' M'AV t 4U JJ VBlSfflr3f UfcLlO JSWBIPmMBELPBIA, WEMES'DAY, ftfAr 25, 1921 'A), " ,r ,iv ' fry v R, r h v I f t ', 4; & Alt 'ixATli EOfi 'SAJOE i "ji T i in n i iiiiiiifliMHaiifflTrtllirtlir mm MilMnuaumman 4 ijiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiffliiitii'ii'i'Tiiliiiniir ii rin m it inumwijl New Sttfne Hohies TM AlhCopper Rain Scouting t M750-$ 1000 Cash FIRST FLOOR; Hns lurpo living room, onon fircplaco nml very atti'active sldo Window s, largo dining room, nn unusual brcakfhst nobk, ft big, bright, most complete kitcben, with mnny new features in It to lessen the hbusowifc'A cures. SECOND FLO OR; t Bright room.?, closets In every room, excep tional bnthrQom "with Wo windows, bullt.ln tub with sbWer, fcpeelal two-door linen clo3et In hnll, clothes chuto to loUndry. THIRD FLOORi Open stnirwny to largo nltlc. ''fASB'MfiNTi A most, complete cellar, Inclosed laundry, preserve leset. Fine heating system, needs little enrc. Only 16 mlnutos toXlty Hall one faic. Representative at lioubcs ; till 6S30P. M. 69th Street Opposite Elevated Terminal John H: McClatchy builder of homes ,t IfjggsieMWSis III Your Last Opportunity ' !Tlio twelve houses now under construction on tho North Side" of Osage Avenue, West of 4Gth Street, to gether with the three remaining houses unsold on the South Side, .are ALL of tho semi-detached houses that will be 'built In this beautiful section. Tho balance of tho' street will be developed with single houses on large lots, which will make, together with the beautiful "houses already built, tho most artistic, convenient and restricted section in the City of Philadelphia. MY SALES TOTAL $875,000 in this section in a little over the past year, showing thai, the public appreciates the Siegel "De Luxe" Homes and this wonderful location. SAMPLE HOMES 4618 Osage Ave. and 4611 Larchwood Ave. CLARENCE R. SIEGEL H(&sDEunLT OPEN EVENINGS 46th, 47tlt, Pln Street, Ie-irchuood and OsaRn Avenues WYNNEF1ELD The Unequaled Suburb COIXJNIAL HQME3 TttCH IN SIMPLICtTT Or ARCHITECTUnAr. DESKJN th homti r mlmlrably ultuntfd PNvmii Thrr rout keep communication with irtiv minuiti oy mra In r.ltv H.1I. y motor. 1& mlnutea All ton.' Contalnlne tl rharabern and Va,oor heaUnr iyatm. alata or tile roof, separate atone uarar ror in-o cara ar rear of lot DANIEL CRAWFORD, Jr., BUILDER 54th AND WYNNEFIELD AVENUE MARSHALL'S STONE FRONT HOMES AfU Qf. North of U-U1 wL Lebanon Avenue "IN OVERBROOK" Substantially Constructed, With Spacious Rooms Heated Enclosed Porch; and Gaingo French Doors and Parquetry Floors Open Fireplace of Stone Facinp on a 70-ft. Main Street CAN BE FINANCED B'lt ARE OFFERING OTHER MARSHALL-flUJLT HOMES IN THtl E VICINITY PIUCE8 nANOE PROM I300O TO 18,0O lUrATEniATE Pass North on 63rd St. to Lebanon Ave. WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO., Inc. Selling Agents 8 South 40th St. REPRESENTATIVE ON mBMlSKS AT AM. TIMES h TAYLOR & SON APARTMENT HOUSE 4th h Cheater Ave d apt annual JMitil I7J0O.: prlca 140.00, maKa of 1t. will flmnee ' 1 MARKET ST. NEAR 40TH (tore and dwellln. to Filbert"' Btapla In rai! rxi In rear: posa.t morltan.'B -" "OOl cash b660 , 5100 URCHW00D AVE. Moit attractive ror. 1 W Phlla . op seilta park: Irttloaefl1 porth. artraie! mod. In mary detail and reapaot $11,500 FINANCED 4Jd t Walnut. cl condition in reerai. a hatha: many attr.ctle leaturea, aurroundlnrc unaurpaaaed $7500 A eaftaln N 40th at . 3-tv alone front, Tot to rear M , crane privilege, m $3000 1 lour houan, 4Jd at north of Rajltnt, H "III tell Mptratelri home or Inveat- to nient, will flnanoa, S $6500 OR LESS Two attractive S.alory porch-front propertlei, 44th and flanrom m 239 MELVILLE AVE. 1 I Nc ttJth and Snruca. i Inttia. clec . g 1 hoi-witer heat, hardwood floor" W A 24 Sc 26 SO. 40H ST. " 229 N. B2d St. Twe.itory, aide yard houae electric llEhf. modern fixture, newly narered, rom and bath: price M 0,000, open unday for Inspection. Kershaw & Crowl Ci.eMnut u f ORNKn mVEMJNU. rooms, beaullfullv Bnlehed, evervthlnr inodernt near 40th nnd .Mater ave, very little ah required ami It'aC' -Am'" t. Call or addreea HUT TOK, 3048 Pine at COWIKJl Whitby ave . atrlctly modern. 