, wW -r-T" Ti p) " IfTT ('"''Tfni"ir'v rr rj? " jt' ,, . V 'J "'" " r'"'r" :J I i ., - H T R- f' tf ' v , ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERS-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921 9 fit -' ' f WK!P1P!TOSP& " iST GQSSIPABOUT PEOPLE wancy Wynne Talks of Out-of-Doors Affairs Horse Show to Open m Devon on to W lielcn-tSeU rfiK'T It remarkable how ve rush In' I . ij t mir? I wan thlnklnir I ..Son Thursday at the Flower Mar- 'Oftnison r.rW. Siit and yestcruoy .... ... ,-- V r Miw omo of the santf'ttWn 5 I smel to have worked for..k fee fit ITlr bUBlly worklnit -tHh. : r i .. .. n.iinh vntbiininitm n ir '$" the o'nly one tjie,. r really don't sec where we 'get our WV I tor one, haven't ft It, and !?' n'lKlit of It nlmost wnkes mn J'. nut ndmlro It bcybntl word lc4 the spirit back of It. .Why, lt?a B'if.i I the wny tho wotoen work w0? w thev accompli ! Witness the iU ay nuroeriett. vWtlmr nurt "SrW that nr. beta, carried on & iinheld by them. simply won 4.u.P"i j - hnv Indeed cause to be 4ttiui " i't Itutb Coxo Stokes look lovely Ar day? . She wa, wearing b up- "hltebow. ItwasnwfuUybo. 2?rslon! Ltavo you aecn any of her Sfon? Thev aro most awfully cun ffnd have tho cuteat manners. The SdSt Is about four now. MOW thero'e another energetic work N tol-lt on, and U'BbU underken &". wr Snries Which th American I gion is ffifevery one to wear .on Memorial ffrfa Sry of the boya'who lie in rSnimhtlii YouvUnow Uie French Kmen . too. ban aefMay 80 aside Wff,l day In memory of the dead, d attW wr-.country and at oyer rrtncetlie people will wear the brilliant Lopr;' which, aa you probably know( J&ia. Ihtho fields f Ftance. The ,popwi.!nV s obiub u.-i--wVuePntlofflnalan-Clttb brtvo-been I undtrstand'83 per .cent oft the pro lJL of the salo is to. go .to. tho French uSm- So it .baa n double end, a Buno'fial to the, dead and an aid, to tho lWnr , . it AMdp joU"realie.,that wjth tne last A wceVJn May in'vlew,- for next week li prsctically.the lat(Lwe!J" Ma?,vwe ire almost upon the Devon Horfie Show vi-v -tn nnn tit AWiinpuHnv nnd klip op till Saturday. And there will It tne Country uinB;, which im hi uu 111 paved, and llie lime stores nna unops 111 DIvC injur irc:m tunw ui "" ttd their pretty vines nnd window boxes. And the dancinc pavilion uas fe.. .MltiiDtvii l ti nlnv an1 Ifr'a nlfn. fether goinj to be simply marvelous. PAULINA HELL'S invitations are .out for the 14th of .Tunc. She nnd Ji'ei Whelen are to be married at 4 o'clock. The ceremony will be attended by the families nnd a few friends only ind then there will be n lnrpe recep. Hon at 4:30 o'clock. That's quite the litest ttlnc now. not to nsk many to the: ceremony, even if it in n church affair, and I'nullnn's is not to be. She expects to be married at home. riulioa i n daughter of the Samuel Mtt who Hvp in twon r.t 272 South Sixteenth street, and have n summer bonse on Pnnmure road, in Ilnverford, which they have rented for several sum aers m silece(.slon. Mrs. Samuel Bell. 8r Mr.. Hell's mother, lives at 270 Bonth Sixtoenth 'street, but Is at pres eat at llaverford Court with her daugh tv.Jlifs Florence Bell. Mrs. Hell is ene of the most cunrruluir old Indies of our tiofe. Sho is more than eighty -five yearn I cannot say old. I Nhnuld khj lonnif, for hn is ns ready for ndven tun and (joins nbout as many younger fereons, nna except i or a little deafness u every faculty unimpaired. She Is 'Interested in everything nnd overv way as she ever was, and Is one of mofet delightful persons you would Wer want tn mrnt. ATru Rnm Ttnll 11,.. Ijoungcr. mother of Paulina, the future Ibrlde. was MiKS Gertrurln Tlom n .1.. f f VI illlnm TwellK Tiers nnd of Mrs. Brans Roberts Paulina made her debut rear before Inst, nnd has been very popular. She is nrrttv. rlh onl.l !..., Mlr. rather lark eye's and n verv good tpire. I hope nil these little June brides. wriucio nro to no many of them, will mm ionic and happy days. yAXOY WTNXE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Rr mnA ! mi . Kiinirtiu v t n'onor" c wneaton. Wheaton. V"m- "S"""i ' a w. , . ,,. uulncs j,. vnaerson, Edison Was Right AND WRONG But whether his list of examination questions is fair or not for the average man tomorrow's Public Ledger will have an entirely different list of puzzling questions, and each one is one whose answer you ought to know but, do you? Most of these are actual questions from our schools a composite list made up from high school and preparatory exami nation papers. They are not trick ques tions in the sense that they can be looked up in a reference volume more easily than retained in the memory. Many of them are answered by ordinary common sense and the average intelligence, and about every one you will say "Well, I ought to know that!" Don't fail to get the Public Ledger tomorrow and look for these puzzles. Wednesday Invitations IVedding Arc Out .Ir., son of Mr. and Mrs, Jamos B. An 'deraon,, 383 Pne ntreoL Mrand Mru. Henry J5. Derbyshire, of ChamoerBburjr, announce tho engage ment.or' thblrldaug)tcr, Miss Manrarct Hattlti Derbyshire, to, Mr. C. R. Claxk son, ot this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Derby, shlro and their daughter nre spending ,1110. summer nt opo May. Mr. nnd Mm. William Roberts. 