ay ?,' ii I) r tin .kT j ' if -L HC ,. t ,vr r? , fcs" ,'W. t 'N l. " t. Letters to the Editor ?'U Poor Cbtnradethlp IA Biiltr of iU Bvtnine Pvbtlo Ledger: Ir In reference to the, letter o! our frlend-eoldler who claim to b of tha load ntlneer; Twenlr-elahth Dlvlilon, I would 'Mm to atata. aa a charter member of the V, T. W. and alio ot tha American Lesion. ttwt k abow vary rood eoraradaahtp. Ill atatemant m ma doubt Tory maoh hi eH.praclalroed brarary for which h 1 ui poiad to hav (D, B,M. Let ni tar i for hi benefit that It he cannot boott hi fallow orsanltatton h bsnld keep his mouth cloied. a th elogan Mr I "It you can't booU don't knock.' I doubt vary mueh that hla aloohavron chum rould be a boaatful and a undeatrable a comrade) m he. Tba American ticlon ha on of the bait ert-amlaatlona In tb United States todar for the) ex-eereieej man. Out. nrwrthelea. tha V. T. "W. ha an organisation that I a credit to any man who eYer w active trrlca raUI&a ot tha boundartts of th Unltd (Uttt and an outfit that will cat for th woanded man what he deeerre. Aa for th boy who dlid In tht country whtH warlnr th uniform, w mort cer tainly rtct their effort and palrlotUm. I aw not a fw, but hundrad. of our boy and several of nr eloeeet nala In th outnt I balonrtd to kttlad and law how they died and th war they were buried) and. rrtena. H you really aaw nrrlca you know In your 1 Mart thr I no oomparlaon. Th bor w left baok In thttr reatlna- plooei dlrd and paid wl with their Uvea for what w wtra Athtln for, not from loknea. So, frtand. before you talk harshly about any buddy, rardla of what outfit h was with whr h wa. luit think of tho who dlad for you a well a the rtet ot u mat er soared. Tom ahould tx thanktnr Ood for rparln rou and not brarslnc about your u. s. oi. frf rou hay It. E. A. LEVIN'S. Co. F. Plrat Qei Iledment. A. B. V. rrankford, Pa., May 21. 1021 Give Shelter to Opprenod r tht BdUer of 1U ttvrno Public I.tdatr: Sir In taet nlehf reople' FUrum there appearrd a letter tg-ned "O. K T J' would have been more Instructive If the WTltet'a naroi had appeared In foil The letter, while couched In moderate terra, ex intMil etron opinion atalnet Immlara tlon. "O. U T" etanda for America for American only and deplore the fact that under our new Immigration Act euch a tr attndou proportion of lmmlsrant a S per jeent of our Immlarant population will be admitted Into the country for a period of on year or durlnc tho Ufa of th aet. II poke of th ecurlty of the nation bln anured, or amethln- to that effeot. throuah th elimination of Immigration entirely Per many year I ha lived amon fam ine of Immigrant. I have been to va rtooe ottloa In th Kaat and Weet In thl country and hao been at nmrntr reeort In th mountain and at the lakeilde. aa well a the aeaehor. and have met every con ceivable type of American citlien. unionized workmen, ununlonlaed olerfe nnd the radical. X have been aaaoclated quite liberally with Gentiles aa welt a Jew and have ratna with Itallana. Armenian. Scandinavian, to. I know th Pollah. th BUMlan. the Hungarian, tho Oallclan. German and Swedlih immigrant. Through my acquaint ance I hftve aaaoclated with the English and Vrattrh raaldants and oltlmiie rt tht country quite freely. And withal I have never met a dangerous peraon, one who advocated vio lence or one Who did not have the bel Interest of society generally and the coun try particularly at heart. I know a great mmy Americans, but somehow I fall to find among all tay ac quaintances and associate In tho group I have met and the people I have worked with a real honeet-to-God American whose ancestry wa American. I have rend con alderably. know tha authora fairly well and, being mechanically Inclined. I hare followed Invention, work In science and mechanics, and somehow the names of all the writers are not American. America, waa not discovered by an Amer ican. Our rivers were not traced to their aourcea or explored by Americana. Our In dustrie were not built by American. Our hooka on cleno. philosophy and fiction wra not written by Americans. Our ehurche and theatre and akyscrapers and bridges were not deelgned, engineered or eonatruotad by Americana. Clir dltehee were net dug nor our etreeta paved by . American. Our Iron worka and our mine ' are not manned by Americans, and In our last war, tb itruggl for the freedom of th world. It cannot he said that the thought behind It wae entirely American Doe It not seem queer that the country that waa founded to glvej shelter to the oppressed and freedom to the slave should hut It doors to the persecuted of Europe at a time when their lives could be saved through Juet a little generosity on our part, not to say adherence to the principles on which our country was founded T WILLIAM HIRSCH Philadelphia, My 19. 