&.; v'-v '''X --"'' iMftt-tftf SATURDAY, MATT 21, 1921- - , I ,- .V , , -J P5and at 0;, Organ at 11 weather:' WANAMAKER'S pjp ' and '4:50 ICf A " . Oilmen at Noon Slorc Opens nt 9 WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 5 WANAMAKER'S Fair j, a dvance Notice of the Good Things the New Week Will Bring at Wanqmaker's vV uJ 1 r. ,. f m This Great City Should Not Forget Stephen Girard The Merchant, Mariner and Banker, Whose Birthday Was Yesterday One hundred and seventy-one years ajro he was born in Bordeaux, three-Story Dricit nuuse oi mc rimueiimiu atyle, and of yhich he afterward built rows in this city, setting a pattern followed in ,our early days. Queer in many ways, he saw with his one eye (the other lost at a bonfire where the fragment of an oyster-knell destroyed' the sight of his right eye) a great future for the Quaker - City, and directed the monument of the Girard College and a plan for its use which, under Dr. Cheesman A. Herrick, is an honor to the city and a blessing to its young citizenship. His probity and far vision in business matters as a merchant have never been surpassed in the nearly two centuries that have passed since his birth. The men who have made Philadelphia must be remembered for the examples they set for us. Signed May sh 1921. There Are So Many Occasions for a Handsome Lace Gown This Summer especially, when lace is at the height of faihion and wonderful results are achieved with its loveli ness. These are the gowns thnt women will wear to garden parties and card parties, for afternoon affairs and informal evening wear. They arc ex quisite in their dainty color ings and very becoming. One of the most beautiful is ef oDen-mcsh ecru lace over (First l'loor, Japan Sends Us Hand Embroidered Pink Silk Underclothes And they are among the most captivating in this May Sale. Every one knows how exquisitely fine and rich the Japanese hand embroideries are. They look their best on these dainty pink crepe de chine and habutai silk gar ments. They were cut on American patterns, and will please our most particular customers. Chemises of pink silk crepe de chine, simply em broidered at $6.85, and elab prately embroidered at ?13.76. Of pink habutai, richly embroidered, at $7.85. All are envelope models, with French backs. ' Nightgowns of pink, crepe de chine and habutai, in six beautifully e m b r o i d ercd models, at $10.50, $12.50, $15 ana $15.85 almost too pretty, so one woman said, 0 go to sleep in." (Third Floor, Central) Lower Prices on Women's Stockings and Underwear Savincra are about a third all through the lot, and some- Itlmes more. All first-grade sroods of the Iwant right now and all through Stockings $1.75 n nair for hlnpk silk stockines. some with cotton tops. $.2.50 a pair for black, cordovan and navy silk. Underwear 25c a pair for pink cotton bloomers. 50c for whifn nnffrnn nnrl lialfi union suits, sizns 36 and 188 only. $2.50 a pair for pink silk (West Peter Pan Waists to Wear With Sweaters and rpL Sports Suits M..:" '""""! iouim-toiiur "vuocs an tnnnr Tintiiilni. tn ?f?r with Summer sweaters q With tVia 4. ...! .nn.(n Bulls. """" oi"'WD rJi ne,w white tub ailk blouse pleating around the col- h..i P cu"3 and tny pin tucH is $5.85. , A white cropo do chine blouse with frills down the "?i and pleutings around the cIlar and cuITb is $10.50. r..u '?S8 "tpcnslvo und quite practical uro two new cotton &es?no of P'nt" wMU DaUato with dimity collar and F, the other with Irish 8?a tr,?iminf coI'ar nd (Third Floor,' Central) France, in a little old Pmwfe black satin. The laco is piped With gold cloth and the design outlined with large gold beads. Ecru lace with drapings of brown chiffon is another pretty combination. Or dove gray chiffon with ecru lace and a bright cherry red ribbon girdle. There are plenty of the darker colored lace gowns also, black, navy blue or brown, touched with a vivid color. Prices start at SG5 and go to $235. Centriil) New One-Piece Sports Dresses in the Women's London Shop Uncommonly smart, they have fairly leaped into fashion in the few days since we first showed them. Of bright-colored linens, made with large armholes, pockets and narrow belts dresses intendod to be Avorn with severe white blouses. The price is $17.50. Same style, of wool jersey cloth with contrasting pipings, nlso $17.60. (Oullery, CheMiuit) styles and weights women the Summer. bloomers. Aisle) Colored Handkerchiefs for Commencement Gifts $1 A soft violet, a lovely rose pink, salmon color, green and a French blue are the colors, and the