!w 'vw,x TOW? l S 7P1 -.! "i. ' , i .1"! .X ,T . EVENlW P EDNESpAY, M!AY 18, 1921' USED AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMOBILES mmmmM dDgn m Biggest Thing That Has Ever Happened in the mr-m "wyFmHFmTss&mmrwWf wfsm-' rv . ? $ TTBEP ATTTOMOBILga USED AUTOMOBILES TJSgJD AUTOMOBILES I ' 33J3 ra& - si V' :G- &y WE need not claim our leadership in, the used car field. Our customers claim it for us, and prove it by their co-operation in sending buyers to us. It is gratifying to know our efforts to handle cars that are really better are appreciated by the general public. ,920 Cadillacs yBI?r. sters. 4 past.i wide selections won- d,rful carai low prices. 1 091 RtttrU Koadster. 1020.19-, 19 1 DUtCK J8 Tourinltf n.. dins, noadsteras, many practically SSw" extra ulpnunut meehant- cally perfect. 1920 Stutz R(?k10 ibonti. Tourinii powerful care: classy Hn. mon n.J- Car. 1010.18 8e 1920 Dodge 4anfi Tourtn Care, Iloadsterai wire wheel and wooden wheel; all In excellent me chanical order. lOOn Riiirk fldn: W new; VU BUICK wond,rtuuy Uphoi. iteredl perfect mechanical order: shock, absorbers; low price. IVU ralgO . carBi in 0od shape; ijVBasspeTii! Roadsters and Sedans. Gorson's Automobile Exchange 238-240 NORTH BROAD ST. AGENTS WANTED LINCOLN AUTO COMPANY 1431-33-35 Vine St. $1 50.00 IS ALL, that you need TO GET A HIGH-CLASS LATE MODEL Dodge, Buick 4-cyl 1921 Ford, Maxwell, Overland, Saxon, Grant, Briscoe, Moon, Chevrolet, Scripps Booth, and tho balance at $6 weekly. $250.00 IS ALL THAT YOU NEED TO GET A HIGH-CLASS LATE MODEL ludson, Cadillac, Buick 6-cyl., Chandler, National, Oldsmobile, Velie, Stutz, Dodge Sedan, Lexington, Liberty, Hupmobile, and the balance at $10 weekly. 1920-1919-1918 MODELS Sedans, Tourings, Chummy Roadsters, Roadsters, Coupes, Sport Mddels, Limousines. Como around today, or any day this week, and let one of our twelve courteous salesmen wait on you. LINCOLN AUTO COMPANY 1431-33-35 VINE STREET Open Sunday 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. rBBmiiiieLfflMiMniliiM UOCU LAKO Al nUlNEOl VALUED OVERLAND Light i sedan. Good paint and tire. In excellent mechanical condition. WILLYS-KNIGHT 1921 model. Almoit new; excellent condition. CHALMERS Roadster 1020. running condition, We car in In aplendld yook ilk new. OVERLAND 1630 An-PMHimer model. New tlrea, cl)nt paint, good top; bargain. WILLYS-KNIGHT 1920 coup. In perfect condition oa to ptlnt. tiro and motor. OVERLAND Light touring, Hooclal Dalnt. good tlrea. excellent running condition. Car used Tory little. OVERLAND riv-paaenger touring. Oood paint Tire good for thousand ot miles. Ex- trta. Bargain. OVERLAND HARPER COMPANY 1629 ARCH PRESTON OPEN EVENINGS QgHIIlBMlQIi iwii!H Sale Before vou --..l-lt ,i" 'J lUi7a0a . Ajm iWr tunDiDuiiK oi an niuuois, open ana ciosea tyno. KK BUILT OLDSMOBILES, that are DEPENDABLE, and other Cars of standard mnko. It will pay you to call and look them over. ALSO XAV5 1915 Buick Touring 1920 Buick Touring 1919 Hupmobile Touring 1916 Hudson Touring 1916 Velie Touring These Cars Are All Real nellPnon.. LARSON .. Ponlar 4007 . 