1B21 Treatment of Police and Firemen To tht Editor of tht Evenino P6Hc Lttorr: Sir It la too bad these Councilman who nr new getting J 6000 a rear, should lend themeelvea to such petty thing a wanting to refuse to pay a policeman or fireman who I datalled In hi bureau to do rome other work, especially one who ha been In jured In tba performance of hi duty. How would these ebalr-warmer like tt If they were tnjnred and unable to attend to tbelr regular duties and there were some other job to be done that they could do and they were to be separated from their positions becaue they were not fit for their regular Jobs? It la not for the good cf the city or the welfare of the Pollc or Fire Bureaus that these Councllmon ar putting up this kick. It look aa though they ara playing polities and retting back at the Mayor. In which th poor Injured police and firemen will do the suffering. When Councllmen served th city without pay there was none of thla petty eptte work. and th elty got along aa well, If not better, than It li doing today It would pay those IBOOO Covmellrem who ar so wrought up about a policeman or firemen who has bn Injured and Is now detailed to another Job In hla respective bureau better If they would leek after th etty and the cltlsene' Interest ky oompeltlng the United Gas Improvement Co.. the Rapid Transit Co. and other publlo utility corporation to live up to their con tracts which they entered Into with the rlty. But these corporations r hlg and power ful, whereas the poor policemen and firemen, who have hard times to make both ends meet, are looked upon aa legitimate game for exploiting. I am a fireman who hae been disabled and now detailed, and If these Councllmen are so solicitous about the city paying Injured and disabled polloemen and firemen their wagts for being detailed in other legitimate Jobs in their bureaus, why do they vote to pay out millions and millions of dollars In waste and extravagance! For example, In one Instance, take the ground between M .la ter and Jefferson and Eighth and Ninth atreete. occupied by Industrial plant and along a railroad, that Councils has voted to make a playground of It. Thla will coat at least JBOO.OOfl, if not more, when Counoll could get another piece oC ground for a playground around Eleventh or Tenth and Montgomery that would an kwer tba purpose much better In every way nnd at very much leas expense and not near a railroad and not drive buslnese away It these Councilman have ther way about this, I wilt have to get out ot the city service a a fireman, and I don't know what 1 will do, a I have a family and don't know wher I can get a Job that will sun- port thim. nnd there are other policemen and firemen In the same position aa my self. I tell you It Is hard to think that after you bay given good, faithful service to tta'e city for about tnehe years you get dl.blil and then thrown out Into the world v. 1th no prospect. When the Mayor vetoed the appropriating of million of dollars to pay fur a pilni-e on th 1'arkwjy and extra and unnecessary Jcbe for the Municipal Court did theae Counnllmen uphold hie veto about men hold ing unnrcesaary JobsT No, they did not, but proceeded to override hlit a and voted to give the Municipal Court all the money they aaked fur, and then beratis. a few policemen and firemen who are disabled aro dclr.g necessary work thry are cuing In klik them out Into the street, Hut thesa Coun cllmen are all Just and honorable, for did not Mare Antony In his oration over the deed body of Caesar about Ilrutus, Celsius and the other members of the party who xlew Caeaar cry: "Aro they not nil honorable rum" 7 DISABLED FIUEMAN. Philadelphia, MayJ0 lUl'l No Gouging on Either Side Tt th Wilder of Iht Kvtittno J'ubKc Ledum BrCJifae T. Yerke In the people's Purum of Mty 18 assume to champion tne L r ' . GjtlC o inn ninncip wr w,n,r,, .... k.-'ftv ' ,M wg question. In It broadest ainsc "worker or "workmen ' include every- & a"- 1 n J T PEOPLE'S FORUM Letter to' the Editor should b ? brief and to the point as possible, avoldlntf anythlnjf that would open a denominational or aectarlan dle ousston. No attention will be paid to anony moua lettera. Names and addreioes muat bo Blnod aa an evidence ol jrood faith, although names will not bo printed It request Is made that they be.omlttod. . Tho publication of a letter Is not to be taken aa.an Indorsement of Its -views by, this paper. Communications will not be re turned unleas accompanied by post age nor will manuscript bo saved. body who doe any ueful work, from the . i.KM-.r tn ih millionaire bust- tmn. whether ther belong to a labor union or not. . vi. v.