' h irew(w iFmfi?f i - v i '. JR VnW ' rSV. VS 5" ?,-, . . t'( - -J ai-y ". J. w 3 i; v h ?T Tfr iUT ! llkfl .A - i t I ' B .10 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERAPHILADELPHIA SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921 Daily Movie Magazine . That Trolley Is Waiting atBetzwood for Three Lucky Girls bk a. : ? " im i' f he K It ty.v , ":T7 . . Movie Beauty (Contest Facts in Nutshell "THE Belzwood Film Co. vant3 to find three girls of a fresh, attractive type for their series of "Toonervillo Trolley" comedies. We have agreed to find these girls thi ugh a contest. To en ter simply send your photograph addressed t'o "Movie Beauty Con test," Evening Public Ledger, Sixth and Chestnut strcet3. The winners will be employed first in minor parts' at $40 a week. The best of the three will then be given the leading part in the next film at $100 a week. The other two, if they show sufficient talent, will be further trained with a view to filling the leading part later. The photographs will be judged by a committee of three well known photographers Theodore T. Marceau, 1609 Chestnut street; Elias Goldensky, 1705 Chestnut street; William Shewell Ellis, 1612 Chestnut street and two famous artists Leopold Seyffcrt and Miss Harriet Sartain, prin cipal of the School of Design for Women. No time limit has yet been set for the termination of this con test, c That Old Toonerville Trolley Is Being Fixed Up Again Workmen at Betztvood Are Getting an Ancient-Looking Vehicle in Shape for Neiv Series of Comedies in Which Winners of Our Contests Will Be Featured THEY'RE getting the old Toonerville Trolley ready in pose again out at Bctz wood. You remember the quaint old vehicle that played its part in the comedies already produced about the famous Fontaine For series of tarloonsf The JSctz wood people have already produced txcclve of them. The ancient-looking conveyance, since iroil: icai stopped, hat heen droicsily reposing in the long giass behind the "daylight" studio ichosr usefulness ii note gone and it has been protected from the clement by an ovcicoat of heavy canvas. YESTERDAY, the chap who is run ninj? this Movie Beauty Output went out to Bctzuooil to hce what was going on there. An'! the first sight that mot bis eyes was tlit Toonerville Trolley itself, part of Its wrappings stripped off and two workmen patching up tho worn and broken places so that it may once more become an orna ment to the screen. Work on this new scries of comedies will bo started in the studios nbout tho first of June. The ingenue for the first ones has been engaged and tlip contest we are now running will supply three girls for the minor purts ofoneoftlrc.se. Taut is wheie thej will get their pre liminary truining. And that alone ought almost to be prize enough, for the lngcnun, the director and every one else about the place will pay particular attention to these three girl:), and they will practically become m.ronul pupils of those In charge of the various de partments. That means an all-around movie edu cation which could not be duplicated In any other way. And the best of It ik that, during this training period, the girls will be).,.,, brcikfasts nt (1 ever morning, m paid $10 a day, with a guarantee of four days a week until the picture is finished. AND the girl who progresses best