f $ pSKM r 'Dividend Cuts and Omissions i Unpleasant Results ot uena- tion Program ;:.." j "-;--r j j---irgsril in r m nnpmroe li iZaUr wdb- nwn NEW YdfeK STOCK EXCHANGE tKANsACTIONS Nw York, 3lny 21. DnlincM iinrt heaviness Vcro the ruling frnturcs ut i..!,,'. rloMns stock market. 'The ef fect of the shock of the. tlcfrrrliift of tlitH CfteMpcnUO Mill vmio iuvmiiihi uiiiu- entlr had not spent its force, but in the t'bwncc of ronl liquidation there ynn nn ' Appreciable nnrrowlim of the dealing ' 11 nlonc the lino. At tho unme time -cek.omi cTcnlnr up of the protcsoiow- it contributed to stabilize, the llijt nnd, In conscniicnce, nfter the enr y dip the 'jSiSm 'port of the list drifted Idly within a narrow nren. SrlllnK of tWf rnlls wns resumed nt ,i the opening. ChMopcnko nnil Ohio Iof fni nn Additional 2 point, but declines from substantial frnrtjons to over 2 nolnW were common both nmons tho r...ttnnni HlmrcM and the lownr tinned J Issues as well. The Hill sharea writ particularly soft, nlthoujh Union lu- ''clfic also gnvc coiiRltlcrnblc ' nrotind. While Borne of the industrials stood up better, there were many soft spots nlso to crop up In thlsdlviMon. Hliortcovor In supplied about the only Support to the market, and when this demand auto- matlCAIiy rciaxeu pricvs urgun iu uiuuii While the week's developments sup plied additional concrete tosttmony of continued Improvement In both funda mental and economic conditions, them were others giving painful reminders of the actual rcMiltH of the deflation process. The Inherent strength of tiie market, as a matter of fact, was put to a severe ordeal. Hod It not been for Its thoroughly liquidated condition i there is every probability a much lif ) fertnt tale of the week's price move ment might have been told. It is very ' nice and quite comforting when toklnc a" lonK-distance view of the situation' to have these happenings, indicating material progress in thn constructive program. It Is quite difficult, however, to look pleasant und accept this grndual progress of the reconstruction while at Mi same facing announcements day after promising n constant shrinkage of. Income. With tho announcement of the deci sion of the Hnllrond Labor Hoard that I wages must be cut, virtually tho last of big problems which has been giving the market world no end of worry, .misgiving and uncertainty was removed as a value menace. Of course, every one recoKnizi'.' mm.ii rcmniiii id uc .done before the railroad readjustment j 1 becomes an assured fact, but the right I (step has at last been taken in tlie rigia direction. With so many dividends still apparently in jeopardy a great many more appreciate this fact todav thnn did several months ngo, Majority of 'the holders of railroad securities curiously gave little thnucht as to thn maintenance of their dividends so long da they received them regularly nt the nuarterlv or MTni-nnir.inl ncrloils. but immediately tensed alarm when the j tafcty was in the least questioned. I During tho nve months ot tho cur rent calendar year ninny, have hecn un- able to reconcile the lack of sustaining i power revealed by tho mnrket. This at times appeared to some extent paradox - leal in view of the general acceptance of the belief of the worst side of the situation having been discounted, if not over-discounted, by tho tremendous glirinkngc in market values. Within the five months' period at least three forward swings have been started, all of which terminated abruptly when ' manipulative efforts were withdrawn. Today the twenty active industilnh nre ncnily 14 points under the top privet made last September und the rails arc nearly 12 points down. The answer is famished almost each succeeding day in the dividend omisxions and redue- I tions. Previous breaks measured the buslncf-s doprei-Mon and tho serious , credit inflation. Prices nru ('rumbling now because of (he undisguised d'sap- poiutment in thoj ilhcovcry that, despite' the fabulous profits made during the I war period, cnmparKthcly few of tho I country's corporation manucrrx w- I Msod sufficient foresight to have laid away miflioltnt funds fvom these, im mensely swelled earnings for the inev itable rainy day. Bnlti 80 30 100 99 lea KM 100. 300 000 1700 ZOO too JflO 1 10ft 00 0(0 1P0 1060 2800 000 100 000 800 300 700 nsoo 000 1400 100 300 1800 100 00 100 100 101 130(1 1800 10t 1700 2300 lion 100 7104 3300 loo loo 2000 000 100 101 400 4 on 100 80) 200 1303 100 100 1400 200 2703 10200 000 1400 1S00 700 20) 4000 100 800 00 200 180) .700 too 100 100 400 000 400 11700 510 8100 100 300 800 200 310 40! 010 coo 430 30'l 090 830 06)0 200 SO) 4000 203 soo 390 2100 200 200 S0 200 SOO 80) 400 100 3)0 400 no-) 3)0 HJO 100 230 1S0O 83 100 100 30J too too rii tnt 1 inch Adams KxpreM 44 . . Advance Xhimely .... !) AJax Rubber .,.,.... 82 .. Alaska Jun'rau t M. . 14 Allied Chem A Dyo... 4H 7 Allied Ch6m & Dye pf MM i A!!!"-Chnlmer 16 H VAIIIs-Clialmers pf .... 7H 8 Am Atfrlo Chcm.... 60 .. Am Beet Bugr 38M 0 Am Doach Magneto... 46J4 .. Am Can ,.... 3H l Am car ft Fdy ..;,,,. 13! u Aw Cotton OH, sak .. Am Drug Sym U Am Kxpresa .,,,,...131 .. Am, Hide & Leather,. I1M . . Am Hldrft Leather pf 63 M 0 Am Ico pf 02 .. Am Intcrnat Corp.,t 46 .. Am Linseed ..i..... 32 y4 0 Am rcomottvo . . ."7? 87 4 Am Iladlator 70H .. Am Safety naxor.... 4 .. Am Ship & Com...... 10li 4 Am Smelt ft net i 1 Am Sugar Ilefi ". 10 Am Sumatra ........ MJi 0 Am Tel ft Tel....'. ...10814 12 Am Tobacco 127 W 0 Am Tobacco pf new. . 00 12 Am Tobacco D 13616 1 Am, Woolen 7l .. Am Zinc Lead ft Smlt OH .. Anaconda Copncr ... 43 4 Asso 'Dry Qoods 33Jtf 0 Asso try Goods 1st pf 05 7 Also Dry Qo6ds 2d pf 6i 0'Atch Top & Santa I-V S1J4 .. Atlanta nir ft Atlantic ski 7 Atlantic Coast Line. 80)6 .. Atlantic Fruit 0i 10 Atl Oulf tWI)S 38i .. Atlantic Pet 18 7 Auto Sales Cprp pf.. 13 7 Baldwin Locomotive.. MJj .. Baltimore ft Ohlo,...,A 4 Baltimore & Ohio pf . . 40J4 .. Datopllns Mining .... 