i$t VV, MlO VMS i r.,V 1-'. -as"f "A- . y f .-f "!nrY'' - V', t." . ., . 4 ' -' ,'i- ?l .V v EVEG-'TOSiiBEiifetoEiA,; mMdaV -ifta 1 ( " , ' . a v "S ' V m nw ADVENTURES .Jfc, tf foUff Wlshtr nr UATJUX CHAPTER I rf 0n a Summer's Day S'lwlV -J mil.. I.. I .... ll, tdu-nMn t'jftiit sbadi of n tree. Tb,c clay wan -trt warui ana uiey were ,noi any ru.. "w,j, I M a dish of ice cream," rju ,nev. . m 'Ji wlll I lia1 enourh money lo buy la fof you nrd one" or rhe'.'i sulci ll'S'l'wUh I had a' oft nlrpUoe, bo 1 (Islands." ,rs7 Vnt on. $s ''I wish I bad a militant dollars eo ' It eotild buy- you au airplane and out- JrmyK." aJ J'" ' iff Op In the tree sounded e. jolly laugh. 1 Mfcere. perched on a -limb and grinning fill Ultul Hi""'"'"" -'i- i'- liin(l-actd goblin.. . . . I ''Ho! Hor- lambed .the goblin and , ,tj rtcited a little yrse to tbetn : l"lf 'all your wlslics could come true There Tls many n vtlsh that ymj would 57 juvt t Vttt r afad Billy were so much sur- Tsils rhyme that they Juat atared at him KOTbmtnt'.; TneuUUIr answered ' "1 would 'like to b.ive nil my wishes ? true'," said Billy. "1. would only U The goblin laughed Again nnd sang faeother rhyme: !?ittlDi tbot-seem good may still be Tr bad I C A wish for4oy,nviy make you tad;" 2 New.PegfX.ot up her courage. "You-nre a runnygobUuand you wiy fcnnythlriga,,"Wje remarked. "Who "are you?".-... ', '. I "roily Wlsber is my name, f And fooUah you will find me. All wbo join me m my game Will get their wishes maybe." That surely 'wad a silly Tone, thought fey. and Billy. But when Folly twfrter Hd out .of the tree and teawd 'iibia to try to catch him, they joined in iH giin'e, hoplug they might gat their They chased Folly Wlsner bock and forth acrysi Uic lawn. Many vtlaic!. tsey Ihonght they bad him. but with a tvick dodge ne,aiwnya escnpea, ju gira they" grew .warmer and war the warmer until ttict felt'readv to melt. At last Billy gavn Folly Wisher n llin ,on the back.' "Ta?f You are ,Ulr'' cried Billy. "Hoi Hot Hot I'm. not it, but you , art,'! laughed Folly ,WiBber, slapping Billy back. "Make a wish and make It siappy." "1 aon't know what to wish," cried Billy, throwing himself on the ground. 'I'm so hot I wish we were all at ih North Pole.". Now Billy really didn't want to go to the North Pole. He dad just made tout wish because ho wan very hot. No sooner were the words out of Billy's mouth, however, thnn Folly Wisher grabbed the bonds of both Billy and Ptggy. "Ho! Ho! Ho! You shall have your lsh," he cried. . In an instant Peggy and Billy found thtmselves whisked through the air. Before they knew what wns happening they slopped with a bump. There they were, sitting in a huge bank of snow. And all about them was more snow now as far' as they could see, just snow. snow. ynow. Tiicy had been snatched out of, the middle of summer and landed in the middle of winter. "Gracious goodness me, where are ?" cried Peggy. "Bo! Ho! Hot Billy wished that e were at the North Pole and here we are. And it I urn not mistakes I 6ee a North Po!e-lt8 com'.ns poleitly to greot ust" Pcj;y and Billy loot;d the way Folly Wisher pointed. At first they could see aothing, so brightly was the sun gilt taring on Hie ?nqw, but prewntly thy njide out 'coming toward thorn borne thing that looked like a snow tower. "Jimlnoty t It la a Polar Bear!" felled Billy. Ad so it was. The funny thing that Mppined when the Polar iW greeted !nn nil! be told tomorrow. Man Out of Work Ends Life WlUlam, Dir, forty-three yeais old, i,7wrnc '"' above Master, com. nitted suicide some time yesterday by Mnjlng. He had been out of work gr six months and was despondent, i ? t0 k's room ytstcrday morn at. This morning he failed to respond to a knock at hla door. Tbo Front and ?? 'uttreets station was notified. Dis. WIet DetectlTc Lnyre broke down the wor and found Dlz suspended by a rope from a hook in the celling. KDVOATIONAI. Doth Weiee A GOOD rtlSlTION AWAITS rpJ J etenofrapher or a hooVkeeper. l.-i6e.