w- wnw 't ;.-. y H : fmwwrw HBBTO'r- H Tt ' i-ji ?." T'i,V .? -, - f rs, i ' l.r w -V r. Alondon Newspaper Foes of bvjj'' League Applaud Friends Not Disheartened IERLIN PRESS ENCOURAGED My (lie Ansoclnled 1'rrss London, May 21. Two very cnrdlnl lltonalg" wpvo included in newspaper jrnmcnt today on the whin made by ,porcc Harvey. I'nltcd ftntps Ambits Idor to Crcnt lirltaln, on Thursday ght. They were published In the jornins I'oit, which never fat owl tin1 tngue of Xntlonn, and tho Daily Tele- faph. The Post snld Prime MinlMer T.Iovd ieorge s assertion thnt thi "future jell being of tho world depends mninlv toon Anglo-American friendship nnd e-o- Werntlon," was true, and It continued. B "This being ro, the League of N's tijons cannot, ns wo have been told rather icquently. be the only and unique guar antee of tbo future peace of the world." S Referring to AnKlo-Ainericnn rela tions, the paper declared thnt nothing Jp recent jrara more thorniighh disi- aieu miMintier'iiantiing tnan rre.siuenr Inrdlnc'w memorable Htatcruent of imerlcan policy to which Mr. llnrcj pferred during his speech. "The, UritiJli public," the newspaper Wed. "may well wish the iiolicv of ae ItrltiMi Rovcrnraent wns as definite sd simple an that of America." ! Tho Daily Tolecranh's comment. "which was lamely a netsonnl apprecia tion of Ambassador Harvey, cordiallv' ijKrccd It -was hlch time to give the iBlietiis to the idea that the I 'tilted ntntcs muy jet be beguiled into the eague." i Tho Daily News, continuing Its rtiamplonahlp of the League of Vntions. jSmnrks that the Insllh League of Na tions Union had just attnined a mem ?j?rship of 100,000 and nld there was Jjno need to take, Mr. Harvey's words 1$o tragically." ! Assuming that the I'nited States will Seen put of tin; League during the term m President Harding, the newspaper rfpltl this would be a matter of "gr.ive tgret. but it will mean, at the vvorM. that the League will go on without the tat the League will go on without thcl nlted States, n it has done hitherto " The News made the point that the hole of America wan not Ignoring thH V. whole league saying that mnaiia was taking ifc valuable part In Its operation" as TfM virtually all of Latin America e sipt Mexico. 5 "So long as the nation now members ll the League stand lo.vnilj b) it,"' the jJewTpapcr concluded, "we can afford to "tyalt until the United States is of an tjjher mind." Berlin. Mnr 51 iRt 1' im. Wisador Har'vej's speech and Premier jjioyi iicorgo s reply prompt the Vns WRChe Zeitiing to observe that the An jo Frcncli entente (oidiale never elic 3ted such appreciation befoie the war .is that now bestowed upon the Anglo .Americnn understanding, t The exchange of sentiments In Lon don, the newspaper bellevs, uill "mirk it, long step in the dim Hon of paei 'ing the world If they are productive Of n solution of the" Upper Silesian I flroblem, which not onlj will retotulze , Germany s Interest as dictated by ,,. ,r,efiips in the permanent Tariff judicial, ethical ami ethnologicnl mi- ... , . ,. f$ns. but which will rational!-, deal "'1",, n" "U1,I, "" "mmedi Attn the Issue ns constituting nn ob-iateh upon introdm tiou of that nuns- snous prerequisite for the economic torntion of Kurone " 3 Tho Tagelische tiiinil-chau beliexesl Lfmbassador IIare's "Inghlv official" rftteranccs concerning the League of Nations permit the concbision tji.it M "Vivian! s mission to the United Statu "was a definite failure 5 Vorwaerts believes the United States Xas saved from isolation through the tairn Knglish politics has taken smie taermany accepted the ultimatum t "The speech with which Mr Ll'-rd Jeorge welcomed the new Ambassador ft also stgnificanr in this connection." It sayj, "and Germany can only wel come him If the T'nlted Stntes succeeds JD influencing IVnglish politics in the dl lction of ricomplisliing an earl return peaceful and liberal conditions throughout the world " The newsiuper feels itself called on t remind the United Stales of its jfioral obligations toward Lurnpe. These, 34 adds, nre primailly an outgrowth nf Ac American point of responsibility Ar the military and diplomatic out (Iprai" of the war "which probabh im reascd nobody on the other side ns holly satisfactor for nfter entering -i "Jar which was to end imperialism, ihe "United States is now forced to heliol 1 Europe in the clutches of imperialistic Violence which Is not emanating from crushed Gorman, but on the contrary. trom among the ver elements which It. lfc virtue of its matchless resources, put jto the saddle " GENERAL SLAIN IN MEXICO i i , Itormer Carranza Official Shot at J Entrance of His Home I Mexico City. Mav 21 -ilk P l Uencral Mnxlmllino Kloss, an Aus trian, who wns nt the head of the nr fjllery bureau of the War Department liere during the I'lirran.'ii Administra tion, was shot nnd killed nt the entrance Of his home here Inst tucht It is sun- jtosed his nssiissin was n discharged Jnplove. SA.. ,...., 1 T.'l n. K. ....I .....1. .1... ! well' I U' jMinr s riiirilHU'il Willi I III Dorganiatioti of the nrtillerv arm of lie Mexican Armv bv Cnrranzn, and lo-operntcf witn t.encral ontcgon vvben 1ce latter was in the field against ilia ""lj'hen Obiegon beeamt Piesiilmt he Jinmeo, viriierai imuss ,is viexiiun t on in briii T e mi tie . - '' X nl fl 17 . wL ninn. B P '"' Ullr ""1P0 itol General in llerliu. Th Jspcalled llin duty in tin 'iflANY GO TO CANCER CLINICS lectures Given by Philadelphia Phy J sleians In Bethlehem Hospital t Bethlehem, Pa., Mny 21 Scores of jslclans anil suigeims of the Lehieh alley attendptl ytstrrday's caiirer lnlcs nt St Luke's Hospital Last JVffht there wrfs n muss-meeliug m the ItlgJl school I Lecture nnd clinics were given nt St. Lukes bv Dr John G Clark, of Philadelphia n,. Geoige D irewer. of New A oik. mid Dr Henr.v K Pan (Jast, of Philadelphia linporinnt filCts concerning cancer were presented tip the public In the high si hool audi- tjbrluni Inst evcnlug. when addresst s were made by Lr. John G Clark, of Philadelphia ; Dr. William L. Hates, ,31,, Ul wrvii" iimui 'iii'i nlnw right, of Scranton jr., ot tjcuiiciidin, nnu ur, j. .vi. PLAN OPEN-AIR SERVICES jphjcopnllans Formlno Auxl lary S Choir of Men Piano for the open-air preaching rviceH under tbo mibpices of the Bpis pal Diocese of Pennsylvania nre under unlderiitlon. Tbo Ilov. Or. Ceorgo L. .' ilchardson. vicur of tho Procuthe 'r' ' 'Jrtl of Ht. Mary, is forming nn nuxli V .Juw cbolr, of , men's voices for thei.0 "Hrrlm, Services will be conductctl on Hunday. cvculngB from Juno 1 to Sep 33tijikr. Ii In Othello mm '. , XI EVELYN v J$WmKW te$lv BAKIOCO M '' -AGO-WW Mtss I i no and Mr. Ittirkc are mem bers of the Aon Dramatic Soeiely. Tliey will appear at the IVnnsjI Mini.i I.alliiMil . M. f. A.. I'nrfj -first street and Westminster ac nue. tonight T nirr pil BmnPil ltl ft 111 1 L L IlIL J! 'L ft'l V I UKIr T I IV T Klir I I nllll I LlllLllULIlU I Resolution Making Permanent Schedules Effective at Once Before House DEMOCRATS OPPOSE STEP By the Associated Press Washington. Mn 21. The House u'n n"'1 Moi" '"imittee reported toda a joint resolution under whuh lire, if the loinilllttee held tli.it nil meigcncj for sij, h -lep ieiUind it. The resolution, introduced b Kepie sentntie Longwoith. Ohio, was sub nutted to the House. The action nf the lotiinuttee uas liv a stiht ji.irt ote. all Democrats present opposing it Kcpiosentntic Gainer. Te , a member of the nui niittee, nnnoiinied lie would resere all points ntorder. indicating a Demoiraiic tight iignitist its pa .sage. Republican members snld pinatelv hat efforts would be made to rush it through, piobnlih uet week. Represent.itue oung. North Dakota hairinun of the Suh-iommittee on I Lineigencj Tariff legislation, iiniiouured that he hud voted ngaiiist the icsulutiou ' and would opose it in the house "It is nil att 'lllpt to delegate eglln I tue 'authority which i prohibited under the Constitution," Mi Young said. "It's cniletmi nt would 2'nc the W avs uml Means Coiiinutte power to tix duties KIOD per M-nt high to be put into opera -Hon lot in least five mouths anil pos bibb longei " SHIP BLAZE INVESTIGATED Damage to Panhandle State Confined to Boiler and Engine Room New York, Maj '-1 Damage to the Shipping Itouid's passenger steam ship Pniilinndlc State which was beached to prevent deslrm