3S58 Mervlne street, Tioga, nnnounco the en gagement of their daughter, Mlts Mabol Joulso Roberts, to Mr. Howard M. .Mitchell, of Logan. Mr. Mitchell served ovewedB with tho American Expedition ary Forcon and was stationed In Coblcnz at tho clo.io of tho war for two years. N(V dn,lo ban been Bet for tho wedding. Mr. -Walter Schuyler- Volkmar, wlu has been visiting her mother, Mrs. acora-o C. Thomns. at Greystoclc, Chest nut Hill, will loavo on Juno 2, accom panied by Mr. and Mru. Summers Urndloy, of 4zo Locust street, for tho Canadian Rockies and the West. Mrit. Volkmar will spend some time in Hoattle. Wash., where eho will visit Mrs. Bernard Polly. ,sito will' nlso visit In San Francisco before returning to Cora nado, Calif., wher sho will spend the remainder of the summer Jit her house there. Mra. Volkmar's sister-in-law, Mrs. Ooorgo C. Thomas, Jr.. nnd her children, who lmve boon living In Bev .rly Hills, Los Angeles, will spend part of tho summer with Mrs. Volkmar. Mrs. Volkmnr has Just returned from Baby Ipn, L. I., where sho' bad been vlsltlns her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. George C. P. Remington. Mr. nnd Mrs. Remington hava a houso at Baby lon for tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thomas, who were tho trucsts of Mr. Thomas' mothor, Mrs. Georgo C. Thomas, at Greystoclc, Chestnut Hill, have roturned to their homo In New Yorlc. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomns will open tholr house nt South hampton, L. I., on Juno 1, Mrs. William Honry Newbold, of Uio uciievue-Biruuoni, accompanied by ner granddaughter. Miss Eleanor S. Wurts, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Ken nedy. Wurts, sailed for Kuropo last week, .wh'ero they will spend tho summer trav eling. MA and Mrs. Alan Hartwell Strong. of Twenty-first nnd Do La'ncey place, ion loony lor a visit to mow. yorK. where they nttended tho wedding of tholr cousin. Miss Margaretta Schuyler verpiancK, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon Vorolnnck. and Mr. John Conrad Cnttua, which was solem nized at 12:30 o'clock today In St. Michael's Church, Ninety-ninth street and Amsterdam avenuo, followed by a reception at the homo of tho brldo'a parents. 321 West Ninetieth street At the wedding of Miss Lillian Prlco Homer, of tho Bellevue-Strntford, and Mr. Georgo William Walt, of Chicago, which will bo solemnized on Wednesday evening, June 1, at 7 o'clock. In the Momorlal Church ot tho Advocate, Eighteenth and Diamond streets, Mr. Walt will bo attended by Mr. O. Brook Softon, Jr.. ns best man. The ushers will Include Mr. Edward Frutchy, Jr., Mr. James McNulty, of New York: Mr. Reed Colhoun nnd Mr. Lc3ter Weaver. On their return from a wedding trip tho brldo nnd bridegroom will live In Cin cinnati. Miss Margaret E. Dunlap, of 102 South Twenty-first street, left yesterday for New York to nttend a dinner to bo given Inst night by her uncle and nunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward J. Berwlnd, In honor of Miss Dunlap and Lieutenant Colonel So-thones Behn, of Havana, Cuba, who will bo married on Tuesday, May 31. in St Jnmes" Protestant Epis copal Church, Twenty-second and Wal. nut streets. Mr. and Mr3. .1. Bertram Llpplncott, of 1712 Spruce strt, who nre occupy ing their country place, Melmar, Beth- IVE you that superb confidence in yourself which is the height of feminine charm. The Corset Shop 121 S. THIRTEENTH ST. Around the Corner on Saniom St. Every fitting receive the personal attention of Mils Pauline Campbell (Formerly wltn 3Un Kaleri T P ma KJ j I I I .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBkaulav BCL. ...j(ti i fi 'Bta.3T jaS3!ir 1 1 ?L j 4t.