?" V m lit :'? EVEG -PTJB SATURDAY,, 'MAX '21, 1921 i(w- , ' t' 4 " 4J ''('"OFTjl""' l The Millers Ralph and Jack Are Mauling the Ball Over the .300 Mark in National Leag ) Bl - ,, . .. .,.,, .. . . i r . MILLER'S HITTING . . IS WEEK'S FEATURE it , :t Pa'tty First-Sacher Clouting at .333 Clip Donovan Has Ten Men Hitting .300, While Athletics Have Only 'Three Such Performers nWB batting of Tnck Miller fins been TOIINNY WAIiKEU nml Whltey T . Dm lili? features of the ,0 Witt nrc hnmmcrliic thq pellet more consistently thnn nre the rest of Con nie .nnci: k young men. .loimny lms n figure of ..'Mil for the thirteen content In which lie lina played, while the Atli 1ctlcn' right flolil Is poirtidlng awny at n .3117 clip. There Ih only one othtlcr Athletic plnyer, Welsh, hitting nbove .300. IIIh mark Is .'108. The Mnek mcn'fl low-power offcntlvo Ih In- strik ing contratit with the lmrd-hlttlng of the Phillies, hut nt that both nre at flic bottom of their reKDCctlve lengucH. In club batting the A's aro n good Inst, hitting ,2."r. Ileilmnn, of Detroit, is still nt the top of the American Lentous batters. lie is hitting .10.". lie is hnrd prexKed bv his iminnger, Ty Cobb, who Is creep ing up dully. Ty Is bitting .305. There nro thirty-one men In the Amerlrnn League who linve played In twenty Knines or more who nro hitting above .n00. - I n. of the big features of the rJtiSnnl I.cng.e during the lart week. J,.' Vn fl Inst neuron given out -fhracS.nflStiackor o I th : Phillies t till is it" .,. , mninbcrs of & Million who nro hitting .3(H) or ter "re'Slendows, Wolncrt. Met", Parkinson, Wrlgntstonc, i'suj. - ''Sri and Lo BourvcBU rv Will niirt nns come n i"'" .k'l- i. u Mftlrnr. Ills figure Is now .yj. ", ... i.i.h., '')& The rUlHcH are fifth In club V.V T..I.I. OUfl In the lenguc stnnding inc. iJK''"--" S'"' Vi.:i.. 1,1 i,nitlnff with .- a MB""-' "'"V "....... m them much hljrhcr than they are I HornAby still clings to the lender -5 ' .,.!.! i Hip tinrent league, having swat- 7 tod thus fnr at the rate of A.)i ... -. I- tl.n There nro twenty uiunim:ii, twenty sanies . National League who have played In ?.nv cames or more who arc bitting .300 or higher. National Batting naycr Club Walnrrt, l'l.. vminirim. I'"'. II II H 14 EffiST,:. cr:ia 54 iSrk:."! J II IS ThrliWnTy. U- 7 .1 MMidonn. I'lll... S . lirQulllon. 1101.. i - v.. -.,.,, )Iornby. St. I mrun, v-i" in".. v'. .1R Bl E5X?fr,'ii.n. 7 in SffnvlTlo Pitt ?T ?.' fl. AH. n. H.ltH.SH. pr. n i o ioo l.ooo I 11 ii .nun 2 1) 1 o .au! (1 13 0 0 .fiOft iu i .o.'i n ioo .niio II ioo .oo 111 43 2 ." 0 S 0 0 .411 U I) 1 . IV 2 0 .417 I) 1 0 .417 ,2 0 II .4110 2(1 II 1 .392 It 0 0 .37.1 311 0 7 .31S dOO LVhiiiti. St. I. -15 V V A atu """".,.." o u ti.nrlir. (In in .)? 'Tension. llklyn.3l 114 Fralth, -V Y. ..ij i. . t)H I It KSr..Hkln 1 if Deal. Chi. . Klly. N..1- 1 4 II (I .3IH 12 21 0 0 .302 i" 17 1 1 -ai 10 40 1 2 .351 3T II 13 4 .OJI 27 ?? ;i -sis 3i o o ian Deal. CM. . . " ", At 33 s 1 240 Klly. S lv. :? J s Ti 2.1 2 3 .33S Walker. N -' ,?." .',r 37 n r. .33.1 J. M llrr. Ph I- J3 .J u m 0 .333 ! 7 It 1 - " v r j- g i a s :-vur M sj s ? T.linll. Lin Branton, Oln Vinlff. Cln. Hay. at. i. VrUM n.lfftlh. Crimen, i nl .. .. m i 1 SSSKir.W,W. j 1J3 13 33 I 0 ltrown, N V J" "i .. nn .. Vournler P . IS 0. g" S 3 Mruwl. Phil; - J"" ,' 32 3 Burns. N . r ", 0 ( i l i?1nB' n!.l ' "7 120 21 Stl 0 4 Dirtee P"t,;.-ti lS0 2 0 O 0 Baruarc, '" 7,7. ,n s 31 0 1 Rouih. Cln. ...11 i Jlann St I.. 1' r tlnpltcl. nos .. 2" '? Rthirl.lt. Pitts. .20 0 mrnhnrt. Pitta . 7 J'rtfHt, rnu. 21 0 14 3 12 0 1 7 II II 7 IS 11 2 13 27 0 3 in vn ii x n n o 0 4 0 .333 333 .330 .330 .320 .32(1 .324 .323 .321 .818 311 ,30!l .300 .302 .3112 .300 .300 2011 .29s. 203 .202 .2HS .287 .:sn .awi O .2RA .2S.I WlllUmi. Iht .. 20 102 U -J S4 HollnclKT hi . - s J si, n (i .24 American Batting COLLEGE CREWS RACEATJTHACA Princeton, Cornell and Yale Will Compote on Cayuga Lako This Afternoin OVER TWO-MILE COURSE o. ail n. H.itn.sn. vc. .071 .mm Pltivnr fhih IlUSh. lift 0 7 2 400 pauiis, iJKt' nio o a o i Hellman, Dft ...27 till 1 4.'i 4 1 Kmlth. St. L.....12 2il S 11 0 (I llurnn. Ce ....14 30 13 17 0 2 Wooil Clfvi ....11. 33 H 1(1 O 0 Courtney. Waah.. 7 ft U ,2 0 (I t'olib. Detroit ... 31 1211 34 111 2 S nvnna. Cleve .. 14 SB 14 ir 0 1 Uln.linn.fin PlnV fll) 1 1 1 T. 24 40 0 2 Mlcr. St. I. 24 100 211 3H 2 11 .30 Uaaaler. IJnt ....10 B 3 aa' I) 0 .370 fucttker. Clove. ..30 11V 2H ituin. N. x i' -i Menoilky. Hon . . .22 HS lihle, Cler Hi" 24 IMerjy, N. Y . . . r, 10 Cole Dm S s Moatll. Chi .. .,10 27 Tbbtn, St. t, .. .28 111 Suthcrlmd. net.. IV It Foit.ir. llos Ii 17 Hnrgert. Det . ... 