3 Ta' ' f'V 'SFVK - ,. t 1 , I' 'J' a. .( . V Si l .'" V e. H V 1 ' j i ft i1? Vi'vftv EVENING PUBtlbLEDGE MAY 23, 1021 v rfir ...j HMrA r wi r-r-fr-- ' xr m? f. i r it " 3 . . i. M JMTJW BJ .o, HBBT .hwwr VT ? j f i. fffiy : & M ( . . . . TODAY'S HONOR ROLL IN THE MOVIE BEAUTY CONTEST mmm- ,'ui r i. IHK --WHMM ,. . VJTthi. UI& ;1KSSW I ' INDEPENDENT STARS iHMb''. ,.K&8aSk3?S ti Kram. Ttaaaaa m I p ich. NEWS, VIEW '.S. RUMORS FROM THE V,y ANNK CAMKHON Hollywood, Calif., Miiy 10. mill? movins-pictiire Knelisli i Ion? ' J. mnv uli i. wneo'i of Hnllvwood. hnv . orcanized a club modeled "and nirawl ' .ffer tl famous London Carlton Club. The other night they gave a costuin- Vnll nml niv.'irileil nru-es for the most H . . , ..." Briistie ami siru.iii ...miic. K'inor Cilyti wn a judse. She wore i her famous Empress Josephine costume, diamond tiara nnd all. May Allison, dressed as a Latin itarlerer. was there with Herb Hiw!inoii. He ami Ilichnrd liennett. who is hep. to lenru directins from Willinm De Millc ct nl., argiud at leirith and at intervals ns to what Herb It wa a tie between Hamlet and, was the o;i ingest of the Three Little Maids From School. Lionel lle'.moro, attired as n rag fedy brigand, was master of ceremonies he always is ut tin..' things. Daniel Fniliinan.'besid'- twirling a light-nine toe, made an eloquent nnd btirnnj I pooch for the Actors' KqililJ Wil liam De Millc. as a corresponding!'1 finning lilit of 'he motion pictures. wns called on next b the llornl-tonsue.l Mr. ltelmore. W-e-l-l " drawled Mr De Mille in his fascinating, slow way. "If I'd known I "as gour: t" make a speech I'd doubtless hine sta'ed up last night nnd written a ver brill'iint on. Hut eincc I didn't, inig'it say a few words j What YoiItritcFUmStars Are Doing ...... t-. , ..:n '. "i n,.s. nniler nr with Kntherino NewHn nniM s-i.en.iii ....." .. -- tlon of Honor." bv ltuth Cross. I his will be her fuiirin put'ii on ii'r Asso ciated First National contract. Mi- ... . . 1.... .!... f!t.,.n I.T liefillprl fllCWILlS UHHH.-l ..i..... . rastwaril. bavin-: decided he needs a hang' to the N- York atmosphere. lit) Is bringing grandfather with him a a safeguard and chaperon. Ethel (Jranilln. one of our popular tnrs of vesteryear. is coming bark to tho i-creen. She bus not been before tne camera for three j ears. Having mnue uer Inst appenrance in "'Hie Crimson Kfnln." n serial, with Maurice Costello. She has ton engagrd for un Important pnrt the feminine lead in George I) Tinker', first iirodtiction for Metro "Tim Hunch " rntrlcl.l I'almor nnd George Cooper have been added to the enst of the Mary ltnberU Uitiehnrt oiiginnl. tcinpnrurih ralltsl "The Glorious Fool, which E. Jlnson Hopper is directing. Vf.t , 'w &" J . kl. 'XL. ' h '" , V,"h,,n,r,IHo7!Ke,,,n; iwrkTm'ofVH ' i 'w m I I m . i m 'lam Fox Plans concerning Farnum ' '' itS teVneri ?rT,n" sinre ore In.Hiiilte due to . . fact that he , "J A '.IS Shy rn tht'iday liiu nowjbnn that ho will continue to.appear on the L , 'VfcSSW aii, Uvy4 U prnarln ttl Ket mem. , it?. I ' ki yi fcj- ivifi. . .Aiu. .1..' I . .. wuns ...