during this time becomes the ingenue for the next comedy. At ono leap she censes to be a "no body" and becomes one of the shining lights of filmdom. All in or the country the newspapers will print stories about her when the picture is released. They will tell the dramatic story of her winning of the coveted position, and hundreds of thou sands of other girls, from the Atliintli to tho Pacific nnd from Canada to the Gulf, will flock to jlhe theuties to ccc her and to envy her good fortune in secret. We rie right here to remark lh.it that girl is sure going to be some luck little person. As Harold Llojd would put It, "1 should sny as such." B UT to return to Betzwood and the old Toonervillo Trollev. It looked good to sec them putting the old vehicle in shnpe. It showed that things will soon be humming out, thero and that the girls who come through this contest with honors ure going to see the genuine atmosphere of the movie studio in all its fascination Frank Seltzer, the assistant director, i than whom thero is no whomer, took us around nnd showed us the preparations that are being made. He Introduced us to little 1'Mua May Sperl, leading lady for Kdgnr Jone-i, who is now niuk- I ing some llolninn Day westerns out there, and when he finally managed to bring us to our right senses and drag us away we went over and inspected the trolley, and Fiank told us what a busy place Betzwood Is going to be about the time the three winners get out there. - ALTOGETHBR, there will be five companies nt work in the studios or else, out on location In the 400 beau tiful acres that sun omul the big plant. In addition to the comedies there will be, iome western and n live-reel fea ture underway, so tJiut these girls, in wandering nbout when they are not on the set, can see the ai tun! methods of making almost every tipe of photo play. They can go thiough the Inborn tory nnd see film developed, cut and made into n reel. Maybe .Ilinuilo For ;, vlck will let them watcli him und his awltantiirjnajijj,i8 tho art titles, and jfwK &$ fjfffy swT fef jjffBPBE ift f Sflffjr "r Tk $fF0&5?K 9?A3ivSl'Jk ( ftJBDJflS HEv Tfe. OIBc'B s LOUISE and ANNA HAPMSTEAD. 5429 Cffdar Avenue? Phild. if thev are verv charnilni: and "van effectively enough. perhaps Ralph Spence, the .scenario writer, will show them the proce-s of whipping a sciipt Into coutiuuit foim. It's going to be u great summer for three of jou. And, after that the great caieer! Actress Finds Movie Life Is Strenuous PHOEBE 1ICXT finds that the moies hae wrought a trcnn ndims I'hunge in her life. Sinee she deserted the speaking stage for the films a few weeks ago her daily living schedule has been completely re versed. Now she is getting up at the hour she used to go to bed and goiiu to bed when she used to get up or almost. I'p to a ver f w weeks ngo, when she w.is playing in Los Angeles in Itita Woman's stage piny, "The Ac rpiittnl," noon breakfasts and midnight suppers were the usual and necessary . Il I M I n't .1..,.. ., i.u ,,, ,vn,.i.!n,- t Mis Weimnn's photnplaj . "Tin- Glim Cnnuxlinn." uhieh Cnldutn is mnkini. ,nr,i,.,. i. the ..tune nt !) be- cause uftir sh.. nirhes nt the studios, Mis. Hunt explains, she still has moie than an hour's job ahead of putting on her nuke-up and getting into hir costumes. i Promptl nt S :SO every night Miss Hunt