.4 train iiii,- win' small roomi; sol-D"-' front' r. I alii suting lnt KVi ,V45lS-1 ". -..Ilil I. Ii2J -rrT: iinniiio' rnomai 3 003 ""'". ",...-,. -...-- If ... tfrllJ mrnis.I innt . esrcll... IB-'-rViliNicely furfillrt room, t-H.v'J'rT". J F rnnvcnlMiees, light ffJUTgl , . . . .ll-.-,,. ft,iiitlf,il KjfEtniAi: .IS . tMi ". "B7SS-iBM." '-... TiT-mir - ' ' ' Pt--.TSSfi! front! run.-venter: moa. IrsrtsofllnTmlnJcfttlnir tlJl'ffl-iSlS4 a-: o 002 TWO vtuii-h"". """" PT.i .-- MA,v Aiinv.. nor. thouse. h namni ---.-r ,i .- , - atlZmff turntsned nnm In arte BWu".7v( hom: electric, iiihh, ' If" -" .,"v- W- 'J'mwom-n.WsotwIjoeimaaii. tSSTkWi"!,'" qonM bcnv?L.aa;wW. fan wmut t. (tn it --- ,-, rnAflll. 2d3d d-3d &OJL HT rnif jiKr,vniA . -.x"AvirsPnt'CK--T.iirro second . 'T".m well furnished; ltrle :?".. itfDrlval 'm'. I,,lona rr"- HI lsv" - "ML 0BIANTOWN Bfin.eMlemen for summer month;! ?TfeBH '.". f5i i and trolley! reference, i,i! W. . 1J tJOOI. UIKIll tie2!v7SiXiMnnAN i-ri-.--. h fllrniJ buti V train" fc trir. Otn. U3( W. or P Lforoifle. rggSiCTm."'foV.do.U - " . flAattttlt I BOARDINO TriTt-ite',Ilrion Cottase, ,1101 A ? at eTl wnllnir. wetk. day or meal. APABTMEWTB EriAVC. & 19thSt. Jln.r.-nS0,: m .i atlrae. Pt-! outelde rm Lilrtmllr ,""';' rtir nr. h.lnr davel nJ'LK'Kl.utltul earrtena. Aoply to Janitor lli'ViBiiT JOHNBO.V. H2 cneitnut. r528 VENANGO STREET IlOOMn Anu iiAtii. Alt. MODKKN CONVKNIKNCKB K lflTIl CHB8TNUT 3TS. art' nOOMS. private porch: modern apart IK nUrafri.Vi Aonvenlent to trnnsporta I the t4.mllv! Killown.Jtl PlNB ST. Large llvinc rosm, wltn .n fireplace legs furnished: beet par ?" eootti 2 bedrooms, tnnl modern of "tnr ?' .Z, nerfect kitchen: unfur- tBI. .ugnii -. inK AVE. Uaupiun Alt l'1l'S....i,.m. d hath: new, tp to the sunny porcnes ninuiQ. ..u, .An rtr l.iinrf'nnt flnB, SS. in N. Klla.l Just 2 lefucV iK John: JI.O. i.nV" "' Jtrr ioiii Klu rooms and bath and ...... WD'nB porch, hkpg. apt., unturn.; e.ii ruin: entire third floor! most desirable KL' wist Philadelphia Paring- 1010. scvEItAL 0 and 0 room apis., various ioca- tlini: some Imm. poss. Hlchman llcalty, y'" re. 13lh and CnpUnut. Wal. 2098. li?H ANU CKDAIl AVK. vicinity, 4.room-?!in!l-bath. Mt. tten. or unf urn. Ideal lyMm: nil ron.i -," ""'- -...-. i. i- TpTutmKNT HEADQUAIlTHltS Irinitil apartments n apeclalty, Hhemood I AMTimwnt .'"' ,..i ...... p.. KICKI.T FuHNISHKD a-room-and-bath ipgrtmentl Plno! Vlctrola: at 40th at. U fton) wainut i". umtitt &t Thp...,ni.n...i.il.V. ,! ., i l-room-and-bath apartments: Just finished. WILLIAM HKYLIN 1 1 X00 West Knd Trust PldT. aTvii. 4031. no h. soin. 221 a. ar.th. 430 k. oih 1 2 r. with bath: ulso kitchen. till furnleh. I'reston 202B .1. idoTwALNWX ST. Sublet, furnished r nonthi: pqieeesion June (h; looms . 3 and ettn : u per monin. HAMILTON COURT. 21111. and Chestnut: et. 2 rooms and bath, unf umlshea : uflY l,si. Apply It. H. Thntcher. lillV PAttKBIDB AVE. Apartment. 1 room uumi iiuii. uuui, uyiJusitQ rair- rtatt Ptrli bjlOXAIlDAPTS. Vory attrnctlve: outside; S9Ulbrn,ep.: i ran., mniae rm., prlv. Itithtcrein. awn'ire. Inq. Janitor. t 8.B0 th (323 X, 21ST Corner, plenty of light, air. ihi rooms Kiiciion mm uam, near sta tln. MTH AND HANSOM Five furnished rooms. kllcetn, earn ana porcn; irnm June in lo let. 15; fion per monin. i-n. i-reKton .ibl-ii j. 'Jl WAI.LACK ST. Modern. 8 rooms and Mini an convs. Army am .- iptn st IllIII, S,. S20 Desirable ant.. .1 rooms, bath nnd sucntnrnf:. muunw, viv uinui et. llll N. 3SD BT Un"to-date 0-roOm not.; nil conveniences. I'hftne I)a. 2807 W. WKKT Pllll-ADKLPIIIA A lUONIFICENT 8-HOOM APAHTMKNT Tht fincit lulte In West Philadelphia Is now Ir e a d ' : modern, flreprjof butldlnc: 9 master tdroomi with tile lmth, large private ball. line llvlarroom. dining room, pnntrv. kltch- rn, maid's roum and toilet, iron' and rear portnti; an outsiae rooms;, bcojiiu nnor; ex-v-IuiIi-b neighborhood: rent $17.1. Arjnlv Inn. Iter, en premlies, the Martlnlijuo Apart Intents, 110H-10 S. 4Hth St. (below Chester leve,). er Henry llergman. Jr.. 1220 S. nsd , )!. .yjQQi.nn uuju -. n..,i wf,nty ' "f.ni.iic.Aui Ai-AiiiAirj. ia. j. i;. cor. V.H li,h knl D.M.II.n u .. . II nh. .1 --.. .,"... ""-", p., v ,wviiia, . until.: sll outide rooms: exclusive. II. j, John. on. stent, BOH Ilalley Ilulldlr.g, 1218 Chest r.ut it.. Philadelphia, Pa. lAPARTMBNT Six large, light rooms and win.. ha uTuiuri", can uo seen iy un w&tmtnt only: Drlci lino nr mr.n,i.. ItOlltlllon June in. Annlv in T ,.' lerr. Xttherlands. 41th and Cheel'nut sts. le-BWIU APAnTMIONT. unfurnlshod private I bath, elec ron't.. hot water: light house iMfplng. 0U S. 4(lth st. K8TNUT BT.. 0238 Plv. room., h.ih, ,?'r Boulevard, lloblneon. B03 Ballav I'dr. Wslnut 102 BCt B , 601 H Five largq rooms and bath; modornt s.r-el!.nt location. KENNEDY. 