0 17 Wllllama. St U. .23 03 Talk, Chi 2fl 111 J. U'ulkrr. Ath. 13 3.1 Veach, Del .. ..27 10.1 lVllt. Alii ' . rvrcii!. c'lpve Rico. Wnah 3i i-'i flharrltv Vimh..a7 Hfi Sewcll. Cleo ...30 113 .31 Uil .20 40 18 HI .30 112 . 13 r.3 12 .12 28 1 .13 2K . H 25 . 7 10 28 108 .27 102 l.i .21 8 IS 30 1 tllue. Det H rower, Waih Shorten. Dot . Hhnnk.1. Wash hi-th. . Y.... Mays, NY KlHKKtend. Dot Jimcn, Uon Plclnlch. Wash. Jncohaon. St. I Joneii, Det .... Tratt. lioa . . . Jiiilire. Waah . . B Volllna. Chi.. 2.1 inn Peverelil. St. 1,. .24 (18 Welch. Alii 22 Olilhnm, Pet mr. .440 .430 .421 .100 .80.1 .38.1 311 42 2 0 .378 37 12 I .878 33 1 1 .373 0 10 .373 2 0 0 0 .370 2 3 0 O .373 2 10 1 1 .3711 2.1 41 11 .380 3 r.O, II .8.17 II (10 0 .3.13 II 11 0 0 .353 17 38 2 11 .847 8 03 1 (I .847 7 12 0 0 343 21 8.1 II 2 .341 27 101 13 31 0 3 .337 .30 fR 11 32 1 0 837 .n 411 .1 ., ..Kin 17 2S 1 1 .329 (I 37 1 1 .a1 It (I 21 7 7 10 (1 3 1 13 Huel. llos 23 i. ' ft, i "n 'irriv m. . . . . . Powell. Hns. . .2" "' " lUKlher. nkljn.l 1 Vauchn. Chi. . . J JJ Duncan. Cln . 31 117 1- JInproJt N Y 28 !' '5 l,avan. St. I... . ? .l U.nllu-ntF. St. I. II KlldulT. HWn Ftock. St l . Malifl. Chi . V...... -.,., V...,.,, aril Tin. .11) VI O ...a..U.-. - -- - , n nohne. in . . .'' Holke. llos Pre Cln flrlmm Pitts. Vonl. pos Wheat Hklyn Kt-nseca. Cln Jlrewnler Cln Smith, Ht I- Kopf, I In. 8 n 14 43 n 23 94 12 20 70 11 24 102 1 lloo.l, llkljn. la 12 II Pattf non N Y fl 4 . Kmielehy llklni.30 lo.i .1- ltolrtson. Chi. n 21 IVlr.gn f'ln Itluc. Phil. Crane t in Xlokrfii, Pitts . Olann, llklvn. Kins N Y Mueller St. I. OeachKiT 11" IMirut. Phil. Kdleher (hi llulibcll. Phil. Ler. Phil. Miller HklMi. Nnile. Phil. . . Ndi, liktjn. 30 1 2 2 30 0 2 .278 .-, (I 1 278 n n n .a"8 32 1 0 .274 "7 n i .- an ii 1 ii o t 12 I) 0 2.1 0 1 21 O 1 27 ) n 5 0 II 13 31 II 8 an ioo 7 an ii in on 111 1. 1 2t ui u an o o 2S 82 11 21 0 0 n, ill 14 28 a 2 3 nn 12 20 1 l 3 70 ii m " " .m 4 7 0 (I " r. .. n .1 , .1 " . 3 0 0 1 a o (1 2 2 r. 0 0 a ia i i 2 3 0 0 8 24 II 1 1 ' 3 11 18 m . 7 17 ...11 101 ft 13 . 31 122 17 10 7 18 , fl 18 ft 18 . 7 II . s n io :i 2 1 0'.' in nn 27 IKl .2110 .21)8 2117 .11(15 .:nn an.i ans .am .200 a km ar.7 .2.111 .2.12 .280 .2.10 .2.10 a.in 2.10 arn ,a4s .a.'ts 23.1 .28." 231 12 II II .231 II 1 .280 II 0 llmlllnn Pills.. 8 10 3 Vhltteil Pitts. .21 02 11 llapp. N. Y . Nixon, llostnn Orlms. Ilkln nib'on, Huston. Patkert. Cln. Mrncel, Phil. O'Neill. Itoatnn Olazner. Pitts. ll.llneK St I. Murs llliln .. 30 10ft flcmons St 1...14 3-i DUIhoeter St I. 17 4ft Cooper, ntt" " 23 Toney N V ..8 IS OTarrel Chlo .10 11.1 II .'.'22 4 (I 0 .222 4 I) O .222 2 I) 0 .222 2 0 0 .222 7 II 0 .211) lft 1 1 217 12 O .211 14 3 a .212 4 o i .an id o a '.ao7 J HI III 11 II II 'M1 o an 3 10 2 .aoo r. 1.1 ii a o 0 .200 .1 -ft 0 10-0 .200 23 70 7 15 0 0 .107 ii sn I 701 .101 23 73 11 14 1 II .12 8 111 8 n 1 3 0 1) .188 1 2 0 0 .182 II 111 I) 0 .180 Nehf N Y nie (.'in ,,. . wntaon. llos . . Mitchell, llkln.. Pulllvan Chl. , Coumbe, Cln . . . Kan a, Ilniton . Janvrln St S.. llynn N Y .. Dimes NY York Chl Smltli. Phllii. Kifuiin, Phil. , 1:1 20 7 7 7 tft ii in n 8 11 8 7 8 II 8 8 II. o an ft 10 0 13 0 3 0 0 II 1 0 I) 0 (I 1 (I .t70 .178 .174 lftS .1.14 Ilnooer. Chl Johnson. Clove., Strunk. Chl Smith, Cleve- . .. Milan, V'nih . .. Jnmleson, Clove Ward. N. Y . . (lleasnn. i-'t. I.. . Ilrii7ltl. Atli .. ('. Walker. Atli Wtodall. Pet . . .Mensel. N. Y. . . .Inhttson. Chl . . . Plpji. N. Y Hush net .... PiirU'nriiiah. N.Y'Jil 1111 Duican. All 27 10.1 Mclnrrls. llos 23 88 Ilnrrls. Wash YnunK. Det 7 0 4 .328 13 0 II .32,1 111 0 II .323 30 lft 1 .321 17 1 0 .321 0 0 0 .321 8 0 tl .320 S 1 O .320 II 0 (I .310 31 0 3 ,31ft 32 0 2 .314 2ft 2 3 .ain 111 30 1 3 .312 11 31 II 1 .311) 10 21 1 0 .300 B2 7 10 0 I) .308 13 1 4 0 (I 308 va ia aa i o .son 02 17 28 1 4 .304 8(1 10 2V O 0 ,302 (13 10 10 0 (I ,302 fi3 1,1 II) I 0 .302 13 28 (I II .it'll 13 27 (I 1 .207 o ao l ii .aoii n in o i .288 4 1ft 0 1. .288 13 211 I 0 .28(5 0 2 0 II .280 14 31 4 1 .284 12 27 0 0 .284 1.1 28 2 2 .283 23 3ft o n .a'-J 18 28 II 0 277 II 20 2 0 .2711 15 24 II H .273 m 1117 ia "II 0 10 .272 .11 123 17 38 0 7 .208 .18 2.1 03 2.1 1,3 an on in nn 15 32 an in 7 7 211 1011 2.1 lift 2.1 00 31 124 Alnsmlth Det ..10 on ft lft o n ..oi Mimre. Atli 7 lft 1 4-0 0 .207 Heott. llos 113 70 12 McMur.ua. St I... 11 42 7 D ken. Aril 27 114 17 Sheeir? Chl 2.1 88 0 J. Collins llos . .23 84 7 rewatcr. N. Y. ..1 1 4N h Wetzel, St. L 12 20 4 Hnuliy Clew ..io an . Johnson Wnsh . . 7 an 2 ft Msors, !!us ..ft 8 1 MulllKim. Chl ...2ft 03 13 as Schallt. Chl 2.1 8ft 8 21 IlllllniiH. Ht I...18 a7 a fl Oerhor. St I. ...a8 tan 13 20 Lee. tit 1 18 38 .1 0 Onrdner Clove . 