-t jiMJsVtij' wr c l'holo by the riillllps Studio. SlltS. C.KOFKREY A. hunting Who lKiforo her mnrrlago last week was Miss Elsa Marlon Monica, of New Itocholle, N. Y., daiiRhter of Mre. Geortre II. McCIcllan Monies, of Scrnntnn ayrei. will leavo today on their yacht, tho Enterprise, for n visit to Washing ton, where they expect to'remaln until tho latter part of this month. Mrs. Arthur D. smith nnd her daugh ter, Miss Virginia do 'Morat Smith, of Spring Valley, Wynnowood, Ta., have roturned from a visit to Boston. Miss Smith will bo a debutante of noxt sea son. Mr and Mra. Georgo Reynolds, of Twenty-first and Pino streets, will leave on July 1 for Atlantic City, where thoy will Bpend the summer at tho Hotel Traymore. Mr and Mrs. Richard Y. Filbert, of Fox Chase, entertained at dinner at their home on Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Day. of Eng Innd. Mrs. Filbert's daughter, Mrs. Floyd B. Kcser, who has been spending several ueeks through Canada, Mon treal and tho Great Lnkes h;i returned to her home. Mrs. .1. Alison Scott nnd her sons, Mr. J. Allbon Scott and Mr. Ernest Scott, rnoTnpr.ATH HUTO-PLayI" ,. commnv f -OrAMUHCA, DIRECTION STANLEY COMPANY OF AMERICA AIL L 1-th, Morris A Psyunk Avs. Alnambra nt. dhuv ut -a uw.. . l ni Ilcauh's "The BrandlnE .Iron '" ll"x 1 oacn'H "The ItriuiiliiiK Iron; W.-U hVhcU'b "The "" .l"" T. Allen L,ttke In "llody uifil Soul k. Aiico i-iw i" "!;,M'-V "'"! S",1! .. S Allco LnUe In "Uocly luul Soul ALLEGHENYra;rTJifryiiA.At!l WM".? a Miffir'iSii:: W Ben TurVln In "A (Hmall-Towu Irtol" T. Po'iulaa FalrbinkH In "Tho Nn fc-IWas l.'alrbanUs In ;;rim Jjut H. UoUBla Fatrb.inl. In "Tho nt A Dl I r 2D THOMPSON ST. M.0(,orgo ArlUa In "Tho DpvJI ' T Jeoruo Aritna In "flip 1HMI V AU-Htar Cast in ".MIIentonrH" T.-T. Melchan In "IVonttor of the Mtar. F T Melghn In "l-Yontler of Ihohtnr S. Monto Blue In "Tlio hg"jLJ"'C ARCADIA M. tleha Daniels, T. Bbe Daniels. V Bebo Daniels, T. Belm Daniels, . Ueba D&nls's, S, BctH, Daniels CHBSTNIT Del. 10TH in A. M TO 11:1S P. M, "Two Woelm Willi Pny Two Wi-eJix Willi l'uj" "Vn Wwlw With Pn" "To Wevkit Willi Pay" "Two Vcels With Pay" "Two W-ek Mlth Pay" a erriD fiianklin guiakd avu. ASTOR JfATlNlOll DAI1.V M. Norma Talmadgo. "Tho PiiMlon J; lower T Norma Tlnn.l. "Ihr Piislou Kloer W N. TnlmadBB, "Tlio Passion u Flower" T Wollaco Uld In "Till- I.oe Nice a F Wollaeo Held In "The l.oe hltal" H Wallaca Reld In "Tlio Ixivn Speetil" BALTIMORE B;r UW?. BIST & HAIriMOItE jr. Iwla Btone In "Mjlestoniw" p. Lewis Rtons In "Milestones" ir-KIKt 04TH AMD WOODI-AND AVE. BENN MATINUE DAILY M All-Rtar Cait In "Paying tho Plrwr" T All-fiiar Cnst In "Pnslini lie. PU'rr" W-A l-Pier Cost In "Pajlnjr the Piper" T DciUKlaa l-alrbank8 In "The Nut" TFi?oilaa KalrhanUs In "The Nut" S -Douile" Fairbanks In "The Nut" tit 1 irDIDH llroad X flusnueliani Ml.UKHlKU r-ontlnnmis. 3 until tt M. Katherlne MacPonsld In "Curtain , T Flnrenro Mdor, "The Vtamllj Honor" V Anita Stnwart. "Hiirrlet nnd tho Pliwr" VT Ja'aVrtall Nell-on's "(lo rod et t", , v r TRlmvlffe in "Thf IVrfct Uomnn1 I K-c -.-. a-x a r- CT r A CI Mr Broad bel. , M -Earlo Wllllsms J'Kmiiire of nimnonds, W - J nes "ur nd' "Vomod.- of North " Jir.nnur Kiiifl(t ..Kjrthlnnd" iiius and Ills: Cast, "The KeiiturMon ; s'Frank luio In "A MuenMiTiit Unite" llobart liosnortn iiir ""'.'"'."";;., a- A nlTf-T 72J MAllKET HTTIEKT CAl 1 1 v-'Li in A M TO 11 IIS P M. Nellsn's "nob Hamilton of Placer". NelIsn's "lloli Hampton of Plnfer'' T Neusn s ...... ""'." ',,,",. . . Vftlan S iwn iiniiii'i'in vi !"-T1. JTsId m"h "lol HnmiXoii of P ncer' Irv ,' "' "iimpfon.of J.ver'. 3.' Nellan's "lloh llnnipton' of Placer" rl'N7 -vvti A I atn, fc Maii'ennod Aves. COLONIAL .van 7 n-rt n p m, u riar K Youupr "PlrnlRht From Par s" 5l5' oirii Younrt In "truli:lit From Pur s w"T-V"a Younc In "HlraUht Vmi. Tarls i- 7-nnstancn Talmndmi. "tiood neferenpeM" Constsno Tnliilid "flood Hcferenres ; u Const "nt o Talmadse "liol Hefewnew" DARBY THEATRE DAUBT v- n Hammeritfin "llie Dnuchtrr Pays" T - l'.llne Hnimioleiii "DjubIiIit I'h's" W -Wanda iia)Ti'. "iirr iiciiniwi vi.iqin" Jv -Wanda Hawl''y. "Her llrlnnvl Villain" r . Wanda Hawle, "Her llrloied Villain" r. vm. Farnum "Ills tlrratrst Saerltlre" i.'Wm Farnum, "Ills Orealest Kurrlllce" rflDDI7c;Q main nr. manathnk SI Oxen Moore In "The Pour Slrap" T )wrn Moore In "The Poor rllmn" V Ilasll Klnit's "F.urllilioiinil" T llssll Klnir's "P.nrtlilxninil" rr w. H. Hart. "O'Malley of the .Mounted" fi.'JTw. 8. Hail. "IPSlalliy uf the Mounted" r A IDHnAl IMT Wh Olmnl At. rMtMVli-'Wji i MATINKB DA1LT Til Louise Olaum In "l Am OulUy" T lebe Danirla ni "Durks nnd Drnkes" W Norma Tu'madi:s,"The Pnrslon Flower" T Norma Tnlmdaee. "The Pusslon l'lnwer" -' MqI,i Dana In "The Off Nlmre Pirate" H. Jack London's "The 3tr Kmer" xi All.Star Cast In "lnsioe or. tne i up T -Alltar cist in 'Inslrle of 111. Cw" W. Norma Tnlnirdao In "Passion Hoiier T. Norma TalmoflBe In V.1,?,'!"1?" ' ?w" BROADWAY ?.r7,i548rp9r!A:'- T"sp'5:; w. pnuslns Fairbanks n "The Nut" T -Norma Talmndne In J isslon flower vr' Norma Talniartm. In " UmTrr p Norma Tftlmartse In "Paxslon Flower" of 2304 Pino street, will leave the latter part of Juno for Mnlno. whore they will occupy their cottage, Orand-prc, Southwest Harbor, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo G. Omerly, 363 Polhnm road, Gcrmantown, announce the engagement of tholr daughter, Mies