Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 21, 1921, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    if 4'
U v V . ,
t i
f flailroad Station Clocks Here
Will Bo Hour Behind One,
'on City 'Hall s-
1 w..tf-1.l nmitiiM ...til 1tilnw nlinllf n
iwynK'"- " "f -
fKtilinr cltitntlon nn fur ns Poronyl
- TftnA nnllrond rlorks In Itroml Htrer-t
iptation nml othr-r dorks Itf the city
arc concerned. An the railroad nn
Bounces totlnr: 'After .Tunc 5 the
clocks nt Urontl Street Station will
tdhow eastern Htnndmd'tlmp, while those
on'fJlty Hll will show ilnyllRht-savlnjc
''When tliei Broad Street Stnlion
tlocis show 12 o'clock lioonv the City
Hull clocks will show 1 I'. M. When
(fie Icnvlns time of n train Is shown
on fl Umetnble.ns 2 o'clock PM.. the
'Cill Hnll clocks will show, fl o'clock.
Thene discrepancies art unavoidable ns
long w daylight snylnR Is soiifrlit io be
ftVcted by local ordinances instead of
'iy n general law.
''In a general way, therefore, the
local and short distance trains on (he
ten radiating lines serving Philadelphia
will be moved forward approximately
one hour. This will include the sen
hore trains, most trains in the com
mutation r.ono and thc'scrvlcu between
Philadelphia and New York. There
will' be exceptions in certain cases in
which local trnlns will not be changed,
It will also be necessary in ccrtnln
other cases to furnish additional trains,
specially in the morning and evening."
ITic Philadelphia and Heading Hail
way today made the following explana
tion :
"AH trains will continue to be
operated on pastern standard time.
However, local trains , to and from
Philadelphia, wherever feasible, will
be run orfc hour earlier than shown in
present timetables." '
Totynshfp, Police. Send Out "Filers"
for Burglar Gang
Chief Hnllowcil, of the f'heltplihnm
TownHhjp police, has hcjiI out filers"
for (he npprchenslotl of burglars who
entered four houses early yesterday
morning oil Central avotub, Chclteh
The chief believes the robbers are
meiiibeiri nf the same gang of wcallcd
"submnrinu" thieves who ,break In
by basement Windows and norclv. doors
who have been making life burden
some foe the local police on the north
enstern outskirts of tho city.
A, 0, Myers and .1. II. Ilenncr, of
Central avenue, both lost rtir, one
valued nt $10 and the other nt $70. In
one instance, tho house was entered, in
tli 2 other the rue was tiikrn from n iin
lin tho yard, .1. V. Horner's house
nml another house ndjoluing were en
tered, but the thieves took nothing. The
thlcvcH worked nt about I o'clock in the
morning, the chief believes, and no one
sny thcpi.
The girls' mine nml auditorium ot
tho Lutheran Orphnns' Itoine at Gcr
mnntown, which w as recently drstrojed
by fire, was rcdcdicntcd this afternoon.
The home wns destroyed December
10f last year, nnd it was only the
heroic efforts of the firemen nnd the
in milium lllll'IlllllIKH mni IllC SIXIV"
eight girls were carried to safety. The
buildings have been entirely renovated.
b $$
r i
SJsm C Weck
w&t aiiuj mucETS
Pntuns 18, 1013
"No Splaslrm Sink"
"Positive Shut Off"
Name "SAVILL" On Faucet
"Atk vour vlumter"
Thomas Savill's Sons, Mfr.
1810-12-11 Wnllac St., l'hlln.
BAILET. Lt8 or 2413 Christian St.. May
It, JANG, widow ot John Dallay. Ilclatlveii
tnd frlendi. nlso member of tho Bvntmel
PrMbyterlan Church Invited to funernl er
Icti Monday, 2 1. M., at tho funernl parlors
01 William II. Chow, southwest corner SOth
led Spruca ta. Int. private. Mt. Morlah
Cemetery. Krlendi may cull Sunday eve
jilnr, 8 to 10.
BORSf. May 19. JULIUS H.. husband of
Catharine A. Ilorni (nee Ultlemnn). Relatives
and friends, nlio Washlnston Camp, No.
tM. P. O S. of A., nnd employcH of the
Victor Talklnc Machine Co., nro invited to
attend funeral service!, Mon.. 1 I. M.. at
hla late residence. 3J3 Spruco at. Int.
Fcrnwood Om. Friends may call Bun..