40ft H. Van Polt. .flKKMANTOWN M0r)BftN efficiency housekeeping apartment LrrnnSSIJ ot 'nni' hl lVAtlon and idea Bh clul IV la!SAS9a.N... Cor. Ilroad ft Chestnut riAfliuiv. AVE.. 3340 Five. room.. fa? m)4c''n- '3: rsomB. hath, modern, 10.0 rooinii. hjih mn,trn inn ' OAK LNi: 60 PER MONTH lwreEl.eitu 1 ru;m" nnd bathi Inclosed I0""''! term If sees. llTHT?rVSI'ANB REALTY CO.. INC. w-l. riLVI" 'www. w.lllH., lMYftlB Ihjii.Ph" """.."" aei not wawr map. s,S2w "W. 1U1, or on Bundav Ard- -' " '- NKV JKRSKV HCAfilfOniC ATfXTIO CITV llfitr n rVZ" ..T-S- lfnI01?'.n1 b'h. furnlahed'or VaS.'P.APART.MKNT. near beach. 8 unfurlnshed WXctSriVi gr. .?".: Apartment parl 3ity. li. a7H7 lr on premises. .- n)o yviiuniin Apply to man- jPRNISHED APARTMENTS RITTENH0USE SQUAlW TBNT1T.TC1 nnr, , . r..... bvknT fiooTis. vo ai w 1EARS wwi lummer rcBluence & BROWN 2l'3 B. TI! hlTTirtfiTT.V.. -- ST. LBiTSnthWS PVKSTAT&S,',r,,,U.?.",r r.0.?,"0"- X'KMIIKB. Til, ii i -' " '))" IllUjff. VL hot vJ?i!?.4. .',?.'. hoU"Slteeping: electric-L-A'-p-giilTJ.ceiitral Ificalloni reasonable. P'.l B, lUTH IMnrrl. . ..'V TT.hrr-. r r Hldg. 18 November i; . rl?"."1' lun0 l kJ.th? i.r.,1.' hf, luml'hed. 2 room. ry. .i 107 t. rarnlshedt .i"7L?i.rowng .?ni b8,h' " il'Q'QI electrlelty; aicellent location. NKW JPnmaSKtHllnn iTTlVmin . . I nXS.1!' "eesn-f ront . furnished ntrt. - " nnm. 4gi Chestnut. Plilla. SOUSHKERPTwri iai,. "mo-ir-. ffiMW.WtaVnt. 7 rooln." ). iinf.WniltT j",r imcm. n TOO ". Tha?c,hir!,el! ""llr '(l4- Apply JCpabtment hotels "aS-i-i,11 Wlnut st. (east 'lfVly fcnlilh,ViU'.v conservative hotel: mrT-f "rn"nd anrt s conducted. ww.1; 'rtj' iv,jl, njjg JjrkrSn3 star -zvr vavia stmimnAM trffTE?lTraTvl wTTiwanTTioard In refined V''S5rlni where theto are a few other tglVon I'enn' ird. V 034. Ledger fENNIYLVANlA HI'mmnAN r HAVER FOnil .wia iiii.VAl, r a t mm 1?Trr iVIWT PHILAIIKI.,.,.., I-Ve'VaT'Vl "u,m- """ bth. I " rTisnnahei Inelnii 8177 j. -r" I ("II i n.i i&aBSauSlftfta, M tvjizaj dakikam ehn ir mtb.itiMnt'v. Furnished, nnaunfurn(sherl apartments. Dining FroonV Phone Preston 2810 CHARLES P. PRETTYMAN, OWNKJl HOTEL C0L0ML5Vir,CT"" Ono- two, three" room and bath I permanent or transient; eellent table, C. rlTMAN MAKER, Jh. Manager T HIT G L A lVsT 6E 11TH AND PltfE 8T8, ARSOH'TELY FIREPROOF HEAL EBTATE FOB BALE fJITV IfWIIIiaillfflKBHKIMIUCjms 3929 WALNUT STREET Lot SRX220 fl. to SAnsom St. Excellent location , edgahg. cross Hit WALNUT SI'. 022 SPRUCE HT. Lot 23x100: 4-etory dwelling, containing IT roams nnd 8 bathrooms; stenm heating; lire escape; low price; possession juiy l, C, F. BIMON, 112 8. 1CTU ST, ntrnirnf tin r ..amvmb Ih.u.ui k with heat; bathroom, with rhower. and linen cloeeti beautiful tianer nrul ntnrM. hardwood floore, white and mahogany paint inrnuannui, I'none aiokh uiu:, u.iu i. riLiiviv&itjv ni, ?l!iC0 ,CAS will lijy a 2-itory modern pnrcn-frnt dwelling, H room and tile hath, hnlWRtcr hent, cteclrtc ll?ht; vacant! Rood location, H.J.FASYJ8lh& Thompson Sis. 2113 N. Howard at.; 10 rooms, alt con veniences. HARRY E. THOMSON 2321 F1ANKFOUI AVR 3258-60 NORTH BROAD ST. Corner; 32x100! 2 dwellings- hot-water heat, olectrlu. 2 lintns: JJH.ODOl uxclueho HetlnB. HOWAIIIJ IJ. WILSON & CO. 2122 Oer mnntnwn nve. 1300 1H,0CK N. 22D ST. 3 story, 0 rooms and bath, electric light; newly papered and painted! Immediate pojscse:n. H.J.FASY,18th & Thompson Sts. 2141 B. 1JHOAD ST. 11 rooms, 2 baths, hot-water hent, electric lights; formorly occupied by doctor; euuippro. wiin waiiina; room r.ni fiocior'a olilce llrat Moor. Apply Neleon C. Rowley, lf)th and Snyder avn. Ph. Dickinson 12(17. VALUAllt.ll COliSKIl liOT." 42x11 1, ON GIRARD AVENUE Near l.rnad at. Two largo hnuies . ArtTHtm HOSWKLL. 233 N. 13th at. CENTRAL BUSINESS LOCATION JAMES D. WINCHKLI. 17TH AND BAN30.I HfW. 2113 B. 10TJI ST, . Seven rooms and bath, electric HbThr. hard n-ood nnlah, Inundry trass. Apply in NKLSON C. IIOWLKV, luth and Snjder ave. Dickinson 1207. 8420-22-2 1-30-12 D ST. Six rooms with bath: whlto plumbinc; jiorcli front; 3142 now vacant: each 12730. WILLIAM C. HKYDll 1.1th nnd Snider ny WALNUT ST. near 2lst Large brownetone resldenco, lth 11 bedrooms nnd C baths; Frlco 140.000: only $3000 cash required, hone Wn lnut 1078 WHEN You wnnt a home. ou have $100 or so, you see me. you get It. EDW. M. GRAHAM ft&tMS 2210S. I7THST. 7 rooms and hnth! In flno condition reduced to S4800: noiseslon. price WALTClt H. I'HILI.IPS, 1730 Snyder ate. SSno CASH buya fluo Olney home: 22480 Plshera ave,: Imm. pons.; 7 rme h.-w. hfat. nirquotry floors, Inc. porches; -will guarantee mtges. AniJItNETHY. 132a Chestnut: KLINOFL, 2724 N. flth. 1000 TJLOCIC Monument ae.. 2 story. 0 rooms und all cunvs.; elec. light: vjcnnt H. J.FASY, 1 8th & Thompson Sts. 1910 GREEN STREET Fifteen rooms, 3 baths: side yard; hot-water heat. WOKKKLL, 3.13 V. 17UK P.EADY to moo Into, Strawberry Mansion. 