tiou In fire, with miiitil lonlineil to the engine and boiler room Firemen worked all night before getting the bl.170 undci contiol An investigation us to the cause of the fire was begun jesterday b. Commander U t) Gati wood, of the Shipping Hoard The ship was to sail for Europe with ii full list of passengers next Tuesibn The United Suites Mail Stciiiii"lilp Co. whuh operated the Panhandle State, lias attempted to obtain a sub stitute vessel LOAD OF ALCOHOL STOLEN Truck Driver Says Ho and His Help ers Were Sound to a Pole Pnttstnun, P.i.. Mav L'l I In s;intl, storv told nolle i- lire tnwstigiiung I10" " 'linrlesAbnims. of South Puicv ""'' Philadelphia. vvl, says that he ' '""t hi- thiee-tou autotruck, tir, in o,sh land tiventv d rums of demtuinl nholiol valued at 20.0ni as the nsult of a hold up on the pike bet v ten here nnd Heading earl vesteruin Sewn men in a high puvw red auto mobile iliti the bold up stunt Vbiauis and Ids truck helpers weie taken down to Siiniiion and were bound to n tele phone pole anil gagged They winked for hours trving to get loose and then lliev aroused iesulcnt of Sanatoga with thfir tries for lit lp STANDS BY FIRST STORY j Dr. Scattergood Insists Miss Garrett i ,,, .. vas Not Drowned Or ,Ioeph Siiittergood. of West Chester, who performed the first au- ' t,,p.v on the botl of Miss Anna M I Garrett, whose body whs found in nrand.wvme Creek, reltrrated his aster- ,on(i that deatn was uue to suliocntion and not drowning This statement was made in reply to criticism of Coroner ChnrlcR H Drewes of Delnware Counts . who declared that , Dr Fred Hunlock, of Collingdale, found I water in ttio woman s lungs 'i tus. Drewes said, was positive proof of drowning. No further investigation is being made of the womnn's death. Cloth Stolen From Window A small tpiantitv of cloth valued nt $." wiik taken from the display window of the Sampson Co., 140!) Arch street, early Hils morning, The thief emashed the window, mm SOUGHT EVENING PUBLIC WEEKS SEES PERIL IN KRUPPSDEIES Congress May Act on Protection From Patonts on Military Equipment 'INSIDIOUS' MOVE REVEALED Washington. Mnv 21 Investigation of pntenls nnd npplicntlons for patents recenllv filed In tliN country bv Rcr man citizens nnd assigned to Frederick Knipp, (lerman tntinitlnns "laker, re veals, said n statement authorized yes terday by Secretary of War Weekn, 'rather striking circumstances. In view of the conditions wbieli Germany Is sup posed to observe an to disarmament and the manufacture of wnr materials under her treaty obligations. "Of the 22S patents nnd applications for patents assigned to Krupps, twenty six were found to relnte to artillery fire control devices, eighteen to electric control nnnaratus. nino to fuses and projectiles, six to gas engines, seventeen to guns and their appuitcnances, three to processes for the production of met als, ten to uaval fire-control devices, Mireo to projectiles nnd devices for hand ling same nnd fourteen to rnllroad ar tillery " A large number of patents relating to nirplnnes nnd their accessories; chemicals, dyes, radio apparatus nnd naval equipment, had been nsslgned to other Rermnn companies besides Krupps, the statement added. Mr. Weeks said considerable progress has been made looking to the Introduc tion of corrective measures in Congress for the protection of those Americnn in dustries in which the Wnr Department is especially Interested against Mie re currence of "this Insidious patent ac tivitj bv German." GIRLS, HERE'S A CHANCE Philadelphia Man Wants Camden Police Chief to Find Him Wife, Too Chief of Police Rrnvenor, of Camden, interstate matchmaker extraordinaire, who sought eijlit Canidcn girls for as man lonesome Texas cowboys, received n letter today from Harry Ilobt, gen era! delivrv, Philadelphia, in wliich llclit says thnt if there are any gills lift .iftc the covvbovs have, been las soed, he would like to hnvo one. Iloht isn't of much account with a rope or a gun. but he is n wizard wi'h u snw and hammer, plane or T-square. Here's what he has to sn : "Dear Sir: "IJeplving to the Noung girls who are eeking cowboj husbands. I wonder if the'e is One win would like a carpenter right hero In Philadelphia. 