0(( a mone: i-arH 12UI '-'v',' EMlOilltlM GOOD USED CARS HUDSON HUPEU.BIX, 7 paasenger nuiwuN HUfKU'tiiA. paaaenger HUDSON SPEEDSTEhB HUDSON LIMOUSINES HUDSON HIIDANB KSSEX TOURINO PAIOE SEDAN ... DODQK TOimiNO uujKJt; UliUA.N NASH COUPE, ilka new UAKi.ATsin rmiPH OAKI.ANI CIIANIlt.fi i : :-rzz.z T." rr "jrr - - .. - - ... HANUI.lCtl HEUAN HU1CK HOADSTKIt HOADSTER ti iir.-;-T..7. - isutii4irt luuitimi ...... . OLDHMOIIILE COUPH STANDARD 8 GOMERY-SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. 128-140 NORTH BROAD STREET MillltElBlM AlrEmniw 0'' late 1020 touring oar, wire. rivmn noriA mlleat owner will aacrinca; fully equipped I! IVMit nwn.r AVI. IBOMU! no J2i? a" extra; i Apply I,ouliny'( Oarage, 1524 D Mnrev ygnrer ft Phona Srruce 00 4 0 BUirif l0M and 1016: all rebuilt and "vjv-tw guaranteed; 100 UP. noyal aL"ay. Pnyl., nn . CAD1I I AP W-KK nnadatert bargain. !i' u N- nnoAD BT. POP. TO CO1 8UN AND BVB1, En'AJ;I'riT rAHlI TAP tourlnr 8 cyl.. good tlrma; w. rapmniea; a-i oono.; tooo. BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD. ST. fM i . , . ai4 '.'" .. 1010; a harg. Call Top. ' Mr. JRiitchael. J310 roplar gt. 1920 Biddle "SSjrpV.VSS! wlro wheel; very fast and powerful, 1920 Essex fledan and Tourlng pedi' ood price. .u.o. lull cijuiy- serviceable can; low 1919Apperspn ft,S tire and equipment: mechanlcallr eoodi sacrifice. 1920Oldsmobile, "j"" pat Iloadster. 0 and 8 cyl.i rood senrloenblo car: unuuly low price. 1920 Packard " -, Westlnthouae shock absorber: won derful all-around condition: run 3700 mile: should be een to bo appre elated. 1920 Chandlers 1010-18 mod el: Trmrlnjti. 4 pas. I Chummy Itodstera. Sedans: all In good mechanical order; fully equipped: bargain price. SEDANS AND LIMOUSINES ALL MODELS niMimninmniBimiiimBminnuiininiininaimminiimnnniuniiiimnimiiinniimsnniiinm A T.mnm UATIIPO CHEVROLET Redan. Fn-o. Practically new. lv new. lias been run only 700 mile. Will sell at a bargain. OVERLAND Model 75 tnurlno flood condition. First $225 takes thli car. OVERLAND 00 delivery wagon. The "Thrift Car." Ilaa been ovorhauled, good tires and new paint. ALLEN Touring In excellent mechanical con dition. New paint. Dargaln at H50. OVERLAND Model 00 touring. Popular car. Just overhauled. New paint and tlrea. Ex ceptional bargain. OVERLAND Model 4 aedan. cellont condition, like new. Beautiful car In ex Palnt and tlrea took OVERLAND 1020 touring, Economical car, aplen dld for week-end trip; In fine running rendition. STREET 0710 J L.IUEIIA& TIME-rAYMENT PLAN of Used Cars decide on vour TTRPn hat mn the lararo disninv at our Used Cnr Onnnrfmnnt. wj , .7 -g- --..., 1920 Chevrolet Sedan 1920 Monroe Touring 1917 Paige Touring 1920 Overland Roadster 1916 Dodge Roadster 1918 Studebaker Touring Bargains Time Payment Arranged OLDSMOBILE CO. N ppnATl ST ' -vw w iiwi mi 12.10 up Sfl5ft m 1200 up UT.n up 1000 up 7S0. 780 Special .'...., Special in ftno - . - ... - .. - --- 4 . 75 . . . . 77H ..