20B4 Wrstmont et., 2 story, II rooms, now plumbing and papering, $2X00. Key next door. UEUTOLF.T 1010 North 10th st. 1818 E. WENBI.CY ST. Two-slory brick dwelllnt;. 4 rooms, bnth and ehed room, underdralned: 1030 easy terms; 2 blockt from Allesheny ave. station. Krnnkford ele vated; Apply Itoom 0, 44 X, 4th s t . $35004354 Orianna Ave. Six rooms, porch. Dutch hall. Howard H. Wetson ft Co.. 2122 Uermtntown ave VACANT 4B23-47 N. HICKS Poich; 7 rooms; $3400. EDW. M. GRAHAM 32 8, HIIOAD Hpruco 7342 luii u tifmin KT.Three aty.. HI rooms. hBrl-wood floors, olee. lights. ht;-nter h'f. 18x00; well built: best of cnnd.i $20,000. WM. C. IICTDH. ltn and wnnier ave INVESTORS To settle outate will sacrlllce C nouses, w Price S820O. well locaieu; ren; ". Worth Irvetttbtat.l.r' REILLY. 432 SOUTH 54TH ST. IJIMDdFaTU pjss.; flnp H-rm. home; porch. bath olc. hot-water heat.. Beml-dotachod; will finance: 42SO N. Carlisle at F.MIL SCHUROQT. 4227 Qermantnwn ave. il"0 TO 203S S. CARL1SL12 ST Seven " fms. and laundry. 2 toilets, enameled tub nnd sink; prlcO 13000; 100O cash required. CHAltLDS A. DILLAN. 1300 Rltner st. DOU1ILH front Pompelan brlclc corner atoro nnd dwelling. 14 rooms, great for apart ments: J13.00D: I730O first rcmuln. Weatncy. 208 Lllxrty Rldg BOULKVARD eectlon. 2 atory. 0 rooms and bath: thoroughly modern; flno condition; i.l"0O. Walvdleld, 12Ifc Chestnut st. Walnut 28WS. ONLY $3700 Will finance: Immcdlita pos session; .IJ-U rtllur ni., .iiiwtr Biua itii, t n,. hnth? nxc. cond.: very easy terms. Apply 022 Chestnut at., iracind floor. "157 N. CAMAC DESIKAHLIJ DWULI.INQ HARRY G. C. WILLIAMS walnut l-inj.20 N. 27TU Nine rooms and bulb good condition: sale 13300. . DHRMODY. Droller. 704 N. 22d et. RINaaOLD ST. N.. 3000 block Must be Hold: mod. dng., 0 mis., bath norchi re.is V , nVT.Kld. 23tli ami Somi-ret sis. W 133 X. 13T1I DIJSIRA11LE DWELL1NO HARRY G.C.WILLIAMS wlfjg,, -Vs1:toUc1o.aeTft4r!ro0om'' t0"VCn"'- jO 1 1 N J. BHARKlfiy..llHl Jackson st. 114 N 20TII ST.-rtiiee-story dwelling, "suitable, for business purposes WM, LINDHR 1328 Chestnut t l"4H N. 7TH ST. Two story, porch, ll rooms "and b.ith: modern- easy terms. Wakelleld, 1 2is Che Mnut st. walnut 2HHH. H:.... u'.il Ifil Si'P .Hlv rnnmn ht. nii-'4 HTILl'.S HT Six rooms, bath nnd auin mci Ilitchen: electric: $4500. '" WM. LINDHR 132S Chlniit hi. larvTlD 1HH DALY ST. Six rooms, brick; llnanced: $2(13(1 ench. JOHN J. HHARICKY. KlllJnckson at. TTSoN. MYRTI.IJWOOU HT. (near 20ih ana MaftlOri-"! ur iwiim MHl irlll tl'MIII. WM. l.lNDKlt. 1328 Chestnut l I HAVE n, aldo-yard Iwellln on Oreen ne.ir mih 1"1 roome, 3 bath, hot-watei- heat, for $ 1 0.000. Owne r, M 733. Lmlger Office. BpVN. BT1I 4-alv. dwelllni 11000 rush re'iulred; Immi y..nt D M llesi. J04 W cTioiCi: realdetrco and v 13''0 W. i A oglionv p.ve. pr'cV Adams. H32 W. I.nlil 5JTw 0TH 4-sly. dwelllni;. 12 rooms, only siaoo rush rc'iuircu; iranumuio possession, j;l of D M llesi. J04 Walnut t. vuiuauiu lucniinn, .: but reasonable olilgh avo. ii'fntmd 1223 monin; prico sjo.ooo, terms. in H I Front and IN H. Wntor nt . posses- aloii. U'KHTNBY, 20.1 Liberty Hldg. n?in"N Vtil HT. Porch, S rooms nnd bath,- mod. coin's.: cuil-iU t-oesesslon Hummcko, rrtli VrVIJesbeny 4rtTl'SHvi)KR AVIC. Locust 304 1 SiT-HNYDKH AVK. SSSTbia UNCKYHf 1137 N. 30TH ST. Locust SOU, i"0l si'ItifcE 20xtOO, llttlo cash required. yViiinlDP. 324 Walnut. Lombard 1327 Otis. 'WlNaOHOCKJNO'ST p. li. OSTROFF. Loquet CO 14 rinoTO 4687 N. liOUVlER HT. 4300 'V i; OHTROFF, Locust BOII. f-un N. DAHIEN ST Imm. poseesslon. j' Mcliumoi, )-- uirnnniuun u. TuinnilN 8-story brlcK jlwellliiff, 17 .1 N. "iSth st.i price IDoo, ..Apwy in 4th at ifAitMAlrI--l to 11 leulton, 11 houseaj rent Vllllprloe 17000. Farrtll, 710 tH.'20th. T5orilAINllltTDaK Nine "rooms, eloo., h.-vv "hlat; cheap. Farrell 710 H. 20th." 83" C1HIBB ST. Ineaf 8th und 'laakerl: J200O, B WM. Ll.DKH HI2H Chestnut s'. 3:14 Hr'llANCllOFT H rms.l good cond't'ni $ 3400. W.M. U. lir.llimLlin unu o 1 iuer, "017 B. HICKB II reoms and bath: 128U0: "vflll finance. Qlbson. 620 fi. Broad, iainh 2HI" N. 2BTH: see today: modern; urrfei;vv ner or Cone, 24th & Lehigh. Tmi"m 12TH ST lOr.. P"i-cli front"; losses'. " ;oli.' JOS. A ADDIS. 1720 N. --'Ith AufUli', ..vi.iit., lyWi1 .i?ln 'V4'Ki'fiiJ")"',"k-iIli5iij WM ,w j "' " ,tala i i ii .!' ;i . riTV DESIRABLE DWELLINGS lion OlrM ftv,io,000 OOltN. 10th,..H7on S16f N.Tlroad. 10,000 243S Thompeort, SflOO 11)14 airM v inoort 1"T Wylle..,,, 8300 1010 OlrM v in ooo ,nl1 Thompeon . 8300 "07 Spu.Odn 12300 22.1.1 Mneler., 8000 1010 OlrM nv 10 300 3000 Wallace.,. 2000 Cor.l7th&0 10,000 iniSPIorn...... 2300 ,1702 Jeffereon 10 000 1748Kdwln... 2300 lion Maator,. 10.000 2111IloUrtn km 3100 2318 Poplar,, 10000 1782 Kdwln,... . 2000 1310 Poplar,, n.lino 1M1 Flora. 1,.,. 