-rr.tn.n!'iaiiV.;Vt'0: afnsH ,l2!lr oeptlonal. Catalnc. VP .... 19" 0Uee of CDRunarM ay ion Cheetnnt Ht. flilladelclila Kr" eplenclld Uaehlna- poaltlnna now betas fW4 In Pa.. NTj.. Del.. Md. and NV T. pee arol'ment. Medrra Tenehtri' Rnrean. loot Market St. SsTRAYER'S 1 nest llealpeee Sekeel njee ntiaa'4. Rater new. Uar ar alcha Young VTomtn and Olrla t Tree Camp for Girl, .gigi vSSJb. b- .! ln P'ne-Uden air In Pooono PMatalia. 4 hours from New York A Pbtln. OVtlSaiOWe A tenta -n innnv hill. TAvn... P.f.'un'llora. Horseback rldlns. tennle ae,oa. carnitine, "wv.." n outiin-r aPtrl t2Dl0it'iiJIrdrlln- 10th season. ... ...an ulanii k 11. iniiiK W. Beliool Van. Philadelphia. Pa. HCT1MER OAMP9 Yoonr Men ajul Dora Bear Mountain Camp FOR BOYS HARRISON, MAINE A HAPPY, HEALTHFUL SAFE SUMMER In the MAINE PINES On the sandy shores of BEAR POND. Wonderful food AjJ ?Jtntaed camp, conacientloue supervlalon by experleneod men. Ideal equipment, X.T?.4 &.. ter eporte, camclBr trlpA council flrea. moderation In athletlce, araUr bulldlnr. Pnlla, srroup eotalns. Bend for Illustrated beoUet. i. HAROLD J. STAPLES. sseeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. H BBeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW JPtoJt&Jk&tnMi. ' -MKM IIOi'AT(X(),.N. , take View Howe f Srf LJ . iV Ulln, hiuilc, UnnU- Oneim. r. n. Moona motei co. , AVA1.QN. W. J. The Princeton A'0Bi J?wv,v' j, ' ii., .Mary K. I.eed, Msr. rniMWABK WATKB OAP, PA. THE GLENWOOD Delaware Water Gap, Pa. ' " in-iiiiil skihbv knu n(jpil9fl Tt bwiwut rtirft rnr.T nno Mlt. JForrft Home '."y, , MiijrpnnjjrA COLONIAL HOTEL 'W,LL opRN JUNW 10TH jhdr new" management. Hntlrely refurnUhed X AitmlA nMi turn ...... V .1 w unurknu, jpn tor injprcuqn uecoration Day. nates upon application: Weinberg k lllc. 128 rlnton ate.. New Yorkn tr. dteorated. Open tor Inspection Decoration lAyniXi rA. ' WHITE CORNER HOTEL ItamellUe A all mod. tyinventrncM: mod. rmintry noma; ibudy lawin A tra: home '.noklnic: alo hlire. Ph. Le-nadale MUJ.y. NOHtttHTOffN. TA. HAMILTON IIOTCT.. Nurrl.town. r. Wen. tiunlntrd aobnbftn apt. ttootei twantl'nl rmldential aretlem Iranalrnt nnrt tvnnata' eccom.t nntiirn. aula. Call NorrlUnn U, incHNr.nHvii.TK. rA. The Hip-hland d''"' situated ana giwtuiu south Mnilnl.l .0erlooLlnz the (irnoiii Iebunon Valler. The meat piace 10 epeun Aieraonai jjar vacation. Itattf , moderate Open May 14tb. Write f.rtweklel. lllthland Hotel Cempaur. i. Ilinftnn PTillt:. rrBel.lent. NiHaidfr Jleautlful Scenery. Prlr. Hatha. 1VAYNK. r.. WESLEY INN op" V1 TtT- noom "T , . elnrle r en ulte. Splendid appointment!, culalne noted, attrac live ralj. Oarage orvtfy. n. T. Bentman. MT. OHItTNA. rA. Hotel Conewago Mareu,0," p"' Opene June 3.1th, 1031. For ratea Vddreai T. I- WXIMKIt. Pioti. BCnWCNKHVItXr. PA. rr.HKtOMRN rvv MeaS mortem ort. Hlih location. Prtv. batn. boating-, bat.iln. netunf. tennla. nnnltlet ;. t'N(8V:n. VAIXfcy rtHtllK, I'A. WASHINGTON INN Chicken ftQd Warfle Ulnnera DANIKI, J. VOOHItr.ES. I'roo. MOCNTAIN HOME. PA. Heller's Mt. Airv nni E-JBT hTttOUnsntTKO, PA. The Mapielturat Inn. Kaat Stroudeburc. Pa. .Km. 124. Spaclaiia efariilaa. ehad lawn; farm: gara. MKH. M. A. HACK. SWirrjVATKIl, PA. Summit Hoimp wn t"n: " ': summit nousc ,xcolUnl ubU. rn. able rafee. HonVlet. Mr. II. SC'HOKKDUV. MT. rOCONO. PA. Hawthome Inn Non-houskeeplnr cot wnnuiuiiic imi tai , n, n connec tton with Inn: hook'et. Ii M. DKNOUCn. 