyre called to the waitress. Jill began to put on her gloves; she stifled a little sigh as she thought of Acacln terrace and the ugly room. "I suppose you know nearly every body in London," she submitted diffi dently, after a moment. Tallcntyre's lazy eyes twinkled behind his monocle. "Very nenrly," he answered gravely. Jill clasped her hands In her lap; she had forgotten the obtrusive bole. "Oh, I wish I did!" she said wist- uiiiy. He looked at her indulgently. "Lou don's a big place, you know " he said, "but perhaps jou will some day when Prince Charming comes along." Hho shook her head. "He'll be poor if he ever docs come." "Aud you would like him to be rich?" "Oh, I should " She raised her eyes to his face. "I'm not like Kathy. Kathy says that she would rather live in one room with a man she loved than live in Buckingham Palace with n millionaire she didn't care about." He laughed outright. "And you don't agree with her, evi dently!" She half shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know at least jaw sec I've never been in love." "Neither have T." "Henlly!" She found that hard to belle e. "Itenllj and truly." he nsuicd her, "which is ii most fmtmintc thing, yee iug thnt my eventual choice will l.irgelv be inllucneed by the size of the lady's rnnkliK account." It wns impo'.sib'e to tell whether he were speakin; seriously ; ufter n per pb'xed moment Jill divided that lit wns not ; shf laughed. "You don't menn tbat, of course." "I do. Heose tu his feet; he nicked up his coat and th" toft Hnm- burg lint. "I think if you are quite icndv, we had better he soing. Jill scinmb'ed to her feet ; she sup posed sh ought to hnve made the first move; she walked beside him silently. It was inin!ii2 when they reached the street; Tnllcntyre hal'ed a tnI. "ion must let me due jou home. Jill opened her lip to refuse, but shut them ugnln. Until that day Khe hnd only been in a tnxi nnre iu her lUe nnd that had been when Mr. Sturgeon had sent her on nn urjent message fmn tho office but she could still re call the Jelishtful importance of the occasion; still icmeinher how she hnd leaned back iu a corner, nnd tried to feel as If she wore accustomed to riding about in taxis overy day of the week. Tnllcntvrc stood with one foot on the step of tho cab, looking nt her inniilr- Inglv. "Wlwre shall I tell him tu di he?" The hot color rushed to Jill's face: the did not knew thnt she clnsped her hands agitatedly as ihe answered: "If you would just say the corner of fiiay'H Inn road ; the- tr'ams stop there- -I can got a tram home." She wondicd what he would think nf the locality iu which she lived; her ejes searched his face In nn npon.v of doubt. "Stop nt tho corner of Orej's Inn rond," ho snld briefly; he got in beside her. "I don't think you realise whnt a verv nleasant afternoon you have given me," Tnllentjro bald presently. Ills voice was quite srnva; his eyes looked seri ous enough when she rnised Iit own to them in sudden disbelief. Bho wns so sure that he could not be sneaking seriously. "I I've enjnjed It, too,' she said stammering. "I I thank you ever so much for taking me." . - . .. SOMEBODY'S ST ENOG Showing the Big Customer the Town A AtlCE Tf?CK - LET ME TfjIAlK THIS RE&5IE VAH STUPE WAS A YtfUMtS jSPORT AAt' HERE. bl)' GOT dE EAlTERTAIAilM ' A tfr?l2ZL6D VUMPUS 9F ABOUT AllsnV IM THE' SHAOe. FHES-i RICH WHV DOES HE WMI A FLIVER 6bLUY I ACHE LIKE A PAIAI TTELU'j&ur H&JER SAW HIM. ALL T KNOW WH cSteT A BIG tRDER. 4EVERV.VEAR IAN Wfea Gl IfJ SHOW HIAA A H Gooo Time WHIt-E HEi IA TOWWi - nrT UKEA PAlAi: Mh STRIM6 HIAA AMPAJ6'Tlu . VW6 cSET HIS ORDER WHAT' "TVC Pt-AAtS iToDAV ? t fJi L,v ILL STEER HIM TO THE CaUMTRW So ViOHT BE SEEAl : 'V. The Young Lady Across the Way T IV 0 -, " S-- AS THE TIME APPROACHES The young lady across the way sajs she sees by the paper that the liclr presumptuous to the Turkish throne has run away from Constan tinople and joined the army. U ii Co"1 -fr0 St- Mi l trH M;- iv aBfftV s 42r 'rim t Tt-CSt1 gA x 'mi, List oF QUesrioMs To Bfc ASKtD 6 IN THE FINAL tXAMlNATiOH JUN& aulVH ..-t .?& PETEYIs Your Wife Like This? ( - OH DITA52-IT 3 So Uakdv TO KN0WAHAtT5S-ET 7 A fOR PIWHER VHA"f J TEAK Would Vou Like. To- f 7 HtGuXPeTEV-DEAK? ( h J s c - OF Tourse NoT V0U HAD STrTAH LAST WIGHT fAg'T 00 iHlMri OF 50MeThIWG Etsr THE CLANCY KIDS Like Most Cranks, He Never Got Started J YOU WENT OUT OF YOUR WAY TO 60 flOUNO AND'TAIK HEH'Nt) MY SACK DIDN'T CHA? r-s A W. -???? ' Ollnoni '"f '"f ; Ng I SUPPOSE YATH006HT I WOULDN'T FINOOUf AOOUTl IT- DlDN'TCffA'7 X 7r Vyt jf f Uf.'. Ht: (CrHckt i mci i 9r TU Jt Cwt. au 1 By Hayward -npirl'-! JIC'I. Iulillc l.cilnfr i'o HE WMTS To FLMEfc 'RoUMt r- v. WHAT 15 IT? I . TOWM IM THAT GRASSHOPPER Or HIS THIS AFTERAiOOl -ROT BELfEV6 ME. TAA MQT, cff : l, imt? yes -that's XS-STOPA Dl DMT YOU 1 uHATk Thp G01H' to be aajv houvshow'. C AA-MIN01-S 3. p HAVE LUAidH? U aaatto r1 rT- V 7 ,r s n . 9 i J " " - r m : dLfs." 7 7 v V - -?r fn?;.,vJ, i&,J ' -vV T . v ' v p vw , s-ikZEtw?- v- jm 1 v . r- HVla5 MManVI -TO?' w L , L ' QyiTlMUEQ ToMOHfuxts ' . i 1 By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS BU DWIG WWrW tif,u tt'" a 'ji-JS .?' VoO JT' i Vfcl: WBHy vt CP By C. A. Voight ca.V( o,5 Neah- 2.AMB CHOPS -Nou lAMB CMOPS NAD 'E"M The NIht I LL Or?DE1- Before You're 50N?E FlH Imev jvw fish IS SO0li fop. 7" Ho help at all. HE BRAlkl' Z? Perc . Crosby DONTrSCT M MAO THA.J'ALC, DON'f c' Me STARreo 'VWft"" ' lW- t A. ICll 2 V'lQ w0ca. 7vr 1 1 niE3Sr.VrJ. W -& ' , t 1 u- fiSr 1 ( N j OM-J J 7 s tf M -J? rl flMMSnS. ' ' yB5?- V "JjcJ ?-Ha(aiaaiar 4?) , r. Zm i " I . CONTINUED TOMORROW " "" -IM IBaWvIa alaaVHBial MHi2HalaB ' '- - - - TaaaMz-:iiii "rWawUBBaWj iM isis 'Ay-Asm