Frances Louisa Omerly, to Mr. Walter H, Chapman. Mrs. Charles Cndwallader Is enter taining n. number of schoolmates, alum nao of Skldmoro School of Arts, at a garden party at Byberry Farms to cel ebrate Skldmore's tenth birthday Among the guosts will be Miss Eleanor Tler noy, Mlsa Ellzaboth Mcrrltt. Miss Mnry Stevens, Miss Roberta Illff, Mrs. Charles Mears. Mrs. Henry F. Wllkle Mrs C F Keuhnle, Miss Vera Kcndrlck and Miss Llllabello Hare. Tho first of a series ot three card par ties which will bo held for the benefit of tho building fund of St. Brldgct'a Church. East Falls, took place last eve ning' In tho basement of the church. Miss Mary Kelly was In charge. PHOTOPLAYS Weekly Photoplay Guide Week of May 23 to 28. Subject The following theatres obtain their pictures through tho STANLEY Company of it n guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your pictures through the Stanley Company of America. PAIVIIT V'THBATllE 1311 Markot St. I -IV11L I s A. M. to WclnlKht i M. I'lor. Vldnr onrt Peters, "llnir Up" T. iruhlon Hamilton, "rrunnt llimlianil" I V". Carmel Myers. "nangrrotiR Moment' T. Ethel t'laMon. "l'rlre of romrmlnn" r UlHrtjo Wnlton, "I)rHr-l Youlh" 1 S Wm. P. Hart In "Tho Silent Man" 5ATM 5T TIIBATHB nlow UprOM -,u ri Ol. HATINICI1 DMl.T M Mr. and Mrs. r Haven. "Tivln tltdii" T. Mr. nnd Mr. D Haven "Twin III" W. llobart nonworth. "Ills Own l.aw" T. Chai. Kay "Penrornl Valley" I. Oeorge ArllaH, "Tho HctII" B Uaorsu Arlln, "Tlio lvil" ! FRANKFORD 4T135ORD . M. lloscoo Arbuiklo, "IlrnTater'H Millions" T Fottv Arhuckle. "llniwster'g Millions" V i:thol Clayton. 'Tlio Price of Pcssenslon' T Ethol Clayton. "The Prion or PoHseaslon'1 F Thomras Milghan. 'Frontier of tho Stars' S Thomas Mnlghan, 'Frontier of the Htnrs' GLOBE BOOl MAHKET ST. 14A A 4n , 1, m .'i-mar tisi in "inro of Yonth" T All-Star Cast In "laire or Youth" W Constance Talmadyo, "Ooort Iteiferences" T Constanco TnlmadKO, "flood aeferenron" ...... . . . ". y v " 1 F Ueho Daniels "Nil.. r,inl,UI, tt.lK 1., a Holm Daniels, "Hho Couldn't Help It" GREAT NORTHERN " 5H.iBU M. Clara. K. Younir. "Stralsht From Paris" T. Clara K. Toung. "Straljrlit From Paris" I iv U.'lara,."- Toun. "Htralcht From I'aris" 1 1-m' KVnum, ''Hlfc Cretit Satrfilre" H. Wm. Farnum, -'.iu, i'tiiuuj, .iia virruicst eaonnei ..ill.. fi..-M. A ;.. .. 19 ti in-atost riarrltlce' IMPERIAL 74 a SHSHflTi 1 M Doug as Fhltbanka In "The Vnt T Douglas Falrl'Knka In "Tlie Nut" V,' Douglas IVtlrlhanliH In "Tlio Nut" T. AIl-Mtar Cast, ''Son of Tannn." No. 1.1 r All-Htnr Cast, "Sou of Tarzan " No Ja S. All-Htur Cnst. "Son of Tarran," No IS IMPERIAL SDs,A.R.?-Pj 13i ......ju l.ll.1 M E. Hnmm'rstnln In "Plrasuro Hrr&erw" T. C lnv "l.-i Minutes From llrondwui" W Houso Pntorii In "Lylnir Lips" T. Kothnrlnii MucDnnald In "Ourtnln" V.C. Talmadfo ln "Tho Porfrnt Woman" H. Hustwr (veaton In "The flaoliead" I CUir.U PAI AfT Gin. Avs A ., . 7 . ... Lehleh Ava. M I.nulao. Olaum ln "I Am Oullty" T r.oulsi Olaum In "1 Am OuUtj' -e " ,A J1 '" .'.iT",1"'' .f ;,nr.k.'d Wlnilows" T.- A S C "Palace of Dark'it Windows" F In Claire In "Polly With a PnJt" 8 Ina Claire In "Polly With n Past" I 1RFRTY nAD a comimuu. av. M rne l-ainre or iiumniNl Windows' T Spec Cn-t In "Some One In the House" W - Helm Uintels "Khe Couldn't Help it" T .1 John'n "The PlivytliInK of Ilro-id'T" F Wnnd.i lliiwlj "Her First Hloprment" H K Hammorsteln In "Pleasure Keekers" MOnPI 2S pOVTU ST. OrchMtra. lVlVLyil, Continuous f-er I n 11 :.f D W Orimth'H "The Idol Dancer" T D W nnmth's "The Idol Dancer" W Umlsn Olaum In "I Am Oulllj" T --Louise Glaum In "I Am Gutltj" T. All-Rtnr Cast In "Tho Stealers" B. All-Star Cast In "The Stealers" OVERBROOrCe3D "MS! M. All-Star Cast In "Nomads of the North" T. All-Star Cast In "Nmnads of tho North" W DouglaM MacU'an In "Chickens" T "The Perfect Woman" F -"The Perfeot Woman" B T.m Mix In "The Hoad Demnu" PAI APF "u MAnurr btoket I AL--VV-I-. ki a. M TO U p M M Tom Moore In "Hold Vonr Horses" T--Tnni Moore In "Hold Your Horses" W Tom Moore III "Hold Your I lories' T. Tom Moors In "Held Vour lint-si's" F Tom Mwiro In "Hold Vour Horses" 8 - Tom Monro In "Hold Your Horsea" RIALTO QTA'SfKfe ! M- Ronnie ArhurKle "llrrtvster'a Millions"1 T llnsroa ArhutKle "llrewslir's Mllil,...u ! PRINCESS 'VSoS.SIffiOpLMONT. MO AnnvMA'aUET I M -Pola Neerl nfid Bl Cet In "PuMlon" D-l-IVli I 1 T Allan Drtan's "A Perfect Crime" M Rslph lnce s "The llldiest Ij" W Lois Webor's "What's Worth While" T -Ralph Ince'a "The HUhest Lnn" T J. O Curwix-d's "Nomads of tlie North" W rtilph lnce s "The lllihrst I ,F Canni'l Mvera In "lnnerou Moment" T Vera Oonlon In "Orentest lre" S Wallace Reld In "Tlie Love HiiecUl" 1 Vera Cordon in "llrrittest lrre" 8 Vera tlordon In "llreatesl Love" Hlue and HIk Caul In 'The Kentutklan' 1". Shirley