1m tl.'lltrtn Co.. OT N. ti St. Main tOtO itarhft lit Galvanized Boat Pumps PARCEL POST eVteVfefeVrtfcrJ&AfaUelAA ITHE best Pure tallow, cocoanut oil, glycerine and Borax produces the finest and whitest laundry soap in America. Another Novelty Borax Day on June 9th j A fine quality Colonial ragr rue, size 27x54 inches, jriven free on NOVELTY BORAX DAY with 65 wrappers or 5 wrappers and 60c. t Remember the Day I JUNE 9TH j and etart'saviiiff the wrappers $ today. I DAY & FRICK I iou rs. xiowara or. i JiCWICCTAIDM TheMorlern Method of Painles Extraction of TEETH "SATn AS SLEEP" One to 10 teeth extracted without oaln or danrer. Joat the thine for nerroua people no 111 effect! follow lti uee. Come In for examination Monday. DR. MOSES S. E. Cor. 7th & Market Sts. foitiierev on itfljT of prominent Hotpttal FOB WOMKN ONL UANTBI. OOMMKD PHUIT JAI IwMII.W nooii op son assortkh nuiiTjiiKKS I.AST AIJ, rlDMMRn FOB OKNT8 A0KNT8 1KT RAHPT.K8 AND TBIOKS U-CANTKi.. im nAzKi.. rini. STJMMEKCAMPS Younir tlen urvl Boys HARRISON. MA1NB Director. Biddeford. Maine Now own, Crolly 400, Modrn brick liotMl ihm liallroom, orfbutrA. thro clsy lunnln tqnrli. bbmi dlimond, oTf ml ll iiiiitmnli: (tract n1 ruiipflcni jFraJAj I CARPENTERS! Building and repairing time io here. Get carpenters, painters, paperhangera, etc, through an ad in THE LEDGER MORNING and EVENING ftl'MMr nryoBTS . -. .555' Xj 'J.. Hotel Cape May Caffi&!?-J- Directly on Boardwalk and Otean Death HOTEL COLUMBIA C"A n , m nVKSA MAV IS N-1" fnrti. i mortirn. J. vr. tfV-ra A Tire. TUP. SiAIUIY. Cat Dlar, It, Apt.. S furrlahed rooma, uee of bath, Hire nentha 1900: elntle reome. SS to lis week. ATLANTIC CITY, Ni Jr. , A Salt Water Swim in May rUO Ambassador's treat indoor salt water swimming- pool offers you all the inrigoratSE qualities of surf bathing plus a summer temperature. You should no.t deny yourself the very best accommodations obtain able In Atlnntlc City when you mar have them at moderate rates. Large double room with bath and vlejv of the sea at $0 per day for one or $4 ench for two In room, European Plan. A whole world of entertainment Indoors dancing. In rempelan Orlll ae4 Ja anei Tea Itoom: aympnony enneerta. apacloue loungee and promenade deoka dlrectlr overlooklnc the Atlan tic. Prlrllese of H-hole rolf courie, California bunsalowa with Ambaaaa dor aerrlee. Write for illustrated booklet GJh e Ambassador Ohtt MWWIUtbKafMf Tht Amlctfitr Httli 5jttm ReeerraUona far ftl Ambae aadar llote'e male at Am bAeeador HeUI, Park Ave. and fUtr-arat Street. New York cftr. Tel. rthJnelandec 0O Tin Amtxutatltr, AtlmntH Oily JLmatio4r, ITnn Tee Ta Amta$ailor. Lot Angtltt The AlezdfWIHo, toe Anffelee TVe AmluiaSor. Santa Barbara IIOTEI. ESPLANADE OCCUPYING ENTIltE BLOCK ON THE OCEAN FRONT in Exclusive OK'Uoa Station OPRNK MAY JSTH DECORATION DAY RATES AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN n.ANS Ideal family hotel, with aocommodatlona for 500 mieeta. Private and puMle fresh and aea water bathi. HorkJnj; offlce now open in hotel. Ownerablp-Management W. T. SnATT DECORATION DAY SPECIAL 9g.S0 Saturday Afternoon Ig.SO io monoa supper mcamaiMMKim KentnrWy At. near Beach. Cap. S00. Modern throughout: elevator: runnlnt water In rms.: IS un dally: I17.HO up weektv, Ajner. plan. Booklet. T risrrfen a HOLLtNarfn. So&6 epru Slm aVe. T 1 ATLANTICCITY.N..f. iOIreclly ea (tw Ocu.n VreM i .fii iiutrtcan pum nul r UJ I CAPACTTT OAHAOIt Wall J. Mete OLNHURST HOTEL PrmnjI.enU Ave., eloie tn Heat; and Stel Pier, central location, alnaya open. Capacity SOO. Private path, 'jntilne water In roami. elevator, etc Special eeaeoh rates. Albert n.Uarne'.l GRAND ATLANTIC irntriln, Ave. and beach. Het and nld ruv nine water. Private hatha. Ratea 14 day SWOT. ?$&$"$&& iSSSSSk Tit Ui.w; ett.K.1 juafff tu HOTEL MORTON Often Rnil Vlrslnl Ave. Capacity IH. TH. valor, I'rleate llntlia, ee. Alnn'e Oioa. Kn r. nwi.t. a paitt. m. (iipk. Pren. WELLSBORO Keutucky Aee. near neach Capacity :tiOi runnlnc water In rooms: pri vate hatha; elevater. Amir. clan. IS up dly., 111. SO up wkly. Kure., SI. GO up dly. RAM'll MTXiKJJty O. P. KTNQ On Boardwalk at MootpelUr Ave. Now hu tee with bathe. Runnms water all rooir.e. Stley. fuw;l. Hptlnf ratea. ST. U. HfegVBaV, ITFiV? Teoyvyy . . ea J Mu k If'taaak aa4 eeei Ula Wlsirit I'llOllOW e eT f "- water tu.i7aQ.ui; '- u nmMnii Ai1o,felraferAotN?l HOTEL CARLTON Cheleea Av. A Beach, lima, ensulta with prlv. bath, Erery room, hot A cold run's water. fod ratea. Ownerehlp met. J. K. Haeiall. fnarlborouafiffilcnteliii . AT&NTic.prT-YN.j. Joolah