!9rt.-.i ,-r ir -Tf- .V) y i '. I1 " P. if tii i Ki: 1' Jf .:, . 22- ' n 7V Letters to the Iftftfbr A Word o Thanks 1 fh JTdlfor o (he A'i'mlrftf i"jtllr r.darri Bir Tho t-MladeitiMa htlpwr were mere than kltvi tit us In iHne sdeli Che r-. porl of the dellh nf the Ititv, Dr. William Derton Italians, tif tlie Tsttifcle rreeliiierlnri Choreh. Ho In lhalf of tho eonsreiMiltiil yet desire Id MtKrmwIeifet our thanks nnl apnreetallon to the RvMrt HMir Litr-iait. H, r. DlTTjjANN. Clfrlt of tho Session. JMIadrlprila, May l. lM' An Old Man's Predicament Td Jfdlor o ff t'venliifl JVibllc' tedoer: 6lr I em an old man who l Mill cMu; pelted to work lo Mhi ItUhtf. and el t am tbout at the end of In twine "He to do so lhrouh th, ery poor car eefvlee that the riilladtlphla Har-ld Transit CO. I lvlnc ui. t live onehllf hour'a fids frem . . . !..... t .Ia.ii nnAii (rt tne Place I ra tinwvu. - - tart much befnr af. and tlirre was time when the transit mnipanir n ii with th people nd I w ab,l lenl out or ten tlm to Kttur a tst. hut now. Inc. o inrtny cr llmlntrt, I must always stand, and lha rnqunc It that whert I reach my placa of Mployrttnt I am M .xhahtid that It unfit m for mj worn. Thl may arm very rldlculoui to radrr, but I m not at nil In ood physical condi tion, and I can manae vf' wl vlth my work, aa It la n Indoor. HtlnB Jpb. If I -ould only not twcoma rxhausted before 1 roach my place of employmnt. A areat many othor of tho old men who work where I do complain that they mult atwaya aland for more than a hlf hour ond be Jostled about both In roln to and geltlnu home from work, and I think thU l very unfair for old men who re 111 oblUed In earn fhltadelphla. May 12. 1021. tergdollt Becoming Nauseating T t A Editor o Hie Bvet9 mblic Ltivir: ilr lan'l this Uertdoll m becominij rafter nau-eallnn? It em to me that thft people hata been recelv Ine Quite too murh eonldertlon both at the hands if the Government And at the hand ot the AH the ronpl'tor ehould b pushed Into Jail and kept there until they he been ev.rely punlihed for the trouble they h. slvn th Oovernment. Orover ".Upland Berjdoll haa proved hlm.elf an Jlln',fn., ooward in more waya than one. and inatetn of tryln to nnd him and brine him bacj th Oovernintnt ahould be ld they are rid of him and ahould conflacate all the properly that remalha here beloneln to him to Pjy th expenaoe to whlrh he haa placwd the Go-arnmerit and tHe city authorltlea. Hut, at any rltle. It l my oplnloj that these notoriety aeekera are belns nffo-ded entirely too much pleasure by leelnr ir.eir namta In print In lop artlc.ea which their eacapadee are related and t no r lnaulta to the couniry in which they man their money, maanliled through lonsatlon. , I vJ. fhlladalphla. May 12. 1021. Tell the Truth Always To tfie Edllor 0 the Evtning TUBlle Letlotr: 8lr "Mrs. W. 8. W." wlahea to know If a wife should lia the aame prlvlleao as mtnta. frlenda. etc. Thle eem only falrJ .l- ..a . . wh.n mhi lrwik Into I on IM lace ot it. 'uv " ;- ".i the matter It sietns that there Is eomethlng fundamentally wrons. some people riaver aeem 10 ti "-, truth that to liae a friend jou must b? on. I If your husband la narrow-minded, you will I never help him to be broad and neroua by , meeilnc mm on me aame ievi; r hp. W. 3. V'.'" eipreatlan. by reullatlnj;. Tou muat aet the example of bit hearteu nesa. There la aome aubtle transference or feellnr or tho'ifht which makea ua aense out our frlenda and those with whom w0 arc en rapport. Tou will nner brine about a atrene, happy condition In married lire while you hold unfriendly thouihts. Be brave enough to face the truth and tall the truth to a person who has offended you. They will reepect you for It. MRS. B. MacINTirtE. Bolmeaburar. Pa., May 10. 1321. Would Help Addicts To lie Editor o t Uucnlao public Lttloer: 6lr Areordlns to official reporta there are 1,500,000 druc addicts In the United States. Aa It seems to b correctly reported tbat Enrtand ahlpped SAO.000 pounds of opium Into lha United Slates durlnr 1910. I want to ask some one In authority to take up the matter. Why permit a forelcn coun try to ship polaon here to destroy our na tion? There are human wrecks onouxh from all walks of life richt In ttils city, all from Srurs, and no p'ace to care for them or cure them. I know 'what I am talktnc about, bavins been an addict myself. I am Intensely Interested In this particu lar class of people, and I come In contact with many aad cases. I really believe that If the people of this city only realised iiiu crylntr need of a pUce where these poor addicts could ro and eet cured, they would come to the front and establish such a plae. Will you do It7 S. b. P. Chlladelphla, May 12. 