Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 16, 1921, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 7, Image 7

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5&.V mrm:,fm
,- r&
'L plays at 9, 11 and 4:56
I' Chime nf Noon
v V'
Store Opens, at 9
Store Closes at 5
fcV tf
me A Iways Welcome to Come In Yourself and to Bring
IB----; , r,A-
"Man Wants But Little Here
Below, Nor Wants That
Little Long"
Ynn can hardly believe how difficult it is for the
'writer to shorten these little pieces and put into
Kem even the merest hint of something worth
Almost every sermon, address or magazine
article could be cut in half to advantage if rewritten
two or three times before printing.
What can be said in five minutes at a meeting
rives much more variety and
Good, Reliable
at $2.25
There is taffeta and taffeta, and
Wtll Wiori; an , ... f
o be worth anything.
Beady tomorrow is a nnu uaBuiuntm, ui guuu, &"", mimmi; hui
fty Uffctas, in the soft weaves, in black and street and evening colors,
- ..!l.1. i-Ar.4-t itpjln nlinnrl lnti11 n iVmnn
Any One Willi llllicwi iltv-uo nuvou anuuiu o un..n..
(Tint Floor, Clint nut)
and Afternoon Dresses
Most of these dresses
All must hurry out now
Take them, therefore, at ?20 each.
Thev are cood crepes de chine, soft taffetas, satins
ions varying from simple street frocks to afternoon dresses. The colors include
navy blue, black, brown, tan,
Opportunity for lust a
frocks in their Summer trunks at the price of one !
Fine Coats, Wraps and Capes
for Young Women Change
So many are down to one of a kind or a style or size that
we have decided to lower their prices and hurry them all out.
$39 to $125 is the now price range, and in this group there
are any number of really fine wraps, as well as coats and wraps
for sports and general wear.
They arc of fine IJolivias, of soft wool velours, of serges,
trlcotincs and voldyncs and are chiefly in blue and tan shades.
They are all lined throughout with soft, rich silks.
Coats, capes and wraps are all included and there arc styles
to suit many types.
14 td 20 year sir.es.
(Second rloor, Chettnut)
Young Women's Navy Blue
Suits Come Down in Price
Fine Suits at $25 to $95
ThlH 1 n riw nvbnkln niltm-if inrt infAitrr n e if rlnoe an monw
udark blue suits that have been much
They are suits of fine tricotines and
models, beautifully tailored.
It ii RUPh n vniMnrl ftllnnfinn 4Viof If
tte suit that is most becoming. There are severely tailored models,
were aro braided suits, thero are quite handsomely beaded suits they
suits for general wear or dress needs.
TUP1 Cllllta nf 9QK iMSiliarln aAHin vtf n l A 1 a 1 -f O 11 rtf fA VYIftdffla
to tan, heliotrope and jfrccn mixtures.
All aro in 14 to 20 year sizes.
(Second Floor,
Pongee Makes the Newest
Traveling and AfternoonWraps
Coats, clonks and dolmans of a firm, strong pongee mostly
the tussah weave provide just the desired wrap for warm
,1 er Some nrc elaborate enough for fashionable hotel wear;
others quite simple enough for motoring and traveling.
ii!Ces rnnK from a simple, well-cut pongee coat at $30, or
eloak at $35, to an elnboi-ntc double-capo tussah wrnp with
ep silk fringe, at $100.
. An admirable thres-quarter loose coat, braided in brown, is
Jl ii n? n reversible cape, of which either the pongee or the
"lack satin side may be turned outward, is $67.50.
(Flrit Floor,
This White Sale Provides for
Lartfft Wntnflti
IMiv c1erclotnes for 'arBe "vomen are one of the specialties of this
mE n V mtc- Thev wiU flnd unusually good nightgowns, che
pecial 1 1 1 1 s nnd drawers in tho larger sizes they require at theso
Nightgowns from $1.35 to $4.85.
urawers from $1.60 to $3.60.
onort petticoats from 75c to $2.65.
tng petticoats, $15 to $6.60.
Chemises, $1.35 to $2.85.
