, rf , ' tf ' ' jV i-v Vi I's tla iti r-'j' WBBm liM Ai CuV aim Ml IN NATION M mmw. k p - 'v,r .'rf '. Hikk Nld This Position In Mem- "Kbtrthip From Beginning; Offi cers Urge New Drive '1200 MORE THAN LAST YEAR Tho deportment of JLVnnjWnfa of rae American Legion now Montis third to national membership, according to An announcement by National Ad jutxiit It o 11 e f. (4 J-ni5 ine position 11 v -HiHn uic scale orxsnixn- ,iy sIsssMAXsibbU lion hito con- fJrtcntlr held ince the formation of the Legion in the United H t a t o m. I During the Inst month -100O members have been enrolled In the Legion in this VBtnte. At present the State member I thip is 1200 In cxccsh of the ntimher I at this time Inst year. During May, J1020, more than eight thousand incur beta were enrolled In the membership drive. Department Commander Davis nn''. State Adjutant Murdock have been spurring the 022 posts in the Stale to greater efforts to exceed or at lenst equal the figures renched last year In the May campaign, and nre urging posts to conduct unofficial membership com palgns in connection with the State drive in an effort to hare designated ni the State convention, the lnrgest State delegation to nttend the national con vention at Kan-tan City in October. Voiture Locale Nn. 1,LaSoc!etc ties 40 Homraes ou 8 Ohevnuv., will pro duce the "Dance of the 411 nud 6" ueM Thuriwrny evening nt the Pelliam Club, Carpenter lane nnd Ernie street, Ger niantown. An entertaining program, introducing nevcrnl novel features, it promised bv the committee In charge of the affair. Member of the HOoth Field Signal Hattalion. Eightieth Divi sion, will hold n reunion nnd banquet nt the Lorraine Hotel, Uron.il street and Falrmount avenue. Saturday evening. Mny 23. The outfit nerved in the St Mlb'icl and Arjonne sectors and experi ences under fire will be retold. Member 'of the bnttalion arc requested to com municate with Daniel Fay, IMOlt North Fourth street, in regnrd to the meeting. George II. Imhoff Post. No. 15U, at tended the funeral c Emmet Evans, 130S Butler street, who died last week as a result of Injuries received over ififas. The burial nnd ceremonies took 'ploAe in the Northwood Cemetery. Members of this post are fchjarnlnc n ?lay that will be given In Mercantile fall June 15. CAPTAIN SAVES 2 FIREMEN FROM DEATH AT BIG BLAZE (Rescuer Stumbles Ovar Bodies of Men Unconscious From Smoke Two firemen overcome by smoke 'while fighting u blare at Thirtieth nnd iMtitcr streets lnt night, narrowly cs ifumtil tr.Mtli wfinn fnlHnir tli'hrlt hemmed them In from the outside. They were (rescued by their acting captain, wuo .followed up their hose line. Thn fire occurred in the four-story ibnilding occupied by the .1. M. Walters Co. and the 8immons Hardware Co. iJoscph Adair and Joseph Ootner, of Engine Corannny No, :54, at Twenty .seventh nnd Master btrcets, nic the fire Imen who were nearly ainhxyinted. The two firemen, with their hose line, climbed a ladder to the second lioor land disappeared through one of tin twlndows through tthich a dense cloud of smoke was pourinj. They were gono 'for siioh a lon period of time that Act ing Captain Mnyhlll went up after them. Hugging the line of hose he 'groped his wny until ho stumbled over ithe bodies of the unconscious men. Al though nearly exhausted himself, May hiU managed to drag them both to the j-wlndow where lie signaled to his men 'in the street nnd the two men were enr irletl down lndders. , KDCCATIOSAl. Ilnth tries SE il PEIRCE SCHOOL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Summer Coarse for Teachers For, teachers who desire to pre- ?ar to teach commercial subjects n Publlo or Private Schools. Pelrce School has arrnnerd ndtanced courses which InteiuUaly Instruct tn the Pelrce orartlcal mnthnda that nran so much In actual bualnesa tnlf. IB Summer School Open July 3th Write for Sflth Year Uoo'i Ptna St. West of nrond OS I ! UFETI.HK OPPORTUNITIES ' If emp'oyed In the daytime, study shorthand or bookkeeplna- nt nlaftt. Our courses Kha eompieio omce iraininn and qualify you foK well-paying position. Cata- log. ' riltXA. IltTSLNKSS COI.I.KOK nnu Colleea of rTotnmre 1017 Chestnut Ht. I'hlladelplili STRAYER'S tift$&s?t$ realtluna tunran'if I'r.rer iiott. ny or nlrha SP3IMKB KBSI )RTH ntTKNA VISTA IpntNr.H. PA A atrial modara hetal w.lb .ic.ll.nt labia aad anrlea, 100 pri.alafcttllt, capa.lly JOB. A tlluda vv- i.i. cpivnoia roaaa; goil, tannla. ate. Open June 18th to Octnher 1st Address until June 10. John J.OIbbnns.Msr. Hotel Rennert. Baltimore 1M. WT.BNKBSVU.I.n. PA. QALEN HAI.U Wernersvllle. Now Open Pa. rlCinVKNKflVlLI.K. PA. PF.nKtOMUN ivv tana: mnd.rn oort. HIkIi itvatlon, priv. catn. boamig, batitlrur, nahlna-. tennis. Ilonklet P t Ntltilt VALLKV FOUIIi:. PA. ' WAMIINOTON INN Chloken and Wattle Dinners DANIKt, J, VOOHIIEliS, Prop. STE.V.MHO TH KF.SIIBTW and PL NEW ENGLAND POINTS VIA THE Fall River line the peruLAH KOUTC Splendid steamers. Splendid service. Orchestra on each Steamer. ty. rultan Street Pier 14 N.rtl. River BJO t.M. OajllaM Saving; lima. Ball Includlns; Suna'aya. Iffnnntrr'rin nnd tlrkela nt 1311 nnd 1310 ClifMnut Ht, ytfgL ERICSSON BOAT m FOR BALTIMORE IS, aMMj-wny fare; $3, round-trip far UmHr at B I. MM a o'clock 8aturdr, (rwt h 9. A. Delawsuro Ava. ..Utmi,tm-Xvuk!tU- tME . r yyUW' -DtUtHIDCt MOUNTAINS , . 1-ATfAxYHJiWv, p, .y. - , . v. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL Sft.50 Saturday Aftornodn $0 50 0 to Monday Supper 0 v g& am. Yti"i Kxrnrr tioTr.f. to nr. NEVflNUIS So, CarailneAve nr. Uaeeti, tight m Ikwee'irrJk. Fort mot I Modrrete Be Hotel, t.r. Steal Pier Afroe Moll 1 Maria to Fret, ft Ceth Churelite. Itooalrr tat A eatd water In reaeie. p1. battie. pen enrrotirwliiga. alee, lights. War. I at . Huh Ueinca StMwm ffre. Amrt, rlen. 11 M op oir Sn. mVt. Ksaatlant (&' t. r te far ae' mp. h nnMRt smrzsn htl't A ftml mil". rhnr r Ntw umnri) uinciMa. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL "THE HOUSE OF JlOSriTAUTt" KrluLj Ay., tloo to Iltttb mi Slttl Fin; hot nJ oM runniog wlrin nwnt) print kt thli el f tor from itret lerrlt on iuire from Protnltnt tai Cllhollo Churchill llt uklrj 120,000 punt an Interior ImproTruienli, .locorsllooi andfurnlihlnp. Orehrttro. iltnclrtf;. Oitblag from hotel. Amnion pln 117 JO up wroUri tl 00rjp.!Uj! L'uropin II. SO up daily. Tor bookloti and oilier informatloo writ or Vhoao 1018, r.TTEK A: HOLUNBUn. Oonera & Manaeera In the Heart of Things PiliCESI DECORATION DAY SPECIAL SAT. P. M. TO MON. EVE. SO Rooms at $3.50 50 Rooms at $10.00 SO Rooms at $12.00 I.NCI.t'DINCi ALL MK.U.S So. Carolina ae. close to beach and Steel Pier. Larceat moderate-rate hotel of brick, steel and aione'conatructlou Hot ard cold runnlnir rnter in guest rooms. Private batns. Klevator from street leNel. Within 8 squares of 0 leadtnu l'rotestant and Cath olic churches and tnaln postoftlce. lrcnch chef. Excellent table Entire Silver Dlnlnic Room Servlco. H and up dalls, Amer. plan; 51.80 and up dlv. Kurop. plan. Special wuekly rates. S4.1.000 spent on Interior 1m provrmonts. decorations and furnlsrilnrs, making this hotel tho leading moderote-rato hostelry In the World's Greatest Iteaort. Elevator. Orchestra. Danclnc. For Book let and Auto rtoad Map. address Paul C. Roseerans, Owner and Prop. Phones 4B14 and 4S3S. Decoration Day Special $ 0 .50 Saturday $ 0 .50 O to Monday Albemarle Virginia ave. near Peach, on b'ock from Rteel Pier. Private baths Elevator Ca pacity 800. Dancln?. 4000 feet of porch spice. Hithlnc from hotel, Running Water in Every Room American plan. J", 30 up dally. European plan l.r0 up il.ilb special vve.Kiy OAIII.T; ft nrATTT. New Otrnershln Mr', DECORATION DAY $0.50 SATURDAY DINNER UNTIL $0.50 O MONDAY AFTER SUPPER O THE WHITTLE New 'Vorlt Are., near Itrnch Rtmning Water in All Rooms Capacity -'."0. Private Iviths Electricity throughout Tnb'e and service unsurpaed Special rates for June Qtvnorxlilp Mai. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL! tf.ZQ HATLBIMY AITI3N0HN 9T.SI e Til IhlVIUV IM,lNllll. New York Ai ir Hi ach 1'en.rul on veplent to ill attractions Home cookinx Nv ownerliln intuircumrnt Write wl ' or phone for reservations C II Wood Jr Msr t-2S2-, ATLANTIC CITV.N. J. Dlrectlr on Hie Ocenu Front An Amrrlr-.in plan botel of dlstlnetlas CAPACITY 000 OARAGE trailer J. flD THE SENATOR rir't housi from Iloardnalk on Ircinla A Hrlck ronstruetton l.arseit poirn In It Inntlu Pity Hitclnl ra'e over Iiciuratmn Dny Saturday tu .Mnulas tlo Mane reservation DECORATION DAY SPECIAL ST,B0 h'aTrilUA) HtPPKK T.30 TO MONDAY Hll'l'.U NEW BRADY HOUSE 1? So. Arkniil .. nr. JSr.uli nnd Uruclini; Vlulnln ,r i o.h- to llench nnd Uttel Pier Capaelty Mo Am rlran plan Prlvtte bath" Itunn'i ter Illi at r l.lertrlrltv Hpeel ' nn l nn's iinfllint. 71 THE IDS Arl THE IDEAL FAMILY HOTEL IICHICAN Avr.NPAiraEACH iveLCtition nsnrrif itatea EST TODD. pnOPBIICTOM .utj..i a Ae. anJ i.oa,.b, cap. 3Ui, i(Unnlii ua"' l'rlato u.itns. clavatur. dui aarlor. Uneiicelled culalne. U. Hevtaay Uwn.r NEW SOMERSET HOUSE Miss, aie .'U doni fr m Ileich M, or Day ipoi'lil rial t , .M'nii ti 111 llulhA Sjee r.Jvkurat U N Jcrtey Av nr nkach, lCier luts Newly tenuv, Hskpc, New mat A O Donnell prlv, Itun water RAMSEY .llUnourl nml Fudflc Airs, erklv. M tm dilll. Ull.rill nerkly, Mt itutnir.it i, MeMICHAKL Weitmimter g.-"" Ave, near )e.ii'h 1'rivate hatha, Running water. Open ull vear, l' A KUPP New Clarion Kentucky Av. & Iloardwalk. ncw w ll0mg W, Lath e. running waterl carane. riooklet. H, K. HON1FACB. MATinNAl' Tenn.av. d houso from Peach riAllUDAIa European Dlau. B. OUNNEB mmmm MmkC3mtL , - ATAfiTitl cm1, y, j. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL SATURDAY n nt SUNDAY & pX.l0 MONDAY U fjUl) IV Dlr. Surrl. Ulr. Amfr, rinn ELBERORl nnl rirtproof Annex. Tennejsc Av. nr. Itrnch. Cnn, -(On. Central! rm?n nurround. tnss, opp. Cntlio la nnd I'rutestant churchce. PrlMito btittju. Running Water in All Rooms Excellent table fresh ecflflblcii. Win daws Ecrccnea 'hit aerxice. Dooklot. It. 11. I.DDY. M I). DECORATION DAY Special Rates 8-0l)S-"tX"$8-00 after Supper ltoonia without mrnls $4.00 oxrT $4-oo I'rre Bnlhlnt rrlvllrsr-a. Own All Ytar Mlchlxan Ase.. clone tn Doach, one bloclc from Million-Dollar l'lcr nnd within tnry wnlldng distance of nil other vlern nnu amunements, In & bcnutltul location. Ocean Mew roornn, hot nnd cold running water, prhate baths, aun parlor, ele vator acrvlCd 1o atrei t level, wuiincrful home ceoUInc American Plan. $17.50 up weekly, ilalb, 13 SU up, Kuropcan l'Un, tl t0 up dally Decoration Day Special $0.50 Saturday, Sunday and $0.50 $3 SO up dally. 