1321 Savings Fund Interest T she Editor ot the Evening Public Ltigrr: Sir In connection with "I. S. C.'s" ar ticle on savings fund In your Issue nf May IS, 1021. I mlsht add that the argument to pay Interest semi-annually Is a good one. They have large suma Invested, and the In terest on such Investments are paid overy six months, so the depositors should nave the aamo fair treatment Many plana are now being devised throughout the United States and Europe In the establishment of more aavlnga places. Many banks have started up here In Philadelphia In the last "o years, with their doors open almost all day and night to receive deposits from the wage arner und money-saver. So let the savings fund banks bs wise and give their depositors all that Is coming to them. Many thinrs In finance today are not what they should be, and methods umI thirty or forty years ago don't work out so well today, when the artisan and wane earner Is awake o all that Is going on around him, TIIOMAB P. TWIHILL. Fhllsdelphla, May 14. 1921. Questions Answered First Armed Vessel to Leave Here i To th Editor o the Elening Public Ledger: Sir Which was the first armed merchant i vessel to leave for Europe after the United States entered the wirT ' HENRY T. FLEMING Philadelphia, May 12, 1021. The first armed merchanimrn to sail for tht danger tone was the Manchuria, sailing front Ne York. Her battery consisted of one 0-lncfi .IS-callber gun and two 8-inch .(iO-callber guns. Our Oldest Military Organization To the Edller o the Bvcul-io piiblle Ledger. Sir W'hst Is dm nldrri military urgani at Hon In the United Slates? , W l. C. Philadelphia, May 12. 1021. ' The Klrst Corps of Cadets of noiton claims the honor nf being Ihc oldest mili tary organization ln ihu United States. It , was organised In 1723. The "What Number" Problem i 10 th Editor of the Evening public fSedorr: I Sir In today's People's ptirum "J, M. , F." asks, "What number Is that which I when subtracted from n gives the same re sult as when divided by 3?" Let us see If ire can find It: IW X represent the number, then from the conditions: H JCX over 3. Clearing of fractions and (transposing: IX-P, nr X0 over i""i. answer Proofs 3 24m4 and "JU divided by 3 y. n. M jThlladelpbla, May 12. 1021. r , . ' Asks Readers' judgment Te I he Editor of the EiTeittnu J'libih' Ledger; Sir It will be Interesting to read what jour People's Knpuin, leadors' -Judgment Is of the correctness of the 'following ten tones, which as dlacusasd with some dif ference of opinion In another paper a short time ago, Should "I" or "me" be the, last vrord In the sentences "There wan no one tberc but the minister and me,' C. F W Philadelphia, May 12, 1021, Water Pressure f'o the Editor of the i:veWtB public Ledger SJer-Uovv f an the water pressure at dif ferent depths bu determined? S, h. C. Philadelphia.-May 12. 1921. The N&vy Department says that In order til gtt the water pressure et various depths iu stmuld multiply the depth In feet by erl--nve, which will give the approximate "A n ' ' " ."" V , w -i -- t , "-r ." PEOPLE'S FORUM Iettor in the Kdltor, should bo M brief ana lo th point as possible, avoIUIiig .tiliytlilne mat would open a tlonomlrutldnui or sectarian als ctlsslon. No lUttnltoh will be paid to, anony mous lcttars. N'nmtH and addresses must bo slcnrd as an cvldtnce of (rood falllv although unities will tiot bo prlnti'd ir request la ma da that they be omitted. . The publication ot a letter Is not to bo tnken as tin Indorsement of Its views by this paper. Communications will not bo re turned unless) accompanied by post aato, nof will manuscript bo saved. pressure (In pounds) per square Ineh In tea rvater. American Boy Taken From Austria To the Adder o) th nvtning Public Lrdocr: Slrls It a fact that an Amerlosn war ship at one time entered an Austrian port and by foico took an American boy off of the ships there?? If to, what vvofo the par ticulars of the case? 1! W, M. I'nlladtlplila, May 0. 10S1. Wo do not know to what you refer unless II, Koitta Incident. In 18P0 one Martin l'ostla, Hungarian by birth, came to this countiy and tool: out hi first naturalisation papers. About two years later ha visited Turkey, and while at Smyrna he was forc ibly selxol, taken on board an Austrlali worship, then lying In the harbor, and was confined In Irons with the avowed Intention of taking him to Austria. Our consul at Smyrna tried to secure his rtlea-e, but fail ed. About that time the United Slrtlea ship-of-war Si. Uiuls arrived at Mrnyrm. It e'etred Its guns and prepared to force lo secure Kosxta's release. Ho was turned over to the Trench consul at Srtnrtie, to await further action, and wan finally released. The Auatrlan Government laaued a proteat against the nctlon of the American com mander and tent It to all the courts of Eu rope, but the American peopto applauded his action and Congress voted him a sword. Poems and Songs Desired "Oh, Shepherd" To tht Rittar o lie Kl'ni( Public LrHotr: Sir I am Very deelrous of securing a poem containing the following: "Oh. shepherd, pray lend me your lantern tonight; The Is dark and the stars give no light; My master has lost on the mountain a lamb. And I tain would carry It b.ek to Its dam." S. H. a. Chester, Pa., May 12, 1021. "That Ulttle Thatched Cabin" To the Uititor c the Evening tub'.le Ltdgtr: Sir Would you kindly oblige me by pub lishing the words of the songs entitled "Paddy's Green Irish 8hore" nnd "The Lltl tie Thatched Cabin." the chorus ot the lt ter being: "I care not wherever In life I may wander. I never can And tt In palace or hall; A place hilf so dear to my heart as my home was; That little thatched cabin was the best home of all." MT.S. 31. T. HAINES. Palmyra, N. J.. May 12. 