w BW fi 4 ' i' r" IS W By Sidney Smith THE GUMPSAll Zander in the First Round fOW MANY CARDS? , WWII n llirm nni i niif ,.. !! MkNJlf VOO HRP rROM YOUR. UNCLE TWERE COMES tHASlKE Olt HOM DO VflU 00 MRS ZANPtlC TM4E THAT- VOU riOCMi' LArtElX? HE HAP A BAP ACCIfcEWT- If' By ISAVUb USTKAmJUK YoO MVVT COME OUT NP SCE. OUTl VE AND OF VErS:SNT- c0 WDOW TAMPER -LETS STOP fVND TM.K WIM HER: TELL HER AtfOVT fSCOXlDC .WH APTHE fEU. OFF HS HOfSTE- tP N0) HEAR. ABOUT QUEEH HAS NEW HOME- WE lOU&HT BuNCrMOW- WE WMIE TWE MOST BACK TO YoUfc ETrVTE AND MOUR.N ovieB. IT-" SO VOME AND SHE It YnU CJ04 lv POOW WY llltOI'O CopvHffht, J' bV Rotert 11. UcBriit t Co. tt?- UPS MUCH 6ETTEW. NOW- HE NND 10 aCXXT WRKEUF VOtNN SOR T WVE OME0HE ELt P-VTE H LETTERS Poo. A. NWMVU&- OH. AMP 5AV- KE SEHT UT UPTOOWX- HE CCRTMrKY AWr- FtoWEOS- TS vlT tOO- VTS .1 t n VA111 OUR HDM H0V5E?. SHtJLL BE GREW Alt PAID FOTl, ME THt PRETTIEST LITTLE ?ET KAMiA.00 UOOK QRZHX" A UITTC LOVE. Tt- HAVE A iOrt TIME TQNM l ,." demanded Dennis. '4i;e a Dip in Jordan JUSf &OT XT LAST WEEVC NQYJ OH - CCA "nmc of lhe 8hr rl I1' V 1rl? I know woll what WITH EHV 'Aiktimc Hi""? for- bu ' " ySlworldbaaMetotnlk'to '" . .Mnk It Is fc conversation J'lou Denny. I could Just ,'intitip yo. w .., hc,(1 M1V"T. In W. Angers!" ttf scorn her on !t rheumntl,m In his fir rePlcl:v'th:vHhevlnK w tb " -7" ;,:;; J? ScnnlB turned a scandalize,. 2 frlMCi-"r11 vc ,vou Imot y ' t Jn tnno. W.Yfool hl"K lled "Bj-by ill;. " i that k ft name It on pomewhero the bill-aloud. ? tl i. nraiw Is .-I..- l..mm srciiiK -i- ..nflentnl .ii iipnnm f' ..i.,lr telling mo 'LlT show Terry Burns' '. i. In her that threw over WffJ1. ; a stage career, as I .r'telHng you the other day I little Beafterseii - for WPPCl ,imlM.rl briefly. it if " mc"'. "";" ....ni-t f.'" .. Well I Know juu ii nvS off n the middle .:H to go BO llivan" .... ? fid fiend' that's "she to of tn old i""'."' f .u-t mnn t - .. ik. ennniiim w .. - ito u " ere! mhIh yo" loonl" McCarty ex TXustcdlv. "Do you mind rf "m. . t.i inr vmi that somo lifr from that samo show were tiMir''.." wnvprlv attended on nt Sam Veddcr'i apart- . Vw, herself she could. Intro- "to.one that was. am H u ik narty "", "'. 1 . t-i, ni Nnm iw n'' - V; , Mint If llttlo Ilea K comy w -;----,. ,nfrn. let lid. . ... i,n. m I w- . . imvlne n ilthout a careen the, world inhere seemed to be something on "Jo" 'Tii six now, and you're ...a. Hum iin an uimiu " LJKH SXPn,h his sartorial Bi to follow nt his pleasure and re- iM 10 HI3 "."" -....." -i t.- That'H the Invitation a Salvation ist extended to tho London crowd, and the words recur to tho memory of the hero and heroine of Ruby Ayro's'now story, "The Winds of thr World." Those who have enjoyed other of Ituby Ayre's stojles which have ap peared fn these columns are going to enjoy this one. It will begin next Monday. Why should the words of "the street preacher stick In the minds, of a poverty-stricken girl and a lazy arti&tocrat? Let Ruby Ayrcs Tell You Kl, or t,H, to his own attire and ho jllruggnng wun u ";. '6" -... tn tie telephone rang. i'niit" he said curtly. .. . ln jou there. McCarty?" Tcr- jouare not busy. I wisli you would I In at my rooms this evening. A ibase or uie cam) ims rauum w ilch I would I1KC to diiousa wun op II jlcCarti gave an exasperated wrench lhe collar anu nunc u on mo noor. "I'm nrrv. sir." ho replied flnuly. kt I've got an engagement for this IW" ,,... Tren Drcaii it, aiiviscu xernunu "This is of the urcatest im parlance. I have come to the conclu- aftcr careful study of tho sltua (hat the man who killed " Yerv softly and deliberately McCarty Lor nn the receiver and. lolling up a oil;. 3 ii t h." of paper, ho stuffed it under the oa tho top ot tno tciepnonc. tie ttandinc ulth a smile of infinite isfiction, llstcnins to its persistent Impotent whir when Dennis np- rti at last. They dined hurriedly at their fa rltechop hoube und reached the thea- lust ns the orchestra sns stalling overture. From their scats in the row Dennis craned his neck found and survejed the house, taking proftbslonal inteiest in the arrange- at of the exits, whili McCarty stud- tie program and snorted. "A fine kind of a. ioh for Terry's ofMer!" lie commented. "She must doing well, though; I see they c ' her a lot of pnrts. She's a vil :tr in the first act and n model nncl hunt ball guest whutever that is ! tie second, nnil in th( third who's Ptbette.' " Tbat'll mean she's sot a lino to Demnt romnrkpil. "If We can't Knot hor from tho rout H then we'll know her when nho nnpns If mouth , if she's grown up to he llko 'mother, God rest her soul. You ild hear her to the Battery when JTcame home late." Wll know her. all riiht." Me- irtj smiled slyly, Hut Dennis had no Mtoinnuirc the renhon for his cerU , for the curtain afcended nnd imin- things were lost to him. "Rat's her!" McCnrty exclaimed w an interval. "Third from your TRat talh girl with a bunch of vio- aoa her ns hie ns n nlntlcr nnd hnir Itbrajs in the sun''" Dennis sniffed Iwdulouslj. "You're dippy, Mac! fr was never n blonde -in tlic oily." Swrtheless ho watched her nssidu- , -..a inn. in i UIIU IIIIU lll II UOVed. nnrl lulin., i.i iVi.. tl,U,l i,ia fiction was verified nnd Babette fpd naeor two to tho comedian he sunk 'fltla his scat. Trus for you, Mac," he muttered. cou d shoot up like n water tower K bleach out the honest brown hoir of "I DUt that'll Ih.i i.nlm nt rnrn Mallej Burns!" Mtfr lio ..I i i! ... !.. .i.- ,V"b from which he hud refused to ,?" the stage entrance to the thea '. yhlle McCarty waited nt the door luruveiy wanned the faces of the ... 8Ln ov Plahorate nttire as they .IL'A. ,hPtcn ofc 'no up tho street s Wif cd awn-v in waiting cars, and ' laOUItht in anrnKI,. r.t H. t...... !. ui IIIU 1IUUI.I ill-- liivi.:: "" "s e ever ro mm Fr .I . SB.0 changeling dnughtcr of r-i.fi iue ngnt promoter? IOOpnlllV . " llM-IIIL-ll Ul IUU antlii axKhhv unexpectedly lifted anticipated burden from his shoul- HOW (1ft An M- I... mi m wtte u1.?.' W,!!,..,.'cr b'?! f,"c." 