117 B0 up wockly. American plan lleet located, popular-priced hotel. NETHERLANDS New Tork ave., SO vrtl. from Ddtrk. natli Overlooklns lawn Inn prlvleces from hotel. A no,, on fan.. 400 Elevator. Dflv. baths: hot ,t cold running vater tn robms. elctrla ilBnts Table abumlan'ly supplied with the bmt the market affords. Booklet. Dance Uoor. M C SWEENEY A E A. POWELL SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY $7.50 SPECIAL $y.50 Decoration Day EDO EVarriEIR Snuth Cnrolln Ave,, near licnch. Cap. M. American European. Special weekly rale. JOHN A CAREf.Y. Prop. FORMEni.Y tP tAKIlKN INN Tsnnttut Avj. & B:i:h (Niw Fltivtal Ar7l;l)i) 1'nEU ItATKINO nOOMH AND bllOWEK 11ATIIS Electric Llghtn RUNNING WATER IN EVERY ROOM American. $3 B0 day up; European, $1 ."0 day UP. Special wkljr. 10th season. J. J. JOYCE. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL CQ.OO bATUItlrAY AFTEKNOON ,00 130 TO MOMMY hUPPER l3, Hnlnl frinftn N',"v Tork Av'- r't notei unarm ),! rrom ucaCh Anvr, A European plan. Dlnlns room a speclult). Vlnthltrf from house tpedal weekly rates. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL $0.50 Saturday lo $Q.S0 Monday A U S T I N E New lork Ate. neiir neurit DECORATION DAY SPECIAL gpay SATURDAY SUPPER UNTIL Cm v MONDAY AFTER SUPPER v d Meals That Mill Plcuse. Write for pecljl Weekly Kates M. ltltODKK. l'rnp. DECORATION DAY SPECIAL '8 SATURDAY TO MONDAY BEECHWOOD lientiirLj t,, netr Uracil nnd nil nmnse- tn rnt s tieorgo , jm J i ree. KeTlutky ae. ami lloirdwnlk exclusive lintel diftrlr't Sunnv orrnn Mew rnnni The beat enulrped A most Leuutlful MODEfl- ATK IlATlJ HOTKI. In Atlantic l'lt. Itunnlnr water In every room Private A public bathi ' throughout. Orch Dsnrlne Veranda Hun Tnrlor t onsen-aton-. THOMAS M. O'UniBN Modern Hotel nt Jloderjle Uutes South L.irolna Ao . Near Deach. Ut.et relied foi cimfort and crlce. l.Iectrlc llclits. KunnlnB water. ftooms with or wlthnut iirlato hatha Kxrellent culalne lltthlnir from hptel C'orfoapondence and In t Inn ftii1ti.1tf.il Orven all venr II llfvili I. linref A nnnsirrr Kintuckv Ae. ncur llentli tapnclt JSO, running water In rooms prl .tf baths. eleator Amir, plan S3 up dly., 117 So up v. Klv. Knto, Jl.Gu up dly. HAI.l'll MKCHIXY f. II. KINO Let L's Make You Feel nt nnme la the "l.lty of IlobUft Health" HOTEL MORTON Ore in I'.nd Mrelnli Avr. Cnnaellr 800. Flftatnr. Private Hatha, etc. Alwnr Onan E7.HA C. I1KIX a PACI. !. COPK. Prone. GRAWP ATLANTIC i-cir.lft ee and beach. Hot and cold run. nine water Private baths. Itatea 14 dJ tp oclal nkly Copuclty 010. nooktat. OJPAK i I'AlNTF.ll HABOI-n I.NIHIN MALtAMUT 60 SEA WATER BATHS PTV?-. -fezf F7rvrxpr?A . a ar.1 1 T L. ITaaU akvtil atai I Ht. unarm riac anu jjencu, "" -"-, water bath:runnlnir water lnrocrns;eleTtor. Surrkir ukle: SprlliK rte-:Coaehat trains. ..label miu.iiuii,,,,,. " SuMrlor table-BprlliK IA.K WAOST.lt Prop. W.R. LAY WM.Mgr. Atlantic i, MasaactiuaetU Aves Capacity HUU, All out. side, airy rooms. Open alt HOTEL TfiORBER ffi ear. it ) nay up. r.urop, npcciai waiy. ratea snnt servire. MRU V M TIHIKIIKK ftadfci, Mtxlnla Axe li huuss from Ilnardnalk ac4 riari aid I t'ur. lery appointment. Hicham .uai In culalne and rvlre. Itaoklet. J. IIOTHWKLL. Proo. jaTilu DKfllRATION HY SPECIAL $0.00 RATl'lin.W SUNDAY MONDAY PENNMONT 10 R Vermont av Amer, pi I'Mriark QILABRTOH a. J icky Ave Adjn'rnt to Reach. I ' Every apiiolntrnent, Culslno and serv ra unexcelled Mud, rates It Hrucker I o HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open. Always ready. Terms mod arsle Writ or nhone. M. Vvalsh I'unean. Kotol Rnsrnltpl Kentucky Ave. Kafora, notei uoacouei KxCTien, ,tbi. ,,7 1 and nn weakly. Phonn lit. A. E. MARIOS MI ITT All 2 N. Mtlns Ave. On Reach 11 " '""" Amer. nlnn tl.op day up. tHAI.FONTF HAI)ril)N HALL Atlantic ClUi on the Heath and Uoardwalk s .1 CSS WRFH'0 ?SRtffiifl I WV EAllMABia3J'.m' W ". ' u.A.l. .ill. . r- . em.T.i.i, OECORnTION DAY SrtCML ?Q.50 SaturdnV Dinner $g.50 to Monday Dinner yiHiuvULiiif ntWatWIWVWLBIalllllllllHaU!1 OSBORNE Cor. Pacific & Arkansas Ave. rtefrtt-eratlon and pvl. leo plant! ) trio kltchon opan for Inipeetlons hot una cold runntne wtr In room; alt outalda expoturei ccrupuloualy clean. Klevntor. pvt. bath., bathlnK from hotel! u of bath houses and shower baths free, Orchestra,. dandnK! white, service) flre l.roet earact. DooVlal and street amldo nailed. New MD(emcnt F17 & Ilocltenbnry - 1 KINGSTON Ocean ave.. first hotat from beaeh a.nd nvi.r looklntr ocean; centrally located; fireproof. elentor. biths. Kxceilent table Special sprint; rates, J8.G0 up daily; S18 up weekly, Includlns; meals. M. A. LKVItBlt. THE ELWOOD Ft, .fames Plaee. overlnnkln lh nuri. ralk-. Fireproof, Capacity 98( PrlTHttj butlM. tlunnlnf water. Elevator. K. T. Oraff. iiwm HOTEL CARLTON Chelsea Av. & Bene) Urns, ensulte with prtv. bath. Every room, hot i. cold run's water. Mftil. rates. Ownership nutt. J. B. Zarrall. Virginia av. Bd hotel from Deacli. Private 1 ath: run. water: elevator. American p'nn. BAM ELMS. Owner. N. J. CdLLlNB, Mat. ocny CITf. N. 3. t The'i, WICOCH? OCEAN CITY N.J. A solid round of pleas ant entertaining amid comfortable surround ings. Unexcelled cui sine, superior service. Concerts Friday and Kundau. Dancina and cards Saturday and H Monday. Special Music Miss Tlielma T. Melrose Contralto Mr. Edward Davies Baritone th STREET AT BOARDWALK! Ncwlr rtenoTatrnl New Mannsrement. Fine Culslno i opens .May a,1, tiooaiai. apply 1111 Wldener Blot., For rates Phlla YAT13B7 Pnp. OPEN DECORATION DAY SPECIAL