-ti.. oiaima that every worker Is entitled to more than a mre xletnce. That term "mere exUtence" or "subsistence' 1 a very elaatla term and varlee with the want of different Individuals. The pioneer worker of thla country wouta regard the prnt-day necessities of the modern workmen a undreamed-of wealth. Even today warooly any two men could agree as to how much Income l neoeesary for "mere exletence.'1 One family .will eave money and live con tentedly on what another family would con alder etarvatlon wage. A fairer baals for ettlmatlng wage or Income would be that every man or woman I entitled to what they can honetly earn no more, no less There Is Just so much wealth produced In the country, and If one man gel more than ho earn aome other man get less than he earn. If on man produces twlco a much aa hla fellow worker, he Is entitled to twice the Income or wages. The man who saves a part of hi wage and Invest hi saving Is entitled not only to what ha produce by hi actual labor, but also what his capital earns. In most eases th employer of today was the workmen of yesterday. There 1 aa much truth In the charge that organuea capital oppresses labor aa that organized labor oppreaae th employer. Tluman na ture le the sarao In both the employer and the employe, and It la dangerous to put au tocratic power Into the hands of olther side This quoatlon ot wages can never be fairly sottled either by organized labor or organ ised employer alone. Tha general publlo I affected by the moves of olther side and should have a part In milling these ques tion. Not only ahould the Government hold the reins over organized capital to prevent Its extortion and exploitation of the publlo In excessive prlcee, but It should alto hold equally sa tight reins over organized labor to prevent It from gouging the publlo In ex tortionate and unearned wages CALEH tVHITNBT Philadelphia, May 18, 1021. Questions Answered Double Shares In Building Assns. TV tho Editor ot the Evenino Public I.tiaT Sir In reaponee to your Inquiry In Sat urday's Evikino PCN.IC Ledoxr. I beg to slate th Maneto Building and Loan Asso ciation Issue Ctas II, or double shares, which mature In about six years For ex ample, five double share would cost an ntrance fee of (2.B0 and 110 per month until maturity, when the stockholder rrreltc flOOO. CIIAIILES MOFFITT Philadelphia, May 10, 1021 The Board Problem To tha Editor ot the Evenino Public J.edoer Sir Referring to the problem eubmltted by "Q. It J " In vour Issue of this date. I will eay that the board must be cut at a distance of C.T018 feet from the widest end The length of the cutting line would be .700388 of a foot parallel with the end Each part ot the board will then contain U square feet. The method ueed 1 to produce the narrow end to a point, forming an Isosceles triangle containing 10 square feet, which may be divided into two equal right-angled trl angle! each containing 8 squire feet, with an altitude of 82 feet, from each ot which a trapexold containing 8 aauar feet must' be taken by the following rule: Divide the altitude ot the given right triangle (pro duced) by the square root of the ratio ot th two given areaa, and th quotient will equal the altitude of the triangle containing the smaller area. Subtract tho latter altitude from the former nnd the remainder will be the altitude ot tho trapezoid. The ratio In thl example Is 8 : 51 3-5. B. M Philadelphia, May 13, 1021. About Judge Llndsey To the Editor of th Evenino Public Ledoer- Sir will you please print In the Peo ple's Forum a brief account of Judge Lln say? MANDEL PAHIS Philadelphia, May 20. 1821 We can find no Judge Llneay You prob ably refer to Judge Ben B Llndsey. of Den ver. Col. B wa born In Jackson, Tenn., November 23, 1880. He was admitted to the Dor In 1804 He has been Judge ot the Ju venile Court of Denver slncu January 7, 1001. lis Is a promoter of the Juvenile court system and originator of aome of Its fea tures, and has an International reputation aa an authority upon Juvenile delinquency. He Is the author of a number of books on the subject Philadelphia Medical College To the Editor of tht Evtntno Public Ledger: Sir Kindly publish a ehort history of th Philadelphia Medical College That Is. when founded and by whom, on what street Its building atood about the fifties (1830) and Into what medical college it was merged. Thinking It was now the Jefferson, on Tenth street, I consulted tha encyclopedias, but could not even find Its name under the ar ticle "Philadelphia Medical Colleges." So I turn to you for the Information. IGNORANT Phtadslphla, May 16. 1021 Th Philadelphia College of Medicine. lo cated at the northeast corner ot Plfth ana Adelphla streets, waa organlid In 1840, and at Its first commencement In 1647 eight een student graduated. In 1830 the college united with the medical department of the Pennsylvania College, and the faculty ot the Philadelphia College ot Medicine tweame the faoulty of the Pennsylvania Medical Collrge. The Pennsylvania College aa established In 1S39. In 1801 on account ot the confused state of the country and the desire ot many of the professors to en'er the medical staff of the army, the college n closed and was never reopened The 8 Times 8 Puule To tho Editor of the Evenino P11&H0 Ltdotr, Sir In the puzxlo problem ' Blight times eight equals sixty-five," the division line cutting off the triangle must be 3V. urns from the top of the figure and the altitude of tho large triangle mut be 12 4-5 units. The assumed numbers. 3 and 13 ar Incor rect The difference of ', Is hardly seen lv th" eve, but trigonometry trtkes notice of It aa follows 114 ! 86 . 