1 am just as louesotne as the towbojs nie, or the girls who wrote to them. I inn thirtj five yens old. It is an nwful time to Itnd a girl who tan cook and make a good wife. Suit th" oowbo.Ns tirst. nnd If there w nnv girl left, let me know." DRIVE HERE FOR LEE FUND Mrs. Percy M, Chandler Starts Campaign for Memorial to General A cnnimittece of Philadelphia women, headed b Jls. Percy M. Chandler has started n contributory camp-iign heie to further the Lee Memorial Fund, which would provide an adequate mem orial to General llobeit K. Lee it t the Washington and Lee Untvoritj, Lex ington, 'a , wheie the soldier and educator, spent the last veins of his life General Lisa's tomb, visited by more than n thousand people u month, is in a little th.ipel, liiailequnte in its nr (ommodationi. The eastern part of the building wijl be left unchanged, but the western fionl of the building will be enlarged nnd furnished with n suit able tower. GASSED WAR HERO DIES George A. Ward Succumbs at Col llngswood Home George A. Wind, who was gassed in the Arconne-Meuse rtilve in October lUls. while lighting with the Twent.v sixth Division, tiled at Ills homo, (si!) Stokes Aveuuee, Collingsvvond, N. J. Mr Wind had been under tonstuut niedii'.il treatment since his discharge f i mil the seiMcc two years ngo. The gas had affected his lungs, musing tiiheiculnsis Mr Ward was a member of Tatcm Shields Post, American Legion, of Collltigswnoii and the Siginu Delta Iietn fraternity. He will lie given a uiilitarv funeral. SALUS TO WATCH PR03E State Senator Is Alrear' , ,'ssulng Ahead-of-Tlme litls Although tlie police tlC(iai tmei.t in vestlKation ordeied bv Mayor Monro to hecin Monday, whk Instituted nvl- tnnrilv Hi, a reult of chiuircs inatle hv State Scnntor Stilus, 'uie lender ml the Fourth Ward, Salus is not over enthusiastic nt tin prohe jirospect of the Today, although declaring be would iitteutl the Inqnirv sessions of the, Civil Service Hoard. Snltin hn.steneil to add he did not anticipnto much would be brought to light in rtgarrt to tho fioor isliinfg of viee and gambling "Tim gamblers have been told to stnv under cover for a while until thin blown over." he usscrted WAR VETERAN BILL VETOED Preference Act Is Unconutltutional, Governor Sproul Asserts llnrrishiirg, Ma.v 21. Veto by the Governor of another bill to give prefei once lo veterans in civil appointments on the ground of uiu uiistitiitionnlity vvii. announced vesterdn.v The (1oveni"i said he was toiced u thnt action be cause tleeisituiH on Ihe tpii'Htion in the higher conns nppearetl to be contlu cive He held it would net aside com- petitive rules and wrote' "It is eminently fitting for us to further i eveiy way the interests of i those who Haciificed their comfort, I often Iheir health nnd vigor nnd M-ketl their lives for our defense, but we can- I tint nllnvv our gratitude to them or the moot patriotic impul.se to Piirournge us to disregiud the tiinstltiitionnl limi- tatious imposed upon iih " Tlie Governor ulso vetoed the hill for issuance of dog licenses hv clerks ul courtN ins'ead of t ount.v treasun rs. -We Buy Old Gold" HIIAKK. II.VTI.VI M. DIXMOMIS jrAvnLni or u. uiNns Perm Smelting Co: rm: iitii c.oi.n Hitnf -t0 rllbert Ht. Hut. 1007: Boxes Tubet "llb "d Mailing EDWINJ.SCH0ETTLEC0. IWN.HtbSi. Phildelphii LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921 CAUGHT AFTER CHASE Man Drops Tiro From Window, Then Runs From Policeman After a chase lnv which shots were fired, Wllllnm Galbralth, Thlrty-flrst nnd Ludlow streets, was captured last night by District Detective Thornton, nf the Thirty-second street nnd Wood land avenuo station. Gnlbroltli, nccordlng to Thornton, en tered n storo nt Thirtieth and Chestnut streets nnd dropped an automobile tiro from a window. When Galbralth camo out nnd picked tip the tire. Thornton questioned him. Instead of replying, Galbralth ran up Chestnut street nnd attempted to escape. MUJRANO GUILTY IN FBFJEHE Slayer of Detective McGinn Trembles as Verdict Is Announced INSISTED HE WAS INNOCENT Charles Murrano, of New York, charged with killing District Detective McGinn, was