llasnn In "The Lamntlchler" 8, Tpm Mix In "llnnds ah" r GERMANTOWN Friends of Mr, nnd Mrs. W. D. Bryan, of 6311 North Twehty-flrst street, will bo glad to hear that their daughter, Mls Marian Bryan, is rapidly convalesc ing from her recent operation for ap pendicitis. Mr. and Mra. Ralph P. Coleman, of ill Dorset street, hnvo as their guest over the weMc-end Mrs. Howard Bostlck, of Lancaster, formerly of Gormantown. CHE8TNUT HILL Invitations have bren Issued for the marrlago of Miss Dorothy Campbell, of Whltemarsh, and Dr. Douglas Macfar Ian In St. Thomas' Church. Whltomarsh, at S o'olock on Wednesday, Juno 8,, Mrs. Charles B. Solly, of 300 East Highland avenue, entertained at a sur prlao dinner party at her homo on Tues day In honor of Mr, Solly' birthday annlvoreary. Tho guects Included Mr and Mrs. Alexander Carson, Mr and Mrs. Harry Moore, Mr. and Mrs Fred erick Mott, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lCnp pel, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Kchney, MIbh Katherlno Braddock. Mro. K. Solly, Mrs. Harry Hlnes, Mr. Frnk Brnddoak nnd Mr, Edward Ncuhauser. NORTH PHILADELPHIA A surprlso party .waa glvon In honor of Miss Alice Wolf, of 1737 Montgomery nvenuo, by it few Intimato friends ut her homo on Tuesday. Among th guests present wero Mrs. Leon Meyer, Mrs. Ernst Brandols. Mrs. Solomon Hel man.. Mrs. Mary Strauss, Miss Sarah Well, Mlsa Tllllo Goldsmith. Miss Cella Hlrshlor. Miss Clara Ettlnger, Miss Henrlntto Troutmnn, Miss Sophie Trout man, Miss Nottlo Levi, Miss Mary Gold mnlth. Mlas Emma Hlrshlor and Miss Bertha Anathan. Mr. and Mrs Henry J. Miller, of 1206 Erie avenue, will leave shortly for tholr Hummer hofno tn Ventnor. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Murphy nnd,tho Misses Murphy will spend the summer In Canada. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Karl Ruggnrt entertained at her homo, 6830 Willows avenue, lost eve ning. Among those present were Miss FranceH Shetzllno, Miss Anne Graham, Miss Alice Patterson. Mies Edith Pent land, Miss Harriott Pentland. Miss Reno Murry. Miss Anno Moon, Miss Marlon Moon, Mrs. Karl Brandt nnd Mrs. Joseph P. Clay. Mrs. Ruggnrt will lw remem bered as Miss Helen Dixon, daughter of Mrs. E. Dixon, of 1722 Mooro street. The marrlago of Miss Helen L. Kugh Hauchler of" Mrs, Mary D. Kugh. of 1641 South Ithan street, and Dr Edward i A. Leonard, on or tno into .Mr. Edwora Leonard and Mrs. B. Leonard, of 1214 South Fifty-third street, will tako place nt St. John tho Evangelist Church, on Juno 16. Tho maid of honor will be Miss Marv Leonard, and the two brides maids will bo Miss Margaret Alabaugh nnd Miss Allro Williamson, of Wash ington. Mr. John Leonard will act as best man. A wedding breakfast and a reception will follow at tho Aldlnn, Nine teenth nnd Chestnut streets. Tho brldo will be'glvon In marriage by her cousin, Mr. MarUn D. Ford. The bride nnd bridegroom will live at 1214 South Fifty third street WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Helen Chatham, of 5618 Cathar ine street, will entertain the Alpha Chap ter of tho Phi Dolta. Psl Sorority nt a luncheon thin nfternoon Her guests will be Mrs. Harold K. Brown, of Pittsburgh . Miss Erma Clower, Miss Louise Chip man, Mrs. Georgo Flood, Mrs. Thomas Frantr., Mr. Frank I.oe, Miss Florence Gudhlll. Miss Jencbelle Hnrklns, MIrs Doris Epler, Miss Peggy Hutchlneon, PHOTOPLAYS RI IRV MAKKBT ST. DELOW ITU rvlJD 10 A. M. to 11:16 P. M, M. All-Star Cast In "Tho Fatal Hour" T. All-Star Cast In " 1'he Falal llotir" W. All-Slnr Cast In "Th Fatal Hoift" T. Uua-h Ford'a "The Call of Votith" F Ilunn Ford's "Tho Call of loulh" H !tuh Ford's "The fall of louUi" CAAV 12" MAIUCKT STHEET 3M.VUI SA M TO MIDNIGHT " , anaco Item in "Tho Irve Mpeclal" . T Wallace Held In "Tho Lo Bproial" W -WBllnn.. nlil In Tij. I.u K,kArflnl 'I All-dtar Cast In "HrartM Are Tnimim" F All-Htur Caot In "Hearts Am Trumps" H All-Stur Cast In "Hearts Are Trumps" SHERWOOD." J D . St Floienra Vidor In "Ifctuu Hovel" r norenco vidor tn "llean Kevel" VV' Olndya Leslie n "Htrnliht Is the Way' T Oladys Losllo In "Htrulxlit Is h Way" F YT Hart In "O'Malley of the Mounted" I S. W Hart In "O'MollBy of the Mount!" STANLEY ?$ ,., j M Sir J Harris's "Sentimental Tommy" r sir .T nam.'. "Un.,i.i I-.;.. T. Sir .1 Flarrle'a 'Nritlinrtfjil TAmnvi ' W. 8lr J. Itarrle's T Sir J. riarrlo s F. Sir J IJarrls's H Sir J narrls's "Hentlnifnlnl Tomnu" "entlmrjilol Tommy" "8entlmental Tommy" I "Sentimental Tommy" ! STANTON ll"IAs"f5pTIA,blr1,1J ! i,.....t.n -.,,iI.I''t?. .'..' l'..U.' . . 33 MARK FT stiket theatrk ' ,. 7 , VH n,A.M 'nU 'nr M- .M.