ItVTF-S FRIDAY KVi:. TO MONDAY DINNER THE ALVYN Hrlglitun Place near llonrriwalk TKi Drnanir '' may sain. 1I1L VJCCiiniC Hpecial low rates for May and June A E. RAKER. The Imnerial iwns Mly 20 spec, rates, '"" "l'"'"Miiy & June tn. llllam Scarborough 7 0(;ean Ave. near ajiuiLTuruugu bclu v u .vcALLISTEH ILLINOIS ON Till; KTRANII Ideal loc. S. rates. F. Mlcnener. otvner, met. 1?ip.nvnf Running water In every root msiayni nnokl,t e. uiundia. ICEANCnY. N. J. "Ar.ierlrn'w (lrentet Family IUsnrt" Her List uf llrtun City's I.endtnc HotelH in this pitper nn Wednesday. (APR MAY. N. J. MODERN HIGH CLASS COTTAGES FOR SALE Lxcluslve Locations On and Near lieach Front A Few Private Cnttaues for Rent W. J. FENDERSON 310 Washington (!.. Qnpe May, N. J. KOtEL WINDSOR I'U Directly on the beach. ISO rooms: 0(1 baphs. American plan, Special rates durlnu earl season R. HALP1N. ir.imTioii CHEST. N. .1. Ctroixn Crtt '. block (rom Reach. Dklt. vccan v,rei p. T. kino. Prop. hllV ihli: rity. N. .T. SKA IhLK CITY Write City Clerk. City Ha'l. Hea Is'n City. N. J. for Information LONDON. KNHLAND TllltRK I'AHOL'8 LONDON HOTELS Victoria Hold. Grand Hotel, Hotel Mttrepols ! . mi in ill iwiihi i V . UiM iVirul nHn. H ! ' "' I ' !! "" " II ' .- aaiai. ff ta V. ij i ! Miss Roberta Hastings " I l Pianist Bp, Special Rate, Friday, 0 : ll v ! I P.M. to Tuesday after . 1 t Breakfast. I it i I . ji ! T I i i aaaa j--j--jti-aaaea-eerae'e aT in Wi MM III- I n: ir oryrL- s i U 1M A iurf ff7 O il . Jbtvsv A . i)7Z?rw,,3Ff lsms&maL firm? ifir!.a .-.jiiT;:riiot w nn I Capacity 600 H fit KiV ciTV'fl i.innpcn avr Q ' G des't appointed hotci. I . m Central location ; spncloua plaz- I n -o . twin tritsvu.uiai rjui vitu uiiu aj r B culslno strictly flrot clans. Rooms IJ slnglo or en suite, with or with- - U out bath. H 1 .1 B .i,ln .,1 ...n . ab a ji,iIa nal bBI H y Upens Ihurs., June 30 1 bU Per Information nnd reservations 51 R Jdr as M V UUI I-.L iMJUiHAMDlb. H M Oerun City, IS. J. H ' EliaaBJaVMfir-tW. llllll HI I lllllaall Blin SR rA AW ABTViiJj lfQ9 in- 4 m 7 ..wriwn.nK.. .- Bu the Sea Spring Lake, N J. Tennis) Surf Ilatiiinsi Saddle Horses) Yachting 1 1 Dally Concerts) Dancing) Drill: ItrnUers Office. A distinctive hotel a brick and atono structure vrlth every mod ern comfort nnd convenience. Openlnr Jun 16th. Dookt on request. Exceptional Country Clab and two 18-holt GoU Count! FRANK'' C. MOORE, Mgr. Kduiti 8. TytiR, A est. -Slar. New .York OfDcei B , 40th St. Telrtmnnei Vnnclerldlt E200 The Breakers Hprlnrf t.atce rirnch. N. J, tIN OCKAN FnONT nmwooi). n. a. 5HPI nON Wlldwood's Finest Hotel. season raics. Ownership Mgt. D. J. WOODS . HOTEL FENWICK Onn all year. 'Buroo. plan. Spoelal rates. Moy. June. I. M. Perkins. Ulmnn. Wild. Av. nr. beach. Prlv. batba. .i iii.. Own mang't. Mrs. O. W. Planar. I irfirJViltvnf S80 Cellar. 4 doors from Tloard uynanurat: wlkt WBtfr, Mrs.oidneid ocnAN nwovE. y. j. OCEAN AVE. HOTEL STSeoS Deach. All outside roomi. New manare'nt, N. O. NKVU.Lll TTii Allenhurat ritman & Central Ave , water: special season rates. R. 3. DrtAKB. nEACII HAYgN. W. J. THE ENGLJES1DE rrtvate baths with sea and fresh water! five tennis courts! booklet. It. F. ENQLB. JUn acr. Also the Covlnaton. West Phlladslohla. DKVON. PA. WYNBURNE INN 0n4oBiS!nI;j.M from llroad Bt. Station. Private Dlnlnc Itonm for ute of automoblllsts. Danclns Saddle Horses Phone: Ilerwyn 230-W for reservations NOItBlHTOWN. PA. HAMILTON HOTEI.. Norrlslown. Ta. Well; nppolntetl rmbnrbnn apt. Iiouaei bcnutltul rcnitlcuttal aecllan: traiislent nnd tourtuls' tuenm.i iinfurn. nnts. Call Norxlstown 131. DEIWAHK WATBB OAP, PA. The Mountnin Paridisc KITTATINNY DEL AVARE WATER CAP. PA soason Jlay to uecemuer. jrosi ex tenshe Intorlor and exterior Improve ments Just completed make the Mttatlnny Iho finest-appointed accesslhle mountain lUsort Hotel. Capacity BOO two hours finm New York. Lackawanna n. H.t 73 miles by aut6moblle: thiee hours from Philadelphia. Pcnniylvanlo. It. K.: 84 mllen by automobile Pullman service and Good Itoails all the way. Hotel situated In prlvato park. Wild flowers and rhododendron In profusion. Mtmnlflcent scenerv. Oolf. tennis, saddle horses, bnatlnc. trout and bass flshlna, trao shootlnB. mountain cllmblnff. Orchestra of Soloists. Nltrhtly dances froritient eoclal features. Ilrldirc, etc.. In charge of Master of Ceremonies. American Plan ilso a la carte aril for Tourists. Klttntlnny lecetablu and fruit Hardens and dairy supply abundant fresh products. Special early season rates and to families and tourists. Booklet, terms and nuto mn"s mailed. 4oiiN vt'imv roPK 1.A(1I.KH "HF.KK. PA. Eagles Mere, Pa. Tho summer resort that I different be cause It comhines mountain and seashore conditions with unique surroundings. The snndv beach and temperate water pf the Lake of the Eagles afford splen did bsthluic -.00 feet aboo sea lel. One of the finest Rolf coUrees in America. For booklet and rates, write: THE RAYMOND T.. II. C. LIST, Slnnneer THE CRESTMONT INN WILLIAM WOODS, Mnnncer THE FOREST INN HERMAN V. YEAQlin, Mnnarer THE LAKESIDE JOHN .. KIUK HON TAKE CIIAMPLArN. N. Y. ZUSZ 3C f HOTEL. I HAM PLAIN VUjrf POIMPOII'UHE CHArlPtAlrl,N.Y, T OPENS JUNE uot ROroaiJ NY.Offlcm ZUrVlnrV UAH HAItHOIt. mi: The Malvern 5 BAR HARBOR, MAINE Opens June 30th KBXllsT 0. fiKOIl, Mnnncer f'nro Hotel Wooilstock 127 West 43d Street, Now Vorlt I.F.OAI, ADVKKTIHr.MISNTB ? OTlCE IS llOtEUY G1VI5N THAT nnnllcatlon will be marln tn thn rinv. ernor of Pennsylvania on Juno 2. 