: (, v nS ,' i ,tr; 'f. Hi f . ' t EVENIHGr FUHfflO BfiBIPIMJBLPHIA1, MONDAY, MAY 23, 1021 15 ,.' "- - HOW MANY CARDS? "By ISABEL OSTRAJVDER Author 0 "Tht I'land o) Intrigue," "Sutpenae," "Athtt to Auhti," ste. A" Conrioht, .lf. h Kobtrt M, UeBrU 4 Oa. iwpnTlr dm 4rt YnanMtnr Druet, who rut gravely, and an he ..... ii!l tlm argument died down ",.u, .. l hid arlncn. M Suftatd suddenly " ? ETwross t lir. followed her Mm. Kin glanc asc to ?..V .. It UmA arUrtl u wnw "A,:-" , ::, M if.thln lnv In folds over his col !! in aft Vide. Water n head Kl "ffij , ffrVrard on his tlflck neck nd M mn '"' " "''''tyour cards, Mr. Waverly." Tor. BttUanh? SS mumbled, jerk- , M Iffl head back. ''Confoundedly hot Pfctrel Cutter, old man, you needn't fc afraid of a ray of light or ft breath of Vplnned lonsldedly u at Inspcc ... Dniet as McCarty picked up lili &J hand scrutinised t. He held the LVin elht, nine and ten of clubs and 5i iiM - )$" "Sr by." O'Houilto regarded his .,. crUlcally and Dupnls reluctantly & down his cards. Wll oner. It." Cutter pushed three WSLZEUKU Terhune fol- Wnverly drew a ster- umI wit "Bam here. WNothlnit stirring." Inspector Drue! ..Hnnnlshcd his hand and sat back. H'UUe you live, Mr. Cutter," Mo W.w wlin I've had enough." O'llourke dropped his cards upon the ''"fault, action at last, eh?" Cutter ...lint and ahoved ten chips forward. ffiLl.Vnt tou. Mr. McCarty!" .if .III dron." aald Terhune. "The MTchology of success in cards as In all "f'HT'stayin.' r'Kbt with you Mh " Waverly brentnea rupiaiy. ?$y wcthrec-ln It?" McCirtr nodded. nuu miinv cards? he asked. Before Cutter could reply Waverly's i. .j .n forward atctn and his treat fcodr imed to slump in his chair, He iid thrown one card aside and the Sudry aand holding the remaining four Lopped inertly on the table. "Not any, thanks; I'll play these." Cslttr poo wlth A annoyance and kin MM turned once more to waverly, wfce, he was now convinced, had been isdulfing too copiously in stimulants, fort ai the latter crumpled forward In In chtir and bis head, with the flabby, IwUttd face turned sidewlse townrd the Inspector and McCarty, and rested upon tit (able. For an instant they all sat spell bound and McCarty darted a swift, en glance ut too strangely relaxed form and the unclouded surface of the mirror-lined tray which those cross, kilf.ptrted lips all but touched. No breath issued from them: Mc Carty held his own at) the startling (tct urged through his consclouuneJi, lid watched the surfaco of the tro with rtralnlng eyes. It remained un claimed, and there was no slightest stir of that bulky mound of inert flesh, Great Rod in Heaven I A reverential iwe went up wltli that silent rry from McCarty's heart and a rean of thank -falnun and swift-riding exultation. That which but a moment before had txtn a man was now but a thing, an iaanlmate substance incapable forevci taort at betrayal, fo'r out of his body with the passing of life had gone the went uhlch would always have im periled McCarty's plan1 It had not tan accident, not the normal result of Ilia own evil passions and dissipation which had stilled the heart in that gross body, but the hand of God Himself that hid hten laid upon lu .ind miraculously grateful glance at him and Mien squared his lirnml l.nnl.lora. "Wn mn Drove lhat Douglas Waverly had a (juarref with the way lay cliar before McCarty to a roilltlon of which he hnri not .wn ilrcnmrd, . Alive, M'nvorly had been n menace, hut uend ho wan nrlrclpm! Tim !. did not yet realise the situation and McCarty gathered his forces for tlm greatft coup of his career. . "One rani, Mr. Waverly I" he cried, and nt the ringing quality of his tone n electrified start ran around the table. 