-noujIm Fairbanks In "Tlie Nut" M. Douclaa Falrbsnks In "Tlie Nut" T Tlmtir'ni. I'n lrli.inl.u In i.Tl.n V... . W - Douglas Fairbanks In 'Tbe Nut" T W Hurt In "n'Malley of the Monnteri' F. w IUrt in "O'Malley of the Mounted' S W Hart in "O'Malley of the Mounted' VICTORIA M Hen Turpln In T Pen Turpln tn W --Iln "Turpln In T Ilan Turpin In CAMDEN 20ih nnd Fedsrl "A Vmall-ToMn Idol" "A Sninll-Torrn Idol" "A Hioall-Tonn Idol" "A ."-moll-Town Idol" "K MimU-Town Idol" F -- Hen rurptn in -Tim Til'pin In "A Smull-Town Idol" WM PFNM T'Hneastar Ave. V 1V1. I CINM Vai.dolll una .ii"ur M. Uebo Daniels tn "liuck nnd Drokea" T liehe DaTjie s lii "Itiiekn nnd Drakes" W -RsIk, Daniels In "Dncjts nnd Ilrukes" T Talmader-O'nrlen. "(IhostH of Yesterday" F Tatma-lse-O'tlrlen "C.hosts of Yesterdnj-" S Ttilmalje-O'Ifl-len. "Miosis, ef Vostenlay" RIALTO at West Chester ; M - Katherlne MsrDouald In "Curtain" 1 T Knlherlne MacPonnld (n "Clirlnln" W Ixin Chaney in "The Penallv" T I.on Clmnoy In "The Tensity" P Tom Mix In "Hands Off" 1 S Tom Mix In "llnnds Off" ?DLE HOUR at West Chester I M M, Nenneits. 'C.lrl With the 4nrr Heart" T -M Kennedy 'Ctrl With the Jam Heart' W A l-Htar Cast In "l.ure of Youth" I T A'iSter Cast In "I.vre of Yonth" I F Wanda HawVy. "Her First Klooement" S W.inda liowlev "ller rirt F.lopcmrnt" The NIXON-N1RDLINGER ELI Tl 1EATRES APMI IH" -:,,n Sl ""' "'thn Avs V,l-Nll ..MATINi'E DAILY M K K I vn'n in "Inner Voire' T AU-Htar i asi in "Milestones" W Wnlhsui Htijidniit in "tjirtlilwiind" T yndhain Smndln in 'F.inlihminrt" F All-Blur 'asi in "nevrnce uf Tixrrnn H All Suir Cast In "Uridine of Tnruin" CEDAR " 4 ,K,,An AVUNUE M -Douk as M Lef n in "Chickens" T -Itoiulua McLean in "Chickens" W- lleha Danls's In "Oil, I.uiti, lwly" T.- Ilolvs Daniels In "Oh. IjiiIj, ld)" F, Owen Voore In "Chicken In the Caoe" S.Owen Moora In "Chlrkrn In tlie fuse" I REGENT AK.,S: ?oTi V7S. COLISEUM MAIl,ifTB 1 !shSffl:.,nos!,,I5s,r,.. ! -&f.v af ffi, wrK W Huh Ford'a "Tim lrrat .' v.' UoWclli m il "u,Jia"'? k... T Hunh Ford't "Tho Great Day" ' T.- All-jlSr ca.t "It Ml.h"irtiiJ''.lhV .. K Hugh Ford a "The flrcnt Day' F A .Jar III, -u 5!fhf '!llP" Jon a-Hu.h Ford', "T... (, ay" l-U 'fnvW.'SSSS 'ftR." I I ' .'.wio tn-t .-vt.ai. n . tunuuuuil, I'llllJ' r fri r7. ' '" ICTISlire seekers' .w. ,.,.,. .-v-ituitn -ivvtu;ki.ii Jfllliv,. ,,7 . -".V ' ' -'- "' .rusiire seekers ' , W. Marshall Ntilan's Production. "IHnry" " -TT Llln Hsmmersti-in. 'Ple.isure Seekers' T Marshall Nellan's Product'on "Dlnty" ' TvA ?.""' Co"1 "'0xl It.ul Wife" P. Marshall Nellon's Production. "THnty" I L A ,'"S"lr ' aal "'01 Had Hire" S Marshall Nellan's Production, "Dlnty" All-star Last "(khxI Had Wife" Miss Mildred Pldgeon, Miss FhylUs Saunor, Mrs. J, Mortimer Trnugott, Miss Lydla Lopes and Miss Estelle Wood. Mlsa Mao Rhodes, of 6428 Malcolm street, will entertain on Monday evo nlng in honor of Miss Annlo J. Nejjon, Mitchell will tako place In Juno. Among tho gueato will bo Mlsa Mao Miller, Mrs. Jamea Gabo, Mlsa Agnes MoDpnugh, Miss Margaret MODonugn. miss r ioron t..i.M nrl.n TnHHln Xlttrmnn Mian L.nUrfL Sohrower. Miss Jennie Nelson. Mrs, Rob ert Sinclair, Mrs. ueorge yr,..i Blanche Russell. Mrs. Frank Hlnch. Mrs. L. Kawfman, Mrs, Robert Gunls and Mrs. James MeAnulty. NORRI8TOWN Mrs. H. H. Fisher, of 1351 DeKalb 'street, entertained tho officers and Board of Managers of tho Quaker City Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution of Philadelphia, nt a tea at her home. Mrs. Fisher held office In tho chapter for twenty-four years. DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs. William B. McClenachan. Jr, has Issued Invitations for a bridge party, which sho will glvo nt her homo In Ches ter on Thursday nftcrrtoon. The guests will Includo Mrs. Harry Armltage, Mrs. Norman Aspden, Mrs. W. E. Batchelor, Miss Katharine Barker, Mlsa Marjorlo Black, Rlrs. Roscoe Ballord, Mrs. Ar thur Burton, Mrs. gRn Campbell, Mrs. Earl Cookman, Miss Adelo Coch ran, Miss Martha Comfort, Mrs. Georgo Armltage, Mrs. Harry Montgomery, Mlsa Anno Montgomery, Mrs. John McCturn, Mrs. Charles Huber, Mrs. James Hop kins, Mrs. Edward Rubnn, Mrs. Clarence Longhead, Mre. Ronald Shrlglcy, Mrs. Horace Qulgloy. Mrs. Alfred Wller, Mrs. Robert Leslie Taylor, Mrs. Frank B. Hatton, Mts. Allyn Sayre, Mrs Walter MlngenL Mrs. William B. Todd. Mrs John W. Simmons, Mlas Sarah Sweeney, Mlttfl Ada Doerlng. Miss Mildred Rhodes and Mlsa Edith Gnrreft A muslcalo will be given on Thursday evening. May 20, at the home of Mrs, Frank Reeves, on Bonsall avenue, Droxol Hill, for tho benefit of the building fund of tho Presbyterian Church of Drcxol Hill. WISSINOMING Mlfw Edna Gladen nnd Miss Mabel Glnden gave a surprise shower on Tues day evening In honor of Miss Catherine Collins, of 6112 Marsden street, whoso mgagement to Mr. Raymond Springer, of Camden, was recently announced. Among those present were Mies Florence Harrison, Miss Caroline Tomlinson, Miss APORATtf' IareaF .when you need it With the cream left in! PHOTOPLAYS to Change America, which locality obtaining HOTWUYr COMMNr f OTAMlmCA FUMRf) O.VT ST & (HltARD AVE ,, Ti. : '. .'