1021, by ii. ii. iiiiuipiirrjn. jiiomnn i". iiniaie, Itovv und R. Comly, T. Herman nemiii. Htan Uy '.' nk' Hllllum (J. Wrnlirr, Howard l. Dudley, under the Act of Assembly en titled "An act to provide for tho Incorpora tion ami regulation of co-operative associa tions not havlmr n capital muck and not conducted fur profit and definln agriculture so us to Include person l cnxaued lt floricul ture, dalrylnr, livestock riiUlnj, poultry rais ins, Wwkeoplnjr nnd horticulture," approved tho 12th da of June A D 1010. for the charter o( un Intended co-nperatlv assncla. tlon to i known as the Philadelphia Ven (olile uroweiV Co-operntlve AsMclatlon. Tho clnsn of services to be porformed by the said assDciation Is to act as Ritent for ItB memheiB, or ar.v of them perform for them services connected with the production, preservation diylnir, cannlni. storing, han. dllng: utilisation, markellni; or yule of ngrl. cultural products produced by them; and. for thn aarkultural purposes of such mem bers, perform for them nervlces connected with the punhaso or hlrlnir for or uso by them of supplies. Including livestock, ma chlnery and equlpminl. and the hlrm of labor or unv una or more of the kinds of service spt-llled In thli suction. Signature1, , II II HUMPHREYS, THOMAS F. RIDDLE. ROWLAND It. COMLY. T HERMAN FLKMINO, STANLEY Q. HICCKER. HOWARD N. DUDLEY. WILLIAM O. WENKER LOST AND FOUND UARI'IN Lost, diamond barpln, sat In platinum In Wnnamaker'a or thereabouts. Finder please communicate with Wm. Gib bons 5 8 IQtli at. Suitable reward. NOTICE Application has boen made to the inre Assmttation or vrniiaoeipnta, ior re newal of Policy of Insurance No. SOU. JfiOO Insured In nume of ler'el Morris, v hlch his been lost or mislaid. Information thereof will be rcreiveil by PL ATT. YUNO MAN CQ 40(1 Walnut nt,. Philadelphia SCARF Lost7in Rea'dW Tennlnnir'leavlng train from Iteadlnu 4:30 P. M. Friday, a mink fur scarf Phone Cliegon 1035 Reward SPECTACLES Lost, spectacles, with shell and sliver frames i bifocal lenses. Reward. 203(1 Iomst at WATCH Lost, gold and blue enamel wrist watch, with J. II. Caldwell on face. In Wanamakor's about 12:30 Thursday, May 111. Liberal reward If returned to J. E, Caldwell WATCH Lost, in Wanamaker'e, Tuesday. May 17. nn cnumelM wrist watch; liberal reward offered, I' 030, Ledger Office, J,!ttity . xtxViS ; r-' Co.i Ine.rrnWfefl.evst " , . . CI.KntC Yoiln'tr tady (or haVlftnal benU, 10 to 10 yearn of kitei one'wrm can writ shorthahd and typewrite preforredi must re side In northeastern section of city! answer in own handwriting, , P.023, Ledser Office. , ENTHtJSIABTIO WOMBM not afraid of hard work, can eecure perma nent position Vlth tartre. corporation, where , BXCJCPTIONAli PAY Is obtainable: experience not neeeisaryf be tween the aces, of 2a and 40; must atand close lnfeatlrailon, ,Fbf Interviaw, call Bprtiee li8B7. , ISO LADY CAsitlEIlS IlBNDEiZVOUa TAIlk ATLANTIC Cirr, N. J. MONOTYPB KRYnOAIlD OPEHATOnS, ex perlenced prefvrted! nxcelletit workln con oltlons with lir Insurance proteetlsn, a sift from the company, after 3 rests of service, William Mann CV., 31 N. nth St., Phlla. OPMUATOH. experienced on Blneier sewing machine: can fam 131 per weeki steady work. Apply 2B Aich at . third floor. s'tP'y-r.nxPErttnNCED omus wanted, MlUKP11 JIINDKItH. HKW1NO ON AND TtlllNINO. LAinD. 8CH011EH A CO.. 22D AND MAHKUT 8TS.. SECOND FLOOn. BTFNOOriAPHDn Ono experienced ofdoe wurn; iamiunr witn coel trade prererroat must be aulcle irtlvA Icnrlr-. rlentlln. Anntv .. T.-j...-.i-:i - --.--- nt -riinn-ivnia mag. TELMPHONR OPEUATOrt i-lJIVATK RXCHANOI5 SOME EXPKrtlENCK AB TYPIST HTATB HAIaAKT n 75. Lmxinrt ofi Ficn YAItN KXAMIKEnS Women to examine worsted yarn: only ex perienced need apply; cond salary: excellent working conditions. Apply Employment Bu reau H. II. & II. w. Flelsher. Inc.. l!0th nnd Heed sts. I TOUNO IAI)Y. for national bank, 18 to 10 jr." ui hkoi one wno ran write anon hand ahd typewrlto preferred! must reside In nnrtnol frn AHnn a nllu anaarja (n man --""-- " iwii wa m aiisnvi in uif tl handwrltlnr. P 1122. Iedaer Office. firnmil MAKE MONET AT HOME Toa can rn from II to 12 an hour In your spare time writing; show cards; quickly and easily learned: no canvasslne: we teach ytu how and .sell jour work. Write today Sir full r?,r,,.'Sl1.',r . AMEniCAN SHOW CARD PC1IOOU Pyrla Hlrfg.. Toronto. Canada. CLEIIK8, over 17. for postal mall servire: JI20 month: experience unnecessary. For freo ptrtlrulars of examinations .write J. Ltonard (former Civil Service examiner. 002 r.iiuuimip inua., wasningion. u. u. OIHI.H, clerks, atenoaraphers. typists wanted at once, by Oovernment; cood salary: easy hours: rapid advancement: write for Instruc tlons. Particulars. P 807. ledger. Office. HELP WANTED MAXE A P.EAL MAN Can connect with a lara-o corporation in a pcsltlon which PA.YH EXCEEDINOLY WELL where his future Is ussuredi experience not necessary, remember you must be . , , REAL For Intrrvlow call Rpruco BSII7 vii ASSISTANT EXAMINER, aMIn-T Txa'SiVnIV" fiT'.r-i.r"".0 Civil sVrjTc;. , N.aPmbl,drrP,.d?necn.lr0e co,e Juno lB"ioai. " ToVT$?0 JiSK lion apply to Room 87B. City Hall. Commissioners Clinton Rogers Woodruff. President. Charles W. Neeld. Secretary. """"' Lewis If. Van Dusen. Issued May IB, 1021. DLACKSMITH. 