S to 10 P. M.
band of Anna Buchannn (nee Paul). IlMa
tires and friends, also Union Tabernacle
Prtibytertan Church and Hunilaja Hchnol.
officers of 11th Pollco District, nnd nil other
ortsnlzatlnns of which he una n inemDer.
are lnted to attend funeral sen Ices. Mon,,
VM P. M.. nt his late residence. VW B.
Borlii st. Int. West Laurel Hill Ccm. I-rlenda
mar call after H P. M. Hun.
CAUJUI.VN. Mny 10. M.vnaAnRT, wife
at Bdward J Callahan nnd dauahte' of
David W. nnd Amelia Lew. Ilelatlves anl
frlend, also Bprlnc Garden Counrll. No. 70,
S ndD. ot A., and Lady Nlehnlls Lodge,
No. 83. O. of b. of D rre Invlttd to funeril
inlces. Mon.. 2 P. M., ,it hor lute resi
dence. 1900 E. Alleghenv avo. Int. Groon
wd (1C. of P.) Cem, Viewing Sun. eve.
"CAMP. At residence of non-ln-law, Her
bert I. .tkttlmsn. 403 N. 42d St.. Cumd-n.
N. J AN.NIFJ. wife of Tetar Camp, nited OS.
Funeral lerrlces. Mon., 2 P.M., nt Sanctuary
M. E. Church. 2Sth nnd Thompvm sti i
Ptilla. Jnt, Montrosa Cem. Komalns -liny
be viewed Sun. ovc. at son-ln-law'a rcl
(tntc. i rascadkv. m iv it. in2i, ar.onoK.
Jr . jon of 'Jcom and Mildred fchultz Cn?
etdrn, aced 14. R'-lntlves and friends are
"Imlted to attend funeral rervlces, Hat., '!
P. M at hit parents' residence, 2117 N.
Vb-r st. Int. prlvue.
COLLINS. May IS, MARY K.. dnuahter
of the late Timothy nnd Isabella, Collins.
TMathes tnJ frlemls, nnd nil siKletlos of
hlrh sho wan a member, nro lnllcd to fu
neral. Jton.. SJIO A. M., trim her Into icsl.
oencc, 1931 Hamilton at. Solemn rtuuiem
man Cathedral 10 A. ,M. Int. Holy Croas
COOrER. On May 10, 1021. MAY JOHN
SON, wife of Randolph Cooper, need 37
Sears. Funeral services on Saturday, at 2
P. m . nt Armstrong's. 1027-20 North Broad
st. Interment private.
COYLB. May 18, CORNELIUS, son of
Itj Ilernard nnd Hannah Cosle. Ilcliitlei
and friends aro lnlted to nttund funernl.
Mon., 7:30 A. M., from the resldnnco of his
sIMer, Mrs. nilen Howds. 5122 De Lancey
Jt, Selemn masa of requiem Church of St.
Francis de Hales 0 A. M. Int. Holy Cross
.ILJ07' Ma' 20. ELLKN HE LACY.
01 0033 Arch st. Due notice of the funeral
-Ul bo glen.
.r0AK Ma5' ! JOHN N.. liusbind of
JSItubeth Doak and son of late John N. nnd
(.atherlnn Dnalr. rimnmi tn hii. ,.in.
tins, friends, employes ot Shields & llro.,
inviieu, Jion , s:3U a. il Horn his luto
re.ldenco, 1018 Porter st. Solemn maes of
"lulem Church of St. Monica 10 A. M. Int.
St Denis' Cem.
i,-0!? iSQ. On Mav IS. FRANCIS P..
linibind of Joaophlno R. Du Ilosq. aged 70
year;, ijntrm lcrvCes on Saturday, at 2
K'.a " at Jttt8 .residence, 314 Cricket ae.,
D?.0.?. . i!- Interment private.
ECKMAN. Mtv 10, AUHUST H., huobntlrf
M,IyG- Eckman. Funernl services
fe'-.,2 .p M" olR N- Vogdes at. Int.
jveetmlnster Ctm, Remains may bo lowed
Sun eve.
eF9W,U?.n'T.Ma' 10' HELEN W widow
vi..0' : - F""cr and daughter of lato
eiS?fy nna. Margaret Weed, ngod 77. Rein
to wnd Wends Invited to funernl Won..
t7i . " """-In-law's residence. 80B7 Frunk-
OTi5yj.-lIo,n,.,Dur,r' ra- Int. private.