7 rooma, Uundry, ajarace, 'J cara. linmtd ' i reduced to 17100, T.ofland. 7lil Wojd isnd ave. MaE5riJ''.J room "' rooma und bath JM.u. Me;k Hay tfift -- fl ... :.ui . Q Motk HtTbrnAW unrt 0nr it. .1. .V. ewniMlael. r,Wh and Hnrlngfleld ov. H K4T1I KT.t D rnnnn nnd Inthi tiitTeiVd,VAr'r?lT,."V-',riy,'r f zz. .-- '. "".. r SUlual,;..'.' T'-'iE" 'i1- ...Airiiiii.ti;. ""rt iOUBE,' i iiaaaeialan. d and rttnwater ats. REAL' ESTAt f6k SALE " mm nil irwntm mmfi nanm rnirmrmiii inliinn nvnrniirmiwirY annir Side Yards . L '5-, in beutltui section whert tin hornei thr city open at nil tlmti by train or S3 minute by trolley la tht 3 hathi with marlila ehowara. open fireplaces, etc, ON LIBERAL TERMS for 1 Fare. want weat 3 OloClta BLAl'TlKUIi modern hoinca. fllO 1! Mfml IH?" , Imt-wat.r ht eleetrio. bait ?n7IL.USn,,,v,: wl" 1nnc. reaeonablR amount of cah, poaaeseiftn. Roeokle, 721V S Htorea wnd Drtrlllnr HAVKUFORD AVE.; etoro and 10 5J0T roona. leotrl c. KNEE 340 &. Id at. 3EJlMA-NTOVN TWO exceptional naailbllltlei. R2 enrnera nffArin mit.i B238.H219 Archer at., corner belne on beln on Queen lan. only' 1 hleek from P n n. atatlon 17 mlnutea to Uroid istreet niaiiou va e ectr n rim. th... rornera ropreaent the laat of n mcceaaul development of modernised homee that were rapid aellera, the reaaon waa quite obvloun to thoer who houtlit upon Inipectldni on one aide of the rcalea w lu h hrlrht. cheerful, roomy 3-atorv poroh-front rornr houae with lOrooiniand 2 hatha! inodernlfd completely with an efficient tiratlne plant, eleotrlo llahta, hardwood floon. a ttractle- fixture and pa- P8r.,W.A!1 "J whlch "" welt'f lnt 10000 and J0B00. the, reapecthe purchaee price, and only 100l cash reiulred- the balance Is all In your favor Mr home-buyer, there la ample room for 8 t-araue In rear and the location offra exceptional opporlunltlea fer liaaement etoree whether you be home buyer or atnretpr for our own Interest aee nirHAHl) J. PKI.T7.EH, J423 Locust at. Bell phone Spruce 73S.1 NEARLY SOLD OUT Thete comfortable and beautiful pomee at Greene and Tulpehocken Sts. nnrtMANTOwN Most wonderful homo and most attrar tlto loiatlon Mils' b sen to he aipr c.ateil cl iirotiTptly bv calllnr at our sjniple house nr communlratlnK with DREBY & EVANS 1007 I.INCOUV HI.DO LINCOLN DRIVE SECTION ;irl house, with lot 70x1 HO ft , close In the Drhft contains 11 rooms mid 2 bathe 1 aten li-story iiarago and stable, beautiful flowed) and shrubbery. For perlloulare apply to SAMUEL STERN JI0 NOHTH AilEIIICAN I1I.DO iiwinm iwiiiimiiuiiiii ciiiiiniPiiiiiuiiiiii!niBi!iiiir'iiir"i mbbk SlOlNb CULU1N1AL I Ten room, 2 bathe, aleeplne porch, S aarase. electric llahta, aa. central beatlntr; few minutes' walk 110m 1. )l, n, atalltm. I1ERKNE5S, & SltlSUiN b i,VNn Tirt.K Him.iii' H iiiii9liilnXs EAE BAMB' TOR SAfcB . JITA'. I'M lMlr.r.frni. $1500 CASH ' "Over brook Homes ' On Marlyn Road just west of 64th St., North of Lansdownc (800 block), in the most exclusive residential section. Two-story etotie housed tilth central plnnt lioM and nrhatc KUtAfn; 2 baths? 20-ft. fronts; enclosed poroli ! new Architectural feature. Apartment mode of 'living as heat, lighl, gns and water aro metered. So constructed as to Insure nbdoluto privacy and a minimum of oxponsc and household card. 8IJK OUR FUItN'lHHKD SAMPLE IlOUiSr 820 MATOJTN HOAD MOSS & TAYLOR uiriLDKns And owNttrts Take elevated or surface cars to (33d St., pass North to Lansdbwne Avs.,. walk one block West. iiffinnnsiPiiin'nnnminn'rninnnifininmfiun'iiniBrnf n:iTiirirP!iPfninMrtn.inn'siniRnaii vataniRrniRici' i!rinTieTraKnviiiwrinRTiiiP!apaHrpinHtiria , Extraordinary Real Estate Revival $120,000.00 in Salos Since Aril 4, 1921 , of Houses Built by Rose Construction Co. At 49th St., Pine to Larchwood . Built of Hryn Mawr cut stone and stucco; located in the best residential section; all adjoining ground restricted; unobstructed light ami air in every room; the homei aro riiodels of comfort and beauty, containing all a discrim inating pui chaser could wish for, including a private garage. SALES REPRESENTATIVE WM. H.W. QUICK &BRO., INC. 8 S. 40TH ST., PHILA. AND ON PREMISES 5itlMlil wraiiwmiMwaawM 0VERBR00K wi: SPKCIALIZi: IN T1IIR SUCTION AND ItAVU A WIDK