1021 Answers Man and Train Problem To the Udllor of the Vvnung Public Ltdger: Sir A reader asks for the solution of tho llowlng problem: A train eighty-five yards Ijne overtakes i The r'liht u i..,i u.. ,. j , man walking ot the rate of four mil, 9er I toWany'lrfr'iendJr'. ' n vn"irntn hour, passing him ln ten seconds Twenty ( part, or If funds are Insufficient to accept minutes later tt overtakes another man, I ell tenders In full, to apportion teiders sub pasnlng him In nine seconds. If alt continue' milled In auch manner as to ths trustees I fh .amn rl hniv" f)p h.,l vltl lh I l 'll DfSt. .r.ln h ..h.n Ih. fir., n,.n l.b .hll sicond? IX.17RO.rtnvnn.aA.ffln feet wr rrtn, lr.i.l.,1 liv Or.l man r- "-- i S5 yards xJm::c tset. i i':S4-10xfi.8e6 traveled by man:s.3S0 feet traveled by tra'n In one second. 2S.3SX60X00fS2RO feet 1.310 miles traveled per hour by train. For twenty minutes reaching tli second man train travels 1-S nf 19,340 mites 'I O.ttJ miles. For twenty minutes first man travels 1-3 1 of four miles 1.(113 miles, 8.4131.3335.11 miles distant be tween tho two mtn rasslng the second man, or O. In nice tonde. tho second man travels 5.800 feet. ' i.OOO 8.S6S6-3.2S0 feet rato of It's sec or ES. tr.vl M a -AO In am. .,-in,4 I B.2S0NG0X8O-i-5250-3.fi0 mllei per hour traveled by IJ. I 3.d0..4n n.ll-i-,10 12.77 hours 4 12.77-.B1.0S ml es. 3,00X12.77 45.7 51. OS IB. 97 5.11 miles covered by A reaching B In th aame time. (The train covered while In motion 12.77X 19.240240.0713 miles 0.443 mites. --22.1 feet, or 83 yards.) Or 240.0713 45.97201.0018 miles oJUU distance train vras ahead when A caught up with B. which la the answer wanted. I B N. Philadelphia, May 7, 1921. Some Foolish Questions To the Editor of the Evening Publio Ledger: 'Sir Please print the Inclosed lines In the People's rorum: Where ran a man buy a cap for his knee, Or a key to the lock of his hair? Can his eyes bo called an academy Decause there are pupils thero? TCOnrATIONAT, rUith Heirs I OfR GRADUATES IN DRMAND I Duslness men know tbat our courses turn out well-trained office assistants, titenoc rapby, Iliv.kkeeptng and Secretariat Courses. 1 Day and evening classes. Call or write for cstalog. rnu.A. isusiNTOs xi.m-gii and College of Commert . 1017 Chestnut St. Philadelphia romnirrclal Teachers Spertnl Hummer Training fourses In Theory nnd methods of I Teaching Comme'l 'tranches. Now open for I enrollment. The Tnylur Heliool. 100 Mkt. St. !TRAYFR"v The llrst lluelnrs. .trheel O 1 IVA I EJ O 807 cui:sT.NOT T. Peelflnns gnnrin'it. Hnfer now. Day ar nlgtsl n.u,T!Moni:. aid. Peabody Conservatory BALTIMORE The Leading Endowed Uuilct! Coascrratery ef the Country Summer Session July 4th to August 13th V) special arrsniement wltU the Jehns Hoptns Cnlverslty credits la certain breaches may be offered for the B. U degree. Tuition $10 te V1, serordlng to study. Circulars Mslled. rraetice Pianos and Organs Available. rBEDtXIOK B. KUBEIt, Urr. Guticura Soap Is Ideal for The Complexion Sop,01eynant.TaleBm&e.eTerrwl)fre Fortune! aoarassi Dinnnxuiiuno mil. i. sui status y'2.v. '' jiTJ: ? ,vw .r- A- EVENING PUBLIC In the crown ef bis head what goma ara found ? Who lravele the brldgt of his nose? Can he Use whsn shingling the roof of his mouth , The nails on the ends of his toes? ran the crook ot his elbow be itnt to Jalli If ad. what did he do? How does he sharpen Ills shoulder blades? I'll be hanged It I know; At, ou? Can ho sit In lite shads nf the palm of his hands? Or beat on the drums of tils ears? Does the calf of his log eat the corn on his toes? If so, why not grow corn on the ear? HALPH 15. CIlUISB. Tcon-; Philadelphia. May 11, 1021. Mary T. Mrtsa asks for the poem entitled "Twenty-four Hours of l.ove." "Marjorle" desires a poem beginning with the Kites: "Weaver at his loom Is silting. Throws his shuttle to and fro." "A Header" asks for a poem which con tains these lines: "He who guides thy perfect flight Aeross the trackless sky." "5. U C." We cannot print "Curfew The PeoiUf a Foi in In dlseiissli ".! "fi L2.".rr?.u"l OT. and wrtUM, ... m.,.m, luinrn ii mj vq nniTTrrnie .MNANTIAI, Huntington Development & Gas Company, stfaSj'R.&ffi Tri,U Arreemtnt. n J!!J m.Hr.dr,!fn',d ..Trustees, under the hsrVhimA1lJ0SA V?iln Jru,t Agreement. hi. ,tJI.a C'il,r. J.n " '"l"1 Agreement iht .h.? l "ml'stlon of time and that win b Sm,iV,,.,i,t deposited thereunder SfJl at Wl',butr.(1 .1 yi holders of record eai s.'.1JJi2I.,..'if no.yollne Trust Certlfl it!51n !5l i.",0'.1",. sd Agreement, to the ".?! hi"1..? ',he., u,n, of stnek repre ?enA.d,lJiu. 'aln .XS""8 ?" Certldcatce tnet?rv,3 ,..Cff,l(l,. holders wl'l send or 'SiS.nnJiCA,Mt! f.n' Klr National Hank ot Huntington. Hunt ncton. West Virginia. fsfliHiJii JJ8.1' ,Whr,a l:k certlrf. tsl JHr' .. t0 ? ued n the name of fh.yTurI?.n..?,f-''r. .'."'! ,n " "a w"lcb i?2TflVuV cfrIJ,cate teas Issued, proper must 'hi ,.,1 Vo,in? Tr' Certificate Sfti.??,-! ." "S h'0" May 31. 