convicted of murder In the first degree by n jury before Judge Smith in the Crimlnnl Court. The ver dict was returned at T:"." o'clock Inst night. Counsel for the defendant did not make n motion for a tietf trial Although Murrano had frequently given the Impression during his trial that he did not understand English he turned pale nnd trembled when the ver dict was announced. Murrano testified yesterday that be was not the New York gunman who shot McGinn nnd asserted that he was passing the gambling house where the detective was killed nt the time of the shooting. The defendant also declared that he got shot accidentally himself. LOSE TRACK OF BANDITS Men Who Robbed Canfleld Bank Es cape Pursuers After Gun Battle Yoiingstown, ().. Mnv 21 (Ry A. P.) County nnd citj officers last night hnil lost trace of two bandits, who ves- terdav held up and robbed the Farmers' National Unnk nt Canfleld. near here. WiHi but less than R10 secured at the bank, the lobber were forced to leave Canfleld when citizens stnged a gun battle with them. No one was in jured When the men entered tlie nniiK anil ordered the cashier to hold up his hands, the teller .swept what money was on tho counter to Hie floor as he dropped behind a desk. A third einploje was ordered into the vault ns tho robbers gathcied loose change from the coun ter. A watchman In the rear fired several shots as the pair ran from the building to an automobile and sped nvvny, firing nt eitr.ens who gnvc bnttle. RAILROAD TAX INCREASED Pierson Amendment Adds $500,000 to New Jersey's Treasury Trenton. Mav i!l.- Substitution of a new assessment on mill nail propcitv as ri . , L. . 1. t.-- T A -e Ml. 1 II It'll o llie ,-siaie luilllll til lines niiu A-U,n,,t u.l. th.. sHnte Print, oiler vesterdn.v under the provisions of the Pierson act net the Mate nn in crease of appioximutely SfiOO.OOO ns compared with the assessment filed Inst November under the then existing statute. For the current venr the railionds were originally assessed at SI 2,01. ".00,", that amount being iiu leased to iJlH,-HJl.oO-1 under the Pierson amendment The increase of $408,4:111 is distributed between the vnrinus railroad sj stems as follows: Pennsylvania, S140.0S."; Cen tral I.ailroad of New Jerse.v, S"2.:t."j,' ; Philadelphia and Heading Railway, .;, ,"S7 . Kric, $47.7."0: Lneknvvnnnn, Sits Ills. Sustpieliannn, ?l.",.r)01; Lehigh Vnllev, $2S,:ifiO; New York Central, S2.1,!)!(i, and unclassified roailroads, SQitiCG. Of the increase, the State will receive ?llrt.01S. and S.'il.LH) will be dis tributed to the municipalities for local purposes. LOYALPAL NABBED Man, Wanted In Theft, Came to Visit Arrested Friend T.ovaltv to n "pal" who had been arrested foi alleged tompllcit.v in the hold-up of n building and loan associa tion, drew Howard Smith, Fifteenth and Jiffcrson streets, into the net of the polite todnv Now he ami Dilward ItegHii. Sixteenth nnd Wallace stieets, nie mider $2." 00 bail for a further hear ing Moiiilnv as a result of evidence given liv lletcctive rooK lietore .vmgis trnte Cnrsnn. nt Cenliul Station i Itinn was picked up on descriptions after his picture hnd boon Identified bv two of the members of the ginup lobbed of S'JsOfi nt SuHquehnniia avenue ami llanioik street, Tuesiluj night Itegnn knew he would neeil a bonilsnian Smith ciinie to I'itv Hull to see him. Smith looked like another picture In the polii i possession, and ho, also was niruigned and held None nf the tunnej has been lecoveved. THIEVES FRIGHTENED AWAY Thieves attempting to jimmy n din ing loom window in the home of W Furrow . ,"i t'' Catheiinc street, nl 0 ii'. lock Inst nigh' weie frightened off when Mr Farrow suddenly turned the ri.it n light on fiiuii the wood floor polite of the Fiftv-tifth and Pine streits station were notified. That Will Not Hum SHEETROCK UON'T ARI. IIA9Y TO KHECT PEARCE FIREPROOF CO. 1315-17 ARCH ST. I'hoiirH! L.oruU WiS, liiire H-Ht MKrrJJs'StJni I J tM8 v WjOfDl WALL "a A A SKIPPER IS HELD E Two Atlantic Mon Accused in Liquor Smuggling Plot Along Coast PHILADELPHIAN IS. SOUGHT Atliuille City. May 21. Federal en forcement agents nnneared before V. 8. Commissioner Hiram