30 113 14 20 I . Walker. Atli. 17 in Perkins. Atli . ..2.1 IKl flrlffln. Ath 2.1 31 llendryx. Uon . . 2J hii .c)iar.R-, N. Y . 2.1 M fluker. NY., in ns (lallnwiiy. Atli . .27 1)4 Lamb at 1 17 ft I Kerr. Chl . ...10 riranoi, Cleo . . 14 1 I) 1 110 0 29 I 2 22 I) II 21 0 1 12 O 1 ft 1 0 ft I) II ft O U a o o as ii s ai o l n ii o 0 o o Yarvun. Chl Mnfrrldge Wash Lewis, Wnsh . .. Ilndle N Y Hommell. Ath . Hojt, N. Y Kuiif. St. I.. . . Khmko, Det. . . . IluMy. Ath Vltt. llos Kabor, Chl 8 (I II 13 3 4 7 18. 3 18 a 8 0 II 1 14 1 22 2 7 0 1 18 0 0 in a a 13 o i 21 0 t j a 0 n 4 II o 4 0 o a o (i 3 0 0 .2(1(1 .ana ,2.14 .a.io .2.11) .ar.o .2.10 .2.1(1 .2.10 .2.10 217 .217 .243 .213 .237 .'30 O .230 0 .231) .220 .22,1 .224 223 811 10 111 II 1 4ft 2!) in 111 10 11 08 21 O'Hourlto. Wnih.30 100 1 0 I 1 It 3 214 213 .aoo .200 Oulnn. N. Y Thomas, Cleve. Harwell. St. t, Sruw, Wash . . Miller. Wash.. Hayne. St. I, . Ziiihary. Wash Ivnrr. llos Hrhacht. Wash., ft Hnthonin, St. 1.. . " 7 11 8 0 7 (I n n 8 21 0 14 II 14 II 7 tl II 4 0 an o I) ,ui aoo mo a (i ii .132 a o i) .laft l II (I ,12ft l n ii i2.i 1 I) 0 .12.1 1 II 0 .12(1 1 n ii ..in 2 (I II 100 i n n .mo I 0 II .071 U 0 t) .000 National Pitching Pitcher Club' inoper I'ltls . filazner Tltta PllllnKlm, Host Matmux llkln . Domains N. Y . Alexander. Chl. Hnton, N. Y.... Ponder. Pitts . . fchupp, St L . . Norti. St I. JllWere. St I, , . lellowhorso ntt. 'arisen, Pitts. . . JWlncrt, Phil. .. Krcnnn, Phil. . PcrVltt NY. . Tyler Chl . . primes llkln. . . N'hf N Y Mitchell, llkln. . . Toney n' y McQuillan Una .. PalUe N Y ralth llkln . , Jlarnas NY lyei;' ln Martin, Chl . . , Jumllton Pitta , vaunhn. Chl . , , ,ork Chl . aujey. Villi, .. Pertlca, s I., . . Adarna, Puts . . Jloak. St 1 Inn JMtts. ,,, l.H'iue cm , . . twiner, llkln .. Meadow,, l'hll, . Ration lloatnn . "Van N, y .... 'eaehger llo.i , 'feinun Chl. . . .adoro llkln . . . ffelter Ili-ln. Uftt. Phil. . .. May hi l. '""if. Phil, jeoit uitnn fhillli. Phil. .' Iliibbrl. Phil. W. 4 (I 3 I) 3 O 2 0 2 0 2 0 a o 1 I) 1 0 1 I) 1. o 1 II- 1 o 1 o 1 O 1 II r i 4 1 3 I n -a 4 a a l a a a a 4 3 4 3 4 3 .1 .1 2 '" a " 1 l i l 4 ft 3 4 2 a 4 1 2 2 4 1 2 I 2 1 2 1 2 2 ft 1 3 1 I 8 II "3 0 1 rc. l mm l ooo 1.000 1 0011 1.000 1 ooo 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 i niio' 1 .000 l.ooo 1.000 1.000 .801) .1-011 .7ft() .714 .11(17 .1(17 .1101 .000 ..171 ,r.7i .ft71 .non .fton ..1(8) ..ioo .ROD .ftOO .noo .444 .421) .400 .333 ,833 .333 .333 333 333 .33.1 ,2MI .2.10 .251) .2.10 .(HWI ,000 last Shut (1 I.. Out 1 Covoleakle. CIeve.10 28 HhocKer. St. 1...1- in Hussell. llos .-. .. 7 10 Mlddluton. Dot.. .7 11 Acoata, Wash. ... (1 11 I.niiard. Det.... II 12 l.tlbold. Hoi 7 13 Urlckson, Wash. H 13 l'.nnjclc. Do.... It 13 Jldimwild, C'luvo. II 1 llnlo, net in . Collins, N. Y.. .. ft 2 Mj.Kt. Ath .... II ft- Caldwell, Cleve.. 'I 7 Davis, Ht. J. ... ft 8 McWoeney. Chl.. ft 2 little. Atli . . 10 ID HolllllBS. Det.. .8 11 Pirn. Ath 7 U .ruth. clews .... n ii Harris, Ath H 11 OOO 4 O (I 300 .aoo 2 II '0 .20(1 2 n- II 200 1 I) 0 ,2(8) 13 II (I .100 U I) . IH" 0 a .182 ii n .18a 1 0 i) .107 1 0 0 .1(17 1 I) (l .107 2 0 0 .113 0 I) .148 aOO .143 l o i) .ua l o o .in 1 II 0 .111 3 0 0 .107 aoo .ion 1 0 0 .100 1 II 0 .001 10 0 .001 10 0 .083 1 0 0 .077 I 0 I) .077 1 I) (I .077 (I 0 0 .0111) 0 0 0 .0110 11 I) I) .000 0 II II .(Mill ii o o .noo Ithaca, IS. Y., May 21. Crewe of Princeton, Ynle and Cornell will rncc thlfl afternoon on, Cnyugn LnUc.- Tlic rccnttn will -bo tho crownlnc event ot Corneli'H nnnunl spring tiny, n picturesque, colorful and unique In stitution which combines fentures of n frolic, fete dny, nml athletic carnival. Oucsts for the holiday arc here In lnrge numbers for the numerous cocial ac tivities which center on Hprlng dny. The unbeaten Princeton vnrxlty will face a Cornell crew that has yet to win its spurs in Intercollegiate competition as a varsity eisht, but which Ih by no moons Inexperienced in two-milo rnc InB. The" Cornell major eight Is, with one exception, the Rnme crew that as a freshman bont last year easily outdis tanced every freshman crew It met, vanniiishinc In turn the Yale hml Princeton cubs, the Harvard yearlings, and finally in the intercollegiate rc gntta the. frcphninn crews of Syracuse, l'cnii and Columbia. The Yale varsity eight has lost two races so far, to Columbia antVPenn, but both of them were rowed qnrller In the reason and since the Illue erow has been rcor gnnlzcd'and Is expected to malte a much better showing than heretofore. There will be three boat races, the first an Intercollcge affair, between four Cornell college crews over a mile and fivo-nlxteentlis course ; second, tho freshman race, and third the varsity contest. The last two were over a two nillo course. . Hoforo tho regatta the Ynle und Cor nell baseball teams will cross bnts nt Percy Field, while the Michigan and Cornell tennis teams will play nt noon. Runs Scored for Week in Three Big Leagues NATIONAL LEAGUE ""IJiuh" s i tWtTf i s m St. Loills... 