TAn iIJ(?'-&,R' 10' H'21- JOHN KHEI
'AO, in h s SOth vear. Services Mon.. 2
firf..: r;!'dcnS?. "' daughter. Mrs. Minnie
s!i7iflr'r. 110 J rmount avo. Int. Green
"ffilj"!. , Friends mav call Sun. eve.
Joh? 9K,TCTfay -- ESTHER, widow of
Win.1'... ekI. aJ"i 8,t' Halatlvca nnd
leis 'rIa '.?vJ.trd..t0 ntt''n,1 funoral aerv
ttiZZti'n?n ; "reclaely. nt her lato
rinivli,,1?,1,?,' I'thlgh ave. Int. nrlxnte
Selfut.0.f.SSrlr" T- Oriib.i(k, aged flL
VonMl's? Jrlends nre InMted to funeral,
ih .5't?:30.A' m" lttt0 residence. 810S N.
ChiiSh nn,!?ul:n, m.a" at s- nonaentuia's
&r CenVo.eVy. ,nterment " " '
hShsnIi"";jM.n ?,Iay ,"- ln-'' EDWIN 8 .
tlw. n.,J,ff Kll Oraul, aged 41 years. Rein
No lnndn,rt'n.'l"' .u,0 WHahlnetnn Camp.
BO f 'n,n,i'.1 of A'' Vigilant Canm. No.
C.'m!;' f ' A- urul Colnnol Fred Tnjloi
Vri?,..N"- ?A HSot V.. Invited to funornl
lit. rJ.Viil" Tli?Sflf,? l a I. M.. from his
itf2tnc- 3.no.N' r,,h " Kamnlna maj
J-S, MondBy. 8 to' 10 P M. Int.
itPfflSVUy Cemetery
Ht.AAiTiS?.PK-"7Sl? 1S WALTER, son of
live. n-K" .and Henrietta Hartkopf. Rcla.
neral "ill-i"".'1." ar, l.nMed to ntlend fu
of jSJ,nife"riM?ni. 8.1' M" th0 "rlor
ave In? 5" i "erkelhach 70 (Joniinntown
HAYvr8rl,ft,u' -' ton .Hills Cem.
AKnniniirJl!'ii&cnXX-. '!BV 1()' FANNY
are lnViR..HAYN.ca' ReIntlo nnd friends
r invited to funernl services, Mnn.. 11
it. Int. mUnt" 1C9' 2MD 8,r,n,f Qarden
NJEh?,,thll(i8'Vtln M?y l,b" ln21- ELDERT
"n 8ai5eS?5 $. Maud s- Jennl"". Service
lite i V.uJm y nftrnoon at 2:30 o'clock, at his
it VCfmif' .y- Walnut st. IneVmsnt
'enlni ,er CenT','y' 1f'ewlne I'rldny
ofKJ.!;ii,T:?.'nj:- ,R' rTlENCE M.. widow
re mfn,i3,,,Kan.?- A1'11"" nnd friends
ft. M from 'J? "'.'V"1 fn"f"l. '"n.. .s.30
"na "axe m HrJ"1'8 "d"n. 72B0 Wood.
nisni '-. ""i'nm rcuulemmaas nt St.
fitment Church 10 A. M. Int. Holy Cross
om,FITlTl?t?.rln.J..,;?2, at "nrrlson
nTfVl,nS'.UA.U,JTH,. KKELEY. Relntlves
Mon Ap ,ire, lnltjd to nttend funoral.
4"rlPh e'em'"'" "M Hn,"r M0- ,,,t:
"t uli'PVM,,y ,l I'BNRY W.. husb.tnd
hMlM to .'e'T,'! "' nnd filcnds nro
P. i .! liS""1'1 ''""ml eir cos, Mon. 1
'ite'M" ?'""'? U,UJ N ' nt lilt Prl
WVwe1J80unr,"T"t ten, ncm'11"8 may 'be
anK .K.,S.-."S ." VS.. ANNA
dh er if iS.yi . "' ""r ANNA, belovol
Vcuor) iiolVu"'1 ","'1 Ann,B 1'irhln (nee
r TnvltMi V,v.",."n' '."''' of ho fumllv
M ? fro m w'Mi'""1. f.unnrn,l. Mon.. 8:30
UtrcMH i .1 ur. """'"' rea:d..nc 1821 N,
ca.lf?rn,V.i.sH?,?,V, "'lu'ern mas. St. Ml.