1 6 Bethlehem Steel B.... 09J4 .. Booth Fisheries S .. Brltlyn Bapld Transit 13H .. Bruns Tcrni 4 . . Butte Copper ft Zinc. . P .. Butto ft Superior Cop. 1(U .. Caddo Centrnl O ft 11. 15 . . California Petroleum 47 2 Cnl Zlno ft Lrad Byt 10 Canadian Paclflo ....1114 .. Case J I iYi 7 Case J I 1st pf. ..... 83! . . Central Leathor 30U S Ccrro de Pasco 20 lb Chandler Motors .... OS 4 Chesapeake ft Ohio... S7J4 .. Chicago ft nt West.. 'A .. Chicago Mil ft St P.. 27 Ji . . Chicago Mil & St P p: 42JJ 8 Chicago Northwestern f4?4 7 Chi ft Northwest pf,..10t . . Chi It I ft Pac 33 7 Chi It I ft Pac 7 Pf ? .. Chile Copper 1212 .. Chlno .Copisjr WYx .. Coca-Cola 2016 O Colum Gaw & Elec... 00 .. Col Oraphophone .... )',4 7 Col Grnphophone p. . 3S 7 Consolidated Cigar pf G0J6 .. Consolidated DIs Ins. . 8 7 Consolidated Gas .... SS'j ., Consolidated Textiles. 10!b ,. Continental Candy ... iV 4 Corn Products Ilef. .. 70J4 !.CO Cosdcn ft Co AS 8 Crucible Steel ".2'i 7 Cruclblo Steel pf 8IU 5 Cuban Amcr t-'ugar. 2: 4 . . Cuban Cane Suu"ar. . . 18Ji 7 Cuban Cane Sugar pf. fl!-S 0 Delaware ft Hudson.. 100 . . Denver & r.lo Gr pf . . 1 Si 1 Domo Mines lofs A KndlcoU-Johnsou .... (3i .. Erio . 13H .. Erie lat Pf S b Famous Players L. . . . 72!4 .. Flslc nubbcr 16H . . General Asphalt CSJi s General Asphalt pf...l03 M General Electric 130!4 1 General Motors 12 7 Gen Motors deb 7.. 70 0 Goodrich B i) ,37 . . Granby Consol M ft M 2 7 Great Northern pf.... 07',4 4 Gt North Ore :tfs.... 2S'2 .. Gulf Mobile ft Nor... 8 .. Gulf State Steel 35 7 Hartman Corn nJ ., Houston Oil 7(t 1 Hupp Motor Car 13?i 7 Illinois Cent SO GO Indlnhoma Ret fit .. Inspiration Con Cop.. 30l .. Interb Con Corp W . . Inter Con Corp pf . . . . I3J . . Intermit Asrlcul Of 5 lnt Agrlcul Corp pf.. 49H .. lnt Mer Marino 15 .. International Nickel . 16 .. International Paper.. ".04 .. Invinclblo Oil Corp... V . , Iowa Central t'A .. Iron Products 3t .. Island Oil ! Jewel Tea 8 Jewel Tea pf 5M ' 1314 lfK 33 l lt 81M 3K 76M 4014 814 414 2814 1314 2014 131 H14 tm 03 38 tm 7014 0)4 10 ' 41M 004 6SH 10.1 120 SO 120 74 H M- 41M 33 H OS I MM 314 ton 014 3814 18 12 84 y SOW 60(4 1 2814 414 12J4 4 A 14 l5l 0M a 1I3M 014 8314 38M 20 r.4M 0J4 814 27 K 41M 6414 101 3114 75 1'tli 20 2014 5914 J 35 co 14 8 f71& 10 M4 60' 34 W :o 8114 S3U iy 50 otl4 1 1" 133k 1314 20 73 1H 68 105 135 i 1214 79 30?; 34 cr. 214 0 T3J4 734 75 14 1314 00 5 30 4 1214 !i 40J6 IS GO 14 1 14 31 4 - 21H M H 14 114 H Todty's Nf Clou Chs. 4314- 1 1GJ4- 4414- MM 3IM- 7M SO t 3814- 414- 2814 r 114 124J4- 3014- H J4 .. 131 - 3 H14- 3i4- m 63 - ft 4514- 1 2 - 414, 86-7014-14-10 41M 127944 126 78 - 41 H'- 05 .( 01 14 tOM- 314- tOM-014- 38M 18 13 ' 84J4- 50J4 1 8Ji 44r 1214 4 - ft 14 - 114- 46M- 6 - 114 - 6i- 8314 l'i 3SJ4 - H 29 - J4 G5 .. 5714- H4 814- 14 37J1 M 43H- 0114- 101 - flnlen 3M 20 1100 100 900 31C0 400 100 100 200 Dlv, In) Hfth Kansas City Southern 2614 4 Kansas City So pf, 4 Kelly-Springfield Tire, . . Kelsey Wheel .. Konnecott Copper . . Keystone T A It 0 Lackawanna Steol ... . . tfLalco Erie A West. . . t , , Lako" Erie ft West pf 33 3 Lee nubbcr Tiro,,... 30M 114 'A ta 49 1314 700 3.60 LohlKh' Valley 53 7030 t Loewe Co 10M 3)0 12 Lorlllard Tobacco ...15014 103 0 Mackay Cos 68 100 4 Mackay Co pf , 6014 lOO 7 Manhattan Kiev gtiar. 44 1 300 ., Markot St Itwy ft 100 . Mnrket St Ity P rr.. 4314 10500 is Mexican Petroleum ..140?4 3-ia 2" Miami Cooner 2314 3100 i.eo Middle States Corp.. sua 100 100 100 ' 1M Mldvalo Steel 11 Vt Minn ft St Louis..... 1314 Mo Kansas A Texas.. 2M Mo Kansas A Texas pf 414 600 .. MIminiirl Pnelflo 22 130 ,, Missouri PaclHo pf... 41 100 .. Montgomery Ward .. 31 200 .. National Con A Cablo IX 000, o Nat Enam A Stamp.. 6114 3oo . . Nev Con Copper 13 3no iN'O Tex A Mex. .-..., 05 3200 s New Tcrk Central.... 0914 ,400 2. no New York Dock. M Yi 'Vk 14 'a ' 14 M V 14 3li 75 -1214-2t' 314 CO m- 35 co4- 8 81 '4-lKi- 114 . CA14 34 , 71 -84 U 23 U -0t!i-I -19- ni I.-.-4 21) :2 - 13'-i- oM-i- 105 - 13JW- li J4 70 -i-36Ji-24 G0- 20!i 9 -4 -7314-7614 124 90 - 5 36J4 4 12'i- !!- 40?i-; 15 15- C3J- 1M4 C14- 31 - 4 89i- 394- 14 1 14 i i M is H 'A I I 14 2!4 Ji M "v 14 !4 tH 1 14 14 2H 400 . . Now York N H ft II. . 100 i New York Ont A W. . 000 7 Norfolk A Western... 10100 7 Northern Paclflo .... 600 .40 Oklo. Prod A Ref. ... 300 3 Orpheiim Circuit .... 100 a Otis Elevator pf . . . . . . loo ., Otis Steel 100 s Paclfla Gas A Elec. . . . 000 ,. Pacific OH 4000 6 Pan-Amer Petrol .... 100n 6 Pan-Amer B 100 . . Parish A Blnprham. . . 290 2 Pennsylvania B, It. . . . 400 .. Penn Seaboard Steel. 1000 .. Peoples Gas 400 . . pere Marquette Ion .1 Pere Marq prior pf... 100 3 Philadelphia Co 10 .. Phillips Pet 1500 . . PIcrco-Arrow Motor . 100 s Plercc-Arrow pf 300 . . Pierce Oil 190 8 Pierce Oll.pf 200 .. PlttsburKh A W Vn.. 200 ft puts Coal l00 1 Pond Cjcek Coal 200 8 Prcsped Steel Car. . . . 200 4 Pub Serv Corp of N J 69 2100 s Pullman 101 300 r. Punta Alegro Sugar.. 3814 13)0 4 Pure Oil MJ4 100 3.11 Band MIn Am Shares. 21M 300 . Ray Con Copper 14J4 2003 4 Beadlnr 1H 400 .. nemlnirton Typewriter 35ft 2300 nepublla Iron A Steel. 67 ?4 100 4 Republic Motors 10 000 s.20 Itoyul Dutch N Y. . . . fl4 30 is m 1714 90M 7014 J4- 20 80 1314 53 3714 G5 59 12 35 10H 50J4 21 65 3214 fWl 38J4 6J4 0J4 7014 30 62 14U K1 DROOPING PRICES IN LOCAL MARKET j Restricted Money Supply Is Slill the Dominating Re larding Influence .Fees continued to "droop in tho local imarket in today's short session. While jar- denlings were ngnin small there Jins,nn,,!n"R,.la,l' cnd distribution for !.?.i ,f"im,,,,q-v- Ti"' mnrket. however, ntinueil eonspintouMv nnrmw and Ti. 