-' , fi at - t -. 7r.- V ? t Vi, i ,;l J FILM AND 'moviegrams from screen to patron EARLY every Phllndclphla film fan knows or recalls licmpton urccno, the old Lutein juvenile, wnp was seen klljon Chestnut street or in a dm oi 1 Mine local theatre. He lin S.IrifndS, CrcaiCU parny urau ui Slrobjcnlnllty and also due to the fact .rOiit many liked to know a movie star. j For 8ome ume iwuiii, u u. nere knew him, abandoned the serpen lid devoted his attention to the stage, tint now Pnilndelphians will havo an Opportunity' to sco their old friend on ttHcrecn in "Sentimental Tommy. " to Paramount picture founded on Sir Jam'es'M. Barrlc's romance of the same 1 tame, which will have Its local premiere it the Stanley beginning Monday. ANOTHER clever young lady of the motion-picture world has soared to i .Wnm. She is Colleen Moore, who r,V'taj,iust signed up a loiiR-tcrra con- Under its terms she will play lead iBf' roles in the productions for Asso cUttd First National Pictures, Inc. . The contract came as n result, it Is 11 Mported, of Miss Moore's exceptional work in "Dinty," in which Wesley Birry, the boy actor, is starred, and 1 which will be .the attraction at the BUnton next wcefc. feANB of the favorite winter sports of l&Hne "Idle rich" who flock to Call 4rnia every year to escape tho rigors of Sf winter is playing extras iu mntloii-pic-Jtuw productions. W.tor rnrnlrnl ROPnen In BeboDan- t'hh' latest plcnirc, "Two AVecks With Pay," were- tnken in nna nnoui me vimmlnir nnnl mi thi estate of a F(la- ' dena.mlllTonalre and his guests who np- C Beared in the pjeture lncmuo homo in- ternatlonally famous society folk. Miu'Dnniolu tilnvH n dual role in the t production, which shows next week at t the Arcadia. JvCTEW persons who havonot vuucu a y motion-picture studio realize tho do S tailed care expended on Hie making of ' a photoplay, studio visitors are ai- ways amazed to find that the director ll.l.Hinlt ......1. A.n mi. mm 41tn 4(mAU l DMUULO I'UCJl DtUIIU JLUUL Ul 11U IIHIIO sou wmi an cquni nuinuor oi runeiiiauin areheld before the- camera btarts turn- An idea of tho trnnliln to which a A.ctmgelpnHmiN fllrppfnt will tm in nftnln 1 dcslrnl pffpot n nhnwn In "TTnlil Ynnr If Hones," a Goldwyn nicturo written T ltupert Hughes and starring Tom ., Moore, which will bo shown at the Pal- i' ,ce next wecit. ivo hnura were re iuirta. to tako 100 feet of film which win occupy only a few seconds on the Kreen. Thl.t nnrt nf Vi film uhnn-u .tat(s known as a "dissolve," In which , one scene dissolves into another. Three ' 2?8 wcro s merged In this 100 feet 'of film. ,ASMALL-TOWN IDOL," ono of r"" few productions Mack Sen v'jjttt Has made in six-reel proportions, ? W"J to the Victoria next week. '. virtually every member of his "all- "- -Mnguiion oi lunny loitt" hns a 7r. v. ' '" G A Hlnnll.TM..n T.lll l - . Z "lll.. .1 " J"i u Blur oi u- r-TUiate youth, wrongfully nccused. mak r r!is,fc)d '?, the clty nnd returning Tb li.. V".1"" espoused to mu awect ?Xt3 and ho (th? hero) accused of f ?uu'?cr- ?r"ni all of which disasters '.UF. 