Benulehi """ 4U rt' I'reeiStfiy. int. Holy
rrV,V0nl'M.May SO. 8ARAII J , widow n
Will u Sv,,0"- D" I'otlce of funefa
LA'C!':yNNBY.-On Mav 10. 1021. WIL.
MElhlnn.vTnri - .U"nm.i'.n'1 inX Mnrgiiret
'her. BRii o.fnJi ": o' resilience of
inn, a, niiL'?,f?r,, ' L Solemn ren,ulem
fthedru"l I'nS?0'', ?,hrch in A. M. Int.
Name Tandr a' t.'o 'V'., ""''fjHy. Holy
O ii ."'..'.. A. II. Ro'.letlca. niv. fin. A
vlta to fuCr;i 'If'"11""!, .ni111 friends in:
mice. 8325 w?..S,"e"" :5A. it., rest.
St. Jnmes' Church 10 A. M. Int. Cathedral
MKEHAN. May 10. LETITIA It., wife of
William Mcehan. Relatives nnd friends, nlso
Ladles' Auxiliary of O. 11. c, nro Invll-d to
i?07o.WV1,."t0Rul p.,,emn "l"1"'! mass
St. Stephen's Church 10 A. M. Int. Holy
MIM.HOItsr:. In rilman. Mav 10. 1021
ELIZllETH (nco Armstrong), daughter of
the late Jnmcs and Jane Armstrong Rela
tives and friends nro Invited to nttend fu
nernl. from thi rifldnce if her husband
Lewis Mlllhousj 213 N. Jlroxdvoy. PitniSn,
N. J., Mon . May 23. Hervkes nt hnuso
inno A. SI. Int. Noith Ceda'r Hill Ccm
Philadelphia. Pa. om"
MOHAN (nee O'Hirne). Mny 10, HENRI.
ETTA a, widow of John Moran. Relatl'Vs
and friends, nlso I-earcue of the Sacred Heart
nnd R. V. JL Soda Illy, nro Invited to fu.
rernl. Mon.. 8:30 A. M.. frnm hi J ii. .IX
dence. 18111 8. '20th st. Solemn requiem rmiss
C, Oak.!., r'hii.nt. ,ft A . M"illl IIIIIBS
Cross Cem
NEVIiLINO Mny 1ft, 1021, WILLIAM
hukband of Emma Neellng. In his Sflth
jenr. Relalhes nnd friends, nlso New iinii
Post No. 7. U. A. It., inxlted to nttend fu!
nirnl scrxlces. Mon.. 2 P. M.. nt his Into
resldenee. l.-.si r;, liorl.s stf Int. prUnte
North rvrfnr Hill Cem. Prunte,
NIlJVKinK. On Mny 17, 1021 KATff.
RYNE I1ROWN NEWICIR1C. wlfo f tho Into
Louis O. Nenklrk. nged 82 "ears. n,.
tl es nnd frlctr.ls nro luulted to nttend the
funernl services, on Monday, nt 1 o'clock
from hr Into residence. G424 Irving st Rel
mains mny bo viewed on Sunday exenl'ng nt
7 o'clock,
NEWKHAM. At Wostiille. N. T Mav
10. MARY E.. lfe of Dr. Stan cv P
Newshnm nnd d.xugr.ter of late Joseph R.
Tusker. Rela'.les ntid friends InMted to
funeral, Mon.. 1 P. M.. from her Into rest.
d.mc. 220 Silver Lalto nve.. Wcstvllle N
J , Int. prlvnte. Mt. Msi Inh Com . Pnlla
I ilnds mny cnll Sun., 7 to 0 I". M
O'HRIEN. Sullenlj. SIny IS. At I'tm.
hurst. L. I.. THOMAS ,T . husband of te
Into Mnry (.. 0'Hrlcn. Relntlve, nml friend.
lullcd to funeral, Tues.. 8:30 A. M nil
Spring Oarden nt. Pulemn rmulem mass nt
the t'nthedrnl of SH. Peter ar Paul in
A. M. Int. Old Cnthcdrol CernT
PERRY. May PI. JAMES H.. beloved
hu-hnnd of Kllxabeth E. Perry (nee Olenson
nnd son of late John nnd Catherine Perry
Relathcs and friend Invited to funernl!
Tues. 8-30 A M.. residence. 81121 rrnnkfori
ne. Holmesburg. Pa. Sn nm ..!. ... .
St. Dominie's Church 10 . Jl Int. St
Dnmlnlo's Com.
