HWPW ill ' '(' V-y . . i. ri .lie '5. ? ilftf j,j w t," ' ,!-. 7! ,r ;ir v 1 I'l vl Hi! Ir iiJt. si -.fi' -" "V EVHNT'IMV PTtRTiTO TTKlTOTliipTrrTATRPl BVBNi'NGuVVBlie MAY'" 23, 1921 . j. ,,, . , .ifci .or .mil i i. .!. .... . J,. . ... .j .1 f. r t r tW v ,r . ', r icv . . , , ; T7 ';-," T iiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw &' i ! Notice to i. . k . pavings Pep ositors T?i4" !-. i. i ar.v j vf ?' i ':,li t W, . Alterations to the ground floor, of our building are completed, giving one-third additional corridor space for customers. On June 1 st, interest on accounts in our Savings Department will be on the following basis: sv V .i . , A' f: 3.65 on Savings deposits subject to with drawal on two weeks' notice. on savinsr8 accounts where not over five checks a month permitted. w v i ", i Deposits made with the Corn Exchange immediately flow into the regular channels of business and are used by the merchants and manufacturers of Metropolitan Philadelphia. Open an account with the Corn Exchange and help to bring the volume. of Philadelphia business up to and beyond the two billion six hundred million-dollar figure reached in nine teen. nineteen. 4EpClk CORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK cr Philadelphia Chestnut at Second Jlllllllllllllllllll What Obligation Is Incurred By A Person Seeking Information At Tke Trust Department Of Fidelity Trust Company? None whatever. It is as though a person asked for information at a railroad station, He would not be expected to purchase a ticket. Fidelity Trust Company is always glad and will ing to be, pf assistance in giving information in regard to trust and banking service. There should be no hesitation on the part of a person desiring either information or advice. . . Fidelity 1 Tv,o,;. 1 JVU& I VAJMJfAIN I 25 Chestnut St. H31 Chestnut St. . Capital 95,200,000 6324 Woodland Ave, West Philadelphia Surplus $16,000,000 Funds held in Trust more than $250,000,000 ' Ssss It, ,lf-pr i"HjLL ' ijmj . A BANK that conducts its own affairs successfully can be depended on to safeguard the interests of its customers. In not one of the fifty-five years of our existence have we failed to add to our surplus and undivided profits. Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Pnfitt Earned $4,400,000 "n- n NEW YORK BOND SALES Summary of Indirtdual Traniactions oa New York Etching Am S A nr Br 3. . . Tim 1.. .. 78,l 1.... 70H JUnn T T Clt 1... . 78 A.tnn TtTHi 2,.. , 2 !.,. B3H 1 SK 7,. . MH Amn TtTOI w... 08 8 98 Armour 4M 1., .. 7U ATtBFiU 1 .... 7H a , .. 70s 1 . 70V4 1 .... 70H 1 .1 78V4 AtcH Topaka fl Ft ev 4 I. , . 70H A Coin I. clt 13 OOtt A Cot I. 4t 7 . . 7BH Atl'o Krult 7i tHALKR TN I100DJ aa;;' 1.,. 1... 25. 0. so 17.. 