-- ............. . nou 1200 1000 CHANDI.BK 1020 4-paai. Dtanatch, Ilk new. BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD ST. COLE, 1920 I-tpV,.,.ncfrYf.icJ.,nip",c,ir BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD CORD TIRE BARGAINS Private nartv will ma new feOOO.mllr. Cord all guaranteed perfect; no seconda; 110x3. $11; H0BH, I.i. ajHM, sin, niz, tin. .-f.xi 121! 8.1x4. 122: 34x4, t2!l; other elxea cheap, I9ia V Ihlli ae. Phnne Columhla I'JKil. lnnrCdan. late model. 4 doore. velour UUUubupholatery; 111(8 new. 010 N. nnOAD BT. OPKN BUNDATH AND KVK. NINOB. POP. 7820. BTANLJSr AUTO Ol, AlJUliU.roat.. 1VIV nOU. lWIt.nm ruuu rj MQ0 dowu. bX. tarmis ta fJMa WM VUUt n.HM.TT .M.n .. !...( 6 pass. ; run 2760 mites: appearance and 1919 Kino 8 Touring- Car; large "" '"H O comfortable e a r: wlro wheels: flno condition: extra equipments: low prlco. 1920 FnrJn 1M0-1B Touring 174V rora8 Cn,rBi noadster and Bedani; all fully equipped and In excellent fnnohanlcal order: good tire; prices 1200 and up. 1920 Columbia c0"?' J, mechanically perfect: original finish; a snap. 1070 Pol Touring Carj 7 pas.: I74U voie exceIIcnt condition ; bargain. 1920Westcott U'-c'rd Speedster: mechanlclly right; a insp. Studebakers x&? -";,;; and equipped: MOO up. OPEN SUNDAYS- SUft.$ Used Car Department- 8. S. noarCHS. Manager The following ears' are in good paint and mechanical condition and equipped with oood tops and tires. Each car is guaranteed. MARMONS 1017 Cabrlo'et 1P17 R-paaaenger Touring 1017 7-pasaenger Touring IMS Chummy Roadeter 1018 7-pBBengor Touring 1018 Town Car 1917 7-paeaenger Touring loio i.tmoualne 1020 7-raaaonger Touring HUPMOBILES . 11120 noadater 1017 n-paasenger Sedan 101$ R-paaaenger Sedan 1P10 R-paaaenger Touring 1020 R-pnaaenger Tourlnc 1017 7-passenger Touring " CARS OP OTHER MAKES llOlO Pnlgo Town Car 1020 Olds Coupe 1020 Apperaon four paaaenger 1020 Oakland Touring 1020 Standard Touring 1910 Cole four-paeaenger Sportster 10JB Old "4V Touring 1017 Olda "4R" Touring 1020 Jordon floadeter 1020 Studebaker Sedan 1918 Dodgo Touring 1910 Lexington Touring Itcx Top 1917 Premier Kouraome 1920 H.stutz Ilearcat 1917 Packard Roadater 1021 Cadillac Hoadater 200O mile 1017 Peerlen Chummy Hoadater 1020 Cadillac R0 four paaaenger 1020 Itoamer Cabriolet 1020 Stanley Sleamer Cadlllao 'W Touring TheHafchMotor5Co. 720N.BROADST.PHILA. BEa PHONE "POPLAR 7Q nfliini 19201918 Fords Dodges Buicks A8 LOW AH $150 CASH HAL. TERMS PARKWAY AUTO EX. 1429-81-AH Run. at . Phil. MlUinffll IgQmrnnimennifiiuTHmmiinmfflnnmimrjmiajrmnneiTunaunmm PAY AS YOU RIDE 'PLAN $150 CASH BALANCE WEEKLY AUTOMOIIILEH OF ALL MAKES PARKWAY AUTO EX. 1429-01-33 RACE ST.. THILA. LATE MODEL BIDDLE Sport touring; first 11000 cash or terma B. L. P. MOTOR CO. 502 N. I1ROAD ST. nACB 7BR POPL.Vn "43 SEE II. R. UAN8MAN. MtlH. U8ED-CA11 DBI'T. OPEN EVENINGS USED CARS All makes' tourings, trucks and deliveries location saves 1100 to J30O on every rjur." chase; terms; never closed. American Auto Co. 1433 FAIRMOUNT AVE. 044 N HITII ST. MAXWELL lOUPE. LATE MODEL: TERMS TO SUIT B. L. P. MOTOR CO. B02 N. DROAD ST. RACE 7ft ' POPLAR 243 SEE