'it huij. i. '" " " wiuri into inn i - - UIIU JU nil itt t M munh ';'... " . ."""l lo "" ..i:. :. ' '"! viuii'is ; i got iineu : ai ;?.i.,Tm in thp "f81 "ft. but 'Tl un n tt'fnllc fr-rtil i" f .l'l dears to look mo up. In fit .night I hnven't had n inm.mi?nth! And I want to thank ri. Lnr ,n vlo,0',, : I Bt fined 'taring them In i,n n,u. T.ni ki ituh uh U ,0 ,f', nl11 Sylvester's C "i,1"1"1'' ,,or entrance! She's C,eUi no,1!,is tl"-" a suspi U'girfn . i.VtJ,r "ol11 (lrnr" wno lJJIs Hums wns oblhious to the de- l 'We'ra In for nn ..u ill ... ;.."" "ii-niinuiir-r rim . Ll.."" ?n "When Onllv VhlKll,l "'" 10 hnn.l !. v".t-" " '( I'm -'i ' "". - "inner i wo com ,Vf?h7Zr".,,,l.!','rJn'-t' nnrt : that s (t, that 7. ,' "n,r. '011 remem k.Tn diniiged WnZS !'.'? VW. Rl"B her .. in i .niNr n Nirnni nr -Where are we go- rflnM... ,. V ,. f - unir iW Mlliiii.i.V'1 ,Thfm u r. . . ir i,n " ',""".. that'R heen hx'n "" Mcrnrtv fet h h l.i "'Hi (lire '. -..i.i-. 1. 1.. lie Hint I. i " i-uiirr n inn 9ple--. '" "l,h " lnt flf "ociety UViM'lni,i!ln'!"' TilxIniniiRhpil. '"im' Mu h cu ii bout il . 1.1... IT. last week in his apartment up on the drive and he certainly knows how to do things right, even if he Is onlv a kind of a con. man, ns they say. This was my souvenir." "Sam told me nbout that party nnd some of the peoplo who were to be there," he observed. "Several of your company " "Only tho girls. Ho left It to Whit field nnd she asked eight of us. The men were all Sam's friends: Chedscy, the hardware man, and Danton you know Danton'o Flesh Cream and Mayer, of the Imperial Cloaks and Sultt, nnd Jeffrey Hunt and Roy flood -sell and Fnlos Ogdcn rind a couple ol bookies whoso names I don't remem ber." Trlxlo paused for breath. "Lots of money and good snorts, but Ogdcn was the only rdnl swell." Dennis stiffened nnd McCarty' grip llflllltUVU 1IIUU I1IH lUlll. "Sam said something nbout n fel low named Wavcrly," he remarked with studied carelessness. "Maybe he was one of tho bookies ?" Trlxlo mode a little grimace. "No, ho wasn't. Who doesn't know Doug Wavcrly? Disgusting beast, but he's whht you'd call a r,ociety swell, all right. It's funny Veddcr spoke, of him to you : trying to make out lie's intlmato with neonlo that have sot class, I suppose. Waverly goci around with Ogdcn n lot, but ho wouldn't trail with n HnnrHnc. mnn Htro Knm." "Then ho wasn't at that partylast Thursday night?" McCarty persisted. "Mnybe he came after you left." "Well, ha must have come with the milk it he did, for wo girls nil left to gethcr at C in the morning." Trixic stifled a yawn as she picked up her gloves. McCarty had given fresh instructions to the chauffeur nnd now he settled back in Trixle's vacant seat. "You'll not be going back just yet," ho announced. "We'll pay a little call first pn -Mr. Samuel Veddcr and find out why ho lied to nn officer of the luw!" Mr. Samuel Veddcr was nt home and received them nftor some protest, in harbnrlcally striped pajamas and an ex ceedingly bad temper. "You fellows have got an uwful nerve"" he grumbled. "I don't care If you arc from police heudfiuartu, you'vo