1011. SiUjiKS' ,0 ! BUranteed and the V'.'".'" stamps to be affljied. Issued" m "it"!1 "ock eertlneau, Is to be T?u2r iVMiyif-.""1 ,1RmB ih Voting and neS'SmS't no rnsfer Is reou red T?2ei riinU?. necesaan-. The Voting ra.?d.S Vi!"1. m.V,t. ln " - be sur TruV.TrHO.rcfl ft"."' -0 "w v"'" hereafter. ln any c" b 1,sl;,Kl "!, Tin: iioiiiratS Rf TOE nttST lflSTV.VK.tR Ms or Tin; TIAILROAD ti!' ". rfr jw I"? given by the rvinnlni truntee under mortgage of cVlZbVh.J,r!?lPa n"road and Coal JtfiSJi TCi .,0. th,'Ai:olo.',1-, Tru Company. H.,iy I' .I002' .lh- Pursuant to the provisions ot tne iikl ninnr. m.i. win "'J11' o'clock noon on Jnne 0. 1D21 at the nfftre of tho Colonial Trust Compiny, r0. .117 Fourth k. In ,t. .,.. it .... I burah and Ktni nr T.n..ui.i. ..:'' ? "")? , f r purchase and retirement from i,Zr kaMns rund ,0 ho extent ot -y-Ts '"'- - v r rrtm will nppcar dullr X H.TrX? Cffi Wffi "VL ?!" ig llfuely topics ttflb j uTmliX thiliii'L ''""" .on ".'J. bonn" lh tender of tn which ii arcepted will ce lew on the 0th day of June. 1021. and paymer.t will be m.ide ond . for same only at the oftlre of the Cn..n.lal - .L "'?"' ." " !. ""nds the lTUfl VOtlinany. .NO. SIT r-niirlh a. nil. t,,,, ., ,. ,,,i .. : .... ""'" ,':"."" "")' oi ins unnas ac companiea D proper ownership certineate tor all accrued Interest. THE COI.ONMI, TItUST COMPANY, Trustee. 317 Tourth ave., I'ittaburgh. Pa. r.KDKjn-nu.N .vunu DIAMOND K .-OAI' com pan v nitvi MUKTtiAOi r.ni.n hond.s. nrr: junk i m Notice la hereby given that, in nir.n.nu of the terms nf the Jboie-rnentloned mort- I iw. daied May 24. JOIfi: tHe Diamond. lee Cost Cenvoany shall civ iff n r.m "J,' ' ''".i"'," ?!.? V'.h-.'im-' tfVs" and Market atresia. Wilmington. Delaware. at 10JV and accrued Interest. Unnn nniafill. on nd eurrender of sold Iionds with all Jn5, .,, thereafter. Ownereh d certlfleatee covering June 1st Interest must also be pre- ser.leo. Alter Juno isi. avsi. mierest oa ..1,1 hnnris shall eesse. diamond irr. roAi cmrpvr POCAHONTAS CtlNSOUIJATEIJ COLI.lKmjW COMIttNY. INCORfortATKD jTUTTY.vftAn Fivr. ii-r ckst qold BONDS TiVT. JPLY 1. 1937 Nolle la hereby given, pursuant to the terms ot the Morlgsgs dalsd July 1st, 1007, thtit the undsrstgned as Trustee, will recrtn naled prnpuoals ui to 3:0(1 P. M. on the 7th day of June. 1921. for tho sale to It ef bonds as above describe, sufficient te use ths sum of 14(1.071. 42, Ths undsr1gned re serves ths right to reject any or ell tenders. THE NEW TOItK THUST COMPANY. Trustee By H. O. CUIXTS. Secretary. New Tork. Miy 1. 1021. Dividends Americin Telephone & Telegraph Co. 137th Dividend A (joarterly dividend of Two Dollars and Tuenly.FlTe Cents per share will he pnld on Friday, July 13, 1321. to stockholders of record at the close of business oij Monday, June 20. 1021. M. DLAirt-SSflTH. Treasurer. Annual Mx-tlnrs l&f CAMTtnLV HTEKL CO.MPANY. " At the annual meeting of ths StoeK loldere of Cambria- Mteel Compnn), held May tT. 1021, tha following Directors were cleited for a term ef 3 years to succeed those whoso term expired: William U. Corey I'cw-ell Hiactth.uue J. C. Asmew u. nziKYvnn okhlt Secretary, rtsspt WKSTINOIKIl'SK I'4-KCTUIC A l MANlTACTl'KINtl CO. 10S ll'way. New York. May 5. 1021 For the purposes uf the Annual Vetting of Stockholders, to be held on Jnne 8. 1021, the stock transfer books wilt be c'ojtd on May 1U. H'21. at 3 o'clock P. M. and re opened on June 0. 1021. at 1ft o'clock A M. JAMK3 C. BENNETT. Seeretarv. Proposala , U.STKHN SrATK PENITENTIAIIY. 21st ' and I'ulrmoant ave. Scaled proporils will be received by the above-nstned Inatltu Hon until 12 o'clock noon. Mondiy. Jane 0. I 1011, for furnishing COAI SUPPLIES for one year from July 1 1021. to July l. 1022 to be delivered free of portornce. freUht nnd othr chaws, ivt such times and In such quantities as raav be required and It I not aa renreiented will bv rejected, Quan- Hies lo bo Increased or dcrc.ised at the dlecretluu of the Board of Inscectorn Sealed proposals will nlto be reoelved on the ntxne 1 di.ts for th removal of flNIlEItS ASHES I AND nUIIBISH for one year from July 1 1 1U21 to July 1. 1822. The Inspectors horehi reserve the right to reject sny or all bids 1 received 11s they mny deem for the best r,. terest of the Institution. I rtOHEItT J. MeXnNTT Warden. PAltTNKRMin'fl VAItTXEUHHIP DIRSOMTION Notice Is hereby given thr.t the partnership heretofore existing between John 0. H. Meyers and David 11. heltMT. tredlnu as I Meyers & rleltser. nt flan-SJ Wslrwt at., haa been dissolved by 'nu,u.n.1 J!0"'""' by the withdrawal of said Dnvld D. Selljfr ss a1 member of the said partnership on April 25, 1021 .. . . Ths business heretofore conduced hy n-n sain psrinrrsnii, win u ynirtrn on nv the said John O, H. Meyers, to whom all ac- ' counts due to said partnership shall he pai,j and by whom all debts heretofore contracted oy the said partnership will b undertaken A'lD D. HEI.TZER CARPENTERS! Building and repairing time is here. Get carpenters, painters, paperhungers, etc., through an ad in THE LEDGER MORNING and EVENING tBDGBRPtitllJEllpiia', TfiUHSDAtf'-kAY' 19J