13 4-8. which ul n th ur.i tangrnt ( the smallest acute angle, both of the small triangles shown In tho squire and those forming the large leojccle triangle, but If v,e write 3 8 6 13, the product of the ritremea does not cau.il thu product of the means a In the first proportion. Therefore, we find that s times 3 equals (14 not 85 11 M Philadelphia, May 4 1021 To tae Editor of the Evening Public Ledgur Sir Re eight tlmea eight equals slxty-ftv editorial It cannot be done as eight times eight always wiual sixty-four "F R. P " can cut a wjuare into the parts marked by lines, but when he hs- emblee them In the position shown In tri angle the geometry formula does not hold good, as the sides marked A nnd B do not make a straight line but bend in, and If made from an S by H In, aquare will be 1.13 Inrh from being atralght If Interested. I will gladly explain to "P It. p how thle answer is worked out A J THERBAL'Ur Philadelphia. May 4 1021 Marrlafje Laws of Maryland To the Editor ot tht Evening Public Ltdotr Sir Will yuu quote In the People Forum the marrlagn laws o( lUltlmore Md and also the nge limits It A HAMMOND PaoM, Pa May IS. 1021 We cannot give apa;e to printing the mar riage laws of Maryland The "age limit or iim's nt which marriages are valid without parents' consent In Maryland are Male twenty-one rars females, sixteen years The Trople' I'orum vHIl appear da.! In the Kienlnc Public ldrrr, and Im In the flundny I'ubllo ldaer. letter dlaeuaelnv tlmelv topic "III I printed, a well n roineeted lnins, und questions of avaecal Intrrest will be answered. i ' "I . i I Stata Highway Commissioner To the Jfdltor 0 th IBvenlatf Publlo Itfatr: Sir t would Ilk to obtain the name and addreae of tha Pennsylvania Stat Highway Commissioner or 1h person or perain wno have charge of construction and maintenance of Stat highway. U. Me, Philadelphia, May 11. 121. Th Btal ITIghway Commissioner I Lewi S. Sadler, Highway Department, narrla bun, Pa. The Lincoln Highway To iht Editor Jf tht Evening PvtHe httovr! Sir Kindly let me know the dlstanco tt flan Ftaneltco by the Lincoln highway. Also what elty 1 about halt way. Another party and myself are) going to walk to San Fran' cIko, starting th 11th ot June. RAYMOND II. VKTTBIILKIN. Philadelphia, May 20. 1021, The Lincoln highway from Philadelphia to San Francisco I 8220 miles. Kearney, Nebraska, I about halt way, being 1803 mile. Omaha, Neb., I 1821 mile, and Cheyenne, th noxt most Important atop, Is 1813 miles. Poems and Songs Desired One Wlnter'a Day To the Editor of the Evenino Psblio Ltdotr: Sir The poem "One Winter' Day." de sired by una of your re-iders. Is nrooertv en titled "Caoch the Piper," and wa composed by John Keegan. a peasant poet, who wa bom In Ireland In th year 1809. Tho roem requested contains ntnety-elx tinea and can he round in the Cabinet of Irish Literature, Volume II. In any of tho public libraries The first verso I aa follows: "One winter's day long, long ago. When I was a little fellow, A piper wondered to our door. Gray-headed, blind and yellow And, oh I how glad wa my young heart, Though earth and sky looked dreary, To see the stranger and his dog Poor Plncb and eCaoch O'Leary." Caoch I tho Oatllo tor blind. J. F HENDBICK. Mooreatown, N. J.. May 18, 1021 Wants Napoleon Poem To the Editor of the Evenino PuMie Ltdotr Bit Pleaao print for me a poem regarding Napoleon which contains the. following lines. "I am. you know. Napoleon brae, the con queror of nations; I have banished German legions and drove kings from their thrones." B L. 8TEVKN6 Philadelphia, May 18 1021 Wants "Voice In the Twilight" To the Editor of th J.'vmlnij Publlo Ltdotr: Sir I am very anxious to sst a nrm m. titled 'The Voice In the Twilight." It con tain these line: "So my thought are never more gloomy, My faith no longer dim; But my heart la itrongful and restful, And my ejes are unto Him." MRS. L E. LAIRD Philadelphia. Mav 16. 1021. . ,!'MI8, M. W W ' asks for a poem entitled Hooka" and . aong containing theae lines "I feel ao awfully Joljy when the band be gin to play. The band beglna to play, the band begin to play." James Nlchoeon. Norrletoim T. m,. parody on "Midnight on the Ocean ' or 'The Tempest." Beginning' "It wa midnight on tho ocean; Not a trolley car In aleht." has already been printed February 38 We .. ..,-.. ,ou copy ir you send a stamped addrened envelope .. EL .3on" k8 for ,ne Pm starting One ship goes Eajt and one goes Weet. Wth the seir-itamo wind that blow " .. imre aireaay printed this, but can " "n 11 wunout title, title as we Index ADIRONDACK TOWN SWEPT AWAYBYF0REST FIRE Every Building In Village Destroyed. Two Believed Dead Malone, X. , May 24. fBv A P.) The harnlnr. n M.,. AI ' Holds Falls, vno HasfMn.1' I... i-ui by one of the worst forest Ores ever known in the northern Adirondack re iron. Every building; In the hamlet, which was a residence place for workers in the -New York and Ottawa Itnilroad Co. and employes of the IJrooklyn Cooper age Co.. ns consumed by the flames despite heroic efforts of hundreds of vol unteers ro cnecK tnc lire Two men nrc believed to hnve been burned to death and many others had narrow escapes. Hundreds of volunteers waited an in trhHtint but