sends he.self to bod. "I'm looking." she sajs hojufullv. "for n liiree Oinre. of henltli. winlth and wisdom ns the poot promised " Acts in Prize Story V "?t"ytfr' ' KDITII ROUKRTS I'roduetlon bus been started on "The (lossamcr Web," the prUe vviniiinn story by John A. Moroso, which will be filmed as n bturrliiK vehicle for Hilith Roberts. Kli.s IliiKijot will dli'fct Darrcl Foss has been sell 'ted for the leading museu liui tole upnoslte the stur, and other prim ipals in the ciiht are Itnmsey Wallace, William We!sh and Carlo ton KiiiR. I'os has plpjcil opposite Xliziinova, Mny Allison and other wcll-k known stars, Wr :'zWMMmiM t TODAY'S HONOR ROLL IN THE MOVIE BEAUTY CONTEST mm&i 4f jmSSBSBms. x fMiwW ItJ $?T?fH8HHW f&?Um& -,' iE" 5 4 p 3gicss 2 .7,..., ' "S ' fW SWP OSE KATES. 3116 Berks St. - &iBbk. IRENE CASTLE TELLS v A mBKBBWi1- I JUST WHY SHE w jsssssl sgmsssssmsssarALt ' JL,yiUid 111JlK ly.""t ! , MIRIAM VANSANT NEALL.6055 Drex?l Road OsJer-trook Pd. BETZW'OOD IS PART OF GREAT SYSTEM OF MOVIE STUDIOS GIIl,S who entn our lfoi ir fliauty Contest are iomi into n thina fm hioirr than any merely local oiganiza tion. The I'etzicood Film Co. 11 one of thi munhrri of a 'tent o-opeiatnc or nnninition l:noi n ni Associated Firit Xntional I'fttnri, Int.. te-Aoif object iv the marketing of the products of the beit mdepindcnt producers. Some idea of its far-reaching maqm tudc and the famous stars associated v ith it may be named from the fol louing ttrukly upoit from California icciKil hoc ycstciday: A T T"K I'0llis I!- Mnypi' "Hxlioo. Ill - Mission Rood. IMwin Care we is mniiletllli the cutting nnd titling of Anita Stewart's Litest starling vehu lo "The Invisible Fear ' and "the Pn 'f Happiness. Dim tor .loiin Main is "hung "The Child Thou (liuest Me and both units lire preparing scripts for new prodm turns scheduled to sua within the next few dnjs. Stnhl s net 1'io.liiction is to be an all-star feat me. hll" '"'' n?nin .to direct .Mm Stonil unU'i- lioi- Vs-oc-iatC(l I-irst .Na- tional coutziiet Wltll l.ouis i. .unjn, R. A. Walsh, who produced "The world, has nt last been . imped her Onlli," a meiuber of First National's ht,t neenrding to jenorts on Broadway Big Viy:" is 7"?Jlcl ' JU"'1"'"; ' Arr ortlinc to tire rTpoits she will soon tinii ot Serenade, a Spanish iliiinin. . .....-, ,. sinriiiiL' Aliiium l ooner nnd liiorge WnNn. lollowing the completion oi ins fi-iitun . R. A. Walsh will inline diateh In gin tl.- making of Peti r B. K no's stor, "Kindred of the Dust " M'iss Cooper will also star in this pio- IliU tlon ' Churlts Chnplln. producer of ' Hie K d ' tor Associated First Notional, i now busih engaged in the making of "Vanit Fair ' and on its eoiupleiiou will follow up with more releases. The Ambassador Pictures. Coipoia tion sun smr to the Kntlu'iine Mac Donald Pb Hires Corpointlon. Is at piesent starring the "American I!enut" in ' Man's (Jaine," and with the pass ing of a week following its comple tion will begin jhe production of I'eaoiiio," on original from the pen of (j corgi Marion, Jr. THI! farter De Haven unit Is neiuing tlio eomnlftion of "Mv Ln"d Friends.' co-starring Carter and Flora I De Haven, und Oliver Morosio has just imiileted "The Half Hicid Charles Hay, wlio has just leturned from u tup to tho Giund Cnnjon fol low HiB the mnhins of "The Itain stormer," is