SBLECTION OP Tlin IJEST 110MKS DtlUhtful location, suml-detached reil- parriuptry floor: nuoerlor rnnstrurtlon d'nf with aouihern xpo'iur; ft cham- tlirou&hoilt, ctjc,'llnt condition, tinuaual, hre and 3 liath: lot IOltVl: with tln lt inn ft dr old ahadr, unusual opportunity to oh- All-ston pli!t5ncn with rt niomi and tain a homn nlth largo lot In thli htt't on wlda atrt. cloe to trolly. Ictnltv, lltarouRltlv modern and rlarrir up to date: Pem.dUelied tou ielilenc with H I?1 '.,Vnchfv' .?ncJ0"'!1 Prch' aotitheri ifiambera and i! hatha, thorouahlv mod- IIW"'0, ntlVL AV,nM,i':'r.t.n ""'' erni moat dealtalili" 'ocatlon: southarn $??, ?,'?," uif- ',lh,fl" " IOollrf ".Lar rtaraite Plcen to aell nulcKly. Bi.il -tar rtaraite. tjntr8 )(1 Lebanon neilflsnca with ml-dlnehd porch, (1 nr . rlrjht elo to flSd at., that can rooma and tiled lath: rlaht up to the 1 purchased for leaa rtun llnoon it minute, thla aubMnnllAl and aood-loolt- u r new liou. (nr netn ocrurl'ed). tnr home, altuited mi a wide atreet. with uraio and Incle-Md porch; aur wlll mterrat you nt tSOOO. , rounded hr hlaher-prleed nrtipertea it Semi fletaehed reldnee with four bed represent on- of the b-at kluea obtain chambers; hot-wuter heat. Beet grade I able at thU tlm. i opwih MAKE AN Al'I'OINT.rENT WITH LAMBERT & AND 8KJ; OUR l.lhT nan f r. MlihllTOIillllMI'lllliPlMllMIWIllllMilill OKHSIANTCWN Detached $8500 Bararaln, alnnle house. rooms and bath: hot-water heat aa and elec tricity; aouthern expoaure; near train and trolley. Near Allen Lane Station Examln- tli beautiful all-atone bun aalow located 71BH Creshelm road. tth hnt porch, llvlna-room. dlnlnr room. pantry. Itltchen and laundry, n bedreoma and tile bath: heated by hot watr: ns and lctrlclty: hardwood floors: lot 33x122 feet. 500 Harvey St.' Twin dwelllmr. corner property, room for aeraae, contAlna 0 rooms and bath, ateam heat, caa and electricity: hardwood floora: white and mahorany flnlah. Price, IJl.BOO. A choice of ferlne, Inspection by appointment only. Single $12,500 Creshelm road near Allen Lane Ma tlon, a. coay detached home, com pactly planned: bodroomi nd 2 batha. hot-witer heat, tan and elec tilclty. hardwood rlojra. open Ore clan, while flnlah; room for raraie; price. 12,O00. Pelham Twin, all-atone dwelllnr. near Car penter atatlon. Lincoln Drive and Henry School: lot 60x200. with aa ra. contalna 10 rooma and a baths, ateam Heat from central plant, Kaa and electricity: hardwood floora throushout: 3 open flreplaeee; delight ful aoutharn expoaUre, prlca IIR.OOO. Smith, Dalgliesh & Russ r,0l QEHMANTOWN AVE, aiMIIOTilWMMMM Near Upsal Station Lincoln Drive Seotloni houe con tains rentral hall, llvlna room with open fireplace, 6 bedroom 2 baths, let, 60x215, price, tlS.OUO. $6000 West aid of Oermantiinn. modern 2-story house and B.raB. f) rooms hath hoi.-narar heat, electric light en u be financed. 701 1 Greene Street Attractive atone and stucco house. t block from Henry School; 10 rooms batb: hot. water heat, electric light, lot, 12I1BQ: aouthern expoaure West Side of Germantown janOO for semi-detached 3-ntnr-home, 0 rooma 3 hathv elertrlc llrthr. white and m&riAxany flnlah, near Queen Lan Statlen, Penna, Road B007 OKRMANTOW AVE mihia w'TOirLTOahiMffiMHtTiTixwifliiwiiaMaiawpN: owiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiWiiiiiiiwiMiiraiiiiiiiiiiw Germantown AND Chestnut Hill Homes Am one lookirur (or a home at any Price In the aboe section should consult us SEND UB TOUR rtEQlJIIlEMBNTa B. B. Lister & Son f,t)12 (1ERMANTOWN AVE aiwiiiiyiwiiwiiiMwgeTOm DETACIIEDPTONW Colonial realdence, 14 rooms, 8 batha, B open flreplaoea, arm plaira, ehafle ira ani anntDoery: lot 13 170 Ij i "OleTIll-M IW IH Mi lll t convenient to train at trniiev, n S KT. OP W. Cheltenave., Oerniar.town OUMMKV QHnjlANTOWN Tyo-atow aemlnletaehed lame moms. raa. elio. throushout; metal ,.ih., atrinrjed. cooper acreena. ato ,,..!. weather atripped. copper ttrf! i.. inn. PH. owner. Otn. 2088 lent loc. Ph. owner. Otn. S08t.J. 0813 Itosa. oiiit nUILDGR 230 Htih ad: ft-ttorr aeml detached dwaUlniri lot A7124 ft., with ad- dluonal lot n rear on warawen at. i r(, "II a-tOl'M'IKT. " W Chains , 1S380 o6"tdoc) Clean lewt moSern 