- Ei . -. ..,.. xe.ittl' ".'4i.' t t mPlUC ' cCRa Daily Movie Magazine It'll Be a Great Life for the Three Girls Who Win This Contest - kL-W 'yZ1?9i J7iUrhinlKHKi,WSiH . . I A V AND GOSSIP HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS on our climate." ( Laughter and cries of "Hen": Hear!"' i '-I'.,,, lion, I lirt on cr.ran mn ra nnil Itbo .. ,;. ,,i n','i nnniml' ntwi inv- f.,1 lplo hi, ilrni'ireil lust ilrnwline feet to where Mr. I)e Mllle .the dnushter t Henry GeorBM , waited en tna.se. , ..v (nm.pnp.,.rt,nn,u A J 1 1 AUISL I l.l.r. sinris nn a n- . .... . rt.,--T t- ... - ! fnrce hv I iorj in u ' . ! .."-' "' " ' ..-.- Sarah Ma-on. cnlled Shouiu a .Man Marry V . , Now Sarah o'islit to know. r.vi- nentlr tlie answers in ine murium''-, for she's a bride of scarcely a month See nnd hubby. Victor Hterman. met while writing for Owen Moon and .thr Se'sfiiicl: star in New York. To re'uni to Fntt - h'i th tnri iii phew of a crusty millionaire, blessed i.v bentitr nf fne.. nnd form, but- af- Dieted with a stutter'. Can you feature ..... , ,. ,.,, . .,. . M'dford's "(ireat Impersonation l 1 ' -.'I'-liJU1 , ' il .'" ... niiv I winched tnem iiiKing '": ,'-' "- tions they seeK to depict inrougii .uo in Hie great German war vault. tograph' As a result of my convic The vault is lined with snmi.les "fl,;,,,,, ,(iii visit Japan. Spain and .roll shell, torpedo and b.mb Used, roll- jtnjv w.jthin the next few months to ..f ii iitu ennimisses. nnroiiieiers hihh, what-not The Kaiser, one linml hid den. n:ir'.s his horrid plans at .Lm Ki.kwoo.l. who looks ns if he "'nh"d he weren't there and a darn good Kaiser the netor-feller makes! The extras, rrusslim to tue up or ine Inst hair on the la-t haughtv head, even , eousostep to lunch. I'M find out how i innnv feet long, wide nnd high the great Dnniiney Hall in England is and let 'ot: know. Hurt's first original screen s.orj . ine Man from Lest Kivcr House 1'ce.s las been engaged for the lending ro,' No other members of the cast have a yet been selected. Elliott Dexter hns been added 'o "io cast of George Fitzmauneo s production of ' Peter Ibbetf.ci." hioh already has E'sie Fer'uson nnd Wnllnce ltei.1 us stnrs. When the enst for this picture is complete it will contain sewnil -f i l(, igt-non players in motion pi , turCf, ,jr. Dexter, who lias been n -pw r since completing h s work .n ."rhe Affairs of Anatnl" at I loir wood i w,n phiy the tu't of Monsieur Pasqnier the father ot wogo, ine nine r rencn luiv win. crows un to be refer Ihbet (on. the role played by Wallace Uriel tiki Kermison will be seen ns Hie I Duchess of Towers. Montague Iaivc ; uncle. i Farnum Not to Quit , ,.,!.,,., rulnors that William lar- Hl) 1JAUTIIKI.JIKSS. fol-j lowlnc In tho footsteps of I harlos TJny. Charles riinplin nnd otlior-. is tho '.met si'i-ccn luminary to Join t In rank of indcpFinlrnt stars. He lius 'oft the fold of P. W. fSrlf litli to "go on hi own" and under I'ontmctK just -iRtird will release his in dependent prodnetinns thiongli Asso ciated First National. At the pr""ii' time Haruielmess i In the Flower Hos pital. New York, reciiperntin;; from a minor affeetion of the inner ear. NeKotiations for the organization of the new independent producing eom puny with Harlhelmess n its stellar attraction have jiim been "(included l Charles H. Dnell, Jr. The company, which wi'l be known as lnspirntio:i I'ietures. Inc.. has been capitalized at Sl.riOO.tMKI. I'nder the terms IJarthe! mess will be starred for two years. Work will he suit ted as soon as he re gains his health. Ilarthelmes.s was a featured player In some of I. W. Crillith's most success fill screen nroillictions. incllldinK "Win Down Kn-t." Broken 1!"''"'';''' he I.ove ! lower ' and ll.o Idol Me was born in ,,.' '' - : . , .,... r..ii iiw wfis itfirn in .ew 1 nrK ' u " '?'' ."" ' "'"-""-", T"- '.""