101 4 7 0 .1 3 33 New York.. I 4 7 4 3 3 10 31 Boston -r 7 8 0 5 4 30 nrooglyn.... 0 3 0 2 n 2 27 Pittsburgh. I ' 0 111 7 3 27 I'lilUles 3 4 7 3 4 20 Cincinnati.. 3 4 4 1 1 ft 18 Chicago..... 1 4 2 5 o l8 AMiJntrAV r.o An firs Club IWfl?rrWTF B TJ Detroit 1 13 17(TP"312 140 Chicago 7 0 10 12 4 0 44 Washington. 10 11 2 3 8 4 38 St. Louis... 7 5 4 8 5 5-31 Cleveland... 2 3 4 4 4 10 33 Now York.. 8 0 2 2 11 5 31 Iloston 1110 2 2 2 2 20 Athletics.... 3 4 4 2 3 3 10 Boots and Saddle Canadian races open today nt Wood bine Park, Toronto, with the King's plate of $7"i00 and fifty guineas o pan of the purse helng contributed by King Oeorge, ns tho feature of the dnj nnd of tho meeting. Only foals of On tario are eligible. Iloynl Visitor and Heath Bell, the Ilrcnner entry, rules the public choice. Crown of Gold, 12." pounds, nnd Moll Cutpiirse. are ex pected to furnish the contention. The first race is the Trial Plato Handicap, in which the llghtweighted .Tndda ninj defeat Motoreop, with T'nele John huving an outside chance. Second race (steeplccliabe) Stucco. Klvslnn. Tton- cher. Third Whitney entry, Xnviscn, Nevada Farm entry. Fifth Hlndoo stan, Neenah. Wnterwlllow. Sixth Kos.s entry, Fletcher entry. Seventh Uoisterer, Spvcdster, Heuevolent. Louisvlllo furnishes the Kentucky Handicap. $10,000 added, as the pre". micro today. The Derby winner, Be have Yourself, Is entered with ISusy Signal as the Hrndley entry, ond should give Upset n fast pace for the stake, with Kthel (J ray In close pursuit. Ilor.ses In ROod form in other races are : First Hlemisbed, (lenernl Agramoute, dim Daihey. Second f! en tleman .Ton ett, Hemorccnrefiil. Demos. Third Nellie York, Sam Iteh. Lazy Lou. Fourth Distinction, Wyoming, Swnv Sixth Comedie d'Amour, Iiobbed Hair, P.right Trash. Seventh Our Uirtliday, Icllow Blossom, John Arbor. FEDERAL LEAGUE jCJuh" I S M T W T I FSTi Roading.... It n13 4 4 37 Rochester . 14 3 4 4 0 4 35 Buffalo .... 3 0 14 5 0 28 ilaltimoro . . 10 12 1 G 28 Toronto ... 3ll 4 3 7 28 Jersey City. 2 0 4 0 2 3 23 Ncwnrlt ... 4 7 3 3 017 3yracuso ... 3 3 2j 0 3 17 SCHOLASTIC TRACK MEETATPEHH More Than 500 Schoolboys En tered in National Champion ships on Franklin Field MERCERSBURG IS FAVORITE KN REACHES IGHT FINALSAT SHORE Whltemarsh C o I f o r Defeats Wilkins, 1 Up, in Spring Tour ney In Atlantic City BEAHE LEADS COBLE WILL-OPEN POLO AN MONDAY Country Club and Bryn Mawr to. Moet in Temora Cup Match ARMY FOUR WILL PLAY Exterminator and Mnd Hatter will meet today in the Long Beach Handi cap, -a mile and a furlong, equally weighted at ISO pounds. Cirrus has nil Impost of 128. BInzci carries 120. Ex terminator, if nt IiIh best, should take the stake. The fifth .Inmnica raeo Is the Hercules Iligliwelght Handicap, In which Diunu Care carries top impost. Thunderclap and Captain Alcock will probably be the contenders with Dinnn Care. r Bingles and Bungles Over 500 schoolboys from twenty different high and prep (.cIiooIh nre competing for honors m the twentieth nnnunl nationnl hcholnstlc track meect on Franklin Field this nfternoon. As sistant Manager Bennett of the Penn track team, says that the list H the, large! In tho history of he meets. Thirteen events in nil nro on the program, including the javelin and discus throws. Iercersburg Acndemy with one of the best all around teams Jimmy Currnn hns developed in years is regarded as the probable winner. Tho schoolboys from the place that sent Ted Meredith out to the college world to become tho greatest middle distance of his age have captured nearly ever meet they have competed in this season. Several tiine'Tthe sound was halved and aucceedetl In taking two titles Id a single afternoon. Amateur Sports Waller .ojimott gat avnthcr trlmmtna uty tcrilav. He lUpvetl iliahtlu i on limine and the St. hauls llroicns u-oii, i to A. 0 1 II 0 .000 0 noo .ooo 1 0 0 0 .0011 i non .oho n n n o .one n o o o .nni) o ooo .000 American Pitching i i National Club Batting Club (, rilcato n 8,,w York an .W,,b .27 au. n. ii. .ii..in.iin.Hii 8'JT 117 217 11) 7 I 7 D(lf) 1I0AHU! 114 111 in 21) Kin nn nni :i:i it n in i37 ua i!iiH ni an a no .rc PUrlicr Cluli b'utlieilixnj. l)t. ((luinlil. CIbvo. Acuatu. Wah. . . Hchurht. Wah . . VnlnuTO. Ht. I.. . . llinrer N. Y ., Cnlo, Dot ThormAhlen. H03. MrWecni'St Chl.. J(1P. IIom ... TBlicr, Chl Miijh. N Y... . I'li-toy. N. Y. . . . Rluvkor. Ht. I'- Coveleiklo. Clev. Olilhnm. Dt I'hlo. Clev Myurs. Hon MUlUlcton, Dot. . , MuKrldKO, Wimh. . Itmiimil, Atli. . . . HaKhy, fli-vo.... Hujt. N. Y. .... llniiu-, fit. I, tjulun, N. Y Hhaw, W(iBh Koi.fi-, Ath . ... Ilollliiim. Hot... HmlBC Chl ... . Kernunon, .N. J . IIuhIi, 11'in Zuchary, Wnnh.. JnlinHon. Wnsh.. Malln. C1ob 1'i'tinoek, IIor. .. Krlcknon, Wanh . Hnthoron, St. I,. . Kulp. Ht. I;.,--Nlulri-im.in, Chl. . DavM St I. Uliinkr, Dnt... Moure. Atli. DaUB.i. Dotrolt. . . Terry, Atli ... . llurrlx. Atli I'.oonnnl Dot . . Kerr. 