1 69 U 90 U 00 i 99V, 00H 00 H 00 U 09 H 00 4 00 i 00 H 78', GE0.A.HUHN&S0NS feffl Stw v.ri"W5.0,0W KthBt C.T!R.Kfl jSiJtan Ktcbnnct . in X " V:0" mmm In Ubiril n f rnelpl. MarfctU . " v. inifj Bld" i" wfcisoi at. I llroitdnny, All AnihrM4or llqtrl Safe Investment Bonds Yielding 8o Reed A, Morgan & Co. Mmbr of tirl'hll .Stock Kirtnff WW Bid Tnnt Uhlo.. 1'nila. Dillon, Read & Co. Interim Receipts FOR Milwaukee Coke and Gas Company Firat Mortgage Collateral, Sinking Fund 7'2 Gold Bonds 1 May be exchanged on and after Monday, May 23rd for de finitive bonds upon surrender of the receipts at the office of Central Union Trust Company of New York SO Broadway, Now York Dillon, Read & Co. it NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Mtmbtra New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange MO Chestnut St. Kansas & Gulf Bought Sold Quoted JOSEPH GILMAN Itmtlmnt Bccbrltle ,14 Pine St. Wow York 2 8, 2. 2 . 1 3 8. 40H 0M 40 401 48U 48V4 48H Atl Itfr ct 6V4, 2 . .. O0K 2 . . 00K S 00H Datt Oblo or 1. . 88 8. .. SB 7. ... 88 1 08 Unit A Ohio 4 8. . 7H 1 . 88 1 07tt Halt Ohio B Cllr Zurich 81 3... . 07U Cl'd Cln Chi fit Uuli.Ci l'.r. B8U Colo ;f)MH 1 .'74W Coplp' TU neeora on I . 70 Cont'd Ot 7 1 . . 101 1 101 Cuban A fl He 1 100 U Cuban C 8 ov 1 i... 83 1 83 Cuba ft Co Oi 1. ,,80 1 . . 70 1 0 Cumborl'd Tl Tel 8i 2. . 70 i ,Dt A ltud ev 1,. . 83K DenmarK Con ct All ,. . 1 3 . Denmark ct D S 1 . . 00 '1 h : B54 '1 Kan U A 1. IC, C T niy 4 1 71U 4 . 71V. K Oaltlutn 0a SO 88. 1 5, S 32 1 S. 1 2. 08 08 osu 03 Vi 05 V4 05 Vi 0SH 08 05, 05 'i K Oili'm'ru 70 H 70 70Vi 70H 70 U 70 Vi 08 07 i 07 Con on 08 V4 08 S nan 08H 88 Vi 08V1 rcta 08 H 084 08 Vi 084 08V4 084 08 084 084 084 084 Din 2 Ran 1 1 . 1 . Den 4 Halt A Oblo 8 1. .. 804 2 ... 804 D A O P L, B A W Va 4 2 . .. 044 Dell T 7a rcta 1 1024 B .. 1024 2 .. 1024 1 ... 1024 8.. . 10B4 Oath atael (d 1 88 1 82K ItUn Bdl Co 8a 1 ... 88 Bkn Cdt Co 7 1 .... 004 Bkn R T ot 0a 1 . .254 1 .... 25 II U E lit ata i. .. on Duah Bld'K 0a 1 .. 714 Canadian N 7a 07 'i OR It ( (d . 48 45 . 40H R U 4a 044 Det Rdl Co 2. ., 874 D Match 7 4a 1 102 Do Canada '28 2. 024 1 . 02 1 .. 024 1 . 024 2. 02H Do Canada '81 1 .. 884 2. 88 D'Da Nemoura Pnd 74a wl 4 10 4. 18 0 2 . 1 K lleliTn 2 1 8 .. 2 11 1 . . 2. 3. 25 10 2 Klncdom mark ct 8a 1 00 1. .. 99 U 2 . 00 1 00 1 08 Ft of Ita.lv 84 2 884 Kingdom Nor way ct 8a 1. 100 1 100VI 1 1004 Klnr Dird'n fie 5 84 4 1 . 84 Lack Start '23 2 04 Lack Steal 'SO 1 754 Lakn Shorn M B 84a res 4 08 Lorlllard C 7a 1 108 Lou A Naeh 7i 1 102 Marland Oil 8a 1 . 084 Hex Pet Ba wl 0 .. 2.. 1 .. 1 1. 1 1 .. 1.. 2... 7. . 0 . 1 101 101 101 1014 1014 1004 100 4 101 101 101 1O0K 101 15. 25 2. 1 13 1 25 1. 1. 1 8 25. 8 1 2 Duq 5 1 4 Bt I. 1. 2. 7 1.. St 1. 8, 8., 3 i. 1.. 1.. 11.. 8 S P a) . ,., 884 ... 084 .., 884 ... 804 A S In ... 83 . 83 . 81i ... 