2000 V?;t'i9lhn''l ".OOO 1313 Herbert,.,. 250O J0OBN. lnih. h.ono 1788 Kdwln,..,. 2300 18''' N. liilh 7.000 170.1 Kdwlrt...,. 2000 ji;?Ji' l7'"' .30O 2H0 Ingereall... 1030 Hn S' J'uh n'700 ",na Sharawood. 1S0O JIJiK- -?th' 3.300 1013 Flora 1800 i?." ?,! ".OOO lBlflWamock... 1600 ??SA ?!; ..1'," n'"0 1H38 Cabot..... 17B0 "-'Ottylle ., 3,800 2231 Aapen..... 1130 t BUSINESS PROPERTIES tr,n 2027.31 Jeffereon at , ,123,000 J2i. ..2 Th,"nPon, lot 32x100 to et.. 12.B0O .Uri"1'? Thom''on' lot 32x00 to at... 10,000 1310 N. 13th, atoro and dwelllns 4.600 A.HEAT0NMINNICK 102 Olrard Ae. Phone Poplar 180 ?'"!!! J'EltCy 2 etory, B rooms, shed. i!"" jj.rvii i rocma. inline. ?J!J! JfondywIrAj o roomei IBOO caeh jrWrU11'' 1'rown Apaitmenla dwelllno. 1D10 Oreen 14 roome, a bathe, liot-w, heat. Il32-2nii3 Columbia ne. Htrtrce and dwga. ,1OI'niB-024 N. 18th corner npartmenta. !!.:?. !. Verron to roome. 2 bathe. I)02-2ni4-201(l-2o38 Wollnc Apartmente. ?!!!! Oreen 13 roome. 2 bath, flee, lights, ini8.i8i2.iooi.l782.iOI7 Jit. Vernon. 1722.1SOT.203.1.20J8-20I1 prnir Warden. ai-r'H N. lmii 10 rocme. ' .'"'l N. -2d Corner! 12 roonn. IJ'21 .Wallace pj rooms, 2 bathe. ihhukku it. woitnni.r. & co., 333 n, l'th HOME BUYERS OR INVESTORS 23 2-atory 7-room dwellings and 1 3-story storo and dwelling, near 25th and Kalrmount n. and ones to Kntrmount Park: can be bought aa an entirety, making an attrnctlve invcBiment, or will sou inuiviuuai properties to home buers, 1700 Master et,, 4 story, 10 rooms) miltablo for apartments. 1713 Master at.. N. K. corner llouvler et. 3 atory, 12 rooms; suitable for apartments. 4114-10-18 Kensington nve., 2 story, B rooms: annual rental 1012. 1010-17-23 Sharawood at., 3 story, 8 rooms; annual rentals 1828. 1010 airard nve., 12 r,oome and bath; ldt 18x103 fcot to rear street, COLORED BUYERS 1128 N. 10th et. and 1'20 N. Alder , . et, and rear ,.(4300 1237-30 X. 11th at., 3-story dwelling. each ... . 1000 1407 N. Park ae., 3-story dwelling; desirable location 4000 1013 N. Alder St., 3-story dwelling, 7 room . . 2000 SAMUEL T. FOX & COMPANY S. E. Cor. 9th & Callowhill Sts. I 2030 CHESTNUT STREET Lot 20x113 ft.: IB rooms, 4 baths; ? unusually low price and termi. S 1724 SPRUCE STREET It 22x212 ft,; 18 rooms. 3 baths, exceptional 10"-UIiin for nhvalrlan 1812 SPRUCE STREET Lot 22x13.1 ft.: IB rooms. 3 bnlhs; osrlly convertible Into nruirtinents. 2031 SPRUCE STREET Lot 22x101 ft : IB rooms 3 hatha; most modern, well financed 2 1ST ST. NEAR SPRUCE 12 rooms, 3 baths; an unusual bar- Ba'n' J. C. FULLER Hi H. 18th et IT :..Ln.:i..:,..;.u..M.n,.ii... Minnimm n , ., 'illlSIILIf.llillllhil III llll; III lillUIIN.MIIHlNlliHU iiuiui ijmiiiiii.iimriiiiNiui nii'nii KllllliLlL'liPHllllHU 27th St. ab. Allegheny Ave., 3200 UI.OCK NORTH STREET S0.FT. WIDE WITH PARK IN CENTER 7 rooms and laundry: thoroughly modern all conveniences; reduced price; easy terms. GEO. W. ZANE OTBWMlfarofMM liARCJAlN Near 20th nnd Diamond els., va- cant: perf. order; fl bedrms . finance. Mar. tin. 721 Stephen Olrard Hldg Fllhert 4878 ypRTinvoon 1304-011 HARRISON ST., apposite Frankford High Bchonl AU-stono house; must be seen to bo appreciated: ugent on premises Sunday. QUO. R. LIEIIEllMAN .107-08 Lincoln llldg. t'nclorles. Warehouse. Mfc, ITonrfl iVIlITHTItTAI. PLANTS WAREHOUSES" UA1LKUAJJ jvnu luviw. niu.MAUi'i, J. L. Stevenson & Son tr.ni,ff "Vr yj...z . .; . t -. ,..v.-. 418 HANSOJ! ST. Fifth llr,. nhout 00x128: corner: pasfenrer and frelsht elevitors nnd Menm hen t. Oi-o W. M lller 1011 Chestnut FACTORIES warehouses rjllronds; ran llnnnce. DIETERICH 737 Walnut st. Iliislne.i I'roncrHcK nnd Slores AUTOMOBILE SALESROOM SITE 17.337 SQ. FT. Corner BROAD ST and RIDOE A ML eastward along MELON nnd POTTS ST.; three fronts; lensjs monthly. W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N. 12th St. Central Business Properties lt"3 to 20 Vine at.: factorv nlte or Invest ment: lot 00.8x140 ft. to Pcnrl st , with Inrge II. H. frontage. 111-113 N. 7th St.. 4-story business prop erlv. with frontntfrt of .28 ft. 244 Arch at.; 4-tory business property; lot lflx3 ft. "32" N. l'th at,: 4-s'ory business property. SAMUEL T. FOX & C0MPAN.Y S. E. Cor. 9th & Callowhill Sts. colt near 20tli and Allegheny; good for any bus: only 120.10. Hilling 3100 N. 22d st !8 S. FRONT hT. Four s ALFRED II. WILLIAMS tory: lot OxlSt. R22 Wnlnnt at llnllillng I.ot. Vnctorr Bites. Ktc. lilllll'IIIIWIIIIIBIIIUll'nl'lllili!!!!!') FACTORY SITE 29th & Montgomery Ave. with rennslvnnla Rallrond siding. W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N. 12TH ST. "00 HU1LD1NO 1JVH, Clicktnut Hll iiuiii eir, . advances to build, Hill. Spring- ICnNNEt)Y, 400 H. Van Polt st,,, hit US railroad, 1'enn. nnd Rendlnir, J2000 per acre und UP. DIETEUICH. 