'There is your card, your lucky card, but you lose with it now I It is stained with the blood of the man you killed! I Hrrest jou, In the name of the law, for the murder of Kugcne Orcvellng!" as iiq thundered the accusation to dead ears, to clay, he had slipped quickly from the bottom of the deck the nlno of diamonds which, torn und blood-stalnell, he had found beneath the ntrlp of tapestry on tli'i tailo beMdc the body .if reveling, and now he flung It down before that which had been Doug Ins Wnverly. A moment of silence followed his de nunclutlon and then a stifled shriek from .Mrs. Kip broke the hideous ten Mon nud O'ltoijrke leaped to his feet, "Waverly!" he cried. "For (Jod's sake. Waverly J" "Bo thnt was tie game, the real game!" Cutter kicked his chair aside. Doug, do you henr this maniac? Hit up nud answer him, or by Heaven !" . "Wait!" Terhune had bent forward even as Inspector Druet placed his handx upon the shoulders of that inert liguro, and together they raised it once more to nn erect position. The head fell back revealing a face suffused with purplish blue, the close-set eyes hnlf-opcn and glazing in a fixed stare, the chin dropped hideously. Mrs. Kip shrieked again and covered her own eyes, and Terhune exclaimed: 'The man ia dead 1" The others crowded about and In spector Druet pressed his car for a moment against the wide expanse of shirt bosom. When be raised his head they read confirmation in his eyes even before he spoke. "Mr. Tcrhuno is right," he said sol emnly. "Wo were Just a little too later Mr, Kip dropped her hands and her eves, dark and wide, gazed straight into those of McCarty. The next moment she fell back limply in her chair. "I've just one tiling to say to you gentlemen, and a decision I'm going, with the permission of the Inspector, to leave to you." McCarty stood on the hearth-rug in the sumptuous llbrary where ho had been received on his first vistl to tho housa and surveyed Cutter and O'llourke, who, with Terhune. In spector Druet and thp still dazed Den nls, were grouped before him. It was an hour later. Mrs. Kip, hys terical and fainting, had been sent to her home in the capable care of Cutter's buxom housekeeper, and back in that dark, Bilcnt room where the last game had been played to a tragic finish an Immovable figure lay stretched upon a fautcull beneath n pagan prnyer rug. "A decision?" Cutter raised his eye brows. ""It looks very much ns though you had taken things into your own hnnds. Waverly was my friend. He's gone and he cannot answer your charges, but in his place I should like to know what grnunns you have for them. That, at least, you owe me shire you chose to stage your farce in my house!" "It was hardly straight cricket, you know, Timmlel" O'llourke spoke in a shocked, strained tone, "I don't be lieve, though, that you're the sort of man to make un accusation like that unless you thought you could substan tiate it. "Thank you. sir." MeCartv shot n Kugcne Crcvcllng In that gentleman's own house at n late little supper about a fortnight ago, and we have a wjtncss woo imicnea to it. The two 01 inenj are dead now, but you both know them of old) do I need to say what that quarrel waa about in n general way, though no names were mentioned? Wav erly threatened Crevellng then and they've not spoken to each other since. If you'll look back, you'll both recall what happened In this very house a week ago tonight; how Crevellng threw down his cards and left the game when uavcriy cnine. Can cither of you re hunting mnro of his to death with nn Iron trace chain! It would be like lilm, granted Mifllclent real or fancied justi nitlon, to go about revenge in a bull- ftod, it's horrible! llut you said k de- headed rage without counting the coat rested with us? What deel member one ocrnaton vhen they hnve talked friendly together In the last fort night?" There was silence while Cotter and O'llourke looked at each other and tben f McCarty resumed: "I can trn back further than thnt if it'a necessary I can show you the root of thnt quarrcd months ago, nnd tbe Jealousy and all that branched out of It, but 'tis best burled with the two of tbem. Last Thursday something happened between them that brought things to a crisis. We'll never know what It was, .perhaps, but we can guess, Crevellng invited Wnverly to come to his house that night and have it out and Waverly nccepted." "Hut look Hero!" O'llourke inter rupted. "Crevellng went down tnllroad mead, to Waverly's country place over the week-end ten days ago; he wouldn't have dono thnt unless they were on speaking terms, at least." "Hut Waverly himself wasn't there," McCarty replied. "Ask Mrs. Waverly if you like; I did, over the' telephone thU afternoon, nnd fiho said business had kept her husband In town. Wav erly must have thought for noma reason that Crevellng had given him the