'OBCnUlty Of Mack Sennprt nnd Hip R. ' tlB" .'!& IJ(,-n .T-rpltf -ffPlittBHMiii i49PKnvk EflKH iB JiiLmWmmw&&jjmmmWL''!' mmmmmmll llftwwlW B rmWWtlmmmmmW '-HbPISSIVIH nfrillilJPimiAX BBHH feKvOsMI IIBBWSttl P HBH 3BBr '(ii0HB3CQHBHBtft ,,9HI)E'?S - cJANETVEUE. ' BETTY oompson. . 'WBHBmSSKBBtS! H9LD yoi HORSES" "MARY "PRISONERS of lCEr Locu$b- V M- AhSON.vKn.g.-.. M I HBffiuW 'WESLEY BAtfRY. MSHHlS vUl knows or recalls ltcmpton urccno, n t. h tfJmm?m wm, jffiSH M . "ji .imig ot weuuing bens. 1'nECEPTIOX," declared by ad- ,. vaJlcc'view critics to bo one of " ireatest nchinvpinpntn l tkn lila. tlZ.-',he Byin. a European-mado itr Z' '?f,c,tcd.b' Kr"st Lubitsch. (II. S&0( ,P?M,on'" "leased by Tan Sl?r.; m " '"vo its Philadelphia pre a.m tLe atanlfy the week of Juno 0. int.? r?.m thoUieart interest and thTii. f t,lc 8t0IT' w,''cl lcls with Klni m roma"p: ft Anne Boleyn and wBrHnrf VI11, tl,e bMty of the nwntl ProvoUc(1 admlrlng.com- J)RAMA b0 polgnaut that laughter dxalnVS.CwS!!,y un.on tenr5 chnroc ec Ion ?, t hiR ' 1"nlitJ I nliK "1 he m.i ,nt ,n'"lntely "high-lights" FeUa.us "I'untlons-sueh is Elsie f,"8Usqn h new Paramount nlrtnrn K ."acred and Profan T.nvn." nntnrAnv auyancc announcement of tlm fpntnro 1 ""faction at tlln Hfnntnn f. .!, May 30. . ... .w V1.I l "UWK-a HAD nOY" will star tA i,Q Coogan at tho Stanley liiBf ? af?y 30- Unusual Interest is .'""""estcd in this new prcsentn- ior many reasons. Ills initial SEE THE GARDENS ,uirar nfUrnoom, Mnr 7 to Juris 18 gptinn.tndfI' ,l,e AnPlM of FOURTH GARDEN DAY SATURDAY, MAY 28 S TO 0 V, M, Dvl i:. vvilllnmii llala ncUr 1'lhn, nfcoml Oato abova III,. . iicmmaion Iloaa v ,Miiipn Uryn Miwr aa.., . jiurri Ave. Srorrl Ave. i. ... : on.BO nt V.00 for all Onrilenii L'alni.the (Innlens will be open "is following Monday. STAGE STARS WHO WILL BE SEEN HERE NEXT WEEK , iraanfflfflu HMHMHHWii a ';;-;t m rSaOTararm; i mmmrm a 91 aBBB V;'JH :f.?-&BWMaK.' . fttl;3&BBHr IBKfriaBBBBBI 11! VI I$W.IK1$II. r:;'-BHi a nost o! .. n '! m-l'T'M MLiW titl i n i m ei. '.j(r:.. j . "jd e.w.7 .?m ";. 4! BEBE DANIELS, TWO WEEkS WITH PAY" Arcadia ! liRkr sBtv ;:;" ' u(Wi - s&xiKiiMtr! mBmrtrsmi iiiii if. j:urf r ..i"v.s b-jX'X'v. yramj's 1 ' L :Sag"l . DEN TUBPIN. "A SMALL TCWN IDOU" Victoria and starring vchiclo is said by those who havo witnessed it in pro-views to give Jackie even broader opportunities for his comic talent thnn those displayed iu Chaplin's "The Kid." Tho Peck film is In full fivo-rccl comedy form. Irvin S. Cobb added many giggles to it through editing and titling the 111ms. ETHEL CLAYTON'S new Pnra , mount picture. "Sham," nn nounccd as tho feature at tho Arcadia week of May 30, is an adaptation of tho Elmer Harris and Gornldinu Bonucr stage success, telling n clever and amus ing story of a "gentlo grafter" who most conveniently "forgets" to pay her bills. "VTOT GUILTY," tie photoplay L l coming to the Victoria week of May 30, should arouse