737 Walnut GASOLINE ALLEY They Knew the Country TrlC CSOUNC WANOCBUIST HAS fCor AiC, Bill! 10 tjKd To FACk jP im Tnur aun SrAPr rra tup . -" uomuiwur , ...t;..tci vCYjti-r L lfcfcw"W IW-t a rnVW ' Tai- 111 -.- is- i fi t V A TCAILrTR mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm---mmmmmmm---m. "m"." ' l,lMleeul ' QRitkmt6 "Wrft. &'- i,v -BMHWAnm rim oT.l ' l amiw' y-.,- 2200 S. WOODSTOCK ST. Ideal Bdeineia location In, hlh-lae. rj atrlotad neighborhood, Vrlco and renon. able termt of purchaao upon appllce ,,on ' BURTON G SIMON 20lh & Paatyunk nve. Dolh plionee. $20,000 PUTS 2-atory bldn rlrlt.wayl lot 00x110: on flh front, aide 00x110; on uptown thorough- fare; partly financed! ponaeeslon. H. B'. WILSON & CO. avsr oia.34.ao souTir ht. .1 BTOUBfl. .4 DWKI.I.1N08 r,Y,oro. 714 wai,nut bt, w ft niMnr.f.rii i a fn $700Q Ideal location on feil-ft. street, 12-ft. terrace; front porch 10 ft. deep: 3,bed rooma and bath: eaa and electricity! hot-water , heat: hardwood floors throughout: cement jnrd; laundry tubs and loiiei in ceimr, .iwu... ..,- length acreena. eena anu uoors an " awnings for front. In good nouse. and condition: 14 houses In row. 13 occu pied by owners. Immediate posses sion, 722 S. 57th St. MODEL HOMES NASSAU ROAD '" ?)NSJu:18,8ODVI.oBeA?io'0'r,I Oarages; latest Improvement. WILL FINANCE TO SUIT YOU Furnished sample house open HENRY S. REED On premises or 1420 Chestnut st. $300 CASH WILL PURCHASE A HOME YEWDALL STREET W. OP B4TIf. 8. OF WOODLAND 14B00 lNCI-OSED POUCH. 15LEO- 1I11C1TY. JCAHDWOOD Fl.OOltS, ALL CONVENIENCES FINANCED TO SUIT YOU FURNISHED SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN HENRY S. REED ON PREMISES OR 1420 CHESTNUT ST PAY DEPOSIT, move In B234 Larchwood ave.: cheapest 4-bedrbom housa In West Philadelphia: open evenings, REILLY. 432 SOUTH 54TH ST. 40TH AND PINE STS. Attractive houses, with I bedchambers. Bitting room, parlor, dining room anil kitchen hardwood floors, good hot-air heating, elrclrlcltv and gas, beautiful fixtures, papering and painting, for salo on easy terms; very, llttlo ensh required, without nny expensea In Ilnanclns. PEMHEUTON ESTATES 304(1 Pine et. A REAL HOME Is' THE BS00 BLOCK WILLOWS AVE. 10 rooms Modern throughout Very reasonable Must bo so'd VLL Oil 1V1UTC ARTHUR II ERASER, 21 8. 12TH ST. nOTH. PHONES. BOM TRINITY PLACE Six rooms bath. porch, electricity, hardwood floors, hot wnter heat; bargain; Immediate possession; financed; only small amount of cash needed: key at offloe..Nj D1NTENKABBi nn? Lnfas-ctte Hldg. Lumbard 3200 ruTs ATWOOD RD. (6flth nnd Lebanon uvo.) TWO BlOrj . I rOOIII"., IIIV,. WkMH, nni,l.r hardwood lloora. electricity, hot-water hent S1000 cnflr. bnlonco enay terms: bargain. HARRY .1. KOEHLER ft CO. iin.njCllEhTNUT HT. LOCUST 0702 $1500 IS "YOUR SAVING ....-.- . I,., nntf! rnliimhlti a. : t bed .V,JSH. modern; narane: lot 130 ft.; owner lonvlne city. Sen it touay. leaviius "-"';frr,tr ,tn,, n.fnni .t. SCHOCH $11,500 FROM $13,000 .. . ..j ..i.aia riMtnee: 10 room. T ihS: ' "open halt: Perfect con,Ut.pn: owner e-ivlng city: act miicKiy. .-. rwuuv .i. v Phlln. Phone Preslon 2030. iivimi'VL INVESTMENT Ono of the best Actions of 1V-st Phtn.. modern apart-rent ta.. .t-Mi heat, electric light r.nd olhur modern VvppolntmenU; well rented; price be- low cost f;Pj;,l'.K" iu 3 18th st. iTvTA iTTTtHT AVE. Modern 7-room Dricn; "wcllent location lot 30x127; possession: 4sSoO Dicks nve.-Elght roms lot 73x127. w'ih r-lLVrrVoouland ave. ""i334S. 16THST. First floor dlnlnc room and kitchen MEARS & BROWN , jiio'i Choatnul Dwelllnn. Iiirco lot HARRY G. C, WILLIAMS wniLt 518 OCluTlN ST ; $2800 bs In. will Improve c " l"ev 3120 HOECKLK. 723 S 32.1 st Mi'iil'CK Near ntst 3 stnrv twin, ontltolj modern 12 rooms and 2 baths: largo lot fHAIlliES T WAKEFIELD. 1218 Chestnut e" (Walnut 2HS8). 8vTN WITH Prominent location, dwelling 'cood condition; owner occupies and will ulvn iomeHsliin. Inspect It today, LEROY v'nnltm,L,JI0on Market st 51"4 CKDAIl AVE. Eight looms; excellent condition nnd location- pnrrh; biirnaln. I7.VH) Roleit-- K Rolctter. LSti and Morris ni; Oregon 0002. INVESTMENT OR HOME 1711 ' ISth 13 rooms, 2 baths; modern. A very desirable dwelling. T AULABn 10 WALNUT ST. n"i3"V"FRASClEIl ST. 2 story, fl rms, nnd bath. $430(1. WAKEFIELD, 1218 Chestnut nt iwninuv .ooo. ,.T7Tv.,.r nf ofltntn. must be sold. 714 S. nit cor.. 4 bedrooms soutborn expos : price , ottiveJ!HOJCClIiJ2B.B2djs.t pM8"rOWELfoN AVE, Two atory, porch front 0 roimi und bnth; v.-lll flnancf. Riov.il It FrenchaiO Lincoln Hldg. Spr. 7UHI iTirfcllKSTKR AVE. 2 aty.,Beml-dot.,mod., newly papered A palnled. 4 blchamb-rs prnrTVrench. 310 Lincoln Dldif. Hpr.73Hl '.;i7 SANOOM riT. 