83 . . 82 .. 824 . . 82 82 Bt L. A B I'ran Strlea A 1.. .. l 5.... 01 1 .... 01 1 01V4 St U A B rran Berlas 11 8 ... 784 St Ij Sow'n en 1 . 04U 1 . 044 1 044 8 , 044 1... . 044 8t L Sown let 1. . . 88 St L Bw'n 8a 1 1 884 4,, 084 2 , 884 2 884 Bt r A Kin C 0 L. 44a 1 Mil 4 . . 81'i 4 0SH fit PI A Sioux City 7a l. ..'tm l si 1.".... 1K Sao Paulo of Ilraill ct 8a 1 .. . 05; 8 . . 084 1 . .. 054 Scab d A I. ni 1 ... 8ft H 4 324 6ra.D'ft A t 0 1 40. Rlnolalr c Ool Coru'n ,, 100 100 .. 100 .. 100 100 . 100 100 . 100 . ion . 100 1004 100 . 100 100 103 Llrtlt 0a 884 884 884 Erie dent Lten 2 42 2 42i 18. 424 2 43 Erie R It cv A 1. SOU 2 1 1.. 1 .. 1 2. 1 . Mid S 8.. M fl 1 084 .. 084 . 084 . 084 .. 084 .. 084 . 094 A Or 0a 764 A O 64 084 M A Sir. en Oa 2 . 80 2 . . 80 Mo K A Tex fd 1 .. 84 4 . 04 Mo K A T 2nd 3 40 SIK4T 2d ct 5.. . 40 Mo K A T 4a 2 80 4 llo Kan I Tex ct 44 3 .... 40 15. 404 Cen'l of Oa 8a 2.. .. 874 1 . 88 Ctl Leather 8 4.. .. 00 Ctl Pacific lat 8 724 1 . . 72H 1 . 15. . 724 8 724 Cen'l Pac 3 4a 4. ... 78 2 . 78 Cerre da Paaco Copper 8a 1 . . 100 2 . . 100 2 100 1 . 100 1 100 C A O cv 4 4a 1 744 ft. . 74 C'k A O cv 5a Erla R R cv B'llo Pacific 4a 8 . 80 Erie Ry Co 4a 4 . . 65 Brie R ext 7a 1 05 Oene'l Glea 6al 1 1004 1 100 4 724 Goodyear T A HUD ga wl 1 . 100 3. . 100 4 100 4 2 . 1004 1 1004 Haale) 100 Tt(aale) 100 4 684 534 884 684 634 334 N T Centr'l 4a sts; 1 . 814 4 82 0 814 1 S1H 7 81 4 r a o Rich a A dlv 1st 2 07 Chi A Alt 34a 2 . 33 A Q cm . 784 ft Q 4a 00 54 Cht B 2 .. fill B 28 . 1 1 1 U t 1 3 8 I 6 ft 21 (' It A 17 . 00.54 00.54 1)9.64 09.54 00.64 . 00.64 00.54 00.54 00.54 80.64 OS. 54 00 54 Q 4 r 00 44 11 Q 041 3 084 2 084 I 984 Chi Krle lat 3 784 Chi A O V7 4a 3 01 1 51 1 51 Chicago Mil A St V d 4a 1 00 Cbtoarn Mil A HtP cv 4 4 2 03V. 2 004 1 884 Chicago Mil A ritP fd 44a I 814 rrilcAco Mil a SIP m 44' 1 74 Chicago Mil A 9tP ev 5a 2 87 t Chi 6 8 die't 12. 80 1 4 . 13. . 3 . 8 16 A . 1 6 5 0 4 5 2 1 30 1 . 1 6 24 08 1 5 1 24 23 8 . 5 20 8 . 8 3 1 4 8 15 16 1 24 29 5 15 4 H 8 16 5 1 27 1 8 . 1 6 17 1004 100 R Ra 00 00 00 00 00 004 0 00 004 00 00 Vi 00 4 00 4 00 00 09 004 00 4 01) 4 004 00 Vi 004 09 4 004 004 004 004 00 004 00 V 004 00 V. 90V4 004 004 99 4 00 4! 00 Vi 004 094 094 00 00 004 004 004 004 004 004 00 4 004 094 00 4 00 4 004 00 4 784 Cent'l 8a .. 89 C 7a rcta . 004 . . 90 100 100 00 4 N Tk Llht H A Pwr 4a R 68 V. N Y Rya ct 4a 204 . 204 . 204 20 4 Tele 4 4a 80 4 N Tk Tele fla 2. 024 1 024 New T W C A Boat 4 4a 1 37 4 Nh F Pwc 5a 2 87 4 Nfk A Wn 4a 5 . 704 1 784 Nfk A W cv 8a 2 1014 1 1014 Nth WUTti 1 N T 3 N T 0 1 1 3 2 3 20 3 1 N T 1. 90 99 80 4 004 094 00 OOVi 00 09 Vi 00 00 00 00 7. . 