jr. R. HANSMAN. MOll. USED-CAR DKPT. OPEN EVENINQ3 I II ID SEDAN: 1300 caah balance' terma, TOP. 7RDO H-1' Oil) N. IJROAD ST. POP. 7820. OPEN SUN. EVE. STANLEY AUTO CO. 1"nrAM 10 domonatrator; flrat-olaas JU1LMIN condition; will yuarantco samo . new: reasonable, POPLAR 8271. "inDnAM 1018 tourlug; excellent condt JUKUAIN tlon; looks and runs lllco new. CALL roi'LAlt-Mari. NEW special truck, 3V4 tons, stake body, at a Miry reasonable price. Apply Mr. Mona. ban, Wanamaker Oarage, 23d and Walnut. 1920 Jordan practically new: condition excellent. GASOLINE ALLEY Through the Watches of the Night SKtZ. I MV NEW" JWfT) fK NEVCP APPBWlATff ANrrWINC AlW T& ThlMK THT A UTTIX MONEY Wue Joir 7or ToV MOO MlXH VOU N6AMT V I I w y ufC WVL m Me FACe0 cwe PlfCC OP MOMANITY CAM L VcooCMl YouWc ALL ) V. Me tJeFocei I im thc FostiBmr or io?iMf, it Sw:;ij rri w into your. V lvc CoTi ! L ' V.' -V VFtCnONt UNTIL IT6 TUB V.' , " . r x ., HOfr mponTAMT TMIMfr IH J X V - V0BLDI . - t V . . i n- V- J Owl lis.Miiif.ima.nH ' J -5W . The Standard of Quality Practically every car on our salesfloors waa .purchased by us from tho original owner. Cars of this typo naturally have been taken good caro of, many having, been run n very short time. Quality considered, RELIABLE USED CARS aro tho lowest priced cars on tho market 800 Cars to Choose From. Convenient Terms Arranged. 1 920 Willys-Knight 1 1 tlrea! m(innlcallv .cerfect: fully equipped; silent Knight motor; price low. 1920 Oaklanda 19-18 Touring Car, noad-. flier. Coupe and H'dana; nil In good mechanical order; fully equipped and will glvo perfect service. 1Q9H Rr T. C run 2200. mile: a "'u rvco car that will give good service and long wear; look like new. 1920 Westcott 4 PonK " ''iu wcsicon cqulprelj co.d tlrea; car has been run 2700 mite and show no wear whatever; motor In fine condition. 19.20 Chandler 2SI "ft lnr Car and Roadater; ear In trood condition and fully equipped; tBOO and up. 1920 Oldsmobile "". i Penan; car run 2000 miles: original Jtoyal cord tire; upholstery show no wear what ?ver: mechanically like new; a com ortablo all-weather car. 1920 HudsonsVr.To'VT ater. Pedana; upstanding, servlce 1 able enras flneit all-around condition; a low a 140(1, 1Q?fi tttif-- pamr,, cloe coupled; wire wheel: run 8100 miles; practically new; wry powerrui motor: classy car. 1 Q 1 Q PiM-cr.-Arrnw 38-H. P.. 6- t a n senffer Touring: mechanically perfect; or- lirlnal finish; high-grade car: the ttanaara or excellence. RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE CO. (AM. THAT THn NAME IMPLIES) 249-251 N. BROAD ST. AOENTS WANTED PACKARD Used Gars You. can invest in one of our used cars with the same sense of security you would enjoy from a government bond. Their value is fixed by honest appraisal, and the price is based on actual worth. You will find the car to be exactly as represented. This com pany, which is a branch of the Packard factory, could not afford to conduct its business in any other way. SOME SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS ARE: PACKARD 3-36 Twin-Six