li)'21 , 11 ' ' ' Shall K'ot lllng Tonight" on account ot it length. Bend us n stamped addressed en velope and we will mall you a copy "Mrs. K. I-. T.'' asks for a recitation, "A Dream of the Universe." It contains the lints "Into the great Vestibule of Heaven, Qod Called Unto s. man through e dream, eying, 'Come, now, and see tho glory ot my house.' ' Henry I. Franks asks for the wbrds of s sons- called "lied Itabln," which was suns) by Psnny Forrest seme fifty or slaty years ago. The song slarta; RPIMMt RKSORTS ATt.ANTIC riTV. N. J. CMHKMaMMMBSBMnaMaMaataMttBBaMi I CST7aXnK -m LEEDS AND L1PP1NCOTT COMPANY H Giahontc-HaddonHai! ATLANTIC On the Beach Anil the Bordwatk DECORATION DAY SPECIAL $42.50 Sstsrdsy Afternoon $Q.50 O (o Mondar Supper O ALL YOU'U KU-rtTT A HOTEL 10 HE NEW ENGLAND So. Carolina Ave. nr. Ouch, righto'? Dosnlnalk. f'erc meil Mederale iftete Hotel, nr. Steel Pier 4. Amoie mmts. 1 blocks te Prut. A Cth. Churches. Itunnlnghol eM water In rooms, pvt. baths, cpr sarrauniiinin. else, lights. lUer. to st Ulh Hogtu aiwmri fnc. Amer. Plin.H.Muprily. Sp wkljp. Ktctllmit UMe. Write fer sulo-mso, hkl'tandatreet guide, Plione W. BTlIZClt ft allTZKIt N.w OwDershlp Direction. W Up Uly.l HpTwITly. Am. Han tWIIh menle) OSBORNE Cor, I'aclfln and ArKans.s aves. l'rlv. re Vlaeratlng plant; electric kitchen open for inspection: running water; all outdde rooms; scrupulously clean. Elev., prlv. biilhs. Iwt'i Ing from, hotslt hathouse and showers free. Orchestre. dancing; white service; garage. Book et. New management. prt7 HorKKsmmr. ALBEMARLE Vlrfftnla aVi .A.m lAAft. ..& itkls sf eBASJ Plfel I'lor. Private, baths. Klevator. Capac ity 1100. Dancing. 00O feet of porch space. untnina rrom nouee. Running Water in Every Room American plan. IS. B0 up drflly. Kuropenn plan. II. R0 up dsjtvj special weekly. OAIILR & nfaVlTT, New Ownershln Mgt. 13.80 t.l' PLY.l Hl'EC. WKI.Y.AMKK. PLAN ELBERON and flrerroof Annex. Tennessee nve, near Deach. Capacity 400. Central. Open sur roundings; opp. Catholic and Protestant churches. Private bat'.is Running: Water in All Rooms White service. Booklet. II. It. I.VDY. M. H. "decoration day" $0.50 SATURDAY DINNER UNTIL $0.50 O MONDAY AFTER SUPPER O THE WHITTLE Jsev York Ate., near Drach Capacity 230. nunnln.' water In all rooms. HfU.!. li.thii. llM.f.tfv tlirnncliout. Tnlile and servlcs unsurpassed. Special rates for .tune, Ownership .Mnimgcment. IN Tllr. UKAKT OF TI1INOS En.tjMro'ina A v.. close toDee.cn A Pieel Pier. uiii.!.. n KIaaIf. nf .ht l.,1ln T.nl. Ss ITaln Churches. Largest moderate-rate hotel of brick, steel A stone construction. He : & cold un. wii,r ln ruest rooms. Prlv. baths. Am. pfnn. J3.50 up dly.l SI. M) up Du. plan. Spec. wUli. rales, tlkll. t uulo rojd map mallei!. ,AUI. C. rtOSnCHANH Owner ft Prop. ,r ATLANTIC CrrV. N.J. Directly on Ibe Ocean ,sTro iln American Plan hotel of dlstlnctUs CAPACITY 600 OARAOB IFoItsr . DihW SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY $7 .50 SPECIAL $7.50 Decoration Day EDGEWATER ! Suutti Carolina Ave., near HcjcIi. Cap. ".in. I American & Huropenii. SperlBl weekly rate. Ttittv X PlflHl.V. Pron. FOHMKItlA' OF tlAKDF.N INN KINGSTON Ocean -avo., flrat hotel from bead! ana over looking ocean: centrally locateoi nreprooi. riiiv.il. Upeclnl iAUtn haihH f.'.Yrillnt tahlo. opnnr rates, .. up uaii7,-eu "?'.;;." ig rales. Iiirludlncr mes THE SENATOR First house from Boardwelk on Virginia Av. llrlck construction. Largest porch in At lnntlo City. Hpeclal rots over 15ccoratlpn Day. Saturday to Monday 110. Mnlce reservation SHOREI-IA.IV1 Virginia Ave. Close to lleacli and Hteel Pier, Csoni'ltv 250. Amerti-an plan. Private baths Itunnlnt,' w.iter. Elevator, Hleclrlelty. Hpeclal rates AlXJIBOHtlltKft. Tor junr, CT1 XTJVrE3RT,OKr Kentucky Ave. Adjacent to Ilearh. b ' Every appointment, Cutsino and scrv lc iin..T.-iied. Mi. rt. It. Bruckcr Co. PENNMONT IK H Veriimnl av. Amer. nl. K. M. Clark HOTEL EDISON Michigan Ave., ith hotel from Iarh. llun nlng water, prlv. bath. Amer. plan. S17.n0 un weeMv 1 I'.urni-en plan, I1.6U up ilillv. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open. Alwsys ready. Terms mod. ersle. VVrll nr iiliniv. M Welsh Pinni. Hotel Boscobel gRSST $$? and up weekly. Phon 117. A. K. MArtlON SEAWtnr. PATtK. N. J. THE MANHASSET nnectly on the oenn front. Capacity 300 llooklet H JtOSS yunNEIt. Owner-Pron. OtlKAV JTrovk. n. J. Trie Waven-Iv ,0 c'"n phnay' ",vr lilt. TTvisjr management, ocean view, nrt-eltm ciils'r.e JJT. HANK tiwner KAOtTkh" MFJiT!. l'A. Eagles Mere, Pa. The summer resort that Is different be cau's It combines mountain ami seashore conditions with unlnue (.urroundlngs. The enndy beacn und temperoto water nf the I.nlto of the Hsjfles affoid sp en did bBthlng 2200 feet above son level. One of the finest irolf courses In America. Tor booklet and rates, write; THE. LAKESIDE JOHN rl. KIIIK A HON THE RAYMOND I.. II. C. LIST, Manager THE CRESTMONT INN WIf.I.IAM WOODS, Manuger THE FOREST INN IIKItMAN V. YAOHn, Manngrr WiyiStM!i1t.VB. PA. THE"o'.NibN.TAl;rr,.?V0n .!odern hnmeromfj nlsJiloilj.. rates. IlookUt " MlnXNTAlX61liBr"PA7 ' Heller's