... ..,".' I llnrttitnl I in n lift .'ll llKin iimi tin Hartford. "nn. He was Marv jtuv n(i, Mimmer. ' stnrinir vehicles for Mr. Harthel MJ(SH jmu, I)llt .. llIlt,0iinccd as yet but Mr Duell :ijs: carry an appeal thiough .. w holef ,vm,.nee Ti.i.nadge in "The Honey story and we'l por.ra.'ed ... 1 1 brrn i , .. ...,,, ,., Ka,,v.. w, by compete., MH-rfonner an I '.! .. Tlion.u-. in "Suspense" with our endeavor. The matter of faking has gone too far nud if the pictures niv to have educational as well as eiiiei taiument value thev should no iiuien in the real atmosphere ot tlie eonui ,, ,-ientions tor IllCllires . iiuve ....,! rntnil fill' Thus ir would nppear that Dick N quite llkelv to en.io.' a iiicture-maliins trip abroad in the not distnnt future. Dick Becomes a Star HICHAltD ItAHTHEL.MKSH l-Vatiireel player with I). . Grif fith, who will 1erome an Intleprnd cnt star will, n new rotnn.my form ed to, exploit him V m WL "l $m$rw m - Mi t pspyy 4 -.Tyv. - 1 M.1) GLENS1DE CAN BOAST IT PRODUCED FINE ACTOR FOR SCREEN ICNSIDK may well take pride in success of Harrison Gordon better known among folk of the stage and screen as "Harris." Mr. (ior don lirst glimpsed the golden tight of day in tlmt pretty little suburb 'ust be yond Jenkintown more thnn thirty years ago and recalls with keen delight the happy days of his boyhood bpent along the Kcaiiing Kail way. Mr. Gordon, be it known. i.s one of the foremost character actors on the silver screen today and one of the most versatile developed in the last live or six nears. He lived in GVuside until he wns six teen enrs of nge. At that time he developed a severe case of "stngeitiM" and when parental opposition tempo rarily balked his plan, he quit anyway, taking "French leave" from the Chel tenham Military Academy, where he had attended classes for several hard and hectic jears. His first engagement on the stage when still quite young was as a singer in the chorus of the "Miss Hob White" company in this oily. HIS first taste of the drama created a longing for more. Drama was the goal of his youthful ambition. His first real chance came in a dra matic play in support of Louis Mnnii. Later he was seen with Sir Henry Irv ing in Shakespearean repertoire. Then came several seasons in stock in New York and Philadelphia. Since 11111, when Mr. Gordon made his debut on the screen, he has served h actor, director nnd playwright. Among his best known earlier produc tions weie "The Picture of Dorian Gray" niid "The Mill on the Floss." in the latter ofj which he played the leading ro e. Mr (iordon then took a vacation and I Olllil.tllill llnriliAII' n llin . ntMnm a III! in .. t' mm iii-u uiint:i,) i i II'" r:i i-tii ji iiii,l over a year ago after devoting two years to directing western -tories for tho screen