Tourinpr Car PACKARD 3-35 Twin-Six Limousino PACKARD 2-35 Twin-Six Convertible PACKARD Twin-Six 2-35 nnd'L-35 Tourings, $1300 up 1919 Buick Tourins Chandler Coupo Chandler Sedan 1920 Dodge Touring 1920 Stutz 6-passengor PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. OP PHILADELPHIA Locust 390.0 319 N. Broad St. Raco 3500 Bethlehem Harrisburg Reading Williamsport Camden Lancaster York Trenton Wilmington ldaN PARTS f OR FORDS Rings and pinion gears, 14.80 pec set. Axle shafts. J2.2S. Front springs, 7.D0. Rear springs. $10. a..- Windshield glass, touring. t3.B0; Sedap, S. Drive, shaft. $3.70. , Special discount to th trade. Roars, springs rnd axles for all car at low prices. AUTO GEAR & PARTS CO. N.W. Cor. 17th & Fairmount Ave. HELL PHONE, POPLAn 7740 AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS 10,000 IN BTOCK NEW. rCR EVERY MAKE OF CAR REAR AXLES KOn EVERY MAKE OP CAR .1000 IN STOCK READY FOR DELIVERY IJWEST PRICES GUARANTEED WE MAKE 'EM; OPEN SUNDAY Sattler's Machine Shops 1001-111 Spring Qardeii t. OVERLAND "Thrift Car"-Splendid car for week-ond trips, In perfect running condi tion, all that can be desired a to paint, top and tires, bargain See Mr. Estabrook, 1811 Spring Uarden. 920 Cadillac . rM aoroera; iau nunijt . yXAn iT... ment; run lea ttian 4000 mllea; wonderful all-around car. I VA I QUICK Tmirlnc Car. Bo- dan. CoUpea; fto"d (Vcyjlnder car of proven worth; mecnanicijiiy iranotj and ruiiy cquipp""! uw .no ' line appearance; f4JO and 1920 Standard Eight f.tir nnu ui f.pasa. Speedater: a powerful' car with beautiful lines; equipped with many extras; mechan ically nerfect: tire good. 1Q70 Fnrrln 1010-18 Touring, IVZU roras noad,ter, Sedns and Coupe: with starter and de mountable rim: good tire;; many extra: fine appearance and condi tion: 1225 and up. .... 1Q71 HnHm noadater; 1020-10-18 I VZ I UOOge j, during fjarg, Roadsters and Sedans: some with wlro wheel; excellent mechanical order: good tire and In all-around good shape, tQ7fi Pm'n. I.archmont. tho moit I V&U raige .m!-,,! car n Amer. lea: perfect mechanical onlor; ful'y equipped and wilt glvo good service: can b bought right. 1920 Lexington y ear: good, powerful motor: wire wheel, cord tires: R flno all-around IQTfl I ikertv Touring Car.-B pa- miles; In perfect mechanical order: an econnmlcal cr to keep im. 1919-18 StudebakernToadVrns1 fnlv enulpped & mechanically O K. 1 Q?fY Fltrin 6 8-ftn: velour uphol- ivzu cigin o,tBry. CRr ke .. beautiful car! will give Rood service. SEND FOR FnEn DAROAIN BULLETIN OPEN SUNDAYS Franklin Sedan 1917 Stutz Roadater 1920 Peerless Coupo 1918 Dodgo Touring Cadillac 57 Coupe 1920 Kissel Sport Model IF YOU WANT A 1 (MADE AVlPS J REPAIRED "AIW I STRAIGHTENED H ( WELDED OUSmgS BTnAmirrENED Tub Frames Welding STRAIGHTENED REPAIRED ELECTRIC ACETYLENE HAMMERSMITH WH CALL POn THEM WE DELIVER THEM AMERICAN AXLE WORKS 12TH AND MONTOOMERY AVE. PARTS PARTS rARTS Wo carry a complet atack of used part (or all make of automobile anil truck at reaaonnM pr!c coma her and aave money. RIC LIABLE AUTO PART CO. 1443 