unavailing; battle against the flames for more thnn tnelvc hours. The continued drought of tho past montti had dried the woods to tinder stage and mado them ensv prey for the flames. Driven by a high wind, huge tongues of llarao hbot 100 feet tkyward and Im mense clouds of thick black smoke rolled out of the burning sector. C. G. Clnrk nnd . K. Ames, of nrookljn, nnd three other men were forced 'to flee from Mcno with the fire at their heels. They took refuge In Quebec Drook and had to remain sub merged to their necks in the water for nearly an hour in order to escape the blistering heat and suffocating smoke. PIERCE BODIES ON WAY HERE Left France Yesterday on American Transport Cambral The bodies of Lieutenant Colonel Charles O Pierce, a former Philadel phia clergyman, and Mrs.. Pierce left France yesterday on boaid the Ameri can transport Catnbrai, ncrompanied by their daughter, Mrs. De Witt C. Jones, en route to the United States. The passage home mnrks the end of a sorrowful journey for Mrs. Jones, which has extended from the timo she left her home in St. Loais and sailed for Ncuilly to reach the bedside of n dying moticr, April 21, just one day before Mrs. Pierce died. Following the funcrul Mrs. Jones remained to nurse her father, who died May 10. his end being hnstencd by grief at his wife's death Colonel Pierce was formerly tin- rector of St. Matthews P. n. Church, Eighteenth street and Oirnrd avenue He was a chaplain in the army for thirty yars and wns retired by Gen eral Pershing to head the Graves Itcgls tration Sorvice. He was also chief of the American War Memorial Com mission. KIlUrATIONAI. Hoth Hexra Bl PEIRCE SCHOOL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Finishing Touches to Knowledge A special Rnletilnir course has betn arranged for graduates of com mrrnl courses ot Kleti HchooU J he course provides th prnctlcal rce trulnlnir which ha ahort ened the path to bualnril succeas for over fiO year. Hummer School Opn July 3th Write fur flflth Tear Hook Pino St West of Ilroad i fiKEflO KSV. HrHEBY HIIOnTHANI) You won't make any mtatak If you itadr Ortac Shorthand. Hlmpla to write, easy to read Used by many ef tha t.st sltno sphere. Let us tell yon more about It. uy Bna uiani ciaaiaa. uaiaiov rillLA. IIUSINrjS COLI.EOC ana Callea of Commeree 1017 Cheetmit Ut, l'blladlpli The Taylor School 'Wt The Dlallnctlve Dualness Tralnlnir School. OreL-g Shorthand TypewriUng, llookkeeplns. STRAYOl'STb50V,A8'TnN'0V',H,f0- trillions cuaran'4. Enter new. Day or aFaM ., . - ""' i i i 1 1 I ' r HfMMKK WIWOItTH ATLANTIO OITV. N. J. aaTaBBave)aaTaalBU 'TP .aeaaaaa, FwlsIBasawamaMaMhaaasaraTaTA m? LEEDS AND LIPPINCOTT COMPANY (jAIIONTE-fJADDONHMl ATLANTIC Oa the Beacb. and live Boardwalk DECORATION DAY SPECIAL $Q.5ft Saturday Alt.woDn $Q.50 w to mondar Sapper - ALL TOtTD BXTECT A BOTEL TO BE NEW ENGLAND Bo, Canllna Ave. nr.nneh, right elf Den)walk, Pere tooet Moderate lute Hotel, nr. 8teel Pier A Amoa. menta. t stocks t Tret. ACetn. Chorehee. Itanalngliet A eelil weter m rooms, pit. bathe, open eurrounaTnge. else lights. 13ev. to it., Dtth Iloueaa A Showers free, Amar. Plan, M.M up dlr, Spee wklj. Rieellcot table. Writ for aato-mio.bkrt and street goide. Phone ft. 2 Ur DLY.i SPEC. WKXY. EDBOP. MAN ELBERON and fireproof Annex. Tenneesee ave. near Beach. Capacity 400 Central. Open aur roundlngas opp. Catholic and Protestant churches. Prlvat bat) Running Water in All Rooms While terries. Booklet. H. B. LUDY. M. D. 03 Up DlT.l HP. Wklr. Am. Tlrm (With meals) OSBORNE Cnr. VartAA nnA Arknnill ae. PrlV. r- frlgoratlng plant, electric kitchen open for Inspection: running water; all outside room; cruoulQualy clean. Elev , prlv. baths, bath ing from hotel; bathouae and shower free. Orchestra, dancing: white eervlce: garage. Book'et New management. FhT t nOCKENnUBY. ALBEMARLE Virginia ave.. near beach, one block from flteel Pier. Private bathe Elentor. Capac ity S00, Dancing. 4000 feot 01 poren apace. Bathing from house. Runoinf Water in Every Room Amerioan Plan. 13.60 up dolly. European nlen Sl.ou up ns iiy, anet.ll weeklV. GABLK & DIC RV1TT. New Ownership Mgt. KINGSTON ocean av... ffrst hotel from be&ch and over- looking ocsan centrally locaieu; urruruyi. plevntor. baths. Excellent tame, opociai anrinn rates. JS.00 up aany, io jib.'"?'" inYhidimr mea M A. MilBEii DECORATION DAY SPECIAL o-.KO HATUBBAY HUITKU R.B0 "" TO MONDAY HUPrEK w NEW BRADY HOUSE 17 80. Arkanena Av, nr. Bench nnd Beading DrtoU 3. day upi J17.BO wk. up. Am. pF. MALAMUTS H0TELBILTM0BE 60 SKA WAlBK CAina ATLANTICCITY.N.J. nirartlr on the Ocean Fran An American plan hotel ot All IstlnctUi CAPACITY 600 OARAGE Waller J. M SHOREHAIV1 THE SENATOR rirst house troin Boardwalk on Virginia Av, iirien conetructlon Largest porch In At Inntlo City. Special rate ner Decoration Day. Saturday to Monaay Jiu, jii reeervnunn ..n .w,L iiiv i4PK.nAl, vrto "Saturday AFTrawooN 7.so ' TO MlMAV KVKNINd MANHATTAN !n Par ave.. Vt b'ock Irom lieacn Aimr Kuiop nun 'v.ater Trlv. bthe Excellent tahl" 17 n wk un Amer nl .f McIInhon Atlantic k Masiacnusetts Axes? Capacity SOO. All out !fle. alrv rooms. Open all year. II. B0 d.y up. Europ. plan Special wkly. rate. lM.aa.nt JSr-mvnnm HOTEL THURBER iurilard Ave. and Uach. Cap. ". ng.ir,.1dfcueDu.,Hi;iy.:y.ownM BOTtiVV .la.U.l tawii tHjr. KrV art in culsln and eylc. FiookUt. BOTH'WKl.U Prop. SIL Ke Eve IliVrE3R'T,0S3 Kentucky Ave. Adjacent to ueacn. Every appointment. Culslns and rv. Ice iinexcelled. Mod, rates . nrucner v-. TADAD INM Ocean and Connecticut aye. TAbUH lltK ideal location: large airy ....li tfrnm hotel. roomi rnoderatft ""."j. pT& a. m DUNN. THR ELWOOD .r.a Plare. overlooking the noar (t. .i atk Pirecroo! 