with a company operating In Texas. I'.itii Moore. I He himself, however, believes that be I has done his best work under the direc tion ot 1 1 1 1 ii id Christy (nomine, in the hitter's production "Live nnd Let Live," now being distributed by Robert son Co'e. She Hates Champagne Cider Cliauipagii.' cider is the bane of the motion -picture player's life, says Agnes I Aires, the beautiful leading woman who worked her way in pictures from ! ilie ranks of the extrns" into the 'ailing feminine part in "Cappy Kicks." "I know n friend who likes i ider, bnt every tune the word is men- h.ii.mI I shiver becnusc when 1 was an extra I had to drink so much of it," sue explained. "You have no idea how t. mule it is to sjt m a tnble in u atiarct scene nml sip cider by the li. ii At firm . when it is cold, it is in i si, bud luit after it gets warm it is s npi awful, but .'on have to keep Piling just the siime. Any one who la ever worked as an extra in pictures vi' agree with me, I am sure." Jf ill Mary Garden . Return to Screen? IS MAKY GARDEN to be won over to Hie movies again? That question arose following Miss Garden's recent visit to the Goldwyn studios nt Culver City. Calif. When asltod by a reporter If she intended to return to screen work she said : "I should love to. This studio thrills me. When I made 'Thais' ire ait had not developed to the point it has now reached. We worked on Uttl stages, chilly and uncomfortable. Hut now," she added, waving hor long walking stick toward tlye big ftlnss stnges, "you have more facilities to work with than any other of the nrt.s-." Miss Garden was the guct of Rupert Iluzhcs when she visited tho studio, l , - a &!&&. Contest Entrants Have Time to Gef Aeo; Photographs Made No Time Limit Yet Set for Closing, as This Will Depend on Progress of Preliminary Work at Betztvood Winners Will Avoid Unpleasant Problems Tfyt Face Ordinary Movie Aspirants m ' r f()t I! or five young women have tcnMcii to us irnntwp io know if they have time to have new photographs taken for our Movie Beauty Contest. They. tcant to know when the contest 11 going to end. The answer to the' first question is "I'm." Thete will he ample time for new pictures providing you go to a photog rapher's iri.hin, sail, a week or ten days. As to the close, of the contest, that-has not been decided as yet. It oU depend largely on tKc completion of preliminary details at llctzwoad and on how soon they will be ready to make places for the three girls who win. I A S VK stntctl ypfttcrdny, they Imve I nlrondy en ignged the cast for the first picture in the new "Toonervillc Trolley" series. Hetty Hover, who was; the ingenue in the series last jenr, will ngnin fill her role in the first two of" the new scries. While the first is being made the) fifteen girls chosen from the entrants I in tills contest will lie taken out to' HcUwood to have test strips of movie film made of them In action. T'hey 1 will all thus have nn opportunity to see severnt companies at work in the studios and around the lot. I" rom these fifteen strips three Willi be chosen and these three girls wilr be I given minor parts probably in the sec-' ond comedy of the series, so that I hoy j may profit by the experience which Miss Hovee nnd