Mt. Airy.'rTv0. niivoN. PA. WYNBURNE INN Wfil",- from Uroad ft. Blallon., , Bxcellent train eeriloe Ideal location "'r,i,,-"nsa men nun gtrlei i.rge arounoa, lng. Reasonable rates, Peddle horses. Dane. pn.i uerwyu i'so-w, t-Z)ayfZl4i-". "Coma into rny cabfm red, robin. Thrice welcorrie. blithe warbler, ,n me. "F. nlnr; A. O." desires a llltlo poem begin- "When I sit dawn St set of sun And count the Utlnss that I have done. And, counting, find one self-denying acl.' eto. "A Bubacrlber" aeks for hmn written by Washington Gladden, the nrsl line of which la "Oh. Mas'ter. let mo walk with Thee." HPRIXO ltlMftTS ATTNTIC t'ltVi N. J. GREATLYcnlarged and improved facilities under one management. Ho pitjtbie, homcilke,tull of charm. The most delightful of seaside homes. CITY. N.J - Amcricaa Plan - Always Opn Perfect Service at Moderate Rates ATLANTIC CITY'S newest hotel, The Ambassador, offers prjrfcction of service and a charfnlnff environment at extremely moderate rates. Largo double room with bath and view of the sea at ?0 per day for one or 4 each for two in room, European Plan, Directly on the 'Boardwalk and the ocean, The Ambassador provides delightful forma of diversion, including a great in door salt water swimming pool, sun decks overlooking the sea, dancing, symphony concerts, and privilege of 38-holo golf course. IrVt'te for Booklet CJhe Ambassador Tht Amhattelor Hoitli Sytttm r.Mervatlene fdr alt Ambas sador Hote'a made at Am fcnssader Hotel. Par Ave. and flfty-drat Street. New Vorlc City. Tel. Rhlnelander 0000 TKo Ambatiadar, .Itlonitf Citp ,t mbbs lodor, AVin Vor J'Ae A in beiindor., Lot Angelet Tht Alexandria, T.Ot Angeles Th Amltistador. Santa Harbnra Atlantic & Mataachusetts HOTEL THURBER Aves. uapaclty auo. ah out- aldi airy rooms, upen ai vrar. St.nO day up. Europ. Plan. Special vvkly. rates. Pleasant service. nts. v. m, tti nnr.n BOTEWELL, Virginia Ave. 2d house from Uoardwalk aal Ctetl Iter. Uvery appointment. Highest ataa ard ln cuisine and service. Jlooklet. J. BOTHTVKt.L,. Prop. THE ELWCX)D ttf. .lames Place, overlooking; th rteard. lk. rireproof. Capacity 2B0Prlvate baths, llunnlng water. Elevator. 13. T. draff. Osroar I .Marvin 1 Ava. and Uedicb. Cab. SW. ii..nnln.' wutsr. Prlvatu Patiu. elevator, aua parlor. Uneicrlltd cuisine. H. Hcvessy.Otur M-,., risrinn Kentucky Av. ft Boardwalk. iv-t ...w.. j00mll witi! bath It running: w alert gnrnge. HonMlet. s. K. BUNlfACK. The Watkins fiouth Carolina ave. near lleach, Uvery comfort ft service Moderate rates, u. Arnoia, uwner Dr i:.i Kentucky Ave. near beach. TTeiiiuinsiii Kievntor. Private baths, llunnlng water. Open all year. C. A. KOPP. MI I'l'I'AI 1 2 K. Maine Ave. On Beach ,,' a"" Amer. nlnn. SI. 1.00 day up, NATIONAL """ !d houje from nnch ruropeon plan. K. OUNNErt OCHAX C1TV, N. ' 7oLw HOTEL, and COTTAQES OCEAN CITY . N .J. Now booking Memorial Day reservations. Special rates Friday until Tuea day. Dancing Concerts Cards. American Tlan Steam Htnt CAPACITY 000 Ocean City's leading Hotel In equipment and service. OI'KNH JU.Nli SU, apeclal July rates, ddress Hotel Normandle. Ocean City. N. J. The May Oceanic and June. Or-ILNB apodal MAY 2ST1I. low rates for K. PAKCIt. Ttiarnvna ItunnlnB water In every room. tirKAN CITY. N..J. "America's tlrenteet Fnmlly Itesort" AsnurtY PAHK. X. J. Special Spring Rates j Z3 NEW TENNEY ASWWY PAItK. N. J. Altesys opent modern, bright, cotnfnrtablo, home like. Phone ITb.1 Asbury. American Plan THE METROPOLITAN AhlllllY PAItK. N. J. Cnparlty 300i Orchrslra, Klevntori llooklet. 8. A. Itrrvet. Trop. C. II. Peers. Jr.. Mst. flie Jew ()cean Hote' Aabnry ParU'H Newest Lenilln? Hot: Elee.i KiiiinltiR Water Phone In Kverr FAvr.r.T. a- cuAWrnnn. I'hone st lintel Km. sail WFLLINGTON otn Avt" Asburypam. WE,L.I-IlIVlvy) night nt the Ocean. Punnlmr Water In Uvery Itmm, Ettulrlc, nklt V. W. Hart Ownership Management. ' WILDWOOD. JN J. CUP1 nON Wildvvood's Klnest Hotel. SnLLUUli niieiii SUy S3. Hpec. 1rlv senson rates. Ownership Jim. I). .LVOODH, Magnolia Ml fi. Jlugnoim. fur. rms.i hpk.i nrlvtl nr. Ilfiicli. L.A,A J. I., H. Inrf arvsnn. POINT rLIMBAM lll-iAfl N. J. LEIGHTON "ffiztf'&F Concerts. Dane. All Ppts Uuliert 11. Croueli. HI'ItlNOTMtr: liflACH. N. 7. " THE SHOREHAM srniNO laki; ucii. n. j. ij'r.n atai o M'AMinNnKnti. n K. Prop. ESSEX AND SUSSEX IIOTKI, AM) L'tllTAIlI'M rlprlug I.'ike llenrij, N, J, A'.'Q1,"' :i ""Ii Ave. Tel. .Mudkon Hpusre OjSil POINT IT.KASANT. N. J. roiT4T PLEASANTe NJ. Among the pines on Ihe beautiful tUna nusn River shore. Kvery Httrartlnn nf scaahnre, river & country. All nutdno spnrls. Now open, llooklet. . K. Ileerhntt rr. iHnK&a 'uSHtS Th (enc ftynryii noRTjL nr.Acii itAVBN, y( . THE ENGLESIDE OPRNU JUNE IT iVlvate baths wlth-vea und frsslf vrateriflvs miH murtst booklet. It. F KNOI.B.. .lllin- gger. aisu tne covinaion. ,vvesi i-niisaeip-1 1 rtKAilKt'lHf t pi. J, PENINSULA HOUSE $:?? A delightful liAlelotv Iho Ocean. N, Y. dfflce, Sherman SuuniVilotel. fel, Col. (MOO. 1 " J!t r.'TffN', M8-r BrniNO mute. Ay. J. THE WARREN On the Ocean pniNo 1JLKK. N. .T. Oo ilf. llath hlng. Hiding. Tennis. Sriielr. Dancing. W. II. Btnhlis. Prop. Nuktii Asnimv PAltK. N. J. k OCt'l I'tlMI AN llNTIIli: IIIAIL'K Directly' on the lleenn Front Capacity nno . All outside rooms. tll'SUHN JUPiK IB Hot and cold salt water In all bathiooms, Perfect Cuisine, While Service. Grill rtomn, llrouers' Omce. HIIKHMArv1 DKNNlH. Manager New York Ofttce. H.W. 10th St. Phone: Vundcrhllt 220U jmsissiiia NFAV Vomt CITV. N. V. HTSEflll I,AKIi. rOQI'KIISTIjWN. N. V. LEATHERSTOCKING CORPORATION ANNOUNCES THAT ON OTHKOO UKK, t'OOPKUHTOlVN. , NKW YORK WILL OPEN POn THn SHARON ON SATURDAY, JUNE 2STH Undor thu Personal faiiagement of MR. DAVID B. PLUMER,. noivnniv pi.hmi:k. Aseorlute Manager. New York Office "The Spur." 42.'