Vnaercrarmpntc ;... t. ; 4U i
l'm, - --... juov III 111 UIU JtUfUi CltAUO !.
ml iT cnc,mises at $1.50, of nainsook, with fine tucking In front,
na ""broidery edcimr.
i-ong petticoats at $1,25, of cambric, with scallop-edgo embroidery
Petticoats of cambric, with
front5' V3c and 85c. Of heavy cambric with double panel back and
fw ,' roiaery ruffle ?2'65-
uverai j . 0I wasn satin n "esh and white, with lacn trimming,
;1orS t I '0B, ?2,7fr "nd 3' 0t CrCpe d Ch,n ln hom3t,U:hcc'
--, you!,
... (Third Floor,,
pleasure to the occasion.
Taffeta Silks
a yard
she is a wise woman who looks
t- r 1-
of Women's Street
were double this price last week. A few were but $15
. ...
to make room tor the throngs of waiting cotton
gray ana Deige. Ana the
certain number ot women
(Flml Floor, Cenlrnl)
higher in price.
dark blue serges, in distinctive
wnll nrf Via 1iffilMllr fn flnrl 4llR
-- .1... ....
tucked and lacc-cdged lawn
I 41v ' I
to Wear With
Summer Frocks
Nothing could be more Sum
mery or suitable to wear with
gingham and cotton frocks
than these saucy little ging
ham hats.
Of fine ginghams in tho
popular checks and tho popu
lar colors, the hats are usually
faced with straw and finished
with bows of snowy, transpar
ent organdie.
They arc from our own
workrooms, are fresh as posies,
will bo delightful for country
or seashore wear, and arc $10
to $13.
-(Second Floor, Clientniil)
$20 Each
and Georgettes in fash
sizes from 34 to 42,
to put two pretty silk
A Dainty New Slipper
in the Boot Shop
Ono of the prettiest and most
elegant that has come into the
Boot Shop this season. Beauti
fully made of fine white kid, with
ono strap over instop, Louis heel
and featherweight turned sole.
Price $18 a pair.
(Flrit Floor, Market)
"ShortSleeved Frocks
and Waists and Long
Silk Cloves"
says Dame Fashion, and the
woman who is fastidious about
the gloves will come to the Wan
amaker Glove Store for them. '
Just now the assortment is ex
ceptionally good.
Eight-button-length gloves; $2
a pair.
Twelvc-button-lcngth gloves,
$2, $2.60 and $2.76 a pair.
Sixteen-button-length gloves,
.$2.25, $2.70 and $3 a pair.
They aro all in black, white and
the fashionable colors, and thoy
are all double finger tipped to
give you better service.
(Main Floor. Central)
Women s Fitted
Cases for as Little
as $25
It has been some time since
a woman could get a fitted
overnight or traveling caso at
this price.
And those are of good black
long-grain or auto leather,
silk lined, and with ten sub
stantial fittings of white cellu
loid. At either end of the case
is a pocket.
This is an example of what
you may expect to find here in
both fitted and unfitted lug
gage, for men and women. Fine
goods at prices that aro a
great relief after what such
things havo been.
(Main i'loor, Oh.ttnut)
New Neckwear
$1 and $1.50
Unusually nice vestees and
collar and cuff sets, of organdie,
net and laco. Some of the sett
are colored.
(Main Floor, Cenlrnl)
Women's Silk Stockings
Special at $1.75
2800 pair of full-fashioned
black stockings, silk to tho top
and morcorized cotton gaiter
tops. All sizes.
All first-grade goods that are
ordinarily much higher priced
hut wore reduced for a quick
(W AM.)
Chinese Rugs
and No
One of the admirable things
nbout Chinese rugs is a certain
artistic independence. There is no
apparent effort to follow or imi
tate some other ideas of design'
and coloring. With one voice
they seem to nay, "wc aro our
selves. Our colors, vivid or sub
dued; our designs, grotesque, bar
baric br otherwise, arc our own."