interest among motion-picture fans because many have read Harold MncGrath's thrilling novel, "Parrot & Co.," from which It Is adapted. Thp plot involves twin brothers who lovo the same woman. THE third photoplay of the-short sea son at the Forrest Theatre will be the Hon. Daniel L. Hart's drama, "The Parish Priest," the week of May 30. Some tim.c during the engagement th author will appear at the theatre, lie is the Mayor of Wilkcs-Barre. SOME of the'most remarkable achieve ments in the use of wild animals for a motion picture are said to have been accomplished in tho production of the James Oliver Curwood story, "Kazan." which comes to tho Forrest noxt week. Most rcmnrkablo of all is said to be fjjjji LOESER'Sf Nixon Theatre nulldlnr 34 S. S2d St. I Four Big Reception Nights , Thli Week: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY Every Tuesday ard Thursday THE TANGO .TROT la Taught anil Demonstrated by Mr. Frank Otrena. ronclnpr Erry Kti. rims Tuesday A Tliuradnjr rrivnto I,roni, 11:30 A M. In fttsn i. M. H..... ....... ...... METROPOLITAN orERA ltouflh: Doll at 2:30 CBc: Kvg.. 7 & 0 23c. BOo WH.i.i yi iniv i'UK.ftf.;N i a wnwiP1 AnmitPil from KUwaiil Knohlock'H -great bl New lorii. Jjonuon nna J'arm ninso mco "M y I.nily'i nrmii " Hymrhonv orehetr. WILLOW GROVE PARK Nahan Franko and his Orchestra nACHEk MOIITON HA1UIIS. Soprano TODAY . woNDF.nFUL muhicaij PitoarrAMS WU" nlMW AT TH2 CASINO HTnH.PT.ABfl AMt'SI-:rr.NTH Last Z Times, 2:30 and 8:20 Barrie's "Admirable Crichton" De I.ulicoy Theotre, Beats Olmbolf', Heppes' Theatre Office, Spruce 1818 GARRICK Mat. Today OCO. M. COHAN'S COXIHUIANa JN TUB HUAL "MARY" COLL'S, 22 S. 40th St. Always a BIG DANCE SATURDAY Instructing Tuesday 'and Thursday' Featuring the Tango Trot iAM ;MIIHr'RT UABT J,AT' TORAY sajii JrlUtJK.Il ,R Tm, TonBh, GItEEJMWICII VILLAGE FOLLIES J920 . .13 DumuiN i a,, ,. Moni w,di Sat 2:U EMMETT WELCH Minstrels pnAKWR PYMPATHY nnriimnn 0WrcA'nVVnfl'.ir.onr1r, MOULON ROUGE CAFE don't (nit 'tl SfflU New YorK. avenue. ..v:ii EViDNlM PUBLIC ! JttflHkWjf K;LiP;HH ELSIE UARLING. Allegheny tho work dono b; by the wolf-doe which plays the nart of "Knzan the killer.'' In ono scene tills doe is shown with bis mate, a real wolf, and her litter of whelps In 'their cave. In another Bccno tho crcnt black'curly-haircd dog chases and captures a rabbit In the snow. He cnrrlcs his prey back to the qave and its inmates. MTT 1 mM I ' i WKM W ii" WJWM CHESTNUT STREET BELOW TWELFTH STREET YOUR MONEY'S VALUE s NEXT WEKK A IIIULLIANT Sl'IUNO" FESTIVAL OP SONOI MMLDOREE'SOPERALOeUE Presenting THn MOST FAMOUS OF "OPERATIC SWRETHnAIlTS" in Hfnuttrni ana iniptrfltinnal MARY HAYNES I MEL KLEE IN EXCLUSIVE SONOS I JUST A I.AUCIH ' "KATE" ELIHORE & "SAM" WILLIAMS IN THEirt NEWEST OFFItlNO. "WANTCD. A COOK." BY JAMES MADISON CAPT. ADRIAN C. "POP" ANSON & DAUGHTER ' THE 'OrtEAT OI.U MAN OF I1ASEHA1.T.. IN A HKETrK I1Y ItlNO W. LAKDNEH JEAN GRANESE BUD SNYDER JOE MELINO CO. THE ITNUSITAT. SONOSTEnS OniOTNAT. pantqmimibts LADY ALICE'S PETS PATHE WEEKLY TINY TOTS OF ANIMALDOM TOPICS OF THEtDAY EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION! AND DOC BAKER in "FLASHES" THE LIOHTNINO CHANGE AnTIRT IN A REVUE OF FUN. FADS & FASHIONS WITH I'OKLY YYALKKlt TWO aiiOWS DA L.Y. 2 1. M-.