vVMie duns Company, mriOlJOlS"?0' Carellna Avi"nr." neach". lJVWt-KJ iBo ,,, A bathe; milalne A rervlce unescellrd. A. H. CK&MqftA, Qen. Msr.. formet ly with Traymore and jn. IJrT. of Amuaeaadpr. J. P. DAnATTA AssX to ORE tT0 XpbMs Omatett ffoAl SuoetM Vlrsinta av. i hotel from Ileach. Private Hotel Raven Royd "7.. M water. Private baths. Eleeator. Phone 3001 W; ISAAC BOWKK. Calvert Vlnrlnla. ave.. near Beach. Opeuall year. . Ataerlean - - -- ana curopean pun. H.i.1 n. Villa Kj' v" de. from bdwx. OISI UC Villi ocean lew. Med. rates. Orchestra. Penflnr. TlfOMAB M Q-nMKN end European plan. Hotel Boscobel $ .,BJl?S ea im wmVIt Thon. 117 A K. tUltlW I .imnofnn Arkansas and Pacific Avenue. L0mwm noome with runslna water. tl ur. ttivate oain up. w. n. hai,ktt irHrirSWIN I8I0 raclne, Kurop plan. Mleo. SjlJUVVin i.v. tl,((i, Mr K. Oodwla. SKA 1SVK CITY, N, J. RK.V 1SI.K CITY Write City Clerk. City Hall. 3en Ii City. N. J. for Information f ntCACII IIAVKN. N. J. THE ENGLES1DE fu Private bslhe with aea, and freth water. Rt tennle .:ourtei leoklet. It. f KNOT.):. M. eeer. Alan the roletwn. U'nl Phlledelohla. gPftlNO MKB IIKAM!. N. i. THE SHOREHAM" flPRIMi I.AHK 1IKACII, N. J. urr.iN wat OPKN IfA K. K. KPANOKNnrnr !.. AniKONtlACKH. N. T. FOR AOIB0M1ACK ROOKIJST and Infor mation aeplr to fleo. W. Kyan.Seey,, Platte. nr, NT V. . FOn MONTriltAL-OUKItltC I100KI.KT amly ta Tonrtsts Ilttrtaa ef JJon Ueel, VO New Blrfc Ulir.. Montree.1, c5au, 3DHIl ts rf -I KtlMMKIt BKSOnTW .SMJL'!. HtJi. American Plan nonovated. nefltted and virtually Tte 'furnished throughout Modern Are proof construction. .350 rooms. ISO baths. Cvery. comfort and convenience runrilnc water In each room superb broad beach. tfnnl Bathing- Iloatlnc Sailing- nehlnc Dancing Ilathlnr Pavilion and fully e4Ulppd fararn on premises Finished concrete bate road. Bend for Autoload Map f Naw Jersey. ' . C. B. KNOTT, Lta-Mangr New Tarfc nflrVl USA ileiwiwKT I'hUerielphlftl r. M.'PMraon, Aaalatanl " ' "lleToe-.Strtfrd f4nrday ocean rrrr. j4,,4. N5b33XSjdtE CAPACITY 8M Ocean City leadlns Motel In equipment and eervioe. OPENS JUNU SU. Special JalT ratee, Jtortu ; , , untei r.nrmenni. nrn cur, w. J. NoiXSoiE Capacity 400. Ocean City's leading hotel In appointment and earrtc. Opena Jon 80. Special July ratee. ilOVgUib SITCOM. UMw-MtHltr PhllSalphU.nooklnc Offleet The Swrtliwir ttn A VValmtt etreeta t ThTmnsertsJ Opens May J5. SpeeT ratie, The Strand Waaley av. at tb m. 'mir. TA1riA Opens Juno lsto. 110 Moorlm '"""" . Terraas. J. K. MOIIRISON. Se UM ft Own CH' lAsalaii mh In thU pnner on wpdneda,. ItM .AHHCnY PARK. N. J. Special Spring R&tes- NEW TENNEY AnnnnY park. n. 3. Always avent nieera. brlsht. comtortsble. home like, rhone 1TSS Aeburr. American Plan HOTEL KENTUCKY 301 Flrat Ave. 14 elntle, 17 two In a room over Peroration Day. FIBH A ORAVK3 EDGEMERE Ave.. Ocean Block 'xfc- Aebury Park, N. J. Mbd. lmDrovemta: Keener Jliinaerian cnlelne. MM. rate. Bklt. Llpkoff A Chaean. Prow. CORNISH ARMS &' y rate Decoration uouoaya. jj.ou rrr uay. Arn loin run M A. ftATBS, er- ISTOLww.Hn.YAwi S-JJn nlRfcCTLV on ocean ntwrrl Opena May t. European Tlan e.--j. A-. Unw Aebury Park. N.J, oiananrniiuw Huotarlen cula. 1 Rat. JewlaU pat.; mod. Imp.: booklet and l ratea on renueet. M. L. KRAU3B. I Ak-rle-n ! Ave., Ocean Dlock, Anier., ADauccn rrench -.A Italian culi reit. attached. Phone 1881. A. UUONOIORNI. WTlirVlR Third Ave. All outelde Moderate Ratee, Bntel Hercer 8Ul av- torm- Stratford TTxrel. Cnlelne. Mod, ratea. Mrs. A. Hercey. 