1. wanted: nnd 1 horse shoer. beabrook Farms Company. Ilrldxe ton, N. J. CARPENTER wantod. S. K. cor. 18th and Mr7pVAer".t"T" "" """' O0Ur' a" coMTOsiTorts MONOTYPE KEYROARD AND MONOTYPE CASTER OPERATORS CYLINDER PRESSMEN CYLINDER PRESS FEEDERS FOLDINO MACHINE OPERATORS CUTTERS FAMILIAR WITH BOOKLET AND CATALOG WORK 18 HOURS PER WEEK STEADY WORK. APPLY THE FRANKLIN PJHNTINO COMPANY B14.B20 IULM.OW STREET PHILADELPHIA COMPOSITORS for make-up and cstaloa work In a, city in Ohio. 48-hour week: no labor trouble: whon wrltlna- Rle expert' ence, ace and name of last place employed' modern plant, steady emplojtnent. M 7"S Ledger Orllce. ' COMPOSITORS, stone hands, monotype Vav. board operatori. Stephen Creen Co. V K rirner Arch nnd 10th sts. CORRESPONDENT-secretary. slate ore" eipprlence, references and salary ex pected. P 033. Lcds-er Office. Bx CYLINDER AND ROTARY PRESSMEN wanted by CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. 48-hour week. Permanent work at wuses ranalna- from $80 to ISA pr week with IS uddltlunal for night work. Only first-class workmen will be con Bldered. Apply personally or In writing to CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. Employment Office Oth and Sanson) HID. UNOINF.URrl PERMANENT EMPI.OY. MENT I f OFFERED MARINE KNOI NEEItS WITH LICENSES TO SEIlVU IN DIE STEAMERS OF THE M1INSON STEAM BHIP LINE. PHONE. WRITE OR CALL. MUNSON JJTEAMSHIP LINE 113 DllEXEL BUILDING PHILADELPHIA Bell Phone Lombard 3027 Keyatono Phone Main 1870 ENORAVEIt nnd dleslnker on steel and brass embossing dies; must bo first-class man. stnie wages wamra. 'ino It. K. M. Engraving Co , 370 W. Monroe st,, Chicago, FOLDINU MACHINE operator to operate Cleveland folders: prefer man who nn do soma forwarding: non-union, nu labor trouDie. write a. a. mewari Co., J'ltlu burgh Pft FOHEK1N EXCIIANUE MAN Growing Philadelphia Institution has excel lent opining In Its rapidly expanding depart ment for man thoroughly experienced In all branches of foreign exchnnga. A. man with the proper qualifications can develop Into u managerial position, with no limit to hla advancement. Addiess. giving details of your, ago , education, experleneo and genet nl qualltit.atlons. P 018. Ledger Office JOB AND CYLINDER PRESSMEN, experl- enced: excellent working conditions, with life Insurance protection, a gift from the rumpaiir un.r .. I.i ui anrvice William Mann Co.. 21 N. Oth St.. Phlla. JOB P1IEJ3MAN, prrt dors: steady orki js.linur wiik. W-uo Pr-a f loio Arch u. LINOTYPE OPERATORS wanted mals"; sieauy ur. nvviy A.cnins v-ompotltlun Co.. 115 N. 7th it. ..,,.! iihiiil iiiiiiii -' fcSL? WA3fTJ6frtCAl UOX 8443. MAN A Manufacturer of "WraW batterr separators ana boxes wam . "".r' settled repreitentatlv to handle U; trde in expenses wnen uui i v-vv.i ncMM.t -v r,- ii.o lira and photo In flnl ltter J M bo In city next week to meet desirable Pllonli. E. A. Oarlock, 1300 N. Calvert at.. HaltlrrtoreMjL MAN AND WIE. white. .1 or wtUmM'j cut lawn, wlfo to assist wl Krro-anentlS In family) 170 ard, ('all Bcrwyn 2aJ; nomo near uarwyni in... "'..S'VT,,-- !., Willi iwr.il-,ni per montn ana KJVV 1. U Uvl WANTED IN NKWBPAFElt OFFICE! GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO I.KAHN nUSINESB. APPLY MR. KtLPATRICK. DETAIL DE PARTMENT. PURLIC LEpOER. PRESSMAN on crllnders for halftone and color'work In Ohio cityi 48-hour week: no labor troubles wheruRnewarlnff Blve nil par Oculars and, state ears steady employment! modern blanl,, M 720, Ledxer Offlc PREH8SIAN" wanteil on-Sotdlmr and Uni versal pressesi 48-hour week. Stephen Oreene Co., N. li for. loth and Arch ats. SALESMAN A Rood all-around man to sell Kenerai ruouor coona. inriumnar rtiooer ana oil clothlnx: a fins opportunity fotr the rliht man who nan qualify for the position Mono the line i of ability. prponalltv and moral charactsr'. Address. V 010. Leda-er Office. SALESMEN Lumber . concern wants sales men tn call on retail trado. Jobbing- yard: elate references, experience ahd salary de slted. P 027. Ledxer Office. SHOES EXPERIENCED MEN WANTED: KHI'.riUil lllifcir.ivr, or,vivf tin .Ami TURNINO. IIRD. BCHOI1ER (t CO., 2JD AND MARKET 8TS SECOND FLOOR. SIDE PAINTER to do Rlldlng- on glass. Apply 22B Real Estate Trust Rldg-. WANTED COAT SHOP FOREMAN! MUST RE AN EXPERIENCED TAILOR. CAPABLE OF INSTRUCTING NEW HELP, POSSESSING EXECUTIVE ATIILITY TO OPERATE A SHOP MAKINO FIRST-CLASS COATS. AND OVERCOATS. SHOP LOCATED IN MIDDLE WESTERN CITY. APPLY CARE THIS OFFICE. OIVINO FULL PAST EX PERIENCES AND BALAnY EXPECTED. M 70. LEDGER OFFICE. General CLERKS, over 17. for poslal mall serv ice: $120 month: experience unnecessary. For frre panic's of examinations write J. Leonnrd (former Civil Service examiner, 002 Equitable Illd.. Washington. P. C. CIVIL SERVICE examinations April and May: marry acancles: salarv S1400-II800: write n1 Hniiiyio ini, ot.T. ,-iir..-, v.... WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES 125 TOR FULL COMPLETE COURSE: .25 DAY A NiaHT CLASSES: open Sundajs. SATTLER'S, 1001 to IB Sprlne Garden st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COMPANION (Companion nurse) capable, refined woman, desires position for eml lnvalld, convalescent, or elderly lady, 11 723, Ledger Office. SITUATIONS . WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT wlshea employ.: B yrs. pub Ho axp.: good rfs. C404 Unltlmoro ave. COOK or butler, competent Jnpnneae, speaks English fluently, wishes position In private family; rity or vicinity; has good references. R ai8L"der Office. DETECTIVE live ears' experience (2'A years as county officer), would like to con nect with a large hotel: will furnish un- questionable reference. 