startins work on a new feature and David Hortfoid is bu-tl enmiKed cuttins and editinu "The (iolijen Snare," Allen llolubiir, creator of "Man. Woman, riirnag", one of the "III!. Five," starring Dorothy l'blllips and Marshall Neilun, who iccntl.v mndo 'Hob Hampton of I'lueer," have just returned from the I'ust with new As soeuted First National contruetH and nie preparine scripts mid perfectlw; their organizations for the pioduition of moie features. Holubar's next stories nie to stur Miss HhillipH, while the Ne'.lan pli tares will have all -star casts In the F.ostcrn studios Normu Tnl inndRO, Constance Tnlmadgu and Hopo Ilnmptnn nro starrins in Associated Fiist Rational releases. pirn ms$m wn- v WJfs V '- NS wzy ::;:. , y Sarr" 1 VVlt-yf-a-(lST4;vK'jrKi'w.yjSlViO 9T.?Vm ' MWf&mm$8ml 'Castle "at least one of the parties to 1 )MruUlZJj, 1111111 " MmMh 1m" 4mm MAEUORIE cJACOE.5 6807 LawHtoH Ave. Oak lane Pd.-" TIIEDA BARA WILL WED HER DIRECTOR, SAY LATEST RUMORS THi:i)A BARA. ongiunl screen vnmp mill rilliinn nf tliic .lititin ,lf fbo flllf TO"' i'"" wue m one oi ner uireciois. -Miss Bain left for Furnne reccnth to visit a sister. She is to return with in the neu few weeks, when, it is r poitcd, the plans for her marriage will be gotten under way. 'i In dnector to whom the srrcen vamp is ald to hne engaged herself is said to have lecoutly obtained a di one with the intention of making Miss Bin a his bride. Iiif,iilry nuioiig the Fox directors was of little iimuI. Charles Brnbln, who has dliceted Miss Burn in many of her lending sen en pioductlons and who might, theicfoie, he the lucky man, laughed whin asked about it anil said: "No, I'm not the man, nlthough I haw duei tnl her in many of her pic tures and we ure good friends, l'e gut a wife In ing at the Hotel Hamilton. i J0 , KCC for joursclf that I um not the one. Al.ITTI.K moie than a jear oro it was niiiiiiuiiiud from a l'ennsj Ivania town that Miss Hiun hud bien mar ried then. Tin Ktorj, however, was later v iitoiously d' uied by both Miss lima and tin limn she was supposed to Inn i wedded Thedii Hara was a moticn-pictuie star under the William Fox banner for a number of jciiic .She bmunc fa iiioui wherever motion pictuies are shown for her ability to portray vain plie roles. About a jear ngo she made her np peariiiice on the spoken stnse under the direction of A. II. Woods In "Tho Him Flame." The name of Theda Ilnrn proved a Brent box office nttiactlon and the piece made a yrent deal of money, Her plans for next fall are fnid to provide, for another play on the spoken stage, QJOME lessons in "How to Be Happy 's-' Though .Mnriicii ' migiic u od ' tallied fiom a story in Phntopln Maga zine, in which Irene Castle, now Mrs. Ifnhert Treninn. sets forth her views Oil the subject through Ada Patterson, the ninga.ine writer. "To bo hnppil married." sai,s Miss 'Castle "at least one of the parties to 'the nmni.ige must have a beautiful dis position. My husband has. In conse 'iineiiec. we are siiniemelv hanp.v. lanc a mini iiemg so unseiusii uiiili when he knows his wife is going to dine that eening with another man he1 heiMIS JH. il U1K mill' ii ... .,iw...