-iltic and (c TO II.no. INOI.UDINCT WAR TAX HEATS Coming May 30 Tlir Amrrlcn TilnlH of Ihn Hcrre: IN A BATiniOAL, UNU-AUT W00DSIDE Somethinrf Doing All the . Time Continued Success DURBANO'S CONCERT BAND . ERCOLE DURBANO Conductor Edna Wallace Kinney Contralto Free Concerts Twice Daily New Amusements Lots of Fun Nearly Everybody Is Visiting the Park Fireworks Every Friday Evening Mlllt AVE. lltLOW DAILY IllS KVI'.NIMIH 1 ft U FIVE VAUDEVILLE ACTS " mK rr.NTQN it P maiy riELns MA1IKI.OX & PAHI.A MIIJ.Klt "AlI'KKU NAKHN AH8IHTKII 1IY T1IK " M1SHKH hlllltll) A COI.I.INH WlI.I.IA.M KI1H ii LYNCH A ZKI.I.ICK PEBE DANIELS and JACK HOLT r. lli f'oirI. Drama DUCKS AND DRAKES" "jiiu ruAN4iKi Tiniu'r fffcJffA TT7.,isli:it AVE. lltLOW 41bl" 1 rfw tmmAw ' LED4EB-PHILADELPHIA SATUKDAY, MAY 21, 1921 3SS cJANE NOVAK and. BEN DEELEY "KAZAN Forrert-! Theatrical Billboard for the Coming Week Vaudeville KEITH'S Mme. Dorce. oncraloirue, musical novelty ; Mcnlo Mooro and Mncklvn Meirlev rjrcHcnts Doo Baker, lightning chango artist: Kuto Elinor and Bam Williams, suit; uapiain a. C. (Pop) Anson, nnd His Daughters, in sketch; Mnry Haines, Blnger; Mol Cleo. comedian: Jaen Carncse. songs: Bud Snvdcr And Joe Mellno and com pany, pantbmlmlsts : Lady Alice's Pets. N GLOBE Cliff Nazarro and tho Darling Sisters, In varieties; William Brcndol, comedy ; Jones and Sylvester, skit ; M nettl nnd S delll. novelty; enanv rock nnd ThlFtle Rovuo, comedy songs and dances : Harris nnd Holly, sing' lng nnd dancing; Raymo and Rogers, comedy: Charles Mack nnd com pany, fnrco: Frank Coombs, mono loguo; Prank and Ethel Carmen, novelty. BROADWAY "Choer Up." with Bar ney Norton nnd Ruth Nogle; Douglas Fairbanks, In "Tho Nut," movie; IN CLASS VAUDEVILLE I KinpfiPH From urn mi opera EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION! amu uu au jalk i-tiAitauN 11UXUM sac. ."IUHT.S. 8 O'CUJCK. 80o ON HAI.K "MJ.WEKK IN ADVANCE. " Francis X. BushDMm & Beverly Bayno IT COMEDY CALLED, "POOR RICH MAN" ,' Zimmerman Theatre wx Jayior) I ' Pen. Mrr. P KVKNINGN, HtlB 20c TO 81.00 , I (. Mut. Toilay Tnnlclit LiRt.Tlme C I "EAST LYNNE" J I IIKfil.N.MMJ .MONDAY THE FARI ) I , HELL H'EEK IN OERMANTOWN I FRANK FIELDER PretenU g j: MflE DESMOHDpX". ? t. 1. l'lrnt Tlnio nt I'opulur I'rlccs (' H W: REFINED ENTERrAINMENT'S 1 'ROOF u,.u J SERVICE CHAROEih" 3At'lUflH B WKIA.'l)Mi: HOME! ClIKHKIOt CARRIE REYNOLDS l'lllLADF.T.rillA'H FAVOK1TK I'ltlMA DONNA COMEDIKXNi: PAUL and WALTER LA VARRE AUTISTIC 1'AIR DALE and DALE Lulo of "I1E1.LK 01' N. V." IHn. WOODWARD and MORRIS WHOKI Ml'I.KI HILL and DONEGAN DANCEH AND HDXdS "THE SHELDONS ATHI.ETIO NOKLTY E TROCADERO J0,h Arch " D". t wvnLuw ."TUB AVIATORS' IlAiol Hnrrlneton ond