..'-..- - .-.....-., , -.- - JurillJO .Ilinrfln,. am lru..l.. ... ' ivrc,? InJon' "Mutlnr of Klnlnorr" w Cil.Au?er, 7V,nfnr nrunted" .. M"" Mursh In "Little -Frald l.ud" .i.ti XAina f i -Margarita Flahar and .Vnpel llorrw n q 111 "J1"- 'Otlllll Child" a. All. Star Cust In "l.ono Hand" I , . .. I LEADER 4,ST '-A.VCASTEK AE .. , w MA'I INCB DAILY M lhoma Mclirhan In "Ea.v Itoad" ' 'nomas Jleluhan in "Fjisr Hand" v u."" a"' m "County Fulr" All-star Can In "Counts Fair" LOCUST -- ,'ffSr. T iV.? Qtnp80n in '''I'oners of li"e J,;';'') (,?niPon In "Prisoner of l2Te" r iS,..v ! omp"on ln ",'loners of li" T IJettv Compson In "Prisoner of in," .-I ."v Compson in "PrliSSJf. r i": utiuy uimpon In "Prisoners of I.ote" NIXON 52n '" sTs. M Wnianl Mwi , 11..1..' '.,ai Jr. ...,..'. .,ar" ... Heritage" T Simihini- Comedv. "Night llefore" 6 -iunshin Comedv "Mght lief""" RI VOLI m Trii 1 S2D AND SANROM STS Mstinei, lllr , . . . STRAND K-MANTilVN AVE. -J I l-nU ,r k , ,..,' si nouK.rt 1-v r hanks "The Nut ST. H Dnurlos Fairbatk 'Tin. Niii" I Dauelas Fairbanks "The ut" pmulMH Falrtiank- "The Sill" S Doiiglns i'airbonks "The Nut" AURORA :': "flnnantown Av,. .! MATlNKPl DAILY ! -A"-"'"' 'osi "Partners of the m,e" """... m ra-isisham. Tlie Mn Tllllt f, ill. W -Thomas II l,lCs ,' -Jint i2","."U 1 , Thomas H lnco "Lilne linV" I -tleorl-o Heeban "One Man I,," a tflillon" S -Cunva Tearle "SJrty .sDohs" CENTURY Kr" Av i Sr All-Star Cast in Vllle.uinri" ' -''."" nl Hale "Held I.. 7K 2,rmr.. t 0P Hampion Mi "Tlie lloll" I- Jih"1, TJ J.'"1"1 "I'ulsMe the Ii J Chanav In Dejn "Outside Ihs i!u"i '""" """ "S,rr" ("'1"' "iMlAV" Fay's Knickerbocker N00n,,,An,','h T""'t ," 0n,,r 'P"tlSnnwU?, v 'W?.'. '. V,ur "'fotlin WorthV" r .MlV .''' our 'l'n'n Mnrtl?-' !H"lYlE,. V Tr "'""tiitlon Wort ? S Zh,1 J .""r IJ'imtat on Worth" S Mhnt N onr Kisurtatloii Morth?" Germantown "SatVn'cbTaii'V r M .lean Pal,, m "llla.k lien r" r Jen Palir.. ,n "Itlacl. Ileuujy.. --Jnan Palirr In "Iliad. Meant" ' tiane nl Keamn. n "supheiid" H Z,-,r,?rr ,nn? ,K,0n m "Minhoad" H nine iii.l Ke.ii . i, ., "Siiphniil" .ll..h. n...,. ... ......."...'."'."""'a I.- n .":. ...., i.u'u hi -iii-niiin' iinuii." PARK "'f1" AVE t DAI phis st I u n , .i, ,M'" ,S K" "to to 11 MrP,rl,r'.",'1 r''"" "' "Outside the .i.i I r Piisclilt Dean ln "Outside the Lui," ' .1- ,VV rV'1" fi,on.Vn "llllnes" I '.. ' . Mlaaon. "What Momrn Will Ho" P. D. Phillies, "Once to El "r U,,,,,,,!..0. P -P Frederick, "Mistress nnil HIiVnTtine" SPRl IPF flivr AJC1 HPIU'CK JI IXi-'v.-u, M'ATINPi: SATCninv yU'1." Hu-ll "Cidurido Pluck'' W, JBdijh Iloberts "PiiknoHu Wife" i. "iiiiani nuen "lomradn Pliuk' 4,vmis wi Clare Wlllla . Il('a..n... i.i.!iVi. .. P -William FeTrWnWi, "Slontana ii S.Norm- Talmadie, "Pnnlhea'1 ,' INULKK s. , JEFFERSON HA'J"' T'-i' IMIW -I!0" "?"' on?an" I w;-,.,r.!, hVIV'-mKis '?.'"-!!" s . Anna Tomlinson, Miss Edna Glnden. Miss Dorothy Gladen, Miss Catherine McClelland, Mies Ircno Schrey. Mrs. Dorothy Gladon, Mrs. Helen Finney, Mrs. Elsie Smith, Mrs. Bcrelo Neoley and Mrs. Stella MaoBaln Bolllng-Lanler Wedding The wedding of Miss Ellzbeth Day Lanier, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs, Charles D. Lanlor, of Greenwich, Conn., and granddaughter of tho late Mr. Sidney Lanier, and Mr, Robert Hart Bolllne, of HEMINGWAY IMPORTER 1524 Locust Street Prior to his departure for Paris vnll offer for three days only, May 23, 24, 25 A Final Clearance Sale of All Our Flower and Feather Hats no Formerly from S22 to $50 SACRIFICE CLEARANCE PRICES ON COATS AND CAPES Exchanges No Credits Igtii?!!?? STKAM8HIP NOT1CK.S LUCKENBACH LINES PHILADELPHIA TO SAN DIEGO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO-PORTLAND-TACOMA-SEATTLE SS LEWIS LUCKENBACH May 26 S S ANDREA F. LUCKENBACH June 8 Seattle Tacoma Portland San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego Philadelphia SS EDWARD LUCKENBACH June IS SS HARRY LUCKENBACH June 25 Philadelphia to Rotterdam S S F. J. LUCKENBACH May 24 Philadelphia to Hamburg SS WALTER A. LUCKENBACH Loading Rotterdam Philadelphia SS HATTIE LUCKENBACH May 24 Hamburg Philadelphia SS FLORENCE LUCKENBACH May 23 LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INd LAFAYETTE BUILDING. PHILADELPHIA LOMIIARO BS10 EARN-LINE Incorporated 1391 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA SS "COQUINA" MAY 23 (Arrancemema liaie been made for quirk dUrlinrto of earco ut Havana) Tor Spnro and Itntrn Apply EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents Bullitt Buildinir. Philn. Pa. Iximhard niOO-OIOl-OIOI-S'.'O.T via Havana & Panama Canal A new vacation opportunity. Sail