- ... i. i i.:.. K.....1. nf ..i.nlii.lu t, wear, nnd n bottle of champagne to ndd snnrkle to the dinner! That is what iuj husband does. "There is his latest letter. T have been awav from home three days, and I have had six letters and telegrams, nnd orchids eeiy day. Fancy a man who, when some little disturbing inci dent oecuis, says to his wife: 'Don't be excited about it, deiucst. It will iiinke nu ill and unhappy.' That is what my husband does. "No woman can scold such n man. No woman can quniicl with a man who just looks adoringly nt her and smiles whatever she sajs. That is what my husband does. CTjNCY a iiinii who, when his wife J? grown restless and wants to go nwm for a while, saj: 'Vciy well, dear.' Hm'ii though business keeps him at home. Thnt H what my hus- band (loos "When the bend of the Castle School of Dancing came back from London, she told me how interested Knglnuil is in the dance, that it is as deeply interested as this country was seeu M'tirs ago, and told me that London wanted verj much to see me dnnce. I was iutei isteil. T had not Intended to d.inre a'.'iuii. but I had nut anticipated thi. It would only be for eight weeks. The ninouiit offered for the engagement w.is llartering. I talked to Captain Tiemnn about it. IIiays: 'Of course I shall miss you terribly, but if it will m.ike j on happy I want you to go!' "How can a woman feel toward such a man'' Cratiful, of (ourse, and ador ing! And no mutter what her tempta tions, sh,. would never bo unfaithful or insinure t( A OKI -" write OR FAT many persons ask or e me. "IIovv can you endure the (iiiet life of a small town "I not only endure It, I enioy it. Thnt life includes all the things that arc essential to my linppiuess, "Ithaca is a town beautifully sit uated My love of benutv is fed by the bills and woods about it. Our I, mm. i. ..innllii mlint T il'-ltlTl lift I'll I ......... ,1 ri.ii, .""1. " ...... (ho-en. It is ii simple enough home at Cniiiim Heights, but it lias one tre- meudoiislv l.nge room. It was a hc turc loom, for the former owner. It is sutv feet lontr. We use it for u living loom, but it serves for dnuces we want to give or for any snit of assem blage wevwant to nriange Ii) our home. "Of course, Cornell College is nt Ithaca. That adds interest to the life. "For the first time in my life I have .ill the minimis I want. I liuve twelve dogs and four horses und a village of birds. 1'iiends nsk mo what I do. T nm busv nil day. There are lily household duties, and the cure of the animals, nnd I am Inching dnneing to 108 children tti Ithaca. They are children whose par ents innnot afford to send them to dancing school. I tench them tvviee a w eek. "You remember the first tune we met? I told you that as soon as tho dancing craze was over I wanted to live in a small town and have children and ban all the nnimnl pets I wanted? I am renlliiing Iliat ambition. The children haven't eonin, btif there are the home and .tho small town nnd the animals." NATALIE SHAVEE. Pi.A Pine St PIiileL' O'Malley Hurt In Jump Pat O'Malley in working for a scene of Marion Fairfax's production, "The Ioiiig Truth," was painfully hurt Inst cckwhcn ho leaped from a bridge to the limb of a tree which broke under his weight. A sprained ankle nnd a wrenched knee were the totnl casualties wnlch kept the energetic I'at in bed for threo dajs. Ho is now hobbling about on a cane and vows to make that jump again without any mishap. riIOT01T.AS HOTO-PLAYr . companV 1 or AMERICA A . ,,. , , Alhambra t Nfj Mr,r!lst ft $Tl viI! T IAM PARISH 1M ..