2-ty, dwiUIMi Poa. l'bone Spruca iBS8, REAX, EBTATE FO& SALE wt-ht. i'iii.AnKr,rft t ... . - SECTION McDERMOTT IIKITORE TJECIDlNr; fiKrOIANTOWN UPPEIt WEST SIDE of aermajitown, near uermantown aie. uoon neixnsornooa. Nice, ehacb, quiet atreet. in'jflo will purchaae atlrnctUe 8-story aeml-detached duelling. V rooma, ba.th, electricity: laundry: Dutch hall comenltncea. Large rooma planned to be converted Into apartmenta If desired, at little etpenae. CIlAItLES J. SCHAEFEIl, Vernon Ilulldlnt, Oermintown and Chelten avenues MOlT AIRY 430 B. Mt. AIUT AVn., tml-dt , mod.. 10 rme.. h -w. heat, parquetry floora, perfect order, flue loc.i nosr station, trolley, poss, E. H. (M-KPP A CO.. 729 Walnut. CHKSTNUT HIM. Attractive Colonial House Pos.iestl:n October 1 About 'i of an acr: atone rarase for 2 cara, flret floor, hall. Ilvlnc room. Jlnlnt room, pantry, kitchen, laun dry: aecond floor. 8 master's bed rojine, 1 bth, inclosed porch, 2 aer nnta' rooma, 1 bath, lime closet, thlrdflooi,2 moHtera' hedr'ins, li.-vr ht. cab, electricity; l! mln. walk fioni Alien Lane aiaiiun. on r ii. . JOSEPH MJEr58iNGS CO. CHESTNUT HILL. PHILA. ChMtnut Itlll 1337 Chestnut 1TII1 S037 TWIN HOUfcE. near atatlon: elec. Hht. hot water heat. 0 rooms, bath: tftrake PrU .1. XV. on AH AM. -lr . COS Land Title Bldi. " OAK LAWK MnfflifSTIWCTffllliiillillMlffi OAK LANE a22 N. 47 N elBOaj x Brpsd at,. Or , 2 baths, a-ar. 13th, det. aarsae. fth at, atrtelly mod a-ar 0906 Park me., det,, 9 mis., 2 baths H813 N Broad at., eaeellent location H00O N. Broad at mod., cor., bare. (1317 Cameo at,, 9 rooms, 3 baths H320 N Broad at., modem, aaraas aa.M Carlisle at., 0 rooms, a baths f813 N Broad at , det atone Karaite Many other, !7fiOO to 130,004. HERBERT HOPE 5901 YORK ROAD MUI.MJM3 4337 OI'K.N Slt.SDAT rjHraaraiBiirdBiii iXTnraRnKiw'iniTniHm!OTiinmi5Tjvnn',;iiii riil y rw iiiiffliiiiiiiiiF.iiiiimiifiiiiisiiraii'ii.iii'iiiiiwjra sin k OAK LANE (1300 rark aie modem detachid divlllnr 10 oomi 2 bathe, hot water heat. le'tilctv. flreplece. caraie prllleie, ba-galp, HERBERT HOPE .-.HOI TOHK KOAD OInN SUNDAt toiimwmK wtriiiiiBffiiiiiiMimwiBiiTOW OAK LANE I M7 N 11TH HI' J' story atone nnd ehintle, in fif rooma and bath strlctli modern and III In :v 'scelMnt condition, I-car aurure Una lot. HERBERT HOPE 11001 01IC ItOAP Open "unda. Wirjffliii'BTiiiinriaaMiironiEinimniiiisiiiiwiiriiiWiii MiiiiiiiiaraiH I OAK LANE H313 N. r.roHil at. Nine rAoma 'J haths niraae atrlctlv nctu- modern. e. bara-aln for quIcK client condition sale. HERBERT HOPE f.P0 TOJlk ROAD OI'BN Ht'NOAr WMM.lffl iCTrfiffi.RamMiiaraiifflnijiiiriiiniiNniiJiEMinimifflnroifi OAK LANE 831 Carlisle at 2'i atory. rornir. 7 rooma and bath. arae prlvllerrs, exeellint condition, will sacrifice for quick sale HERBERT HOPE mot TortK rto.vn Ol'RN HUNDAV nrmiANtnwN FERNHILL PARK HOMES WITH GARACiES .$500 GASH BALANCE, AS RENT HKAtmf'lil.bY riNISHBIt P.VRltV l-JAhT- nATii with flirowKm Jiiv"i.o, trui.ut6U,. phku: iii.ki run; blUnTi vai; ATEtl HEAT, HAHUWOOD PfAIOUS, OFKN FinKJJ.ACn iir.Ki thu; FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUSE IAK TftAlN T WAVNJ5 AJNl"flO', tH SIINUlKrf ITHOM' HH H1TJNAL. 110 TilAINC A.PAT: Oil tUll NO 83 ON mil ST. TO WArNB U liEHKLKT ST.. WALK WKST 2 ULOCKS. .. BERKLEY AND MORRIS' STREETS FRANK A. fclOLTER; Premises t.00 N MimniiirwiiiiiirawTO Miiiwffliffiiiw.wnimwiiiiiaiHiiimwmffimtJ Your Opportunity To Secure One of CRAWFORD HOMES I0TH AND WYOMING AVENUE $7000 Z 75alanco will be nrranfted to meet your requirements. PIUVATJ5 GARAGE & ALL MODERN APPOINTMENTS Tho most up-to-dntc and comfoi tabic home for the money. You can save 2ore by purchasing now. DANIEL CRAWFORD, JR., BUILDER iraaraifnHrwiiiri'iii'fiwrjra idwiir'tie'iiTflCnim riafiniiirtiTinViffinniiniriiu'ijra in fliTOTOiiw'ii'in'OTniPiiTOiTOiirBiroiraflnrriil RsEiinnjuimiBaQn.RSt Eaimraia mwiMi'!iii!CTi!iMiMiiiihmnM'M iwi uroHjsiipiirjiPiyiWiiti'fTnrJiB TJOfiV 33 If N. 1'ATtK AVE. Three atory. ro-ch. 10 reeiue. hot-".ator heat, el'e tric llaht, ivlns hall. hrdv;osd floor' fit at and atconl fl-oM J10OO recerttly ai-ent on thle prorerty, one of i Pret ties locatbna uMti'tn O C WOltfaTER. SfiOt Qermantovn ae. 3233 N. 15TH STREET ?J?c1,v? ,0c7ndl,,.on.r?TrAH!:ndW.b,lVjLL,En. "S(ti rommoneealth niilg. LOGAN SUlBBBil!limin2PBOini(llimiTiljnttl'ii!hrIT!i 1507 Vlke ldrm , oiec. $11,000 ittua r.nndnn Mt. or. ond ua or. ona bath. n.atifl 7.sno 7.500 7 ,ftt) I 7 HiU) s ooo k nno f ftco S RiiO n 500 ,ift U'a.nn-V. 7 rmi . twin jeortbUc .N. lO.h. twin, 3 b'dr. jilH noekland. 