'Chl rolllm. N. Y.y. llurttoll, Ht. 1T. . Miirrln. fhl HumoII, Don W. I.. I) 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 I 1 I t 1 1 1 4 3 3 3 3 . E 3 3 3 4 4 A A Last Shut C. AV. I.. Out noo r. . . 0(10 2 . . 000 2 .. .. 000 2 .. .. 0(10 0110 OOD ODD 000 ,H7.1 ,77s 7.10 7.'.0 ,700 ,11(17 ,(1(17 (1B7 ,11117 ,(1(17 .iliiil ,51)0 ,.100 ,.100 ,noo ,noo ,.100 ,A0() son ,sno ,.1011 ,501) , 1211 .100 .100 ,400 .400 ,3 J.I ,:ia:i ,333 33:1 .2.10 .2(10 ,A0 .200 .200 ,1(17 ,107 ,000 ,(()(t .000 ,000 MiimiErr Ptwnkrp Ifd tlm nttark nimlntt tlm A'h. He Imd two NlnsIeH, 11 double and trliilo In ile tlnien up. Thn Ath!tl(?i madn Hlx hltn nnil .Tnn nn. can sot half ot them. Amoni; Joo's hits were Yrntrrdnj'x home-run hlttrr wcri: I,r timtrmll. PlilllloHt l'oitrnlf.. Ht. TinU r.i,. dlnalsi Ftephenson. ClMrlitndi Tfrrj, Clil r.iiro Ciilwi Sullltmi. Clilcuco Cubm Cobb, Ihitmltl vriicn, lietroit. AlthouBh the Cull had two home runs with runner? oil the boot both timet, the rflniif' nave them a to-a Iroimelno. The Ctant are tu n-mid a-half games behind the piltiburuh 'lratrs. Karnno Juniors (len-fotirtc"n) want traniea. hom or nwny. Address ChnrlH Dunify, 153 West ejmour Btreet, Oprmantnwn. Tim Rosewood ITofcuslonuIa yant srniin nvrav from home. C. Adams, 421 Fisher street Tho AmlLr A. A., c. second-class tratlnx nine, denlrea to nrranuc ames with team ot thn name caliber. 1). Krantz. 3S22 l'oplar Btreet Ilerkely A. ().. a sixteen-year-old team, would like to liook gamea. J. Urea, lll.'U North Darlen street. Spring (iunlnn A. A., of North Philadel phia, desires to schedule contests with first, cluss homo teams offering suitable KUaran teen. Harry Dollfur. 1112 Oitden street. Arllev It. O. would Uko to hear from four- teen-Koi'nteon- ear-old nines for Saturday nnd Sunday names. 1: u. iteiuy, iua lioai Chelten avenue Unlne to a cancellation. Vest Turk A. C. In without a came for May 2s and desire to hear from some of the leadlne teams In Philadelphia and lrinlty willing to pay n reasonable guarantee. H. J. DaUes, 012 North Fifty-fifth street. The HusKell Ai C a semi-pro traveling nine. Is undor a new manaKement and do rlrei to hear from tlrst-class hiimn nines. Louis McCartcr. 1025 Mifflin Btreet. Tho .Ioo Jackson 1'. C. woufd like to hear from out-of-town teaaiu nfferlns suitable In. ducements. Krank Williams. 1001 South Ninth strtet. Tho Stenton I'rofeNslonnN desire to hear from nil tlrst-class homo clubs around the city, especially Nativity Hrldesburic, llader Club. I.lt llroi and clubs of the amo cali ber. Frank Schurr, 4440 Qreeno street The Huiter Club has secured the Brounds ... U anlti ,m, Inhnain a,KA. ... ..... i 1 ,r, ,iluv IIIh nnmn iram... Tt ...n.,1.1 II1, n hear from flrst-clasi traveling nines wish Inn to pay for reasonable guarantees. II. Ilcevlicr 2H07 South Franklin street, f The Illaekatone Juniors, a fourteen-slx-tecn-year-old nlno. wish to arrange Karnes with teams of tho same ace. especially ster llne A. C and tho Forty-elghUi 'ard Juniors. S. hLhwartz. 1044 South Eawronce street The Sacred Heart Cadets desire to book game.-) wllh fourteen alxtceri-yenr-old nines. C II. Oreen. 1435 East Moyarnenslns avenue. A flrsKlnsa cntcher desires to land a berth on some first-class nine. Oenrse H Smith. 