'Fhre storv. br'cl-, li rooms. b,itlr good )ard, THOS. II. OIBD, ,in,- Chestnutst. MS "N filTII DKSHfAHLE DWELL1NO HARRYG. C.WKLIAMS w'St &? Alv-SWrtr sno'S.rn fes0 nejmont 3070. OVKIUIROOK section H07 N 03d st. 1). tnched, stone residence 12 rooms, 2 bath nwnei lieimnni D.il, ,,n,im,ini u. l)14r CATHARINE D-slrnble dwclllmr HARRY G.C. WILLIAMS w.vf Ul 3017 HADFIELD ST. J story, porch; li7w elfc: laundiy. poss. Tnulnne. OHlJH'ainnt WALTON AVE.. 483H (4Sth and Bultlmore) 12 r. seml-det,. eler . bargain. Owner 0018 YOCUM HT O rrtis.. all conv.3oo rnsn rciium-u, aihi-h, mu r uiii. 3238 WALTON AVj:. Im. pos. ORISCOM ! 1 OOCatlinrlne. Phone Locust D02H, ' $3300 Malcolm St.. BB00 block 2-ty. mod dwelling. Phone Spruce 1C3S. B73U DEI-VNCEY ST.. B rooms ft bath; -good i-ond.: ao00, Wm Under. J32a Chestnut. lliislneHw Prooerllea and Stores C WEST PHILADELPHIA Ovcrbrook Section - Desirable buslneea uirnet I bedioome. bath, Inclosed porch and garage; 2 aubwny stores (now occupied), a rare opportunity McDEVITT & MULLIN U3d nnd Woodbine ave Overbrook 48113. Take a A I -r s vvnMi cr Jt. . BtftrwTftftA.ytlln . "---.j '- ", -r " " "' '""' ' ' t . m . "ffMWs.wirrii urMs7nrT-"-"Tr i ""N ?CTiw l.rt -. . WpCM..- . -- - - t.ANT PLEAiir 'CMALlli V I -U-Jv,.' . f MX, WALT. X I PCX. Cor "Tie Snwn ijo SnorM TMe IHOIANS PACKCO Tucid A J dmtiiut. .and ; -nets can tfiifcSouoiH Rci. ipp J K.T?" .. r'T',l I vacuum d,i tico pZiZc'iukT I nFiV ir I A Tomair. in ii, ,e I v I no kooh owck, i .;- '..'.-. "r' I y l '-", ve,ui, ,cri y-f -- w-Koti r 5teT NK9 ,T t-w3 .Aar-?. ' VATAiLee ) i-ii wkstccp im thc &? 7t orv i ' srsC-l. r V ) AV3T 1L-J U ' Vi ' t V v f 1 ' -flW. ;..j&&tiJLfrSii. . a-o" 6TAxii;-ffoiiAi-ev ' ' ""' Being Built Noiu Stone Monies With Side Yards and All Copper Rain Spouting Will Sell For $8750-$ 1000 Cash A most tintisunl opportunity to buy your now homo, which is NOW being built at today's prices for mate rials, labor, etc. FIRST FLOOR: Large living room, open fireplace, and very attractive side windows, largo dining room, an unusual breakfast nook, a big bright most complete kitchen -with many new features in it to lessen the housewife's cares. SECOND FLOOR: Bright rooms, closets in evory room, exceptional bathroom with two windows, built-in. tub with shower, special two-door linen closet in hall, clothes chuto to laundry. THIRD FLOOR: Open stairway to large attic. BASEMENT: A most complete collar, laundry tubs, enclosed preserving closet. Fine heating system, needs little care. These nro but some of the features to be found in thc3e now stone homes, which are only 16 Minutes to City Hall One Fare A Quick Ride on the Elevated Come out any weekday until 6:30 P. M or Sunday, and stop at our offlcc, 69th Street, Opposite Elevated Terminal and we will gladly show you these complete new stone homes. John H. McClatchy BUILDER OF HOMES Office: COlh Street, Opposite Elevated Terminal C'lillSJMffllllllfflllFliniMifaMIIIIWIliraV g Now Building on Wynnefield Avenue New English and Colonial All-Stone Three-Story Homes & Garage, $22,000 Buy now and have your home finished to suit your individual taste. Everything that's new which will add to your comfort and convenience will be found in these homes. They contain three unusual baths. On Wynnefield Avenue at 51st Street Where the distance across the street from house to house is twice as wide as Broad street. Just think what 240 feet means. Only one block from Wynnefield Station, 14 minutes to i the city, and easily reached by trolley or auto. Come out today. Open for your inspection, or I see plans at our city office. JOHN H. I Builder of Homes Vs BRAND-NEW STONE HOMES, WITH On Atwood Road (near Lebanon Ave), Ovcrbrook section of West Philadelphia. Porch front, 18-foot front, tilo bath, shower, open fireplace, hot-water heat, unusunlly larpe rooms with plenty of closets. Price, $7750, small initial payment, balance monthly payments. A more complete home cannot be found. Just what you have been waiting for. Take Market Street Elevated to G3d St., free pass on C3d St. to Lebanon Ave. (1100 north); then walk two blocks west. One fare. Quick service. Sec that new sample house today. JOHN H. McCLATCHY l!Ml!ll'l,Mif "SUN-LITE" HOMES WITH OARAGES 1 OVERBROOK Newly built bomea not finished et, In Ibo beautiful Overbrook Section $1000 CASH $70.00 A MONTH A Colonial stone home, with real open atone fireplace hardwood floors Includ lnir Hie Idtchin community turnla lourla, parltvwiy street. Inclosed porth. iham- 'VI1E MOST COMPLETE AND IlEACTtFri, HOME WE EVER UUILT SAMPLE HOPS!: OPEN DAT AND NICHT ATWOOD ROAD AND LKUANON AVE OVritRROOIC (ItETWEEN ir.TlI AND IHIIH STS. ON I.EHANON AVE ) TVICE "I," TO 0-ID PASS tip 03D TO LEHANO.N AVE. WALK SWLAUL.M vvi.nl lu aiiiuuu iiuaw. JOHN F. McGINTY & SON BUILDERS PHONE OVKIUIROOK iiin'iiiuyi,mn'H.!rmu;.Kmini;nriini;iifijiffi;ii:MiriiimrH::iJ!'iiJi,Ti $300 ACSH $300 reiiitiful 2-story 7-room homes, located In iec finest residential section of West Phlla . 