'KugStnr. g. T. Oratf. Oem Running water urvrvi. CONTINENTAL PENNMONT in n V.rmnnt av Amer. nl K. M Clark, NEW SOMERSET HOUSE rmnnlne weter Open all year C.A.KOPI. Kl" fUffnn Kentucky Av.lloardwlk. New Clarion oom, with bath A funning cn,aK Hooklwl rv. IIV tl vtrTsC:.. South Carolina av. near The WatKinS n8Bcn Bvry comfort 4 ..,!... ifnd.rate rates 1. II. Arnold. Owner HolelBoicobel gJSS ijSjM and ..o vreeklv. Thon lit A K. M AH ION Maine Ave. On Uoach NUTTALL N mar, ,la n 14 on uay up. )KAIinifIIT.N .1. , Feninsula house Sv?S I1IMJI ! ........ rj "hkabitik tahk. n. j. . THE MANHASSET n ag."y fi" .roHlf'WlAga'll CoynC.rroo. HI'KINO LAKK. N. J. THE On the Ocean UfADDCN SPRINO LAKE. N J. WAKKHrlN aoif nthinr. bwhi T.nnle Wu.lo n.oelna. W. It Hlubb. Prop. The Breakers w imwoon N. J- ilTT7-i. !f31IC"lar,4loor from Hoard- Lyndnurot ait, ru WBtr Mr ouneM MT.lI3:tlt n." Mamiolla. rnr. rmi.l hpk.i prlv I nr. n.,.li I.. A J. I.. K. .lacuiHin. n r; Am mm, tt. . "THE ENGLESIDE SSJsi Prlutt bathe with sea and fresh waU- rtv i.nnla rourls: booklet. K. F. ENOl.B Man' eer. Alao the rovlnton. Weet Fhllai' 'nil I'Olt AniltONUACK IIOOKI.ICT md Infor. mntlon pi PJ y to (leu. V. Htan. Hro'jr.. I'IuUh. nil L"'v.-'z .-;"";.: v.. -.....;. ' . lrIIIV .1111.1 t llMlrsvl"r,v trtal, IXIO New Illrlm llldr.. Montreal, t'nn, HlHl.r.r nppiy to o"rii iHnrau .j. .;i" I.V )li v I liV-lllj!' ' i f0?42-? TS"BirERIIkI-i JmL i i" -i i " I .... . I BPMMUR KWBOftTW. ATLANTIC CITY, N, J. FAVORED by oil tivatedtinteresting people seeking rest and recreation by the sea. All the old hos pitality and charm now increased under a single management. CITY. N.J American Pti Always Open DECORATION DAY Special Rates $8-oosa'i.Xr$8-00 aflr Sapper Room wlthoat meal $4-00 Bamroay, Sunday and Monday $4.00 HOTEL EDISON Free Bathing Privilege. Open All Year Michigan Ave,, close to Beach, one block from Million-Dollar Pier and within easy walking dlatanca ot oil uther piers and omUeament I In a beautiful location. Ocean view room; hot and cold running water; private bath; un parlor: cle rotor rorvlce to street lovel; wonderful horns cooking. American Plan, JIT. 00 up weekly; dally, S3 50 up. European Plan. tl.flO up dally. OCKAN CITY. N.J. HOTEL, and COTTAGES (OCEAN CITY. N .J. Now booking Memorial Day reservations. Special rotes Friday until Tue day. Dancing Concerts Cards. American Plan flteam Beat NaM8XftDtE Capacity 600. Ocean City' leading hotel In appointment nnd service Open Juno 30. Special July rates. J. HOWARD NLOCtlU. T,caeeeManager I'lilladelphla Hooking Ufflrei The fir. art hmnre 22il ft Wnlnut etreefa Trt Oronnir OPKN8 MAY 23TU. Hie VCeaniC spoclal low rates for May nnd Juno A. E. nAKER. AtcrlpTi tth & Central. Run's mater In all 0 rnrme. Tabln unsurp surpassed OCKAN CITY. N. J. ' 'Amerlra'a Orentest Fumlly Report ' ' See List nf Ocean City' Trading Tlotela. In this pnprr on Wednra.du.is. OCEAy OROVK. X. J. THE SHELBURNE New, modern hotel, hot nnd cold running water in every room, pruate baths. Ocean ratnwuy lacinn purK m wean, v u, Ha nes The Waverly 10 Oceon I'thay, new ' management, ocean view, Brat.rlia. cuisine H HANK. Owner. Chalfonte Directly on ocean front. Select family hotel H Kh'ere. Owner fe Troo. TOINT PT.TtSANT. N. .1. DINE BLUFF INN toilSIT PLEASANT, N.tj! Among the pine on the beautiful Mane? quan River shore. Eery attraction nf aeashore river A country. AH outdoor eoorts. Now open. Hoolilet. I. K. neerhower. POINT PI.HSANT REACH. N. J. LEIGHTON ON" thi: OCKAN (IPKNN MAV Coneerte Dnn AllSple Robert M. CmiiiOi. SPRING MKE URACIL N. J "the shoreham " SritIM'. UHK IIKACII. N. J. OPKN rAY -2H E. E. 8PANOKNRER0. Prop. ESSEX AM) SUSSEX HOTEL ANU rnnAnn Spring Lnke llenph. N. J NV ,Y' .P!r' 24 "h A Tel. M nd Itnn Sniuire t So EAGLES MKHK, PA. Eagles Mere, Pa. The summer resort that la different be rati It cumhlncB mountain nnd saaahore eondltlonn with unique eurroundlnge. The bandy beach nnd temperate water ef the I.nke of the Easlee afford splen did bathing 2200 feet above sea level. One of tho finest golf course In America. Tor booklet and rates, write: THE CRESTMONT INN WILLIAM WOODS, Manager THE FOREST INN HERMAN V. YBAOKR, Manager THE LAKESIDE JOHN H. KIRK & SON THE RAYMOND I.. IJ. C. LIST, Manager MOUNTAIN HOME, VA. Heller's Mt. Airy "n ,'M- J II IS Heller. lroD WliltVKIMVn r V.. VA THE O-NE-ON-TA ouU Mountain .. . L Wernersvllls. Pa Modern homo comforts Mod rates. Ilooklet OAI.HN HAI.l. Wernersvllle. Now Open I'a. I.AKK CU MI'UIN. N Y. 