the others gliave had j nnd come more or less under their per sonal guidance in preparation for more' ambitious work.; That's the program at present and. as can easily be seen, the ending of the contest will depend entirely on . when Irn M. Lowry. director general. Is ready to put up his call sheets for, his first conipnny. t THE plan, as thus worked out. offers! to girls in this vicinity a most re- . mnrkable opportunity. Ordinarily, there is only one way to get into the movie game. That is to ( haunt the studios until you manage j to pick up an odd job or two as an extra. This menus, perhaps, one or two days' work In a week at small pay. with several wccks inrcrveuins uc fore you are again lucky enough to find -,t pla'ce. Meanwhile, our landlndy lets you know in no uncertain tones that, she is not interested in your troubles and wants voiir rent regularly in spite of the irregularity of jour liny day. And you'll find yourself craving .the ordinary three nieais a nay wiieuier juu mm. the price or not. Added to tills you will be far awny from home New York or California nml loneliness gets mighty lonesome when it's low tide in the pockotbook. If you are .able to stand this long enough jon may eventually work your wav into a minor part, and only then. if at all. will nu have n chance to attract the attention of a casting di rector nnd get it chance at something bigger. THIS contest, on the contrary, solves nil these iirnlilems for 'on if you are lucky enough to he one of the three winners. In the first plnce. there is no neces sity to go far from home. Hetzwood is on the Koajjiii; branch of the Penn sylvania Railroad, about nn. hour from Hrond street, nnd the station is right nt the studio gates, with very satis factory train service. If you happen to miss 'a train on the Pentm- vou can get one on the Reading nt Port Kennedy, lust across the Schuylkill River from Hetzwood with a nriilge in neiween. Thus you can live nt home and com mute. , In the second place, the three win ners will have none of that hopeless "extra gill" stage to go through. Thev o nnen iet minor nans, with the added guarantee that tJiey will have particular attention paid to them, nnd any little faults tlirv mnv snow win i.e emie.it.. by the director instead of being put down ns permunent black marks against their records. , ,n(lfr ,e of them nt least there is no merely hoping tlint they will be rewarded hv promotion. This is gunr nnteed under the nrrnngoments made ...it i, iw i.v .lie I'.et.wnod Film ( o. and the si'ilarv of the embryo lending lndv will be $100 a weel; That'll pay carfare--eh? Had to Powder Sun's Face SnenUiiiL' of face power - even the Min dabs it on in the movies: The other dnv Victor Sehertzinger. directing Tom Moore in "Renting the Gnni"" nt the Goldwyn studios, decided to photograph the sun's ra.isyis they came throu'ih a group of trees- to the scene of notion. Impossible." snid I he cameramen. Ernest Miller and Wnldo Twitchel as one innn. "to resistor the rays unless wo put on a little muke-up." So they proceeded to throw a handful of cream-colored ponder into the nir and. ns it filtered down through the sunlight they photographed the scene. Old Sol no doubt will be uske.l to in dorse the brand