084 2 984 N Pacific R 4a O Swltz'd rcta 1 103 4 3 103 1 103 2 103 684 IOd Trunk rota Mil A St' I lfll 3 0 Oro 1 Org 4 2 10 Pac 1 a a 744 744 Cal 4a 794 Calf 6a 90 894 90 K 5 774 1 (aale) 77 4 Packard Motor Car Co ga P Mo River 2 89 'i Ohl A Nwn an, 2 75 Chicaan A Mb Wn 04 I 4 084,1 4 964 Chiraun A Nlhl Weit'n 7a Hud 2 101 ' I I'M BUI' M 8 1 1004 Clreat N llr T 1 7 3 n 8 1 084 0R4 08 074 08 07 4 074 074 Pa R R 4a '4a 1 78 Pa R mi 44a 1 784 2 784 Pa R 4 4a '21 8 . .. 004 R It Aa 84 4 844 84 4 ,1 1 Chi 1 CM 4 I It L A 00 4 80 4 06 . P 4a 00 V. 1 4a 69 60 4 A Man fit 074 074 1 07', 1 074 Ilia Hteel 4 Via 1 704 Indl a Hieel Sa 1 01 Int Met ct 4Vi 5 144 084 T'nna 084 8 00 4 2 064 1 OOt. Penno, R K il 064, ' 0B' 084,Pena, R R 04a Chile v.op'r fl lutboio R T fd 1 784 8 684 1 70 Chlla Cop r 7a 1 . 044 Chlneae ItU Aa 2 tO 4 City ilorna Re I 08 Ci Chris a 8s 1 07 City Cop'n 64 73 4 74 4 76 V 754 754 Yk 4a 'JI SO C N Tk 44'83 2 00 City Parla 0a 2 I 1 2 6 C .N 1 1 2 1 26 1 ft mti 34 534 514 814 34 544 Aarlcult'l 3 65 33. 7 1 15 31. 26, 99 4 004 094 904 094 094 004 UJ4 Cnrp n 5a 8 72 I M Marine 0s 1 82 2 82 3 814 Int'l Paper M 1 814 Jap Oove't let 5 81 , Jap Oove't 2nd 1 844 SO 844 Jap Qove't 4a 2 .. 884 Kelly Hprlnufd Til a Co 8a wl 1 9Vi 8 004 IS 014 5.4... 01)4 7 1 1 . 1 3 8 1 2 5 2 1 renna. 0 5 2 2 Publlo C'n N 1 2 054 954 954 954 054 054 95S 054 05 4 034 054 R It 7a 103 102 1014 1014 Service J A 85 4 at Rep Chile rc 1 1 1 7 1 1 3 6 t . 6 8 2 1 5 .. Rep o C 8... , 80 IILI OS 954 054 054 054 054 OSS 034 054 054 054 054 954 034 5a '04 . 834 . 824 MAS n ct d r l 74 B'n Pacific fit 0 . 78 S'n Pao ev 4 2 . 784 4. 78 1 . 784 Eo'n Pacific t 1 .884 S'n Rallw 4- 8 684 S'n Rallwa 3s 6 834 Stand'd Oil of Calf rcta 8 1024 1 1024 1 1024 3 , 102 Tidewater Oil Coct 04a 1 . 044 1 . . 044 Union Pao cv 8 83 1 . 83 Union Fne fd 2 68 Union Pac 4a 1 804 8 804 1 80 4 1 804 8 804 6 804 Union Pac 6a 2 08 Union Tank C ttpmp'y 7h 3 . lOOVi 1 1004 U K of O llrlt I'd 1921 8. 004 2 094 20 . 904 U K of O llrlt A I'd 1922 1 . 074 1 ... 074 5 074 V K of O Urn A I'd 1920 014 United State Uraill 8a wl 1, , 074 3 074 2 , 974 10 ... 974 4 . . 074 2 , 074 1 .... 074 2 074 A 974 2 .. 974 1 . 9T4 2 . 074 1 . 974 6 . 074 1 074 5 . 074 1 97H U 3 Mexico 61 1 404 7 . 404 1 ,.60 1 . 40 0 494 1 60 U 8 Rubb'r 5a 1 .. 784 2. 784 U 8 Rubber i 5 . 084 U H Rub 74 2. 1004 2 100 2 100 8 004 1 100 1.. 100 U O duel 0a 1 . 054 1 03 0. 954 16 06 1 05 1 054 V C Chem lat 6 024 Va C CI 74a 1 024 4 1)24 1 . 024 LOCAL MINING STOCKS " TONOPAH BT0CK8 Bid 2 3.. 2 1 S 8 1 2., 1 1 2 2 3. 034 034 034 034 934 034 034 034 034 084 034 034 93 4 014 014 01 014 01 U K of a llrlt A I'd 1037 1 834 2 84 2 854 1 8.'. 