This' is bound to give them nil
individual quality and n furnish
ing effect of a very distinctive
Not only as a furnishing fac-
(flerenlli VI
Sterling Silver Tea,Sets
to Please the June Bride
It would be an unusual bride
indeed who would not take
gicat pleasure in possessing
any one of these handsomo tea
Maintcnon, five-piece set,
$1100; kettle, $475, and the
waiter, $775.
Portsmouth, full chased set,
five pieces, $719; kettle, $305;
waiter, $480.
Portsmouth, plain, five
pieces, $315; kettle, $200;
waiter, $440.
Plymouth, plain, five pieces,
$306; kettle, $215; waiter,
Lansdowne, five pieces, $542;
kettle $290; waiter, $480.
Clermont, five piece?, $350;
kettle, $225; waiter, $390.
King Albert, live pieces,
(Jenelry Hotr, Thirteenth anil Chestnut)
Men, Don't You Like to Buy
Things on Their Merits
(lungs that arc known to carry a full measure of value
and satisfaction for the prices marked on them?
After all, there is no merchandise like merchan
dise of that kind, none that possesses the same staple
characteristics of a good investment.
We can offer our men's suits strictly on their
merits because they are of the standard staple kind
that harve the characteristics of a good investment.
They arc genuine from start to finish in
woolens, in workmanship, in fashion.
They are intended for men who look for the
genuine in things, knowing that nothing else pays so
well in the long run.
And men of that stamp are buying them. Prices
$35 to $65. Suits in special models for youths, $25
to $40.
(Third Floor, Market)
Men's Cool Silk Dressing Gowns
Light in weight and loose, they Made of a good quality of silk
are delightfully comfortable for in agreeable small figured designs
Summer wear, and take up little on blue, green and brown grounds,
room in a traveling bag. Price, $18.
(Main rloor. Market)
More Wanamaker Special
Couch Hammocks at $27.50
Tho same high quality at the same low price as a lot put on
srIo last week. Those others went out with a rush and these
will, too, so if you want one, better not delay.
Full length, full width, soft rust-proof springs, upholstered
adjustable back and overstuffed, all-cotton mattress. In gray
or khaki duck.
Remarkable hammocks for $27.50.
Twenty-five other styles of couch hammocks, to select from at
$11.50 to $50.
(Seventh Floor, Market)
Still Some Children's
Automobiles at $5
But for tho fact that thoy
were scratched in shipping or
show signs of handling on the
floor, these little cars would bn
two or three times their present
In the latost roadster models
and all in perfect running con
dition. (Seventh Vloor, Market)
Sparkling New LigIitCut
A large, brilliant and diversi
fied Summer showing, light-cut
by our own craftsman, in special
ly attractive designs which are
obtainable only here.
Water sets, ice tea sets, berry
or fruit sets, cracker and cheese
dishee, handled sandwich trays,
mayonnaise sets, berry bowls,
flower baskets, punch bowl gets.
Prices from $1.50 for a three
piece mayonnaise set up to $20
for a 13-picce lemonade 6et.
(Ponrth Floor, Cheatiibt)
Heavy Oval Rush Rugs
in a New Design
Tho body of theso rugs is in
natural color but there is a one
or two color band border near tho
outer edgo and two inner ovals
in color and inlaid with floral or
other designs.
0x12 ft., $27.50.
8x10 ft., $24.50.
Other rush rugs of lS-inch
blocks in two-color effects, 9x12
ft., $38.50.
One-piece rush rugs, very
strong, 9x12 ft., $28,50: 8x10 ft.,
$23.50; 6x9 ft., $15.
XHTnt JTlour,. CheitauU
in High Favor
tor, but also because of their ex
cellent service qualities.
Chinese rugs aro meeting with
a new appreciation, at least that
is our experience of the Chinese
rugs we are showing. Undoubt
edly they arc tho finest kind in
tho market and their prices arc
distinctly moderate.
If you nrc looking for a fine
rug, at once impressive and prac
tical, vou should sec this splen
did selection of Chinese weaves.
Carpet sizes from $275 upwards.
oor, t'tntral)
$140; kcttlef $295; waiter,
Fairfax, five pieces $290;
kettle, $195; waiter, $320.