PLAT?.. Mny JS. HELENA, widow of
Anton Platr. (r.e Nlcliel). in har 82d jear
Ib-lallvci nn1 friends are Invited to attend
funernl. Mon.. 7:30 A. M. from tho rosl.
dence of her eon. Leonnrd Plntz. 202S B
Sergeant rt. Requiem mass St. llonlfnclu.:
Chunh 0 A. M. Int. prlate. '
POHLKJ. At 17 8. Aberdeen place. At.
Inntle City. N. J. on May 20. 1021. CARC-:
LINE, wlfo of Georgo Pohllg. Announce
ment of funornl later. "
HEMS. May 18. MARY F. widow of
Lewis II. It-rns ugcj 71. Relatives nnd
friends nro Imlted to nttend funeral serv
ices. Sat., 3 P M. precisely, nt her late
residence. 2140 N. 8th st. Int. prVate. ,0
RINO.-Mny 10. 1021 MARY A., wlfo of
Timothy Rlnr (nco Kelly), IKIalUeq md
frlrndn inUlcd to funrnl, Mon. 8 at
from hr inte rtldence, 1S2D S, lfilh at'
Solemn moss of requiem nt Church of St'
Thorn Aquinas l'3o A, M. Int. Holy Crosi
ROI1INSON. Mai- 10. JAMES J . son of
fleorgo and Mary Robinson nged 23 Rein.
tlveH nnd frienJs lnlted to funeral, Mnndnv
830 A, M,, pnrenta' resldenre, 1307 "'
Seddey ae. Sqlemn requiem muss St. Joan
o; Arc Church. 10 A. M. Interment Holy
Sepulchre Cemeterv. '
SCULL. Mny 20. SADIE SCULL (nee Mc
Donnell). Rn!ntles r.nd friends nro Invited
to funernl, Monday. 8:31) A. M.. from 1103 S
20h st. Solemt" requiem mass St. Eil
mund's Church 10 A M Interment New
Cathedral Ccir.tcr. Friends may cnll Hun
day 8 to 10 P M "
son of Charles nnd Emma Smith nnd hus
band of Rlancho F. Smith, nged 2.1 jears
Re!ut!ea and friends, also Brotherhood of
LncomotlNe riremcn. Invited Io funeral serv
Ices, on Mav 22. at Mannahiiwkln Ocean
Countv. N, J.
TARLO, Mnr 20. 11)21. ROHERT TA11LO.
nged 70. noLitlxes nnd fl lends aro limited
to nttenl funcrsl senlces, Mnn. 2 P M,
at his late residence 15021 N 12t'i st Int.
priNato, Mt. Peine rem.
THOMAS. Mr.j lh suddenly nt Orenn
City. N J Major LEONARD R. husband
of Rachel I', Thomus (no Moore). Friends
nlso members of 11, A R., Post No 31 West
Chester, Pa Ocean Cll Lndso. No 171. F.
nnd . .M ; Iota Council, No 120. Jr. O U
A. M . .iro Inxlted to view rnmilni Frl , 7
to 0 P M. Son Ices prhnle Snt., 2 P. M,
In' Sens'do Cem , Palermo N. J
husband of Helen A, Tieacj Relatives nnd
friends, nlso (lenrji" Iliooks & Son Co., in
vlted to funernl Tues . 8 3d A M.. lalo
residence fi210 Master St. Solemn requiem
nines nt St. Gregory's Church 10 A J! Int
St, Denis'
WATSON. On May in, 1(121 JAMRS M
WATSON HnlntUes nnd friends nie Invited
to tho tervlco, on Sntunlay. nt 8 P. M nt
his late residence, (1007 Lamdouiia nxe Int,
nt ,:snslto Cemetery N. y on Sundn.
WERIt.On Mnv 111 1021 KATIE S
wife of I'lmrles J, Webb. HolntHes nml
tilends nro Imlled to the service on Mnn.
dny nftornoon. nt 2 n'clrek at her Into
lecldent", Ashl ourno rd . Elklns Pnrk. In
tennent prtwite. nt Westminster Cemeterv
I'nmeynnres will bo nt Elklns Park Station
ti meet unln le.nlnu Roadlrg Terminal nt
1 02 V. M
WILLIAM! ON May 10, r.t her Int.. resl.
dence. 1S13 W. Tioga st . EL1.AHETH II .
daughter of Mary K, nnd tl"o lite Oeorito W.
Wllllnmsoii RelatUcH nnd frlenclH un In
lted to attend rimers! eorvlces, nt thn pin.