'Jn? vcr' frnnt lm.vi'"? demund. Jiic utility group were nmnng the irmer spots, while the mils continued .. ii "Rn, '""".vlvanla Railroad rolln. '" '"""'"'d "t .'l.r. In the ,,ls. rellancous M.nres lower prices were genera My registered with tho maximum &nJ Point sustnined by Kleetrie forage Hotter- in n decline to llU. on &,cr'orIlt3,",Pnitlon fell back of feature' W"H (,""''(,,J' ,Uv,M en!?.!tlui ,0,,lnuwl narrowness of the current loca speculation there is to be fu 1.. ro,nvln,'3 nrgun t of ti,,: able nL f ',!,,ntl,, "I'on any formld ?h fhangc In market conditions until tailor Vf ""HW r(,n''l"'H a ,"1",,' easier stngc. (,ffte number of mli- fmin gfir?ImrtN a,ni1 Htntfinciits Iive mind their way In print, Klvinir the n?lMn8iV f, " "''"; Hmrortn t r.l It n.i hnv.,.nB hvv, ri'n,'hv, '' tho fo..n 1,l,Qtl,,n- Thow who have 'Wnt!, I"' l"-n'ptly furnish ?ar n .r,n,rnllf,t'",.v stntement. Inso aceonimtin'.iH,ock mnrUci nr hrohers' L .?. .t '?tl(J?H nro ,?rornl. monov irirs'sr. tp., n ii . l l"u "inrnei in M., ISSi-.C?u? nl !!' 1 "R ls " additional July M..W.I i ' e uivuienti I'hnnsft. which V."1 fotal bu'W .(18.100 Hhi'.rts. compand with CS'-Mlnu shnrci jtmerilay. 800 100 100 200 403 400 403 10500 too 2500 2000 400 100 300 100 9000 300 200 200 4400 3350 1809 100 309 3700 500 6300 JCOft 100 100 2)0 1300 12 0 1110 1030 103 2990 , 300 910 4700 300 10) 1200 too AOj no 200 100 30 10 300 300 3100 300 100 Thus St Louis San Fran... I3J4 , . St Louis Southwest.. 28 .. St Louis Southwest pf 3814 , . oantiv Cecelia Sugar.. 3 , . Saxon Motor 5 . . Sears-noebuclt 70 . . Seneca Cop Corp 17 14 . . Sinclair Oil 264 n SloSB-Sheff 40 4 Southern Paclflo 75J4 . . Southern nail 21 5 Southern nail pf 61(4. 5 Stondard Oil of N J.. 130 7 Stand Oil of N J pf. .108 14 2 Stewart Warner Speed 37 ?.t 7 Studebaker 7714 1 Submarine Boat 814 . . Superior Oil Corp.... 714 . . Tenn Cop & Chem.... 9J4 8 Texas Co 3814 . . Texas & Pacific 24 Ka 1 Texas A Pao C & O.. 27 W . . Third Avenue 17 0 Tobacco 'Products .... SM .. Trans Con Oil 1014 5 Transuo Wm Steel. ... 3014 .. Union Oil 25 SO Union Pacific 110J4 4 Union Pacific pf 05 . . Unit nwy Invest pf . . 24 U.S nealty ft Imp 6 United Retail Stores. . U S Food Products.. 8 U S Ind Alcohol 8 U. S Rubber .' US Smelt ft Ref ft U S Steel 7 U S Steel pf 4 Utah Copper . Vanadium Corp . Va-Corollna Chem . . 8 Vn-Car Chem pf . . . . . Vlvnudou Ino . Wabash . Wabash pf B . Wabash pf a . Western Maryland . . 7 Western Union Tel.. 7 Westlnghouse A Brake 03 4 WrsMnchouae ii & 41. 47 ,. Wheeling ft L E.. ,. Whtto Oil Corp... , . Willys-Overland . . , . Wlllys-Ovrland pf 6 Worthlncton Pump . . fur this wed;. 3,3.",2. tno, OSVi , do 14 , 21 . o14 . 7lJi . 34 . b2 .101 . U . 33J2 . 31 . P4J4 . Ti . "54 . 1 . 214 . 1014 88 014 1414 37 ' IOW 2614 tin 4314 65 31M 14 48J4 1314 33 3C14 6314 1014 15014 68 6814 44 A 4314 14614 2314 13 'A 37 M 1314 2M 414 31 -.4014 21 IK 5014 13 C5V OS 3SH IBM 1714 on 14 C914 314 26?4 80 1314 53 M 3714 64 57 13 34J4 10 40M 31 M 55 3314 2014 28 M envi on 70 y, 20 oi U 14 K1J4 09 9M 38 3314 21M 14 W .0i 35 6C4 10 C3 23 M 28 39J4 3 5 70 10J4 20 40 75 'A 20H 61 150 10' 14 27 70 K 714 OH 3S 2314 20J4 17 56J4 10 30 244 118 Of 34 Ian 59 21 6814 7114 34 2j 109 6514 314 30 H 414 7H LULL III BUSINESS 8 14 ?i 2114 I04 KH 93 9!4 13J4 -M 60J4 TMny's Nt Clone Chs. ay- y V ali 14 4314- 14 85 . 3 1M .. 1414 W 46 , 1314- y 23-1 2014- M 834- 14 1614- 14 16614 1M 8 314 6614 W , 44' - n - H 4314- K 145J4 - V 3314- 14 1314- W 37- '4 1314- 14 8M- 14 414- 94 31-14 4oi4- n 31 r. iX -. 80J4- 14 13-14 66 - 3 814- 1M 381 18M- 14 1714- 14 bo yi- m 64- M 314- 14 25 - '4 80-6 1314- M 53 14 37W . f414- Vi 88 13 - 114 34J4 14 10 H 14 50 - M 2114 65-1 3314- 14 2014 14 2814- M 6014- 1 0J4- 14 7014- 14 30 - ,01- 14 14 .. M314- Vt co 14 90- 114 .18 - 14 33J4- SIM - 14 1'14- 14 7 y- n 35 6714- 14 10 - 114 6314 14 23H 28 - 14 3814- ?4 3 5-14 70 14 1714 54 20 J4- M 40 75- 20(4- 61 160 10814 .. 27- li 77 s - J4 5 14 .. 8i- 14 3H - 2314- 1', 20J4 - 54 17 - .. BQA- M io - a 30 - 14 24 ' 118 - 2 65 14 24 -f 54 55T4 54 694 - H 21 - 1 881-4- 54 H4- 14 34 62J4- J4 108 05 8- 54 3114- 2'4 31 8414- 54 M- 14 8 - 14 14- 2114- ii 10 54- 14 H . 03 - I 40J4- "4 01i- 54 13 n M 54 37 60J4- 14 ONT f NUES IN WEST Retailors Refuse io Make Large Commitments Crop Con ditions Favorable NEW YORK BOND SALES fiimmsry ef Individual TraiiieiIon cm New York Exchanf Chlcnffo, May 21. lluslncss Inter ests .Jn tho West wcro favornbly Im pressed with the decision to reduce the wbrcs of rail employes, bcllevinK this to be n step townrd normal conditions. It Is the general opinion that wages In the building trades nlso will have to be readjusted nnd that as soon ns tu deadlock In that industry is broken there will be much greater nctivlty. Trade conditions ccnerallv are show InR little change. The 'steel Industry 1 not nicklne tin. ns cxncctcd. and tno lull In building operations is partially responsible for this, while there is not much dlnna!t(nn tn m tntn new under takings at the present time. Fear of foreign competition In the steel trndo Is an Influence In thin quarter. Hallroaa tramc returns reiject n slightly in creased movement of general merchan dise, but mail order concerns havo found little improvement in the general demand. According to tho reports of wholesalo houses, buycm nre present in largo numbers, but the main part of the buy ing Is in small lots for hand-to-mouth distribution, few retailers caring to make large commitments at the preB- cnt time. In some cases there is n broader trade, nnd the demand for cot ton goods is said to he better. Leather goods have come into n fair demand, nnd for woolens there is also a slghtly Crop conditions, on tho whole, arc favorable, although the usual bad re ports incident to the growing season have been distributed. From nn agri cultural production standpoint, the season bids fair to be favorable. In wheat tho country has liquidated pretty freely, nnd the prices obtained have been comparatively high In view of tho shrinkage in the price of everything else. The corn acreage promises to bo about the same as a year ngo. Livestock prices have held about xtcady the last week. Money is In fair supply in the West, but, while accommodations generally are caster, to obtain, rates show little change. Chicago banks quote rates on collateral 7 per cent; commercial paper, 7 to 79i per cent, and over the counter, 7 per cent. Collections are (.aid to be quite good in most lines. BANK CLEARINGS DECLINE Local Exchanges 25.0 Per Cent Be low This Week Last Year Further declines In the bank clear ings throughout the country nre shown in the figures for the week, the aggre gate of nil the clearing houses in the United States being $7.04(1,101,041. ogntnst ?S.'Kil,riH0.8II2 this week last year, or n drop of 20.4 per cent. llusl ncss by the locnl banks was 25 per cent below tho corresponding week last year, the total being !