7r nc. ivrcli. 41114 N. iRth. 7 rms . modern. 07HS .-arllale. rooms, twin . (ill. Duneannon. cor .1 bedre 4H.'a N. 18th, 4 bci'rooma. tln 4o1R N. Pill. 7 rma . modrn. 48'4 N. 18th. 3 bedrma ,1nc pen 4.143 ork rd , tvfln. SVe et . m r,ro 12 SOD H 10 U.k. JlUievur'l. FrfcT- AH modern dwUlnKS. v llh hot-witer heat, electricity, etc., well located and near store. Irellejn, tc , In rieit by nprwlntment with Dallas & Hartley, Inc. 4709 N. IinOAD IVyomlnr 871-87.' Brtinmif fliB miramriimffliiM mMmwi'miftJiiiraMinimffl B Finest Home i In Oak Lane Park of Enullah deala-n. iry beat loca . 1m- tlon. liberal lot. 2-rar caraire. proveminta. euMtantlsllv built, 12 rooma. 4 baths- flreplaeee, hot uater heat hardwood floora throuah-out- call oui Oilt Lane office today for "fn appointment. ',l HEAXtOWS ''-' w isa i ii jj 0k t nn m mmm,,.w:mxmm!hmmwmmxwmi8 iM,iiiiitiii!iiaiiiiaiwn A Keal Buy in a New English Bungalow Kltrht rooma, 2 baths: opn flre places; convenient to Oal. Ln Sta tion: lot 7.1lfiO, price $14 000. I StS&'' KEttToncr- wraniwiffliBirasiWirwMW MmAN 933 Wyomlri va-; heautltul. rood ern. Or. and baiht bare-, A. Quefl.1718 Arch PKANKitinn FRANKF0RD Seral new maatercraft hom on Adami ne below Castor ave , larae Colonial Il Inar room wth orwn file Place, a sun parlor for a poroh, tile bath with howr ei-vthlnr that ana to mk a iel hoin. It la a V ensure to ahow ih" housea. repre sintatl on ptemlees dallv, take Nn, 73 car et off at Caetor ae and walk west SCHWEITZER 4413 FrtANKKOrtD At. PRANK FOR I) 2318 FRANKFORD 13'H ORTHODOX ST Two itorv corner house In the North, wood Sectloni aide jard room for garage, A0Oi 1713 Northwood ave faces Nnrthwood, Prvrh, on Ideal semi detached home for email faml, A rooms and bath in closed porch, hot-water heat and eleo- SCHWEITZER 4413 ntANKFORn SVK rYnnlc L'gll GREAT OPPORTUNITY Mott conveniently located modern Rnktlah dwolllma schools, churches, atores. ainument and transportation within ,1 Wockai do not fall to examine them: thev nre on IMIllttt at between O thodox aud Arrott ate IS blocks west of Frank ford ave . take rar No. 3 at ISth and rch eta. set orf 41100 Frankford ave,. va k west to houses) DREBY & EVANS 1007 LINCOLN ni.DO fRANKronn-eFnulkrod and Large North- wood section. S rooma nnd bath, these houaea are built up to the mlnutet must be neeu to be appreciated, will finance. Agent on t h Premisea nauy, foil 3ALK Modern S-atory residence; 43 iiauiana v.( rieimio.u, n (duihb itna onin, hot-air heat: possession: bargain nt 17300, I iiwln Mearne, 437(1 Frankford ave TArOKY Fartoriea, Warelioueea. Mtt t Warelioueea. tlfy, lfleora iu BHJPl'INO 8mc-.Delavr7 PA'oroav ANU BHIPl' Uiver .Pv. ..-.jf,. mn 371)1 Loniiliore, tact I flffiWAMnW.V' MOH.ftN liBAlUrth). it TlOUM 2H it arMt - nKTACimn inblohbd.ukj.is" uhihti. vAt;uur wutwis. " U1- OP,rN(' DAILY AND SUNDAY ItWAillN'l AVE, wwnv these Woll-Built I nijsF.v 13.' : 3I a-etv. TAULANK. ?orcii, nil con P18 tVilnut at. lr?..ssn VNA M'nrninv Own This Beautiful Home in the most cxclusie section of Overbrook SHERWOOD ROAD NEAR LANCASTER AVE. LOT 80 x 150 3ater, detached, all atone, Inclosed pf rch, PirV floor epacloue Hi Ins-room cheer ful dlnlnn-room den kitchen pantry, rfrlgratnr room Incloeej back" porh. Second floor LIWnE-rooni, 3 bdroom, 2 bathe. Third floor: 3 bedrooms 1 baih. Complete laundry In basement, atone caraae for I care Priceless ahrubben. planta and trees, larae lavn PprlnBfle'd water, central heat rnnenent to trdln and trolle Tou could not find a more strlklnglj beautiful hbme In Ovrbrook. Price, $40,000 Inspection of propert can be arranged through McDEVITT & MULLIN 63d & Lancaster Ave. Hell Phone. Overbrook 4893. TtoiBiniirEarai'iWrKraiTOii! JENKINT0WN mmrnmmmMmMmmmm&mi at unusual offering of moderji atone folnnlal home, containing cen ter hall, 8 chamber, dresalne room, 3 bathe, marble