of powder used. Actor Bom in Glenside mr- rtm 1 1 '.'JSS5 "-'' "' J:'AS J HAfcRISON GOnjLION ,,&&mBms&A s,.4aAx Movie Beauty Contest Facts in Nutshell . rpHE Hctxwood Film Co. wants to find three girls of a fresh, nttrac rive t.vpe for their series of "Tooner vil'e Trolley" comedies. AVe hnve agreed to find these girH through n contest. To enter simply Rend your photograph addressed to "Movie Hcaiity. Contest." Evknino 1't'HMO LKnoF.n, Sixth nnd Chest nut streets The winners will lie employed first in minor parts at $40 a week. The best of the three will then be given the lending part In the next film at flOO n week. Tho other two, if they show sufficient talent, will he further trained with a view to filling 'the lending pnrt later. The photographs will be judged by n committee of three well-known photographers Theodore T. Mar ceau. HJOI) Chestnut street; Elins Goldensky. 170." Chestnut street: William Shcwell Ellis. 1012 Chest nut street nnd two famous artists - Lvopold Seyffcrt nnd Miss Harriet Snrtaln, prlwipal of the School of Design for Women. No time limit has yet been set for the termination of this contest. Prefers Outdoors Daylight Dallas Fitzgerald., director of "The Match-Hreaker," Viola Dana's newest starring vehicle for Metro, plans to climinntc artificial lighting wherever possible in the filming of the picture. "A mnjority of the. population of the ('tilted Stntes resides in cities," he says. "As a result I think people pre fer seeing n picture which has muiiy pretty exteriors rather than one with artificial interior beauty. When a per son is placed under licliN he immedi ately feels that he is going to act. As a result there are too many cases oflfessors of the industry and art of the overncting in the interior'atmosohore." i nictures nnd learn, unite hiimhl..-. Ills I'HOTOI'I.AVS AIL-imU,". 32lh' Morris & Paunk Ave. AlnamDra jr,a. D-oiy Ht ': Kvgs.. .1:45 & i ItKX IIKAf'll'S . THE BRANDING IRON" A I I CPUCMV Frankfort litlieny IIKN Tl-KMN In HKNNKTT rOM.'.nV "A SMALL TOWN IDOL" ADHI 1 rW2D " THOMPSON ST8. AI JJ-J MATINKK llAtl.Y GEORGE ARLlib In -Tin: IIKVII." Ar--ArMA CllUSTNL'T lie). 1GTH rAw-L'IM. in A. M. ... 11 '.IB I'. M. BEBE DANIELS In TWO WKKKH WITH I'AV" A CTHD TOANKWN & (UUAIin avis. . NORMA TALMADGE i In "THK I'ASIUX l'LOWKH" BALTIMOREna1 I AI.UTAB nSTIn "THE INSIDE OF THE CUP" i BENN 04TH AND WOODLAND AVE. MVTINKK DAILY AI.I-s)TAI. I'AST "PAYING THE PIPER" ni T lt7DIDr nronJ V Susquehanna DlULMjlrL' CnntlnnnuB a .mill 11 KATHERINE MacDONALD l "CIUIAIN Ilronil ft Snviler Ave. bKUMIJ W - I . .4 S t Ii .' M DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "Till: M'T" Bi Ot ""-I Ilroail hel Kr.oAv road bt. Casino ,mAT imily EARLE WILLIAMS In KMI'IKK HI' I.I..MIXI)V PADITm "-"-' MAUKr-ri' HT. LAI 1 1 VJL m a .r to ii ut' m. MMtMIAI. M'.ILAN S fnnnjTTION "Bob Hampton of Placer" -rl rMI A I ' Oln. : Mnplewnoit Ave. UULvJlNlAL, .... t ..