slip, early on Thursday evening, for he toro Into the Cosmopolitan Club like a mud bull looking for him, but Crcvcllng phoned to him not to be late, that ho was expecting him nt linlf-pnst VI. Waverly must hnve had it all planned out what he meant to do, but lie s'nt for his car then nnd drove all around town, waiting for the time to roine. Have either of vou noticed lu the last few days the fresh -scarred curbstone in front of the Crevellng hoiiso? Waverly bent his mud-guard and twisted his ankle scraping against it wh?n he finnlly drew up at the place. "There's no use going into what happened between them then, for we'll never know that, either, but they made n farco of eatini; supper together and then tlm quarrel was renewed in tho library. For Mime reason Waverly flaunted thut card In front of Grevelimr the nine of diamonds that I handed him Imi'lc an .iour ago and then tho end -;uiiic. "Wnverly must have left the house as If the fiends were after hlni then and driven around like mad until nearly morning. We've n witness who can tevtlfv to his distraught condition when lie brought his car back to tho garage, nnd thut there was blood on him. When I questioned him later at the Ilelterre Hotel whero he tried nt first to saj he'd been nil night, though I'd seen him go in myself not half an hour be fore lip gave me another alibi nnd the name of a man who could prove It, and It was only lute Inst nigiit I found out from n third nnrty that the man had llrd nn.l he admitted it, I needn't go any further, gentlemen ; that's our cas and wc can prove every jitep of the way." For a nnmont after he had finished there wik silence and tben O'llourke passed a slinking hand across his brow. "fireat fiod!" he groaned. "It seems incredible! I can't believe it of Wnverly. and yet ! What do you cay, Nick?" "I don't know what to sny!" the ether responded. "I never thought It would conio f that between them, but we nil know Waverly's violent, uncon trollable temper; how he bent that cislon lion?' "Just this, sir. I told Mr. O'llourke bver the plioni today that we'd got wind of certain things down nt head quarters; wn hnd, but not what he thought. I told him tonight that I wnuted to scare Mr. Wnverly Into tell ing mo what he know of the motive for the ntprdcr of Mr. Crevellng." Mc Carty smiled to himself us he added: "1 didn't tell, though, thnt I intended to let Wnvcrlv see thnt we know the truth and make him confess! I said thnt I was here to do whatever .was in my power to keep trouble from coming to all of you nnd I'm still here for that purpose, but we've others, to consider now two women." "Mrs. Kip ?" O'llourke asked in n low voice. (CONTIXriCD TOMOIIIIOW) TO TEACH DENTAL HYGIENE University of Pennsylvania Plans for New School Along with Uoston, New "Vork, Itoehester nnd Mlnnenpolls, I'hllndcl- fihln Is to hnve a school for the traili ng of dental hyglcnlsts. Dr. Clinrles H. Turner, dean of the Dental School at the University of Pennsylvania, an nounced recently tbnt a new depart ment of dental hygiene had ben cre ated as part of the Dental Hrliool, Courses in the new department will be opened next autumn. The new fccbool Is the first of Its hind in Penn sylvania nnd will train young women to give instruction In the home care of tbe mouth and teeth nnd as prophylac perntors, "npaoin oi cleansing the mouth and teeth. The course of in struction will extend over one ncndcmlQ year. Certificates will be awarded For the first year the attendance will be limited to fifty. The creation of n chair of oral hygiene, the incum bent to have n sent in the faculty ot dtntlstry, has been npproved. ARE YOU IN THE MOVIE BEAUTY CONTEST ? uh&& -CURSETS for Style andHealtt Circlets Beautify as they encircle smart! uour. DRSETB tor the tr" rarfte; M ! NO 1500 1 NO 85T f- oo In justice to her attractive appearance and good health no woman can afford to overlook this Complete, Correct Corset Service tf 7 i ( 3 lift 'xr '. C $70 NO 183 MrRm rnDCr.Tc meet the individual needs of their wearers by prescrvine 1NEM0 CORSETS thejr heaith and Rood figure lines, and by savin their money. They are divided into tho following Services: Stlf.Reduelng Service-For Stout Women (22 model.) S.OO to $0.00 KopSmttoS'AU Woman . ! . . . I .:.... H -"I 900 