7TH AVE. INN ?m.,. Arenmmndate 12.V J. C. WIT,T,tAMhv Continent! Hotel & Restaursmt e?4 Owkman ar. Am. A Ktu nln. I.Ik, fr. rrn. liOTKI. TIir.nrORD Oth -At,, orerlooklne ocean: all room wllh runnlnc waters mltee with buth. Herry Duftleld. Own. A pr. nCLMAB. W. J. Belmar NEW OERSEY KENOft-NKI FOR OCEAN BATniNO VACllTrNfi, CBAOniNO, riSHINO NA04NO. AUTO DttlVKS Resect ef Prlrate Cotteses end flood Iloteta Spend Decoration Day Here The New Columbia On tu Ocean KYont. Botaier. X J, Ciltrlix: to Best Clientele. Anier. vUi ratee, 13 to 110 dally. Modern; capacity 830; taticle: e!evatora to atret lvel: carose: wrtu for booklet F. K. LUCAB. aur. ' THE BUENA' VISTA Of new concrete construction; refumlnhed at coat of 1100,000: 3. a, 4 toome. baths and ylionee: het and cold water ln all rooms; ane rates; cap, J0O: eTrlurlve patronage. Special Decoration Day Rates THE LANYMOR llelmar. N. J. Friday Nlnht Dinner to Tueedar Breakfast. Ill; capacity 150- block to 1-ach, J. A K. IIIIXIO SAGAMORE AT DKAC". Modern bath rrM'- bnuiee. ahowre, exrellent eulelne. Dooklet. ANQELO BOONKITI. OCEAN OBOVB. N. J. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL Main A Ileach eves.. Ocean drove, N. J. Kurop. hotel A cafeteria; under new own'hlp mift.: cafeteria aeat, 300; iul., aerv.. i-nur. Tel. 147S. M. J. WnopnrNO. THE MAJESTIC DntKCTI.T ON THE BEACH Klevator Serrlce. Clement A Clement. HOTEL WHITFIFlXi Fireproof. Capacity J00. Oierlooklnjr ocean, Phone Aebury 1S01. nklt. Chaa. M. Herman. OCEAN GROVE HOTEL A " Auditorium. All attraction. A. M. aiUOGS NATIONAL M Ma ATe. "Near Deicb liAiivnnu an(1 au4ll(,rtum. moo,rn ImproTtmente. Cafeteria. W. H. JETT. r.Ul "?"- o." ? front,! VUOA1U111C T'Fcl lamuy notel. 8. W, , Eh'ers. Owner A Prop. Surf Ave. House "?" b,i', to t' Modern. Home Cook. Inr. New manayt. UMt. A. P. fitackhouae. wrrjwoop. n. jr. HOTEL DAYTON Itoom. hot and cold runnlnc water; prlv baths: eucceei due to our aervlee and table. Ceti. IBO. Hklt. F. W. McMurray" Pron. Sheldon y?v wnest notei: ? . k9i",1. V "A Prlv- bath. Elevator. Qwnerehlp Mat. D. J. WOODS. Arlino-tnn Ueach front 'ocatlon. Cap. 200 nrungton M t p , bafts, nun. water. Illkt. A. It. A C. H. Topham? 6w"j?re BREAKERS "xa r " nn iS wmvu. x.u. or without prlv bath. Bklt. ar. . uw wr?. km, a. oiBwmpii uwn m Mg W . 4 ttV . ' A.n ..a ... .'J .. .1 Hotel Doraey P?- M?- rXlT bsT " .' . Attr-rt- pn- " - Hotel Rurick ?u- !. coder At. nr. Boh, iiutti "'" Amnae. D. Qttreloher. Prop. TRIESTE n Daaob, Italian end Arnsr- H Pnlnnial All ontelde room. Prtv. A ROTKL TKHWlCK Open all year. Rime. pien. opcT-iiii iMf.. jgay. jane, u ee. re r S1TLS. Utnnna Wild. Av. nr, beach Prtv. hatha, wmona o m,nT.t. trm. o. wy1ggg T.AKK CTTAMPIIN. N. T. HOTEL HAM PLAIN kSUirr fOIST'OS-lAIt CHArltAm.N.y, .OPENShTJUNE toRGtoitfaa NY.Offlca iU3 fins Ait, I.VKK PLACIPf N. Y. WHITEFACE INN LIKE PLACIIl. N. Y. Open Jajte U, Modern U all It enpnlntuenU, 3. ,J. BltEKNKY. 3faDaser. New YerU Offle , Tletel relllaswoe4 ill Weat Uth Street Winter. Illsh'aSd Park lintel. Aiken. 8 C, KOWCOK. N. T. LAKEWOOD amouhtaim FARM UHMmMoMi INN Or-UMUeUAtCrlAHN snsrnsMv VtcrrienweaVaY aOSCOrt,N.T. TuMeJ4MS 7 JSTJIJIKB EflOflTS. NK1V lINDOX, f'ONN. Bvekinii mm n JKJTTJtgON, y. H. New Waumbek HOTEL and COTTAGES Jefferson, N. H. IN THB HEART OP THI3 WHITE MOUNTAINS A Distinctive Hotel of the higher type SKABON JCNK S TO OCTOIIKn ITfCEt.T.ENT 1S.1IOLE OOI.F COURSn TENNIS. 11ID1NO. riSHINO. UU3IC Booklnr Offlce. -West 40th St. New Tork Frank F. Bhnte. General Manager. It. roller . Henry O. Ptaaaer, Ant. Managers. NARRAOANBKTT PIER. It. I. GREEN INN Narragansett Pier, R. I. On Tbe Oeeon Front Golf, Tennis, Bathing Henry W. T. Dutton, Prop. Rooms Single or En Suite Open. June 15 to October The Imperial Narragansett Pier, R. I. OPEN 4XJNK TO OCTOnKK An eieluilre betel far e-leerlrolaat-lm people at one ef America's Finest Beealde leserta. rOLO. Oo'f. Tennis. Bavhlne. Daa rlnr. -Well kept Slate Illehwaya far inetorlns". For rrerratlone addree JAtlRS K. OAT.HBKY. MANAtiprt. Nsrrnranaett Pier. Rhode felanl. DDr.VH.t,E NOTCH . N. II. A iLJEaTIC r.FSOBT IIOTl'.L 'Ictur-iciueiy IwDcatl Among the Utile end t.a! e of Sefila lrt FlaTjp.lilfe. H-eoroo. ix.iiqt.r. no i,i' corr.sn. kidino. lirortTa Bro-.f'e orare. with direct N V. Wire itruit fiU3NON. Jtr. N. Y. atT. 0 W 0th fit. Tel. VaBd'S tll nr.wt PABKl MB. DEER PARK HOTEL & COTTAGES Deer Park, Maryland The rarooua reiort of the Allechanlea. Altitude 2S00 ftet. OPEN JUNE 29 Colt. Tennle. noreiback Itldlnr, 3 Swlmmlnr Poole. XIuilc. Oanclnr. 