1.188 Womrath street. Frankford. The American Kiilhvuy baseball club has May 2S open away from home for first-class clubs offering reasonable Kuarantees. Michael Kllcallon, 2110jfVrch atreet. By SANDY AIcXIIIIJCK Atlantic City. N. .?., Mny Ul. Fred Knight, of Whltemarsh, reached the finnl round of the nnnunl spring golf tournament at the Atlantic City Coun try Club today when he defeated Walter O. Wllklns, Jr., 'Woodbury, 1 up, In tho lower bracket of the semi-finals. While this mntclt was In progress, Joe Coble, the pride of Cobbs Creek, was battling with J. J. Hcadle. Cedar brook, In the upper bracket of the penultimate round. On the fourteenth green. Coble was 2 down to llendle, but the. Cobbs Creek player was going very well nnd had a fair chance to bfiuare the match. Knight began by losing th? second hole after tho first had been halved. They halved the third nnd Wilkins took tho fourth with n neat '.). Knight tqok the fifth, but Wilkins, plnyliig excellent gou, captured tno sixth nnd seventh and they halved the eighth. Wllklns won the ninth nnd was 4 up at the turn. They halved the tenth with 3s, then Knight came to himself and won tho next two and they halved the thir teenth. Knight further cut down Wll klns' lead by winning the fourteenth, then they halved the fifteenth with Eis. Knight squared the match on tho six teenth and took the lead winning the seventeenth. The eighteenth was halved in 5s, giving Knight the niatcu 1 up. Tliclr cards: iDiieht out n n .- 4 r. b r 3 n 14 In 3 4 -I 4 3 a I 4 .1 3H 82 WUktn it Out (14(13 0443 B 10 In 3 5 5 4 0 r 0 S B 18 83 On nccount of the high wind and the fast course, the coif nlnvcd was not the best. Tho breezes affected the play -J ing of both Hendle and Coble consider ably, but at that Coble had n fortunate break on the fourth hole, which he won with n fine two. lie drove into the rough, then holed out. Their cards up to the fourteenth fol low : llcndlr . . ,. Out v H33llll 0 41 In , 3 0 3 5 CoMe . . ., Out 1 3 IS 2 3 4 7 4 8 14 In ....... . 163(1 Important matches for their bearing on the eventual winner of the tournn inent wcro played in the first round. Tom Wonton was the victim of his fel low Atlantic City clubinntc. C. N. Phil lips, In the morning yesterday. Phillips was 1 up nt the thirteenth, but .In his own words. "This lead Is sure hard to hold." It was, but he did. And Phil lips only succumbed to Coble In tho afternoon to n '!" out. It wns Coble s recond 37 out in one dny, and it would have been good in uny league. John J. Ilenldc, Ccdnrhrook. had n torrid time of it, but came through. He battled his way Into the semi-finals yesterday as the hern of the day. Kor be it known, the local pride beat Maurice Ilisley, medalist, who outscored the field qualifying day with a Io, five htrokes ahead of the iieh. Ileadle was 'A up at the turn, hut Hlslev copped three of the next four, the thirteenth with n birdie off the green on n long putt. The match squared up at the home hole, but when Itlsley caught a mound at the turn to the dog-leg first or nineteenth in this case it was all off und Ueadle won. MISS TOWNSEND AND MISS WALSH VICTORS Philadelphia pnlolcls, with their eyes fixed on the preparation In England for the International mutches, are them selves planning Mn unusually good sea son of polo during tire next few weeks. The first match is scheduled for next Monday at the Philadelphia Country Club Field nt Hala. Drawings were made for the two cup tournaments nt tho Country Club in New York on Thursday, nnd indicated tl.nl besides the Uryn Mnwr and Phila delphia Country Club teams there will be teams on the local fields from Hos ton and Washington during the season. On Mondny the Philadelphia Country Club second team will meet the Uryn Mnwr Polo Club four In the first match of the Temora Cup tournament. Tues day will see the first tenm of tho Coun try Club apnlnst the War Department team from Washington. Tho llnnl will be played Thursday, May 'M. The Te- ii 1 1 ' ' l" K"c 01 I'"" ate li. If. Kmlth. It was won In 1010 by Uryn mil nisi year ny roint .luditli SEVERAL BIG UPSETS IN MIXED DOUBLEm uf'a Fast Tennis Played at Country Club; "Bo" Thomson With Miss Con away Is Twice Winner 26 TEAMS PLAY IJy SPICK HALL BACK In tho days when the Univer sity of Pennsylvania athletic tenins staged their battles on the property now occupied by the dormitories, "Ho" Thomson acquired the habit of knock ing 'cm for a row of gools. He wns n fine nil-round athlete In spite of his lack of weight. On several occasions ho ran the length of the field for touch downs when hu wns n member of the varsity football team. On the hnscbnll Philadelphia Tourney at Cynwyd Wednesday Tho twenty-clxth nnnual tournament for tho lawn tennis championship of Phil adelphla and district will begin next V.'ednosday afternoon on the clay court of tho Cynwyd Club. It la pTacned to have tho flnala on Memorial Day Men's ln Klea nnd men'! doubles are ths only events to b tilayed. Last year Stanley W Pearson won tho sins-leu title nnd Carl Fischer and, Carlton Shatter captured tho diubles. Entries nre belnir received by Frank Kcok. Dr. P. I). Hawk Is official referee. ran amateur t-quash racquets champion nnd PhlUtdelphln title holder, ond Misa Oertrude Khret by Mr, nnd Sirs. J. C Hell, Jr., was a complete surprise to gallery and n shock to- the losers. Bu fore tho mntch there were few who would have taken obese odds on Mr. Haverford CM'" nosed out Drexel jes tenla fl to S in .1 hard-hlttlnij camo on the Main Liners' diamond. ....v. ... .,. oiraworuigc, jr., a gonis. air. Hon and Mr l.K-l,l !,.... ......1. been advanced one goal in the handicap rating. Ihis gives Uryn Mnwr u total hninlienp rating of ltl goals. Ihe Philadelphia Country Club sec ?"'