'ESTPORX INNn COTTAOI fOlt KKMT. OWN v.ur i.i.tiiH Tcnnie HoatlnK Utth, flehln. Orrh. heat Jlldt ni 3T11II frum nearby fnrmi. 111(11 II. I' HUITII. Weatport-on-I.ilie Camnlaln, N. ? OTSFXIO I.AKi: rOQl'KIthTUtVN. N. Y. LEATHERSTOCKING CORPORATION ANNOUNCES THAT ON OTSKGO MKU, COOIT.BSTOWN, NKW VIJKK WU.t. OPKN POn THK SHARON ON SATURDAY, JUNE 25TH InlT tli TerdonAl jtfniinKement of MR. DAVID B. PLUMER. IIOWDOIX I'l.UMKIt. Ateoclute Muniurr. New York Ofllce The Spur 4'.'S Kltth Ave Tel Vanderbllt 274 TO U lift COOK'S J!vke Current Drograme Include eacorted and Indi vldual travel to I'A It BAHT BUHOI'K tiXUl V O II N I A NATIONAL I'AUKH ALASKA D E It M U D A IIOUND Till: WOIlIP. THOS. COOK & SON ttS S. Ilroiul Fit. (Mow Wnlnut St.. I I'lillu Telephone. Walnut 0300 und 203? aasia... ' . , '" ' i '" arfMratiMi MM , BTJMWIWJ , BWWHA'JL. NORWOOD HAUL Oeeon Illoek, h Ave., AbW Park.N.J. Saturday Sunday Monday May1 28-29-30 - $Q.OO Decoratiorf SQ.QO O Holiday Special , Third Hoiia From Boardwalk Telephone 1404 CHATELAINE ASDURY PARK, N. J. 1 10 Third Avenue Block to Beach, Cap. 100 Pnrclal Bate for Drcorntlnn Holiday Bklt, II, U. UUlAWUk, I SVVt the New OCEAN HOTEL Aebury Park' neweet leading hotel running water and phone In oVery room; elevator. Kwr.t.ii cnAtvponp Phon aaio THE METROPOLITAN AHnilllY PARK. N. RY PARK. N. J. 'opacity 80Oi Orchestra, .FJevi it, mevatorj nooxiet, C. It. Beer. Jr.. Mxr A. nearvee. imp. WELLINGTON 8th Ar" AburrParh, VYLLU11U1U11 Rht t thf 0cMn Bunntng Water In Every Room. Qlrutrlc. nklt. C W. Hart. Ownership Management. NORTH AHntlBT PABK. N. J. N OCC'VI'MMl AN KNTUti: IILUCK Utrei ilrectlr an th Oeran lront capacity nun , aii ouiiu All outside room. OI"I L'ztnrj ju.u. 10 TO Hot and cold salt water In all bathroama. Perfect Cuisine. White Service. drill rtoom. Tlrokers' Office. Ml RUM AN nENNIH. Mnnnccr New Torh Omce, 8 W, 40th St. rtionet Vanderbllt 21100 nOSTON, MASS. ' HcyrELPuraTTN IJJOConmonwtaBhAve.Boeton I tilt iviomiv.livi s HMTon House ! On t the, moat homollka I hotola In tha world, t IiiJP u?"9enlfcr Oar BooUa wilhiii ! 1 '-. GuMtorUterlcDojjrw IXOX. MASS. HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. High and Cool in the Btrhih'irei OPENH JUNK 18. QOL1'. BADDLB IUD1NO ueairnnie cottaaen with Hotel KerM Cottagen with Hotel tlerlce HO WIS TWUROI1ISR, Managers Addree until Mav SO. care lintel Raiment 4Jd street and Park ave.. New York. Winter nesort. Trlnceee flotfl. Ilertnnja JKlTfEItailN. N. It. NEW WAUMBEK JF'vao?tf'n' A Distinctive Hotel of tho Higher Type. Do ok In ft Odlce. 8 W. 40th St.. Now TcrJf DKKR PARK. Mil DEER PARK HOTEL And Cottages Deer Park. Maryland. Altitude 2800 feet. Golf, Tennl. 3 Bwlmmlng Pools T. V. MUM.1NH. Mgr. LONDON. t.NHUND T1IRKK FAtlOVH LONDON HOTKLH . Victoria Hotel. (Imnil Hotel, Hotel Mrtropole CAN Ml JhisHear CANADA Calk IJou! foherVACATlONLANDof IDEAL SUMMER CLIMATE In Canada, your Ideal Vocation is realized; Rldeau Lakes, Muskoka Lakes Qeoreian Bay Nlpigon Quetlco Minaki Lower St. Law rence and Maritime Provinces. Fishing, Boating, Bathing. Golf. A summer playground in the great out-doors. Jasper Park, Alberta, and Mount Robspn Park, British Columbia, embrace the scenic mountain won ders of the Dominion. FISHING, HUNTING and CAMPING Real fishing and hunting in virgin streams and unspoiled big game country in NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, QUEBEC, ON TARIO. ALBERTA and BRIT ISH COLUMBIA. TRANSCONTINENTAL SERVICE Dally trains run from Montreal to Vancouver and from Toronto to Vancouver trains luxuriously equipped to make your journey a progress of pleasure. Restful stop overs at the Dominion's most fa mous hotels. Complete your trip to California and the Pacific Coast by seeing the Wonderland of Canada. Every assistance Gladly given in planning your tour; write or call, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS A. B. CH0WN, Gin. Agent, Pass. Dept. 1210 Broadway (Cor. 33rd SI. i Hw York, N. Y. HWITZI-.Itl.AM) SWITZERLAND "Relict Collection" or uneful trnvel litera ture nent on receipt of 10 centa to cover ?o"lnse. Information on touri und travel ree Oflldal Anency of SWISS FEDERAL RAILROADS 2tl Fifth Avenue. New York KTKAMHIIII' NOTICIW OOLLA o IAMESUCA ONE New York to Rotterdam Via Plymouth and Bouloene-iur.Mta RYNDAM Mav2SJulr 2 Auf. 6 N. AMSTERDAM ..June 4 July 9 Au. 13 N00RDAM June 11 July 16 Aug. 20 ROTTERDAM . . ..June 25 July 30 Sept. 3 Pauenger Office. 1531 Walnut St., Phil.. VACATION TRIPS II V HKA l'llll.AI)i:i.l'IIIA Til SAVANNAH . . Tuee., OHKI I', J, JA( K10NVII.T,K MrnN unil llrrtli Inrluilril on Ntemnrr Merchantf & Miners Trans. Co. IMalilKlml 1HR1 .Million of I'na. rarrlrU-Not ii I,f. ix,(. Sfllil for Illllatriltei) Fnlilpr. IMrr 18 (jo, Del. Ae. Ttl, Lombard 1000 fcfcl '"m ..G,itji' i., v.,jMfe.,..l,,.,,.wa,,,K utv.na&L t BTUAMflim TfOTKIK I v r-w-wim A kUURX-lNBAn lilWaCSP PHILADELPHIA TO SAN DIEGO LOS ANGELES SAIS FRANCISC0-P0RTLAISD:TAC0MA-SEATTlE SS LEWIS LUCKEN&ACH -. ' Ma 27 S S ANDREA F. LUCKENBACH June 8 Seattle Tacoma Portlands-San FrancUco Los Angclei Al San Diogo Philadelphia S7 S EDWARD LUCKENBACH , June 15 SS HARRY LUCKENBACH . ,v, . . . ii Jun 2fl Philadelphia to Rotterdam SS F. J. LUCKENBACH . . .