Washington, five pieces,
S280; kettle, $200; waiter,
Hcppelwhite, five pieces,
$470; kettle, $300; waiter,
Dorothy Quincy, five pieces,
$446; kettle, $300; waiter,
Lafayette, five pieces, $575;
kettle, $400; waiter, $440..
Sheraton, five pieces, $1925;
kettle, $925; waiter, $D60.
Newport, five pieces. $375;
kettle, $250; waiter. $425. '
Mary Chilton, five pieces,
$525; kettle, $29.")-, waiter,
Boys' Wash Suits of the
Best Grades Only
Washable iuits for little fel
lows of three to nine years, $3.75
to $0.50.
Wash suits for boys of S to 18
years, $8.50 to $13.50.
Washable trousers, khaki, gray
crash and Palm Beach cloth, $1.75
to $3.
Washable blouses khaki, plain
white and colors, $1.25 to $2.25.
(Second Vloor, t'rntrnl)
A Wonderful Time in
Here are a few .of the fine dining-room suits offered
at 30 to 40 per cent less than market prices.
They are splendid examples of cabinet making, true
and harmonious in design, beautiful in their finely finished
woods and exceptionally dependable in their interior con
struction. These arc just one group belonging to a number
William nnd Mary motif huit
in mahogany, neatly carved and
inlaid, ten pieces, $920.
Chippendale suit, Chinese in
fluence, molded edges in mahog
nny, ten pieces, $995.
Heppclwhite suit, beautifully
selected antique-flnish mahog
any, ten pieces, $710.
Adam suit in mahogany, extra
large, richly vaived; chairs have
Davenport, seven feet long,
full .spring seat and back, up-
bolstered in tapestry, $138.
115 Used and
Fifty of these are upright pianos
taken in exchange as part payment
for new instruments.
Most of them are well-known
makes. Every one of them has been
put in first-class condition by the
piano factory that turns out one of
the most celebrated instruments in
the country.
They offer a fine musical opportu
nity, especially to people wanting
instruments for Summer bungalows
or for children to practice on.
A partial list follows:
Pike $75
Sturtz 100
Norm & Fletcher. . .125
Byrne 125
Doll & Sons 125
Sterling 150
Russell . .-. 175
Kingsbury 175
Martin 175
Smith & Barnes 200
Tiffany 200
With the used pianos wc shall sell 15 fine, new
original prices of $395 to $1150 have been reduced to
Stodart $295
H. & S. G. Lindeman . 345
Lindeman & Sons. . . 375
Twenty-five used player-pianos, taken in exchange, are priced in part as follows :
Wcser 375 Lindeman & Sons. . . 475 Emerson Angelus. . . 500
Dolflfe Sons." .'!!!!.': 400 Stuyvesant Pianola. 475 Angelus 595
Doll & Sons! ....... 400 Behning 500 Shoninger 585
Lindeman & Sons . . . 475 Behning 500 Knabe Angelus 800
New Reduced Player-Pianos
With these we shall sell twenty-five new player-pianos, on which the reductions
are from $100 to $275. These are in part:
H. & S. G. Lindeman, $525 Pianista 525 J. C. Campbell
Stodart 525 Marshall & Wendell. 685 (Phono. Attach.) . . 785
Lindeman & Sons. . . 585 J. C. Campbell 585 Emerson Player. . . . 800
Player-Pianos, Foot Pump Model Equipped
With Electric Motor
Lindeman & Sons
On sale tomorrow
Madame's Latest Fancy
Is for Net Blouses
The net blouses are all of airy
nets and usually in tho soft, pret
ty cream color. Some are to bo
worn inside the skirt, and some
are in tho popular overblouse
style it is simply a matter of
choice, for both are smart.
Some blouses are tucked, some
aro trimmed with Valenciennes
lace, and quite a number have
$5.8fi and $10 85.
(Third Floor, Outrun
Veil Lengths, 38c
Short ends of fancy or plain
mesh veilinfrs, many with colored
dots, in the newer effects, .18c
(Main Floor. Cenlrnl)
Dining-Room Suits at
seats and backs upholstered in
blue tapestry, $1368.