. Plftli Ave. Te). Vanderbllt 274 HTKAMHIHP NOTICr.S ssTfiiii'ii ivi yv I'Vtiiii tn, hf-tr Bsl EARM-LINE Incorporated 1891 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA SS "COQUINA" MAY 23 tArrmigemciile Imve been made tor ijulrt, discharge ot cargo ut llavuna) . . ,-. . ,--, Inr sPico nml Hntes Apply EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents Hllllitt TtlllMlnrr Il,tU t. 1-omlKlrd S2OO-520 1-3202-8203 NEW AMERICAN TRANS oetweenSliA 1 1 Lband nuwu IMJNlj and MANILA via tha SHORT ROWTB. New and palatial U.S.S.D. liners; 535 It. long; 21,000 tent SA1UNGS S.5. Wenatchee, June 13 S. S. Kerttoae Fsres, teservstlens, etc, applp any railroad cr tourist ajent, or HUGH GALLAGHER.Gen.Eart.A..17 State St..NewYk QfeADMIRALflNrF ir H SW BBBsV 9H SBBBsT JU Passenger and Freight Services From New York cmitiBouna anu ijoutiiampton Aoiiltanln . .stay t June 14 Julr 5 Mauretnnla . Ucrriigurls. ... Caronja Albania (neiv) tinrmanla .. .. Alsrrlu PLYMOUTH. Baxonla June 0 July 14 Aug. 11 June 21) Anr. 18 Hrtit. HVEUl'OOI, , June 1 July 2 .Inly 30 June 7 .llilv 12 Ane. 30 June 13 July 10 Aug. IS Inne Id cimniiouiia & hamijuiui tune o July a I Anr. so i-uNnovrinrtrtY and ui.Asttiovv Cararronla (new) ...June 1 July 2 July 80 Columbia June 18 Julv 10 Aug. 13 VIOO. OinnALTAlt. PATKAfl DIIimOVNIK. TRIRiiTl. l'lUME Calnhrln May SO HAVANA. COntlNNA. OinnAT.TAIl, PATIUR. DUDilOVNllC. TUIKSTU. l'lUMB 1'nnnonla June 4 i D08TON TO LIVKItPOOL Castalta Mnr 21 ,. piin.AnRr.PHiA. PirtAKUS. alkx- ANDIHA. nF.mtTT, RMTnNA, MALONICA. constantinopi.i:. i-onhtanka titer erases oiny iu PHILADELPHIA Tti LONDON Valacla May 25 . PlflLAnBLPHIA TO TIllISTOL (AVONMOUTHi AND SWANSKA Vlniiflln . .Jnne 4 Ciinsrd anil Anfhnp llan, Rhlit T.tna Pasorncer tlfflce, 1S00 lVolmit St., PhlU. Freight Office Hoarse nidg,. rhlla. AMERICAN SHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR OCEAN VOYAGE New Combination Passenger and Freight Ships F a s t. Luxurious Steamers, Reliable Freight Ships THE STANDARD OF THE MARINE WORLD UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Sailings from every port in America to the lead ing ports of the world. Sihedulo neurs In of . patsonger services an. Wednesday und wper ev l'Tldny. STKAMrtQATH TtlWnnTW CHGLAN0 POINTS VIA THE Fall River Line THE rCfULAR flOUTC Spleodld eteamsra. Bplr ndld lerrlee. Fn. Joy the orchestra. .Large, comfortable staterooms. Arrieeln Uo.toa rested sad rafratbiid after a delightful aea voyage. tt rti'i2 ' 'er 1 Nsrth mr smio P.M. Easlem RtSndard Ttaia. OslW liKtotflasi Snndsys. ,.7. ' ."" ""' "'e at lSsl ami 1B30 Oheslsul fli. VACATION TRIPS IIV Sl'. i'iiii.Ai)i:i.riu, to JJOhTON .JJeal,, OrOO 1'. SI. 8nl. sino I', M. HAVA.NAII . Tnes.. 5 no ! m' JAriiHONVII.T.K Meul nnd llertli Included on Mleaiiirr Merchant! & Miner Trans. Co. Kslahllshetl 1B.14 Millions of l'liss. Cnrrled Not n I,lf lyi.i Hnit rue TVs in 80. Del. miMHH.ru j'niuer. vgi.Te. IimhardJOnn ML ERICSSON BOAT VUU JJAKTIMORE $2, onewayfnre5?3, round.trlp far Ually tit B r. H, I 'clock Uaturdsr (rotu Her . B. Delaware Ato. ,u,ar, .Mt U 1 MitWot, iIbbbbbbbbbI . fia0i,n MjJZhun '," V , i' 0 ,1 :x-t- "BrtUNfl riteaoHTH, iiif..KKi'IIAM I'MIX, N. V. 'ESTPORT INNn cotrAriKH.Ytirt kknt, OWN HOt.r' I.INKrt Tennis. Iloatlne. bvtli. nhltic, fiin. Hteam neitt. supplies irm njniw rarms. null. ' II, P. HMSTIIf n'elitport-on-Ijike C.iompUln. N T. IIKKR 1'AHK. MI), DEER PARK HOTEL Ana Collages .Deei Park, Mnrylafid. Altitude Oolf, Tennis. 2 Hwlimnlns.P'iol. 2,400 feet, MS&HiJte-, t, r. lMWOX. WAHS. HOTEL ASPINWALL LfeNOX, MASS. if ft en4 Ctel in th Bithhtrit Ol'KNS JUNK 1. OOM BADDLB ttlDINO Ueslrahle Coltiiges with Hotel Bervlce IlOH-K TtVCnotiKK, Mnnnters Address until May .10, caro Hotel llelmont. 42d street and Park ave. N.evy .Tork. Winter Resort. Princess llelel. Qefmiida. rtOSTON. MAtS. HOTfiL PURITAN IUmttnreWtriAvaLloeten I The Dlsnnctive Boston House One trf Ihe rnoelt hornejlke HfvtAtjs In4k liMHfl. . i lrllof"'Mlrr V3ennferOurBcoWet wfliH 1 iriiLvigr. coUjjtoMjjtericiiorton. ! IKFFKItHON, N. H.. NPW WAIIMRFIf JEFFKIlrlON, N.UJ yUw nw.,.uu.a While Mis. A Iitntlnellvb llolel ot llle Wither Type. Booklnc Omce. I W. 40th St. Net YcrK CANADA NIAGARA TO THE SEA Tor I'tustrated srulde, addrers John V. Pierre, Cannda7 Steamship Lines. Ltd., 110 C. 8. L. Hldg.. Montreal. Csnadn. 