shower, eleotrlclty, hot-water heat, hardwood floora. nearly an acre of ground with beau tiful old shade and shrubbery Ex tended lew nnd convenient to train and trollo MUCINS PARK RRANCJ1 Melrose, 1(80 Beautiful Country Home 15 Minutes from Broad St. Station llouie and surrounding of surpassing beuutv suitable for a farall" that de aires e home io be prouil of, there la nothing elee like it, eatabllahed exelu alve neighborhood drive out and se tt. Larie lawns old ehade atone and shingle house JW atorlea modern 10 room and bath conservatory, 3 porches separate garage. Frequent tralne prompt posaeselon, owner must tell make offer, preaent $10 onn first mortgage may remain Phone Ijinsdowne flsj J or Walnut 361 Ok for Mr Htrayer. mul Bntf Xmm IT.irl WMMUNAimvmieiXMrirara wwa .. , ... , ---.1.. ih-.... ...t.OTum.twntBjnwTuja nmaujapji OLD STONE COLONIAL iou ontalnlng 't rooms. 3 baih hot-water heat electricity gm; a acre of beautiful ground, aurroundej b old "hade price 113 COO: a mor" aage of 10 OOfl at 6 Mr cent with r rn m 1 un linn on f'rOpfirtV HERKNESS & STETSON 1 A Nil TITLE RLDI1 fcMtTOfflWtMliiillltiUfrJirlh'OTfAIIJfTi,!,,!.!, North de of s'ntlon handsenio Knrllali tv, h in bedrooms hathi nv-erv modern irrolntn-ent garae for rara Kirden planted eld shade ahruhberv beau tlful lawn mvtier win rent f.ir long aeiiin. iilgh-c a prop rl eacluslve IWt'ng CHARLES J. HOOD & Co. (MORRIS III QUI ll.'l i-Hl'BrVTT HT niuraui sui ani ror bo.rd 11c lmme aiimmar hotel l,n'laV'm "r Inatltuiion wall located at eiirni.i atatlon Id miles from Phllaflelph'a la acre stone und frame dwelling. 4'.' nx ms Including 3 bathe .tear heat, clectrM llghti eeeni water siinnl etc.: garage epaiat nuarteri for aervanta OlTo. including present furnlahtnira. ai.. urnlehtnge, eair terma. II .1 DAOKR $05vX) s"inr n, hlngl d? rooms garage lot BOites Immediate poasrasln IXFI.AMt 7131 Woodland nse. &TONR nud ahlngte Uw . (1 r7 nd bath, ll.-w. nii flt-r , ernir, 101 OllxlUn. a c.ih,.biu i.'mvnu 31 vv fooiand ave 1UH(Hi llC"kColimlJl"delllnt7 7 rms anrf .batht open flreplaeee: Ideal location (lo If. WKIDNKR. INC . .Tenhlntovvn. ra ATTRACTIVE little houses 3 idambe're""a baths: aim. heaf, garage, very convenUntls loo.: 110.000. J M Frojieneld, ty a!yne. Pa. VACANT" atora A dvrelllue. hot-waTter heit eto. t corner! avtA bui loo.. MH30. rUF. UNO, 1Zi Woodland Camden: U a itori ulldlntt l0O. United Realtor. N. B. cr Front and Market ats. HUU.MBR. HOME, 3 acre. ff,. beaut fully u. Proaa fit. Station: li, Ladter OK lee, raieu. 1 nour rrom leoooi con jic.,060. r 3!ffila!',,l,li": ItfcAL !9TATK tbtt SLK raieiKiMatira xBUY YOUR HOME IN "Moat Wonderful Suburbs in the World" A Few Suggestions Ovcrbrook nnuitfnl ult-stArii ratidtrtce. nntnlni rptfr liall IH tie loom, lllirAri- illn. Inic pom. inc'otftl iKt'rh lc. : "1 flr., ." mi inaitti1 crtml iiml 3 III bfi;'i ."r flf., Bfm.t miii" pUjronni tr : eiK lor 1 cttr wltn nmu' loom. ery ijnoly WlC" .. .. , f our Mr. Carter Mbrion l)utlful roionlH' lIJncf tit lb Twpulitr hol'ow-tlio r lilifl pi uli r ion fUfUCtl'm, trood locAtloh. fell o'anntl with icnUr l.ll, llvln-f room. I -rlotftl porch otr.; yd Sr . 4 riiam tr 5 1'fithj, Ind otl imnli. 3J ftr. 3 cMT bath, mnfraom, Ir lot, southern xtnirur "J cur itararf See our Jlr CnrUr Nearby Suburb Lr toii "litflllnr ( -'0 ronm ntjlUDI fur Institution ur innnto-luni ardenr' tottnK of " ronm, uitrax far reral oari. 8i note of around. nifii waiinn nertr irnin mxi uniii'. nHrM sair, Hi ery low price fur nulrk Sei ovr Vr. Unites Tansdownc ll ton detained rpelilene 13 room. 3 untlie: elctrcity ateam heat, hardwood Ton a. ao'endld con dltlon, grounds contain 1 ac e with fruit and had trr reen'iou. rh!cHn hottee, gAra,-: for 1 taf Urt innn'a loom, inode-jtt n-.cc itilk poaeeaslon, cln be financed Str our Ifr. flaulef Haverford Rent Fumishetl nautlful Suburban Home rnnienleitt to Cricket riuli nnd Station Mlth 2 ii"fa 11 r'o inl S chamber. 4 Hath, eleenlrp purt'ir an nnpor lunlli tn occupy thld rnnrmliilr Horn for eummei- tnon'hi rtt modjrat rontal. tee oiir tfr. 7"a:lor Beautiful Main Line Home TV are nfforlnc th resident nt Klitobellian etle hullt on lillleld and cinntnandlnr a mattnlflcent vlen of vn'l' lal.e. hllle and -ood Th houee n'llrri baa outhern ejnoj- ronlalne rCseptlon ha!'