10 HOUSEKEEPrG COTTAGES THOMAH F. MPI.I.rNS. MOB. (Late Msr. William lenn A Kort Pitt llotaie. nttahurith.) BI.PK ItlllOK SlorNTAINS. MD. Blue Ridge Mountains For Bale Very attractive 13-room cot. tase; 8 baths, lam epaclou porches: very modern: eleotiiclty. and all eonven. lance; 1S00 feet above sea level) lares sroundit e-araae and necessary outhullQ. Insa; at Illue nldse Summit, Md,.penna, pest located property In reclon. Attrac. tlve price: furolahed or nnfurntehed. J. L. ritANKKNITRLD IS R. Fayette HI. Daltlmnre. Md. IIIHIIMOITNT. N. Y. MDBdlEcATsiniS "A Cttj in llulf," Hifhmonnt, N. T. Opens May ST for Uecomllou liar Coer New Mnuasetncnt t. KIIIEN UV) Itoom With Rvery ronvenlauce Hot and Cold Kunnlns Water ALL OUTIKIOH Nl'ORTS Jen'lrh Uletar, Lie. ut.aerved Batee and Dnoklet cm rteqursi PPPFJt 8AKANAO MKR, N, T. SARANAC INN m the Heart if the Adlrnndsrks. CEKTIFiKD MILK. A BtTMJHSn AKtIOnT of the htsheit ehsrecteri aupe'b culilne; an envlronneemt aoclatw de.lrable on WONDEBrTJI. CPPKn AAKANAC LAKE. Modern IS bole solf, state road, all sports and amuicmenta at their neat. HABrllNOTON MILLS. Manaser. E. 0, riTZoVhtALl). Am!, Manager. Addreea Hotel Ortfum, WaihlneUin, It. C Bartlett Inn Upper Sarsjtac New York Attractively furolshed bunsalowa to rent with hotel service. Combining- the comfort! of an Alrondack camp with tbe convenience of a modern hotel, J, II. RKAKTION. W. 40th St.. N. Y. C. Oolf Tenntv FilMnj OnlMeo BAK IIAKIlOTt. MK. i The Malvern- BAR HARBOR, MAINE Opens Juno 30th EHNE8T O. OROB, Mana(r Care Hotel Wooclstock 1J7 Weet 43d Street, New York SOI'TII HAHI'HM KLL. 3115. RIERRICONEAG HOUSE Seelh llarpswell, Maine, Modern hotel of 40 rnm Fine view of Oatco Bay and Ulead. Pklt. K, L. KKIIBW A SON, PropaT Jfl.-K,'i TIIUUF. FAMOUS LONDON HOTELS Victoria Hotel. Urnud liolel, Holrl tlrtrepele BOMMKnjtIORT8 XYlVT l,rMON. CONN. GWSWOLD Eastern Point On Long Island Sound NEW LONDON, CONN. OPENS JUNE 18 tit. Hospitality and social charm aeeiire Lanpy Jays at.thk moat refreilitoc of sliore resorts. Near ih lt of okl Fort Crlawnld; awpt by brettzae) of die vacbtHlottnl Sound. A radiating cen tr of beautiful motar roads. Golf, tennis, horseback riding, sea bathing. Music, dancing. Kindergarten and nature mwif classes for children. American or Europttn plan. JtM Mtt.iiiiMis.iw rmti.cssuT.Kr. c.s.juiKisi.Wir. Tht Biltmart, New York s CVl vt"1 :-. JL WiHTK MOrNTAlNH. N. n. Altitude 1500 Feet WHITE MOUNTAINS XKW SIAMrntK MAPLEWOOD HOTEL and INN ALSO COTTAGE COLONY OPEN JUNE TO OCTOBER NO HAT rKYTR. ONATS OR MOSQUITO M GOLF Vag?, COURSE KXCEtlJCNT ROApS OABAdK TKNNIS SADDLK nORBRS New York OBIre, I ISO Hraadrray Telephenet Maclean Sinre 17S A. K. PICK, Manaslng Dlrrrtor HOWARD V. DACTON. Aaalitanl i l FTJBNISrfKD COTTAOES FOR RI-241 WIIITK MOFNTA1NH, W. It. WHITE MOUNTAINS.N.H. Famous for Golf 2 COURSES - 27 HOLES ALL MOTOR ROADS LEAD TO BRETTON WOODS THE MOUNT PLEASANT osen June 16.-closes October i. C.J.DUNPHY. Mamas an THE MOUNT WASHINGTON OStH JULY 7.- CLOSES MIDDLE O0T. C.J. ROOT. rUMAecR re iMro.n.ti NswYositDoosnie OPfiee eeiie rrc.t.e 243 FIFTH AVENUE Profile House AND COTTAGES 1VIWTE MOCNTAINS. . X OOI.F. TENNlB, xlsllI.Ntl. MOl'N. TAIN Tlta.114, V(ltllllJtM PATH3I OWN FAIIH ANU IlAinY. on "innAi. Toru" OPKV JI-VK r.nih lo SKPT. SSIh C. II. (IfltCUM.KAr. Preatdent nVKIlKTT H. KICH. Man's Dlrectwr KAI. P. ABIJOTT. Meioeer N, T. Offlce: Town A Country, 8 W, 0th .St. Aniletrd Hotel The Vendome. Doetoa MANCHKhTKIl. VT. MANCHESTER Irvt he-Mount oins VERMONT OPCN JUNE inn Oirtct Wm fHiut ntn StocM Srvmrj Offict A E.MARTIN. Manacid booking oertce The Lorraine, z EAjT45iSn,trT,NrwYoV I'tU'LLNKV. T. The Colonial Inn ,'0..,,rrVr-B5S fined, eporte. ooJ table: near R. A. and trolley, 130 rueeta; modern Improvementi; SI4.no to fao.no. neautlfiillr Illtietrated Pooklet. Pot L. r. I.. l,i:OVAltn Mr. Z PLlMm'flT.MASS. 31" MAYFLOWER INN r,vSTH- Capt Cod' rinesl JJnfel ' Hwthlnr. finlf, Tennle. Dntielnr CANADA OTKIliX'. CANAI1A niATCAl? 