4 Ufd Rya .1 't Comp'y , 1. . it'A Utd Rde Ian F nnot 4a 1 834 Caah Boy . , Jim Duller , MacNanrara, Crescent i Midway ... MUpth Ext ,..,., .Montana . .... ,.i. North Star , . . Rescue Eula. Tonopah Kit ...,,. . West Knd ..... , . West Tormpah . . ! DIVIDE Allied Divide Alto DhW Belcher Belcher Ext Hen llur Ilrouxh Dhlde . . .. Divide fill Divide Con ,... Dividend . . aat Divide . . ..... IIirmlll . ... Haabrouck Dlvldo . ... lllth Dlvld Knox .,.,.. Ilevert Divide .... Reno Divide Roaeta ... . ... Silver Klnr .... Sutherland . . . Tonopah DIUde Tonopah Haabrouck . victory Diviae Verde Divide Zone , OOl.IJKIBI.D Booth Comb Fraction , rvaekarlitek Dlamondneid uilta Florence . . Ooldfleld Con Oold Dev . uoianem ueep Great Bend Jumbo Ext Kewanaa .. ., Lone Star Oro . Red mile Silver Pick Spearhead Hull .04 .08 .18 .10 .15 , .07 ,08 ,03 ... . 18 14 01 , .... 10 STOCKS 01 02 02 08 ,'..'..'. 09 8J 02 , . . 02 01 .10 ,01 ','.". .io 01 ,01 .- SI .o; oi A 02 .. . 02 02 18 STOCKS . .03 01 .02 ;.; .32 08 . 01 014 . 02 05 , . .02 03 "04 .02 Wftbaah R 1st 0 85 Wee'n Hlec 6s 3 West'n 1 0 1 1 U04 Md 4 s 634 834 63 4 334 West'n N T A Pa R R lat 1 84 4 WAG Mfr 7a 2, .. 094 2 (salo) 004 1 . 004 1 094 1 914 Wilson Co let 1 854 MISCELLANEOUS Amparo 1.00 Arlxona. Urrlted 09 Caledonia f Kden .. IO nmma Silver 02 Eureka Croeaua . .63 Rureka Holly . IS Hecla , . ... 4 A Mother Lode . .. 6 Netada Hills ,. 01 Net ado, Wonder .... 12 Success . 5? Teeopa Mining . . 0, Whlto Cap 05 Wllbert - 03 .17 ,U0 .10 03 ,10 ,V . oi r. .12 v2 03 m 04 01 II .34 m 04 02 12 0.1 01 17 U4 02 .02 02 03 014 04 08 03 19 04 02 04 004 34 08 02 02 03 no 03 03 004 24 00 03 1 10 11 12 14 03 n-i 14 4 A 54 02 14 03 .09 08 04 to 15c lower than 18.60: bulk. 18 4ft Oeslrable, 18 0Ofl H11EKP HccelPl ?Rr la 60ft lower. Shorn Inn 111 6' H.ROf best wooed Colorado. are. ,TArV i , 8,16; pli aleady; huijr. , aturday'i aiera 5. 32,000 springs, (13.15: no talkloft- 75e to It loirr. head. La mil Mf wl 21 CB Hi sheep, sold eany 2J. CATTLR-fk V. UOQa liVM.9 aleidy. Ton. lilt oowa. . ' 8c Inner: bulk. 35.2366.251 blrtdlnt, tnwtf , ' Loula, III., May on atears and other citterns Eaat SI Receipts, C500 head, Wow, iearllnga and helfera aljrifly, 19 60 6n to ahlppera and 18 llhnil tt.n.(nl. U AA the, arir In 33o lower lights etitl medium ei ler.vlea e'liinr veal i rvLvriL.., ahlmiera and 18.73 to packers. . uuntra. TO Hvtreie! pa ooo lower, b) ertoo. I I 18 60 thla. 1 n en ror on. , I t.75 Dckrr own steady: pig $8.2308.75 paid; quallt ralrly M-, 8,90 i fa 30 round 260 to y medium B1IEEP ReeetDts. 6300 head, Slow. Lamb. 26e to BOc lower, Ewea. 30n tn 'i6r lowert spnnk lambs, top, 111.761 bulk at, fill shorn lop, 10 23 for medium duality: owe top. 35; hertvlea, H.2Sr bulk between 14.25 ann 15,' Quality medium. t LONDON STOCK MARKET Gilt-Edged Section Strong Oils Ir)' dined to Sag Home Ralls Checked liontloti, Mnjr 2,1. While the fcelln on the Htoek Exchange was cheerful todaj, the ninrketa were quletr Oilt edged InveRtmotito were strong on pur chasing for Investment account, French