.. n,m '"eludes Henry Coxe, Philip Lcldy, poster Hcevo nnd Alfred Hldtllo. all without .handicaps. This meuiiH that Uryn Mnwr will have to give t.ie Country Club team 30 goals to start with at .Monday's game. .-'" ; '"""r) 1 1110 nrst icnm is tne strong familiar combination of Thomas Stnknu l i.....lt t. , . r V, ' ' 'UIKllCy DIOKCS. fj. 1.UW- ber Stokes and Hurchiy W. McFadden. nil four goal men. Tim Wnr Iinnmi. ment tenm will Include four majors of "" i"ivu mnics Army 11. 31. (iron "R?Vr ' ,. ' Qiickcmeycr, W. C. Potter nnd J. All ikon. Mnlnr DllnWe.nnv,.,. Iu 011 known hero ns a personal nide to uencrnl Pershing ami through his ruling iiim. year at the Uryn Mawr Horse hhow. Major Mllllken played here some years nso with the Fifth Cavalry team. Lncli of the four men hns a two-goal handicap, so that the Country Club tirt-t team will Kivc the army men a lend of eight goals in their play on TuoMla . Matches In the Third Woodcrest Cup. on which the Philadelphia Country Citib has two legs, will start at Hala nfter the Icmora Cup tournament is ended. Tho dates will be announced nt the Hrjn Mawr Polo Club field between June (1 nnd June 10. There are to be two tournaments, the first for tho Wooi ton Cup and the second for the Hrjn Mawr Cutis. Hcside.s the local teatm the Dcdhnm Club, of Hoton, will sec ond J. D. Clark, 4 guitls ; John T. Ilrstwick, 4 goals; A. S. (loodwln. L' goals, and U. G. ll.teon, 4 goals. L. I.effcrts Downing, a familiar figuie on local polo fields, will be the polo manager at the Philadelphia Couutr am' Uryn Mawr Clubs this seuson. Gnmes announced for next week will Marl at 4:30 P. M. each day. Soccer Title for Lafayette l'.nlon, i-o.. .May si. Laraiette was awarded the championship of the Kaston ' ond District Soccer I'BKUe. at a meeting of tho executive conunltteu held here. Th.. awarding nf a po'tponel came to Lafayette oaie thu Maroon and While a one-point lead In the league. The Lufajctla tejtu non emht of elow:n names nml Mm Ilnll lull nff,.r. Aflto Plirnt. team he was equally as 1 servlcenble. He nnd Pearson had taken the first set at plnjed at the time Hoy 'Ihoimis and q-2 tho Hells enmc back htrong and uuicrn KViit tnu Aki-ii unu uiuc uuuui-r jwnving in triumph on the dull field. One nfternoon ronnsyivnnia played Kwarthmorc, their nneient rivals on the dlnmond, and nil "Ho" Thomson did wns to go to bat live times and crnck out five homo runs. That's a mark at which 'Hnbe Utith will be shooting a long while before he makes a bull's-eye. This hnblt of knocking 'cm cold still clings to "Ho" Thomson. He doesn't do much line plunging or end running any more, but ho docs ploy lawn tennis, and ho does it well. If proof of this Is needed, nsk his partner. Miss Ger trude Connwny, with whom he cap tured two mntches yesterday afternoon in the annual mixed doubl s tournament nt the Philadelphia Country Club, Hilln. Hesldes this, he and Mrs. Gilbert A. Harvey did all of the work of arrang ing the tournament. Although the de tails connected with u mixed doubles meeting nro staggering, this committee of two hnndled ever. thing perfectly nnd the first day's piny went off better than ever before. All of the matches In the first round were disposed of. nnd five in the second were completed. This nfternoon play will continue nnd the finals will lie put on tomorrow. Evidently the players must hnve gazed upon the handsome array of prizes In the clubhouse with covetous eyes, for all of the mutches were fought to the bitter end. Seldom" has there been ns successful a mixed doubles tournament nnd very rarely have so innn teams come through with good chnnics of reaching the finals. It is impossible to (ay now which team looks best and doping out a winner is as hazardous ns backing a pony at the Kentucky Derby. There were u number of upvets yesterday and several nonr-upsets. The defeat of Stanley W. Pearson, Ameri- won the next two sets by tho sima score. lltlmntcly thn Hells werij benten, losing their second round match to Miss Peggy Ferguson nnd Alex. Thayer. One of the near-upsets was tho match between Miss Molly D. Thayer and her brother, llussell. They man aged Io beat Miss Kliznbeth Osthelmer and W. II. Connell by the slim mnrgln of S-0. 