1 snuare from doth and Market sts : sample hi,usa 113(1 N. Wanainaker st Open Dally und Sundav E- &TL2TkEcP-- -!s'i"Llr 20 S. rARUAGl'T TERRACE (tilth St. Sta.) Pinse-elun , nd terms can b arranged. OEa U.LlEllEIt.M ., Lincoln Hldg. 3111) AND RACE to rear street 11 rooms"; c-onvrnienirs l.LOMi. 714 Walnut st M j; I V UOKOOMTO ; PBfPC,w tiV..., i rV'? WA- It Ah jJSiJS2LH ;drttSTitmrnut t- i'Miirarajrail McCLATCHY I 848 Land Title Bldg. GARAGES, $7750 Uullder of Homes 1 ANP OWNERS 80O AND DIAMOND 47 !! i.....w0f?N5'1 DWBLLINO. S ROOMS 4n?h"r,w1ilyr.,,,r"'.hPd- ,",,"nif modem, near uul?e.i nJn?h.""r nve ery ll,,lB ltt,h re uuireu, und inrnia emiu a rent PEMHEUTON ESTATES Harrison llldg. 3020-22 WALNLT ST t Lot 00101 (ruiner) "ne of the brat locit'.ms f.ir the erection of an -vpartment housa or friitermtv liuliUmL .1. LEE PATTON LlnLOln Dldg L By King "j'fS, ,'J .;'. Hfr stjrf JLBAt, MTATM OK ALS MNfOLN DE1VB - a .a W , j ML '-;', il,;fUi 2l BKmRBGmnHBfwrmi if v Lincoln Drive Section A Home Built for Discriminating Buyers True Colonial Arolilleetiire Cenlr Ilnll rarsje Living; Ttoom Wnlnst Hoom UrcakfaRt Hoom, Pantry, ncfrlgeratlng Itoom, etc., on first floor. Four Larue lied Chambers Two Complete Hatha Dresalnff Room on second lloor, Mnldn' QiinrtcrH, Hath, Bllllnrd Room on third floor Finished nnd Decorated In Old Ivory. Two-car Gnrage Heated from House. Convenient to Train and Trolley. CLIVEDEN AVE. AT LINCOLN DRIVE DON PETERS, Builder 1410 HUSCOMD ST. PHILADELPHIA jaaiiifliSMMKig i i bT.hi iiai . rn imtsm r.n i in iy:vhi. LINCOLN DRIVE HOMES AT ALLEN'S LANE The highest elevation, and overlooking the beautiful Creshelm Vallev 4 different types; stone construction, 10 rooms and 2 baths, separate atonn irnrnirei ChMtniH Hill atOii CARSON BROS. Chestnut IIIII 523 J Uermantown 4300 lil'ii.nrcrtH antf. nwrau VS i n WKHT i'llllMi:i,llll. Biiiiiiwiiiiaraniiraiiiiiiijiiiiiiniiiiim j Just Completed I NEW Ait-Lite j g HOMES I ON BONNAFON ST. (Between G7th & 08th Sts.) AT GREENWAY AVE. Price, $5000 I ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS ON TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS JOHN M. GALLAGHER G10 Perry Building Take Cnrs No. 11 or 37 (In aiibwav) or No 12 Spruce and Pine to 07th si. and Woodland ave. AOENT ON PREMISES a BliJiTiM UiPWi!IUin!U Reduced to $8500 few remaining to bo sold at th bovo price; act quickly. Willows Avenue Between o4th and 30th In Sherwood 3 blacks south ot Ualtlmure ave. New Homes With Garages Modern appointments throughout In closed and heated porch, rtaulslte. papering, latest Ideus in fixture.. M eq Terms Conveniently Arrunged S Samplu House, 3400 Open Dally t PAULH.STULL 1 MORRIS HL'ILDINO S 1421 Chestnut st. g tiii mi iiffimihc rir Di:nn i in in i r;H.imii i stu Mt'iirfi it i ji i n lit: r i i m u; Hi m mi u i riibj hid WE CAN SAVE YOU $800 to $1500 Warrington Ave. Windsor Ave. ".Oil -n .ITltl t. r.ntn to 37th et. UNEQUALED IN CONSTRUCTION OR PRICK COVEN-HINT TO CARS, SCHOOI S. CHURCHES AND STORES. CONTAIN 1NO EVERY KNOWN CONVENIENCE James C. Enburg, Builder 57ril AND WVRRlNirrON AVE Tako tluth et cars to .ISth and Warring ton, walk 1 square east, or No. 13 car on Walnut st. C0BBS CREEK LOCATION Chestnut s' . Q2d to tUIJ 2's lory. 10 rooms,, 2 baths, laundr . garage. 23 pr Li-nt reduction of the oiiKlnal vailing price, absoluielv a great bargain. S. HOPKINS 400 S BOTH ST 47n.'i SPlllN(ll-'li:i.D AVE. 'rnree-tor Beml-detaihed leeldencn on wide avenue. 12 rooms, 2 bath" now tiling and latest Plumbing iUlu-e Just Instilled. nw hot water heating stein ol-rfrlcltj new and attractive fixture" ne"H pnpeieil nnd palm ed, copper ecreeiiK nieml vveniher stripping gaa kitchen, southern exposure. i.pni luus nnd rheeiful rooms, ixcellent truln and tiol loy facilities lot 30x113 prli reduced, tiulek possession given. E TOWNSEND. S. E. cor. 40th and llaltlmoro hv.i Wuod CNER"DWELLiNG ! ROOMS It.tuiifullv flnisbeii everMslnu in o-rn nem 4Bth and Chester nve r ut'e cash re mired, and terms e.ime u nm PEMHEIITOV Kr.l P,S Harrison Hldg 4423 SPRUCE STREET HtmiNonio itwcllhiv, benuiful lo at on HHxttiO 1 f rooins li lift i h -4 SAMUEL M. GAYLEY loon pimc st D.NI Ll TLE HOlfE 33d nrd P lie sts., 7 rooms ill rtrldtv, Dutch huh beat con lltlin. iheap. nru JKiOii REiLLY. 432 SOUTH 54TH ST. 3111 HADFIELD liuich 3 roDiiu. shed j-jr.iio. EDW. M. GRAHAM 32 S llllDAH SPKl'CE 7812 lirUNTOVN ERR1NHER PLVCE. letw.-en Manlieim nnd Clapler a'S opiwslte Cricket Club f icing large estat . i holce neighborhood, new Uoiue; 3 bedrooniH 2 baths, garage, a M. Handle. 1!1 S I2U1 hi . DETACHED STONE Colonial residence. IJ rooms. 3 baths. 3 nfx-n fireplaces, hrge plnia. shado tien und shrubberv . lot l!3x 170 ft convenient lo trnln ft trollev. 