- a - 1 in "iiih (!iii:.tjt SArmricK" ALLEGHENY-, rrankfaid i Allegheny I. (II ISK (II. 1 M li. "I AM GUILTY" APOl I n C"D THOMPSON ST3. -vl VIIV MATINin; DAILY .. AM-sTUl ChT In "THE BRANDING IRON" ARPAHIA CHKSl'NUT "Hel. 10TII riiXvl1-'IM' i a m to ii-ir. p r. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "MKAKilIT I'HOJI I'.MIIS" ATOR lltA.NKMN ft GIRARD AVE. r1-' l ,s-'l JIXTIM.I' IHU.Y ETHEL CLAYTON In "Till. l'KIfi: HI' 1'0,S1S0N" BALTIMORE,?:?7,' CORINNE GRIFFITH in "MIT !li:i.N(l HOM: THIS .SKAtON" RFNN (i4TiI AIsD WOODLAND AVE! J-H-dSl-! Ml'lVi:i; DAILY DOROTHY GISH In "THi: (.HOST IN 'IIIH OAIUIKT" RI I 1FR1RH "road .- Kuoquehnnna lllV;iLJUl , nnllnuniK i until 11 DOROTHY GISH In "Till; l.lIOhT IN THIS (AKItrT" BROADWAY ur,0. l1? w WALLACE REID " in "inn i.ovr. sri:iAi." BroadSt." Casino UVZE M.USTAIt f'XST In "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" PAP1TOI "- MARKET .ST. V--l 1 1 WLi ii, A j ,,, n ,-, p j,, mm. in: mii.i.i: rKoni'rriox What Every Woman Knows" mi HMIAl Gtl1 Muplewoort Aes v,UL.UnirtLi m I,, 7 npiI i, p ji, WILLIAM S. HART In "M'MU.I.KY 01' THK MOl NTCD" DARBY THEATRE WILLIAM FARNUM in "ins .KK.vrr.hr sAntirit'K" I . ,nn r-OC MA1K ST. MiVAVO.'lf , Jtivil 1X1130 vuTimmi,v GEORGE ARLISS In "IIIH IlKVII." FAIRMOUNT111, PEARL WHITE ' in "IIKYOMI I'RICi:' RAMI! Y THLAIRK 1311 Market St. i -mii. i s m -in MiDNianT WILLIAM FARNUM In "HIM MtKATKhT SAtRirK'U" CATW vT THEATRE- IWnw Spu7d JO In Jl. MATIN'lIi: DAILY CAUA ?,'A"-'X l FRANKFORD 15 av'ue0"11 MlsiTAIl f'KT In ' "MILESTONES" aflRP CU01 MARKET ST. -'s-'1-'1-' 2 so ivan to ii CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "HUt-SlI" GREAT NORTHERN VmV:$ N f Ai'K Ih ' '' "fULLY WITH A PAST" NEWS, VIEWS, RUMORS FROM THft By ANN CAMEKON Hollywood, CalK., May 15. LAST night tho Wally Itcldi gavo a very small anil informal party prior to Wallie's departure for New York. You kriow lie is to play "Pctor lbbct son" with Elsie Ferguson. This was tho first tlmo I had ever been in their new home nnd probably will be the last, for I was very stupid ! The houRc is built in Tudor Style, set amone the hills overlooking miles of marvelous .California country, and far off almost to way-away land the sea. Walllo did a St. Cecilia at the organ by the hour, oblivious to whatever went on around him. Mrs. Kcid (Dorothy Davenport) is a charming, capable, witty woman, competent to mana'gon big house and what must bo a very" largo income. Richard Bennett, Lila I.oo both of whom shall bo Introductionlcss nnd Adoln Rogers St. John were among those present. It seems that Mrs. St. John's young ster was givins a thhd birthday party. "Bill" ltcid the one and only an nounced that he was going to present n wardrobe trunk, nnd automobile and a pin 1 He didn't specify what kind of n pin, but from other indications it should have been fancy! For a five-year-old ho lias, good ideas. About midnight the entire narty ad journed to the Bill Desmonds, across the street. After laughing for nn hour straight at Mrs. Desmond's (Mary Mc Ivor) nonsense we tittered weakly to Allan Dwan's house to nnother party ! Suflice to sny that every one who was anybody, alinoi-t, was there. Apropos of the last party, a well known nctor said in an aside to a not-so-well-known actress: "Meet my wife and don't lnugh." Isn't thnt priceless? William de Mille has started on Rita Weimnn's Saturday Evening Post story, "Footlights." Miss Wciman is a dark, handsome girl, of the best type. She dresses in wonderful taste, and is one of her own heroines to the life the sort of womnn who docs things, up-to-date, ics open, poised. Tho cn"t of the picture is a typical William dc Mille, otic for excellence, headed by Lila Lee and Jack Holt. Here's something intriguing: Pen rhyn Stajilaws is to direct May Mac Asoy in "The Little Minister." I told you that girl was on the way. She'll be one ot our greatest befoie so very long. Monte Blue came back to the let to day for the first time since his opera tion for appendicitis. He looked n little p.ile and thin, but the Monte Blue smile was broader and brighter than ever pc rhaps because wo missed it so ! Frank O'Connor is to direct thnt fa mous old plav movieized, "A Virginia Courtship, bv Eugene Presbey. As indiented, it is full of Southern gal l'HOTOriJSYS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. IMPPRIAI C0T" WALNUT ST3 11VI1 Xl".l-l, M, 2 3 p.,,, ;ltl NORMA TALMADGE In "T1IK 1'AhSlON I'LOWiat" IMPFRIAl IJ AN0 I'Ot'LAR, .: iivii ii-i, ,matini:k daily 13 EVA NOVAK In "TOKKKNT" I pKirrll Palari Gl--"mnton Ao and j-enign. raiace i,fi,iKh Aonu. KATHERINE MacDONALD In "CinTAIN" T IRFRTV nnoAD & columhia av. J-.1J-JJI l l MATINHK DAILY OWEN MOORE In "THi: CHll'KKN IN UIK COST" MOnPl -" SOUTH hT. Orcheitra. llJULL C'ontlnuouii from 1 to 11 MONTE BLUE In "THK KHVTUCUIANS" OVERBROOKli3D 4 ,JKnl?BD TOM MIX In "rUAIKIH TKAILS" PAI APF 1214 MARKDT STOEKT i -irvi. n A M to ,, ,. ,, M CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In ".H1RAKI11T ITtOM 1'ARIS" PRINPF9 ,nl8 MAHKHT STRKET " - ..ww N .,n A j. .. ., ., M. JA5Ii:S"lsOBELli"UOl,'S REGENT ,A,-T T Relcw 17TII risjc-jN i ,s A M t(i n I( M AlXVl 'l,i I'ltoiH rrinv "CALL OF YOUTH" RIALTO riE"MANTOWN AVENUE CHARLES RAY In "I'HACKITI, , ALLEY" RUBY aiAnKKT ST RELOW 7TII , MR'0 I1AVIK4 In "BURIED TREASURES" SAVOY 12U MARKET ST. A M Til .MtnNIQHT GEORGE ARLISS In "UIK DEVIL" SHERWOOD W'J. l.,.-'",.'1r"A?- WALLACE REID' ,03'' i "i hi: i.ovi; ii'hciAi." STANLEY ; ? ?" THOMAS MEIGHAN JL'I'Jii ('iT ' flLLNT MEN" STANTON VAI,lKi:T a'ioth .rXi,,.n'r,A M -H US I'M. BETTY COMPSON ln'l'IUh()NEKH 01' LOVE" 333 MARKETV'?"1 theatrT: Li.H ' " ,'. toll .13 1 II TOM MIX In "HANDS OKF" VICTORIA MARKET HT ub. OTH DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ' In "THE NUT". ii in i l M. W IV1. 1 L-l-Nl-N viiOvlllo una PI ter Av, l-turu4 "IT'S A GREAT LIFE" AT WEST CHESTER RIALTO ClMl "U'"i.YOUNO In IDLE HOI 1R "AltRV CARKY In "THK rilEKZEOUI" AND GOSSIP HOLLYWOQD STUDIOS lantry nnd who could have written It better than Mr. Presbey, so typical!. old-South with his fine white head and ITUll lit! J IHUIlllklOl WHAT YOUR FAVORITE FILM STAFiS ARE DOING Vera Oordoti closes her vnudcTill tour this week, and after n fortnltkt of rest will resume her film work fiw is to be stnrrcd in nnother picture hi Harry Rapr. who was also the dm. duccr of "The Greatest Lovo." P Anna Q. Nllsson. the Swedish beanr who has become a fixed star In the filau sailed on the 8. S. Bergcnfjord ffit week for a visit to her' former hom, She will also pay her rcBpects to Ttol and London, -returning to New York