got nothing on roe and this is a hell of n time to rout a man out of his bed! Whut do jou wnnt, any way?" "The names of the men who were your guests nt that "upper pnrty here last Thuisday night," McCarty re sponded shortly. A change came over the dark, smooth shaven face of Vedder, but he replied with 'an assumption of case: "I don't know what for; it wo h perfectly regular party. Let me see there wnn Fales Ogden and Roy Goods-ell nnd Henry Mayer and Douglas Wu erly" "Stop right there, Mr. Veddcr." McCaity interrupted sternly. "Mr. Wnverly was not in your rooms lust Thursday night. You ought to hovo coached Chedscy and Danton nnd the i est of them if you were going to stick to (hot lie for him." Vedder bhrugged. , "So that's it, is it? They've been talking. Well, I only tried to do a favor for a friend and it'B not my fu neral; I wasn't on the stand." "Come through now, then. What did you lie for when I phoned you last Friday morning?" "Dccnuse he asked me to. Douglas 1m an intimate friend of mine and he called me tin nnd told me he'd been out nil night nnd he thought the wife had put u couple of MicUi on h'm but he managed to loso them. I'd met him the tiny before nnd invited him to the nartv and he said ho had another date, .but I Mippo-c that's what mnde him think of uMng me for an ailoi. tic sam it any one called up to tell them that he'd been here nt n little tag party nnd I wan glad enough to help him out." Vedder paused and regarded thun shrcwdlv. "It's n horse of another color, though, if headquartci-M is taking an interest in linn. Sa ! Hint's the night his friend was "hot !" "Oh, nothing like that!" McCarty laughed. "This is n little matter about a private gambllnj estnbliHhmen't thnt we've got the gooifs on. Uy the wny. if ou'ie such n friend of Wnverly'' you tnut have sat In more than one gnmo with him; what's hir. particular hunch, ills mnncot, his lucky card? Ho's got one, hasn t ho "Sure he has!" Snm Veddcr laughed. "Ho sajs it has brought a Mrcak of luck down through the family for gen crntinns; It's thojiinf' of diamonds. CHAPTER XXI McCarty Opens the Pot L HAVING the apartment of Samuel Welder. McCnrty parted with the reluctant Dennis nnd took the tnxlcab down to the Cosmopolitan Club. . The doorman nt the gloomy portais of tho exclusive club was most impies sjvc in appearance nnd disposed at first to bo supeicilious, but when McCartj disclosed the purpose of Tils errand and hinted nt a social scandal that might spiead to the ery foundations of the nriBtocrntie institution, if the Informa tion whioh he sought in order to hush the matter up were not forthcoming, the factotum bundled him hurriedly into the coatroom, dismissed the nttendant there with n lordlv wate of his 'hand and closed the door. "What is ii you want to know, sir? ho naked with n look of nalned resigna tion "This U most irregulnr, and I ought to take you to a member of (he house commitlee. but the quieter we can keep anything, of this sort the better. There's not been a scandal con nected with tho "club theee twentj years " "That's all right; there won t be now If you'll find out what I want to know for me," McCarty assured him. "Do you know Mr. Douglas Waerly?" "Of coui.se, sir." Tho man's tnnc was noncommittal, but his expression snoke oliimes "Then I suppose I needn't tell jou T "0 i' CT314 SIDNEY sun SOMEBODY'S STENOGThaVs Much Different Copj'rtlht 1921. Public ldirer Co By Hayward l$tf ", hut "PPer party for her ono' night totr."" I'll lltitl.l i...; '" m.J Htt a .,,,''.1 Ml ('" t f-ec him. He who has decided to find out at last what he is dhing when he not home " Mc Cartj winked deliheintely "Now, we know nil right, hut it's our business to hand in a leport that'll let him out, dee? Ho was heic last Thursdnj after noon lute, wasn't he?" CONTINUED TOMORROW f GONyZ On , "DEARIE , p H4VE To SAV (A V TCSSIE. - THERE'S A ? f SSUM& THE. r bOtYWASTEAuJ &JlWvx certain party I - f FfS'uR&s -1 GwiT AFTERNOON at Ct'IPiIm here who aiait eon 1 whit v - ' 7Wc tz-i, yjj Al 7 wmtrmm amy REb Blood - , ft f t ' K?l ?-"'Z''.. ,1 '' .. .1 ., .M . (lT AlOW?? .-. -l-vA.VWA.-Rt -? sjii'' , Tie im The eighth - TVAO OAI-TVVO OUT BABE AT BAT - TWO AMD THREE Tho YoUno Lady Across tho Way ir : -s THE ABSENT-MINDED PROFESSOR By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS By DWIO ycd. i -iuz&-mm BBBBBBBBBv T" PLKS 6cE Pto9ebR. Ill JOE. HWO""-'--' COM- YXftO Votwnes T3 cwiy The young lady across the wny sa.s the cyo is a very delicate or gau and if one has any serious trouble it is much better to go to n regular oculist than to an opti '., Jfc A ,?'' 4 , cinn r.RAr.inil )J 1'VC 0roKCN 1.00SE AMD DRIFTED MILES FKOM SHoRE -&$ il J H v zrMte: JL FinW ft rwwer ceeO tepoCfT u toe- VI I W ii cnoo Afe RCA.V50I S Ar fki jJ?l83BJ8ll rotaTS oe rear v' Ttc 'V. fAAHtS M nwi""' "L- V-n.J rsTftOntt '--sr JvisawK -ww-w wrrv UO0P5 WE LoP "w SSf iSW w BBBBBBBBBBBBB. BBBBBBBB w i llllllllllullii)UYMnnTH"wlilllj'i gffjJTDwHfcc5rttil I" 1 u iMllllllllll see$scwe. .v. DHiER. li.nn.uC i. rcc rpnri"- - iv ' I SOPHIE, EMTt3 Of noc.5. M 3KATCS To Trftt SlltAHIH, hove. Footprints .SWSSm. f74. J- Ww n oo svnpiHi jfyno or line, PETEYThat Truth-Telling Ether By C. A. Voight MEWS VTEM- AN IMPROVED VARIETY OF EfHE. MASBEEW DISCOVERED ViMICH -OM- H AS THE EFFECT OF MAWIU6 (Wtlt. amvowe Trra The TfeoTH weu. Uo NlA'H'ER HOW MWASIUG it ''. I - Tr Jri I f W& 'Tul, tT'5 M m' ZZMOrj ' IM 1 jcc V -OH NeS- WtVWFS-- SotQV J)EA1? I've FCLT KIWDET? SICK ALL 3AV AWD COMIKi' HOME ToWlfiMT-ER-ER-l FELL ASLEEP OH THETteAlN AH' I'VE EEEW -RtDlMG AT?OUHO EVERSV4CE-E - m, $K Baf!. f we (SotustTme h. , Thimc for nop Tawe ( - Bov' ,-2 7 A FEW DROPS -TLi at "s U W 3 Vv AWANVtVITh AH TMEKI Siu AM me Called up Mac' AVa VfE got OP A LITTLE GAME AT vebee "s House i cor ME &7.so raj I kk ?Z1 tT t'ies&mvW C'-A .Voi THE CLANCY KIDSTimmie Knows Percy L. Crosby ILJ THIS toOKSWs: VoiMCTIMES A I , .. 1 X'CMSE. To? HAP A FRIEND f . fc Zee?6 'S";TUt Wttmj PS A SON ASM LBMMD ewifct ki$ki&hx!AMMWhte ,&vtet&&&m't4sW , 3 ay KifJSyi,,, ..v..,, ...MrfJSiiaUf. ,..w MM