7-n. So steadily did Miss Osthelmer and Mr. Connell play that several times It looked ns though they would be the winners. Miss Osthelmer hns the disconcerting knack of lobbiiiff deep anirgctting nearly everything that comes over. She plays a far better game thnn she seems to do because of her remarkable persistency. Miss Thayer played a splendid game, and it renlly was her -tine work nt tho net that turned the scale In favor of her team. CLANCY WITH GIANTS Swarthmore Star Will Join Mo Graw's Team at Close of College Jim Clancy, star hurler of Swarth more College, hns been signed bv Mnn airer John Mr-Grow, of the New York Giants, through Kddie AVilllams, the well-known local baseball manager of the Itlvcrton-Piilmjrn baseball team. Clancy Is n versatile athlete and a three letter man. having played on tho baseball, basketball and football teams. He was a star 11 1 nil three sports. Ho is n former Camden High School" boj and is regarded in college circles n one of the best. Clancy is well known in this section and a big league career has long been predicted for him. Hto joins tho Giants nt the close of the In tereolleginti; season. Carl Tremalne Knocks Out Moore Win Merlon Tennis Doubles, Beat ing Miss Green and Miss Seal Miss Phvllis II. Walsh and Miss Anne H. Townsend won the women's club championships in Inwn tennis doubles todny. at the Merlon Cricket Club. Hnverford. They were pitted against Miss Jacqueline Green nnd Miss Debnrnh Seal. The score was fi-I, 0-2. hut the match was nn Interesting one to witness. Hoth Miss Green nnd Miss Seal nlnyed well, hut Miss alsh and Miss Townsend were in the best form of the yenr und their dashing tactics were too much for their opponents. Resides winning the doubles Miss Wnlsh won the singles, defeating Miss Mildred Willnnl in sta right sets. The mixed doubles was also sched uled this afternoon with Miss Wnl-h nnd Ted F.dwards playing Miss Willnrd ond John Twaddell. Mike Gibbons Gets Decision New Yorlt. May 21. Mlhe Olbbons. of St rul. received the Juiliroa' doclBlon over ratsv Klynn of flrnoklyn after a fifteen round bout In Ilronklyn. Olbbons weighed jofi pounda. and advantage of almost eight pounds. Toronto. Canada. May 2T.--I arl Tre malne. of Cleveland. B'ored a technical Imocjiout over Hoy .Moore, of St Paul, 11 tho elirhth round of a ten-round maf h when .Moore oult because of nn Injurv. The rlngbldo unlnhta woie. Moote, 114. Ire mame, 110'i. St. Louis Releases Pitcher Sothoron st. I.nuli, May St The release of PI' her Allan Sothnron to the Ponton Aner trrni was announced todav by I1uslner M. n.iuer Qulnn. of the St Louis Americans .-.nil. iron unu claimed n waivers. American Club Batting PRESS CYLINDER and ROTARY MEN wanted by CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. 48-hour week. Permanent work at wages rang ing from $50 to $58 per week, with $5 additional for night work. Only first-class workmen will be considered. Apply personally or in writing to CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. Employment Office 6th and Sansom Streets W something rfc ::i' I about them wmm 3 you'll like" klii d ifiill page ad could fi'flMS. V promise no.more- t rmf .' rV '" " ihe pacWeSkAHlLS' Just Compare These Old and New Prices Note the very substantial reduction which has been made in FEDERAL TIRES, both FABRIC and CORD, and which in con-' junction with the EXTRA SERVICE they give, makes tEDERAI? TIRES the BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL BUY FOR YOUR CAR FABRIC TIRES 30x3 30x3 J 32x36 32x4 PLAIN TREAD OLD PRICE NEW PRICE : $15.00 . 18.50 SI 1.85 14.50 TRAFFIK TREAD RUGGED TREAD OLD PRICE NEW PRICE OLD PRICE NEW PRICE $15.55 SI 2.05 $19.45 si 6.50 19.50 15.00 26.00 20.00 24.00 20.25 30.35 25.95 30.30 26.90 37.90 34.40 30x3K : : . . 32x3 i . $39.10 32x4 1 : 49.70 34x44 : 1 58.95 35x5 . . 73.50 CORD TIRES RIBBED TREAD NON-SKID TREAD 0lDPRICE NEW PRICE OLD PRICE npv, ddi $34.25 S27.Rn r r S34.60 44.00 52.15 65.05 41.15 52.30 62.05 77.35 36.40 46.30 54.90 68.45 KEYSTONE TIRE COMPANY 1310-12-14 CALLOWHILL STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. i. .V I M .M SI .'I rr m M M ciub o. ah. n. 11.2n.an H.it.Hn.i'.c. Detroit... at losa ln-a 382 (ia in a 28 .am Cleveland, 30 1)08 lKfl 322 711 14 11 0 .321 Ht. Louis 28 llfll) H7 2K3 41 22 7 18 .21)2 Chlcnmi . 2.1 824 1)8 231 40 15 B 10 .280 New York 2d NII7 12.1 2(1(1 M 12 22 H ,27B U"lil,.L-ini All KVJ1 1.18 27(1 4ft Id 8 24 .270 21111 21)1 21)1 2ND tHO 28.1 ,2ftl ,291 :. -in nil Kl'j 25:i 37 A IU 12 lloston .. 23 740 101 201 20 10 B (1 ,2(1(1 Athietici. h 6is joo 281 ss ie t " ? 'rn 31 P9 1:9 aS 43 14 If 13 h' V .4. r -V ifi..q .ni,. .K Vu. ;i :.