I rs of Samuel W Kebr & Son N IV cor
21st nnd Illiinonil sts., Mon 2 P M pre
cise! Int Leurel Hill Cem
WtLSPN. t his lesldenqe. Wnjne. Pn .
on .Mny 20 11121. JOSEPH husbni d of the
lato Anna Wilson. RelatUes nnd friends nrs
ipvlted to tho eorxleea, on Hundny afternoon,
nt 1:30 ii'clmk. nt the Oliver II Hair Illdg ,
1820 Chestnut st, Interment at Washington,
11. c '
WONSF.TLER. At Nnrrlstonn Pa Mnv I
KftiU iiis. PmiAfbl nt lila Inta rnoliUHA '
1318 DeUnlh at . Norrlstown. Pa Hut . 2
P, M. Int. Westminster
WOOD Mil?' 10 HARRY SCOT I' Jr ,
con of Hnrrv nnd EllxnlHith Wood, nad 20
rte)ntlH and friends Invited t . funornl,
Mnn. HiRO A M.. p'sldnice. 1233 S lire
lock st Sohmn h'nh miss Sl Francis il
lilies' Church 10 A M Int, II ly Cross
'zOELLS. May 10. fWTHI.'WNU I. wife
of Andrew Znella. Relatives nnd friends are
Invited to nttend funernl services, S.it 2
P, M. precisely, at her late resldonco, 2232
N, 13th stf Int. prhnte.
: Ll LI , L 1 , 1 -,.
It L- BROAD aVio I
i4 Coot and Airy Place for Summer Shopping
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store
'Summer's Frocks Are the Prettiest of All
I s)
the Year
They're so fresh and airy and graceful and their colorings
are as gay as flowers. This season they have an added virtue
lowness of price.
Hundreds of new dresses of vdile, organdie, linen, dotted
Swiss and gingham have arrived during the past week and
choosing is at its very best now.
Gingham Dresses
$3.85, $4.50, $5, $7.50 and $8
Jot 1
swiretlii 'nil E W wl 1 MM&KuffiSffiimWwwM
$6 L $8.75 VXl r $12
linvo ilulTy
brown, red,
Organdie Dresses '
$7.50, $8.75, $10,
$12 and $15
Here's loveliness, indeed I
Perfect dresses for Summer
parties, for fcho end-of-school
festivities nnd so on. They're
the most youthful and charming
frocks imaginable. In Nile,
peach, tangerine, brown, navy,
white, jade, rose, Copenhagen
and in dainty checks. Some have
dotted Swiss overdresses in con
trasting colors.
Little sprays and nosegays of
organdie flowers, which trim
them, are a delightful touch.
Checks nnd plaids in all the pretty colorings,
organdie, sasnes or sneer vestees. in pinK, diuc, green
lavender and black and white combinations.
'Frocks of fine imported ginghams arc $16.50 to $25.
Voile Dresses
$3.25, $5.75, $6 to $13.50
Plenty of dark grounds with pin dots, voiles with dark Georgette
patterns and light flowery voiles. In navy, pink, Ian, brown, green
and rose.
A good surplioe dress of black or navy voile with white dots is
$7.50. '
Lovely flowered voiles in challis patterns and some with three
tier skirts aro special at $10 and $12.
Navy, Black or
Brown Camisoles
Women have been wanting
them to wear under dark voile
dresses and Georgettes. These
arc of satin, simply tailored
and hemstitched.
400 Pair Boys'
Special, $3.90
Sizes 10 to 5'2
Regular outdoor shoes,
just ,right for active boys
who are always on the
move. They are of tan
leather in round - toe
Blucher style; the thick
soles are welted.
(C.nllery, Mnrket)
Frilled Georgette
Blouses, $2.90
About 150 of these blouses that
arc most fashionable right now
and that one would expect to pay
much more for. Samples, conse
quently not all sizes in each
style. Delicate flesh pink nnd
white trimmed with creamy laces
nnd frills; the sort that women
want to wear with Summer suits
and sweater.
White Sale Crepe
Nightgowns, 85c
First crepe gowns we've had at
this price. White and flesh with
colored hemstitching. Also flow
ered pink batiste gowns nt tho
same price.
White Sale
Bloomers, 50c
Cut very full and well made.
Pink crepo batiste or plain pink
ami white batiste.
Bath Sprays, 75c
New shipment ready for warm
weather! Excellent white I'ubber
ones, fivo feet long with largo
spray head.