handkerchiefs are all of sheer, line Irish linen with corners appliqued in white and just enough dainty white embroidery for effect tivencss. You might send one or a dozen I Other new colored initial handkerchiofs arc $4.60 for a box of six, and are in at tractive colors and designs, with hand-rolled hem and hand-embroidered letter in monogram effect. (Mln Floor. Cfiitrnl, or The London 8ho, The (Jailer) New Prices on These Street, Afternoon and Evening Dresses for Young Women ought to find new owners for them very quickly, Indeed! . The Street and Afternoon Dresses Are $20 to $95 and include some lovely beaded Georgettes in light and dark colors, soft char meuse frocks, some of crepe de chine and some of Canton crepe. There are even a few Paris frocks in the lot. The styles are good, there is quite a collection, and the prices are all greatly below the original markings. The Evening Frocks Are $10 to $95 and these include a small group of taffeta and silk dresses in white and light colors. They also have been much higher priced. It's a remarkable oppor tunity for young women who wear 14 to 20 year sizes. (Second Floor, Chestnut) All-Black Hats Are the Fad of the Moment in Paris Perhaps smart Parisiennes have discovered how very stunning these all-black hats are when worn with white frocks, for instance, or with some of the lovely vivid colors that are so fashionable. These newest hats just off the needle-are of the modish Canton crepe. They are in medium sizes and fash ionable shapes, with brims that droop just enough for becomingness. For trimming they have pond lilies, shining black cherries and other fruits and flowers. There is just one hat of a kind, of course, and prices begin at $22. . (Second l'loor, Clientnut) Narrow Two-Toned Ribbons Of moire, in all. the attractive colors and combinations worn this summer. . They are in two widths three-quarters of an inch at 55c a yard, and one-inch at 65c a yard. (Main Floor, Central) Fine Bench-Made Slippers of Beige and Fawn Buck The soft and lovely beigo colorings so much approved in woman's dress this year und the equally soft and lovely ma terial of which those slippers and pumps are fashioned, make them the most pleasing and effective of tho season. They aro all bench-made that is, made by hand, and by ono pair of hands from start to finish, and they show at a glance that perfection of line and detail that comes only from such high-class individual shoemaking. Some are entirely of tho becoming soft-colored buckskin. Others arc combined with kid or leather. Most have two-inch Louis heels and light soles. Ono has military walking heels and substantial street soles. All havo one or two straps over instep. The prices aro $15, S17 and $18. (First Floor, Murket) With Decoration Day Coming Women Want White Silk Skirts As we have heard many women say, a white silk skirt goes with any color sweater, and it is one of the prettiest and most economical Summer skirts. There are as many as twelve different kinds of silks represented in these skirts, the majority being of the fashion able crepe weave and a nutnber of them being entirely new. Mostly they are pleated, but there are a few plain sports models. Crepe de chine, silk faille, pussywillow taffeta, Baronet and Canton crepe are included and the prices range from $15 to $32.50. TOje Starting $omt for tfje bribe's &ttoer Very often it in some ono piece among the wedding gifts whose 'pattern the bride fancies and would like for the rest of 'her silver. A sugar bowl and cream pitcher are often given for a wed ding present, or the same two articles with tho teapot or coffee pot. To choose a good standard pattern is the important thing. Wo suggest the following beautiful sterling silver patterns In which all the pieces may bo bought separately. Fcsides the sugar 'bowl, cream pitcher, coffee and tea pot, there is the kettle, wniter, coffee sets, meat platter, vegetable dishes, compotes and bread trays. Hcppelwhitc Fairfax Maintenon Clermont Plymouth King Albert Lafayette Newport Dprothy Quincy Washington Portsmouth Lanedownc (Jenelrjr Store, C'hetnut nml Thirteenth) Women Appreciating Beautiful Wraps Would Certainly Choose These They arc the soft wool duvetynes that hang so gracefully, the smart trico tine wraps, with shoulder embroidery in silver thread. Or some one of the many styles in silk-finished Bolivia, a loner Tuxedo front model, for example, or a delightful (First Floor, Corseting the June Bride Skillful the corsetiere who undertakes to provide ex actly the lines of grace and