31 7za. iier Offtc vrtltMER traveling auditor Income tax unit. Washington, D. C, deslros connection with reputablo firm of certified public accountants. II 710. Ledger Office. INVESTIGATOR wishes position; wide ex tierlence: best rcf. D 700. Ledger Office. OFFICE EXECUTIVE, age 28. now office manager for large out-of-town corporation, desires similar position In Phlla.; experienced In general and cost accounting, credits, col lections, traffic. Insurance, taxca. general art ministration: a high-grade man. D 010, Ledger Otnce YOUNG MAN. age 24, with wide range of office experience, credit and sales depart mmtn and secretarial work, has ksnr sren- cral ledger and control accounts, good cor respondent, wisnes position viitn future, p 003, Ledger urcice. YOUNG MAN Wharton Sohool stud. des. account's pos.: good ref. P 028. Led. Of. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GARAGES I must have more exclusive listings; my list of bujers still growing: Immediate action guaranteed. Mr. Bauer In charge. ALBERT HALL NIO Land Title Rldg. ESTABLISHED Philadelphia, selling pat ented household articles, needs services of a reliable office man, qualified to become president and treasurer, and nbln to Invent In the business: large profits. P 010, Ledger Office. COMPLETELY equipped old-established Ice cream racrory, opposite wuawoa station, Wlldwood, N. J.. Including real estate. D. C. Dcnoghue, 1008 Flnanco Bide.. Phtladel phla IOR SALE Cheap, estab. grocy.. fruit nnd veg. bus.; sm. stock: store and II rooms. Apply 807 Diamond, or HOPE, Sr., Fern Rock. iWyn. 414) IF YOU HAVE B00 or more to Invest: for Interview address J. R. Williams, P. O. Box 003, Philadelphia, Pa. MACHINERY AND TOOLS COMPLETE line of mnchlnery for manu facturing and finishing mlum' ribbed hosiery: 800-needlo 30 Oa; to interested party full Information will be given PHOENIX KNITTING CO. jsornstown. ra. Si. H. P. WAGNER MOTORS, brand new A. C complete with cord, plug nnd nil. ley, J23.B0; dealers entitled to discount. R. Hclielnort Co . 123 N. 3d st. Electrical motors, machine tools. ruwr.il r.wuii'jiijtivi; O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO.. 110 N. 3D ST. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT If jou want to be convinced that we are still J laying 2Br mors than others tor diamonds also pawn tlcketa bought) call at KELLY & CO. 2D FLOOR 032 CltESTNUT ST. PRIVATE OFFICES) PH. WAL. 7814 WILLIAM A. L1VESQUE7 has sold his ga rage, 42B-2J Carpenter St., to Asher fa'll verman and Nathan Rubin. All persons having claims against William A. Lflveeo.ua to present their bills to Emanuel Kline, 5th and Ellsworth sts., Philadelphia, not later than Tuesday. 0 P. M . May 21. HI21. LET US DO your window trimming; we know how, Call or write Art Display Co.. 1800 Callowhlll st. Spruce 4811. " DIAMONDS BOUGHT nARRT W. SMITH. 717 BANBOM ST. ELECTRICAL treatments, physical culture. For appointments phone vvainut 1H52. Ilinirs, m to a. VOU CAN BORROW money low aa 2 par cent on diamonds. R1EDEIV8 12 Msrkat .t. ELECTRICAL treatments, phjslcal culture. 108 B. I7t'i st. Hours. 11 to tl. ELECTRICAL treatment: also rrmnlcurlnr': 10 to 0. Miss Croix 805 8. llth "r ' ELECTRIC treatment and manicuring. Mlaa' HsnsonAWIlson.103 Heed Uldg.Ph.Loc.aa82 POR SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBLE 3 mox.. Id and up. Factory Rebuilt IVpewriten "Seo Our New Machine, tho Cntury" American Writing Machine Co. r . na.S02 CHESTNTJT BT. Walnut 24.10 Main 3W new OFFICE FURNITURE store W DESKS BoughfW' 1102 ARCH 911 WALNUT PA. OFFICE FURNITURE CO. WAL 4131 OFFICE FURNITURE Large lot of desks, safes, files, cabinets and general ofrko futntture, slor Ilxturea? We buy, sell and exchange. rnJ'.A?rl-N I'UnNlTURU CO LOCl'ST 10711. 1127 ARCrjsrJtAV'j: 2QQB FIREPROOF SAFES, telephone boothtiTlioo ft. offlce partition. 2 adding machines 4 typswrllors, about 150 light oak modern desks with chairs to match tables, filing de" vices and other completo offlce equipment In splendid condition nnd very cluian? llUOliV't UTH AND BUTTON WOOD ,luu"KS' CHLMINU hall clock tn n ll rirn i it .. .. - quicK puver appolntmerrt Phone vora. lOOfl J tor SAFLS SAFES 300 pew and second-hand sates: all atr.a' cash or time. Howe Scale Co. 800 Arch at' CLOCK Muhogany hall cluck chimes, ureiit snapt can ba seen evenings ur Hundnv Phone Wnmlng lOltO.I Punuity. PURNITUIIeT compleloT for 0-room Iiou'mi practically news no dealers, 20 N Eilie. vv ood st. SAFES, firp and burglar proof, elluhtiiunavr all sixes styles nnd make s, 72 N. Fou r t h SHOW CASE. 0 ft. plate ulaa'a. inarbliTbasa'' bargain. Josephs. 713 S. oih ,i. """' TYPE, presses and tuttsra. Iilir hariralna Phlla. Printer1 Supply, 1 s. Ctfi l W i -YA,M ia " A' "ir Ointl3,OVERLOClC, MACI It NES! STATE AOB, KXPERIENCB. HALAnV DK8IRLD AND OIVM REFERENCES. Z 05, P. O, V JM 1 - -""-". ... '"riili7ramaasBssp A 1 t7'V ' K." CeditoM CommHtee Sale KAr.' Commlt,i UV9' btWutno,' .d to offrfor Mbflo.ohprlvaM .