Pound Cans Talcum
Powder, 20c Can
250 Beautiful
Hand-Made French Frocks
$18 to $39
The colorings make one think of cool sherbets and
garden parties, shaded lawns and wide verandahs. One
can choose flesh pink, lemon yellow, shimmering orchid,
French blue of perfect tint, peach, light blue and white.
All of the dresses are beautifully made and elabo
rately trimmed with hand hemstitching, drawnwork or
little White bindings that are distinctly French. Some
even boast an unusual touch of cire ribbon.
Twelve different models in voile and batiste.
New Linen Dresses, $16.50
Cool Summery frocks that are very becoming. In
pink, white, brown and Copenhagen, some trimmed with
rickrack organdie, others with contrasting linen.
A uiWh
1 l $19 W l
Clearaway of Men's and
Women 's Hosiery and
at 10c to 25c
Perhaps we have only small sizes in this, large
'sizes in that or broken sizes in another article. So we
have grouped these needfuls and marked them very low
for people who can use them. Every article, save two,
is first quality. It's an economy event that will repay
'1 j Jn.
an eany visit.
For Men
360 white and Balbriggan
shirt with short sleeves, "sec
onds," each 25c.
800 pair of mercerized black
cotton half hose. First quality,
pair 15c.
(flallrr.v, Market)
For Children
360 pair of ribbed white cot
ton stockings, sizes 6 to 9&,
3 pair for 25c or pair, 10c.
720 ribbed white cotton
rests, sleeveless and low neck,
"Seconds," each 20c. '
For Women
720 pair of mercerized cot
ton stockings in black, tan,
bronze and Palm Beach. Sizes
8 and 8 55. 3 pair for 25c, or
pair 10c.
1500 pair of black and cor
dovan cotton stockings, pair
2000 pair of mercerized
stockings in black, white, navy
and cordovan. Sizes B& to
9. Pair, 25c.
250 ribbed white cotton
union suits with bodice tops
and loose knees. Small sizes
only. 3 for 25c, or each, 10c.
Net Guimpes Are Having a
Merry Vogue
Fashion makes but one requirement of them: they must have
frills, and frills big and fluffy enough to bo unmistakable as such!
Lace, tucks, embroidery and plain
pleating are used singly or in com
bination, and the array is almost
bewildering. $1.60 to $0.50.
Exquisite Filet Lace Collars
and Sets
Suitable for graduation or birth
day gifts and excellent investments
for oneself, these nrc in excep
tionally pretty designs.
The collars vary in length from
16 inches to 24 and even the $1.50
style is a good width.
Collars Are $1.50 to $2.25
Sets Are $2.50 to $3.75
TO, 17 W '
Philippine Nightgowns,
Beautifully embroidered and made entirely by hand, these
nightgowns are quite wonderful, for $2.50. They're of sheer
h-aaZLa S """ I'.t?" r snrc necKs, elaborately cm-
jvim; am sicuveiess; oineis nave little slit sleeves.
Summer Silks
$1 to $3
$1, $1.50 and $2 for white habu
tai silk, for underwear, linings,
slips, blouses and pajamas. 35
inches wide.
$1.50 for glistening sports
silks (silk-and-cotton) in figured
effects. Tan and white, 35 inches
$2 for excellent 39-inch crepe
de chine in henna, navy, rose,
flesh, pink, maize, Copenhagen,
brown, lavender, turquoise, Nile,
silver gray, white and black.
$2 for hpot-proof black Japa
nese silk a kind much used for
Summer dresses. 36 inches wide.
$3 for radium in navy, black
and white; 40 inches wide.
Flannel and Silk Are First
Choice for Summer Skirts
Every young woman seems to want a flannel skirt this Summer
to wear with a certain smart little sweater that she usually possesses.
Charming box-pleated skirts of white flannel can be had for
as little as $7.50.
Gathered models in pastel tints arc $8.75, while stripes, checks
and plain white can be had in a most agreeable variety at prices
ranging upwards to $18.75.
Beautiful silk skirts, now in weave and varied in color, are
pleated or gathered at $10.75, $13.50, $16.50 to $25.
No Doubt About the
Popularity of
Polo Coats
If you arc fortunate enough to
know ten young women you prob
ably know eight who have or want
polo coats. It's safe to say that
nearly every young woman,
planning a Summer wardrobe will
include n polo coat in her calcula
tions. Polo coats can be worn with
anything anywhere. At the shore,
in the motor, at the country club,
the tennis tournament a polo coat
is just right.