1.QNIJON, KNOLANU TllltKi: FAMOLH lAlNDON IltTKI. VlrlerU llolel. (Irond llolel. Hot el .ill elropftle HWITZKRINI) SWITZERLAND "Selrct Collection" of useful travel litera ture, sent on receipt of 10 conli to cover postage. Information on tours and travel free. Ofl"lsl Ag'ncv of SWISS FEDERAL RAILROADS . 241 Fifth Avenue. New York STEAMSHIP NOTICKH Main 3501 - PAQFIC PASSENGER SERVICE TOrCOMAMA.KOBE.SHANGHAl. S.S. Silver Stale, July 9 Stile, Julr 30 PHILADELPHIA to CADIZ BARCELONA NORTH AFRICA MARSEILLES GENOA SS "JEAN STERN". ...May 20 Through mils ef Lading for all norts nr Npaln. Mnrncrn. Algeria. T miiiu frtle. Nice. OII.rall.ir in" the lieynM. Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St., Phila.. Pa Lombard 00J)14)2J)3 Slnln bJ Agents for THREE STAR LINE Hie, les Affrrteunt Itcunls 33 Ilrldge SI.. New York BLACK DIAMOND STEAMSHIP CORR PHILADELPHIA to Rotterdam, Antwerp & Amsterdam Am.S S "Fishklll," about May 20 W. J. Grandfield & Co. Philadelphia Agents 308 Chestnut St. Lombard aiT0-7.lt-! Main 0703 AMEWCA UNE New York to Rotterdam Via Plymouth and Boulojne.iur.Mw ROTTERDAM . . . . Mar 21 June 2S Jnlr 30 RWDAM Mr2SJ., 2A, N.AMSTERDAM ..June A Mr 9 A 13 N00RDAM Juwll JW Ab:S Panaaicr Office. 1531 Walnut St., P.1U. '" - " Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL MANCHESTER, GLASQofe U.S.S.B. S.S. MONOMAC Harriss, MarHll & Co T- 425 Lnfnyette Bltlff., Phllndelrihl taniluinl B220.1 ui. P.nl a Muln 7JS0 Baltimore to San Francisco and Hawaii Ms-lal ..... c",to"W- nr. i.rxi'?8TKAAiF.n nd "BUCKEYE STATPli f.?." nnlllmore Slay 7. First -i Ilal.lmoreo,,lI;0!r'Y(i0n..s MATSON NAVIGATION CO UuJ?. .nlaieM'llL'teil.M-, ' ......HIIH mM CAUTION NOTICES" notiee The French Hte.imr ;l iirini Hltfnl lllaeahila. 1.1 lt Tm r"lx u unci receive dellvirv J'.', '",":, 'V 'relihl i'l'-i'"." tinn h... vV fi VLTfi RJ 'V"i lltri AN .1n1r .. -I',. ".-' ! I' .of. ' AI' "tvef ;,." !VlP'nf.?. Vf nivners rvfcA ...': ' list herrtli. "Willi lurhnrlnr nr mis in,; ,'i..r."1V"nt, rrevv.fts no dehls of. Ihtlr MfilllHCliner Mil I ! ": ."'. KJen.I.lne Hit nwiiera lir. 'ktrim Ule.. ai r l,Jt... u. .. jcuan. Ainaier. fi-Am w..,.-.::.!' .'. ",rrn.- rtlschanrlnir und.e .n ,;,i"',J1'"" l'rii, la Noith Wlilryi." ir.:A.i." : ":""r.ti I'lur s. I. oVWiTrVl. S'K.K f.?. 'heir IIP Ullllter. JM deal awisik lis af a '. "Ullllt lll;ldi-.' r Co., Aitnts, 0 11 ndMilH0,Tj .fliyASOETTlECfl v? .-' ruu paroel roaiT at&H&Sg VKT7 'v find kM, "wsa p. n. r . . nf. WMsh forr planes and nii,A,Kii per can i 3 curl VitJXtl'' Postpaid. u",f.J HtiivAitn viiv.r.rT. mjui. i'j 1. B 1 i V CORNS & calluses; L- temoveil n rivti uayh vm ABBOTT'S PLASTER II .-. aA Inistiiejsti1atifaa V.. .j .. aI alltlatei II rt ,rr.,V.T".v.",?, V MMUKm . Dtdid'y.ry AlJ!lmtdlJ?la Wlrjji mtmn trlOII Willie UPin. iln lie 1 llhlu T 1 - 'mtfwu&imsvvff' fifHH nni iiirnni rtTP., mil Mirifi ARTIFICIAL CO GAS BURNER F( Ransre. Cook Stoves, Ileallnc -no i.Uff,m,, IIHB- If Interested write or call for tlrtm Dealer and aente t special SS noma laeier tnnn wa ran ,M.i.-r; The finest demonstrator you ever n!f. Aflat svsaata llii II " 1 23S K. flirard Ave., I'hlla.. p, '' Phone. 'Kenalntton 80J0 Guaranteed Coal Burner for ntnres. rook stoves and flreplsces. for buhjfalowe or aum inter cottairei It cannot be heat. PRICE $6.20 Writ's for Circular G1RARD BURNER CO. 232 17. fllrnrd Are. fh'is.. m. A Ileal Present iimiitr t iiia This Razor SAVE & Gillette MM ! $-1.00 l t'omplele Ht se' a) !.Ji U rnllmlted Nomiier n 1 Bator lhrI,H monev hsrir .y orders n.olv MA . " Kend monev. rh.rt. I5?I"JILCr)!r' newt, ru " ELITE NOVELTY Oi nn Wnlnnt Ht. I'lilln. it s r J Ladies' 'House Slippers une-stran. Hi. est blade vlcl leather, commw senna licet, r'tpv daily dsslcnrd I. insure tho comfort for the (M na woman who Is constantly on iBi.JrTI Semi Cnsli, Cheek or Monejr.Ordtr Willi Order United Mall Order Co. 426 Pine St.,' Phila., Pa. Ready to Use Good Paints Varnishes & Varnish Stains tii M1 Full Quart Guaranteed A Complete Line of Paint Brushes 15c to $1.00 No Mail Orders W. T. Grant Co. 920 Market Street N Next to Postofflce HOWARD VINCE1 The King of Piano Bargains This ad It' pecialljr directed la pepole who feel Iter can nol afTord a plaao. Tie real question should be can you af- f-.J U ft T ,- own a piano at the LOW PRICES jj fer Ikern. Below will r 7 " ' of Ik HIGH-GRADE Pianos "' l.,l. W. .... hnnitreds Ol t maL.a Writ, nv rail at OHCC. 1" da inrnrli.il to Issrn daw MIT it'1' own GOOD PIANO. Chickeritiff Upright AiircIub 88-ttotc l'lyr. $229 Henry F. Miller Upright $203 Elkins & Son Upright.. $173 Webcrfleld (Vincent) "$l9J Steinway Upright $26 Chlckcring BB-Note l'lyr. $3J Elkins & Son Player. . . .$3( Hardman Upright $11 Geo. Steck Pluycr $4S Knabe Player $3$ Kranich and Dach Upr. $2(j Howard Vincent Plyr. $4t Webcrfleld Player $3$ Howard Vincent Upright $23 T.a-- ... .. -.. In f i nose instrument - ' -1 j UmI.-- .....jl. e.im.vsar' "H exchange priviUfc eT,ron'JSi( New Pianos, $225 to W r .. .. m eoc In lie1 new r layer i-ianoo, "' - -..m Ilttby Grand Pianoa, WM jl Reproducing Players, $795 .to m rU'od for flt'aliiaiir . ' '!,' flnpn Mori.. Wed. and Vf "K HOWARD VINCENT NORTH SIXTH ST., fW i UPlt.BSgyTcr V. - T rhllt. iJiA alk &&'. sfhA jiviwJ&tf&tyK,,