early in July. or Tcrcy Marmont, the British -Amer!. can actor who recently created the liiSl ing mnle ro'e n "Lovo. I Kr.J.li.".J Whitman Bennett's forthcoming rclew is continuing the study of wuffi waicn no nm iook up to give additional realism to some of his Bccnes in m, production. ""' dir1cCrT.!eaH0urnch':?'ao,n,Ja Sg g Pcreivnl Wilde, which appeared fn magazine, has arrived from New YorJ at Hollywood, Calif., where he is com. nlctlng the cast for the production. Tht leading rolo will bo played by Gareth Hughes, who nchieved success In "SV. timcntal -Tommy." "The Hunch" com pany will be tho fourth Metro comniw at work in Hollywood. The other dm. ductlons are "A Trip to Paradiw" starring Bert Lytcll : "The Match Breaker" starring Viola Dana, Z "The Conquering Power," an ndapU. tion from Balzac, directed by Rex In gram. May Collins, who. according to ru mor, is soon to be Mrs. Chnr'ic Chan lln, has been engaged by Universal to play the leading rolo .opposite Frank Mayo in the current production, "lie Shark Master." In this story Mlsj Collins will appear as the flame flower, a white girl who had been waihrf ashore on a South Pacific Island and adopted by the natives. Tod Browning has finished tho pn logue for "Fanny Herself" nnd la now nt work on the main theme of the Edm Ferbcr story. Mabel Julienne Scott il playing the title role nnd the support ing east includes many notables of tht screen. Kupcrt Hughes is the author of the next starring vehicle for Tom Moore, "From the Ci round Up." It is an ord inal screen story and Mr. Hughes pre nnred the continuity as well ns writ; Ing the scenario. Moore has just com pleted the photography on "Beallnj the Game," by diaries Kcujon, under the direction of Victor Schcrtzlnjer, The film is now being edited. 1'HOTOI'I.AVS 'pHOTIH'UYa' TMAU COMPANY r . .crAMcmcA. The NlXON-NIRDLlNGERf THEATRES J AARMI IP 25 St. and Allegheny Am rtVUNUC MATINEE DAILt WILL ROGERS in "HONEST HUTCH" I3C-L1V1U1N 1 i 30 4 3-ii:ir. to a P. A TOM MOORE In "Ol'FICER 000" CEDAR' TI & CEDAn AVEJ'',, KDITII HAI.I.OH In "JUST OUTSIDE THE DOOR' COLISEUM "hS ALMA RUBENS '' in "THOUflHTLKSS M'OJIBN" 'ft JUMBO i FRONT ST. fltnARD A' .Ittrnlvrt .Tuni. Y.n WVu nltfrtrd 'I UimV 1)13 RK.MKR In ! "WHY WOMEN LOVE" J I FA DPR 41ST LANCASTER AV l-L-.tLJILI MATINEE lMILTj' MARION AVIE!-i III '' "BURIED TREASURES" , 1 DCl $T 3-D AND LOCL"JT STREETj L.JJ3l M,, ,.30 3 80 i;ie, 0 30 toll JEAN I'AHIE In "BLACK BEAUTY" rvtiyOW C'JD AND MARKET ST itIWl .. ,., 7 nnd ' JIMMY AUBREY In "THE TOURISTS" RIVOI I S2D AND 8ANSOM STS. Il V KJLl MATINEE DAILt VIILI.IAI .RUSSELL In . "CHEATER REFORMED" TR A Wn GER.MANTOWN AVE. O 1 KMINU AT VENANGO SWEfl WILLIAM S. HART In "O'MALLEY OF THE .MOUMED" AT OTHER THEATRES AI JROR A al32 OERMANTOW.VAVS rtUKUKA MATINEE DAILT HOUSE I'ETKRS In "THE GREAT REDEEMER" CENTURY Krlt' Avi and llth St. SfATINEE 2.H I.fROY SfOTT III "Partners of Uie Night" Fay's Knickerbocker nnVioVi EARLE WILLIAMS ' In "IT CAN UK DONE' Germantown Bffl?i3ii T.OUIHIC 1U1'M In "I AM GUILTY" , irirrrpRcoM 20th & pj!'!rJl J"' -.lv-'l,' MATINEE DAIi- nroiUIIS AIII.IsS In "THE DEVIL" PARk" KIWIK AYE. ft DAUrilWl fl 1 KIS. M(lt 2iIV, ,:v n,5tH ALICE BRADY In "OUT 01' THE CIIOHW" t SPRUCE 00T,!matuaH ALI-STAU CART In wnt "PARTNERS OF THE Tm fit x.it., . M i-wU Qif' , fJ.A , &! 1 .4ai!j.Jj-