Fourteen different models aro
here at
$16.50 to $29
Some arc belted, some have the
loose back; they have shawl or
snugly buttoned collars, roomy
pockets nnd arc half lined or full
lined with silk, ln various be
coming shades of tan, in sizes 14
to 44.
The coat that is sketched has a
tucked back and is half lined
Special at $25.
J A i
r 1
I :? L
525 A
A Little Blouse Clearaway
in the Gray Salon
Bien Jolie Corsets
in 12 Models, $3.50 to $12.50
A fine soothing talcum in rose,
violet, corylopsTs nnd trailing
Mercerized Voile
28c Yard
Summer's popular shades in a
good quality for frocks and
blouses. Blues, apricot, rose,
pink, brown, maize, greens,
orchid and white. 38 inches
Rustling Taffeta
$2 Yard
Navy lllue Black
Silver Gray Brown
Four of tho best shades for
smart street frocks a quality
that last year would have been
double this price. USinchcs wide.
i Ii ltlics(1 models are newly adapted for piesent-day needs
and I tho silhouettes now in fashion. There is a model for every type
of figure, including those out of the ordinary, such as the very tall
fid, ready fofuse? Shrt' 8ma11 bUt fU" fiBUr- Ev,y COret is
3 Models at $3.50
One is of good coutil for heavy figures. Another i a topless,
motlol of brocho with elastic inserts in front and n long back. The
third is of more elaborate broche for average figures.
4 Models at $5
take caro of all figures of average proportion. Particularly good for
slender young women is a slipover corset of clastic.
$5.90 for some charming
slipover blouses of wool jer
sey in Pekin, elephant gray,
brown, henna and white. Two
models, both with white lineiv
collars tnd cuffs one showing
tho youthful Peter Pan collar.
$5.90 for slipover blouses
of cotton latino in gray, white,
tan, bisque and green, em
broidered in wool or silk.
$8.90 for exceptionally fine
tie-on blouses of heavy crepe
de chine in flesh pink, white,
sky blue, yellow or green.
They'ie frilled and tucked and
altogether lovely.
Summer Rugs for Porch or Home
in an assortment that allows wide choosing, even among the least expensive. They
are priced at the lowest market rates and, in many instances, even considerably less.
Japanese Straw Rugs
are admirably suited for porch and bungalow use. These are fresh rugs made to
our own specifications to make them more durable and attractive.
4.6 x 7.6 feet $2.75 r 8 x 10 feet jtfi.sn
6x9 feet $4,50
Fiber Rugs
aro full of life and long wear and will with
stand rough usage. -' ,
4.6x7,6 feet $6.50
6x9 feet $7.50 and $11.50
7.6 x 10.6 feet $11.50
8x10 feet $16.50
9 x-12 feet $13.50 and $17.50
9x12 feet $7.50
Wool-and-Fibcr Rugs
6x9 feet $9.50 and $11
6x12 feet $15
7.6x9 feet $11 and $13.50
8.3 x 10.6 feet $14 and $17
9 x 12 feet $17 and $18
9x15 feet $22.50
12 x 12 feet $20 and $25
12 x 15 feet $23.75 and $30
Chamois-Lisle Gloves
Special, $1.25
In cafe au lait, French gray
and white, these are the quality
that is giving so much satisfac- j
tion as to fit and freshening. A ,
squeezes and pats
"in the Upholstery
White curtain scrim, 36
inches wide, is 15c a yard. I
Marquisette, in white on
ecru, 36 inches wide, is
25c a yard.
Dotted and figured
Swiss, 36 inches wide, is
35c a yard. y
Linene for slip covers
28 inches wide, is 25c a
Khaki awning duck, 281
inches wide, is 35c a yard
Window shades, water
color, are 75c each; oil, $1.
Summery, cheery cre
tonnes, 36 inches wide, are
20c, 25c and 35c a yard.
the dirt
Smiling Gingham
House Dresses, $3
Pink-and-whitc, blue-nnd-white,
black-nnd-whito and lavendcr-and-white
checks mado with a
wide pointed collar which turns
back from a white organdie
vestee. A sash of glnghnm ties
in n bow in tho back.
Couch Hammocks
Special, $12.50
These arc especially reliable,
durnblc couch hammocks that
will give many seasons of
pleasure. The gray or khaki
duck covering is sturdy and
weather-resisting. The frames
nro of sound, sure angle if on
and tho chains go all the way
down to the springs, in back
as well as in front.
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