CltlCnRY HT PHILADKLPHIA. PA. SPRUCB !115J OPKN Ht'NDAY PAIHF tourlije car. 11MB. roady for dellv A t uuu.n . uurb-llin twr QUICK r bujer. CALL POPLAR H271 PAIQIC tour lato mod., like new. A-l niprh . USD down, bal term; open eve. 17UT VINIC VrV m ,ce- 25 OFF BEGINNING TODAY Every car in our entire stock has boon retagged and repriced 257 off last week's prices. Better still, every car is marked in plain figures you see the price you pay without asking. You know just what you are paying. No war tax on nny car you buy; overy car is fully equipped beginning today the Roman prices aro as low as before the groat increase in price in the auto industry. We aro the first concern to adopt this reduction in prices in the Used Car industry. Every Car Is Fully Guaranteed Wo maintain a large scrvico building and every car is gone over, from tho cngino to tho tlrea and must be 100 per cent right before it enters our salesfloors. Your Present Car Taken in Exchange As Part Payment on Any Car You Buy Wo never had such a large variety of late model popular cars In all styles and types, as wo now havo to offer. Thoy aro in 1921-20-19 models. Some of the most popular makes include Buicks, Hudsons, Fords, Cadillacs, Hupmobiles, Packards, Coles, Chandlers, Essex, Dodges, Wintons, Franklins, Marmons, . Oldsmobilcs, Paiges, Stutzs, Maxwells in fact, in the 25 off sale you will find any car you wish in any style or model. Time Payment on Any Car You Buy If You Wish During this sale wo will be open evenings for your convenience ROMAN AUTO CO., -227-229-231-233 N. Broad St. Open Today 9 to 4. I1M IMrtetiRTRVCKC REBUILT VIM TRUCKS Repainted and equipped with new tires, tubes, extra rim and tool. Factory auarante $197.83 on Delivery BALANCE A Year to Pay All standard style bodies In stock. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. Urond and Huntingdon Sis.. Phlla. J W. M Orren, Jr., Mjcr. Ued-Car Dept. TIRE PRICES SLASHED on Goodrich, Republic, Lee, De Lion,, Globe, Cord and Fabric Tires SPECIAL IN FOLLOWING SIZES 30x3 $7.00 32x33 9.00 32x4 12.00 SPECIAL SALE ON ALL SIZE TUBE II for all -io tube whlli they last $1 NO. C a. P. DURING THIS SALE AJAX RUBBER CO. Locust 3! 1331 Race St.. Phils.. Pa. & Tho rent twruHin of the eaaon. REBUILT PREMIER 4 and 7 rassncer tourlnc. Guaranteed equal to new, rah or term. B. L. P. MOTOR CO. .102 N. RROAD ST. RACE 7n POPLAR 243 SEE II R. IIANSMAN. MttR. CSEP-CAR DKPT. nPEV BVFNlN'ns FRANKLIN LATE MODEL TOl'IHNO t;oo SOI N. BROAD ST POPISH 1M. RACE B. L. P. MOTOR CO. 755 See Mr. Haniman. racr used-car dept. OPKN i:TNINOS PIERCE-ARR0W LATE MODL'L TL'R.MS TO SUIT 502 N. BROAD ST. TOrLAR 243 RACE 785 B. L. P. MOTOR CO. So Mr. Hnnamnn mgr usedKiar dept. OPEN rVKNINQS V61 TOPS, $T 3" bach curtain with 2 nickel lights, $3 07 slda curtain, 110 75; mall orders l2l) i.ermnntown avo. Dla. mond 5871 FOR SALE -Detri'U electric ciupi newj no reasonable Lffr refused. Ledier Office. equal to M 701, HUDSON coupe, 1020 iruar. mechanic, ally perfect, like new. bib N. BROAD ST. POPLAR 7820. OPEN SUN. AND EVOS STANLEY