companjr, !n playlet i tho 5lcCarthy-Stenard Trio, sketch: Mason and Dixon, songs ana humor Now show last half. OROHB XEYB- Slatko Frollckers, Ja and dailce; Holiday and Wllletto, com edy 'skit; Howard and "White, songs and talk: Plerco and Grotf, singing and dancing J tho Dolses, novelty act. ' New show last halt. WILLIAM PENN Fred Fenton and Sammy Fields, comedians! Bebo Daniels, In "Ducks and Drakes," movie: William Ebbs, ventriloquist; Alfred Naco and company. Ice car " nival; Madelon and Paula (tiller. dancing ana music. New snow last half. NIXON Ed Lord land MarJIo Fuller, comedy skit; Rau Hughes and Fred Nerret, skit; Darby and Drown, songs and dance ; Bharkey, Itoth and Whlto, trio ; Marvellous Marvellos, acrobats; "Heritage," movie. New show Jast half. WALTON ROOF Carrlo neynofds, prima donna comedienne ; Paul and Walter La Varre, artistic novelty; Hill and Dot'cgnn, dances; tho Shel tdons, athletlo novelty; Woodward nnd ' Morris, novelty mule, act; Dalo nnd Dale, late of "Dcllen of New York." ORAND "Dlackface" Eddie Itoss, com edian ; Jim nnd Flo Robert, songs and dances; Robert and Robert nnd tholr Dog. In comody; Four American Aces, casting: Henry B. (Romer nnd com pany, playlet; movies. Minstrels DVSIONT'S Emmett Welch nnd his band of "morrlemakers" in a revival inilADfXFHIAYFOI1IIOSrTi1EATIIE HARRinC ClientDUt A Jnnlptr Bli. NIMM. NIXON-NIIIDLINQKR Dusiness NEXT WEEK KNIGHTS TEMPLAR WEEK CONCLAVE OF MARY'S LEGION ADMIRERS . SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST SS ONLY SHOW IN TOWN! GEO. M. COHAN'S COMEDIANS IN ALL NIGHTS, 50c to $2.50 EXTRA MAT. DECORATION DAY, MAY 30 POP. MATS. feMr50c to $2 SEATS MONDAY FOR TWO WEEKS FORREST Oroad ft Mnniiom Sts. Til OS. M. I.OVE Bualncat Mgr. WEEK MAY 23 JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S Most Thrilling and Dramatic Picture fnmine ."-"The Parish mining May 30 me rdr MD AND LOCUST STREETS F. O. NrXON-NinDLINOICR, .MGR. Do you remember THE GIRL in "The Miracle Man" THIS IS SHE BETTY COMPSON IN HER BIG SUCCESS "Prisoners of Love" DAILY JLVTS. 1:30 to 6 Ji30 GranD Ilrooil nnd MontKomrrr, 23, 7 & 0 F. O. NlTon-Nlrdllnafr. lcn. Mgr. "Blackface" Eddie Ross nnil Ills Afrlcnn llnnjo Jim ,V ling trfl I 4 Antrrloiin Acca UII''Itr .V KOIIKKT nnd l)ll Ill'.XItV II. TllllMKIt .t CO. l.-rrv Sininn n "Th Uynt ollcoo,, Ilfclnnlne Mondaj and All Week rirst North l'hlln. Hliowlnt DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS "THESNUT." LEADER LANCASTER AV. 4 1ST STREET Monday, Tucxdar, WcdnriHlar THOMAS MEIGHAN. IN "THE, EASY ROAD" Tluiroditr, IXdiir and Saturday NEIL 1IUROESS' RACINO I)ItAM. "THE COUNTY FAIR" TcWirvoitf AI.USTAIt CAST In 1 fi'.'d nb. Market Mon Tuf W4. AIUSTAIt CAST In RALrH INCE'S "The Highest Law" Tlium.. Il Hut. -Vrrn Gordon "THE URKATEST LOVE" - .i4ii.. mini-Aia. "Donnybrook Fair and Barn Door Jls" , "!S attraction. Carvln ttndLcwlB, magic and mirth other speciames. Stork .nnnn., Kdllln' TVirnnirh." the .vtht met with blir success hero iariler