$.'l.-fl,380.77.'l, compared with $440.(110,040 during the same pe riod in 1020. s Comparisons follow : tl)21 1B20 1'. e. New Tork.J3.3:!S.OHR,n:!0 f3,0.in.U8.8M) IR.lf Am Dk li 1 B 0 00tt AmStlK 6' 1,... T0H l.f... 7K A.,... 7014 Atnn TtTJi 1 83 1 82 8..... 82U Atnn T 4 T Oi, 1,.,.. 08 6w... MM 1,.... 08 Armour 4'A 1 70W A T B Fo Ct l.... 08U 1 08W X T & 8 l'o 2 70"i B 70W A Coast I. elt l,..,. noTf 1.. .. 08 A Coast U 4a 7 71H 1..... 70V4 Atl'o Fruit " 4 ou Atl nf ct UH 2 0OK 8 0H 8 no 1 918i 1 09 Halt L Ohio cv 3 07K a 07"i 1 07S 1..... 09 1 071.4 1 07M Bait & Ohio fti 2 714 1 71 1 70'i 2 70W 23 70W Unit & Ohio 0 1 dale) 80 H 1 80tt i so; 1 80H Dtil T 7 rct (flALF.S IN 11000 O N Tk 4i '57 1 80 city rria oi n, . . . 1 3..... 4 :i: .. . l l l... l... n... 14, , 1,.. 3... t... 2.1... 24., gov; 00 00 H now no V oo u 99 tt nou nnvfc onu nnu oo h ooh nn'.i onu oo u City Zurich s 1 07H era ctn Chi it StIi4W 1 7BV4 Cl'il Cln Chi 4 St Loul fl 2 88i Colo & Ho'n 4s 2 80S Colo & 8 iV,t 1 74 ConsM Oss 7s 1.... 101 Cubab C 8 ct 1 81 Dl ft Hud 7s 1.... 102H Denmark Con ct A 8s 11.,.. 5.... l,w. !,... l..t. 11.... 3.... P914 ooh OOH ooh non 00V4 0014 K He I Cm TV, 1. 2... 4... 7... A... 1... 1... 1.... 4... 1... 1... 8. nan 08 nsn 08 00 on no 08 08 08 0BS 00 K Bels-Tn rets 2., n.. 1.. 1., B.. a., 3.. 2.. 08U 08 Si. 08 Vi OBH 08 08i; ns ,i 08 2.,.. &.. . 1 ... 2.. . 1.... 1.... Ileth 8 1.. 8.. 1.. f... 1.. 2.. 2. Tenna It It 7 8(sale) 101 1..., 101 Ftople Oas V C Co B 1 74V4 Per Marqt 4 1 OBW Port'd Ttwy ti I.lsht 6s 1 72 Reading- Ity 4 s 1 70S IUp Chile rets 1 2..... 1 I t t a 4 l n l 2 20,..,. 1.. 0BH U0 00 na 05 03 0B ns 03 0B 113 B 102 102H 101 ion 102', 102 Ss '30 . 77V4 IJ C01 Co 7 Us 1 0SH Iiush Illd'K 3s B T4 1,... 71 lluxli Tcr'l Bs 1. ... 72 2 "2 Cnnadlun N 7s 3.... 101 i . . iom 1 ... 101 1. .101 Ctl Leather 3s 1. . 8 Ctl Pacific 1st B 72 1 . 72 ... 72" Cen'l I'ac MHs 2.. . 78 3.. 784 Cerre do Pasco Copper 8s II.. . 100 1.... 100 1 ... 100 C t Ohio 4V" 3 .... .74 C & O iv 4 1.. . 73 10.. 7B, 1. 73'; IB 75 1... . 73 CM: t O cv Bs 07 07 ns 08 ns 08 us'; ns 07 Denmark Con ct II 8s i ns I.. .. ns',4 i . . . ns 2 nsn Den & It O fd 0... , 4B Den & It O 4s 1 03 Del Hdi Co OS 88 D Match 7Vji 1 . . . . 102 1.... 103 Do Canada '21 B 00 Do Canada '26 12 02 m.. .. n2Vi Do Canada '29 l na 3 02Ni Do Canada '31 2 88 :i 88 12 .... 88 D ! Nemours Pwd 7V4 wl ("hlcaiso j'mia. . . . Uovlon . , Kan. City fit. J .nulii N. I"Tnn'co. PlttHbursh Detroit . . . Ilaltlmore. N. Orleans 4111.007.323 n30.3S0.773 M3.MI7.0OS 110.210.72(1 101.7S4.4S3 II 2.300.000 113,300,303 U7.207.177 04,234.871 40.410.757 nAt.1K3.ni2 21.4 440.010.040 i'O.B 340.872.348 2.1.0 105,423,304 3P.0 150.304.332 3t.O 133.440.S00 13.7 135,784.147 111.3 llfi.374.n00 18.0 sn.Rin.3fin 2.1.4 03,007.017 37.0 Philadelphia Stocks j;in i.t 20 Am Sti. ."iSVj "SVj 40trol(4ranh 7 7',t 1(75 Kle.'Stor.ll2U'. 112 "V( Net I cn. I ,"s n. 0 05i r2 :i4T, sin U2V5 20-V, 2.-.r, IS 1 1 It :i2 no 21) C'lOK" .-Sll, 1 Is 112 -1 2!)'i U 0 vi u.i,i ? n2H .'14 Vh Vl ', - .. -. . . iim HI I L.O .- . -V4 2d Key Tele. nl 440 Lake Sup 0 10 I,eh Xhv. 05 Vt 115 Leh Val.. r2't .soo ra n n.. ws 5 l'hlla Ins Wire... 5 PA 40 1'hi'n Kle;. 22 250 do prof.. 2ll1't 150 do ret f-p 25 20 l'hlla It T 18 .'lOOToim Hel. l!!s lOOTono Mlu IVt 25 I'm True. 2 285 it, i, any, 50 West der & K.... 20 tNrt chnna" mail lv eomparhon wilh lafct salt "U New York Htwk Ii'hnnuc. Total i-.vles. 2034 Hiiur-w. lompnred with 33117 shares c-lenln. Thui Mr this werl.. 21,200, 1MUI.A!KM'III. I10M1S 1000 Liberty 4th 4V,- 14000 Liberty 4th 4V,s 1000 Liberty 4th 4V, ,'1000 Hell Telephone h....... . 1000 Lehigh iVnlley general 4',ts. 20110 I'ennsylvnniii 0'ts 1000 rcnnsylvnnlii OVts lOOOrhlln Rice 1st 5s lots :i00 I'hiln Klec 1st 5m ... 5000 Tnltcd Hallway 5s....lotn 5P', 22'.. 2(1 25 1R .. ! IV'.... :i2 . . atl - i0 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Deficit of $424,930 In Legal Re serve Shown This Week For the second lime within the cur rent month the reserves Xew York Clearing House institutions nre under lcgul rcuuliements. The stntement of actual conditions in tho weekly state ment today showed a decrease In excehs of S4,715,8.10, which made a deficit ot $424,0.'!( of legal requirements. Tills apparently resulted because of the week's unsiially heavy financial opera tions, reflected in 1510,888.000 decrease in icservo credit at tho Federal Heserve Hank, and nlco in the remarkable con tract Ion of SG.I.fiOU.OnO in demand do posits, while .time deposits increased ?0:i,.'l70.000. The contraction of !J1,(I50,000 In loans and discounts re flected the reactionary movement on the Slock Exchange. Details follow: AVEUACJK ' Kkci'Sh rencrve, This week 11,S(1L',070 1110,373,000 1,0311,470,000 S7.5S 87.40' S7.a2 102 70 .- no R'lVi 84 70 Total. 3'...30ll 01111.11 r.-.l th l' terd.iy. 'thus far this eek, ISSli.UUO. COTTON MARKET I'relous ('lc)hl' 12.41 12. 7 K 13. IS Open 12.10 12.75 13.4.1 ;..' 1 ""P,',tcd drmnnds ot sKr.. i4.so 11.30 m, """ ot counternl envcloiios. tar , hfm U fl,,r'-V -nn1 ''"I H'.ol 12.U0. lllvih 12.43 I2.S1 13.52 lV.oi 14.311 Low r.'.no 13.31 13. si 14.17 ClOnO 12,33 12,1111007 13.37 ih'.hi 14 IS Will at . m-rii u iiiir.r jjiioii lieiliailll nertmhn , T" "i' t,w !h-r1- ln"pT wn ... ",,H ml" Kn(1 di'iuand likewise isse "m'"',1 f("; n "u,",,,,r "f P "' issuM T ,e imm) mnrkpti hnwevw. Is SnnJ'i H,inwl"B 'B8 "f again np ?eneh "? n, ,Hn1,,1,nn' Iliit similarly over I " ,,rt,llr,,.nr' "H ,t of th on, r'i"'. lou ,,f ,,ni' WIHes at the Xr " fl,f rn,, Tl,p wnIJiwtmrn! a onnln x,rJ!l,C(1 ('r(,,UtK ,,nK "W'Wltnteil a.cnnKidecnhlp Bllinunt of m.w f1nn,...l... of ;?,.s?mo t,llu' t,,c r"P,(1 multiplication Ju 'a. for fn i'88J,(,N rPvpn,M hu"?r-v donmild July ... enrnLl'.i fr0lli ITiict I.