Hteelman here yes terday to press chnrges against Captain Harry Goukler, Inlet gklpncrind Nor wood Johnson, etinrgert wltn complicity In a wholesale liquor smuggling plot along the Atlantic seaboard. They were arrested two weeks ago at the time of the selr.ure of $80,000 worth of liquor. Captain Goukler was. In command of the auxiliary sloop Edward Rerkr. when customs officers nnd coastguards boarded the craft at his moorings In the Inlet hnrbor a fortnight ago and confiscated fifty-one bottles of Scotch whisky. He was charged in the war rant with "smuggling nnd hnvlng in his possession and transporting Scotch whisky." In entering a plen of not guilty through former Judge 'Joseph Thomp son, Goukler took exception to the charge. "Where do you gc't that stuff about smuggling nnd transporting?" he nuked. "I'm unnble to enlighten you on that point." replied the. Court in fixing ball nf. .$3000 for the September term of Federal Court. Johnson, who shares an npnrtment nbovc a boathouso on Uarrctt avenue, with Goukler, the building In which en forcement agents seized 4800 bottles of wines and liquors nnd 51 cases of rum n short timo after the rnld on the sloop, was charged with having the liquor in bis possession. Johnson also pleaded not guilty, but wna held In $5000 bail. Chris Smith, nn Atlantic nvenue cafeman. president of the Atlnntic City Retail Liquor Dealers' Association, entered bond for tllom. Samples nf the liquor seized In the raid were shown in court. Officials said that the prosecutions yesterday were the start of tho genernl clean-up along the const, n nas developed that customs officers first received their "tips" on the whiuk.v running through roast guard sta tioned here. It appears that two of the crew of the boat used to bring the liquor North qunrreled. They talked about the "system" of dry blockade running nnd their wives heard of It and reported it to the const guards. One of directing heads or the smug gling syndicate, "a ictired Philadelphia business mnn." according to the brief description of the otlielnls, is now on his way to Europe. He eluded them here on the day of the raid and kept under cover until he could get aboard a steamship. This man owns bonthouses at the Inlet nnd is well known along the Rnnidwalk here and in Philadelphia and Florida because of his wealth. BOY KILLED BY TROLLEY Playmates Witness Fatal Accident In West Philadelphia While crossing nt Sixtv-third street nnd Elmwnod nvenue jesterday, eight-.vear-old .Justin Whiteside. (!.'t21 Grays nvenue, was crushed to death under the , . , l-l,,. ,l .,, ,,ii., Wheels of an Llmvv ood ii v c mo trolley J'lnyniates of the boy who witnessed the accident stood by horror-stricken ns polico iacked up the car and took out the body. The child was on his way home from the Morton Public School nt Sixtv tliird street and Klmvvood avenue with n skull cap thnt his teacher had pre sented to him for n high class average He attempted to cross nt (lie crowded corner and failed to see the car until it was too late. D. McGrath. 20.V) F.arp street, the motormnn, npplied his brakes, but was unnble to stop the car in time. McGrnth was nncsted. Ui .lice. i 11T' BOOZE CHARG Wins Music Contest CKamxl a41&u KDWAKD LANE Young Philadelphia pianist who won the Stohovvshl Medal last night and tho honor of appearing with the Orchestra as soloist WINS STOKOWSKI MEDAL Edward Lane, Pianist, Will Also Have Honor of Appearing With Orchestra When n young pianist can bntUcwlth a jumping toothache, nnd nt the snmo time coax music sufficiently nlluring from a pinnoforfe to win the Stokowskl Medal, he Is deserving of double con gratulations. And these nre just what wero showered on Kdvvnrd Lane, nf f00 Westmoreland sheet. Kensington. Inst night at the Musicnl Arts Club. Mr. !anc. who is twenty-two years old. despite the plnsical handicap. wnR adjudged winner of the medal over two other contestants. Israel Vlchnln. six teen venrs old. of -'U-IN iorrn ivycniy first street, nnd Miss Mnrcella North. The award carries with it the honor of appearing ns soloist with the Phila delphia Orchestra nt one of Hie tegular concerts when Leopold Stokovvski, donor of