. 1iInar roorrt. Illr4r;- dln'ne room, bteatfat room. tc . n mazier ihambera and ." Mtbe And amnle raiit' fjuartfs If la in nret-casa conoit'oi ano rornenlfii'- Stable ana carsse e-i lairi ut In iawn anrt recqeii'. rrice oiuch B.-inw eon ir 'on are Intereated In purchasing a Suburban Eiate of the highest tn' call ind eee us vlth reference to tills proposition S(c our Mr Tnutor i.rr f? m kb Tor vnr. w iNsrEcrtON or omk NTKr.KRTiNfi 'n PBSIKAni.K 1IOML3 THAT VB ARK OPrKRINO IN THK SUDURDS, I WM. H. WILSON & CO. I 700-01-02 Morris Bldg. m Phone" t-pru e Memler phlla. S 1212-1223 047 Real BlUte Bd. OTimiiaBiiMiWH jtswiM simwnirnixiiKirtiiir.rrjr.TOraiH&iRa&Biwiini msmmmeixmmBSBmmS , gl IIBITlliliMilIillilWWWIWIMRIlrTlHTiyft WUn& Jilffiliffl V WE SPECIALIZE IN STONEHURST (69th & Market Sts.) RK.Al. PROPOSITIONS 54ASHBYRD. ,lcaAuty !. -deta-hed "tone and atuci-o ltenrll-ed 111 e ne Three bed chnm.'ers tile bath Sld oonh ehrubbetv. POSSESSION 1 0 Powell Lane SlnJtle stone and stucco hom Lot 40 aSO . ,n,Te0nblocJ; Wnf Mlllbourn. I.atlon Earlv poseesslon Richfield Road and Chestnut Street Attractive corner vvith aaraac nU'a ImtloV.o Incmaed heated norch th." a-e a larae bed chambere balh llvirur room btc dining room kitchen and basement laundry h'se ninpertles ttrv respect. are modern In Inspect These Today Wm. M. Knatz, Inc. aoiH ANO IRVING TS Sherwood 0410 West 1920 tararawrwm i A REAL SUBURBAN HOME f nt the right price ami your own terms nYPAl, Colonial Home, 10 Acrcp. All stone home 'vlth garage niht I" the heart "t th beautiful Rda1 eeetlon. en t rel aurrnanded b lrg estates oomertlvelv new and ea..eptl;na,ll:' weMl. eon .tructed not a fully large, but verv room eatna hardwood floor' 'vh'1 ? mahogan finish "' prlat sennts nuartere combination 1!rillniJ.;j rage 2 etrebt fronts prep ertv mav be purcnaeed at .onldrabv lea than j iost and much leae 1 than Its teal value, will divide and sell bouse and 1 acrea mil be aeen today COUNTRT 1IOMK I Overlooking hletorn- Hrandiwlne ndui.d $10,000 In 90Prt ia aciea great fox-hunting leuntr' prom 11 ent neighborhood L'S n e 1 hadds For.!, Rome 131 11 1 mile vtllmtnglon. 3V, mllea , Vveai Chester fire nrv arpentlue man alon mod.rii ln old slMd which took vlare to matir atahie outhtiltdintfa fruit" 1 If- acre, illlahle tSOeo can remain imme diate, poaaeaelnn ,, n . . -., 11 ur..ii'i' -' - 1 ...... i h.il.r lie Pa I'HAKillNO COUNTRY HOMB. tU a-ce old ("olonlel house, all convenience. fruit garden woods and stream near tialn and f.oWv at Willow Orove. owner going elinhler, Pa tmTNliTWlNB SUMMIT Charming n d atone house. 19 rooma. bath on beautiful awn lfl acres, front n on conuete State .chwai eoinmuilng eeriUe to fh la , an uotoThue eerUce toVllmlngton. Jeet Chea 'iS' Media 2nd Kannett Snuer.) $50 (W0 If ier Media and Kennett Snuere! $20 00(1 ter. sieoia pNF.I-IELrj lyne, Pa NICK detached home 3 rooms and ha'h ' electric. -all conveniencea A 1 condition In. aide and out large grape arbor, let 602lo e&K00 flM Jteneca aA Norwood fTNWYD Single atone residence with sen . -- '. . , . l.A m l.lln MA .All. I .Hurchea and Onwyd club, h w heat, elec knd Mjvrl" fleora. Jot Of-alOO. Priced MB.goo. nnmeea ter you r-. un K'lin "'(ice B-ROOlt ivrliip. gooKi location, ail im prov omenta, prlca rtjehti rtasor, Warren M. rornell. llathoro, V sonapie terms. BfTnAVIDS Modern realienfj near at- tlent 7 room. 3 blllisi sitiaf I, "l seraiir ij. ja. Hudnut. i;-Rtai fiitaie Trust lildg, itCAt ESTATK tOU, 8At ; ' ' - ' "lliliina -fn vrn-"imi"n" T ' ' ' ' ' " 1HK From Our Large. Lists Gci'inantoWn "illi- AttrnRlhC' Knrsllnt. Ml if, hint, ontiinr lre Ihliiir torn. fJ lin. nlrtnw nun, Itirlo'! porch, til t jjrj T clumber 4 liatlM) lnre lot lth J nnuiionm or nmn nnri nnruop-rji fot 2 car tiwnar lea In 1'lll.H. Sri: oitr Mr, IHitdcrtnyrr Lincoln Drive Till" ttrneil' Hiimo n trtl( th piitriiiwi' to VAlrmnMnc I'fl-k nd lh l-Tlilful Lincoln 1J-I fcecllAn. all ,pi i,inini"tinn 'Tllh 'a" iulnk tail Uvlnr, roum. lr. 7 fhamlr, .1 liatnt fclrli;ltS', hoI'Mtite- hst Kaiai old alude InimertUle pn on .. , Her otic Mr. Taylor ITodern Home, 82 