-nlly aft classes if Hvi.t. . . . $5Won"' 'R tr,,.,h' tUc l'ntlablc Ju l",". PD'e film h. Tho l,vni..u n, 111.. 1.. ... 1m.pp"0'! .nBBln t0 F,,nri1 against tho jeaft suspicion of tiiidlKChtpd HecurllieH. lomssuo ORUN MARKET May . . . July . . . Corn July ... Hoi Oats July ,. Hriit. . . t'orl May Open l.nn 1.24 onvi in ss 411 0.11.1 U.07 10,23 Hlnl- l.nn l.ShVi J)2. O.'l ' 12 43i 0.S3 10.13 1.511 -1.23V4 llO'.i 02 S SBVii 40 0.05 U.U7 Clnso 1.031. 1.2M nis 111;. ll 43ti ABRrtrfato rns.. Iyjans, etc Cash In nhuIIS 11 11 l un in Lit tanks 78, 270, 000 Hrivno In mom- nr naiiKs nun reserve hanks. . Iti-sorvo In state IiiiiiI.h & trust rumpanlos .... 0,401,000 llrscrve In statv hanks & truxt lomii.tny clfpos liorlos 8.040.001) Net demand do- litiKItu -j,oi..ii;i..iiuo Time deposits.. 3ia.Oil7.O0U Ulrruliiliun .... -I'. . d 'posits deducted Last week I1.7SS, Mil 100, 0.13. 000 1,0110,01111,11011 Bl.O 12,000 178,532,000 481,500,1100 0,40.1,01)0 31, 1135, lien 85,7112,000 ACTUAL This wofk 124.1130 I82.S20.IHIU 4,1123,735.000 8. 502,000 3,003,318,11110 247, 5U7. iMirt HI,il2n,()U() 07,724,000 Hvcfsn reere. Accre, roserve,. Loans, tc. . . . Cash In vuulti and mem. uks, I'.rsere In mem. her hanks and icsene- hanks. Iteserve In statu hinks ft trust I'HinpanU's .... Ilferve In stalu hanks & truit nmpany Uo- tinMlfnrleM Nel demand dep.3.irjl,047,iioo Time rtrposUii.. aa7.S2.i.ooii Circulation .... 32,133.000 IT. H. deposits deducted .... 84,310,0(111 tfixcess. I.Aht week 1 1,21)0,00(1 411.1,814,0011 i,tl..,llb.l,IMIII 77,111.000 78.782,000 40ij482,000 17.1.370.000 0,270,001) 0, 0115,000 ti, 7D2,0OO 8.8.12, OOI) 3,0111,2111,000 244,4411,(1011 31,7(111,001) 54. 020, 000 17.: 17. 0.72 10,03 10 02 10.30 nn. iw,,,w,,,t '" n postponement of v plnJH" contc,MP,n'e,l ew fluanefng BAR SILVER bar silver was uiifhsnseii was iinehsnfreil in ,w York ImUf at OUlici forels-n, 5Sc. an .liane uf U 0. In London tM prico was id hither at SSUd, BUTTER, EQQ8 AND CHEESE1 Xrw York. May 21. IIUTTllll steadv. Ho celnts. 14,1181 tuhs. Creamnry, li'.etier than extras. 2hViC20e: creamery oxtras, 02 seore, .oc. nrsi", on iu w ,pu,vv ". -ivsc. ': athered. extra firsts. 24(p5e; nrsts. 21 & Philadelphia Markets 1VIIKAT Itcti.Iptfi, 40.H70 bush. Mjrkft llrm and f urthi r advanced lc. Car lots In export eleator No. 2 red winter. S1.72W 1.77; No 2 red winter Rarllcky, It.anft t.05. Other erndes quoted at tho foltow- Int schedule ot discounts: Mixed wheat Oc under rd wlntei; No. II wheat 3b under No. No. t wheat 7o undor No. 2: No. 5 whea lie under No. 2. Sample acoordliiR to tiualin. x COItN IMcelpts. 01. 277 bush. Market lc hlshcr. Car Ja. In export cloviitor No 2. 74'i 7SC.VNO. 3. 71V4 072c; No. J, 70&70Vic. J OATS Itocofpts, 10,200 bush. Quiet but firm. Cir lots as to loiutlun No. 2 whltr. BOSiSO'.ic; No. 3 white, 4O04Oio, No. 4 white, l.lii 4fle. FLOUH ItecelptH. 803,701 lbs. In sacks. Market ilrni and hluher In sympathy with whtat, but trudc. oulet, Tho quotations, per 10(1 lhf., packed in 140-lb. Jute sacks Suit v Inter, straight western, J77.'J3! do. do, nearby, eil.757.23: hard winter, straight, fstrs.no; do. snurt patent, 18.30!); sprln llrst clear. 17(&7.3(); do, patent. I8.30; dn, ehort patent, n,30lo.no; fancy sprlnK and Lily mills patent, family brands, flO.'.yJMl. lt Hour. J8W8.60. I'llOVISIONM Steady but nuiet llesf. In Bfis. smoked and nlr dried, Ble: beef boiled, lionolesi, 41c; picnic shoulders. S. 1' cured, loos loo; do, smoked. 10c; lollies. In I'irKie. loose, jnc; ureniiiast bacon, 22c; lard, HWe. lll'TTUn Firm with sollrl.packcd creanv cry He higher, Solid-packed creamery, hlsli M'orlnjr good, ao'ifaVe; extra. 20c; extra llrsts. 20cl tl.-sts. 224 24c, sexonds, 1821c sweet creamery choice to fancy. 31fi33c loir to Rood, 2iiiic;iiic; tancy prints Jobblnc ut OlMU'lic; lair 10 ruoicn .ll'U.inc KHOS Hteadv nt I'tto adnnce. Quntntlnrm Nearby firsts, 23'g0I current iccelpts, 25e; western, extra llrsts. 24 23c; firsts. 23' Sf2lc; Inferior lots lower: fancy selected cbks Jobbhuj at OBfiSOe; fair to wood ut 2liitf34r I'Hl-JKMi: Steady but quiet. The followlm; woro the quotations: New York, wholc-mllk fiats fancy, fresh jift u 17Hn do. common u'J?iT- '""P' 15wt0ci Lonithorns. frtsh. lilW17i" slnulo Daisies, fresh. 'tHiV17'aci ji I blnK sales of fancv iroods, 2O02lti. 1.IV1J I'OULTHY Quotations: Fowls, fancy, fat, 31413.1c; Inferior. 32Q33c; sprlnir chickens, broil) r, not Leghorns uood uuul lly. "velBhlnu Hi 2 lbs. app. .I.IWOOe; sprlnit chickens, broilers not lKhorns, good iuiu(t, wcikiiiik i ! inn. apiece, 48fii 1 duek MONEY-LENDING RATES l'lllIDKLlMlIA Call. 0 ner e-nl- tlnm 0 per cent: commercial paper, three to six months. 0 per cent. Note Those an' merely nominal quota tions, the legal rate of Interest Irr tho State of Pennsylvania helnir fixed at (1 por cent. Plus premium and commission. tlm money, for thirty and ninety days, is ioarwd at 7 to 7la pe." cent, while conrmerclnl paper, from thirty to ninety days, Is loaned nt 7 to 7H per cent. LONDON Money Is quoted a" 0 per cent. Discount rates, ihort bills. 0U per cent. Three months' bills, B'j per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yorli, May 121. Sterling was maintained at around yesterday's clos ing level, demand selling this morning nt .I.OOVi. unchanged. French ex change ivas 1 point higher and Italian was nlso up 0 like amount. Hwiss held strong. Marks were strong with an Improvement of f points. The premium ou New York funds in Montreal today was H-'Jj per cent. The tate of discount in New York on t'onu- dlsn funds was lO'J. per cent. The I entrnl European exchanges were: Greek. ,".f0: Uuniunlnn. l.SO: lliilgnrinn, 1.32; Austrian. .37; Poland, .1.. ! izeeno-Miavaicia, i.u. TESTERDAY'S FINAL QUOTATIONS Sterllnc Francs Lire Oulliler. Demand 3,01)4 S.73 3.50 35.83 Cables . .. 