AUTO CO OVERLAND 1020 Mi.lel Practically new Kood palnl top and tlrea. motor oer- naiuen. ne ir emai -1..1 nancy OVERLAND llnht 1 t.'iirlnit. In first-class condition as to paint top tires and motor See Sir. Horle 6337 Locust By King Used Car Automobile Industry. Following in line with the of new cars, tires, accessories, reduced our price on every Agents Wanted. Sweeten Clearing House - 441 North Broad Street -M& There's Real Service in a Sweeten Used Car. We offer for immediate delivery the follow ing cars, taken in exchange for the Lincoln Car: New type 59 Cadillac Suburban Sedan, run seven miles. 1921 Jordan 4-pass. Coupe 1921 Jordan 2-pass. Coupe. 1920 Stanley Steamer Touring. 1920 Stutz Bearcat 1920 McFarlan Suburban, 7- pass. Sedan, Wcstinpchouse Air springs and Disc Wheels. 1920 Cole, 4-pass. Sports Model 1 1918 Franklin Cabriolet. with California Top. 1 1918 Franklin Touring. 1920 Paige Coupe. 1 1916 Cadillac Touring. Phone, Spruce 6475 OTiMMMmmra bAUKlhlCh. pill USED CARS OPEN EVENINGS rh "f VS B0l.nB t0 !T0.V2 ,ur completo stock of usod cum. ' This 1 your Mr rtnn't .,M n nm . - ... la especially gocxl at present . " .H,. w w.,ij ,v nug u."x Wo MITCHELL TOUniNO OLDSMOOILK TOURING CIIALJIUUS COUPE Wo will trado your prosent used car, buyers. We will bo glad to show you e NII.U1V, HERBERT BROAD Spruce 4825 DHIircilH . MtniiiiiE AUTO PARTS USED AUTO PARTS MOTORS, REARS, GEARS, STARTERS, TIRES, MAGNETOS, AXLES, CARBURETORS SCHOBER MHIIlilM NAME THE CAR WE HAVE THE REPAIR PARTS NEW OR SECOND HAND SATTLER'S 1601 SPRING GARDEN ST. pCCpV Tourlnr una roadster car. 1020. l-v. llk nswi will sac. lloysl Moturcar Co . Inc. 620 N. Ilroarl. l'np 6030. Oy.n Sun HUDSON speedsters - tourings, 102U, lOlh 1017; all newly painted, Lord tires, A-l mechanically, BARON'S, 640 N. BROAD ytion. io n. lmoxn ht. open sun. wlJOTSv5SINaB - 7,2- manufacturers etc., we have car. INC. Established 1905. Used Car 1920 Chalmers, 5-pass. Sedan. 1920 Chandler, 7-pass. Sedan. 1920 Hudson Coupe. 1920 Franklin Touring. 1919 Cadillac, 7-pass. Touring. 1919 Cadillac, 4-pass. Phaoton. 1919 Essex Tourinor. Steel 1919 Westcott Touring. 1918 Cadillac Coupe. SA1.RS "" ' J": ':VJ ".' "'" I"1'""' "" Our npRnrtmnnf nf .,..-.. nt ti.a mni.. list a few below: CHEVROLET TOURING REO TOURING PACKARD LIMOUSINE Tlmrt niivments tn rnnnuUlA any of our used cars, Come In BROTHERS & RACE STS. Race 3577 ,,, H" "i.MUMiiiHmiiiii,iHW4Hguiw,tHiuiKi 34TH AND MARKET STS. CADILUC K ass sndan mml.i so I....J I- .wo. . V.,T WIM li. n.. . ."I:"" " ' wraouo. " A rir 't 1 im BPcn. CADILLAC 4-f" moiii not itk ir. ..i.i,.. . .n.w. wr" wheals, 5 eord OTii'P "J Ut', lnps. slip rovsrad. SLUT ?. p" ""Jd"1 "!0, cord uiVJiL. r,, f, run ,lttlf b vain .nm. P'f-An 5460 "f?N H ""'H'l N linOAD BT. FORD ,u.n.,,l,,,1"i nh rulltL a-oud eon; 1 JlU dltlon. Apply Sir Monahsn, WAN. AMAKKIl OAIIAOK 231) AND WALNUT, HAINFS 20 ""'In, wonderful condTuMt ' ,. , "naWa. ROYAL HOTOROAn CO.. INC.. 620 N. Ilroad. Ooan Hun. VrSilii Hudson 0,iirrmn;.iW rine t quick buyer. ItOTAIi roFLAji ion. tyxf n - ..