11 S HM MY 30JV elten nve . (nriiiantnn 81'UHTANfiAl.t.Y liril.T"" HOUSE, ' with vvell-kepl gurden. medium itlse, can bo bought and I in nedlnle kkhussI j-i sio'irid tVill Cheslnut lll'l ni2'l QERMANTOWN Two-.tnry seml-letucliul, ,1 lurge rooms, gus tin., thiougliuiit, niclal weather stripped, copper screens. tu: excel- nnt loc, Ph owner. (ltn.20H3J. (Jdljlltojs. WAYNE AVUTinar Apslcy - Thre slory, slilo yard. 2 b.iths; t-ntlmly mod-rn. WAKEFIELD, 1 2.Chestnut Walnut 2v. 02a(l CLEARVIEW'ST. -Slsronis7"7ii con veniences; nosieislon at rellleiuent; p'le 13300. John McNeill. CHID Oennaniown ave. ,fri-i . .yy.'.r '"njHLTa ,.?-r'xKAI,A?i . ,( .V l XKAfc wwAian .;jmmd kz& (1F.RMANTOIVN New Colonial Homes $500 Will Purchase One of the Most Charming Small Homes in tho City nnd Garago OPEN FIREPLACE YARDS 73 KKET DEEP $7500 MAKtlLH TILE RATH MODERN THROUOHOUT CARSON I1R09. LOCUfT AVK. Bcluvr CHEW ST. Phones Gtn. -1301): Chestnut Hill 2100; nr Chestnut Hill n2.1 .T In ev.nlrr fl rlnunre South of '"-belten and Chew! mmmmmmwmmmmmiimmmx& DUUU r-ULASM AVt. CORNER SEYMOUR ST S3 V ill sell to settle estate, beautiful fa H-room porch-front corner home; I a modern conveniences; perfect condl- Q tlorr: elegant surroundings and loca- i gj Hon: billiard room and laundry in (v basement, large space for garage: m immediate possession; 10 minutes' I S walk from Wayno Junction Station, ! I 3000 Pulaski are. Ph. Wyo. 402fl .7. Mi;LSm,r.i:iiiii;n.fflii:iiiira;;riiiiii,!:iir.iffl,i!iiN;rarua!,Tii; NEARLY SOLD OUT These comfortable and beautiful home ut Greene and Tulpehocken Sts. OF.nMANTOW.V Most wonderful house and most attrnc. tlve location Must be seen to be appre ciated At.t promptly by calling at our sample home or communicating with DREBY & EVANS 1007 LINCOLN" DLDO. 6602 WAYNE AVENUE Attached stne house northweat cornir llortter st . with every modern convenience Including 7 bedrooms. 3 baths, iiot-wat-r heat, electric lights and garage: water: acre of ground, with line shade and shrubbery: high elevation overlooking surrounding neighborhood; this house has been priced at fc40.000: owner leaving cltv. examine and make offer GERMAN TOWN TRUST CO.. Cheltcn and Germantawn uves. IF YOU ARE SEEKOta a modern hou't,. In u good location, and vour price Is between J750O r.nd 130,000, you en save time and money by consulting us. full Us: if desirable properties mailed upon request. MAURAN. DOI.MIV & CO. N. E. corner Ilroad and Chestnut. 171 W MANHKIM ST. (cor. of Henley st.) 3 rtor. porch, 10 rooms and bath garage private little cash required. H.J.FA-sY,18th & Thompson Sta. ONLY $600 3320-31 Sullivan at . II rooms, bath, porch and terrace, modern, bargain. $.1300. , W L O NEILL, 3010 Trankford ave. " $1000 CASH 1 45 25 PER MONTH POSSESSION 131 W. LOGAN STREET (5 MINUTES FROM WAYNE JUNCTION) INSPECT TODAY. 13300 000 block" Cleurvlew Modern 2-stv. dwelling: possession Phone SPruce 163. Hiialnrss Pronertlew nnd Stores EXCEPTIONAL bus loc :or. Chelten av7 and Norvviod; S-storj- brick dwa-.: lot 40x ion. Chis " Walsh. 003 11 Chelten nve. ninsTM'T him. ATTRAt-llVE COLONIAL HOUSE Possrssl.n October 1 A'jnui ff4 of an acre, stone garage. Cor "tr drat flooi hall living room lining room, pantry, kitchen laon drv aecond lloor 3 master's bsd-u)-ns I IihMi, "ntlos-d ;irch. 2 or-v-nnia' rooms. 1 bath, large closet; third floor J mnstei a bedrooms I I alhroom nnd eemitua' room, hot witr heat gas. electili-ity 2 mill litis walk from Allen Line Station, nn P. R R Price $87,000 JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. CHEbTNIT HILL, PHILA i-litsmut lllll 1337 (.lustnut Hill 2037 SEMI-DETACHED enees, J:)ioo (m TOWN THI-ST CO. II rooms, all cnnvenl Wyndmoor), .TENKIN Jenklntnwn. P FKANKKOKD FRANKFORD 1301 ORTHODOX ST Twosioiv corner house In the North vvoud Section, side jard. room for Kiirnge, 13(100 1713 Northwoml ave. face Norlhwood, Prk nn Idml soml-dctached home for mall famll.v ll rooms and bath In rlosed poich, hot-water heat und eleo- SCHWEITZER 4113 FRANKFORD AVK. Frank 2310 GREAT OPPORTUNITY Most convtnlently located modern English dwellings, schools, churches, stores, amusements and transportation wllhtn 3 blocksi do not fall tu sxnmlna llieni-, they are on Pilling at. between O-thodox and Arrott sts 18 blooks wost of Frank, ford avo , take car No. a at latli and Aich sts gut off 4000 Frankford ave., walk west lu houses) DREBY & EVANS 100T LINCOLN III.DO. LEAR I'll INKI-1MIU ELEVATED 4731 nnd 4733 Darrali St.; corner; 3 rmrtu, lu- adloinlng, 22xHim room for grus, ranms. brick, porch, hot.Wutsr f,et, UusTtsfJ lvl.. sold us whole. (0000 Mill Pinn st i 12 toons, tl id btli imm vestibule, por. li. ' tuUi -.,-,t USfS lot $12.1)00, P.OllERT T. C(-?tMt 1333 .(litlni lo;, wl --- TXVv'-ardllT twins. 7 rooMs all iimeTil riues; (irdssi corker, cs rame, garau rrU. 1303 Arrott st, .. xJ , -' a . ..,. j-.. , j.. - .JK JS.UA' .,t7'IVv4X.;Wi,- ttf-fejaSLj-: '" ' . ?i r iV - I ffl i -n