4.00VI 8.7.1 O.fSS 33.05 TODAY'S OPENINO QUOTATIONS Sterling Francs Lire Guilder. Demand . ...fl.DO'.i 8.70 n.50H SS.0O Cables '4,00 R.77 3.37 33.03 CLOSINO QUOTATIONS Sterllns Francs Lire Guilders Demand . . . 3.U'4 S.77 n.BO 3.1.83 .uu 8. 7.. 1.. 1.. 10.. 1.. 20.. 3.. 13.. 20.. 30.. 11.. 30.. 1.. ,100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 13.. 1.. 1 . t . 1.. 5.. 3 . 81 st ; st 81 81U sin 81 81 i C fc O Itlch A dlv 1st 1 ' Chi D & Q sm 3 "fl'i Chi n & Q neb B. ... R9"l 2 . . . 88 Vi 2 . . 88'. 1 . . hD',1 2... 80U Chi B fc Q 4s Duq Limit 0s 80 8!) 8!) 88 ; 88 ; RSIJ 88 fifiV 00.34 on. at 1)0.34 110.54 09.54 3.. S. . 3.. Erie Oenl Lien 1 4 2Tt 1 421 C 42lj 1 42li Erie It It cv A 3 40 1 39V4 Erie It R cv D 1 30'i Erie It It cv D 1 42 Fre Ell; Mon Pal 1st 0 100IJ Gcne'l Elec Bs 1 . .. 85S Oene'l Elec 0s 1 ... 100 2 .. 100 1 100U S ... 1004 8.... 100H Klncdom Den mark ct ss 2 MMi 1 004 1 00 Klrurdom Nor way ct 8s 1..., 10O 1.... 100t I,..- 100VI 1 1004 IC of Italy 04 2 834 Kin Swd'n 0s 3 84 1 81 Lack Steel '30 1 74 Laclede O'a Co ot St I. ns 1 1 75 L 8h SI H .14" 1 07 Lako Shore SI S'n 4s '28 4 83U LehlKh V 4 4s 85 L Isl 11 It fd 1 03H Lou & Nash 4s 2 81 4 81 1 HI 1 81 Lou & Nash 7s 1.... 102 SIan 17 4s sta 11 B34 Mex Pet 8J wl 12 084 1... . 084 20.. . 084 Slid 3 & Or 5s 1... . 77U 1.. .. 70 Silt Gas Co 4s 2 814 Sltn & St L 4s 1 ... 42S 3... . 424 MIn & St L fd 1 414 St & St L fd Bs 1. . . 41 '4 Mo K & T 2nd 40 Mo IC t T 4s 3 004 Ito Pacific. 4s 1 B4U 1 Bt4 4.. .. 84 1 33 2 .... 33 8 san Jtonfa I'wr 3s 83 B. . 831, 1 834 N It ot SI 14b 1 24 Ntl Tube Co 5s X., .. 89 nep Cuba 4W 2 704 1 714 1 71 rtep-c its r,s 2 83 Hock H'd A & Loul'a 44s 1 00 8 004 St I. I'n Sit A S'n Itly 4s 1,, 1.. 3.. a.. l.. 03 4 034 004 05 05 United States Ilratll 8 wi 40 H 404 40 40 40 4 49 1 1 1...,. St L S 1 1 1 4... . 8 4 4 1. 7i); 00 004 V n 004 no 4 co 4 OflVi no 4 004 00 004 Beab'd A L J 1 31'. Beab'd A ! '' t..,i. 40 2 404 Sekb'tl A I 0t 1...A 404 l..... 0,.... 1...., B 1 1..... Sinclair C Oui Corin 74 1 03 1 034 1 034 1 034 0..... 034 1 .... 084 0 03i B'n llelt Tel 3s 1 814 S'n Pao cv 4s 78 2 78 D'n Itallws 4s 3 50, 1.. .. 80 B'n Itnllws Bs 1 S3 1 S3 1 83 fltand'd Oil of Calf rets 1...-. nt , 2,...i 1 2,.... 2,.... 0 9...,. 1 a 1 8..,.. 0 1... . 2 B 0, 07 07 ft 07 07 07 . T 07 ft 07 07 ft 07 07 07 07 . 07 tun 07 07 S 07 U H ileilco 4s 1 30 U S Slexlco 3s 1.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 74i St L & S V In 2 ns 23 82 2 Bl !' 81 1 5t 8 814 3 81 : r... . Bt fl B2 20 81 1 81 8.... 1 1.... 1.... 1 .... 1..., 1.. 1024 102 102 1024 1024 1024 1024 10111 404 40 40H 40 404 40 40 4 Untd Rds Ban P eqct 4s4 8 84 1 83 U S It & 1 Bs lt.... ' 1 804 U S Itubb'r Bs 1 784 1 78 0 7S4 1... . 784 U S Hub 74s 1.... 100U 2.... 100 V S Steel Bs Clibie 8.70 fl.BS 33.03 Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official rediscount rates at the twelve Fed. eral Iteserve nanks aro ns follows: Trena. Lib. Com'l Ilkrs. ctfs. Donds, Taper. Accent. Ilniton . New York . Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond ., Atlanta . ChlCBBO . . St. Lotus . Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas ...... . S.in Tranelsco... DIcount ram 0 n n n 11 a ii n B'.i n n n a n 54 n n n n 34 n 0 n 0 n S4 B a n 8 04 n 8 with a n 54 a n n a 5 34 a a Interest ,2c! siirlnit chlrltens. Lenhorns. woliihliie i 14 lbs. apleco. 40tf45e: roottors. 20c. lurks, YVhito ivkin. 2i)O30c: do. mixed ;nlors. 23ifC2he: PK.ons. por pair, old, .1liu "h-kllled. 13 lbs. 33 !. Tic; voune. .13 44 10c DIIKMSKD 1'OUI.TltY Fowls. freh.1llln.1 ,,.i...:i- ' ";.' '. .. . eiKllinK ! IV, IPS rlrv. nicked. In boxes- nnlece. 3S4e: welehlne welhlnir 3 lbs,, 3M34i" fowji, fresh.led In bhls.. dry-plck-lWjIshinL- 4ft.1 l's. uintici'. ,mj,fuy-u , -iv. .vnwmnv -firn u,s (lf8ilp. wolchlnix 3 llis. and undor. 3133c: aiiltce, ice-pacKcii ;i,c; weiRiunir 34 lbs., 31 ohl roosters, dry-picked, western. 22c: do. do southern 21e NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Slay score, .out in".. " - . V.' i.nniiinu Ktnrk. current make. No. IX111H llrm. llecelpts. 20.73.1 cases. Fresh 234cl state, Peimsylvanla and nearby west. June ern hennery wnues. nrsis w ojuhi. agianc; .., tate, Pennsylvania and nearby western hen. aub. . nory browns, extras, 31 0 32o: do, gathered pept.. browns and mixed colors, firsts to extrax. el.., 23fl2se: storaue packed," extra firsts. 204 O Nov., 27c do. firsts. 2320c. . . . Dee,. CHEESE unsettled, llocslpls, nsoo boxes. Jan Stale, whole milk, fiats, fresh, specials, 1B Feb 104c: do. averave run. 13 f lBiMUate, Slarch 7.01 whole milk, twins, specials, 1.1010c; do, April.. ,. average run, 13 WlBe. Uld. Open 3.00 3,110 3.70001 o.'jnGso oriitfso llluh I.ow 5.01 o'.si 8.00 n'.iii . Ve. Hose Closo n.IlWTB n.71 n,nisx,t B.ll'.'tflia II. 1301 13 0.31 33 0.411047 n.ninn2 1.777S 0.8741 SK n.n7ros 7,n7ifn 7.17070 3.80 3,80 0,(10 0,28 0.38 o.r.o U.75 0,83 0.0.1 2.0.1 7,15 corresponds .at a Wime bv certificates' nledced as cnllni eral with minimum of 5 per cent In the. case, of Kansas City and 34 per cent In the case of Philadelphia. BANK CLEARINGS r.anlc clearlnss today compared with cor responding dav Init two vears- l2t 1020 1010 Phlln. ."13 771.083 182.422 312 $(18,801,22.1 Palto 10.700.208 10,700,338 .'. NY. 572.07(1.(140 "lii.-ton . 11,1.033.711 ". H.lcnro 78.152.874 German Bank Statement llrrlln. May 21 The statement of tho Imperial Danlc of flermany Issued yesterday1 shows the follow InR chnnncs as of Slay 14; Increnses: Gold 1000 marks; notes of other hanks, 348,000 marks; bills discounted, 1,034,072,000 marks! advances, 1.357.000 marks: Investments, B,B20,0nn mnrlts; rtepos. Its. 88,527,00(1 marks. Decreases: I'oln. 2(13.000 marks; treasury notes. 2.442,021.. 000 marks; other securities, 2,811,348,000 marks; notes In circulation, 28ft,so2,ono marks; other liabilities. marks. The tol.al sold holdings were 1.091.. S78.000 marks. United States Treasury Certificates Asked Yield inn,v 4v 100 1.32 4. as 1004 4.3S 100 7.2 4,1)3 100 3-32 3.14 100 l).32 B.OS lOO 3.32 R.20 100, ,20 100,1 B.1R Iooa .