Aci'ca ileautlfut rrmhuuce with artry cll lon'e ilrnce. elrjitc-nd-turro con- truetlrtni els' roor; large llvlnar room dining loom den. ltf,i u'm bnra 1 i""iiern ba'ha. ateam heat, runn'.rc efeent heiiutlful lawua, b.irn caia. ' ihllo to etetlon Bee out Ifr Buller Residence and 14 Acres For Sale or Rnt lrte.ll fouutn Home, S3 ml ei from i It? IIVI. of ail-'on ron,s:-uetloni romali" la- MUnir room wllh 2 onn fCcpl"-' 7 liilroonn 2 lxthe: !autlful ground nllh, fine did ahd and nuitirou frjlt trees, ttc . easily financed . See ouf Mr. Bill Delaware Co. Home ttnrtl atone r4lderte containing 10 runm: 2 acre of round with " rar g ace. uer. Wto la leaving Phlla hilllt 'hM hou for litis nun bom e.idtlfice fo- rpjlch sale, easily tmanccd Se our Mr Dalles "iaa er moern romiori ano for several cars, srroutida 7 acrea rCTKawwaii SUBURBAN HOMES OVERBROOK Nr elation etf,,nt aurroundlrms. SlOne t.OMe A hmAri.n.m O k.thJ ' frfepom hardwood floori." new ltKht- VI ""' r" . ' opp'r e-reera, ewninaa. etc . large 'ot: old ,hade. I8,500X MERION i,i:c ll-ailomi houee 3-car a-i f5?J 8 Jr'ny". etC'I'rnt condition: llvri'il,,.!;j,,f7,t,nr' ""J'h epauri . !52i'."L M w', convenient to atatlen: a moat desirable home at a low price. HAVERFORD All hlte Dutch CoHnlal home. 40 !211' ? hih" 'taplnr porch, not JAt'r.h!lt rnn,t attl active mall, proworty convenient to atatlon and' Hub, price 117 000 BRYN MAWR Uand-om- atone Engllah sty', home; in bedroom 4 bathe: luH water heat; large garage, fi acres I arallent con. tiSn, ,"''un", lautlfuly planted:' 1 ish location commanding outlook: eu'roundrd b tome of the finest home on th Main Lin- can bo pur ihaied at moat Interesting price. RADNOR A trurllv whit WnHh. ! t.m1 .vlloir . acreu high Ideation with uvuuifiui uuiiouK,, in room. 3 uatlli, t" il,irIur thuroutfhIy modern, prlc N.iWU ST. DAVIDS All-trhite Colonial h-iu. 4 bedroomi ;nd hatha on LM floo, center hall, thoroughly modern, moat up-to-dlta fppe ntmenfa. convenient to atatlon; beaullful corner lot, v acre, shade trees price $17,000 GERMANTOWN 4.t.stonA Colonial houat. and 3-cexr srarage adjacent to Lincoln Orlve and Falnnpunt Park 18 rooma. 8 batha; laige Ihlng room, tenter hall, hard wood flooia hot-water heit. nouM beeuMfully finished, large lot: high location i-aroi: Liar of de.iira. HLE IIOMB" FOR SAI.H.OR P.KNT FHRNIBHED IN ALL hUBtP.n.S ADJACENT TO PHILADKLPHU. . ADVIflg US YOUR REqUIRBNTS. CHARLES J. HOOD U CO. 1121 CHE8TNUT ST. (Morris Bldg.) M7MwiMOTimtiiiei!WB.m3titii immmrmmmmmmmsm Overbrook Homes $12,G00 Ojfurd tre'et near 3d 12 rooma. 3 hath hardivoel flora, central plant heat onr will earrldee property! bargain can be financed. 115,000 ColumHja 11 venue near o&d 3-atory daelimr 1(1 roome 2 btlit. 6 bd. room aouthwetteru ipnaur, large lot property In excellent condltteu. $17,000 Vear Overbrook Station and IrAlUy iiil-detaehed house with separate po-rh 1 bedroom" 2 baiha, central plant haat large lot eacellent loca tion mntr will consider offer It aold within 30 days We have a number of other specially attractive prAnertle unusual values! 111 thla deilrah'e section Charles J. Hood & Co. (o 1 HM 1 14il rveelnut Sire. I KiiMaM.iirausiMiii.iiira BWCTatiWMnail COUNTRY ESTATE & FARM ideally situated aton Ridley Creek, Mldv'i dletown Twp fielaware Co., Pa 1 about, ir, tntiea trom J'niin . miles from Media (county seat), 1 mile from ROM Ire. Hunt Club, fine alone mansion, It moms, a hiths Hot-water heat, open fire place' etc farrncr'e house: garage) modem bjrn, accommodate (in heart gate tie; other farm buildings: 13 Scree: .... A.eite... ffl.nl la.t.4 ma,w ,.a. cultivation balance In meadow, lawn,' CAN H HUrTriAir.li T ATTXIAC. FRED T.LEWIS I1 MORltM flf.PO. rU'WlCK Ta roir"XLJf - deJl'ltV "Aeuff siit7iI known Will am. rertn Inn property m defeagei aaceiieni rairnege,. location 1 outlooV. tranelt, ut and hatit convenleni location Apply. to owner ply.to oenera. Mr( AtufL Mri. KBasn. 1 (J! loin ng nremt.ea . Mieynii-i, -a,j your fcreker. or O. HWI Jalilrt1,'att6fBC( nitrctai - iw.n e eu.i .- M ft JS 4 I; . ' t Zr ii I I LA k. I !ti ss w I I 83'.: H -j& daiwtjkia .M. ji&j)lkiiSlhi J-Mi iili ii,,-w,1' VlWVi v 1- jt, " jMfc4 ' !Xi .,V ( 4 I "" i .