the medal, conducts, DAYLIGHT BILL SIGNED Mayor Takes Final Step In Providing for Change June 5 Mayor Moore signed the daylight saving ordinance yesterday. That action represents the final step -i,ipii will cnnhle the extia hour of daylight to begin on Sunday, June 5. At 2 o'clock on tnnt morning, under the provisions of the ordinance, all clocks will be hM ahead one hour., Un the last Sunday in September nt the same morning hour the clocks will be, moved back one hour. Arrangements will he made in the near future by Hichard Weglein, prcs ident of Council, to get into touch with the municipal authorities of all cities in the Middle Atlnntic and New Lnglnnil States with the view nf or ganizing a co-operative movement to go before Congress nnd urge ennct ment of h natinnnl daylight -saving law for next ear's summer season. PLAN TO GREET I. 0. 0. F. City Lets $10,000 Contract for Cel ebration Decorations Although Council appropriated S2.". 000 for a Court of Honor on the I'nik- ilnitiiift flin onlltatvnpi i oIiiIihii tinn nf l Mill I H, til' stl)blliutaf n HIJIUIH'II III the Odd Kellow, here next month, it Hill t "l U", limn i.hi,ihi II 41 1 1-1 jt contract signed ycstenlny bv the Mn.vor. I''ried-Iieitr. Inc., will erect the court from Seventh to Eighteenth htreets. The contract include.s the cost of the electrical displ.iy, estimated lit about SllMO. After The PurecfifiK Dodge Brothers have never lost sight of the fact that dependability must be in cluded in the purchase price of their car. Because of its dependability, the United ' States Government, officially selected this car without solicitation, for the strenuous service which the battlefields of France demanded. Dodge Brothers will continue to build their car so well, that it will always be dependable and the purchase price will bo as nearly as possible the last expenditure. r THORNTON-FULLER AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Parkway East of 18th Street Phone, Spruce 1040 AUTHORIZED DEALERS fifort W. Itaran Aitlmorr. r. On. A. Ivuky, 8t33 N. Ilrowl St, rhiiet. .1. Mrliotuti. 8187 lYmiltfon A, Rltltinhou.e .Meter rr Co., Oermniilown, t'hlla., I'u, JaiiMhRocnrii Motor To,, Jenklntown, I', Morton rcnro, 38K-43 N. .1tl HI. tlorer & lletlii, rhmtiint UIU, rhlln,, rii, Ofo. A, Mnuhtnrinn, Altetlirny Ave. ti Amerlr.in fit. U.P.TEACHE I ANGRY AT SLACKER CHARGE Walter Woody Calls Placing of Namo on List a "Very Serious Blundor." SERVED 2 YEARS OVERSEAS Walter Thomas Woody, University of Pennsylvania professor, who was over seas two years with the Y. M. 0. A., expressed indignation today at the blun der of the War Department in placing his nnme among a list of nlleged slack ers published in New York. , "I think it is n very serious blunder, this thing of placing men, who did their best, in a defensive position," Wherein they hnvo cither to recite the service they rendered or be classified ns n slacker," said Mr. Woody nt his home In J-ansdowne. . "No doubt among tho list of 172,000 so-called slackers there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of men with wnr records just ns clear as mine. Tho issuance of tho list is nn injustice." Mr. Woody is professor in Ihe his tory of education course at tho Cni vei'sity and is thirty years old. Ho was an honor student, at Columbia Uni versity, and a' member of the Society of Friends. Ho wns granted exemption because of bis religious boKcfs. Ho nevertheless halted his studies and went oversens, serving .two jcars in Russia and France. His record shows he ministered to upward of 50.000 Allied troops, that lie had charge of the distribution of sup plies for the Y. M. C. A. in the Kus binn enmps, nnd that he was (inally arrested, shortly after the rovolutlon. detained for a time in ii Soviet prison nnd later released when it was proved he was a relief worker and not a propa candiat. He was later placed in chnrge of 15,000 men nt a prison camp near Toul. France. He wnsf honorably discharged in the summer of 1010. "The Inst time 1 hod any dealings with the draft board." declared Mr. Woody, "was when I appeared before it in the slimmer of 1017, after being placed in the exempt