-,,40 Mi lnt Slnturlni: rtalo Date nid t54 June 13. 1021 . 100 trt June 13. 1021... 100 54 July 13. 11121 ..100 nj nir. Ill, 12t . 1004 54 Sept. AR. 1021 ..lOO t0 Sept. 15, 1021 ..inoA 34 Oct. 15, 1021 ..100 B Oct 15. 1021 10,V t0 Dee. 15. 11121.. ino,v 34 Feb, 10, 1022 ..100 fnK Mr 1.1. 1022...100V F.xnnpt from nurinnl Federal .nL.rnmfnt Income. tAci'i'l'lal'le for payment of Income tax due on date of maturity. Butter at New Low In Milwaukee MUwimkfe. WK, Sliy 21. Putter sold at Mm un est wlnli'sa'e price hnre ln five yiars rsterdsy when It dropped Io 204c a pound. A enr nso butter retailed at 03o to 70e . IKIUIld. Hub 8s wl 00.34 Qoodyenr T & 00.84 09.54 09.54 , 09 00. B4 00.84 3.. 5.. 0. 21.. 11.. B.. T 1 13 . 1.. 10.. 3 . n . 3 C n Q 4s nt 101 00.44 C1UQ 04wl 15 004 l . .. 004 1 . 004 t. . . 00 2 . . . 004 Chi i. G IV 4s 1 .. Bl 2 . .31, 3 . .. 81 3 . . 31 Chi Mil A I'Bt Hound 4s 2 Ot 1 014 ChlcaEO Mil & St P d Is 1 .... 01 ChlCHKO Sill ft St I" 4s '25 2 .. . 78 B .. 73 Chlcaao Sill & SIP fd 4 4s i . .. no; a flOR, Chlcatto Mil ft FtP cp 33 3 .... 004 Chlcau'o ft Nth W'n 04s 2 . . . "9 1 . 98 3 ... n Chicann Nth West'n 7s 1. .. 101 1. .. 101 1. 101 2. . 101 1 . . 101 Chi Kullw s Ss Gd Trunk rets 1. . "IV 1 054 Chi 71 1 1' M Now Or TfX ft Slexlco Ss 1. ... 01 1 . . 01 N Y Centr'l 4s IB 704 8.. .. 704 NY Cen'l 4 'is 2 77 N Y Cent! 0s 1. 3.. . 1. . 3. Gvo' t 2... 80. . 20.. 1 11. 4 . 1.. 1. 20 8. I .... 1 .. 3 . 1 '. 5.. 5.. . 1... 13.. 30 . 7 . . 3. . . 5. 5... 0 1.. 4 7 . 33 . . 1... 2.1 . . . O Swlts'd rets 1 103 3 . . 103 I 4 103 II ..103 100 100 100 4 100 10 4 1004 100 100 100 100 K 8s U8 09 99 99 0l 110 inn no 98-, 119 Hit 904 U9 09 90 99 4 09 99 094 99 Ml Oil 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 90 99 90 '. B . 1. 1. 3.. 3 . 13 . 3 . 1 . 11 N Y 1 . 1 . 1 2 S . 1.. 8. 89 , 894 , 80 . 80 , so 89 88 88 88 is rets 09 100 99 100 , 99 100 00 Bt L ft 8 Fran Series A 1 014 St U k B Fran Series B 8 74 St L A B Fran Berles C 1 80 8 80 St L Sow'n en 1..,.. 044 8 044 S 044 1 04 1) 044 Bt L Sow'n 3s 1 084 Bt I ft Kn C S L 44a fi 034 Et P'l ft Sioux City 7 3 02 Sao Paulo of Brazil ct 8s 2 034 1 034 .' ' t -j Hush. Ms flow tok Curb w ."-. V INDUSTRIALS Xeme Coal ,.,,.,,,,,,,. ,14 i Auto jtih .... ,,,.. . 41,. urii-Amcr TODacco coup.. C ft K J... ,,.. ,,,, D L A W nis EmDtra Food ........... Olerj Alden .,..,.,,.,,., Perfection, Tire ,..,.. 1.., u h Distributing D H Hhln Corn .. U ft fllonm ..,.,,....,.. united rrotlt Sharlnif 8 Oil of Ind IS HTANDARU OLIS 75 , fl , 'l"i "Ia "lAfi ''1 23 33 H iW .' 4 p s 14 ) , 74 75 l.NDK.rKNDKNT OILS .. .,.... 0 fl. imin ........ wj bi . 7ft 74 co "11" ctfs.. 27t 27ft aU r4 : Third Ave al 8 32 Tidewater Oil 1... . 94V5 1.. .. 944 union Pac ev 1 83 1 8.1 Union Pao fd Utah P & I Bs 7 73 B 80 Union Pac 4 s V C Chem 1st 6 804 1 034 U K of O UrltiVa C C'l 74 8.. 5.. 18.. 5.. 3.. 1.. r... 1.. 5 . 1.. U 8 1.. , 05 . 93 . 034 ..034 . 934 . 934 . OS Vt . 03 . 93 . 034 Bs ret 044 ft I'd 1021 1.. .. 09 3 00 U K of Q Drll ft I'd 1022 7 074 7 07 n.. .. 07 3. . 074 U K of O Ilrlt ft I'd 1029 7.. . 014 2. .. 01 "i 1 01 U K of O Drlt ft I'd 1037 2 80 3. . 1.. 1.. 3 0.. 1.. 1.. 80 85 : 8.1 h: 85 85 , 85 85 1 02ft 1. ... 02 0 024 Va Ilallw's Bs 1 814 Wn Paclflo 1st 1 .... 804 1 80 W Union 4 4s 1 794 We'll Union As f. .... 80 W ft 13 Sift 7s 1. 1.. n i". ! 3. 1.. 09 j 99 99 99 100 100 99 99 Allied DM Boons Oil .....1.... 1 noston Wyoming .,....,. in (.arm nyn uuifs ntrvico Denny 01 Elk Basin Pet I-llk llssln Itta ,,.. Engineers Petrol ........ Federal Oil ,, Hudson Oil lnt Petrol Livingston ,.4,,... Srnrncnlbo Oil Slexlco Oil Nohta Omar Oil Producer A Iteflnora ..... Htmms Pet .............. Pkelly Oil ....... Texon Un Texa Oil , lUnlted Iloyalty .MINING Atlanta. Booth Boston A Slont Caled SUnlntc ... Cnndtlarla St ... Curler silver Treason Gold Crescent SIcNamara .... Emma Sliver Eureka Croesus Eureka Holly ,, Gold Cons Geld Devel Goldfleld FlnrVice Gold Silver Pick Gold Zone Great Bend Ileola Mining Jumbo Extension Knox Divide SlcNcmara SUrsh Sllnlng ,,... Mother Lode (new) Nlplsslnir North Star IUx Cons Ilochestcr Sllnes Han Tov Silver Klnir Divide So Am P ft O Success Mlntnc Tonopah Belmont Tonopah Cash Bov Tcnopah-JIm Butler Tonopah Midway ....... Tonopah Mlnlns Tonopah Stlzpnh Tonopah Slontann Tonopah Ilescuo Eula . . . ti H Cont United Eastern .... .... Victory West End Con Whlto Capa . ., IVllbcrt BONDS Amer Arrl Chrm 74a ... Anaconda ns Anaconda 7a, 1929 Armour 7a Cons Oaa 8s Copper Export 8s. 1923... Topper Export Ss. 1924. 14 01. fi 04 -lie UT 4ft sa ii; W ft L i: 4 4s 1 494 Wilson Co 1st 1 80 1 .... 83 Wis Ollt'l 4s 1 00 Total. S4. 510. OOO r.nmnnre.1 uMlh in fcntt . OOo yesterday. Thus far this week. 132. Today's Range In Liberty Bonds ItlBJl low Clone S8.30 fH.V2 KS.l'J S7.U0 S7.120 87.1MI 87.10 87.10 S7.10 87.54 S7.S2 87.32 87.LM 87.14 87.14 1)0.70 110.00 1)0.00 87.40 87.28 S7.JU 07.72 l)7.Ca) 117.02 05 874 113 Copper Export tiaiena ,b , GuU Oil 7s . Humble Oil 7a . Interboro 7a Pan-Amer Pet 7s Sun Oil Ss . .. Vacuum Oil 7a 8s. . 744 74M . !i 1 HIV! . . 0B4 115'J .lf)04 100 Liberty 3 ... Liberty lnt 4s . . Liberty 2d 4n .. Liberty 1st 4Vs. Liberty 2d 4'4s. Liberty 3d 4,s. Liberty 4th 44s. Vic Notes 4;,is. . New Y N II A II 4s of '59 3 41 3 41 New York O ft Wast'n 4 a 1 58 N Yk Itwy a 4 s 3 204 14 20 N Y Itya ct 4s 2 20 N Yk Ilwya 3s 1 ... 4 N Y S Illy 4 4 7 33 Y Tele 4 4a 3. ... 80ft N Yk Tela (Is 1 . .. 924 8 924 1 924 3.. .. 02 Nla F Pwr 5f 1 87 Nfk ft W'n 4s 2 004 Nfk ft IV cv 0s h.. . 101 N S. W Poco'a Coal Co 4s 1 734 Nth W B T 7a li.. . 1. . . . 1. . 3.... 5. .. 1.. . 1. .. 1 .. Chi It 08 004 00 00 LOW on 4 00 oo v ts 09 . . o: Chlcaao Ft Lo ft New U 3s 2.. SS Chicago Union Sta ct 04s . 109IU. ChT IV I 4s t 14... . 94i Olilla Cop'r Us on 99 904 99 994 Pie5 99 4 99 4 994 994 N Pacific II 3s 1 ... 101 I 0 3.1 1 . .. 101 I 1 S3 1 . 101 Nth S l'wr 5s 1 .. 101 1 704 Great N By 7Si 1 79 7. ... 904 Org & call ns 1 . .. 904 1 . 904 1 .. . 904 G Bay ft IV II 2 . 0 Hud ft Stan fd 1 ..08 1 . 08 3 08 1 07 I 07 1 . . 