Smart Set corsets . ') 350 "00 Thoy arc detuned for all types and represent a service of a genera, nature that appeals o those who winli to be correctly corseted yet want to feel as though they had none on. They are made in a variety of materials. Circlets For M Fiur 12 mda,) '-8 - 5' They do for the unncr part of tho flguro what tho corset does below. They equnlj" the Wt and Kouftfer ifesh and make the body above the wulst-Hns harmonise with tho rest of the figure. B HtUd by a eoraaf hygitnUt In any food tt or LtBTBTaTBtaBHlBVlaTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBlBVeHBfaTlg IBBBBBgffB-ait 4ggggg SHYER SCHEEH X IsTUDYofy J m OaKklll WVv-liHV1WHS,yVY,-W-WH I ASCO ASCO f frsUrfiiWrtWirf.ftd.M.-.ai.naJ These photographers will make the kind of photo graphs the Betzwood Film Co. likes its applicants to send in Your Success in the Movie Beauty Contest will largely be a question of the kind of photograph you send in. The judges will decide from these pictures which girls will' film the best and will be guided accordingly. Consult These Photographers Today about the Special Silver Screen Studies they are making for the applicants. PRESENT THIS AD FOR SPECIAL RATES I-ntil A. Waal (1013 fifrmnnlown Art. Ten fltudln , 4MB N. Hronrt HI. Hiinin-l H, firar S407 nrrmnntonn Ave. Jani Studio 03H llrmuliwiy. Camden Hnrrv Kmliik 173S S. Oth St. T.nrrirrkr Ntndb 20 H. AM .St. I'alt Htudlo .K N. 18th Rt. HclwifU Studio ?' u)yt K0T- ti't'B I.hlh Avi, Ml! N. oth SI. Plntkv Htudlo Oft SnjUrr At-. Pin I 111 Studio 52B N, 3d St. Hnn Stolli 4R28 Woodlnnd Avr. M17 W. I.flilnii Mr. Wolno studio 121 S. (1th St. io. A. Wonfar (lift Murket St. mmi3eeMesaMeMBBswMssaS"aBSHBW TaBBP,tOTeV . am afBt 5i aH t M M JL' W aW 5 FN i "fl 4 racmc orthwest An Empire of Scenic Beauty and Commercial Enterprise NO one can gaze upon the magnificent, perpet ually snow-capped summits of Mounts Hood, Adams, St. Helens and Rainier without being thrilled to his very soul, or visit tho splendid cities of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, so beautiful in their setting, so busy and energetic, without catching the spirit of their refreshing optimism, or motor over the Columbia River Highway, following the river for 70 miles, now at water level, now hugging tho mountainside a thousand feet above, without feeling ready to shout for joy at the prospect revealed at every turn, or go to Mt. Rainier National Park, the "Mountain that was God" with its deep crevasses, noble forests and glistening glaciers 45 square miles of constantly moving ice, bordered by myriads of brilliant wild flowers, without being over whelmed whh the beauty of It all. Moke your vacation this year an education. Visit Denyer, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake City and Yellowstone Park on the way. Return through California. Two splendidly equipped through trains from Chicago Oregon-Washington Limited and Continental Limited. Low Summer Tourist Fares Begin June 1st. May I "Deciding Month" for lummer vacations. The Pacific North wcat la entitled to your acrioui consideration. Lt u plan your trip. Gii -w UtHtifully iUuilrdtJ frn botkltli "Paciie Norihwut and -Atoka" ami "Yttlettitont National Path" and no. Far Information aik .. ., .V,r. r"J,lro.tt.d .. qfflc, or M yyia.ri.r Uld 1S35 Chralnul M.. I'hlliidtlnhla Sit Com'l Trust lllds,. loth 4 Market Ht VhllndelphU Chicago & North Western union Pacific ji i STORES IrVyT-TWHMiM'ri pit ASCO 'ASCO Our Customers Get the Benefit Every markot chango is reflected in our price reductions, We give our customers the benefit always. Become an Asco customer and you'll find yourself spending less money for your table needs. In spite of our many scniiatlonal reductions In the past few months, we arc today making: another reduction In the price of the Incomparable Louclla Butter. sg?3g Butter now C lb. "Taate fM Picture beautiful sun-kissed pasturos, fanned by cooling, whisperinjr breezes, with herds of fine, healthy cows contentedly (-razing. The delicious Louella Butter is mode from the pure, Pasteurized cream of sleek, well-fed cow In the richest dairy sections of the entire United States. RICHLAND BUTTER 35c Note. Last week our Butter sales reached a still hinhcr mark. Week after week records have