Italian Renaissance suit in
Amorican walnut, chairs up
holstered in tapestry, ten pieces,
Heppelwhite suit in mahog
any, cabinet side table, oval ex
tension table, chairs upholstered
in bluo- mohair velour, ten
pieces, $850.
or Livina-Room Furniture at Rnmna nf .W
Large easy chair to match,
Fireside chair to match, $82.
(Virtu and
and Pla.
Priced from $
A 1
i JSfc.
i t lrt0
Vsl WiTlVT '
" r jyi.n
I sSm
w. m m m. t su
Used Upright Pianos
Cornish 200
Frederick 225
Madelon 225
Schomacker 250
Huntingdon 2"0
Armstrong 250
Lester 250
Leslie 250
Regent 275
IT. F. Miller 275
Luchvig 275
Lester 275
Reduced Upright
Marshall & Wendell . 425 Knabe
Haines Bros 525 Chickering fj
Emerson 575
Used Player-Pianos
$750 Marshall & Wendell .
(Kypllan Hull, eeond floor, MnrLet)
These Fine Golf Clubs
Are Found Here Only
and at no other store in Phila
delphia. Imported drivers and brassies,
?6 and 56.50.
Domestic drivers and brnssies,
?3.o0 and $5.50.
Imported irons, $5.50.
All standard makes of Rolf
balls, including the new Blue Line
Standard Silver Kings, $7.20 to
?13.20 a dozen.
Zodiac, White Flyer and
Zenith, imported golf balls in all
weights, havo been lowered in
prico to 65c each.
Golf bags, ?1 75 to ?35.
Clock golf, !M to $8.
(The dntler.Y, Ctirttilut)
of extraordinary Spring purchases, aggregating about
.$400,000 and embracing a remarkable choice of suits for
bedrooms, dining rooms and living rooms. Shipments of
these goods arc coming in constantly, and the assortment
is probably the largest and most attractive that we have
ever offered at this season at the same savings from regu
lar prices.
30 to 40 Per Cent Less
Adam suit in mahogany,
thairs covered with blue Hair
cloth, ten pieces, $475.
Chippendalo suit in mahog
any or American walnut, richly
carved, ten pieces, $525.
Sheraton suit in mahogany,
chairs covered in tapestry, ten
pieces, $515.
Queen Anne suit in mahog
any or American walnut; cabi
Davenport, seven feet long.
wi(ic l0 arms R scat am,
back, panel effect, $125.
5lxlli Floors)
' I m I
ton Company
lowne Mfg. Co.
Lypsurance Company
-ing Company
Albrecht 'IS
Behr Brosmpany
Cameron .
J. C. CampL,
Gramer .... '
I vers & Pond
Vose . .
Ludwig jnceCo.
upright pianos, on whic
?295 to $975. Some of
Pillows and Cushions
in Gay Cretonnes
If you would like to see what
are literally "heaps of comfort,"
take a look at the cretonne-covered
pillows nnd chair cushions
in the Upholstery Store.
Then you might ask yourself
where else in the world will a
small amount of mdney buy such
a large amount of bodily ease
nnd restfulness, to say nothing
of a decorative effect?
We don't know.
Pillows, round or square, $1.50,
S2, $2.25, $2.50, $3.75
Chair cushions not the cheap
excuses made up to sell, but
good, comfortable cushions boxed
in and tufted with buttons and
covered m selected cretonnes,
$1.25, $1.50, 82, which means lsss
than half of last .year's price.
(Fifth noor, Market)
net side table, chairs uphol
stered in mohair velour with
panel backs, ten pieces, $790.
Queen Anne suit in beauti
fully selected mahogany, high
back chairs, seats covered in
tapeBtry, ten pieces, $586.
Sheraton suit in American
walnut, six-foot buffet, cabinet
side tnble, chairs covered with
hair-cloth, $520.
Pov rt
Kasv chair to match. $76.
preside chair to match, $65.
I'jnil'lliTand ft "'
W '
4H .
-"AA v tfc
rti iv
I'f. '