beauty required for this most momentous gowning in a young woman's life. The feat has been accom plished to perfection by thes Frenchwoman who makes our L. R. and Parisienne corsets. Two of the best L. R. cor sets for this purpose are of silky white broche, beauti fully made a lace-trimmed model with low top at $12, and a topless model at $7.50. Both are long-skirted and perfectly boned. A very light-weight Pari sienne model of white silk batiste with satin trimming has the low bust slightly heightened in back, and long, flexible hip lines. It is $22. Brassieres of brocaded satin and of real lace at $13 and $16. (Third l'loor, Chestnut) one with cape sleeves, fin ished with huge tassels. There is also a good choice of the newest colors tan, ostrich, Sorrento blue, Hin dustan brown, black and so on. And, as to price, one may have any one of these handsome wraps for $100. Central) Your Old Piano Rebuilt SENTIMENT attaches to an old piano. Is the one you or your children first learned to play, perhaps. The one you played to "him" in the evenings be fore he came to stay. The one they gave you when you were married. The one you "lullabyed" the baby to sleep with. Per haps even the one that was your mother's. For some old associa tion's sake, you would rather have it than a new one. And you may ! Our rebuilding and re pair department of expert (Second Floor, Market) A Little Clearaway of Fine Embroidered Flouncings Wide, 40-inch flouncings of organdie, voile or batiste with solid or eyelet embroidery. Some are all white, others have a touch of color. There is just about enough for a dress in each pattern, and a few are a trifle soiled or mussed. In many cases the price is less than half what these flouncings sold for orig inally. They are now $2.75, $3.75 and $4.75 a yard. v (West Aisle) After All There Is Just One Anderson Gingham That is the gingham made by David and John Anderson on the Scotch border. It is finer of weave, which means longer wear, and it is more beautiful than any other ging ham in coloring. There are constant new Im portations to keep up the good assortment. Plain colors, checks, stripes and plaids, all arc $1.25 a yard. (First Floor. Chestnut) The Rush Rugs Are Rushing Out These splendid and serv iceable rugs have come to be among the favorites for sum mer use. In 18-inch blocks in natu ral colors or two contrasting colors 9x12 ft., $38.50. Woven solid 9x12 ft., $28.50; 8x10 ft., $23.50; Gx9 ft., $15. Specially Priced 9x12 ft $17.50 8x10 ft $13.50 6 x 9 ft $9 (Neienth Floor, riimtnut) Plenty of Pins for Summer Dressmaking French steel pins, packed in boxes, each holding a very generous quantity, are 20c, 40c and $1 , according to size. Papers of English pins, 55c, hold a thousand-pins of assorted sizes. (Mlu Floor, Central) Beautiful New Styles in Silk Crepe Handbags The fancy metal frames with .flexible chain handles are the distinguishing fea tures in these new bags. The frames are in oxidized and green gold finish and arc most effective. The bags are of fine silk crepe in brown, beige, gray, dark blue and white, and each contains purse and mirror. Price $10. (Main Floor. Chettnut) Chinese Rugs That Furnish Well and Serve One of the admirable things about Chinese rugs is a certain artistic inde pendence. There is no apparent effort to follow or imitate some other ideas of design and coloring. They almost seem to say "we are ourselves, our colors, vivid ' or subdued, our designs, grotesque, barbaric or otherwise, are our own." This is bound to give them an individual quality and a furnishing effect of a very distinctive kind. No wonder the furnishing value and excellent service qualities of Chinese rugs are meeting with increasing appreciation. The best types in the market are here at distinctly moderate prices. If you are looking for a fine rug, a rug that is handsome, impressive and practical, you should see this selection of Chinese weaves. Carpet sizes from Schomacker craft smen will renew your old piano of whatever make so that years of practical service may be added to it. Only the best materials are used, and the work manship is of the highest grade. Our charges are moder ate, covering only the cost of materials and the work necessary. A letter, postal or tele phone call will bring an expert to your home to estimate the cost. And this estimate will be furnished without any obligation whatever on your part. The Right Light enough to be unoppressive, heavy enough to be just comfortable, and priced low enough to be a good investment. Cotton-filled