class. T received permission to enter the foreign non combntant servico with the Y. M. C. A." $1500 for Child's Life A jury before Judge Kates, in Cam den ves'terdny, awarded a verdict of Sir00 to Frank Cntrobone. lfiLI Mt. Kphrnim avenue, whose three-yenr-old daughter wns killed by a Camden trol ley a year ngo. Comfort Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap And Fragrant Talcum FwMmpldtisanfuoa.fMcfott'ifrai AtMrwa 0Uit!UWretuUi,InitXKii amnM. dll.llul. j STAMMERERS!: Tile te.t of iinT sj-Htcni tor the corrfctlon J J of Mirnh defects urei ' J tut 1 It liullt ut'on lnEleal rrlnfil J ' such ns will slve conflrtfnc" nml iioine' ' "il Will it correct the mrchitnlcal errors ' iintl establish harmony nrt ro-orrllnmlon t 1 between the mtnd ani npch orrsns' i t 77ie act that business nnd jtrnfestnottnt i ' men uitli little time to ojiore never tnll t i ' " -.-. ...... ,.,.. j J &?,!'.?$?& e'&tfo?"1"' J ,x lrnf it i tie rtutv of every ntammrrrr J ' ht iiii'cvHpafe our methods Call or tent ' hn information. ' Diill.i 10 lo t: WrA, i. Krl. Kirs., a to The Kingsley Foundation 312 Stephen Girard Building ' PratE - JlEPEHDABiLiTY Ii Motor Car Co,. ft3f N. Alh St. I'rril I.. MoMh, Iinettmnic, p0, L. J. 7-ennrl, Hryn Mur. I'a, J. II. hwnpe, Darliy, ia. W. II. H (I. Hnilth. PhU, r. M. VI. fill, mm N. Hmad St. I.mrrt Mtrfo, Keuair Co.. 700.10 r,,, ()lrlrt A Jlrrcrr A Thomiwon, 4ifl firwn Lnn, Hoxboronrh. f. REFUSE STJRIKEBlf Rtflty! Master Carpentore Deolne BrotheNtf iMnster carpenters ha,vo refused t " attree. to the nnhointmnnt nf ..i. (ration board to try to settle the build ing strike, ns suggested by tho mmj 1 berg of tho United Brotherhood of Car- pernors ami .miners i America, carncnters: "I beg to ackowledge receipt of toui.' A favor of May lfl. which hns linrl tsl I very careful attention of the Mastw l viirimiiivin vai, "I am Instructed to- advise that U ' view of the very small amount of coni .' struction work in progress, nnd the ttn v. that nil jobs are now fully manned ! b ' mechanics satisfactory to the emnW crs, and content with the nlnety-cMit rate, nnd in view of the fact that ther. is, as yet, no prospect of any materlil ' Increase in business, we cannot see tint any useful result will attend furlhw' ' ngltatlnn by recourse to arbitration'." N STILLMAN CASE HELD UP , Sudden- Postponement Revives Rj. port Suit May Be Abandoned New Yorh, May 21. A second sd. den postponement of the Stlllmnn di' vorce hearinga last nlfht revived f, l ports thnt negotiations arc being cos. tlnued to drop the case. The postponement was made by agree, ment of counsel for both sides, Mm Stillman'a nttorneya announced. NJ reason was given for the dolay. it was explained unofficially the reason for the postponement wns a cofffjictinf legal engagement of one of the attor neys. Tho persistent report is lhi James A. Stillman is eager to bring to n halt, temporarily at least, the. divorct suit against Mrs. "Flft" Stillman. iu7V p Work STENOGRAPHER NOTARY Exrrt, ,Mt;r of KnKlUh. CondfltnUu. Gxiwrlencail In all Unas. MofarmU i1cauo8 HOTEL VENDIG DAY Blnj$:ront NIGHT Prepared from pure, froth eggi, Halves the cost to comumer, Excels fresh eggt for maklni cake and pastries. Should be in. every household. If not old bv jour urocer, scnil his tiam nnd 10 rents, ntamni. for oamplf cckt lrg enoush to bIvo reaults of iibout 5 frenh tar Never erolln. Always frwh. EMI'IRR VOOII PKODDCT8 CO." Jt narclay Htrret. New York Price 230.00 f. n. I. C'tevrlanit DOES THE WOnn OF 4 S1TN Merry Garden Aulo-CultWator Manufatturrd by The Atlantic Machine & Mfg. Co. ClmelnnU. Ohio TOIt SALE HY I'lillntlrlphin Farmer & DaJrTmrn'ii Sny. Plr Co.. 1918 Jlnrktt St.. and WUraUu- Inn, Drl. .IrKe K. I.lvfier, Cotlman St.. rruikfor Frank II. Krlm, R.l'.I). Nn. 4. rotntom 1.. J, Wood, r.lirootl. N. J. Chan. II. Almil. HrlnVeton, N. J. ii. . aivavf, cxcciiuvc secretary nt ' the Master Cnrpcnlers' and Bnii,w.t ' Co., has sent the following letter in w ' T. Allen, secretary-treasurer n 111 ." T me i. " ( I-N tiA. h tml r-Fj' J wy.i'fl : t"i .fV- i --.. h, , . .if,., i.. J i. . .. i. - -- 1--:---- -- - '"' "-JW -. - ' V W1V . ' ; .-y.vlWi.,