-. ... . May 28 Philadelphia to Hamburg SS K. I. LUCKENBACH May 31 Rotterdam Philadelphia SS HATTIE LUCKENBACH May 24 Hamburg Philadelphia SS FLORENCE LUCKENBACH May 24 LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. LAFAYETTE BUILDING. PHILADELPHIA LOMIURD 0340 EARN-LINE Incorporated 1891 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamqrt Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA SS "COQUINA" LOADING (Arrangement huv been made for quick discharge at cargo at Havana) For Space anil Rate Apply EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents Bullitt Bulldlnjr, Phlla. Pa. l-orobard MOO-J01-R2O-S2O3 min 3201 NEW AMERICAN TRANS lrwn5EATTLEnd YOKOHAMA, KOBE.SHANGHAI. HONG KONG and MANILA via tht SHORT ROUTB. New and petit! J U.S.S.D. linerq SSS ft. long) 31,000 tons SAILINGS S.S. Wenatckee, June 1(1 S.S. Silver State, Jul- 9 S. S. KavstoiM State, July 30 Firei. reMrvttlont, etc, ppl eroi ritlrotd or tourist agent, or HUGH GALLAGHER.Gen.Eart.Aat.,17 Sute St.,NewYoilc Qn.ADMIILIJNf wBkWikkWkWtkk1kWiKiWBkUnBMZM2kWK5BWMkmKnMmTmKm:-- wtW9m KERR LINES Sailings from PhUadelphia HAMBURG DIRECT SS 4Charlot' (USSB) Loading Sailing May 24 BREMEN-HAMBURG S S"West Raritans" (USSB) . ' Sailing May 2S SS "City of Flint" (USSB) Sailing June 20 ANTWERP-ROTTERDAM SS "Schoharie" (USSB) Sailing June 11 vVia Baltimore ltntea quoted nntl ihrnngli bills of Inillng leauecl to nil Scui-dlnavlnn and Haltlo port via Hamburg. Kerr Steamship Co., Inc. 615-16 LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILAUKljt'Mt". vi, Hell Telephnne Lombard Ti20 Kertone Telephene .nam mill AMERICAN SHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR OCEAN VOYAGE New Combination Passenger and Freight Ships F a b t. Luxurious Steamers, Reliable F r e I tt h t Ships THE STANDARD OF THE MARINE WORLD UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Sailings from every port in America to the lead ing ports of the world. fcclndnle ef pnswnzer eervleee ap. iirnre In thla imoer every Monda. clnraday und Friday. SEAGER LINE PHILADELPHIA to Christianla, Copenhsjcn, Qolhonherg, Stockholm, Helsingfors and Roval IT. S. MAIL STEAMERS t'SHIl Nh "TOI.iajO ItKlIKIB" Viilllnc oboiit Mnj 20 AT HIIlI'l'INd lit) KI) KATKS ThroiiKli lll !'. I.udlnz laaiieil to nil Nonrexlnn. DnnUli nml Snedinli I'orte, Direct niiIIIiich for nil Hoiinillli.wlnn .mil llnltle Vorte iim rariro nfTera. SEAGER STEAMSHIP CO.. Inc. W. J. Grandfield & Co. run. a. Aor.vTS sob ciH-Ntnut t. U,mli.rl ril7t-T Mnln 07M1 PHILADELPHIA to CADIZ BARCELONA NORTH AFRICA MARSEILLES GENOA SS "OLYMPE" June 10 llfieh I ' " ol Lading for all portj ol Spain, Morocco, Algeria. Tnnlln, Cette, Nice, Gibraltar and the Levant Earn-Line Steamship Co. 130 South Fourth St., Phila., pn. Lombard BtOO-01-W-03 M.n ., Agent for THREE STAR LINE flte. lee Affretenra P.eunl 23 Bridie St., New York AUTO MECHANICS! Quick and efficient service in your garage or service station will please your patrons. Advertise for mechanics in THE LEDGER MORNING and EVENING f Tntmr woncfw .! nil ILIIiTnm v - PACIFIC PASSENGER SERVICE F LraaaB'TrB? Paasciigcr and Vx" Serrin? From Notr &aeT,1eH X--ta.U,,a.?.80.wiPicr, Aqalttiala . . ' jn. ?. J,,"r " AuV. tt fiVEi,j?d,0LAn' ,8 ' V?."in IbuniA fn.Vi Curmnnl. 7Mi, .Inn. is jnilUAW- AlEeria aM RKSJ. .fll'jr,: .) Jill..-. . ',1"uiv. HAVANA KnnV.i'iV? - Vellnvln """ ".2A"'JinO .. .. . - . Sr Inde llo. .June 4 vuniim unci Anchor Slerm Shin ti... gelirht Oniff. Iloiirae lllile,. rlills, ,' BLACK DIAMOND STEAMSHIP CORP, PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam, Antwerp & Amsterdam Am. SS "CollinRsworth" Sailing about May 28 W. J. Grandiield & Co. Philadelphia Agents 308 Chestnut St. Lombard 5176-7 Main 6765 Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL MANCHESTER, GLASGOW U.S.S.H. S.S. MONOMAC Now lonilliur. l'ler A, l'ort Klrbraeni Kxiieitrd to Hell About Mnr 31 for ROTTERDAM l.S.S.II. MS. "tVJIM'KUV IlfirE" Kilireieu in nan About Mar tt f. Harriis. Matrlll & Co.. Inc. I 425 Lufnyctte Uldff. PJtiladelphU I Lombard B230-1 3Inln 7JJ Baltimore to San ) Francisco and Hawaii' nml return I Cnlllnc M 'Imnnn. Tnnimn and Toe Anrrlea nr t.i'Mi sTKAtrrt "DUCKEYE STATE" Inve llnltlmure Mir 7. Hrat ritw, llnlllmore to Sm reinrli.fo. m on atl nn. Tlini rii.. mn on MATSON NAVIGATION CO., . . .. . . . ...., u ru oomii ii ri, iiummurr, .. . Uanen. cui I il'-i' Ht'it -.hliuilnt IW HTIlJI(l TH IIIXIHTS and ENGLAND POINTS VIA THE Fall River Line "Mt P0PUIAK ".OUT' Splendid steamers. Splendid n Ice. Orchestra on eai h Sieamer Lv, Fulton Strnat Dar 14 North River 3.10 P.M. Dayllfht Savin Time, Dally lacluVirc SunJaya, Ixrorni"' i " , tlrkel ''J 1211 imil 1V riitniit hxruaami laanVne, MtSi. ERICSSON B01I run iiAiiifliuitri $2, oncwnyfarej53, round-trip fM Daily at 0 V. M U o'clock HaturA from l'ler B, fl. Ilelnnar An. and ttx rampniet. PHILAnnLWltA TO ."nrO