-". ii p m CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In STIIAKIIIT ntOM I'AUIS" darby" theatre " ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In "THK DAI ilITi:it PAVH" rMtnnrcc main ht. manaypnk LUVir IAL-JiJ MiTISW DAILY OWEN MOORE In "THK I'OOU MIMI'" i i FAIRMOUNT n.SViirv ! LOUISE GLAUM in "IAM Oril.TV" T-A1IH V TIir.ATHK 1.111 Mark"! St. rAlVlll-I HAM TO MIDNIOHT 11 "LYING LIPS" cTU CT THHATIIB- Helnw Spruce 30 1 ri DI. MVTINIJK DAILY Mil AND ,,M, ' 'f"-" '" MAVKN III MU "TWIN BEDS" FR ANrCFORD ",ft ""ANKKonb rKAlNls.1 vytu ivkv'-k Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle In "lllir.WSTKIt" MILLIONS'. f-l rnC &001 MAIIKKT HT. LiL.v-'IJl- :" mil r,..in to 11 ,. f-NTK i'vf l. "LURE OF YOUTH" GREAT NORTHERN W"..Wi CLARA KIMBALL" YOUNG In "STRAIGHT rilOJt l'AniS" ' ( 5H ) Xefiiinift tpUM,, ?iw in, . J,, : i"- 3Bt 'i FOR YOUR SCRAPBOOK OF STARS K SX v .. ,. ' .'' Xi s TX V( ;. - .. .01 ..' . . J j.- i. 1UB . J m 'f-sk.y'i!' l . '. :W& ', 1; ;1 - ' -.- rv , A-. ji ?.7 ''Jj'r P I'' KUTII Only the Green Hands Arc Arrogant in Studio " , .,, (;, .,,,. ,,,., 1, I ro. by inenns of the Ims hov m lc 1 re- forms mny be effected without ucli efforl. On the other hand, the old-timer re crultcd I rom ine s.age. some ... ...us ....- thor. a noted artist is iisuniiy nciu- ate by a' feeling of romptoo awe if he isn't paralyzed by fear. It is all so new. so unusual mm . ihi.i..,v, ;t" to his wide experience with men and possibly the real stage as well as the stage of life. ,1.111111111 ,111111, I 111111."" I,. II i-.'.ll." ' direct. Hcerbohm Tree to act. Hichard n......... .., ,v,rn !.. i-'iu,..,.. i',iri.e.-m .....i.. .,.. ,.i. 'nr-i.-riM ...ii, n .Or certnin sense of beingln a strange land as a stranger. No one of them sets about ievolutionir.:ng the screen; he is ..nni.mi .,, nit ni tin. t'ei't nf Mm iii-o. l'H0TOlM..V!l 's. " 1 t -' ' .. " "ViwHW " s v '"-sm. YVVfTT.'V- ..,.., linnil entiles to fl till? ...., ,i .-.... . .- ..,. . I mice them in the new medium. 'J!U. '" ... . Z,.' , ; 'M I-ik.v st.ulio in Hollywon, i '"'" 'V-'-"'" ".",, "- ., .i)ecii a .wonderful school of great U"'V! :". '.,,' " f e "i.'f,:. , ; . the motion-picture nrl. The fo.iie nis-Ai..-..- '.v:r. ' .; ' , "s uccn inutunl antl all who have 'ountry iniuiei to y be? is t o ell th ((( th(j stm!!o wU nbinM;U , ht lvnrni ni 11 iiii-iuii ir u niiv in v j i n.. The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. IMPFRIAI 00Tl1 & WALNUT STS.i DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS . . . HnnrniAi -n avi ini ih l". in "TIIK NUT ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in "I'l.KAHtiti: m:kki:u.s" I pKioVi Palaro Ucrmftiitoun Ave unJ LOUISE GLAUM In "I A.M (UII.TV" t innn -- 9 ... , ,,., ,,,,.,.. ... I I KH IV I Y 'H'-''I' k . Will .1IJ1. i ci-AiRH amikk.son'a jov' H.i'rtVo p. "ii.. u.l.:.. ( n.i.. I m: j..." I i uc i omit u. ltu.uciicu Illliuows MOnFI '-' SOUTH 5T Orchestra. lvivyLyiL. .'rn.lnumis from I n Jt l, W. liltll'I'lTH I'KOItrCTION "IDOL DANCER" OVERBROOK,!aDA V?"1' AI.ISTAK ( Ar In "NOMADS OF THE NORTH" PAI APR l-U MARICKT HTUKKT i rL.ri, 1M A j, , , j. j TOM MOORE In "IIOI.I ttllll IIDItM'.S" I PRINCESS i.rJi.MSr TOLA Ni:lltl "nil lllti CAST In "PASSION" I RFP.RNT -MAHKliT ST t!elo 17TH IAI-V-1I-'1I II 1.1 A M in II P. J. llfllll lOltll'S I'ltOIHCTIIIS "THE GREAT DAY" RFAITO i:hma.town avkm k , JL AT TfLPKHOiMsKN ST. ROSCOE ARBUCKLE I InJMIIKKWSTKiVS MII.I.KINS" RI IRY MAriKin- ht iiklow 7th IIIJJ i , A M 1 1 . t . p. Jl. I AI.I-STAH fArlT In "THE FATAL HOUR" QAWOY ,2U MAIIKKT ST ,'-'' v-' I H Jt th MIDN WALLACE REID In "THK I.OVK SI'Kf'IAI," in in SHERWOOD M;, '.'