07 1 . .. 07 Hud ft Slan tr 5 8S 38 38 ft 1,. 1.. 100'j .1.40 foreign 1. 3... 75 Chile Cop'r 7s 1.. .. 93 Chinese Illy 3s 1 .... 404 2. . 47 1.. . 47 City of Bergen 8s rets 1 .... 95 1 . . . . 90 Clly Berno 8s 1 98 2 97 V 97 1 98 Cty'c'hris'a 8s 2 97 2 074 Clly Cop'n Bft O'i.lntb Slct 4 4 704 2. .. 17 70 I 3 . 10 70 llntboro It T fd 1.. 4. . 1. .34 4 31' 34', 344 314 34 34 1; 31 53 s, 3. 3, 1. City 1. 734 . .. 73 ... 7.14 ... 754 .. 78 Lyons 0i ... 81 10 1. I 1.. Jap Gove't 1st 1 .... 84 1. .84 Jap Goe't 2n.l 3 84 2. ... 81 Kan C Ft S 1 Stemp 4s 1 00 Kelly Sprlnifd Tire Co 8s wl 5 094 in 994 1 994 K Belgium ns 3 89 Org-W'n II Co Nnvl Co 4s ,1 70 2.. .. 71 1 . 71 Pac G ft 11 5s 1 774 rackard Slotor Cur Co 8a 2.. . 98 4.. 97 Pa n It 4 '48 78 ra 1111 en 44s 1 S3 Pu II gm 4 4 1 .. . 70 3... . 77 fa R 4fta '21 IB .... 90 Penna II 11 3s 1.... 84 1 . . . 85 2.... 81 Penn 11 H 0 0 094 Pens. II It 04' LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS rS:hlva!, ,Mlur 21. CATTLE P.eceints. BOO head. Compared with week ago: Beef stoera mostly ateadv: nloln h,niv n..,. 15025c lower; sho stock and bulla steady: snota weak; veal calves, 253r.0c higher: niuv.iuB Kim icvurm, it.vi.tic nigner uvei nkverr, or weeK. 'J.U.I, jiuum llecelpts, 4000 uic nicner. top. u top head. Generally bulk. 18. 50 8.85; pigs nerntnallv ateady: holdover light HHLEl' llecelpts. 4000 head. Virtually all nackern direct. Pnmn.',re ,w,i. nAuv ago; Best light fat shorn lambs Heady to .'.ic lower; heavies and culls, 50c lower. l.v.".r ""'"'' '"".."a nianer. matured sneep iccfll lower; noavlf-s r.nd cull ewes off iiiuiri jrurjinga irregular. .l,t!b,"?h' .. Jra'' 21 HOGS llecelpts. 10OO head. Illsher. ltenvlea In v,.... light workers end pigs, 10.00(310.' HlfKUP AND LAStBS Receipts. 300 head. Steady. Top sheep, $3, top lambs, CALVES Receipts, 23 head Steady. Top, DIVIDENDS DECLARED Galena Slimal OH Co.. quarterly 2 per cont on preferred, payable June 30 to stock of record Stay 31. Flsk Rubber Co.. quarterly 1 po- lent on 2d preferred, pnjable Juno 15 tn stock of record June 1. Ohio Oil Co , extra 11.2,1 in addition tn quarterly SI 23, payable June 30 to stuck of record Stay 2H. Rockhlll Coal and Iron Co.. quarterly 2 on preferred payable June 1 to stock of record Slay 21. New York Transit Co. quarterly 14. paj able July 15. to stock of record June 21 Organize to Export Edible Oils ,.';j. Stay 21. Organization of n ll.ppo.ooo corporation for the export of edible alia ivaa voted at the annual conven tion of the Interstato Cotton Peed Crushcrt, Association, which closed today" FINANCIAL NOTICE RKI'ITILIC Oil. AND ().Si"ll riBSjT .MORTGAGE 07e I'ONVKKTIIM.K r.i.-wki.-.tf m. ..! iiiji.w Jift; Sealed nropojals will be reeelved at tho office of tho Trustee until 3 l'. il .llay 3B. 10il, for the sale f $43.(100. par value, of the above bonds ni inc lowest price not exceeding 102 nnd nccrued Internet to be apnlled nminr h ttrms of the mortgags for the Slnklnir Fund nnil otner put-puses tnercin provided. The bonds accepted hereunder shalj be presented to th Trust, e for payment on July 1. 1921 after which date Interest thereon will cease All offers should bo Indorsed "Proposals for sale of Republic Oil ft Gas Co 1st Sltge Honda." nnd nddressed to THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR IN. Sl'RANCE ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES .117 Chestnut st . Philadelphia. Pa. Junior Bankers Elect Officer At a meeting and dinner of thn Bnnrd of Governors of tho Philadelphia Chapter. American Institute of Banking, nt Strath Haven Inn. Swnrthmore, l'n... the following nfdeera xrere elected: President. William F. Hitter. Centrnl Trust Co.: vice president. C. J. Tully. United Security Life Insurance. end Trust Co.; IV, J, Davis, assistant cnshlar Federal Reserve Bonk: secretary, " William Sf Carty. Bank of North America, and treasurer. George Weldy. Market Street Title, and Trust Co. I PENN NATIONAL BANK Independent of Control try any individual or group, conserving its crWn individuality and lending its aid to ell legit imate and p ruder t bujfnesj transactions on the basis of fair dealing! and mutual inter ests. Resources $20,000,000 "Market nt Seienth" Do You Need Additional Capital? Broker with large organization will finance growing corpora tions in need of additional funds by the sale of stocks, bonds or notes quick action. Must havo 300 or more stockholders. In quiries treated in strict confidence Address H. R P. O. Box 372, City Hall Station, New York City. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED Townsend Whelen & Co. llrm. ot N. Y. und Phlla. Stork Eichuniea 505 CnKSTNUT ST. t.. ii.. 5 on, o.. 4 . 1.. .v! 0 . n ii! i.. i.. i.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 2.. 1.. n.lli sis; DftVi 03 Vt 115 S fill. OSH fl.1 IIS S 0R n.i; n.vj n:t 03 t PENNSYLVANIA COAL & COKE CO. First Mortgage 5 Bonds Seriea "A" Sinking Fund Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Sinking Fund pro vision of the above mortgage dated July 1, 1902, proposals will bo received at the office of the Commercial Trust Company, Trustee, City Hall Square, Philadelphia, for the sale to tho Trustee of a sufficient number of bonds to consume tho sum of $50,773.19 now in the Sinking Fund at a price not to exceed 105 and accrued inter est. Tho right is reserved to reject any or all proposals in whole or in part. Proposals should be sealed and marked "Proposals for the salo of the Pennsylvania Coal & Coke Company Series 'A' Bonds" and be presented to the undersigned before 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, June 1, 1921. COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY, Trustee HENRY C. GIBSON, Treasurer A FEW FACTS Told in PLAIN ENGLISH about "A Certain Brokerage Firm." Ask for them. Alan A. Alexander & Co. STOCKS and BONDS COLONIAL' TRUST BLUG., PHILADELPHIA llrlll leiist (l3t()-l.J-3- Kryslanri Hare 0110 llrumh omi, llrldielon, N. J. a ' j W? 4t1 . JASV jt ft ,. .m jJA JfiUfci Wst. .. g - i". lA!silti"ti!uW', r!