-u Rampl and slocks maV t.a .. My by appointment. msy u " PETER P. ZI0N AHr, for Creditors' Committee 00l Land Tlllo Bldg.. Phil. .. B -KING-8 iois 4-raasingert good condition. LOCOMOBILE' PalntTd8 t0Urln! "t.hl"d and n. MERCER Series b. Rebuilt In Mercer shops. HARE'S MOTORS, INC. 2314.2822 Market Street TelepUono aso Locust MiiiM a MARTIN-AIPVANnPR AUTOMOBILE PAINTING you contimplate having your ear ra finished an Inspection of our work nil please you. You will nitlco that the manv to people who not only appreciate flna ln0th.bSnd,n0W lhBt " ' conomle.i t.Vi.1 jfartln-Alexander Bsklng Process ln.J.1i?ni'fh .n.rt i Aniomohllf Palntln" ouin?.MHVi,.1 of nnl"1 "n.'nJlfi. PrgWdSK lVtM.Vt.? XI MARTIN-ALEXANDER CO. AUTftMOBtLE PAINTINO Dickinson 2201 Main 170 FOR HALK , TYPE 59 CADILLAt Custom Imperial Limousine Tokdn In trade as part payment on a LINCOLN Suburban! Original cost about inodO. Run 307(1 mile. Prfco IB1M SWEETEN L AUTOMOBILE CO. 411 N. lmoAD BT.. PHILADELPHIA .V.U1VU XlliU SALE Private party will sell new 10.000-mlle corOi ' taken for debt: perfect: no seconds; c.V , tut soxiitt. us; aix.-m. jiu: stxi. i S: . i set. ina toa. siVi n ';u'i"il LeJgh ave. Phone Columbia 1280. " APPPRDN -Pasrenger Sedan, sllrhn, ' " , . u"d for demnnslratlitg onlti attractive prle; new car guarantee. ' wl WILLIAM T. TAYt-OR. lfl N. llftri.TiViy AUiiuiw. soaan xop; iiko new; Red Seal rrofffunl'r5ooe'lin1e",r tW" ' BUICKS .?. ,A,wI?S3 ' MOTORCAR CO., INC1., 012 N. BROAD OPEN BUNDAY, POPLAIt 0030. U"UAD- CADILIJAC8EUAN! "'tl very lltt'li: 3 ..lr:ilt? "m.nale offer. ROYAL ft MU lUKUAIt iJ,, lU... O-'O N. BROAD POPLAR 0030. riPEN titJNDAT. "nuAU- CADILLAC 5T-n.B ToaM"'- bargain. -,ttLlL,l-ttU 010 N. RItOAD ST. TOP- LAR 7820. OPEN SUNDAY AND EV3L BTANLET AUTOMOBILE CO. v-viyti.iMv-. Buuuiwnii iiinouaine, aouble E guaranteed A-l condition. 010 M. DroiTii' .J v,. Su..u-j ..u ,"v, S0"'" 9. -i i-t twnuu a arm j L'-'"-'IHI.t, J. CHANDLER ROADSTER. Model 18. (;a. excellent condition; private owner. For Information call Melrose 1S84 J. r DODQE coupe, 1020 model; run 0001) milts' Rood condition: no dealers. 1) 7J0, Lei.' ' ger Office. . . FVFY Tourin: and roadster car. loir L.JU like now; will sac. Roynl Molo-car it.. niv;.. v-v .i. ium, x-oi?. niui,. upan Hua PTiRH l".llaulc!' 1,017t rebuilt: gooJTccn vaf union. Appiy jir. -vionannn, WAN. AMAKER OARAGE. 28D AND WALNUT. HAYNF 1020 lurlne. 4 passenger; Call . I'o"!' p: er cannot bo told from new. 010 N. RHOAD. Pop. 1820 Omb Sun, and eve. STANLEY AUTOMOBILE CO HAYNFS20 ,ourlnfi wonderful' Fondl! , tlon: reasonable. Rojal Motorcar Co., Inc.. 020 N. Ilrond. Open Sun. Pop. Until HUDSON l00- J0-0-. "rnnteed m- rfl ' rhanirally perfect! like new Via N. J1R0D ST. POP. 7820. OPEN BUN'DAT AND EVENINGS. STANLEY ' AUTO cnJ Lit ip SEDAN; SS00 cash, balance terms iil'i-.. nn.-.. i i: u. nhMiunx AUTU CO. NEW special truck, 3Vb tons, atake body, al a very rcaaonablo price. Apply Mr. Mona- han. Wanamaker Uarnge. 23d nnd Walnut OVERLAND TOURING CAR ("OR SAI.H IN OOOD RUNNINtl CONDITION; IJ00 CASH. SEE SMBDSTAD. 2810 FRANK'FoflD TON "3724 W.1 ' "NU KKIXa PACK A RD twin six, touring, latest mod,!: excellent condition; private owner nr-Wnr on account of moving from city, Addreis I'-C4. P. O. Box 81100 " PATf,F I'ARCHMONT. late model: beaull. i nivjLi fU condition: low price. ROYAL uuAM?LoLii3r PIERCE-ARR0WitoBn; VilS condition. Apply to Mr. Mnnahan. WAKA. .MAKER CAHAOE. 28D AND WALNUT. RFVFRF passenger; A-l condition, 1 IAEi Y ClXCi N. nrtOAD. OPEN BUN. AND EVOB. POP. 7820. STANLEY AUTO CO. RHAMFR 10-i a rcRl cari eur- A'1 AVrtlVICir eonu. 010 N. BROAD. POP. 7820. OPEN SUNDAY AND EVEN'INUS. 8TA N LE Y AUTOMOBILE CO. STEARNS-KNIGHT n.Sir: entecd A-l condition, 010 N. Broad. Poplar 7820. Open Sunday and evenings. STANLEY AUTOMOBILE CO. CTI IT7 riiodcl S touring, like now; will J A vJII. sacrifice. Royal Motorcar Co. Inc.. 020 N. llroad. Open Sun Pop. fiOH WANTED LIGHT ELECTRIC WAnn SPECIAL: MUST BE .... i REASON. JA I ivuv.n. -vi. ABLE. P 034. LEDQER OFFICE. MFCTVOTT 7 paaeenger. II c Under: ex-VYC3Av--l 1 cellentjondlllonigoodtlrMI Jfl.10: will finance If necessary. WILLIAM F. TAYLOR. IBS N. BROAD ST. WFSTCOTT Sedan. 1020; rtirr very llttlfl WUJ1V.U1 1 r(v(ll b(irg.nin. ?omo 0ok tWj over. ROYAL MOTORCAn CO., INC. N. BROAD. OPEN SUN. POP. 0030. STORAOE AND MOVING ESTABLISHED 1872 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED SCOURED STORED , TELEPHONE LOCUPV 10110 ONE MONTH FREE. ESTABLISHED 1M THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1420 N. 8TH ST. PHONE DIAMOND 2IT1 ... Eala-nd imW$Ai$& LONG DISTANCE MOVING The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO.. Inc. - 37TH AND MARKET STS. Baring 782 . JiiJH- M0RRIS0N Storage & Van Co. R"27."0 Market ft.. R222-4-0 Fllliert et.- FtoJige n sep. locked rms A.rnovlnf M nrgpddj!dvnnscjngftLhJpJ!ri22i ""Factory storage 8200 Fllbsrt. Phons Belmont 4879 for estimates. i-ierre-Arrow vn. eln,n naeklnr. moving.' carpet 'cleaning. ranlnf. 'HILA. ;J iir.f.ftd LANCASTER AVE WEST PHILA w7OTfp-'UMfl,iSAU"n4c,itYS. "53 Church lane, qermantown. j- EbJXpSvir3EI0RS: PACKINa LONfl-DlBTANCB IIOVJNO, I)Wl!8T RATE, moving, hauling. HIJi f. iintry. JOltN C. FENTON, Itclmont 2Mi 02d Lane M! OLD GOLD ullv.r nlatlnum. niotftrl Uir- T tyl jvrIry. Utli PlMei bouunt tor ca k. tnu. j. STAMPS AND COINS . EUOENU KLEIN, 1318 CliestlAlt at. ! i ni i l- A. I ":.. 'v. uS'. w t,Aiyfi i,,i,itniiWs ,-flt Mi'jHMH.K- ijl&Ji Clafa , .i-Aliu.3'..iitLirt,'; Ai ilths. ..i).- -i