loan dliplnved more Htnbllltj, while I'ollali and Herman loans were weaken Oil HlmreH were inclined to sag, but changes were narrow. Shell Transport nnd Tratlinir w8 n i-ii and Mexican Caglc (I-7-10. The IndtiRtrlal depart ment was well maintained, Hudson's Hav was 0?i. Kaffirs were quiet. . Home rails were checked, but It was thought that the strike of the UritUh coal miners would be ended Boon. Or nnd Trunks were hard, but there was real izing in Conodlen Pacific. Moderate profit-taking also occurred in Mexicans. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Plttebunh. May 28 CATTLII Receipts, 1555 head. Lower Steers. 1900.40: helf. era. I808.75: cowe 16.5007. Calves re- colpts, 1350 head. Steady. Top. Ill HJ leceinta, living ncau. A.owvr ueav lea, 38 6008.85: heavy llaht iorkera and IterelDts. 7600 bead. 17.23: top lambs. 111.26. Liberty 3s .... 88.1 Llbet-tr 2d 4s 87.14 Liberty 1st 44s. . 87.40 Liberty 2d 44s. 87.18 Liberty 3d 4'4s. 00.72 Liberty 4th 4W. 87.30 VIct'y Notes 3&S. 97.62 Vlct'y Notes 4s 07.00 (N. T time) i:m P. M. 8S.04 87.14 87.44 87.08 00.04 87.24 07.02 07.00 Low 88.02 87.14 87.30 87.08 00.04 87.20 07.58 07.CG United States Treasury Certificates int. Rate t54 t8 54 "O f34 t8 f'51 June June July Aur. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct Dec Feb Mar, Maturlnr Data IS. 10J1 16. 15. 16. 16, 16, 15. 15. 15. 18 10, 1921 1921. 1921. 1021 1021. 1921 1921 1921 . 1922.. 1922 Bid 100 100 100 1004 100 100ft 100 100ft 100ft 100 1004 Federal Exempt from normal ernmem income. tAcceptable for payment due on date ot maturity. Asked Yield 100ft 4.50 100 3-32 4.85 1004 45H 100 7-32 4 95 100 3-32 6.14 100 0.32 A 0 100 3.82 5.20 JfJOft -5 20 JOOtV 5.18 100ft 6 n 1004 5 40 forelm gov. of Income tax MXlif Receipts, 0000 head. n wm lB.nOtXD.70 SHEEP AND LAMBS Lower. Top aheeri, Kaat lluffalo. N. Y.. May 28 CATTLE Reralpta. 3100 bead mow. toe to one lower Shlpplmr ateers. 18R0.10. butchers, ISfflS.no. yenrllnxs. I8.26O0, heifers 33 25 8.21: cows, l2.2SVo.7D. nuns, M.nuooou. SIOCK era and federa ISU7.25: freah cows and aprlncera aouvizu i.aives, receipts, sauu head. BOc lower, 15011,60 IICX38 Receipts, 16 000 hrad. 15o to 25r lower. Heavy. 10.2800 40. mixed, to 10V 0.50: yorkers, llrht, do nnd Pint, 10,50, rouihs 37.25e7.50: stats. l.50rt. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4800 head. 50c to fl lower. Lambs, ISO 11, jearllnte. I7O0.50, wethers. 37W7.50; aitri, $247" mixed sheep. 10.7607 Chlraro, May 28 CATTLE Receipt. 23,000 head Slow Beef ateers and butcher she stock. 35c tn 4fc lower. Top, yenrllnt steers and heifers 10. top. medium welcht steers. 