1'IIONTKNAC ON THU IIKIOIITS OV OLD OUEHEC sTEAMHOATS U1WORT3 and to. ZZliUN ENCLAI ENCLAN0 POINTS VIA THE Fall River Line the rerun, soutc Splendid steamer. Splendid service). Orchcetr on each Steamer. t. fatten mhrr a JO StrMt Pter 14 Neti .. Deyllaht Sevtac y laelaeina; SMaSen. DeRy .n.nrniaiien eon tiraei ni 1341 and 1.130 Chmtnnt St. .. . . ... . .. ERICSSON BOAT FOR BALTIMORE 13, sHse-war fare;3, round-trlp far Dallr at 0 P. M., S e'cloek Su-. r . S. Uelawar Aee. tax ra-phlel. BTHAM8IIII NOTiriCS SEAGER LINE PHILADELPHIA to ChrUtijnli, Copenhajen, Qothenbert' Stockholm. Helitngfers md Reval U. S. MAIL STEAMERS ossri ss "Toi-aM) nntnoe" ...Sallln almut Mar IS AT BHirPINO ROAIII) KATEtI Thrensh HIIU ef Lxdln leaned to nil Nerweswi, Ilanleh nnn Swedish Porte. hlreet ealllnt far all Heandluavlai and Italtle Pert aa cargo nfterh. SKAGER STEAMSHIP CO.. Inc. W. J. Gran-field & Co. PHILA. AOKNTS SOS Clieetnut 8t. UimbaMI II7.7-U- Main 75 BRETTOm WOODS a. if taalMb?afsT HTF'WIItl' NOTirnt V "- en-.- sni.oo ouay vm. ways uv upward Including All- Expenses for Steamer, Hotel Hd Side Trips 2.1 Payment Inauree Reetrvatlona; llalance 10 itrt htfure ell 4III1(, Bermuda Is (Averse; Bummer Temperatnre 79 Detreea) All Outdoor Sports Coif Tennis, and Selllnr. Rathlnr, Motor lioatlnr. and Klililnj In enchanted Ilaya and Inlete. Itldlni, Driving or Crelliif over mooth white coral roadway or vlaltlnr Bermuda's wonderful Cryatat Cavea and Sea Oardene. No Pnstports Sailings every 5 Days Via Palatial Twin-Screw Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT HAMILTON" Sed or t'tlEB d loi Bvmmrr Tovrt hoeMel lo FURNESS BERMUDA LINE i M 34 Whitehall. Furness, Withy Regular steamer l(a Pir$t, lib) Pint fid Ftrit Kcjier Bide., Baltimore Mobile M & rrnuenaii, now i one ir ascpaaw Ilnurie ItMa;.. I'hlla. A EARN-LINE Incorporated 1891 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA SS "COQUINA" MAY 23 (Arranirmenle bare 1ecn made for quirk discharge ef car a Hataaa) Far Sparc and Itetea Apply EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents Bullitt Buildinr, Phila. Pa. Timhard 3tOv5I0ISt!OI-M03 Main S7S1 srm 3s HsT BsOsllsBsassBet i . s"a.i.ia tWa':U l'sK!Mfc( Ealtle tC3lsisiii (TMiA sTiif rsaey J UMVUr on tiie Steven Seas A.MRB1C4.N HUM'S AHK AVAIIIILK FOR MWR OCKAN OYAOI! Teio mWnollm roAitngir and Frriohi WMpi, Fast. Lvsuriinu 5rnmre, KV nurjvher bold ehlp't iiume ladlcole operxifor houn bottom of eohjmn, Ernorn Ourenetotvn, llntilncno and London From New lerk June 7 July 12 Auinut Id September 20 Old North Slate (1S9). May 14 .Tune 28 Auruet J September 6 Panhandle State (ISSi). Ilrenwn and IMnlnr From New York May 2S July 1.1 Ausuet 30 Iludion (150). . jun9 g July 23 September 7 Sueque hanna (ISP). June IR July 2l--September 14 Octo ber 20 Potomac (15D). Naples and Ornoa From New York May 31 June 110 Aururt 13 September St I'CM-ihonln (1M). June S July 20 Auruet 31 Oc'ober 13 Prlncee Matolka (ir.Si. Plymouth, Chrrbnunr and Ilremrn mm New York June 22 Julv 23 Auruet 24 September 2S America (139). July 30 Atiiruet 27 Septeanber 24 Ororse Washlnsinn (139). SOI'TII AMKIIIVA Klo de Janeiro, .Montetldro and Itnenoe Alree rrom New ork May 25 Huron (01). June 6 Aeu'.ue (91). r.AH KAST llo.inlulit, nhnlmmn, Kobe, Shonihal, Ma nila. Itoiurkons From San Fr-inrlero Mar 28 (Joldn State (101), July 23 Kmplre ''lele (103). Yokohama, Kohe, SlmnxhM, Ilonskonr, Ma nila From Sitl June 19 Ausuit 27 W nitchee (1O0). July 0 Silver Stnte (100. July SO Keyetone Stole (10(1). Hawaii, piiii,h'pim:s. kast iniha Honolulu, MnnlU, Siiisnn, Slnsnimrr, Co Innilo, CalruttA From Han Friiwlern June 11 Wolverine StW" iin.M. July 14 lranlt State (10M. COSTlVI8K ANII HAWAII llavivna, Caiutl, I.o Anselee, ban Fran elafe and Hawaiian lelnnde From lleltlmor June 11 Buckeye Stats (60) 80 MaUon Nsvlsatlon C. 120 Market Street, San Francisco, CaL 2ft South Gay Street, naltlmore. Md, 01 Mtuieon Steamship Line, 07 Wall Street. N, Y Tel. Hanover 3120. 