two oceans and tho Caribbean Sea, Traverse the Panama Canal. Visit romantic Spanish America on maid en voyage of palatial 21,000 dis placement tons American Steamer Empire State Sailing June 25 From Baltimore to Los Angeles Harbor and San Francisco 17 days of comfort and pleasure. Slurs at Haana, Canal Zone. Salvador and Guatmva lBi: S300.00 AND t'P For Reservations, Tickets, or other information concerning this and sim ilar future voyages apply to Thos, CooK & son, Kaymond & Whitcomb Co., American Express Co.. or to any tourist or railroad agent, or to JBU3IFICMAIL STEAMSHIP Ca inn TlinhKntA PliMf nnlttmorp. !d. Monlnji Acfftfr U. H. Shinplna Itoard AMERICAN SHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR OCEAN VOYAGE New Combination Passenger and Freight Snips Fast, Luxurious Steamers, Reliable Freight Ships THE STANDARD OF THE MARINE WORLD UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Sailings from every port in America to the lend ing ports of the world. Schedule of passenner srrlres so. c iears in tins panrr etery siouuay, tdiietdny and l'rlday. SEAGER LINE PHILADELPHIA to? Christiana, Copenhagen, Gothenbcrg' Stockholtu, Helsingfors and Reval l S. MAIL STEVMKRS I SIl s S "TOLLDO IIKIDLI." shIIIiik ulioiit Mm ill T HII1PPIMI IIIMHII KTKH llirnuuh llllls nf 1. hIImc l-iurd tn nil Nnrttrnliin. DiinUh mid Mnlli Port lllrrit -nlllii.H for nil inillniMlnn mid llnltlr Port- a- CHrsn Oder- SlUr.l'U STKAMSH1P CO. Inc. W. J. Grandfield & Co. I'll H. M.1AIN HUN liestuut si l.idiiliafl MT S 1 Ma i fi V-, , , AMERICA UNE New York to Rotterdam Via Plymouth and BouIone-ur-Iuw RYNDAM Mi; 28 July 2 Am 6 N. AMSTERDAM June 4 July 9 Aur. 13 N00RDAM ..... June II July 1G Aur.20, ROTTERDAM .. ..June 25 July 30 Stpl. 3 1 PantDiir Office, 1531 VNtlout St., Philt. I I AMERICA LINE 0 this city, son of Mr. and Mra. Si 07 ' BolllngTof Rockland Fnrm, West Chesi ter, will tuko plneo ut the summer homo y of tho bride's, parents at Greenwich at t' if3a nVtneb fhla nftciTinntv MIin Mnri JU i tjinlni- niftier of llin lirliln tvlll Iia tndirl & ',?V of honor, nnd tho bridesmaids will bn Miss Becky Lnnlcr, another sister of the bride, nnd MIbs Josephine Lanier, of Now York, a cousin of tho bflde. The Rev. Corydon C. Tyler, D. D., of Chest nut HIU, assisted by the Rev M. Georgrt Thompson, u n., recior or tmrisi ;y, Church, Greenwich, will officiate. NTKXMMIII' NOTiri'X Main 3201 w ti .. - Passenger and Freight Services From New York CHCRBOLIta AND SOUTHAMPTON Aultn''' M SI June It July 5 J nurrtunlii June 0 .u 14 Aue. II Urreneurm ... j,ln, 311 Auk. is s"Ju X , LIKIlPOOI. V". ,- June 1 .IiiIt J July SO Albania dim) . . June 7 .IiiIt IX Aur. Zt C.irmiinla lune IS July fl Aa,. ,S Alcrrla . . . June in , Bi'Y.0L"rH CHKRIIlJCltO 4 HAMRlinO rjaxoitla ... June U Julv '21 Anr aa l-UNDONDRimv TVD uUaSoOW " Ciinirrnnln (new) . June t .liiljr !J JuIt SO Cnlumhlu June IM July III Anr IS WO OUlllAI T I N XPI.KS TI AS, Di-imov.NiK Tnn.sTi:. fiimk ' Itatln June It HAVANA COni'N.VA HIHIUMAti; PATKAH. DL-DIIOVNIIC TUYl.'STE FlOMB IMnnunia . June 4 HOSTON TO LIVERPOOL Assyria June 1 ,. PHILADELPHIA TO LONDON Miliaria ii., PHILAIiEI.PHIA TO nniHTOI. -. , lAVOXMOrTin AND SWANSEA Vliiilrllo) . June 4 Cunurd nnd Anchor Meam Shin Lines. Patenter Onire. 1.100 Wnln-'t sli I'hlla Ieisht Oftlce. Bourse Ride. Phlla. GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY OF ENGLAND CATHEDRAL ROUTE East Anglia, Home of the Pkljcrlm Mirrs Dl'-kens an.1 TentusOrt DIs. trkts Seaslile llesnrls Coif THE FELIX HOTEL FELIXSTOWE, ENGLAND TN in is mHffiiifWfiHv anpulnteil "'st,' shm-ni en the East Coast of Fnif.Hnil onuert anil manneed by the fir.st Essierii Itnllwsv Compsny Ji uslrnfeil Iir t hure on rnnm HARWICH ROUTE Rutland tn the fontlnenl via HARWICH and HOOK OF HOLLAND Alio via HARWICH and ANTWERP New Service Comrarccinj June, 1921 DIRECT TO BATTLEFIELDS VIA HARWICH - 7FFRPltr.r.r Luxurioui Stcamen Pullmtn Car Traim f lv fr llliiitlH'el li,Ui 'The IV'n W II or li'ittltfiiUli o Ilrtijtum ntic 'rniici' " II. J. Kelrhiim, (,en. Act, si I rifih , i. it :lm st ,. n,.m rU BLACK DIAMOND STEAMSHIP CORP. PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam, Antwerp & Amsterdam Am. S S ''Collingsworth" Sailing about May 28 W. J. Grandfield & Co. Philadelphia Agents 308 Chestnut St. I.omhiird r17fi-7-8-0 Main fi7fi,i Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW U.S.S.II. S.S. MONOMAC r.xpwtrd tn Hull Aliout Slur 26lh I .H.H.II. HS. IIAVU1MON COUNT!' P.jperted t" Hull Almut Miiy 31 for ROTTERDAM 1 .H II. HS. ''IVKHTKKN llPK" KP"led In Halt Alioot liar -8 AT COSPKItrA'CK IIATU5 Harriss, Mngill & Co., Inc. 425 Lafayette Uldff., riiJldelpM l.nihard fi-IQ-1 Main ISM UM WA 1 4 I i 1 m i , n SI l -IT t-i J:' . v ..' & i"l ""' ' ' ' " - ' ' 1 n fi1i, M