been broken, convincing evidence that "Quality Counts." Gold Seal Eggs Carton 35. The very finest eggs laid. Big and meaty. Twelve big beauties, fresh from the nest, in every carton. doz. 30c Strictly Fresh Eggs Every egg guaranteed absolutely fresh. Asco No-Waste Sliced Bacon, pkg. 18c Sweet sugar cured. Nice and Juicy. Memorial Day Needs Hitch up Dobbin to the old buckboard or crank up "Henry." Naturo is calling you out to her green 'parlors, to see the beauties she has kept secreted through the long winter months. Your picnic won't be complete without a goodly assortment of the following, all wonderful values: Sardines(Sl)3 10c ' OH or O rcg. Gc .Mustard cans for An extraordinary bargain. Thiee cans for the price of two. New Cheese fDut 21 Another remarkable value, picnic necessity. e lb. A regular Ahco Peanut Butter tumbler, 9c Bcsf Pink Salmon can, 10c Campbell's Soup can, 10c Pure Grape Juice pt. bot., 29c Jiggtime Cake Flour pkg., 23c Calif. Tuna Fish can, lie, 16c Uneedn Biscuits pkg. 6c Best Red Salmon can, 30c Princes Salad Dressing bot., 27c Pure Table Mustard tumbler. 7c Potted Ments can, 6c, 10c Sour Pickles big bot.. 17c Fancy Stuffed Olives bot., 13c, 24c Crisp Sweet Pickles hot., 18c Pure Jelly glass, 10c American Mnid Catsup, ,. .big bot., 12ViC Butter Thin Biscuits pkg., 17c Asco Pork and Beans small can, 6c Big Juicy Lemons doz 18c Waxed Lunch Paper roll, 4c Juicy Ornnges doz., 35e, 48c Asco Jelly Powder 9c pkg 3 for 25c Ginger Ale Snrsaparilla Root Beer Apple Juice 12c $1.45 doz Asco Sliced Trimmed of all waste. DriedBeefcout10cp A bargain. Hawaiian Pineapple ?Kn 29c Very nice for picnics. Lemon Snaps Zu Zu Graham Crackers Vanilla Wafers 8 pkg. Fluted Cocoanut Bars,b- 19c You'll enjoy theset 12c the picnic Asco Pock a basket. Evap. Milk couple of cans in Buy Victor and Save $29.20 a Year It may be only a few extra pennies you're spending each day for bread, but multiply it by the days in a week, a month, a year. They mount up. For instance, suppose your family uses two loaves of bread a dav and you are now paying say luc per loai. in a year s umc mose lew extra pennies per day will reach the amazing total of 529.20. The big deliciously wholesome Victor Loaf Is only Gc why spend more? f K-5vi5:iil . --- "-sLillW mmj0 Bread Same Big Loaf 6 Even' loaf a triumph of the bnklng art. "vwte Potatoes ' - 35c New Texas Bermuda Onions, lb. Sc Asco Family Make some Memorial Day. Flour 5.1b. Bag cookies and 33c pies for Best Pure Lard ,b lie The finest open-kcttle-rendcred lard to be hnd anywhere. Asco Oleomargarine ,c0ut 25 c ib. Another typical Asco value. BlueyRoSe RICC -. 5C Wl-ole grains. Fine quality. Big value. Calif. Sunswcct Prunes ib. 10c and 17c The prune hnbit is a henlthful one. asco Coffee lb. 25 Why Pay More? When you drink a cup or two of this rich, rare beverage, you'll go to work with a song on your lips. It helps to start the day off right. Try this splendid coffee. lb. 45 asco Teas Vi-lb. pkg., 23c; '4-lb. pkg.. 12c. Five delectable blends to choose from. Grown in the best cultivated tea gar dens of thu Orient Orange Pekoe Mlxrd Plain Illack India Ceylon Old Country Style Here we are again with another Big Tuesday Special Shrewd housekeepers everywhere are more and more realizing the money-suving poufci bihties that Tuesday Spcclnls offer, It's becoming a regular mid-week habit bucause they buy not only for Tuesday, but many are anticipating their Wednesday requirements as well. These Special Prices for Tuesday Only (May 24) Milk-Fed Frying or Broiling Chickens, lb., 38c Finest quality Milk-Fed Broilers to be had; they weigh from 2 to 2Vi lbs. each. Genuine Native Beef Whole Cut Chuck Roast, lb, 10c Boneless Pot Roast lb- 12J4c I BonelessRolled Beef ,b 12J4c Finest Cross-Cut Roast, -- 20c Lean Soup Beef lb- 8c Large Marrow Bones 3c Our now Combination Grocery Store and Meat Markot, at 331-333 South 20th Street, nas met with the unqualified Indorsement of its patrons. It was needed In that locality. A$co Stores all over Phtla. and thruitphaut Pennsylvania, New Jertey, Delaware and Maryland a 1 ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO J t v iL?'Ww l .r ?. .VS!mik ."W.'.W'i-, ith .v v-mv .v... I -" .lilXl'... , '' .. j.'.'3t " ' fi, ,vs;v.(1 , A. 'V '".. f .'... T