103 Pacific Mall 8. K. Co. 10 Hanover So., N, Y Tel. Uowllns Oreen. 4030. (121 Market Street, San Franclaco, Cai. 100 The Admiral Line. 17 State Street. N, Y. L. C. 8mtth Bid., Seattle. Waab, 13. U. 8. Mall P. S.Ce.. Inc. 49 Droadway N, T. Tsl, Rector 6300. U.S. SHIPPING BOARD WWlijion,ui BLACK DIAMOND STEAMSHIP CORP. PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam, Antwerp & Amsterdam Am. SS "Collingsworth" Sailing about May 28 W. J. Grandfield & Co. Philadelphia Agentt 308 Chestnut St. Lombard 5170.7-8.9 Main 671S B I I-1-"flKrW'"'MflK . iS2AJ!ttJiCfeuL Enchanting i"VtimmrN4cmt? v- InUustlne S!lRalSaVoyail - m OrhVOtUr rrawi Hew Vo-t-k on. snc.oo and Cool in Summer New York & Co., Ltd. Express, Passenger i Freight Service m a. N. T. ts Rio ale Janeiro, Monletideo, Boenoi Aires S8 ntjnoN. 17.000 tone (a) May i KH AEOLUS, 21,000 tons la) ...June nn .MARTHA WAhHINtiTIIN, 18.000 tons h..June ' Rh A.MKIIICAN LEtilON, 21.000 tone (c).. 4.... Jul y 8S HirtON. 17.000 tone Va). ,... . Jur' of U. B. Shipping Board second and third clan, and second class. etas. rvr rate and nartlenlaxs apply to any Paeeeneer Aaener or to Munson Steamship Line 67 Wnll Street. New York Droxel Building Philadelphia St. Leeii Coawaj Bldf., Ckicasja LINE VISIT !UROt NOW New York l.lveriMiol May 30 June 25 July 23 . tun It July o Ausr. (I . im. .-..) X t,.... r.n..i .. . c i . AdrUtlo . . ...Tun. I .Ttji, n ur. a Olympic June 4 .)i..ie Si July IS New yru nd llo.ton Asorea liibrUr. Nunlfrt nini (inioi C-nopIc June 17 Aus. S v".10 i.VV .-. nly 13 ."eat,. 7 r. 1., Use, Aspire. 1'lr.trtie. ('onitantlnenae. ir.rnrk oit l-,,,.( ,n (Inthland June 11 lt.ll-,f.lnl.l- I......-1 He ve.fft., .-........,- a St-Jiner ..", Jrelclit rnly e joii ., IS .June IS AMERICAN LINE ., w RKH STAR LINU N. Y Plymonlli, Che rlimirr. Antwerp Jleelend June t JuIt Aur. f '"'IsM June n Jnlv Id Aup. SO J,"l,,r,"l J-ine l Inly "1 Au. 77 Kroonland June 2.'. Julv 3n Sept. a New York Hamburg vl flierhonr Menohurla June 2 July 1 4 Aus. 23 ..H.nioiu June Id Jul 3S nnekahda June 30 Aur. 11 - , i..y JlsmMir. I.lheu. Dandr Poland, 3d clan only.Mty 2ft ... , rhllndelpl.l---fllecew " a-vi-iKjijii- n iiimnjQ . Jua ts rMlndrliiIi,A-Umlitirj Dsrfliinf i rtrr 11 tell..ll..(.l a -, ythUn .....Miv 3.'. 'MlMisilpnl ...Jon Nltonlen . . . ..V.y 21 Maryland . . . . June tf Mletourl jun, j ... rl."" I'-""1"" I.lban Ilanilr Poland (Freleht for ruml nnli)...My 23 31 Cleee Pejner for Hemhurr, I.lbau and Dantl. ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINK l'lilliil.lnliU Indnn Scythian ....May 2t ' Maryland ....June IS Mleelepp ..June 8 ' Ml.jourl June HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE I hi I..,.. Inf. In If... ....I. Soeetdyk May 27 Zulderdyk . .June 3. Intern Minim! tier-entile Marine To. ITS STRAMBRS I "SO.0O0 TONS Pn.-enrer Offlre. 1319 Wiilnnt Rf Phlla, rreliht Oirtie, 40V4I4 Ilmire nld... Phils. AMERICAN SHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR OCEAN VOYAGE Ne Combination raissencer and Freight Ships Fast, Ltixurinue Stramers, ItellnliJr FreIcht Ships THE STANDARD OF THE MARINE WORLD UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Sailings from every port in America to the lead ing ports of the world. Schedule Mere In ef Meaier aervlera a. tola paper every SfeaAAr. T aad Friday. MX tdneadar Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW 1VS.S.H. S.S. MOXOMAC P.ipeWed lo Sail About JIajr ;atb I .H.s.ll. H. DAVIIItdN COirNTV KipeeUd to Sell Ahant Mar SI for ROTTERDAM I ..S.I1, SvS. "MT.1TKBV lIOPF" Faiwrlad to Sell ..boot Ma is AT, ( ONFBniWc.V MATsTs " Harrui, MagUI & Co., Inc. HZ l.afyettc II Id., I'ltllatlclphU lyimbard (1130-1 Main lit f !& ' P-Pr Io-- ijlof' and Mailing Tubes I EDWINJ.SCH0ETTLEC0. 33N.!llbS. rhlUdt4f.hr hi .'' i H V. J " JSW.V alV,. n" I . 1M .jStJl ,ji 'f-A ,. i-Aii ' (