In th season. It tells a story of two generatlona, with a touch or the- spiritual and much BentlmejU and .... Mn. numnml will tnUfi UIO S of tho Irish lasslo played by Jano Cowl. This will bctho farewell week. Burlesque TIIOCADERO "Hollo Broadway I" will rrr a snow saiu o exuoi m .i.w.., comedy and cood specialties. XI rho NHannonlst Four, a, melody (juartct, Is n. featuro. Bcotty Frledelh ana jonn Black are amonK tho principal iun matters. Elaborate scenery Is prem ised. Continuing Attractions QARRIOK "Mary," In which romance vlea with melody. It had Instant suc cesa when given Its first production on any stage At this theatre. This Is tho original of tho several companies now playing, and Includes Janet Velio, Sy bllla Bowman, Florrle Mlllershlp, Jack McQowan and Alfred Qerrard. New Devices at Woodeldo At Woodoldo Park nil the new nmtmement devices nro now In full swing, includlnc the Virginia Reel and Aljfttcria, tno new nna up-iu-mu-minute amusement device. C MAT. TODAY' BEST SEATS, $2 Monaser THE QUEEN OF MUSICAL COMEDY REIGNS SUPREME! DAILY 3IAT. 9:30. 35o KVE. 7 & O. 33c. BOc. "5c. f 1.00. Includlnc Tax With JANE NOVAK and KAZAN, The Wonder Dog Special Treat Lieut. Gerard IN HIS MUSICAL SURritlSU Other De Luxe Features Pripsf" D" suii,'i Great si.ge soc rnesi Written by on Daniel L y mk sw to 11 p. M. Ttijcon, M S!d r.cl. Market St. nti. 2il5. r.rsn. 7 A 0 fl I1IO-TIMR ACTU Sharkey, Roth & Witt lAird A. I'iiIIt IIiil-Iich A Mrrrltt Urnwn A H.irrn M Mfln"n .M'irclii Willard Mack'a "HERITAGE" f ! " .Murlirt bt. Ilrl. OUIh KJ0iXQiMKt Mon. A Tuea. ALL-STAR "LUXURY" OAST In VUtW Wfdnedilnj "TIIF. HIDDEN LIGHT" Tluira., Fri. "It Mlitht Ilonnon to You" Mat. t'otmnj- Tpiirle In "WhUivcrlnr r DIU" REWARD FOR DILIGENT SCHOLARS Summer Season Tickets good for mntlnern iliirlnp ninnllia nf June, July nnil AiiRiikt will bo nwnrdcil by Frnl O. NIxnn-NIrilllnrcr on belmlt of the Collnrum Tlirntre Co. to nil liuplU under aixtern yenm of hbp nf nny public nrlinol In Went Philadelphia who iuirh their yearly cxttmlnatlon. All the cretleutlnU you need Ih a letter from nur prin cipal that you have Nucceaifully puaaeil your examination. Addreaa nil appllcatloin to FEED O. NIXON-NIHDLINQEIt COLISV.U.M THEATRE. BOTH AND MARKET STS. CucUui U0T1I bT. AN1 ( I'JIAR AVKNLR Monday. Turiilar Douglas MacLean in "Chickens" Wed. Tlinra. IIEUn DANIELS In nil, l.iiy, iiy;" Fill. HAT. IIWEN MOORE In "THE CHICKEN IX THE CAHK" RLoiL Atd and nloru MM. .Moil., JuaUtd, ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN in "THE PLEASURE SEEKERS" Th lira,, W, " -J'Arothjr Green nnd In "Tor, Oood Had VIIe" oyuney laaon Todar Thwnaa Jleltlian h MrW MARKET HEXT WEEK PARAMOUNT rnESENTS Sir James M.Barne's SENTIMENTAL TOMMY VJ1TH GAR.ETH HUGHES, MABEL TALIAFERRO Added Attraction TONY SARG'S Comedy Creation THE TOOTH CARPENTER A Laurh Extractor J MAY 80 JACiaB COOQAN (THE KID ' ANTON JlarWet ab. ldth 3t. NEXT WEEK A FIRBT NATIONAL ATTRACTION MARSHALL NEILAN PRODUCTION DINTY WEBLET BARIIT. MAR- JORIE DAW. COLLEEN MOORE. PAT O'MALLET AND NOAII BERItY. WEEK MAT 80TH ELSIE FEIIQUSON In "SACRED AND PROFANE LOVE" lillllil l'llll 51 i WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY '.':" '. :.'