."'r ,Mn I FLORENCE VIDOR I In "IIKAl ItHA I'.L" ! STANI FY ia"kkt ax iotii I SIK .IAMF.8 M. IIAKHIK'X , "SENTIMENTAL TOMMY" iCTAMTAk! MAIIKKT Al,nl- iivn. j i r-vi.i i jw ..I i. ... . .; MAnn.i.i. spi. w hihi;Vthin UJIN 1 Y 333 MARKEToTm;?,', nniir.l AC PAmnAwc ' DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "THK MT" I VICTORIA "."5 ",T.- ,",b,."V ni'.v tihi-in ... ni'.Nr.TTm ' "A SMALL TOWN IDOL WM PFNN 4.'.M ''ncalr Av nrnr nVA"ivfini 'cn" ""v" ..?m5,A'n-Ks.. A I WWl wl-ih5 1 EH R1ALTO KATIIEIIINB JliifDONAU, IDLE HOUR ju5MB - Girl WltU the Jait Heart' V ' rJWi :si.'.t.(,',l .M'$&:xKrxrlir 'Mi (! "it t?wA-l'rjVJKr i J ".Y-;xrisLtir.. ?.irs rfv x i ,yaifj-'.ftiisa'? &? i jri'& i ', 1 v . 4 nOLANI) i own idens, if he, .tins ideas and inraek,. 1 .. nt n urn. n (4 llinDn .nnnttn.iml ,1.I I. . I iiiniuiiiua un inuc iiiviiiiuiitu nun 13 i. foregone conclusion he is content toy keep within himself until such time as ' 1 he feels himself competent to intto- ' 1 III tntu benefit code hare "oc" COI1V1IICCU Ol IIIC CiiniCSUieSS 8WI ( M, o , workcrs in Uip fl w ,, ,,.',,,,.' '.' some illus.ons shattered, but reahtim have taken their place, realities tiit t f ,, . r(,nSH.lrc ..,... ... , ,: nf ., nll,OI,llv nmi ,,A imm.. -- fi , ',; .1Illnatlo ot urt"n!4 w, anil for the (hi-" veil 8 entertain. meiit. Best Way to Make It ... I .. , I . I t I ' d, , know how- to make an iron-,,, ! cross. ' said Kniest 'Iraxlcr, assustant. to George Mclfonl, the l'rodueet. I f Peaking of .props for "rhc Great Im-l personation. but I do know how toJ i "'"ke a Maltese cross. ,i ' "How.' nsked Aim lorrest. the loading woman. (jj "Stop on Ins tail.' ''J 3 rilOTdl'LA S hoto-puvt &) JTAMtlWCA, ffSfThc NIXON-NIRDLlNGERm U THEATRES lj ACMI IP -'Olh St. and Allculieny An i ' V C'1 NU .MATIXKIJ UAIW K. I(. LINCOLN In INNER VOICE" BELMONT 5'-'D AB0VB MAnKE? ItAM'll lNTK'S "THE HIGHEST LAW" i'. CEDAR I U I 1AU un ii Qi VLUrtii a 'v" , mmtfi p. ir?r. t n HrOV1fB DOUGLAS MacLEAN . I . in "I 111. UI,.S'' COLISEUM "MUiZnDz AI.ISI'Alt CST III "LUXURY" JUMBO FJtONT HT S. OIRAnD AVB. .lun.lio .lune. on Frnnkforil " .lAe'li LIINIIKN'M "MUTINY OF ELSINORE" LEADER ""VmTC.I? THOMAS MEIGHAN In "KAhY HO.I" f rri iot k'ji a Mr T.nnitsv STREETS LULUiJi Mnt i :nn, n .in tivp fl:30toll BETTY COMPSON ill "PHIHONKIIS 01' I.OVK" NIXON SSD A-ND "fS. ??ii Wtl.l Aim MA' "'" "HERITAGE" RlVOI I 02D AND SANSOJI 6T8. rUVUL.1 MATINI1K HAILT r.LAINK II 4MMH.IIHTF.IV '" "PLEASURE SEEKERS" STRAND ll.'ll t i VTiWV A VII. AT'vC.VANliO HTRKET ! DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS It. "THK NIT" I AT OTHER THEATREsT AURORA sus ""tIshi: wHt AI.I-STA" ' AT - IP.ril "PARTNERS OF THE TIDE CENTURY" KnrVnNi"l; ?!ksl I.I-KTAIt l'lT ! "MILESTONES" I T..' V. . rl 1 I Jrnrket :.4!?i i ay a iiih.kciuui,nci s,....i m iv- ! CORINNE GRIFFITHS "Wliitl's Yciir Iteniipillnn Wortti. Germantown "fr'wiA jkan riK in j "BLACK BEAUTY" I j IFFFn'RCjr.NI ??!!l.'2.,,ffiit DOROTHY PHILLIPS in "ONl'K TO KVK.U '"V-, . , - ..,,. .V- I DAUI,H",,r PARK u'mk,V''iY' A-tf " " It' ,ffssiaft.ya. c nn i ,n rjorji and srnUCBJ n SPRUCE MAT.N VfT0BJ WILLIAM RUMw J In "COMIKA"" "-" ! -