38 00. bulk 17 76CtK80. fat cows and helfera. s6.50fft7. bulla, mostly 6c lower, bulk, 3S05.75. ralvea atoekera nnd feeders weak: excerslve fills delalns; trade. HOOS Reelpta, 42,000 head. Acthe 10c We Offer Standard Oil Co. of N. Y. 62, Due May 1, 1933 Price 100 & Interest "Welsh Brothers 828 ChestwutStrbbt Philadelphia, Pa. Lombard 1843 C. S. PATTON & CO. 3D A CIIESTNCT KTS. BANKERS HucreMom to SAII.KK & STEVENSON Bonds nnd S for ks boa slit nnd sold Member Phils. 8t,wk Kehonre IlllnoU Central Railroad Ko.ulp. Soathem Paelfle R. It. Eonlp.. uncion s luitir Wllmlnrton A Chester Trap, Co. 1'hlta.. Ullm Pennsylvania Cmnpnny Connol. Cltlea Lt., Tr. A TrAe, ,.7'a W3S 7' 1033 ' 1021 W 1021 .8 a 1028 o-a 1902 Ilallronrt Kqulpmrnt 43'a 8' All laaiiea MAMlKlj It. PIllLUrn a COMPANV Member, Phll"dlnbl Strk Vrrhance no7 cuiMiTvrT sTmnr Liverpool Cotton Liverpool, May 23. Spot cotton wae quiet today with prlcsa easier on the biele of n decline of 9 points for middling; at 7.83d Th aalea were 8000 bales. The receipts of 2000 bales, all American Futures Mere quiet In the early deallnrs. Spot prices were: American mlddllna; fair. 10 88d: iwj mid dling. 8.48d; fully mlddllnr. 7.98d. mlddllni. 7,33d; low middling. 6,26d, rood ordlnan. 6,03d. and ordlnaty. 4.28d. Experienced Bond Salesman We have an exceptional opportunity for a high-grade man with'own clientele for Philadelphia. Bonbright & Company H. VAUGHAN CLARKE, Manager 437 Chestnut St. Philadelphia J!II!II!H Safe Profitable lm)gsltngf..s CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY CO. 6lA Equipment Trust Certificates, Series K 1927, 1928, 1929 To Yield 6.45 i 1930, 1931, 1932 To Yield 6.40 ": - - ERIE RAILROAD CO. Equipment Trust 6 Bonds 1922-1924 To Yield 7.25 IRcdmond &&, Broad and Sansom Stt. Philadelphia Wilmington Pittsburgh Baltimore 33 Pine Street New York Washington fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNM State Bank of Philadelphia Fifth Street, Pasiyunk Avenue and Bainbridge Street STRAWBERRY MANSION BRANCH 30th and Diamond Streets CENTRAL BRANCH 22 and 24 S. Third Street IMPORTANT NOTICE The STATE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA having purchased tho good will and assets of the Citizens Bank, the business of both companies will be conducted by the STATE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA at the above offices. Special attention is called to the SAVING FUND DEPARTMENT and also to the unexcelled facilities of the FOREIGN EXCHANGE DE PARTMENT where remittances of Money Orders, Drafts and Checks can be made by mail or cable to all parts of the world through our direct Foreign connections. Accommodations may be procured for Foreign travel on the vessels of the world s greatest steamship lines at all of our three offices. STATE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA $ II. a KRAUSKOPF, " President, 7 SjuIiLaL Mi ynJU&iaki J,"".. j jiC tj-y. . i vd ibtt Mi-rf b,- ).t in ,Aj . YitVi H- t