! '' a artTM rrMfrrr -rucisroc .' .iat MARKETaUeNINTH ''it:'!H. 'wnii&HoCtiiis ::wwosonesr uabihg man-? .'MAaifcfeaEvosT Cl-I AllJUtfe. MWRRAT VVritii vf . 1 jtwi-ri :: :::l:SVJmm:;tilW0niTtSS:!:!.; :; aVfn&f" irwut ;.;.......'. i wmmm :!:JmmMmiii!:J: H.W-vVr-i: -jVl '::J:::' jlr-O !:::-; , !- :':.!::;:;: . .r..a :VV! : PALACE .ri 1214 iWlll MARKET NEXT REGENT Marlcet Pel 17th NEXT WEEK A HUGH FORD PRODUCTION "THE GREAT DAY" Added Chaa, Chaplin In "Tho Dank" I GLOBE Juniper & Market Streets Vaudeville 11 A.M to 11 P. M. NEXTWEKK OIEFNAlARROl and the PARILNG SISTEKSI In a Pot Pourrl of Vaudeville EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION "LITTLE CINDERELLA" With Eva La Rue and Company OTHER ACTS WORTH WHILE COLONIAL Germantown A Chelten Won. Tuea. Wed. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG CROSS KEYS Market Del. COth Mon., Tuea., Wed A POPULAR AGGREGATION SLATKO'S ROLLIGKERS SWIFT-SIOWAn DANCES HILL CHANG-ED THURSDAY IMPERIAL .tu:rs DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS 'Mm "THNUr' iLJ in "The CUr of Silent Men" Ollttlltt AT Ii ..v MAY McAVOY A photoplay of aurpaaalnf beauty, mans up of liar rle'a tiro fiction tfVl m a a t r piece.!, "B e n t I ma ntal Tommy" nnd "Tommy and Orlr.e.1." Scenea and pop!t nt the Kitten houaa Flower iiaruet. OF Tlin KID") In "PECK'S BAD IJOT I i i i i i i i , . . . iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiim Chetnut bt.l0th. NEXT WEEIt I REALAIIT PICTURES TRESENT BEBE DANIELS IN FIRST SHOWING OF TWO WEEKS WITH PAY JACK MULHALL POLLY MORAN and WALTER HIERS AKE IN THE CAST. Scenea and twopla at tha Itlttcnhouso Flower Market. WEEK MAY 80TK ETHEL CLATTON IN "SHAM" lillllil! ii i rriirkix raWKPWfOAWfAUICHEMY ' ' "" '''''' ' ' COMEDY till your sides acho and tears roll down your cheeks. SPECTACLE till your vision is overwhelmed. MELODRAMA till you gasp and grip your chair arms. " e-i- j- . .. . .-. 10 A. M. to 11 I'. M. WEEK FIRST PRESENTATION TOM MOORE and NAOMI CHILDERS in,. "HOLD YOUR HORSES!" I1Y RUPERT HUGHES May 30 - Fatty Arbuckto In "Tho Traveling Saleaman" 721 MRKET NEXT WEEK MARSHALL NEILAN PRODUCTION "BOB HAMPTON OF PLACER" CAST OF TWO THOUSAND BROADWAY P.ROAD & SNYDER AVE. 2 !.Vn 45 AND ! P JL Monday Tueaday'i. Wvdnciday HEE JO wlja am A ji i' "n n Hnlntv Minnow rir1 Untw ot f1ftn Knn l'lrnt South PhiUflr-'tihtH Hhowlnv DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ,'jff RILL CHANGED THURSDAY Ilroad nnd Erie. A.. Mon..Tue A'ed. in "STRAIGHT FROM PARIS" ALHAMBRA Twelfth Si Morrla Mon., Tuea., Wad. HILLY SHARP PRESENTS 20th Century Revue Flrat South Phl'adelphla Shoirlnr 'The Branding Iron' HILL CHANOKD THUIIHDAV ' I 333 MMel BT. TIIEATHB Mon.. Tuea., Wed. - a X t'J 1 m frA r. .. .tft MkWVi'.j i'ii''. Vy.yi'i's ;j-r." v.f.v.