comfortables with figured silkoline back and center and plain satin borders to match, $5 each. Cotton-filled with figured mull centers, silkoline backs and plain mull borders to match, $6 each. Cotton-filled quilts in plain mull, both sides, in old rose and Copenhagen blue, $6 each. Others with dotted mull on both sides in rose tind Copenhagen blue at $7. Wool-filled comfortables with figured silkatine on both sides, $5.50. Others with silk mull, figured centers and backs and borders of plain mull to match. $7.50 and $9. Wool quilts with plain silk mull both sides at $8. Wool-filled quilts with figured silk cen ter, plain silk border and plain silk mull back at $15. All Garden Hose Looks Alike But when you como to ex amine it you seo why Wnna makor garden hose is different. The difference is due to the materials it is made of, and the way it is mado. Wo show you what every inch of our garden hose is made of. You can take a sample of each kind in your hands, pull it apart and learn why some of it even nt a few cents more, is better worth buying than others. Of all the enormous quan tity wo sell in a year, perhaps four or five pieces como back, and that mostly due to lack of proper caro in the handling and keeping. Men's Heavy White Silk Shirts Lower-Priced We have taken our fine, heavy while broadcloth silk shirts and lowered the price to $8.50. You cannot get better white silk shirts than these ready to wear, and many of the best-dressed men of Philadelphia prefer plain white silk shirts to any others. Men's $1 Neckties in Regimental Stripes Fine silk rep four-in-hands in the popular narrow shape. Made up to our special order in British regimental and other diagonal stripes to sell at this moderato price. (Mnln Floor, Market) $275 upward. (Seventh Floor, Central) A Little Lot of Fine French Dinner Sets Lowered to $75 In plain shape, with gold edges and coin-gold handles. One border decoration consists of a garland of pink roses. The other is a conventional chain border in pale green and tan. These are sets of 106 pieces and are all that l-emain from a large group that sold at a substantially higher price. (Fourth Floor, Cheitnut) .' Household Linens Exceptionally Priced for June Brides Bridal gifts of linen were given long before many other kinds of gifts were thought of, but the surest sign that linens are good bridal gifts is the fact that they are given today more than ever. These three groups are probably unsurpassed for the money. Real Madeira hand-embroidered and hand-scalloped lunch sets of 13 pieces, with plenty of eyelet and embroidery r. work, $7.75 a set. Hemstitched linen pillow cases made of a good quality'") of plain white linen and neatly hemstitched to measure 22'jx36 inches finished, $3 a pair. Pure linen huckaback towels, all neatly hemstitched for individual use, size 14x22 inches, 50c each. (First Floor, Chestnut) Children's Hose Low-Priced 18c, three pair for 50c, for imported, openwork cotton full-fashioned socks. 25c a pair for three-quarter length sports hose of ribbed black cotton. 35c, three pair for $1, for three-quarter length sports hose of ribbed tan cotton with artificial silk striped tops. (First Floor, Market) Quilts for Cool Comfort -a a , a nAA "1 jj i Pfj (Sixth Floor, Central) Don't hang garden hose on a nail. Put it on a reel, or lay it flat on the floor, if you don't want the best of it to kink and break. These excellent kinds aro made expressly for us, and bold only here. They aro con stantly fresh on the floor not stacked up through a season to dry out with lack of use. Superb, a b'-ply, strong, clastic, red rubber hose which our customers prefor above all othora, at 28c a foot. Lily, a 4-ply, heavy, whito rubber hose, at 25c a foot. Iledlcnf, a strong, 5-pIy, red rubber hose, nt 25c a foot. (Fourth Floor, Cculrul) ft Wool-filled quilts with self-figured tussah silk on both sides in old rose at $15. MM Ma ' ' 'o . Jk "t i 1 7 A Quality, a 4-ply, good rub ber hose, at 22c a foot. Cottage, an cxcollent 4-ply rubber hose, 18c n foot. Standard, u half-inch wire bound hose, 16c a foot. Pansy, a 3-ply rubber hose, at 15c a foot. All except tho wire-bound half-inch bono aro -lhch standard size. They are in 25 and 50 foot lengths, with couplings and wubIiits at tached; and can bo extended to any length. Hoso reels from $.'1.50 to $10,50. All accessories, such as nozzles washepf, clamps, couplings and mendoru. I -4 M fi (Finl Fluor, Central) Hk vl 1 J mmmiTv M'ir,tfsa .....U.A.v . ",(5ft ,j, ', v 'i.-nmft t i .'..."$s. !te ' '"'" tAai WS.M 4ij&